The Rabbit as a Pet: Care, Breeds and More

Rabbits are a species of medium-sized rodents, well known among rodents that have been domesticated. News of their existence has been known for thousands of years, and it is thought that they had already been domesticated in the Roman Empire. We invite you to read this article so you can learn more about the friendly Rabbit as a Pet.


The Rabbit as a Pet

The scientific name of this rodent is Oryctolagus cuniculus, in its taxonomy, it belongs to the animalia kingdom, chordata phylum, mammalia class, lagomorpha order, leporidae family, oryctolagus genus, oryctolagus cuniculus species. It is thought that they originated in North Africa and the Iberian Peninsula, they have an average weight of 1,5 to 8 kilos and a standard measurement that ranges between 33 and 55 centimeters, and their life expectancy is between 8 and the 10 years.

Characteristics of Rabbits

Rabbits are animals with nocturnal and crepuscular habits, which means that they usually sleep during the day and in the middle of the night, so their period of activity is between the intermediate hours to those periods.

They are animals that have proven to be intelligent and are able to recognize a person, respond when their name is called and learn some games as long as they are rewarded with a piece of vegetables or something they like. They are very social animals that require attention and affection.

They have a rounded body and an oval head. They have 4 teeth, 2 of which are very elongated, and their ears that can be more than half the length of their head. Another very striking feature that distinguishes their physique is that they have a small tail that is shaped like a pompom.

There are smaller breeds that weigh about 1.5 kg, while the largest can weigh up to 8 kg. The body temperature of rabbits is between 38º C and 40º C, therefore, the optimal environment temperature for these animals is between 18 and 21 degrees. The males of this species achieve sexual maturity when they are 3 to 4 months old and the females between 4 and 6 months old.


As general characteristics of rabbits we have:

  • Class: mammal
  • Length: between 33 and 35 cm
  • Weight: between 1.5 and 8 kg
  • Longevity: between 8 and 10 years
  • Maturity: between 9 and 12 months
  • Reproduction: viviparous
  • Pups per calving: 1 to 9 pups
  • Gestation: 28 to 30 days
  • Weaning age: at 4 weeks
  • Habits: nocturnal and crepuscular
  • Diet: herbivorous
  • Character: skittish and sociable

How many years does a rabbit live?

As we have already said, the life expectancy of rabbits is between 8 and 10 years, but if it is an animal that is well cared for, it is likely that it can reach the age of 15 years. But the expectation we are talking about refers to the domestic rabbit, because rabbits in the wild have a life expectancy of only 4 years, due to the fact that they do not have the comforts and facilities of the domestic rabbit.

The life expectancy of a rabbit also changes depending on the breed to which it belongs. Thus, a dwarf rabbit lives between 8 and 12 years, while a lionhead rabbit lives between 7 and 10 years and a rex rabbit has a longevity between 8 and 11 years.

Types of Rabbits

There are several breeds of rabbits, but the most common pet rabbits are listed below:

White Rabbit Hotot

The Hotot rabbit is a rabbit native to France and its name comes from Hotot-en-Auge, Normandy. The main characteristic of this breed of rabbit is that its fur is completely white, similar to a very fluffy and soft snowball. But it is not an original species, rather it is the product of a cross between butterfly rabbits and white rabbits, such as the white rabbit of Vienna or the giant rabbit of Flanders.

The characteristic that stands out the most of this breed is a black fur that surrounds its eyes, whose measurement is between 3 and 6 mm, which makes its eyes striking. But the whole of his body is completely white. Its fur is medium in length, dense and very soft, and its body is medium in size, round and solid in shape.

The Hotot rabbit averages 3 to 4 kg and is an energetic rabbit with very sturdy legs. In addition, this type is usually particularly invulnerable to diseases and has a very long life expectancy, because it reaches the age of 16. It has a character that is docile, very energetic and independent, and feeds on fodder, herbs, vegetables and fruits.

Dwarf Rabbit or Toy Rabbit

The Toy rabbit or dwarf rabbit is another kind of pet rabbit that has been well known for some time, due to its small size, reaching an average weight of 1,5 kilos and measuring between 30 and 50 centimeters in length. Thanks to that size, they look like adorable and very cute little animals. They have a small and very compact body with a small head and their ears are rounded and short.

The Toy rabbit is a rabbit with an excellent character, although it is very independent, but it is also a skittish rabbit with a lot of nerves, so with him as a pet you have to have a lot of patience. One of the recommendations we make to take away his nervousness and get him used to his masters is to play games with him on a daily basis and give him prizes or rewards.


Another recommendation that we can give you is that you caress him a lot near the ears and on the back, since he likes it a lot, as long as the caresses come from a person he trusts and it is done very gently. Generally, this type of rabbit will be afraid of other pets in the house, such as cats or dogs.

