How to unclog a bathroom: Tips, homemade tricks, and more

There are times when the bathrooms present some problems, such as the case in which the toilets get stuck, which is why this article will explain the ways to how unclog a clogged bathroom in the most efficient way.


How to unclog a bathroom?

Clogged toilets are very common and always happen at the most inconvenient times, however there are many ways this problem can be solved. You can apply various types of drain cleaners, or some kind of opener, which facilitates cleaning in bathrooms.

You can even apply some kind of homemade cleaner which can be made up of preferably hot water, you can also add baking soda and vinegar is also included, to make a product that has the ability to unclog the bathroom with homemade products that they are easy to have.

However, there are cases where the toilets are very clogged, so a special plunger must be applied to the drain, in turn, a liquid or dry vacuum cleaner is used so that the cleaning work can be carried out in the bathroom. an efficient and effective way without having the need to resort to professional services.

It is also common for doubt to arise in how to unclog a bathroom without a drain cleaner, in which it allows to solve this problem without the need to apply chemical products or the need to call a plumber, there are many methods which can be applied facilitating this work.

Generally in these cases a lot of water is usually used and it is recommended that it be added with buckets, in this way it is ensured that the amount of water added and that it is going to be introduced with force, this is due to the fact that sometimes when pulling the toilet chain it does not enough to take away all the waste.

Thus, the temperature of the water that is introduced is also important, since it facilitates the elimination of residues because it dissolves them, allowing drainage. It is important that boiling water is not added to the toilet as the sudden change in temperature can cause the porcelain to crack.

In the same way, liquids can be used to solve this problem and that it does so effectively to unclog the drain. In the market you can find a wide range of products that have the objective of removing clogging residues.

If you want to know the foods that do not cause any type of irritation or allergy, then it is recommended to read the article hypoallergenic food, where it is explained why they are the best thing to take when going on a diet.

Applying a toilet plunger


There are ways and forms on how to unclog a bathroom fast, and this can be done with the application of a toilet plunger. This situation can be very problematic when the steps and points that can be followed to carry out this type of cleaning are unknown, which is not as well known by people.

Because of this, people who wish to perform this cleaning are recommended to better understand its procedure. That is why the following are the steps that must be followed to use this method in the most effective way so that the desired results can be obtained:

Prevent toilet water from spilling

  • It is in the event that the toilet does not flush properly
  • So the chain is flushed again but this causes more water to be sent to the toilet bowl
  • To avoid this you should remove the lid of the toilet
  • Then the trap that the toilet has must be closed
  • It is in this trap where you have a drain plug that is linked to the chain
  • This prevents water from entering the toilet bowl
  • You can do this step with confidence because the water in the cup is not dirty.

The bathroom is conditioned

  • This step must be done to prevent water from splashing
  • The first thing to do is place newspaper around the toilet
  • You can also use paper towels which are placed on the bathroom floor
  • In this way you can absorb the liquid that may spill from the toilet
  • At the same time, the cleaning that must be done in the bathroom is facilitated.
  • It is recommended to turn on a fan due to the strong odors that can be felt
  • The window can also be opened to reduce these foul odors
  • In the event that the toilet is very clogged, it is recommended to use special rubber gloves to facilitate cleaning.
  • In this way you have greater security and protection from any possible virus and germs that are in the toilet
  • It is recommended that the rubber gloves used reach the elbows to avoid any contact with germs.
  • Another recommendation is that when you start cleaning the toilet, use old clothes to avoid damaging any clothes that are new or in good condition from being damaged by the spill of toilet water.

Remove any obstruction

  • In this step, any obstruction in the toilet must be removed.
  • Any cause that causes the obstruction in the channel should be looked for.
  • If there is an obstruction, it must be eliminated by removing it from the toilet.
  • In the event that it is difficult to remove the obstruction with the hands, it is recommended to apply another method
  • So that the toilet clogged by an object can be unblocked and the problem solved

use a bottle opener

  • For this step you must use a bottle opener that is a high quality product
  • It is recommended that a specific bottle opener be used, which is made of rubber so that it has greater resistance
  • It is also recommended that the bottle opener be of a large size
  • It can be of any shape, either round or the one with a rubber edge at the bottom
  • It is important to note that small bottle openers should not be used
  • Neither can you apply openers that are cheap and have a cup shape
  • The bottle opener that has a seal shape must be used
  • The plunger seal must create an airtight seal
  • So the bottle opener should be wrapped in old clothes or an old rag.
  • This reduces any possibility of leakage.
  • The plunger to be used must be placed in water, but it must be hot before it is used.
  • With this it will be possible to soften the bottle opener so that the elaboration of a seal is facilitated

