The 69 Rarest Animals in the World You Should Know

This is not a science fiction post, but you will surely believe that you are amazed when you see this selection that we have made of rare animals. These are the strangest and most extravagant creatures you can imagine.

Rare animals


As strange as they may seem, the list is not small. There are them in all species and of all kinds, in air, sea or land, but they always manage to stay away from prying eyes. In addition, perhaps that is your only defense against the risk in which a good part of the creatures on this surprising list are found, such as; crime hunting. A practice that is always accompanied by the shadow of extinction.

In such a way that this article, in addition to showing you the magic and surprising diversity of nature, also seeks to raise awareness about the need to preserve these extraordinary creatures so that our future generations can also marvel at them.

But surely you have already wanted to know why there are such strange and fascinating creatures. About that you must remember that mother nature is wise. In such a way that she grants all her creatures what they require to be able to adapt and not become extinct.

But these special conditions that nature confers on its creatures, in some cases seem exaggerated. This usually occurs when the environment demands more from some creatures than others in order to survive.

Therein lies, in most cases, the secret of their strange appearances, which is also the source of their strange beauty. But let's start with the list, because it is long, which we will divide according to the types of animals. So the first ones are, as the subtitle indicates, the mammals. Let's see:

Star-nosed Mole

This little friend is a variety of mole that lives in both the US and Canada, but as long as it is on fairly moist land. The first of our list of rarest animals in the world, has 22 stubby fingers that it uses to dig. He is also endowed with a nose that is very sensitive.

Admittedly, it is not exactly the Brad Pitt of animals. His unpleasant appearance is perhaps more reminiscent of the scene in the movie Predator, when the monster wants to eat Schwarzenegger when he takes off his mask.

Rare animals

long nose monkey

The next member of this select list of the rarest animals in the world It is the Proboscis monkey, better known as the Long-nosed Monkey, due to its strange appearance it should not surprise us that it is a native of the island of Borneo. It is distinguished by an extremely long and wide nose. Certain scholars of the subject consider that his extravagant features are his sexual hook to conquer the best girls of his gender.

Rare animals

the amur leopard

Now we introduce you to the Amur leopard, which is also often known by the name of the Siberian leopard. Third on the list rare animal names, is also one of the rarest varieties of leopard and one of the Wild animals more wonderful. Unfortunately, currently only about 86 copies are counted in the world.

Our majestic feline hails from a remote Russian region called Primorye. But they can also inhabit places in China adjoining the region of the tsars.

La International Union for the Conservation of Nature, adds it to another list, one less desired than the present one. This is the list of animals in critical danger of extinction.

Rare animals

Aye Aye

Our next guest on the list strange animals, is the Aye Aye (daubentonia madagascarensis), one of the lemur family. It is a monkey from another special place for rare animals: Madagascar.

As we have said before, many of the members of this list are in danger of extinction and the strange Aye aye is no exception. This extraordinary creature exhibits rodent teeth, which allow it to gnaw through the bark of plants. But if something characterizes it, surely it is its very long and extremely thin fingers, with which it uses the holes to extract its food. It is nocturnal in behavior, so it is often mistaken for a bat.

Rare animals

Pink Armadillo

The Armadillo Rosado is typical of the Argentine territory. The flirtatious little animal measures about four inches, making it the smallest of all the armadillo varieties.

This beautiful little animal is covered with soft white fur, while a strong pink shell protects its back and head. With such bearing, he has earned a place among the strangest animals in the world. It inhabits sandy and dry places, especially where there is an abundance of bushes.

It bases its diet on invertebrates and plants. It is shy and elusive, so it can be seen very rarely, when it comes to the surface. But this behavior is due to the fact that it is very prone to stress, so it avoids encounters with people. In addition, it is known that it does not manage to survive more than eight days in captivity.

Rare animals

tarsius tarsier

The Tarsius tarsier is our next on the list of rare animals. Also known as the ghost tarsier, it is a monkey with huge eyes and long fingers. For some experts, this creature has the largest eye in proportion to its size among all mammals.

It is famous, since it manages to arouse the feeling of compassion or tenderness, thanks to its fragile appearance. His small size and an extremely distressed look due to the effect of his colossal eyes, manage to move even the coldest spirit.

They are nocturnal and like to live in small groups of two to six specimens. Adult males weigh up to 130 grams, while females can reach 114 grams. As for the length, it is calculated at 14 centimeters on average for adults. But that measurement does not include the tail, which alone can measure 26 cm.

