The 30 Animals in Danger of Extinction in Venezuela

Climate change in the world has affected thousands of species that have been disappearing over time and Latin America has not been the exception to this, discover what are the animals in danger of extinction In Venezuela.

Animals in extinction in Venezuela

Venezuela is in the seventeenth position for the greatest diversity of animals, but like in many other territories there are species that are doomed to disappear, often because there are conditions that are not suitable for them to survive, although always due to human actions. .

For example, deforestation in different areas is one of the main reasons why many animals tend to migrate or die, but also due to constant hunting, fishing and habitat destruction activities.

There is no specific type of animal that is in danger of extinction, but they can be birds, cats, reptiles or others. For this reason it has become necessary for many specialists and protectionists to try to preserve the diversity that exists in this national territory, however, the legalities regarding this matter are usually very complicated and extensive, so it is an arduous task that requires commitment, perseverance and dedication.

Below is a list of animals in danger of extinction in Venezuela:

West Indian Manatee (Trichechus Manatus)

In Venezuela there is currently a very low number of studies dedicated to the detection and status of this animal within the national territory. Due to the fact that their existence is very minimal, it is extremely difficult to carry out aerial or terrestrial searches to determine their status, making their protection very difficult.

However, in some of the land searches that have been carried out in recent times, it has been possible to witness these animals within Lake Maracaibo, but also in the Orinoco Delta and in the Gulf of Paria.

These animals have been highly hunted, being the main cause of the decline of the species and for the same reason is that in the future they do not have much life expectancy, however, work has been done so that this practice decreases and the species can have a future. a bit more optimistic.

The Venezuelan territory is an excellent habitat for this animal, but currently there are only two thousand five hundred individuals in the mature stage.

Giant Otter (Pteronura Brasiliensis)

By 2015, the IUCN established that this species was in danger of extinction, since its population is quite small and highly fragmented.

It is important to note that this animal is one of the most vulnerable to extinction since only a quarter of its entire population manages to reproduce successfully, but not only this, but its sexually mature stage is achieved very late, another factor that is not its favor is the fact that cub individuals do not have good survival capacity.

This type of animal can be found in various territories of South America, such as Colombia, Guyana, Argentina and others, from rivers, streams to lakes. Within the Venezuelan territory they can live in several states such as Apure, Amazonas, Bolívar, Delta Amacuro and Monagas.

giant otter endangered animal in Venezuela

The Red Siskin (Carduelis Cucullata)

This bird is native to countries such as Colombia, Guyana and Venezuela, which was declared in danger of extinction for the year 2016, because its number of individuals has been declining rapidly, the main cause of this being the fact that that many people hunt them to sell them on the black market.

Its habitat has been shrinking, moreover, so it must also be placed as the generator of its rapid disappearance, its attractiveness, for being a hybrid with the Canaries which turns out to be the first fact for which they are marketed.

Some of the states in which these beautiful birds can be found are: Zulia, Guárico, Miranda, Lara, Barinas, Falcón and finally the state of Anzoátegui.

There is no stipulated exact number of birds of this species existing within Venezuela, however, it is estimated that they range from a minimum of 700 individuals to a maximum of 5000 individuals.

animals in danger of extinction in Venezuela the little cardinal

Giant Armadillo (Priodontes Maximus)

This type of animal can be easily found in those areas near water where the area has not been disturbed by primary forest. These live in burrows that they make in open areas of forests or grasslands.

Another important fact about these animals is that they gestate in a period of approximately sixteen weeks, frequently giving birth to a single individual.

Giant armadillos have a high tendency to disappear since they are highly sought after for their meat, which is consumed, but they also have other elements that man uses for certain areas such as their shell, tail and claws, since with them they make certain elements.

They do not live long when they are in captivity, but their habitat is also very weak, so there are many factors that are not in their favor. In recent years this animal has decreased its species by thirty percent, so as of 2014 it is considered an endangered species like the White Tiger.

