Endangered Animals in Peru

Since life began on Earth, its fauna has been evolving and changing many times. For a long time and due to multiple factors this fauna has been declining, this time we are going to make a review about Animals in Danger of Extinction in Peru, so I invite you to continue reading this article.

Endangered Animals in Peru

The fauna has existed for millions of years, leading to undergo constant transformations. There have been many times when the decline in the numbers of animal species has arisen. But not as much as today, since everything has been due to the actions of human beings. Because of these decisions, the planet is on the verge of contamination and according to many scientists, they estimate that we are in the period of the sixth great Extinction. In this article we are going to talk about animals in danger of extinction in Peru.

When is it considered an Endangered Species?

An endangered species is going to be taken into account when all the main ones begin to be in danger of disappearing from the face of the earth. That is, when there is a very low index of the animals that make up that species.

How many animals are in danger of extinction

According to the latest research and studies that have been carried out today by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, which is the international body with the greatest voice and power regarding problems of this nature. He explains that there are some 5.200 species of animals that are critically endangered today. In addition to a breakdown of the animals in danger of extinction that was made by class, they are divided as follows; 11% of birds, 20% of reptiles, 34% of fish and 25% of amphibians and mammals.

Causes that Animals are Endangered

There are multiple causes that affect species and that take them to the brink of danger of extinction. The reasons may be particular to each of the species, but there is no doubt that they are all due to the actions of the human being. But generally these causes are linked to the destruction and fragmentation of the natural habitats of each of these species. Other factors that we can include is the great increase in hunting and illegal trafficking, climate change also influences and finally the introduction of exotic species.

How to Avoid the Extinction of Species

It is not something easy or simple, much less something that is resolved quickly. Preventing a species from disappearing involves a series of actions and a large number of specific resources that are solely directed to this cause. One of these actions would be to avoid destroying natural habitats, an example of this is deforestation, punishing illegal hunting and species trafficking through severe legal actions is another action that must be taken. Create nature reserves or promote ideas to create breeding, reintroduction and genetic improvement programs.


Another action that should be started is the fight against pollution and constant climate change. This is another constant fight that we must have for the conservation of many animals. Each individual decision will have an impact and a consequence at a global level in multiple aspects. It is because of this that social awareness of the general population should be promoted.

Species of Peru in Extinction

Biodiversity on the planet is very abundant, but it is the Amazon rainforest which is the one with the greatest biodiversity on the planet. But this has been endangered by the burning and massive deforestation that is taking place and in the process have placed many species on the brink of extinction. Apart from this, other causes due to human activities must be incorporated, some of these are the increase in trade and illegal hunting of these species.

Also the increase in infrastructure construction in these territories and the high levels of pollution. In this post we are going to focus on animals in danger of extinction in Peru, it is in this country where there is a large part of this Amazon jungle. That is why this country contains a large number of ecosystems and has a great biodiversity. But unfortunately this has changed, each time you can see more and more animals in danger of extinction in Peru. It is for this that we are going to leave you a list of all the animals that are in danger of extinction.

Andean Bear

The Andean bear or as it is also known scientifically Tremarctos ornatus, is one of the bear species that is on the list of animals in danger of extinction in Peru. This type of bear is characterized by its small size and its distinctive white spot on its face. Due to this spot that is similar to glasses, it is also known as the spectacled bear. Apart from that it can also be called ucumari or South American bear.

This is an omnivorous type animal, but its diet is mostly vegetarian. This bear can be found throughout the entire strip of the Andes Mountains, which goes from Venezuela to northern Argentina. Therefore, the Andean bear is not only an endangered animal in Peru, but also in other countries. The main cause that has caused this situation is the destruction of their natural habitat. Although there are currently several programs that are promoting various conservation projects for this species.

Andean condor

The Andean condor or the Vultur gryphus is one of the endangered animals in Peru that is currently in a critical situation. The Vultur gryphus is characterized by being a very large and black bird, with white feathers on the neck and on some parts of the wings. It nests naturally in the mountains of the Cordillera de los Andes and is also considered a scavenging bird of prey.

The causes that lead to the brink of extinction are mainly hunting, high environmental pollution and even the decrease in the amount of element they get. This species is already on the list of animals in danger of extinction in Peru, which is why, as with the Andean bear, programs have been created to promote conservation projects for these species.

Andean cat

The Andean cat is also known as the Andean cat, the Aymara titi, Chinchay, lynx cat or osjo. It can be found in the Andes Mountains at altitudes between 300 and 4.800 meters above sea level. Its appearance is very similar to that of a cat in terms of its size, with the difference that its tail is larger. Its fur is much denser and has a brindle appearance. It is very little known and is that not only is it on the list of animals in danger of extinction in Peru, but it is also among the most threatened felines in the American continent.