But despite their sad and even moving look, they are carnivores. In such a way that they feed 100 percent on live prey, their favorite being insects. Although eventually they can devour some other vertebrate, as long as it is small, among these reptiles and rodents.

Our rare little animal is equipped with useful and extreme adaptations that allow it to climb vertically to climb and move by jumping from branch to branch. It can be found most commonly in the forests of Indonesia.

Rare animals

Uakari or Bald Monkey

We continue with our long list of rare animals with the Uakarí. It is a monkey native to the Amazon jungles. It usually lives in communities, for which it selects the most swampy places. It is completely covered by thick and long hair, except on the head, from where its name of bald monkey comes from.

This striking peculiarity, coupled with their extremely ruddy complexion, gives them the appearance of a creature with health problems. Even more so when having almost no fat under the skin, their faces take on a cadaverous shape. Compared to the rest of their American relatives, they have a noticeably shorter tail, which at most reaches 18 cm. This being a much smaller length, to which they add their head and body, which can be between 40 and 45 centimeters.

But its appearance can also be threatening, due to its lower incisors that usually protrude from the rest of its teeth. They eat fruits, both fresh and dried. As well as leaves and buds.

Rare animals

irrawaddy dolphin

This is a posh swimmer with an extremely curious appearance, who is accustomed to the beaches of Southeast Asia. Normally the mistake is made of thinking that it is a Dolphin of river, when the truth is that they live only in the ocean, although very close to the beaches and estuaries.

But the truth is that they are very different from all their cousins, both marine and freshwater. This other member of our list of rare animals, exhibits a rounded head and lacks a beak, which immediately reveals it as different from the other dolphins.

In addition, its dorsal fin is small, thickened and triangle-shaped. While its fins are very wide. Slightly grayish, although more whitish below than above. They measure about a meter long at birth, and can reach 2,3 meters as adults, when their weight can also reach 130 kg.

Rare animals


It comes in turn to the gazelle-giraffe (Litocranius walleri). This slender creature stands out in style on our list of rare animals. It is native to the arid African sheets, where it can be seen especially in Kenya, but also in the deserts of Tanzania and Ethiopia.

It would be idle to point out what is the most extraordinary feature of this creature. Even in the tribal dialects of the area, he is identified as gazelle-giraffe, evidently thanks to its majestic neck. This is not exclusive for modeling, but it is also very useful when it comes to feeding. This is because it makes it easier for them to feed on the leaves that are farthest from the ground and generally more palatable.

However, its slender neck also represents a serious problem, as it makes it a perfect target for predators from a distance.

Rare animals

Snub-nosed Monkey

Unfortunately, the next one on the list is also on the list of those threatened by extermination. It is the snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus strykeri). This strange monkey is the largest of its kind in the world. It is about 21 inches long and is native to northeastern Myanmar, where it was recently discovered. It should be noted that his species was named only in 2010.

In the region of origin it is usually called in the aboriginal language myuk na tok te, which translates as monkey with an upturned face. This is due to the fact that when it rains, they must hide their faces to prevent the water from entering their noses, due to the scanty skin that surrounds them.

This also causes sneezing, making it easy to locate. Perhaps for this reason there are only between 260 and 330 copies of these strange monkeys left.

yoda bat

This strange creature is one of the many fruit bats that inhabit the world. However, two peculiarities differentiate it from the rest of its cousins. The first that we must mention is his nose and his curious face. While the second is that it is a barely known species in 2009, when it was first identified in Papua New Guinea.

It measures about 40 cm, although it has a wingspan of 1,5 meters. It weighs just over a kilo. Contrary to most bats, which are guided by the echolocation, this species uses its enormous eyes to move and find its food. His name comes from his striking resemblance to Yoda, one of the characters in Star Wars.

Cuban Funnel-eared Bat

If something makes this species unique, it is the funnel shape of their ears. But it is not a secret since its name warns it so. This extravagant creature is Cuban and unfortunately it is also on the other list; that of those threatened with extinction. Barely a hundred adult individuals remain in a cave on the island, but what is most discouraging is that the number continues to decline.

The shape of their ears allows them to sharpen their sense of hearing. Thanks to them, this bat can refine its hearing much more. And as we see, their teeth are sharp and sharp.

Rare animals

Pig-nosed Fruit Bat

This extraordinary creature is also called botfly bat. It is native to Thailand and southeastern Burma. Our little winged friend on this list of rare animals is quite small in size. It may even be the smallest among bats and among all mammals. It measures a maximum of 33 millimeters long, while it barely weighs about two grams.