Frequent brushing of their fur is recommended, particularly at the time when they shed, but they do not require a bath, since this type of rabbit cleans itself. As for the brushing of its fur, it should be frequent, especially during the time of shedding. It is not necessary to bathe them, because they clean themselves. Their life expectancy is 8 to 12 years.

Belier Rabbit or Mini Lop Rabbit

The Belier rabbit is characterized by having long, drooping ears, which gives them a very tender and sweet appearance. The Belier rabbit has an average weight of between 3 and 5 kilos. It is a small rabbit as a pet, with a character that is very docile and calm, despite which it is a little animal that requires exercise and interacts with other rabbits or with people. Their life expectancy is between 8 and 10 years.

It is a cat that loses a lot of hair and has a bad habit of swallowing it, so to prevent hairballs from forming in its stomach, you have to give it malt from time to time, which can be bought at pet stores, and you also have to brush their fur very frequently. The interesting thing about this type of rabbit is that there are several types.

Belier rabbit types

Within the Belier pet rabbit classes we can find the following:

  • French Belier rabbit: This French rabbit is a large rabbit, whose weight can reach up to 6 kilos, and have ears that can measure up to 45 centimeters long.
  • English Belier Rabbit: This English rabbit has an average weight of 5 kilos and its ears can have an extension of 60 centimeters.
  • Belier lion head rabbit: It is an exotic type of rabbit as a pet that is difficult to find and that stands out from the others due to the large volume of hair it has.
  • Belier Angora rabbit: The Belier Angora rabbit is a Belier pet rabbit that has a normal size with its drooping ears and has very long and silky hair, very similar to the Angora type rabbit.
  • Belier dwarf rabbit: The Belier dwarf rabbit is the smallest of the Belier class and has an approximate average weight of 2 kg. Its skeleton is elongated and the coat is short and silky. It is possible to get it in different colors.

The food of Belier pet rabbits is the same as that of the rest of the rabbits, feed, herbs, vegetables and fruits, except for the malt, so that hairballs do not form in the stomach, for making it a very easy pet to keep.

rex rabbit

The Rex rabbit is a perfect pet rabbit, it is very intelligent and affectionate and one of its main attractions is its fur, which is short, dense and very soft, almost similar to the feeling you get when you touch velvet. This silky fur is the product of a genetic mutation present in this class of rabbits. The Rex rabbit hails from France and has been named that way because of the Rex gene, which is the cause of its characteristic coat.


It is a large breed of rabbit, weighing an average of 3 to 5 kilos. It is possible to find a smaller breed of Rex rabbit, which is like a mini version, weighing between 1 and 2 kilos. The Rex rabbit has a medium-sized body, round and very strong, as well as its legs, and it has very large and straight ears. A curiosity of this class of rabbits is that the Rex has curly whiskers.

The Rex rabbit has a calm and docile character, it is also very intelligent and maternal, since it has been proven that it is capable of adopting bunnies even if they belong to other breeds. He is also a very playful and active pet, so he is perfect for children and can live with other pets.

It is particularly energetic, which is why this type of pet rabbit requires constant exercise, which is why you have to let it out of its cage very frequently so that it can run and move around without hindrance. Their life expectancy is between 8 and 11 years and their food is the same as other types of rabbits, feed, herbs, vegetables and fruits.

Its coat does not require special care, however, as it has such delicate hair, it should not be brushed more than once a week. As with other breeds of rabbits, the Rex rabbit should not be bathed, as we will destroy the natural layer that they have on their skin and destroy the regeneration capacity of their hair.

Lionhead Rabbit

The lion head rabbit is characterized by having very long fur in the area of ​​its head, which is reminiscent of the image of a lion, as its name implies. But it does not last long, since that striking fur around their heads will fall off when they reach adulthood, which in this class of rabbits occurs when they are 6 months old, and it is likely that it will not grow back, and if it does it will be very scarce and weak.


The lionhead rabbit is native to Belgium and it is not a particularly large rabbit, since its weight ranges between 1 and 2 kilos. It has very large ears, which can measure up to 7.5 centimeters long and are very straight. Its body is round and it has very thin legs.

The eyes of the lionhead rabbit are usually brown, red or blue. As for the coat, they can be found in several different colors and shades, with very long head hair and medium or short body hair, unless it is an adult specimen.

As for the fur of a lionhead rabbit, it is necessary to brush it not so often, it must also be malted, for the same reason as the Belier class rabbits, to prevent a ball of hair from forming in the stomach. that can cause them some damage, because they are very harmful to their health.

