Know everything about Kukulcán, temple and God of the Mayans

The culture Maya, has in its mythology the presence of various creator gods, among which stands out as one of the main ones, the God Kukulcan. On this occasion Spiritual energy it describes to you everything related to the deity and his temple.


Mythology Maya

The mythological world of this civilization of Mesoamerica, maintains the beliefs of his religion, for more than 3000 years. In fact, currently many of the characteristics of their culture are told as stories by the Maya modern.

One of the curiosities of this culture is that its authentic texts were burned by the Spanish, in the period of the conquest of America. That is why, at present, very little information is obtained about this mythology.

However, in the geographical context, their mythological beliefs constitute the areas that they resided. Located in the southern part of Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras and in the northern area of Belize.

Outstanding literary works

The most outstanding text of civilization Maya, is the Popol VuhAlso known as Book of Council of the Ancients of Quiche. Which was one of the few that survived the Spanish conquerors. This text is based on the story of the origin of the earth, the experiences of the twin gods and the origin of the first man, for this culture.

One of the great aspects of this work is that it explains the history of the origin of the Quiche. Which represent a people originating in Guatemala. So in this book the origin of the world is specified from when nothing existed, by the intention of the pantheon of gods of this civilization.


In which they relate that man was created from clay, without much success. Which caused this to be created later with wood, which also did not have good results. Until when trying to create it for the third time, through corn, activities that praised the gods are attributed to him, known as a stone carver, among many others.

This leads to consider that the most Maya They did their work to praise the gods. So after this creation is described in the text, the narration of the experiences of the hero twins is given way. Hunahpú and Ixbalanqué. Known for beating the Lords of Xibalba, in the earthly area. Which constitute two of the main themes referring to this mythology. Very present in much of his artistic works.

In fact, it is in this literary work, where what is related to the sacred ball game. Well, it is described that the Hunahpú twin brothers usually practiced this activity. In a field, located above the realm of the dead, called Xibalba. Which caused anger to the gentlemen of him.

This caused them to agree to the twins' demise, challenging them to a game of ball game in their area. Which, having an error, caused his sacrifice and burial. Cutting off the head of one of them, to later hang it on a dry tree. As the years passed, a maiden from the underworld was close to that tree, who was spat out by that tree. She thereby causing her to become pregnant, to give birth to the twins Hunahpú and Ixbalanqué.

Which had various experiences in which they demonstrated their power and capabilities. Where one of them was the revenge of his father and his uncle. So they established a plan against the aforementioned Lords of Xibalba. Thus learning the game of the ball, in the same field in which the game of his predecessors was played. Causing again that the gentlemen were upset. So they again challenged the twins, but this time to jump over a wide fiery pit.

Which when falling in the attempt, their bones were crushed turning into ashes that were thrown into the river. Being stored in one of its edges. Place where the twins were created again. With the passage of time they returned disguised to the Xibalba, thus subjugating the settlers. In order that they would be allowed to stay alive if they gave up all their power to do evil.

This fact caused that both brothers, Hunahpu and Ixbalanque, They will become deities. Thus symbolizing the moon and the sun.

Also, another of his most outstanding texts are the books of Chilam Balam. Which were written in the course of the seventeenth century. Specifically in the period of the Spanish colony. Written by the descendants of this civilization, who lived in the Yucatan Peninsula. This literary work also makes a description about everything related to its traditions.

Continuing with another of the literary works, highlighted in this culture, there is also Las Chronicles of Chacxulubchen. With him you can understand many of the important aspects that encompass this civilization. He also knows about the origin of the universe according to Maya .

Origin of the world according to this civilization

In this culture, the belief of Tepeu and Kukulcan, are the creators, builders and ancestors of this civilization. To which they are considered as one of the first beings that existed. So they were full of wisdom and also of antiquity. Another standout in this group is the aforementioned Huracán. which is also known as the Heart of Heaven. So from there he is called the God of the storm.