Apply the bottle opener to the cup

  • The first thing to do in this step is that the plunger that is going to be used must be completely covering the toilet hole
  • Then the bottle opener should be immersed in the water, in this way the effectiveness can be carried out with greater efficiency.
  • It should be noted that in this step the plunger must be pushed and then it must be pulled with water.
  • It should not be done with air
  • It may be the case that it is required to add more water to the bowl to clean it more easily.
  • Then proceed to push the plunger into the hole as well as simultaneously pull the plunger
  • It is important that when performing this part you should start slowly
  • With the first movement with the bottle opener, air is introduced into the cup
  • Then pressure must be applied with the bottle opener
  • Then proceed to pull quickly
  • In this way the obstruction that the toilet has can be moved and thus it can be loosened
  • Then you must continue to perform this movement of pushing and pulling with force
  • It should be done until the water begins to drain
  • It may be in the case that the toilet is very clogged, so these movements must be made with the plunger up to 20 times if necessary to unclog the toilet
  • When you are sure that the toilet does not have any object that causes an obstruction, you can continue doing this method but it may take time.
  • Due to this, it is recommended to be patient and apply this method as many times as needed until the desired results are achieved.


Check the toilet drain

  • In this step you must pull the toilet chain to overcome the operation of the bathroom drain
  • The toilet plunger must be used first.
  • So that water can be made to drain into the bowl when using the plunger
  • However, it may be the case that the obstruction that the toilet has still prevents the flow of water to the drain, the plunger must be kept in the bowl
  • Then the water cup must be refilled
  • It should then be filled to the level at which the toilet is usually filled.
  • The plunger should then be used again until draining can be properly completed.
  • If it is the case that the obstruction in the toilet still persists, these steps must be carried out several times until the toilet drain works correctly.

If you want to know how you can acquire the desired figure, then it is recommended to read the article of Reducing Massages Work, where it is explained how it eliminates the fat that you have accumulated in certain parts of your body and can stylize it.

Applying products with enzymes

How to unclog a bathroom can be solved by applying various specific products which are composed of enzymes, so that it does not cause damage to the drainage and the pipes can be unclogs by removing the obstructions it has.

With these products you can clean the toilet properly without damaging the drainage when using these products. Due to this, the steps to be followed in this method are shown below:

Buy the product with enzymes

  • The first thing to do is buy a product with the ability to remove waste
  • This product must have a combination of enzymes so that it has the ability to convert the waste found in the drainage into liquid.
  • It is known that when applying these enzymes a septic system is used that manages to carry out the decomposition of each of the waste
  • To obtain this product with enzyme, it can be purchased at a store that is specific for plumbing cleaning and household cleaning material.
  • Preference is given to applying these products because they do not harm the pipes or the drainage of the bathroom, unlike chemical products that can damage the pipes and also harm the environment.
  • However, it is recommended that when applying this method it is more effective in organic waste.
  • These products do not work if the obstruction is caused by a solid material such as an object or a toy.

Follow the steps on the packaging

  • The amount of the product must be added according to the instructions because it is the amount that is recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Also add in the toilet bowl
  • The product should then be left in the cup overnight.
  • In this way the enzymes that make up can have an effect on the waste that clogs the toilet
  • The toilet should then be drained after the clog can be removed.

Applying a homemade cleaner


Another method that is known in how to unclog a bathroom is by applying a specific and homemade cleaner for cleaning drains. In this way, the obstruction found in the toilet drain can be eliminated, being a simple way to apply for anyone.

That is why the steps that must be followed to correctly apply this method with the use of a homemade cleaner are shown below; and cleaning can be carried out in a simple way and without any complications:

Heat two liters of water

  • With this method the homemade drain cleaner is applied
  • The first thing to do in this step is to heat two liters of water, which is the same as saying half a gallon of water.
  • It is applied in the event that the toilet gets clogged very easily
  • This is because there is a lot of waste in the drain that causes the toilet to clog
  • For this you must mix hot water with baking soda
  • Vinegar is also added to the mix to make cleaning easier and get rid of the problem.
  • Similarly a commercial drain cleaner should be used
  • Two liters of water are boiled.
  • Then you have to let the water cool down
  • You can add the other substances in the toilet bowl
  • If less than two liters of water is applied, this method will not work.
  • Therefore, it is mandatory to use the amount of water described since this will produce the necessary force to pass the obstruction that the toilet has.
  • It is important to note that the water must have a specific temperature, which must be similar to the temperature of hot tea.
  • Due to this, the water should not be boiling when used for cleaning, as it can cause damage to the porcelain.

Add the baking soda and vinegar

  • In this step a specific amount of baking soda must be added and also a certain amount of vinegar
  • In the case of baking soda, a cup should be added to the toilet
  • In the case of vinegar, two cups should be added to the toilet bowl
  • By pouring these ingredients into the toilet, a chemical process is generated that allows the elimination of the obstruction that is present.
  • The vinegar used for cleaning the toilet is allowed to be white distilled
  • However, any type of vinegar can be applied in this method since they perform the same function.
  • It is important to note that making this mixture of vinegar with baking soda will result in a bubbly mixture.
  • In the event that you have baking soda and vinegar, they can be replaced by special liquid soap for dishes in the toilet bowl
  • Through the soap the obstruction that the toilet has is loosened
  • However, this method does not work if the obstruction found in the toilet is due to a solid or a toy.