As with the rest of the rabbit classes, they should not be bathed, because they are animals that clean themselves and if they are bathed, they will lose a protective layer that forms on their skin. In character, the lionhead rabbit is a rabbit that is very calm but requires exercise outside the cage and the cage in which it lives must be very spacious so that it is able to move freely inside it.

It is a very calm breed of rabbit, it is considered a perfect pet rabbit for those who like to hold their pet in their arms for hours. In character, it is a rabbit that is very nice and very calm and needs long periods of caresses and attention. Their life expectancy is between 7 and 10 years and their diet is like that of the rest of the rabbits.

Angora rabbit

The Angora rabbit is a variation of the common domestic rabbit that hails from Turkey. In terms of character, it is a calm and shy rabbit whose characteristic is to stand out for having long and soft fur. Precisely because of the type of fur it has, it requires specific care that is very important to prevent knots from forming and get rid of excess dead fur.

So they must be constantly brushed, not only because of the knots, but also to prevent hairballs from forming in their stomachs, because they tend to swallow them, which can cause serious health problems. For this reason, it is recommended that the Angora rabbit's fur be brushed two or three times a week, but with a brush that is suitable, not very hard, because they have very sensitive skin, it is also recommended to use different types of brush, depending on the area of ​​the body to be brushed.

Another recommendation is not to be rough when brushing them, because they can get very frightened, it is best to do it slowly at the same time that you have to caress it so that it stays calm. There is an extra measure that must be taken with the Angora rabbit and that is to cut their hair from time to time, so that they can be kept hygienic and clean, but doing it in the same way as brushing, in a very calm way.

However, these rabbits should not be cut excessively, because they must be left with a layer that protects them. It will always be better to seek the advice of a veterinarian in this regard, so that they can give us recommendations on the type of brushes that can be used and on the way in which their hair should be cut.


Types of Angora Rabbit

There are different varieties of Angora rabbit that can be considered as a pet rabbit and these are the following:

  • English Angora Rabbit
  • Giant Angora Rabbit
  • French Angora Rabbit
  • Satin Angora Rabbit

The differences between the different kinds of Angora rabbits focus on their size and the color of their fur, but the attention they need is more or less the same. Their weight is usually between 2 and 4,5 kilos, they have long, curved and very hairy ears, their life expectancy is between 8 and 10 years and their food is like that of all rabbits.

harlequin rabbit

The harlequin rabbit is a large rabbit, weighing an average of 3 kilos, and which stands out for having a very particular-looking fur, because it is always three colors. The normal thing is that the ears and the head are divided into two colors that are inverted, as it is the case that the right side of the head and the left ear are of a light color, while the left side of the head and right ear are dark. In addition, they have stripes of both colors on the body.

The harlequin rabbit has long ears with rounded tips, its head is large and its legs are short and muscular. Their fur is usually shiny and short. The secret for the harlequin rabbit to always maintain shiny and silky fur is that it must be brushed weekly. This will remove excess hair that can be ingested by the animal and create hairballs in its stomach, which are very harmful to its health.

In addition, it is a pet rabbit that requires exercise every day outside its cage, so that it can run and feel that it is in open spaces. It should not be bathed, as is the case with other rabbit breeds, so as not to remove the protective layer they have on their skin. The life expectancy of the Harlequin rabbit is between 8 and 10 years. It has a very calm and independent character, which makes it an excellent pet.


california rabbit

The Californian rabbit, as its name indicates, is a kind of rabbit that is native to California, United States. This species of rabbit is only available in a kind of color that is characteristic of it, and gives it an appearance that makes it stand out, because its fur is all white, except for its nose, ears, legs and tail. , which are black, although they can also be brown.

The average weight of the Californian rabbit is between 3 and 5 kilos and it is a rabbit that is very corpulent and has many muscles. It has very large and straight ears, with a rounded tip. His eye color is always red. His fur is short and soft.

The Californian rabbit is excellent as a pet, because it is very calm, affectionate and docile. It is also possible that it can become shy, but it is not an animal that finds it difficult to adapt to its surroundings. This kind of rabbit is also very curious and playful. But you must be very careful because it is a breed that is very skittish, and it is one of the few species that can react violently if it feels threatened or in danger.

Like almost all rabbit breeds, it is prone to getting sick, since these little animals are very delicate. In fact, they are very prone to colds, which is why they should be kept away from excessively hot places and from areas where there are drafts.

This kind of rabbit needs exercise, allowing him to get out of his cage every day so he can run. It is also possible to place toys inside it to exercise and have fun. Their life expectancy is between 8 and 10 years. It feeds the same as all rabbits, with fodder, herbs, vegetables and fruits.

Flemish Giant Rabbit

The Flanders Giant rabbit is one of the largest rabbit families out there. It is really big and can reach a weight of around 10 kilos. In this breed, the males are characterized by being much larger than the females. In addition, another element that characterizes them is that they have an outstanding double chin.