Multicolored Parrot (Hapalopsittaca Amazonina Theresae)

This beautiful animal can be found in two of the Venezuelan states, Mérida and Táchira, in those cloud forests. Their diet is based mainly on fruits and seeds, which is highly threatened today.

Their main danger is due to the fact that the forests in the area are being destroyed every day, so their habitat is severely damaged, migrating to other places where they often fail to feed and finally die. But in addition to this, the hunting of these harmless animals is very constant, using them for trade on the black market, due to their captivating colors.

In the Venezuelan territory, the burning of trees is more and more frequent, to grow coffee, without foreseeing the great consequences in terms of territorial biodiversity.

It really is quite difficult to estimate how many of these animals there are in the territory, however, it was declared an endangered species as of 2016 and is even considered a conservation priority in terms of birds.

animals in danger of extinction in Venezuela-multicolor parakeet

Giant Anteater (Myrmecophaga Tridactyla)

This animal can be obtained in those areas where there are tropical forests with high humidity, but also in those where there is drought and in the wide-open grasslands. A common characteristic of anteaters is that they are very solitary, it is very rare to see them accompanied.

When females are two years old is when they reach sexual maturity and carry their young on their backs for at least the first six months. There is little data that reveals the longevity of this animal as well as its reproductive rate.

As of 2014, it was declared in danger of extinction, caused by the destruction of its habitat and by another very important factor that is its diet, which is why its population has reduced by at least thirty percent in recent years.

Within the Venezuelan territory they can be found in four states, Amazonas, Falcón, Maracaibo and Bolívar.

Andean Bear (Tremarctos Ornatus)

This is native to the tropical Andes, being the only animal of its kind that lives in all of South America. There are three places where you can get this majestic animal, these are:

  • Sierra de Perija
  • Massif of El Tamá
  • Cordillera de Merida

Great efforts have been made by pressure groups and protectionists to protect these areas more and more, and although something has been achieved so far, there is still a long way to go, so the habitat of this animal is still in danger.

It is important to highlight that the areas that are being protected continue to be dangerous for the Andean bears, since there is no adequate and continuous patrolling, in addition, roads have been created by the farmers of the area that really affect this work greatly, since they fragment habitat and make them more vulnerable. This species was declared endangered in 2008.

The Spider Monkey (Ateles Belzebuth)

These are always on the move in the heights, in the trees just like the Titi monkey, its habitat is in the clay soil forests. Most of the time they spend in the trees, they very rarely descend to the ground.

A very interesting characteristic of these animals is that they prefer to be suspended from one branch to another, avoiding moving by means of their legs. The feeding of Spider monkey It basically resides in fruits, according to specialists it is considered that this animal is native to four countries in South America, these are: Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.

Within the Venezuelan territory, the spider monkey can be found in the basin of Lake Maracaibo, in the Caura and towards the Orinoco River in the north. The fact that these animals are currently declared an endangered species is due to the destruction of their habitat, due to the felling of trees for planting or other types of trade.

endangered animals in Venezuela spider monkey

Common Fin Whale (Balaenoptera Physalus)

The most fascinating feature of this animal is its large size, which is why it is considered the second largest mammal. Its weight is around seventy thousand kilograms while its size can even reach twenty meters. They are constantly hunted which is the main cause of their currently low number of members.

These animals use very low sounds to call females and when sound waves interrupt this process, there is no way for them to reproduce, so their birth rate is really low. Throughout the world, it is considered that the number of individuals of this species has decreased to a little over seventy percent, a fairly high rate that should draw the attention of the competent authorities.

While, within Venezuelan territory, in recent years the occasional fin whale has been observed in certain areas such as:

  • Nueva Esparta
  • Sugar
  • Mochima
  • Falcón

But it was listed as an endangered species since 2013.

animals in danger of extinction in Venezuela-fin whale

Torrent Duck (Merganetta Armata)

They usually live in those rivers where their torrent is faster within South America, which are bordered by mountain slopes. The water that flows through the mountains that have ice and forms waterfalls and rivers and it is through them that these animals usually pass and prosper.

