Industrial Waste: What are they? Characteristics, Types and more

When mentioning industrial waste refers emphatically to the processes resulting from manufacturing, consumption, cleaning, use or support created by the same industry activity, in this article you will find information regarding the characteristics, types and more regarding to everything that has to do with industrial waste

Industrial Waste Management

Definition of Industrial Waste

Today's social orders are described by an extraordinary advance in commercial activity and by the founding of an industry that works in different divisions to create products and services that address the problems of such a demanding society, which is growing every day.

Society, for a long time, has asked the commercial buyer for certain goods to compensate for their needs, without taking into account the natural repercussions of the procedures for extracting raw materials or forms of production and that over time would cause problems in the environment due to contaminating agents. The question arises,What is industrial waste? It can simply be defined as unwanted, useless junk that you try to get rid of.

With the creation of excesses, an interest has been provoked above the demand and the use of raw materials and releases of polluting agents at levels that have influenced the well-being and health of society. How important is it to consider environmental elements as feasible to preserve a in the best way.

In order to truly know the ecological effect of certain processes and elements, the life cycle is forced and in this way innumerable effects ranging from birth to death are rectified.

Currently, it is initiated by the experience of large organizations and induced by the specialized commission, which advances even further in the investigation and control of polluting agents, finding an answer in the plan of products and processes that generate it.

Undoubtedly, a great raw material structure and modality can dramatically decrease environmental corruption. 

Characteristics of industrial waste

The industrial movement, similar to any human action, produces a quantity of waste that occurs in the common habitat: air, water, land and that is known as industrial waste. In addition, different effects start, for example, the deafening noise; which has been distinguished as waste created in forms of change in the environmental part


The classification of industrial waste has been arranged in some nations in three main areas:

  • Inert waste (slag, garbage). 
  • Waste assimilable to urban waste.
  • Also called special waste.

Latent and inert waste is that which, due to its particularities and structure, does not present extraordinary dangers to nature or the welfare of animals, nor does it influence human welfare. However, it is of the utmost importance to Environmental diagnosis to assess its conditions.

This waste can be stored, thrown away or deposited without prior treatment and should only be placed properly in the designated places so as not to alter the physical space of the environmental condition. It is made up of scrap metal, rubble, ash, slag, glass, etc.

Industrial waste can be captured by waste from the environment, which has a natural formation of disintegrating at a very basic level, which allows it to have a form of treatment with the use of those technological advances such as those used to control in some way how the waste left in the environment should be treated.

They are produced mainly in businesses: food, cardboard, paper, plastic, materials, wood, elastic. Uncommon or also called hazardous waste (RP), which is produced mainly in industrial work. They have a high fouling potential and a pretty serious danger to human well-being and the earth.

Hazardous industrial waste

Hazardous waste is a phrase that includes all losses from profitable work that may refer to a specific hazard or risk to man or some other form of life.

According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), what is often called hazardous industrial waste is characterized as residue or a mixture of waste that presents a specific danger, regardless of whether it is present, for human well-being or for others. living beings, due to any of the four conventional reasons that accompany it:

  • Without degradability and laboriousness in the landfill.
  • Possibility of destructive impacts due to the total accumulated impact.
  • Possibility of experiencing organic changes, with alteration of its effects.
  • High substance in deadly parts.

Industrial Waste Prevention

Industrial waste can be hazardous under certain conditions:

  • The substances that make them up and fix them.
  • The physical structure in which each of these residues is found.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has characterized very affirmatively that, due to contamination in man, there are parameters that determine it:

  • Acceptable portion day by day by ingestion (mg/day).
  • Tolerable portion week after week (mg/7 days).
  • Various cutting edges: noticeable limit setting around and in the working environment, in mg/m3 and ppm (parts per million).

The impact of harmfulness is based on numerous components, for example, the forcefulness of the agent of toxicity, chemical composition, dispersion in the medium, the synergy or threat of contaminants, the obstruction restricted by the receptor, the level of osmosis, aggregation and limitation.

