Dreaming of rats, discover its meaning and much more

An unsettling feeling arises when these unpleasant creatures appear in dreams, however, knowing the meaning of dream about rats can be a very helpful tool when responding to this alert. Know the meaning of dreaming about rats and much more in this interesting article.

dream of rats

What does it mean to dream of rats?

Dreaming of rats is usually an alarm planted in the subconscious by the inner vibrations of the spirit. It can be about the representation of problems that will arise, obligations and mishaps still to be resolved or even a spiritual and emotional growth that is about to go through.

The rat is the animal that symbolizes betrayal, deception, bad intentions, greed, envy and toxicity. The infiltrators in your life that are causing the negative vibrations you receive present themselves as an alert in your dream in the form of a rat.

Regardless of the revulsion and bitterness with which animals such as rats, snakes, cockroaches or spiders are commonly related, it should not always be assumed that it has some negative meaning.

dream about rats

Dreams in which repulsive animals are presented often have a fairly solid lucidity, this causes rejection and displeasure to intensify. However, such lucidity is essential for the specific meaning of the dream to be discovered.

If you are interested, discover here everything about the meaning of dream about cockroaches

Although dreaming of rats often tends to be an alert or indication of an evil to come, you should not be alerted, the meaning of these dreams can change completely depending on the characteristics of the dream.

To interpret these dreams effectively, it is necessary to remember details such as the appearance and characterization of the rats, the context or situation, the number of rats, the color and how the subject interacted with said creatures.

The appearance of rats

Rat dream interpretations can vary depending on the physical characteristics of the animals in the dream. There can be multiple possible results that depend on the feelings settled in the soul.

dream of rats

The color, size or shape that the rats took in the dream is one of the most important aspects that interferes when interpreting its meaning.


Gray rats are the best known variation of this species in many parts of the world, although this does not mean that they are the most recurrent representation for messages from the subconscious.

Dreaming of gray rats is an indication of the presence of some negative energy transmitted by someone in the circle.

When these animals appear in the dream, the parts of the subconscious that have been victims of the consequences of bad influences, bad examples, abuses and toxic and negative attitudes that must be completely discarded from the subject's life are taking care of this message.

dream about rats

The grayish color of these rats is a symbol of the ability of these people to absorb the vital energy of the individual, weaken the will and determination and subtract the color that fills their lives based on comments, criticism, and bad vibes, thus making a presence with their actions, gradually submerging the person's life in a black and white of negativity and restlessness.

When the consequences of toxic relationships creep into the subconscious, it sends an alert represented in the form of rats to make you realize that something is wrong and that there are people who should be removed from your path.

In the dream, these unpleasant rodents can appear at work, referring to someone negligently disturbing or irritating the work environment.

dream about rats

If the rats appear in a personal environment such as the home, it may be a relative or close friend who is disturbing the tranquility and stability of the subject.

Once you know the meaning of this dream, you can take actions for your own good and that of your environment.


Just like the gray rats, the black ones tend to represent the presence and actions of some character in relation to the individual. In this case, the black rats symbolize someone close to you, probably someone with whom you have an intimate relationship.

These dreams have a much more dangerous meaning, because it has a lot to do with someone with more determined intentions to harm, betray and even put the life of the individual at risk.

dream about rats

The very fact that black rats appear in dreams can be alarming in itself and its meaning is not very pleasant either. Rats represent all those people who may be attacking your physical, emotional and spiritual integrity.

The envy of a close friend can often be one of the triggers for these alarming sensations to hide in the subconscious and come to light in a dream in the form of a rat.

If rats show up at work, they are alerting you to imminent danger from someone trying to displace you from your job or belittle your efforts.

If they appear in an unknown place or one that has been used very little in real life, it may be a new person who has just come into your life hiding bad intentions.

dream about rats


White rats are an atypical variation of this species, this means that when they appear in dreams they have a much easier meaning to interpret and distinguish. When the rats appear white they transmit a positive message from the subconscious.

When the soul sees constant opportunities for improvement, redemption and mercy, the subconscious sends messages in dreams that serve as an alarm representing all those opportunities and changes that should be used for the better as a person.

The white color symbolizes purification and goodness. Usually this character spectrum takes the form of a rat in dreams as an indicator of those qualities of the soul that are going to go through a process of spiritual and emotional growth.

The number of rats that are presented indicates the amount of aspects that have to be eliminated and optimized in the personality.

It should be noted that the sign that there are aspects and energies in your life that need to be purified is not always bad, there is not a danger that lies in wait for you, but rather that there is an opportunity to go through a process of spiritual and emotional growth, discarding all those negativities and influences that do not bring anything good to your daily life.


When going through a traumatic event, a painful experience or a complex stage, many feelings that have to be faced are hidden in the recesses of the mind. However, when you dream, it is common for drowned memories of the subconscious to be present.

These rats appear in the dream world as the representation of all those emotions, feelings and insecurities that unconsciously echo in your daily life. They are indicative that you carry an emotional weight that must be unburdened and overcome.