It is important to note that the habitat of these animals is quite difficult for other species to inhabit, due to the temperatures and the way the water flows.

They build their nest in them, but the most impressive thing is that they form them in areas where it is usually inaccessible to humans and other species. There are two states in Venezuela that are home to this species, these are Mérida and Táchira, both Andean states, in which there can be a minimum of one hundred individuals up to a maximum of 1500 members of the torrent duck.

The most overwhelming threat to their species is the continuous destruction of the Andean forests, but this is not their only threat, as they are also hunted more and more every day.

Harpy Eagle (Harpia Harpyja)

A very beautiful and impressive animal, which can be found in states such as Aragua and the Cordillera de las Costas. This is one of the species that is most threatened and has been gradually disintegrating.

Its main threat, as in the previous species, is due to the massive and constant destruction of its habitat. It was declared endangered since 2016.

Margay (Leopardus Wiedii)

Many forests are being converted, that is, the area is used for areas such as agriculture, so the habitat is modified, this being one of the main reasons why this animal has been gradually disappearing from Venezuelan territory.

But it is not only a habitat problem, but this animal is harassed to be hunted. It was declared an endangered species in 2015, but individuals can still be found in the Coastal Range.

animals in extinction in venezuela

Andean Matacán Deer (Mazama Rufina Bricenii)

This animal can be obtained in three different states of Venezuela, such as Táchira, Trujillo and Mérida. This is the most threatened of all the species in this territory, declared in danger of extinction in 2016. And like the species mentioned above, its danger is due to the constant change of its habitat and hunting. which is subdued.

Night Monkey (Aotus Lemurinus)

This animal can be found in three Venezuelan states, in Maracaibo, in the mountains of Trujillo and in Táchira. It is a highly demanded animal since people want to have it in their homes as a pet, so it is sold on the black market at a fairly high cost. But not only as a pet, but there are also people who buy it for consumption and as an experiment. It was determined as a vulnerable species in 2008.

Orinoco Cayman (Crocodylus Intermedius)

Within the Venezuelan territory you can get this animal in the Orinoco basin. There are no more than fifteen hundred species in all.

It is important to mention that both Venezuela and Colombia have carried out certain activities in search of the preservation of this animal, seeking in a certain way that its population gradually increase.

The main threat to this species is that many humans in the area hunt them to sell their eggs and young, which limits their expansion as a species. This is a big problem that causes damage to the ecosystem in the short and long term, since this animal is responsible for preying on certain mammals and reptiles, so if it disappears, the normal cycle will be affected one after another. Its danger is critical declared in this way since the last century, in 1996.

endangered animals in Venezuela orinoco caiman

Painted or Slippery Turtle (Trachemys Scripta Chichiriviche)

Its population is one of the lowest, reaching barely five hundred individuals, but also the only area within Venezuela where this species is found is in the Falcón State. An impressive feature is that it is the only species of this genus that can be made up of four subspecies, among which are:

  • C.p. bellii
  • The C. p. dorsalis
  • C.p. marginata
  • The C.p. pict

Its color is quite peculiar because it is a shade of gray to dark green, but they have red stripes, within this species we find the largest, reaching more than twenty-five centimeters, their nails are quite long, more those of the females than the of the males. Pollution has reached high rates in the area, so their habitat has been gradually being lost and they are also highly hunted for consumption.

Arraú or Charapa Turtle (Podocnemis Expansa)

Within the Venezuelan territory it is the largest existing turtle, which can be found both in the Orinoco River and in its tributaries. Many years ago it was very common to get one of them, their color was between brown or black, but today it is very difficult. For the 330.000th century it was estimated that this species reached some 123.000 individuals in the country, however, by the last century the figure was around 2016 members and four years ago, in 602 there were only XNUMX individuals left.

It is a species highly sought after by hunters to market its meat, since it is in demand for consumption in large quantities and at a fairly high price. Therefore, its danger of extinction is due to the over-exploitation to which it is subjected.