Its particularity makes it popular, is his face with a nose very similar to that of a pig. But its frugal diet is not exactly that of a large pig, since, as its name suggests, it basically feeds on fruit seeds. It likes to live near rivers, since where there is abundant and constant water, there will always be good and abundant food. However, it is known that it can still taste snacks from flies and other insects.

Sumatran Rhino

Our rare animal on duty on this list is distinguished by being the smallest rhinoceros and having the most primitive features. But unfortunately the Sumatran rhinoceros has been the target of illegal hunting for many years, as a result of the high price of its horns. Currently, it is estimated that this species is under critical threat, since the number of individuals is below 275.

Among the characteristics that differentiate it from the other four that exist today, the presence of fangs in mature specimens stands out, the same ones that their cousins ​​lose in childhood. It should also be mentioned that they use their rustic and tanned lips to uproot the grass they feed on. But they also have a mantle of dark reddish hair that covers their entire body, although the older ones tend to lose it.

Contrary to the species from India and Java, these unusual creatures are the only Asian rhinos to have two horns like their African cousins ​​and not just one, as is the case with their other relatives and closest neighbors. The height of these almost extinct beauties is barely 1,4 m for males, while females measure only 90 cm. In males the front horn is generally more developed.

Rare animals

Western Lowland Gorilla

This is one of two sub-species of these large monkeys that inhabit the lowlands of central Africa, stretching from Angola to Gabon.

Research from the 80s indicates that both commercial hunting and the Ebola epidemics would be responsible for the reduction in the number of individuals of various species of African gorillas. Unfortunately, it is a problem that may have worsened in recent years.

In the case of our burly guest on this list of rare animals, he is considered seriously endangered. It tops that infamous list above all other gorillas and other primates in the world. We refer to a creature of colossal and corpulent size. The average height of males is 1,55 m, while in females it is around 1,35 meters.

Its weight is estimated based on individuals in captivity, with an average of 80 kg for females and 157 kg for adult males. They have a fairly short snout and extremely strong muscles around the jaw. They are almost completely covered by a mantle of hair with lighter shades than those of their oriental cousins. Its color can be brown and even slightly reddish.

elephant shrew

This in fact is already a rare animal within the strange family of shrews. This is due to the fact that it exhibits some peculiarities that make it stand out from the rest of the more extended and well-known family. But as we have already said, being so particular and unique, they become the focus of hunters' attention. In such a way that this little friend is also threatened, especially the one with the golden trunk.

The curious thing about this wonderful little creature is that it seems to have been assembled with different parts of other animals. A good example of this is the elephant trunk that gives it its name, which is nothing more than the elongation of its mouth. But there is also its tail, very similar to that of a rat, to which are added legs very similar to those of a kangaroo. In short, our little friend is a kind of animal Frankenstein.

Rare animals

Santa Marta Tree Rat

When this rare animal was rediscovered and classified not too long ago, it was able to amaze scientists. It happens that the species was already known and had even been declared extinct. But after more than one hundred and ten years, this creature seemed to be resurrected to reach the hands of scientists studying other amphibians in danger of extinction.

Now, in this second life, she has been cataloged as in Critical Hazard. However, the fact means hopeful news for the scientific community. It is original from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, in Colombia.

This elusive creature measures about 45 inches (XNUMX cm) long, counted from the head to the end of the tail. Featured by a lush coppery mane that encircles its short neck, as well as a black and white tail.

Rare animals

Northern Hairy-nosed Wombat

The wombats are undoubtedly among the first places of the rarest and most curious animals, with some peculiarities that amaze and are charming from a distance.

It belongs to the family of marsupials. Its appearance evokes a bear cub, so without coming from that family, when we observe this creature we cannot prevent our mind from relating them to a short-limbed bear cub.

It is native to the Australian areas of New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland, although it currently only lives in part of the Epping Forest National Park in Queensland. They usually measure between 0,7 and 1,2 m long. While they have a 35 cm loop and weigh between 20 and 35 kg.

These charming creatures display large heads, short, strong limbs, and powerful claws. As a whole, his body is stocky though muscular. Its mouth is equipped with front teeth similar to those of rodents. A wombat's fur can range from black to brown, sandy, or gray. His nose is hairy and his ears are rounded. With thick fur and tanned skin on the hindquarters.

Albino Giraffe

This insurance turns out to be an extremely rare animal, however they come from the Giraffes common. The only thing that differs from the others is in its striking white color. Encounters have occurred almost entirely in Tanzania's Tarangire National Park.