This weight can be the presence of a person you love but who does not contribute to your peace, a duty or occupation that is subtracting all your vital energy without properly compensating you, or it can even be some habit or addiction that is echoing in your chakras.

The presence of brown rats means that the feelings that are stuck in the back of the mind have to be cleared. Everything that is not useful for spiritual growth and prosperity must be removed from your life.

Brown rats are signs that there is a great weight in the spirit that is due to the presence of repressed thoughts, problems, conflicts and emotions that have to be overcome. Even the bad influence of people with toxic attitudes who seek to belittle you is a cause of these dreams.

The brown color of rats symbolize everything that is an obstacle to the full development of the soul.

Usually, many of the insecurities go unnoticed in the mind even though they persist there, this affects your spiritual projection and disturbs the vision of the future. This dream indicates that you must go through a process of renewal of objectives, relationships and character.

What does it mean to dream of big rats?

When the rats appear above the average size, these are usually related to the proximity of a change or spiritual move. On the physical plane, in any area of ​​your life, a relevant change can occur that will bring with it new opportunities and challenges.

This coming change usually concerns difficulties of a higher level of concern. The bigger the rats in the dream, the more serious the danger or obstacle that can come your way.

Why this dream?

This representation is due to the spiritual sense that is alert to each of the situations that can slip into your life. Susceptibility and fragility give way to these signs that some problem or mishap is going to arise.

Rats can also be presented, or in this case a single rat, of enormous size. This dream is a premonition that a real threat is on its way and that you have to take the necessary measures so that it does not hit every aspect of your life.

dream about rats

However, the meaning of these dreams, in relation to the size of the rats, can also vary completely, if you are aware of other characteristics of the rodent such as color or its interaction with you in the dream.

Frequently these dreams are premonitions of problems and difficult stages that will arise in your love life. The largest rats represent problems with your partner in case this is one of the priorities with the most weight in your daily life.

Couple crises are really overwhelming situations that store questions and doubts in the subconscious and therefore, when compromising signs appear in a love situation, signs and warnings arise in a dream based on those tensions and doubts that are repressed.

To take further precautions, you must analyze each of the characteristics independently and draw a conclusion regarding the interpretation of the dream. Size and color are related, making the dream have a much deeper meaning.


On the contrary to large rats, when they appear small or regular in size and harmless in appearance, the danger is minimized, it is a warning that there are problems that are just emerging and you are still in good time to root them out.

Small rats warn of problems that are emerging in different areas of your life and you need to neutralize them before they become bigger events. However, the meaning of this dream can vary and you may first have to analyze and re-evaluate the circumstances of your life to conclude with an interpretation.

When in the dream the rats run from hiding place to hiding place and become a background in the dream world, it is possible that there are things that require more attention than you are paying them.

These are animals that run from one place to another spontaneously and inconcisely, in the dream they indicate a flaw in character.

They come as signs of things you are procrastinating, things you are doing reluctantly, or they may be duties and responsibilities that you avoid and have the potential to wreak havoc if you don't make a change in how you do things.

Because rats are small they may be less serious problems and can be easily resolved if you identify them early, however, the tricky part is that these problems can bring stress, anxiety and even illness if not handled carefully.

Dream of many rats

Due to the rejection of these animals, the meaning of dreaming of a large number of rats can be easily misunderstood. Even when dreaming of rats of different colors and sizes is a warning sign, dreaming of many rats can also be related to something positive.

dream about rats

peaceful rats

However, the meaning that this dream can have totally depends on the context and the behavior of these animals in the dream.

It is known that when rats stay in the home of the individual in the dream, it is because they find hospitality and warmth in that home.

If the rats are only present without disturbing or negatively affecting the integrity of the house or its inhabitants, it means that your house is a caring place and is a fertile ground for spiritual prosperity.

Groups of rats, even if they are associated with bad entities, if they are presented in a peaceful way can be harbingers of stages of self-improvement, spiritual, emotional and economic growth.

dream about rats

Usually, it can also be implied that a bunch of rats have been purged from your life. If you see them leaving home, it means that those evil carriers of dark, corrupt and gloomy energies are heading towards the distances of your life.

menacing rats

It should be noted that this is only the interpretation of a dream where numerous rats appear peacefully, but what happens when the rats have a threatening attitude?

In many situations, the weight of negative vibrations flowing through your chakras and subconscious can lead to frightening dreams.

When rats appear in abnormal numbers and do not appear peacefully, but on the contrary, in one way or another threaten your integrity or that of your relatives in the dream, it is a sign of extreme danger.

The high number of rats represents the multiplication of adversities that may be about to happen in any area of ​​your life. They are things that are accumulating on you and that you ignore, problems that will entangle your development in everyday life and mishaps that can put your emotional stability in real danger.

When numerous rats appear at home or in the neighborhood, it is safe to assume that they are toxic neighbors. They are people who, regardless of how long they have been in your life, will be disturbing the peace of your home or workplace by abusing the trust that has been given to them.