The story of the origin according to this civilization is based on the fact that Tepeu and Kukulcan, they came together to make the decision that in order to maintain their legacy, they had to originate a race of beings that would worship them. So Hurricane takes care of the entire creation procedure, while Tepeu and Kukulcan guide everything.

Thus originating the Earth, like animals. So man is first created from clay, which causes it to melt, because it is a soft material. It is there that other gods are called to create it this time from wood, although it did not work because it did not have a soul. Later they create it again but with corn. Where a being with soul, body and spirit originated. Capable of worship and worship.


Like all mythology, this one is also made up of a wide variety of deities. Where many of them were related to natural events that occurred. Like for example with Hurricane, the God of fire. To which the moments in which storms, natural disasters and movements of the tectonic plates were unleashed were attributed.

Hence, this civilization used these experiences to describe natural events. However, one of its great differences with other civilizations is that in this culture complicated ceremonies were performed where homage was paid. While they had the conception of considering that the universe established a renewal of cycles. Among which were the catastrophes.


Therefore this civilization, considered as its main gods, the aforementioned Kukulcan, Hurricane and Tepeu. Where Hurricane, which meant in this language the one with only one leg or lame. Which was for them the god of wind, storm and fire. Named as the heart of heaven.

Which, as mentioned above, was part of the thirteen gods that contributed to the origin of the earth the third time they tried. It was also the one that caused the so-called great flood. Product of the annoyance that the first men generated for the gods.

According to them, this divine being was found in the mists above the storms. where he repeated Earth, until it emerged from the seas. Today this god is known as the Orion constellation. It is also given the name of Hurricane, Tohil, Bolon Tzacab y Kauil.


Considered in this mythology, as the god of the sky. Who was also part of the gods that originated in the three attempts of the origin of humanity. He was considered to be a very wise, cunning god with vast powers.


In the language of this civilization it was understood as a feathered serpent Kukulcan He was considered the god of storms. Because he originated life through water and also educated men regarding the production of fire. He is also referred to as qucumatz o Cuculcan.


Second most important gods of this mythology

The three gods mentioned above were part of the entire process of creating man. So there were also other gods that were part of the second time that they tried to originate man, when they used wood. Which was not feasible since he did not have a soul and therefore he could not worship.

However, the other gods that were part of this attempt along with the main ones were deities such as Qaholom, considered the father God who begets children. tzacol, considered the God of heaven. Hello, which was the inhabitant Goddess that fertilized the children with Qaholom. And bitol, which was the God of heaven. Which formed things and was in the last two attempts of creation

last creator gods

These constitute the gods that were part of the third time that it was attempted to create humanity. Using corn, which was a considerable success, since they were able to create it without any inconvenience.

So in this mythology, it is considered as the last creator gods to Xlitan, Ajzak, Akaime, Bitol, Chirakata-Ixminasune, Kukulcán, Hun Hanahpú e Ixmukane, which is described in the work of Popol Vuh as the Grandmother Goddess of Corn. Well, in the creation of humanity, she was the one who ground the corn and elaborated the dough that became the body of man.

For what is known in various populations with great respect and importance. Naming her as mother, goddess, grandmother, inspirer, creator and counselor. She represented as an old woman and thus receiving the name of Ixpiyacoc, Mulzencab, Tepeu y tzacol.


In this mythology it is called bacab to the four oldest pre-Hispanic gods in that culture. Which lived in the inner part of the Earth, in the water deposits. These had the function of maintaining the firmament.

There are works that mention these gods. Especially in the Mayan collection stories of the Chilam Balam. Where a relationship between the brothers was established with the figure of chack, who was the God of rain. so in Yucatan, Chan Kom, refers to the four pillars of heaven as the four jacks.

However, there are those who consider that these were jaguar gods, who were related to beekeeping. These gods were also very representative in the ceremonial acts of divination. So he was asked about the grains, the weather conditions and the health status of the bees.

Lords of Xibalba

In the history of this civilization this term refers to the dangerous hell and it was a world under the earth, where the divinities of disease and death rule. Named as Hun-Came y Vucub Came.