Ñangaro (Aratinga Acuticaudata Neoxena)

This animal is not yet listed as an endangered species, however very close to it. As for its characteristics, it is a bird that has a green color with blue tones in its feathers, five subspecies of this bird can be listed, such as:

  • neoxena
  • acuticaudata
  • Koenigi
  • neumanni
  • haemorrhous

This species can be found in the state of Nueva Esparta and its danger is due to the fact that it is captured to be kept in captivity as a pet and also because its natural habitat has been destroyed. Certain measures have been taken that seek to avoid or reduce the ecological crime committed with this animal, however, the changes have not been very relevant.

There are parks in the national territory that have sought to conserve them, however, many times their nests are outraged, preventing the species from being saved.

Swallowtail Hummingbird (Hylonympha Macrocerca)

Its most striking feature is its tail, to which it owes its name, since it is at least ten centimeters long and is very forked. Their colors are also striking, they can be purple, brown, green, among others. The tail of females is shorter than that of males. The beak of this bird measures at least about three centimeters and that of an intense black color.

Due to the loss of their habitat, their danger of extinction is considered imminent, cataloged in this way since 2016. In this regard, it is necessary to highlight that it is unknown if they support a change in habitat. This species is considered essential for conservation, however, there are specialists who establish that its population is numerous and stable.

Stone-crested Curassow (Pauxi Pauxi)

Its name is quite peculiar and this is due to its physical appearance, since it has a kind of helmet on its skull, its size is between eighty-five and ninety-six centimeters. The "helmet" that it wears on its head can be about 7 cm, and is mostly gray in color.

Its belly is white while the rest of its plumage can be shiny black to bluish black. Its beak and legs are mostly red. In the Venezuelan State, this species can be found in the Sierra de Perijá, in Mérida, Yaracuy, Falcón, Caracas, Miranda, Vargas and Lara.

Its habitat is dense jungle, this bird can rise from five hundred to two thousand meters high. It is estimated that its population has decreased a bit, this is because its feathers are widely used in handicrafts due to their color and texture. This is why it is declared endangered in 2016.

Horned (Sphyrna lewini)

This shark belongs to the Sphyrnidae family, it can be found in temperate waters in several countries such as Brazil, Mexico and the United States. It is important to note that within Venezuelan territory it can be obtained along its entire coast. It has a large size, but the most peculiar and amazing feature is the shape it has on its head, to which it owes its name, since it is shaped like a hammer.

It is estimated that at least eighty percent of the entire population that was present in Venezuelan territory has been lost, which is why it is considered a critically endangered species. The cause of the hasty loss of this species has not really been studied with great emphasis, however what is believed is that it is fish and the most serious thing is that they are captured before they reach sexual maturity, a fact that prevents them from reproducing.

Wetmore's Cock (Rallus wetmorei)

This is a bird native to Venezuelan territory, which can be seen in states such as Aragua, Falcón and Carabobo. This is classified as a bird with priority for the conservation of Venezuela.

It can be differentiated from the rest because its chin is white, while its back is olive and its belly is brown. They are small in size but their beak is quite long.

Estimates establish that there are only about fifty individuals in the national territory with a maximum of two hundred members. Due to that statistic it is considered a critically endangered species. The fact that this species is in a critical state is due to the fact that its habitat is destroyed, there is felling of trees and a lot of pollution, so the quality of life of these birds and many others such as the mediterranean tortoise, is in danger of extinction.

Red Yapacana Toad (Minyobates steyermarki)

Its size is quite small, barely nineteen millimeters, even the males are smaller than the females. Its texture is quite smooth, it has a color that draws a lot of attention, being an intense dark red. The first finger they have is larger than the second.

When this species was first described in the XNUMXs, it was considered to be an abundant animal, however, its current status is unknown. Its territorial location is quite limited but the most serious thing is that this area is subject to constant changes due to illegal mining.