There are several models for the recognizable proof of hazardous waste, for example, conceived by the Battelle Institute this is a modality that prohibits radioactivity.

Another distinctive testing framework that can be used is one that relies on the disposal of hazardous waste by its properties. According to this framework, an unsafe waste is recognized as such when it meets at least one of the qualities of an accumulated and established group.

Hazardous Industrial Waste

At the time that a waste meets different aspects, for example, destructive, corrosive, dangerous, it is remembered for being part of that group closest to its predominant character. As numerous current rules indicate, each of them has been registered in different countries.

In Spain, the Waste Law characterizes unsafe waste: those that appear in the summary of hazardous waste, stated in Royal Decree 952/1997, as well as the containers and compartments that have contained them.

Those that have been named dangerous by the guidelines of the community network and those that could be supported by the government according to the agreements of the European norms or the universal understandings to which Spain belongs.

It is a definition that is fully updated with Decision 2000/532/EC that distinguishes unsafe waste in the European Waste List (LER) and develops the important components that are relevant to continue with said identification. This is actually attached to Annex 2.A of Order MAM/304/2002.

In any case, the government or, when appropriate, the Autonomous Communities in their particular regions of competent environments, can choose in rare cases that a waste that appears on the European List of Waste as dangerous does not have that consideration or that a waste has the idea of ​​being risky even though it doesn't appear on the List.

Industrial waste

In specific cases of not manifesting or manifesting separately those qualities registered in the Basic Law of Toxic and Hazardous Waste. As indicated in Order MAM/304/2002, the so-called hazardous waste is considered to have at least one of the characteristics registered in annex III of Council Directive 91/689/CEE, extension III.

Geographical distribution

The terrestrial circulation of the era of these wastes is sporadic and is adapted by the area of ​​regions of solid industrial implantation and by the dominant type of industry in each geographical zone.

In the National Planning for Hazardous Waste, it is seen that there are eleven Autonomous Communities that create a quantity of waste of more than 100,000 tons per year and four that highlight the creation of 500,000 tons.

It can be mentioned that Asturias, presented up to 1.452.513 tons, is the community with the highest generation of waste. And that the least amount of hazardous waste is created in the autonomous communities of Extremadura and La Rioja, not to mention the autonomous urban areas of Ceuta and Melilla.

Charge of the industrial sectors to the production of Hazardous Waste

Every job that is done in industries creates what we usually call industrial waste, however, some segments are distinguished due to the nature and quantity of their residues. In this way, it can be seen that the waste inventory made by Spain managed to discover the commercial parts with the great potential that produce waste.

Industrial waste

In Spain, around 85% of unsafe waste is produced in industrial divisions that are much more modern:

  • Chemically compounded industry with only 32.6%
  • With the manufacture of Vehicle it produces 11.2%
  • Assembly of metallic products with 10.2%
  • With Food production 8.1%
  • With the Paper Industry 7.6%
  • Leather of tanned animals with 7.1%
  • The production and transformation of metals with 4.1%
  • Fabulous manufacture of electrical material 3.4%
  • All for an amount of 84.3%

RP treatment limit in Spain

The total treatment limit, with the exception of waste from the LER 01 section, which deals with waste from prospecting, quarrying and mining extraction, as well as physical and chemical treatments based on minerals, which are between 5.530.597. 2.697.605 t / a, of which XNUMX belong to disposable treatments.

Either in hazardous or balanced waste landfills with 1.494.193 t or in biological preparation physical chemical treatment plants with 1.185.412 t; while the 2.851.352 t are identified with the current limit of recovery, recovery and reuse.

Of the pronounced treatment limit, approximately 14% is considered to belong to the manufacturers/managers that carry out nearby treatments for their own waste, which would be about 792,417 t/yr.