In turn, the path to this land was full of dangers. Well, it was full of thorns and it was steep, being forbidden for strangers. Its inhabitants were Muttley, Quicxic, Quicré y quicrixcac.


Other Mayan gods

Among other important gods of this mythology is, hunab ku, related to the Mayan pantheon, where this was considered the real and only being with divine powers. He well he was the greatest of all Yucatan Godsbut he had no body. Itzamna, which was attributed to him as creator God and of the heavens. He well he represented the cosmos. He was the one who taught the language to the Mayan people.

ixchel, who was the Mayan Goddess of Light. Wife of the Sun God Kinich Ahau. Chaac, God of water, rain, fertility and agriculture. Oh Mun, considered as the god of corn. For his image is of a young man holding an ear of corn.

Also among these gods is ah muzenkab. Considered as the God of bees and honey. Bolon Dzacab, to which is attributed the denomination of God of war and human sacrifices. Another of the gods is ek chuah, which was considered the God of markets and cocoa. In fact, he is depicted holding a bag on his back.

This group of gods is also made up of Yum Kaax, Known as the God of corn and agriculture. So they call it the lord of the woods. oh puch, which was considered to be the God of death.

Other of the main gods of this mythology are the four brothers bacab, the goddess Xtabay, who was the wife of oh puch, which was considered as a woman, goblin or demon. She also integrates among the most important gods, ixtab, which is considered to be another version of Xtabay. Relating it to the future of paradise life. In addition to this, it provided protection to those who committed suicide by hanging.

The God Kakaxbal, who was bad and transformed into monsters who did everything so that his curse entered the soul and the God kauil, who was considered in this mythology as the God of fire.

Therefore, the mythology maya, Like many mythologies, it is made up of many deities, which are classified in various ways and each of them has a main function. Being one of the most important the God Kukulcan. Get more information about the mayan symbols.


Considered one of the three main gods of the Mayan civilization. Kukulcan is associated with a feathered reptile, which is a divinity that is found in the mythological beliefs of various pre-Hispanic peoples of Mesoamerica.

Feathered Serpent

In fact, this iconography is related to the culmination of the Preclassic Period. Although there are those who consider that she is much older. When this divinity was created, it was associated with water. But over the centuries, other things are attributed to him. What led to its transformation into dedications in the mythological beliefs of the indigenous populations where it was worshiped.

nine wind

In addition, this feathered and reptilian being has a calendar called nine wind, according to the Mixtec codices, which are documents with pictographic writing. Knowing each other as rain snake o Coo Dzavui.

where the tribute to nine winds in the cultural, economic and political area of The Mixtec is very important, from Postclassic period de Mesoamerica. Years in which he began to be related to the myths of the origin of the Earth, according to the mythological belief of the Mixteca.

Because of this, to kukulcan it is assimilated with wind and water. Named by the Chontal of Tabasco as Muku-Ieh-chan. While in mythological beliefs Quiche It is called Gucumatz. So its description will depend on the mythology where it is being mentioned. Learn more about the mayan legends.

God Maya

There are those who consider this deity to be Quetzalcoatl in mythology Azteca. Who is considered the most important God of Mexica mythology. Who is for them the God of life, light, fertility, civilization and wisdom. They also consider him the lord of the winds and of the West.

A Quetzalcoatl, It is usually associated with the color white and the planet Venus, as to the morning star o morning Star. Which led to him also being known as the precious twin, because he is associated as the brother of the xolotl, who was the evening star.

Because of this, some associate kukulcan with the toltec culture (Postclassic Period). While others believe that it originates from the Olmec culture (Preclassic Period).


However, this transcendental being is much older than the civilizations that were in the famous Mexica peninsula and which created the city of Chinchen Itza, in about the sixth century. Thus originating a pyramid where the descent of the agronomic and political cycle of this culture was indicated, specifically in the peninsular area.

Which leads to the symbol of the Feathered Serpent, is omnipresent in the vast expanse of Mesoamerica.