The curious thing is that despite their name, these beautiful creatures are not albino, but white, the product of a genetic phenomenon known as leucism. This means that the skin cells do not generate pigmentation, although their soft tissues, for example, their dark eyes, do get pigmentation.

Rare animals


The Binturong (binturong arctictis), is also known by the name of manturón or black bear cat. Its scientific name means bear-weasel. It is a mammal native to Southeast Asia.

Curiously, his urine could smell like a movie theater, since it releases an essence generated by a chemical compound called 2-AP. This is the same compound that gives popcorn its distinctive aroma.

Its body is elongated and heavy in appearance, a product of its short and strong limbs. It also has thick black fur. Its bushy tail has prehensile qualities and is thickest at the base, becoming progressively thinner to its tip, where it curls inward.

Short and sharp muzzle, slightly raised on the nose and veiled by bristly fur. A fur that lengthens to form its particular circular shape around its face. His eyes are big black. While his ears are small and rounded, with white outlines and topped with black tufts.

sphynx cat

For the Characteristics of cats, there is possibly consensus in qualifying these creatures among the most domesticated animals that exist. In such a way that they are highly valued for their beautiful fur and somewhat self-centered customs. However, the sphinx cat breaks all stereotypes, especially when surprising with its peculiar nakedness.

It is generally known as a furless cat, although the truth is that it is extremely short and evenly distributed, in such a way that this coat of hair protects it and keeps it warm. Its appearance can be frightening, however the truth is that it is a friendly and very intelligent creature.

As this is one of the three breeds without hair, or at least in a visible way as we have already clarified, it is included in the list of rare animals.


With this little friend you have to be careful not to confuse his name. It's not Pikachu, but pika, or rather Ilia pika (Ochotona iliensis). It is a small mammal native to the Tianshan Mountains, a very remote area of ​​China.

They are relatives of hares and rabbits. Counting their tail, they can reach 20 centimeters in length. While its average weight is estimated for adult specimens at 250 grams.

Its fur shows bright shades and large reddish spots on the forehead, as well as around the neck. They crown their heads, as in the case of his cousin the Rabbit, two ears, although somewhat short.

They are herbivores and live in the steep areas of mountainous sectors. There they like to spend their time on rocks on the slopes, although it is known that they prefer to spend the night in holes dug in the ground at an altitude ranging from 2800 to 4000 meters.

Rare animals

darwin's fox

This member of the list of rare animals is really so rare that it can only be found in two places in the world. We are not referring to Darwin's fox, which takes its name from none other than Charles Darwin, who discovered the species. They live on the Chilean island of Chiloè and in the Nahuelbuta National Park of the same country.

It is a small creature. It weighs from 2,5 to 4 kg, reaching a height of 25 cm. Like all foxes, its body is covered with thick fur, which in its case is strong gray and black. It has coppery spots on its pointed ears, as well as on its legs.

Saola or Asian Unicorn

This other creature is so rare, you probably haven't even heard of it before. But for that we are here and we can tell you that it is a species typical of Laos and Vietnam. But it is a rare animal to the extreme, that the same scientists have only been able to see it in the wild, just four times.

Because of this circumstance, people often call it the asian unicorn. But the qualification is also due to the two long and stylized horns that adorn its head, in addition to the white spots on its face. Saolas are close relatives of cows, however they are more closely related to antelopes.

Giant otter

As their name suggests, these friends that are added to the list of rare animals, are very large to the extreme, being the largest otters on the planet, since they can reach two meters in length and weigh just over 45 kg.

They are exclusive to South America, where they were subdued by hunting since their skin is very valuable. Fortunately, their hunting is currently prohibited, although their greatest challenge now is to survive in a habitat exposed to constant destruction by the hand of man.

This robust friend has the shortest fur among all her cousins. It can vary in color, between light brown and quite dark brown. Although its fur can also be reddish to blonde, but it usually seems almost black when its skin is wet. The beauty of its velvety skin was the cause of its indiscriminate hunting to the point of taking it to the brink of extinction.

It is distinguished by a spot on the neck, which can vary between white and cream. But the most curious thing is that the shape of said spot is unique for each specimen. Its nose is short and its head is oval, with small rounded ears.

black footed ferret

These other rare animals make up the weasel family. They represent a good example of how conservationist will can bring back species that were once on the brink of extinction. Although victory cannot yet be claimed, because in this case with about 300 or 400 specimens the extinction alert is maintained.