The detailed records that are feasible within the limit of the mission of treating waste as established by MARPOL, which are manifested in specific cases such as the volume of wells with large capacity, a figure that can be misleading if the nature of the waste is not considered. exceptional quality of these facilities and their usual way of doing things.

This is the unsafe waste treatment infrastructure:

  • Sanitary sewers for hazardous waste with 8
  • Physical-chemical treatment plants with 48
  • Cremation plants with 1 and 8 for those non-unsafe residues
  • Modern industrial plants approved to valorize industrial oils with an 11

In 2003, the manufacturers of unsafe waste made 10.806 claims and in the year of 2005, about 400,000 control and observation records were made, managed by the Ministry of the Environment. Information of that year on the GRP. Hazardous waste management.

Objectives of the II National Hazardous Waste Plan

The objectives and the main lines of activity are established in the II PNRP (2007-2015) there, for example, the rules on how to prevent and the obligation of the manufacturer are collected in two different ways, with the support of the European Union, recognizing the activities that must advance as an objective of necessity, the dynamic decrease of the volume and the danger of the waste produced.

Of the activities that must guarantee the adequate treatment of the waste created. Both goals are expected to be achieved at the same time. However, it only stands out that only the second of these objectives has been managed to a certain extent with unequal effects as indicated by the types of waste and the regions where they are located, which also counts when doing the elimination work.

Opening markets for the recovery and reuse of hazardous waste in a way that supports the use of materials obtained from these wastes is a measure from which positive results can be normal.

As a complement to the preventive action, a subsequent objective is proposed: to consider achieving the most ideal management for 100% of hazardous waste, which is understood as the most goal-oriented from an ecological, specialized and financially practical perspective.


In this planning, the conceivable results of preventing Hazardous Waste (HW) have been evaluated using methods for a more complex evaluation, carried out in innovative terms, among those applied in the various production areas in Spanish and the BAT for each of them. .

Therefore, the most extreme abatement potential has been assessed, that which would be achieved if current modern industrial instruments were supplanted by BAT in all companies and nearby areas.

It is indisputable that achieving this is so easy due to the short time allotted, so that it is planned in order to prevent contamination and that it should be sequentially in the medium and long term, while specialized, legal and monetary indicators are carried out to conceive this innovative advance of our industrial center.

It is considered feasible to achieve a decrease in the production of hazardous waste / HW / of 15% before the end of 2015; a midpoint of the road with a decrease of 8% towards the end of the year 2011.


El Reusing is to be considered conceivable to achieve the quantitative objectives:

  • Used modern industrial oils with only 55% of the recovered used oils that go from 1-1-2007 and 65% to 1-1-2008 (RD 679/2006 of June 2).

In addition, objectives of 75% are established as of 31/12/2010 and 80% as of 31/12/2013.

  • Solvents with 60% as of 31-12-2010 and 70% as of 31-12-2013.
  • Other RP starts from 5% as of 31-12-2010 and 10% as of 31-12-2015.

The management of those oils that are of industrial origin and that are used is directed in the RD. 679/2006, of June 2, which from now on requires less quantitative approaches for recovery.

From a viable and legal perspective, it is worth mentioning a significant new component contained both in the new ETPRR and in the Commission's proposal for the correction of the Framework Directive: whose proposal to establish election measures that allow choosing when a waste leaves if so legally and becomes an article or result of a by-product.

This is a very problematic point of view to indicate that it has practical results. In the particular case of reuse, it is also applicable to recognize the reuse of materials that have recently been wasted from that same reuse of materials that have not been legitimately obtained as waste (reusable grouping, for example, packaging). In this Plan, the actual enactment has been carefully considered.


The reuse or material recovery of 30-33% of the HW hazardous waste produced is considered conceivable.

Energy recovery

In what is usually called practice, this use of energy accumulated in some waste can be created in industrial and electrical installations (cement, thermal, brick) as fuel substitutes, provided that the ecological and administrative conditions are followed.