That is why in the city of Chichén Itzá, you can see a kind of snake created as an effect of light and shadow that goes down the alfarda of the main stairs of the entire building. Which was made for his veneration. At the time of March and September, where the equinox occurs.

That is why to Kukulcan it is related to the aristocracy of this civilization. Although it was integrated into the pantheon of this culture in late times. Likewise, he is described in many of the great literary works related to these beliefs.

One of these is the book of popul vuh. work that is called the Mayan bible. In this it is described as Gucumatz. However, in the ceibal stela 19 it is called as Ehecatl, granting him as God of the wind.

God is considered so important, that in the Yucatan Peninsula, tribute was paid to him by the migrant Mayan people who were from the peten. Also known as the Itza Maya en Chichén Itzá. He was revered even by the Mayan cocomes of Mayapán and by the Maya tutl xiúes in Maní. Places where temples were built in commemoration of him.

There was so much worship of this deity that in the writings of the Spanish missionary Diego de Landa, it is described that the Mayan civilization believed that this God existed in the form of a person. which arrived just like the itza to the city of Chichen Itza.

So when he left, he stopped in the heroic city of Champoton in Mexico. Site where a temple was built to pay tribute to him. Located very close to the sea. Then continuing his journey to the highlands of this country.

Even though a Kukulcan is assimilated with Quetzalcoatl, this differs from him, in relation to meteorological variations, since they manifested themselves very differently in the two places. So for the culture Azteca, this deity, was considered the lord of the sun, with much more importance. So they worshiped him as the God sun all Mexico.

While a Kukulcan He was considered more like the God- Thunder, due to its characteristic. This is manifested because the tropical climate of that area where their civilization lived, It is characterized because the midday Sun traces the clouds in all its surroundings with serpentine molds.


Which cause thunder, light and precipitation. All this attributed to the fact that he was considered Kukulcan that he had granted to the Mayan civilization, his attribution of God of the Sky, more than a God of the atmosphere.

However, it is considered that on some occasions, the contrails of the YucatanThey symbolize the God Kukulcan, as if air were coming out of his mouth. Way in which the God is also represented in Mexico Quetzalcoatl.

At the archaeological level Kukulcan, It is present in many writings of the Dresden Codexas well as in others. Representing himself as a figure with an elongated and sectioned nose. Similar to that of the Tapir animal. Where all the symbols that make up a God of the elements meet.

It is also described that this deity can walk on top of water, manipulate hot torches and sit on the cruciform tree that integrates the four winds.

In the same way, he is considered as a God of cultivation and a hero. This is because he is depicted planting the corn, while he carries tools, as he goes through his journey, which, in turn, is related to the solar connection that he establishes with this element.

Also in many of their stories, Kukulcan and its different versions, represents the dominator who went to Yucatan using the sea in a direction from the west. At the end of the eleventh century. He thus becoming the creator of this culture and a leader.

That is why when uniting both mythologies to Kukulcan He is considered the god of wind and rain. Because he drove and commanded the means of transportation that took him to Yucatan. As well as the town that originated.

Because of this, the Mayans worshiped Kukulcan as the creator of his civilization. Who arrived in Yucatan dominating the winds that moved him to the coast of Mexico. Site where this town of more than a thousand years would govern.

According to the writings of the literary work List of Yucatan aspects, written in the year 1566 by Diego de Landa. The inhabitants of this civilization expressed and possessed a great belief that on a given day Kukulcan came down from the clouds. Receiving assists, insomnia and tributes. which they called the Chickaban Party.

Another of the great tributes paid to this deity is that apart from being one of the three main gods that originated humanity, according to this mythology, he also guided the education of medicine and agriculture.

Likewise, he is represented in some historical research and writings, as a transformation from a Feathered Serpent to a white-skinned man, with considerable height, bluish eyes and long hair.

Description that links it to the myth of humanity that is described in the al lost city of Atlantis. This is because some investigations in the area of ​​archeology, as well as historians specializing in this subject, have considered that the origin of this deity occurred when the sinking of the Atlantis, one of the people who were in it was saved. Reaching the shores of Mesoamerica, where he told the natives the secrets of his lost civilization.