They reach about 35 or 50 centimeters in length, in addition to a fluffy tail that adds another 15 centimeters. While its weight can be one kilogram. They have a beautiful white skin at the base, which darkens towards the ends, which gives them a strange effect in which they seem to be yellow with brown tones, although what never varies are their black feet. It also has a distinctive black face shield.

Hispaniola solenodon

This other little friend bears an enormous resemblance to a mouse. Although his long nose gives it away. In a close relative of moles and shrews. But this one has a venomous bite.

It is native to the Dominican Republic and was believed to be extinct, although fortunately it has been discovered that some specimens still exist. However, care measures are applied in natural parks on the Caribbean island.

Rare animals


Next on the list of rare animals is a mammal that inhabits Asia and Africa. This relative of the anteaters, until recently was almost a true unknown in the rest of the world. Its body is covered with strong scales and it is armed with powerful legs. This, along with his dexterity that allows him to dig holes in the ground to hide from predators. Its meat is highly coveted in China, which has been reflected in the reduction of its population.

Rare animals

the okapi

Our guest name on this list of rare animals is a close relative of the giraffe. This is evidenced by its slender neck and long tongue. It is covered by brown hair, but only up to the hindquarters, where black and white stripes appear. Thus it acquires a great resemblance to a zebra. It is currently under threat of extinction, due to the deterioration of its natural environment.

Rare animals

rare birds

Now this list of rare animals dedicates this segment to the most amazing birds. It has no waste, so let's fly to find out soon what creatures it keeps for us.

Shoe Peak

It is one of the most curious birds of all, both for its colossal size and for the shape of its beak. However, what is most surprising about her is her expression. It is as if he always had a malicious smile painted on his beak, a kind of sarcastic grin in the best style of the Joker. Unfortunately there are only about five thousand copies left and most are located in Africa.

Rare animals

White-backed Vulture

Next on the list of rare animals is the white-backed vulture, which also stands out, albeit sadly, on the list of the three endangered vulture species, even taking first place. It is very similar to all vultures, although the white color of its back stands out.

Rare animals

mandarin duck

This other guest of honor should not only be part of the rare animals, but should also top the list of the most exotic and beautiful. Such a distinction is earned by this amazing multicolored suit duck, which is why it also stands out among the most beloved creatures of its native China.

Although you should know that such showiness is only observed in males, since females are overshadowed by cooler tones.

Rare animals

The Rare Reptiles

You will now be able to see a complete list of rare animals, specifically reptiles, which are amazing.

Singer's Giant Softshell Turtle

Our very strange friend is a variety of freshwater turtle. It is easy to identify by its flat head and small eyes very close to the snout. In juvenile age they can present carapaces and heads with dark spots. While a yellow stripe borders their shell. They are also known by the name of Asian giant softshell turtle.

Rare animals

Flying lizard

This other rare animal on the list is an Australian lizard. Its name lends itself to confusion because it does not fly, but rather unfolds part of its skin in such a way that it allows it to gain distance in its jumps, like a glider.

On average they measure 20 cm from head to end of tail. They are brown with dark spots. Although the extension of the skin that they use as wings, presents bright colors in the central part, highlighting beautiful blue, orange and yellow tones.

Rare animals

Autoclonable Lizard

The next on the list of rare animals has Vietnamese origins. Some consider it very lucky, as it is able to multiply thanks to the parthenogenesis.

This is because our little reptile has eggs with enough genetic load to reproduce on its own. So what is surprising about our little friend is that she does not require sperm to form an embryo.

In such a way that in this species there are only females, the only ones necessary to carry out reproduction. Let's hope it's not nature's foreshadowing of what lies ahead for the human race.

Rare animals

Philippine crocodile

This is another rare animal because they hardly exist anymore. Of the so-called Mindoro crocodile, barely 250 specimens were counted in their wild environment. Its size is rather medium, since mature males do not exceed three meters in length. For their part, the females are even smaller.

Certainly this is one of the rarest crocodile species in the world, but also one of the most endangered.

Rare animals

Australian Thorny Devil

This other rare animal on the list is small in size. It reaches 20 cm in length. Our prickly little friend is a denizen of the Australian interior regions, specifically among the parched weeds. They belong to the genus Moloch and are unique in their kind. They live between six and twenty years. The thick spines that cover it provide protection against predator attacks.

Rare animals

Amazing Amphibians

No list of rare animals could be complete without including amphibians. In such a way that here we offer you some of the best examples of these formidable creatures. Let's see.

Axolotl or Axolotl

This is a beautiful species of salamander native to Lake Texcoco in Mexico. But as with many other members of this list of rare animals, the axolotl is on the verge of extinction.