For the year 1995 an animal in danger of extinction was declared, with which various organizations dedicated to this area agreed because all the members are within a range of ten square kilometers.

endangered animals in Venezuela

Comb sawfish (Pristis pectinata)

Its family is the pristidae, it has a large size, it can even measure more than five meters long and its weight is around more than three hundred kilograms. This one lives in the coastal area, however, it has not been able to be studied in depth since little can be seen, it is considered a very shy animal that limits its possibility of study.

It is considered that in Venezuela their presence is quite minimal and there is a lot of uncertainty about it. It has been declared an endangered species since 2013.

There is even talk of that year as the last time a member was seen, after that it has not been possible to observe and take data on its status, this case was in Paraguaná, it is estimated that its disappearance is due to high contamination of the coasts that destroys the ecosystem and damages the habitat of these and many other animals.

 Blue-fronted Parakeet (Thectocercus acuticaudatus neoxena)

It is an animal that can be seen in the state of Nueva Esparta, considered a subspecies from Thectocercus acuticaudatus. It can reach a length of approximately thirty-three centimeters and even reach up to thirty-eight centimeters, the data on its weight is estimated that it can be from one hundred and seventy to a maximum of one hundred and seventy-five kilograms.

A characteristic that represents him is his head, since it has a very striking blue color while his eyes have a yellow color. It is very common to find this animal in the different bushes of the area, also in the jungles and arid thickets.

Compared to many of the other species mentioned, its danger is less, however, it is on alert since it has been heavily hunted in recent years because it is traded as a pet.

Striped Toad (Atelopus cruciger)

It can be seen in different states of Venezuela in those areas where there are humid forests such as Miranda, Yaracuy, Aragua and Sucre. Its name is due to its physical appearance since it has black stripes on its body, towards the head and back, while the rest of its body is yellow. The male striped toads are smaller than the females of the species.

When this was discovered several years ago, they were really an abundant species in the national territory, however, this is no longer that way, since the decrease in its members has been overwhelming, reaching such a high level, since it is declared in 1996 as a critically endangered species.

Staghorn coral (Acropora cervicornis)

This can be found in various places within the Caribbean Sea, but in Australia there are also places that are home to it, like the Mauritius Islands. Its most impressive feature is that with it it is possible to rebuild different reefs.

Its population has decreased to an extremely high level, from the eighties it is considered that it has reached almost 100% of its disappearance. It has been determined that their situation is quite critical, however, according to several experts, it is believed that they have started a recovery process for their species. Its destruction is due to the fact that the habitat in which it is found is highly polluted and because invasive species have been introduced.

endangered animals in venezuela

Great Northern Tile (Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps)

Another name by which it is known is golden tile, which can be found in different floors such as:

  • Mexico
  • United States
  • Caribbean Sea (only on the Venezuelan coasts)

Within its family this is the largest, reaching more than one hundred centimeters in the males of the species. Those people who are dedicated to fishing in an amateur way usually hunt them, being a great attraction in this area. The latter being the main reason why it has been disappearing and declared an endangered species by the IUCN.

In North America, various measures have been taken to prevent their disappearance, however, this has not happened in Venezuela, there is no apparent concern.

Cerro el Humo Lizard (Euspondylus monsfumus)

This species can be found in the State of Sucre, about eight hundred meters above sea level. Its size is quite small, which can be differentiated from other lizards since it has a snout in dorsal view.

The exact point where it can be seen with great frequency is on the Humo hill, which is part of the Paria Peninsula National Park. It was declared a critically endangered species, which is due to the continuous destruction of its habitat, since various roads have been built in the area and the land has been modified for agricultural purposes.

farlowella venezuelensis

This is a fish that can only be seen in fresh waters, which is native to Venezuelan territory. It belongs to the family called Loricariidae. This fish can be obtained in the rivers of San Juan and Guarapiche, its size is around twenty centimeters mostly.

Its habitat is continually destroyed, which is why this fish enters the classification of animals in danger of extinction at a critical level, oil pollution in the seas is its greatest threat, but also due to the creation of transit routes and deforestation of the aforementioned places.

endangered animals in Venezuela

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