Temple of Kukulcan

Because this deity was so praised and important to this civilization, they decided to build a place of tribute for him. This is located in the Yucatan Peninsula. Which was manufactured in the twelfth century AD by the Itza Maya in the city of Chichén Itzá. Which originated in the sixth century AD

It also receives the name of The Castle. Which was named like that because in the XNUMXth century, the conquerors of Spain, were locating a similarity of this structure with those that already existed in Europe. So this is a pre-Hispanic building, located in the state of Yucatan en Mexico.


It has a geometric pyramid structure. Noted for having nine floors or foundations. It also has four important facades, where each of them has a staircase in the center. As well as a platform in the upper area, defined by a temple.


Because in this homage was paid to the God Kukulcan, which is also known as the Feathered Serpent, This structure has a decoration on its four sides with snake figures.

Another of its most relevant aspects is that it has symbols that refer to the most important numbers that were used in the agricultural solar calendar. Just like him Tzolkin calendar o sacred and the calendar wheel.

In addition to that, the alignment of the manufacture of this pyramid makes it possible to observe some light and shadow phenomena. That are usually produced and appreciated annually at the time of equinoxes (the sun is located in the plane of the terrestrial equator) and solstices (the sun reaches its highest or lowest height in the sky, where day and night have the maximum duration of the entire year).


This temple has a height of 24 meters that reaches the platform above, to which is added more than 6 meters of its temple. So in its entirety it measures approximately 30 meters high. While the bases of the facades measure 55,3 meters.

Therefore, it is much smaller than other recognized pyramids, such as those of Cheops en Egypt or that of the Sun in Teotihuacan. Even the pyramid Tikal, one of the cities Maya more important, is higher than this. So the most special value that this temple has is that of its qualities regarding architecture. As well as its symbology and everything related to astronomy.

internal area

Temples and pyramids are usually seen from the outside. But many times you are curious to know what is inside. For in the case of the Temple of Kukulcan, its internal area has been described in many ways.

In the year 1843, the area of ​​archeology of this city maya, It is located on a farm. So in the explorer's lithograph book Frederick Catherwood, the temple is represented covered by a lot of vegetation on all its sides or slopes. Therefore, there are images that were captured at the beginning of the XNUMXth century, in which the pyramid is observed full of vegetation on the outside.

However, in 1924, the Institute Washington Carnegie, obtained a permit from the Government of Mexico to explore and rebuild this city Maya. Where the restructuring began in the year 1927. Later, in the year 1931, they sought to know if it was true or not that this temple had been built on top of a pyramid of great antiquity. So the structure was excavated and explored.

But a year later, a box was found that obtained components of coral and obsidian rock. As well as turquoise links, next to human remains. These objects are currently part of the exhibition of the National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City.

Over the years, the investigations continued and in 1935, a figure from the sculpture of Chac Mool with mother-of-pearl shell couplings, in the areas of the nails, teeth and eyes. Therefore, the area where this discovery occurred was called the Offering Room o North Chamber.

With the passage of a year, very close to that room, a second place was found, which was called Sacrificial Chamber. In it were two rows of human quills placed parallel to the bottom of that chamber. A sculpture of a Jaguar was also located, specifically a Panthera Onca. With a red color that had 74 jade couplings, which create an effect of spots on the body, typical of this species.

Likewise, the eyes of said sculpture were simulated with jade crescents. While the fangs and teeth were painted white. On the back there was a disc of turquoise, which apparently were used to burn the aromatic vegetable resins of copal.

So after years of exploration, it was established that there had been a pyramid that could have measured approximately 33 meters wide. Made up of nine plinths and measuring 17 meters high up to the temple platform. Site where the sculpture of Chac Mool and that of the jaguar. Building dating from the eleventh century.

Due to this, when the investigation was completed, an entrance door was made in the baluster, which is a shape that was molded in stone or mother wood, in order to support the top of the stairs. This with the aim that visitors can enter there. Thus, the interior pyramid is called Substructure.