The interesting creature has caught the attention of the scientific world, as it has an unusual and surprising ability to regenerate various parts of its body. But its appearance is also very surprising. It generates that many compare it to some alien from a science fiction movie. But this would be a good visitor, because of the smile that always draws his lips.

Rare animals

Simpson toad

This other little friend surely qualifies among the most popular and curious. Its name and its fine and quite elongated nose evoke the Mr. Burns of the famous comic.

Another aspect that makes this toad a creature out of series among rare animals is that they never mature beyond a tadpole. In such a way that they spread the eggs through the woods, from where the young toads come directly.

Their skin is colorful and matches the shades of the foliage around them, which is a good form of camouflage. While its size is just two centimeters in length, in adult individuals. However, only two of them have been measured, so the information could be inaccurate.

Rare animals

Fish, Sharks and Molluscs

It's time for the weights. If there is a place where the strangest creatures can hide, it is surely under the waters, hundreds or thousands of meters below the surface. Let's see some cases.

Spot Fish or Blobfish

This strange creature seems to have a nose, but under the sea, how for what!

Although his face appears human, his appearance is somewhat unpleasant. This is because her body is entirely gelatinous. But as if that wasn't enough to wow anyone, then you have to add that he has practically no body weight.

In such a way that being so light, it can allow itself to move in the deep waters with almost no energy. It is a rare and sullen animal, which has hardly been seen in New Zealand and in some regions of eastern Australia.

Rare animals

Black Oreo Dory

This other rare animal on the list is typical of New Zealand waters. It is small and almost black. It does not grow beyond 40 centimeters, while it can weigh a kilogram. Like the previous case, it is deep water. Almost 50% of its body is occupied by its head, which has gigantic eyes to be able to see in the darkness of the deep sea.

Rare animals

Marine dragon

This small and amazing creature of the seas, has its origin in the Australian coasts. Its body is covered by fins that look like algae, which makes it easy for it to camouflage itself to go unnoticed by predators. They grow to about 24 cm. Their diet is based on plankton and fish larvae.

Rare animals

fangtooth fish

This terrifying fish inhabits the bottom of tropical and cold temperate waters. Such a creature may well be a freak of nature. The first thing that stands out are its sharp and pronounced teeth. Fortunately they measure more or less 18 cm. They are solid-bodied, but taper towards the tail.

The head of this terrifying creature, in addition to its prominent teeth, is extremely slimy and much larger than the rest of the body.

Rare animals

Flemish Tongue Snail

This other rare animal on the list is typical of the waters of the Atlantic and the Caribbean. The diet of the Flemish tongue snail is based on toxic sea fans, as it is immune to their poison.

In fact, they show an extremely rare peculiarity, since by swallowing the poison they also become poisonous. This is a good weapon against potential predators, who end up preferring a healthier and easier to digest snack.

Rare animals

Chauliodus fish

Next on the list is another creepy looking deep sea creature. It is a cunning predator, since it usually uses a light that blinds its prey adapted to permanent darkness. For this purpose, it uses an organ that it has in its belly and at the end of its fin. It is a very effective method when living seven thousand meters under water.

Rare animals

The Hairy Toadfish

This no less strange blackberry fish hidden in the midst of the corals of the tirid waters of Indonesia.

The name comes because its appearance is very similar to that of a common toad, with the small difference that it is hairy.

Such a mane is useful for hunting, as it half hides in the sand and thus manages to capture its prey, which never realize where the bite came from.

Rare animals

Wooden Dining Catfish

This guest on the list of rare animals is freshwater. It is a kind of new data for scientists, since its history dates back to just 2006. Although natives of the Amazon area have tasted it since ancient times.

This river fish is covered by a distinctive armor, formed by segments of highly hardened skin that provides defense. In this way it does not have scales. Although the most striking thing about this armored creature is that it extracts the nutrients it needs from the trunks it finds in the river beds.

Rare animals

Giant Sunfish

Scientists have named it Spring. It is a colossal creature that can exceed 3 meters in length and weigh about 500 kg. In such a way that it represents the heaviest vertebrate fish in the world.

But the giant sunfish shows us another curiosity. It turns out that he does not live in a fixed area, like a marine nomad. It can live in both tropical and temperate waters.

The best thing is that this does not interfere with their reproduction, since wherever they are they can lay up to 300 million eggs. Its peculiar body is completely flattened and when it extends its fins it adopts an almost perfect rounded shape. So if we add to this, the whitish color that covers its entire body, the similarity with the Moon is surprising.