In addition to this, rats in groups can be both negative and positive depending on what attitude they take in the dream. It is common to feel disgusted by this nightmare, however, do not let that feeling cloud the interpretation that can be given to your dream.

Dream of dead rats

Dreaming of a dead animal can be one of the most terrifying, unpleasant and repulsive dreams that someone can have. These dreams immediately convey a sense of disgust and terror, and you can rightly feel this if you have such a dream.

However, how this dream is interpreted varies depending on the circumstances or the state of the corpse. The meaning that can be given to it, however, also depends on the number of rats and even on their color.

A dead rat in a state of unpleasant decomposition and with many flies in the dream is a resounding symbol of alert. Decomposing rats are often presented as a bad omen, messengers of threat, or signs of imminent danger.

This animal in that state symbolizes a declaration of war by someone who seeks to attack the integrity of the individual in any field. It may be a person who wants to create chaos in your life.

If a close person also appeared in the dream, it is possible that it is that person. An individual who tries to harm you is present in your life and your subconscious is alerted to all the dangers involved in relating to that person.


In case you have had a similar dream, you can resort to the help of the Shungite, a stone with metaphysical qualities that will be in charge of protecting you.

What does the dead rat symbolize?

It is likely to be about revenge, resentment, a serious conflict or bad intentions fueled by envy.

Find that person in whom a hatred or aversion towards you grows and completely cut the ties to refute any vibration that portends danger against your emotional, physical, spiritual or work integrity.

The number of flies that appear on the carcass of the animal also interferes with the meaning of this dream. The more insects and scavengers surround the body of the rat, the more corrupt, malicious and perverse are the intentions of that person who, hidden in the shadows, is planning how to harm you.

dream about rats

On the other hand, when the rat is physically preserved, the meaning can take a sharp turn. A dead rat that has not been stalked by animals such as flies or worms is a symbol of victory, that some enemy, danger or problem in life has been expelled.

In this case, the dead rat represents that problem that you overcame, that difficulty that you have known how to get out of, and that bad influence that was expelled from your life.

When many dead rats appear in the dream, it is an even greater achievement. During a phase of spiritual growth, you managed to get rid of all those mishaps and weights that did not allow you to fully emerge on a spiritual and emotional level.

Dream about being bitten by a rat

The interpretation that can be given to a dream where it bites you is a bit complex but it should be noted that it is very important to know that meaning.

The bite of a rat represents the influence of a person who is hurting you without you realizing it. It's time to find the courage and courage necessary to put a stop to that person who, with his actions and words, is disturbing your stability.

The deepest or most complex part of this dream encompasses everything that has to do with the disease. There are diseases that are generated from the emotions and the spirit. When these internal entities are disturbed because of a person, these diseases can arise due to emotional exhaustion or the attraction of negative energies.

Dream that you kill a rat

This dream scenario arises as a symbol that you have freed yourself from the toxic influence of someone who was not bringing anything good to your life, but on the contrary, was tying you to the bottom, making progress impossible for you.

Rats represent all those relationships that contribute badly to your spiritual, work and mental health stability. In addition to this, killing a rat is an indication of a positive outcome in your life.

rat at home

When you dream that a rat enters the house, it is due to a part of your mind that is uncomfortable in the presence of the energies of another person in your home. In this case the rat represents that person who has slipped into your personal space.

Identify that person and try to recognize how they are disturbing your peace in the home environment. Just as it can be about someone who, like you, also lives in your house, it can also be related to someone who has been allowed the freedom to enter and leave as they please; perhaps it represents someone who has been abusing the trust placed in them.

dream about rats

Rats coming out of holes in the walls

When rats come out of holes in the walls something is not right. Your subconscious feels nervous about some tasks that have not been done or are weighing you down.

This dream represents those occupations and responsibilities that are slipping out of your hands and indicates a great lack of control over your time.

The fact that rats infiltrate your house through holes in the walls symbolizes the overload of chores that overwhelm you, make you lose control and manage your time.

Dream of rats running

If you have recently dreamed of rats running around your environment, it is likely that some loose ends are present in your life.

Ignored problems and repressed conflicts take the form of an elusive rat in your dreams to make you see that perhaps it is time to wake up and face the different problems that are present in your life.

Suppressing feelings or problems is not always self-control and doing so can mean that the vibrations of the chakras do not flow in the best way. These problems that seep into dreams must be faced and resolved, or else they will continue to weigh on your inner emotions.

rats that climb on the bed

If this were a real event, the presence of a rat in your resting place could easily be one of the most terrifying experiences you have ever had.

A rat that climbs on your bed in the dream world is a vivid representation of those fears and anxieties that do not allow you to fall asleep prosperously.

The thoughts that overwhelm the mind preventing rest can be very harmful to your physical and mental health.

It is important that you are able to wake up with the energy to subtract all those inner fears and overcome them before these insecurities can grow and become a real danger to your integrity.

If you have had this or other similar dreams frequently, you may be interested in knowing what the dreams mean. recurring dreams.

It is important to be alert to this type of dreams and know how they should be interpreted. If you were interested in this article, you can find many more on our blog.

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