Calendrical symbolisms

in the temple of Kukulcan, represent one of the main aspects of civilization Maya. These are those referring to the areas of mathematics, as well as geometry, acoustics and astronomy. Very important components for this culture.


This is because as this civilization began dedicating itself to the agricultural area, its inhabitants paid a lot of attention to the way the weather stations behaved. As well as the changes that were in the path of the Sun and the stars. So all these elements were brought together to represent them in this pyramid.

Therefore, like the other cultures of Mesoamerica, this civilization used the Solar Agricultural Calendar, named by them as Haab. This is made up of 18 months, also called Uinals. where each uinal is composed of 20 days or Kin.

This calendar is made up of 360 regular days or Kins. Adding five additional days, which were considered by them as disastrous, which they called Wow.

That is why this pyramid has four stairs. Where each of them is made up of 91 steps. In order to add 364 and taking into account the upper area of ​​this place, a total of 365 units is added. which symbolizes the days of Haab.

Another of the calendars that this civilization has Mesoamerican, is the so-called tzolkin o Sacred Calendar. Which is made up of 13 months, where each month has 20 days. Thus adding a total of 260 days. Both the cycles of this and the haab joined through a Calendar wheel.

Where the union of the two is repeated every 18.980 days, which represents the least common multiple of 260 and 365. Which refers to each of the days of each calendar. And this in turn equals 52 years, so every 2 calendar cycles haab starts the repetition of the union of these two calendars.

However, these details are difficult to perceive in the structure of the pyramid. That is, the numbers 18 Initials, 20 Kin, 5 uayeb and the 52 ciclos. In fact, the nine bases that make up this construction, when viewed frontally from either side, when looking at the central area of ​​the stairs, it is possible to multiply the total number of levels by 2. as a result the number 18, which symbolizes the aforementioned 18 Uinals of the Haab Calendar.

Similarly, in the upper area of ​​this construction, there were five ornaments in each outer area. So there were a total of twenty ornaments that symbolize the 20 days or Kin in uinal.

While the 52 cycles of the haab, are symbolized in the 2 panels on each façade, while the rest of the eight levels have three panels. Which when multiplying 3 by 8 gives a total of 24 where 2 is added and a total of 26 panels is obtained. To then be added to the other 26 panels on the other side of the staircase, a total of 52 panels per façade is obtained.

So for the members of the civilization Maya the creation of this Temple was based both on a tribute to the God Kukulcan. As well as the importance for them in representing their Calendrical Symbolism. Learn more about the mayan myths


This city Maya It was declared in 1988 by the UNESCO, as Heritage. Likewise, the structure of the Temple in homage to Kukulcan, is considered since 2007 as one of the New Seven Wonders of the Contemporary World.

This was due to the motivation of the filmmaker coming from Switzerland, Berber Weber. who called through the New Open Word Corporation, to a global internet vote, to select the New Wonders of the World. Resulting as one of the winners the structure of this temple, which for a long time has been one of the most important buildings in Chichen Itza.

tourist event

Currently many people come to the place where this temple is located to observe The descent of Kukulcan. So this is considered an activity not only cultural and spiritual but also tourist. Well, during the months of March and September, the city of Chichen Itza, becomes one of the most visited places.

This is because there are many people who are curious to witness the spring and autumn equinox in this pyramid. Well, according to civilization Maya, during that time, night and day achieve balance, because the God Kukulcan he went down to rest in his memorial pyramid.

Therefore, it grants blessing, health and prosperity to each person who is at that moment in its enclosure. Reason why annually this city Maya, receives so many visits from people from all over the world.

Therefore, Kukulcan, is a representation of the great magical power that maintains the Mayan culture. What makes everything that makes it admired. Such as its pyramids, its paintings, its history, the most important architectural buildings and its religion.

In addition to this, it is assimilated to other civilizations that also describe their beliefs related to the origin of humanity, the beginning of its deposits, its culture in nature and how its culture has remained today, represented mainly in its cities. That is why they are considered, together with the Aztecs e Incas, one of the most important civilizations.

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