Currently, according to studies carried out by various professionals in the field, there are approximately more than 2500 copies in existence. The factors that affect their survival and which have led them to the danger of extinction are hunting, the destruction of their habitat, the trade they carry out with the skins of these bears and the decrease in their prey.

Giant Anteater

The Myrmecophaga tridáctila, or as it is also known flag bear or yurumí, is the largest in this species of anteater. They are located in Central America and South America. It is already one of the animals in danger of extinction in Peru, although not only in this country, but in what was found before.


The factors that emerge as a threat to the survival of this species are its natural predators such as jaguars and pumas. In addition to this factor, there are also the following factors such as its low reproductive potential, the destruction of its habitat and human activities such as its capture for zoos.


The pudú is a kind of deer, this deer is the smallest there is. They measure approximately 33 cm in length and weigh about 7 kg. Its color varies from a shade that goes from reddish brown to yellowish grayish. It can be found in much of South America, but especially in Peru. This is another of the animals in danger of extinction in Peru, its main threats are the destruction of its natural habitat.

That is to say, the destruction of the forests by man himself, illegal hunting, attacks by dogs and even the abuses suffered by these little animals. Due to all this, in recent studies, few specimens have been calculated and it is estimated that their disappearance could occur in the coming years, unfortunately.

Amazon Pink Dolphin

The Inia geoffrensis is a dolphin that is also known as the boto or Amazon dolphin. It can be found or located in the Amazon River, they are characterized by being pink or pale blue. Although the most normal is that it is albino. This is one of the species of freshwater dolphins that make life on the planet.

This species is on the list of animals in danger of extinction in Peru, however, it is not only in danger of extinction in this country but also in the countries they inhabit. The factors that will influence their low survival rate are the construction of dams, canals and the diversion of river courses.


Yellow Tailed Woolly Monkey

The Oreonax flavicauda is a primate that originates from the Peruvian Andes. It is a monkey that is characterized by thick hair and a long tail. It is found living in mountainous areas of difficult access. Their diet consists of fruits, leaves and even flowers. The factors that threaten the survival of this species known as the yellow-tailed woolly monkey is the construction of roads to their habitats. And even the destruction of these for agricultural activities. The numbers of its population can be estimated, in the cloud forests of northern Peru, about 250 copies, due to this it is on the list of animals in danger of extinction in Peru.

Common Spider Monkey

The common spider monkey or as it can also be known as Ateles belzebuth. It is a species of primate which lives, mainly, in tropical forests. Which can be located in Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela and Brazil. This species of monkey is in a state of critical danger, this is due to the registry of the Red List of the IUCN. Today their numbers have been steadily declining.

The factors that affect the survival of this species and the reason why they have been added to the list of animals in danger of extinction in Peru and in the rest of the other countries is logging. They do this factor indiscriminately, also including the deforestation of tropical forests. Also hunting and capture, in addition to the increase in diseases that will negatively influence it, as well as malaria.

Uakari or Calvo Cacajao

The Uakari or calvo cacajao or as it is also known scientifically Cacajao calvus. This is a primate that can be found mainly in Peru. As well as in some parts of Brazil and Colombia. The habitat where they make their life is mostly in the forests and jungles of the Amazon region. The most outstanding characteristics of this species is its baldness, but the most important is its red face together with its dense orange-brown fur.

The bald cacajao is a species that is on the list of vulnerable species. Even today, according to several recent studies, its population has been decreasing. So it is currently being considered that if it continues like this it will be much closer to entering the list of animals in danger of extinction in Peru.


Goeldi's Tamarind

The Goeldi Tamarin is a species of primate that is classified as a vulnerable species. Which today its population has continued to decline. Therefore, it is considered by different studies carried out that fewer and fewer specimens are found in freedom. These are the results and forecasts that various associations and protectionists have unfortunately reached. The latter are in charge of fighting for their survival, in addition to taking care of their ecosystem.

This is a forecast that can be avoided, if drastic solutions are applied, but unfortunately it has high rates of fulfillment of said forecasts. More methods should be used that have effects on the causes that produce this bad situation. Just as it happens with the other different species that are in danger of extinction. These causes are the destruction of their natural habitats, illegal hunting, their illegal capture and even the trade in these species.

Goeldi's calimico or mico (Callimico goeldii) can be found in Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru and Bolivia. Even when it is estimated that their status enters the classification of vulnerable at the global level, in some countries. In this case Peru, they have already entered the list of animals in danger of extinction in Peru.