Rare animals

Blue Snakehead Fish

This animal, besides being rare, is really creepy. It is that you have to know it beyond the beauty that its colorful green scales give it. It has been discovered in the swamps of Lefraguri, a region of Bengal. There it has been cataloged as an aggressive and voracious predator. But what makes it almost unique is its ability to survive out of water. In that environment, it usually crawls on the grassy ground for up to four days, just like a snake.

Rare animals

Goblin Shark

This ghostly shark is from the family of Mitsukurinidae. It is distinguished by a rare and unique shape that makes it look like a specter that visits us from beyond. His weight is around seven hundred kilograms. While they can measure up to six meters long. In this last measure, it helps him that he can compress his body laterally, becoming more stylized.

It is characterized by a flat and elongated mouth, with a jaw capable of extending and projecting several centimeters out of it.

Rare animals

Dumbo Octopus

This movie creature is surprising not only for its appearance, very different from all its cousins, but also for how difficult it is to find it. It happens that they usually live at a depth of two thousand meters.

The detail of his physiognomy that stands out the most are his arms. These are a kind of membrane that floats around his head. This generates an effect that gives it the appearance of the ears of Disney's Dumbo.

Rare animals

purple octopus

Until now, several of the most relevant aspects surrounding this beautiful mollusk have been ignored. What is certain is that it was discovered in the depths of the Canadian seas only in 2010.

It is known that the identification of this rare and purple animal was made thanks to an expedition that had the objective of clarifying the relationship between some creatures of the seabed and cold water corals. It is identified by that beautiful color that can be seen in the photograph.

Rare animals

the blue dragon

This beautiful shelled clam fits right into this list of rare animals. It can be found in the tropical waters of Europe, South Africa and Australia. There it floats due to the air it contains in its stomach.

There is no doubt that it is one of the most beautiful animals. It exhibits various shades of intense blue, causing a wonderful contrast with the silver color.

Rare animals

Squid Worm

This other creature stands out among the rare animals on the planet. It is the worm squid, which has some obvious peculiarities in its physiology. Among these distinctions are its flattened body by about nine centimeters.

They are also identified by a high number of pairs of rowing transparent and white. With these the curious creature can swim. But it is also equipped with very fine accessories on its head, which makes it easier for it to find its food.

Rare invertebrates: water bear

Here comes another of the rarest and most fascinating animals in the world. The water bear is not only fascinating for its physical appearance. It should be noted that it occupies the first place on the evolutionary scale. This is evidenced by its ability to survive in virtually any environment. Wherever, because it can live both on land and in water and in a wide range of temperatures.

It resists atomic radiation and can survive several days without oxygen. They barely measure about 0,5 millimeters, so they are visible to the naked eye.

pink grasshopper

Since their discovery in 1874 in the US, they have sparked intense debate about the origin of their strange color. But whatever the elusive answer, what is not in dispute is this pink grasshopper, it is one of the most beautiful in the world.

Peacock Spider

Our tiny spider is one of the rarest animals in the world. As its name suggests, its appearance shows beautiful patterns all over its back. To these are added bright colors, highlighting red, yellow and blue. As you can see, they are very similar to those of the majestic birds that give it its name.

They are native to Australia and are so small that they do not reach a centimeter in length.


This is another creature of the deep sea and surely one of the most terrifying of all those that have been described so far in this list of rare animals. It is snake-shaped and feeds on the intestines of its victims. Although it is known that sometimes it enters creatures larger than itself, being still alive to devour them from the inside.

It does not have a jaw but nothing prevents it from satisfying its hunger. Instead it has two horizontal elements that allow it to grab its victims.

T-rex leech

This was selected among the rarest animals of the year 2010. It is an annelid discovered in Peru. It bases its diet on the blood of any animal, from which we humans do not escape.

It has a single jaw, well equipped with eight colossal teeth that help it grab hold of its prey. It reaches seven centimeters in length.

Amazing Crustaceans: Yeti Crab

The rare animal on this list, known as the Yeti crab, is a new crustacean that has been discovered south of Easter Island. It stands out among its relatives for its large size, especially for the length of its claws and because they are covered with fine fur. But such hairs are teeming with bacteria, although what they serve is still unknown.

Coconut Crab

It is the turn of a very strong bandit. This curious crustacean comes out every night to climb the coconut palms. It usually takes the coconuts and removes the shell with its powerful pincers. Perhaps because of that nocturnal activity it is also called robber crab.