Add the hot water

  • In this step of how to unclog a bathroom, you must add the water that was previously heated and allowed to cool in the toilet bowl
  • But you can't add it anyway, you must have a specific height, preferably from your waist
  • Cannot be added from the rim of the toilet
  • In this way the water falls with a certain force into the toilet bowl
  • By this force the obstruction can be removed

Let the mixture sit in the toilet

  • In this step of how to unclog a bathroom, you should leave the mixture prepared with water, baking soda and vinegar in the toilet overnight.
  • After the night has passed with the mixture, it should be checked in the morning.
  • It should be found that the added water has drained away, since the obstruction has been efficiently removed.
  • In the event that the water did not drain, it is recommended to apply these steps again for a second attempt.
  • If the water still does not drain, it is concluded that the obstruction is caused by a solid material, so this mixture will not work.
  • A wire hook can be used to remove solid blockage.
  • You can also use a bottle opener since it fulfills the same function as removing the obstruction by the solid.

Applying a drink

One of the ways that can be applied is by using a soft drink, so at this point it will be explained how to unclog a bathroom with coke. Due to the characteristics of this drink, it is possible to solve the problem that occurs in the bathroom.

However, this requires specific steps to unclog the bathroom, which is why the steps that must be followed to obtain the desired results are shown below, as well as the main characteristics of each step:

First step

  • The first thing to do to know how to unclog a bathroom is to prepare various materials to carry out the cleaning.
  • Due to the fact that substances that can become dangerous are going to be used, it is advisable to handle them with great care.
  • Rubber gloves should also be available.
  • You have to use work clothes which are recommended to be old to avoid damaging clothes that are in good condition.
  • Likewise, a mask and a material that is responsible for covering the hair must be used, since it is a dirty job that is going to be carried out.

Second step 

  • After having all the preparation of the bathroom and the clothes, proceed to acquire two soft drinks and each one must be two liters
  • An example of these drinks are Coca Cola, Pepsi, among others.
  • You can use any drink as long as it is carbonated

Third step

  • In this step the stopcock must be closed
  • Then you have to make sure that there is no water in the toilet
  • Next, the first bottle of coca cola or soft drink that is going to be used is used
  • Completely empties into the toilet
  • It is recommended that before adding the drink you have your eyes and hands covered either with glasses and gloves or with another material
  • A mask should also be available, which is recommended to be from a hospital.

Fourth step 

  • In this step of how to unclog a bathroom the second bottle of coke is used
  • ¾ of the bottle is emptied
  • Then you have to wait a time of 45 minutes
  • The gas from the drink is activated in the tidal toilet that eliminates the waste that causes the toilet to be clogged
  • When the established time elapses, the toilet is uncovered
  • In the event that this method does not work, then special products must be used to unclog the drain.
  • The instructions must be followed to the letter according to the product to be used.
  • To finish, the hot water used must be emptied to eliminate all residues.

Applying a spiral opener

Another method on how to unclog the bathroom in a specific way is with the use of a spiral plunger, which is why the steps that must be followed in this method are shown below to unclog the toilet in the most efficient way and without no difficulty:

Buy a spiral bottle opener

  • In this method of how to unclog a bathroom, a plunger that has a special shape must be applied
  • This spiral shaped bottle opener can be found in stores called a flexible cleaning tool.
  • It is a coil that has flexibility so that it can be applied in the curves that the drainage presents and in turn reaches deeper than other materials.
  • It is recommended to use the auger opener as it has a specialized design to eliminate any obstruction that the toilet may present.
  • One of the features that stands out is that it does not damage the cup and does not leave a mark on it.

Apply the spiral plunger in the toilet

  • In this part the spiral opener must be inserted into the drain
  • The spiral plunger should then be pushed into the toilet so that it can be pushed down the drain as far as it will go.
  • It should be carried out until the obstruction in the toilet is achieved

spin the bottle opener

  • In this part of the method the plunger must continue to be pushed in a spiral but must also be rotated through the obstruction.
  • It is done with the purpose of destroying or fragmenting the obstruction into small pieces in such a way that they can be moved through the pipes.
  • Generally, this step must be performed for a period of time, that is, for several minutes to ensure the elimination of the obstruction.
  • The water should then be allowed to drain
  • Next you have to flush the toilet
  • It should be noted that drainage occurs as fast as it usually does.

Apply the bottle opener in reverse

  • In this step, the obstruction must be uncovered using the opener in the reverse direction.
  • The case can be presented that it is necessary to remove the toilet to give permission in the opposite direction
  • In such a way that the obstructions generated by a solid can be eliminated
  • This method of how to unclog a bathroom is applied when it is known that the obstruction is generated by a solid but the way to remove it is not known.

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