Mountain Tapir or Mountain Tapir

The Tapirus pinchaque, also known as mountain tapir, mountain tapir or Andean tapir. It is an animal classified as an exotic animal. Which lives in the surroundings of the Andes mountain range, specifically in the area of ​​Peru. Currently this animal is classified in the list of animals in danger of extinction in Peru. However, in the other areas where they live, their numbers are not much higher than in Peru. The main factors that affect their survival rate are the loss of their habitats such as logging and burning.

Giant otter

This giant or mustelid otter is also called the choker wolf or ariray (Pteronura brasiliensis). This species lives mainly in the Great Pantanal and the Amazon River. It can also be located throughout various countries such as Peru, Brazil, Venezuela, Suriname, Guiana, French Guiana, Paraguay, Colombia, Bolivia and Ecuador.

Unfortunately, although they live in so many areas of different countries, it is becoming rare to see one of these species. This is why it has been placed on the list of animals in danger of extinction in Peru. Although not only in this country has it entered this category, but it has also been added to that list in the rest of the countries already mentioned.

Chungungo or Sea Cat

Scientifically called Lontra felina and it is also known as sea otter, sea cat, chungungo, marine cat, chinguno, chinchimén or huallaque. It is a species of otter that lives on the shores of the Pacific Ocean in South America. Specifically, this otter is one of the Peruvian animals that is in danger of extinction and that occupies the most weight throughout the entire present continent.

This is due to the fact that the region to the north in which it is located is Peru, then it passes through Chile and arrives in Argentina. Several studies have even found some individuals of this species in the wild in the Malvinas Islands.

Hill Mouse

The mouse of the hills or as it is also known Zúñiga rice mouse (Melanomys zunigae). It is a small rodent that is only found living in Peru. Currently this species of small mammal is on the list of animals in danger of extinction in Peru. Even reaching, according to studies, one step away from becoming extinct in the wild and maybe even in captivity.

According to the latest studies carried out and registered by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, the number of its population has decreased significantly. The main factors that threaten their survival are the isolation of the hills, the destruction of their natural habitat and even the invasion of exotic species.

Andean Marsupial Frog

This species of frog, and therefore amphibian, is classified in the list of animals in danger of extinction in Peru. This is because their numbers are continually declining year after year. The species of frog Gastrotheca riobambae or Rana Marsupial Andina is in a very bad situation due to the destruction and therefore loss of its natural habitat.

In this way, its population is fragmented and reduced in a significant number. All this is due to the selfish actions of human beings for the construction of infrastructures, more than all houses, in the valleys of the Andean regions in which they live.

Lake Titicaca Giant Frog

The giant frog of Lake Titicaca or as it is also called Telmatobius culeus. Enter this classification of animals in danger of extinction in Peru, thus including another amphibian. Therefore, this species of frog is in a state of danger of extinction, that is, in a critical state. This species of amphibian lives in Lake Titicaca, inhabiting in this way both in Peru and in Bolivia.

Peruvian Lopper Bird

This bird is also known as follows; as Peruvian tree cutter bird or Peruvian plant cutter and scientifically as Phytotoma raimondii. It is a species that lives on the north and central coast of Peru. At present, its population is very divided, making its reproduction much more difficult. For this and other factors that threaten the survival of this species, it has been classified on the list of animals in danger of extinction in Peru. For this reason, its status is vulnerable and even today its population has been declining.

Marvelous Hummingbird

The wonderful hummingbird, admirable hummingbird, spatula tail hummingbird or as it is also known Loddigesia mirabilis. It is another bird that is classified in the list of animals in danger of extinction in Peru, it is native to the jungle. This small bird makes its life specifically in the region of the high jungles of Peru, specifically in the Utcubamba river basin. This bird has a very small territory, due to this limitation its habitat is in danger due to pollution and the felling of the jungle. Its situation is critical and currently its population has been in decline.

White-winged Guan

The white-winged turkey or as it is also known Penelope albipennis is another bird that has been classified on the list of animals in danger of extinction in Peru. This bird is in a very bad situation due to the decrease in the number of its population. White-winged Guan is a large galliform bird which lives in the dry forests of the north coast of this country. With this we refer to the regions that are quite delimited and as a consequence constantly suffer from the destruction of their natural habitat.

To these factors you can also add other reasons why it is in danger of extinction. Which is that their reproduction rate is very low and that also as a consequence of the human being they are constantly hunted in an indiscriminate way.

Blue whale

The blue whale or blue fin whale is the largest animal species in the world and unfortunately has low numbers of its population. That is why it has been classified on the list of animals in danger of extinction in Peru, although it is not only in this country that it is in this critical state. According to studies, it has been concluded that it is global. It is a large mammal and is considered a migratory animal. The factors that affect their survival rate have to do with the severe increase in climate change and the destruction of their habitats. In addition to hunting and noise pollution in the water.

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