But if something should distinguish them, it is that this colossal crab is the largest in the world. It reaches a meter in length and weighs about four kg. This giant exhibits enormous strength, being able to move loads of the order of 30 kg.

Japanese Giant Crab

This other huge crustacean is of Japanese origin, as its name indicates. It belongs to the family of spider crabs. Our colossal friend is distinguished by having a triangle-shaped cover, as well as very long legs, which can measure up to two meters.

But when fully measured it is even more fascinating, since in total they reach an amazing four meters. Also its weight rises to 20 kg. Our guest on the list of rare animals, holds the title of the largest crab of all. Although contrary to the famous, this champion seeks solitude at a depth that can reach 800 m, in Japanese waters.

Rare Pink Animals

To finish off this post about rare animals, we present a selection of pink creatures. Yes, pink. We are talking about a color linked to love, to the candid, very usual in a nature always accused of being heartless. Will we be wrong?

Roseate Spoonbill

Although flamingos are usually the children's favorite among the pink creatures, we must not ignore the beauty and numerous charms of the Roseate spoonbill.

This bird possesses a beauty that almost made it extinct in the 30's of the last century, when it was indiscriminately hunted for its feathers. Luckily this beauty now enjoys full legal protection, having been banned from hunting. The result is encouraging, as there are now more than a thousand breeding pairs in the US state of Florida.


The name nudibranch means "bare gills". It is a mollusk that is often confused with sea slugs. Of all the wonderful attributes that these rare animals have, their pink color stands out.

But what's most impressive is that this pink ranges from soft hues to neon, all the way to creating a rainbow. As you will understand, such a wonder allows him to camouflage himself in case of danger.

Bargibant's Seahorse

The Bargibant's seahorse is less than 2.5 cm and lives only in corals. They are specialists in dressing up and for that we must thank their beautiful shades of a romantic pink.


The geconids, also known by the name of Geckos, stand out for their extremely transparent salmon-colored skin, which makes it easy for them to hide among the coppery sands of the desert of namib, where they originate from.

They also use in their defense a well-crafted set of sounds, such as squawks and clicks, with which they usually scare off potential predators. But if all else fails, he still has the old trick of letting go of his tail, to distract his enemy.

However, what is most striking about these creatures is the absence of eyelids. This forces him to constantly lick his eyes to keep them moist.

Mantis Orchid

Another rare animal is undoubtedly the orchid mantis. This beautiful and deadly huntress is native to Indonesia, where it often lures butterflies to its petals to eat them alive.

But butterflies and insects and other creatures are by no means to be blamed for clumsiness or carelessness. It turns out that its resemblance to the flower that gives it its name is simply amazing. It could even be said that it looks appetizing, seeing it from the perspective of insects, of course.

To give you a better idea, researchers have found that this amazing creature attracts more insects than the flowers themselves.

Sea stars

There are about two thousand different species of starfish. They inhabit all the oceans of the planet, from tropical waters to the cold seabed.

They come in an impressive range of colors and shapes, which is good for camouflage or scaring away potential enemies. In addition, among such colors, different types of roses stand out.

elephant hawk moth

This animal is so rare that it has the unusual distinction of bearing the names of an insect, a bird, and a giant mammal in one name.

It is part of the fourteen hundred species of hawk moths that exist scattered throughout the world. But they differ in that they are the only ones in the extended family that can hover in front of flowers to feed, just as hummingbirds do. They are among the fastest flying insects, reaching speeds of almost 20 km/hour.

Amazon River Dolphin

This rare dolphin is also known as a boutu or bufeo. It is the largest of all its freshwater cousins. But unfortunately, as is the case with all of them, it is in danger due to hunting and the loss of its habitat.

It is characterized by its surprising color, which can range from light pink in its youth to fuchsia when it reaches maturity.

Hairy Pink Lobster

This extremely rare animal is also called a fairy crab. This lobster sort actually descends from a group of crabs called anomurs. But it is also one of the smallest crabs in the world.

Its name, as is often the case, originates from its appearance, since it is covered by a layer of apparent pink hair.

glass frog

This curious little friend is given this name, because her skin is almost translucent on her ventral part. In such a way that you can see her internal organs if you look from below. However, her back and the rest of her body have different shades of green. It is typical of tropical areas and there are more than a hundred species of them, although all are concentrated in Central and South America.

Adults often climb trees where they prefer to live. Their body is quite small since they usually measure between 1 and 3 cm. So the difference is evident with other of his relatives.

The eggs of various species of these are also transparent. They usually put them on small leaves that are above the water, so that it is easier for the tadpoles to slide into the vital liquid.

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