This technique does not require specific facilities, although it is often very necessary to adapt the technology of the industrial plant to the law that regulates the burning of waste, in order to obtain the requested ecological quality sensors.

There is also the possibility of specific thermal waste treatment plants, in which the heat of the gases caused by combustion is considered; there are also few plants of this type.

It can be seen that in this Plan with only 4-6% it would be the percentage of RP produced and that at the same time can be recovered energetically and that manage to reach a very important apex within the validity period of the Plan; however, a part of that percentage could be used as a substitute for other fuels that are also undergoing heat treatment with heat recovery.

In the situation allusive to oils, it is totally particular because they are used industrial oils and for this, they were processed in the following time sequence of energy recovery:

  • With 45% in the year 2007.
  • An approximate 35% for 2008.

Incorporating two new objectives for this plan:

  • An estimated 25% in 2010.
  • As well as 20% in 2015.

The best decreasing pattern of these targets is shown by the destinations of the reuse (recovery) targets in reverse. Numerous elements can influence them, including those obtained from the emergence of new advances in energy vitality recovery, the possibility of using mixtures and their management in specialized cogeneration centers.

Industrial waste disposal

There are two very primary ways to dispose: through the security deposit or landfill (D5) and burning without energy recovery (D10). Likewise, both biological elimination treatments (D8) and physicochemical ones (D9) are possible.

Security establishments for RP must comply with RD 1481/2001, an ordinance that regulates the expulsion of waste through landfill deposits and cremation plants that must comply with the requirements of RD 653/2003.

Likewise, it must be included in the scope of application of the Spanish Law 16/2002 of July 1, on the prevention and integrated control of pollution, in order to define the BAT in this type of HW treatment.

However, what is in accordance with the principle of proximity and minimum transport, is that RP must be eradicated with great care from the space where they are produced, in Spain this is very difficult, due to the low number of installations of this type with which it is counted (8 landfills and 1 cremator) having a rather poor capacity.

Once the accessible statistical tables and the characteristics of the PR trained in Spain have been adjusted, it can be seen that 65-67% of the hazardous waste / PR / that are produced would have to be managed by eliminating them at the root.

It is emphasized very emphatically that the details of the recyclable, energy-recoverable RPs already reserved for the elimination of those currently specified, making for this the amount by applying the principle of hierarchy.

As the objectives already established are achieved and therefore are recorded in the future to prevent, it would then be said that they would vary, changing the percentages later. It will therefore be necessary in the plan to recalculate these figures at each review.

If it is 25-27% of the disposable waste, it must meet the specific technical conditions for its cremation (D10), 28-32% for its deposit in a landfill (D5) and what remains would be eliminated by D8 and D9.

Considering that there is opposition in a certain social circle to cremation, a part of the incinerable RP can be used as a landfill deposit, estimation with criteria of a legal nature, relative danger and potential environmental impact.

A new calculation has been made on each assumption, according to which the incinerated RP would be compressed by 4-6%, which would increase approximately 44-48%, which would be the amount deposited in the landfills or deposits already established for such work. .

You can also keep in mind that there is that exclusive moment to eliminate those non-recoverable RPs through burning or making use of security deposits, this will imply a certain flexibility at the time of achieving the objectives set forth in that Plan. On the other hand, that is to say, that 14-16% would be going to biological treatment (D8) or physical-chemical elimination (D9).

The elimination of RP by dumping can be done immediately, of course by means of a stabilization or solidification treatment, or simply by means of decontamination or detoxification operations using physicochemical or biological processes, also altering its condition as RP, but which at the same time serve to eliminate them.

Regarding the quantitative objective used for the elimination, which has turned out to be quite practical and feasible, of the volume of RP proposed for safety storage or burning, it is an estimated 20-25% within the legitimacy time of this Plan; it is what would be called a reasonable enough target in the middle of the road that would approximate 40-42% as of 31-12-2010.

What to do with industrial waste?

It is very important to be clear that both the manufacturer and the initial owner of the waste should be obliged to comply with a series of guidelines that allow them to guarantee the best possible treatment of their waste:

  • He would be called upon to carry out the treatment of this waste without anyone else, that is, by himself.
  • Put the treatment of your waste in the hands of a negotiator, it can also be a company or an entity that is duly registered to do such work according to the provisions of this Law.

Transfer this waste to a competent private or public entity that collects it, including those entities of the social economy, for its treatment, because if they know what to apply and how to do it, they are competent in their work, that is why they are the experts.

What are the types of Industrial Waste?

The word waste, as indicated by the Waste Law, refers to all the material estimated as waste and that must be discarded. With the elimination it can be achieved that it is kept away from sanitary or natural consequences and, in addition, given the deficiency of raw materials and its purpose is to recover everything that can be reused.

Life is lived in an environment where the creation of waste is continuously expanding and the monetary action related to it becomes increasingly significant.

There is massive attention to waste reuse under the chain of command rule that should focus on prevention, minimization, plans that estimate that waste, before proceeding with disposal. This suggests complying with the many measures:

The origin of these measures (preventive anticipation), occurs before an item is wasted, with the modality of reducing the amount and type of dangerous substances and in turn keeping away from the antagonistic effects on human well-being and the earth.

There is a significant value commitment that occurs through management and preparation with the aim that the waste can be reused, stored creating certain types of recovery (vitality, material.)

Industrial waste

Types of waste under legal classification

For the sake of knowledge about the  types of industrial waste it is considered that, with the global management of the waste created, it is essential to characterize it. There are various distinctions, depending on its onset, risk, and composition. Of these, the most important legal agreement is in accordance with Law 22/2011, of July 28, on waste and contaminated soils to improve their subsequent management:

Residential waste: This kind of waste is produced in family units as a result of housework. They are residues that are very similar to those that occur in industries such as garbage, pots, papers and information documents, among others.

Commercial waste:  It is made up of the waste that remains from the work of commerce due to the movement of exchange, discount and retail business, from the services of cafeterias and taverns, from workplaces such as offices and markets, as well as from the entire part of services.

Industrial waste: These residues are those that originate from the processes of manufacturing, change, use, cleaning or maintenance produced by the action of modern industry, except for discharges into the air that are controlled in Law 34/2007, of the 15th of the month of November.

Dangerous residues:  These are wastes that have at least one of the risk qualities registered in Annex III and that could be affirmed by the Government according to the agreements with Europe or global agreements to which Spain belongs, as well as the containers and compartments where they are contained. .

It is a group that is complemented by what is established in RD1481/01 that manages that they must be eliminated by means of deposits in a landfill:

Inert waste: They are strong sticky residues that, when deposited in a landfill, do not undergo interesting physical or biological critical changes such as oil, plastic, wood.

Non-hazardous waste: When it is said that they are not dangerous, it is because they do not carry any risk, because they are just cardboard and cans, among others.

Biodegradable waste: It is made up of Waste from nurseries and parks, food waste, network kitchen cafeterias and retail foundations; just like the accumulations of plants that prepare food.

Types of waste with special typologies

They belong to the class of residues that are controlled by special laws among them are achieved:

Radioactive waste: According to the General Plan for Highly Hazardous Waste /PGRR/, those materials that show signs of radiation and for which no use is predicted are highlighted. Contaminated fluids and residual gases are incorporated.

Sanitary waste: That in accordance with Decree 83/1999, of June 3, which controls the creation and management of the board of biosanitary and cytotoxic waste in the Community of Madrid, which applies that these wastes are those that are produced in environments medical devices such as containers containing certain amounts of drugs, sharp objects, needles, objects contaminated with blood.

Demolition and Construction Waste: In accordance with what is dictated by Royal Decree 105/2008, of February 1, which governs the creation and management of Construction and Demolition waste, which establishes that these are waste of an inert nature caused by construction works, excavations, remodeling , repairs and demolitions. For each type of waste there is a special treatment.

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