They also have very large and vertical ears. Its coat is smooth and medium in size and can be obtained in beige, black, brown, gray or white colors. Although it is a large rabbit, the Flanders giant rabbit is a very calm and lazy animal, because it does not like to jump, run or play, the only thing it likes is to lie down and rest all the time. .

This does not mean that it does not require space, on the contrary, due to its large size, it must be given a lot of space due to its large size and so that it has freedom and does not become distressed. Its life expectancy is between 8 and 10 years and it eats the same as the rest of the rabbits.

Common or European Rabbit

The common rabbit or European rabbit is a rabbit that is the result of a mixture of breeds, and is the one that is usually found in pet stores. It is the rabbit as the most common pet that can be found. Its size is large, its average weight is about 4 kilos, and it comes in a variety of colors, usually from brown to gray, in the case of the rabbit found in the wild.

But in the case of the common domestic rabbit, it can be found in a wider variety of shades, including gradients and spots or polka dots. They have a thick and woolly coat and their head is oval. They usually have black eyes and their ears are straight and narrow. They also have a very short tail with a white underside.


It is a breed of rabbit that is very territorial and gregarious, due to which, when they are in the wild, they usually live in groups and tend to defend their territory together. The common rabbit is primarily nocturnal, so it is normal for it to feed at night. It is an animal that is recognized for being very fast and silent. Its life expectancy is between 8 and 10 years, in very quiet and shy.

Where to buy a Rabbit

If we want to acquire a rabbit as a pet, the first thing we must do is visit a store specialized in the field. There is also the opportunity to adopt a rabbit that is in a shelter or animal rescue center, if there are any in the city where you live, and with this you will be giving that pet a second chance to have a home.

But if you decide to go to a pet store, then you should look at the state of the animals that are sold there, especially look at what their apparent state of health is. Whether they are active or apathetic.

As we have explained to you, there are many breeds of rabbits as pets, so when choosing, we must choose a breed that can be adapted to our families and to us, as well as to our lifestyle. You must remember that there are calm and docile breeds, while there are those that are independent and some more skittish.

You need to think about it, especially weigh what we are willing to offer the rabbit, regarding care and the time we can dedicate to it, because it is still a living being. We insist that you should think about it well, because they are a responsibility to which we have to dedicate time and we have to think about when we have to do it.


Price of a Rabbit

If you want to buy a rabbit in a store specialized in pet sales, the price will be between 50-60 euros. But, another aspect that we must consider in terms of cost is that it can vary, depending on the breed of rabbit that we want to acquire.

Typically, a small-sized pet rabbit is more expensive than a medium-sized one. For this reason, the best advice we can give you is to go to a pet store that inspires confidence and inform yourself there of all the details about costs and cups.

Rabbit Behavior

You are probably thinking that having a rabbit as a pet is going to be limited to keeping it locked in a cage and putting food on it. But that's not that way, not at all. Rabbits have physical and behavioral differences with respect to hamsters and guinea pigs that make caring for a rabbit at home require certain activities and special care.

Remember that rabbits that live in the wild have a habit of running and digging holes and scratching the ground, so they require a lot of space. If found in the wild, rabbits often live in groups with social interactions that are highly relevant to their way of life and well-being. Like humans, they are social animals and require constant attention.

Another aspect to consider is that the socialization process of rabbits takes time and you have to be patient with them. Once the rabbit has trusted us, then it will approach us and need our company or that of another companion, in order to feel loved and accompanied.

In cases where a rabbit feels lonely, it can suffer from depression and get sick, but if it has the necessary care and attention, it is possible to enjoy an ideal pet. If your case is that you cannot give him all the time of attention that he needs, then the ideal is that you have a couple together and, in this case, the ideal would be that it be a male and a female that have been neutered and that have a similar age.

In addition, if you are patient enough, you will be able to verify that they are very intelligent animals, more than you might believe, and that, over time, they will begin to recognize you and answer and pay attention when you call them by their name, as well as learn to play some games and tricks.

Rabbit Care

The optimal thing is that rabbits live in the company of other rabbits, so it is recommended that we have at least 2 copies, under the conditions that we have explained to you before. It is also necessary that they have enough space and the best thing is that a room in the house be prepared for them. It is important to make sure that there are no cables in that space that can gnaw as well as other objects that we do not want them to bite.

But if it is not possible to provide a room for them alone, then what is recommended is that a place be set up for when we do not take them out to run and move around the house. The usual thing is a space that must have a special size, because what is indicated is that it measures 2 square meters per rabbit, which is what they require to be in good condition, so if you have two rabbits, then the cage should be 4 meters squares.

We also remind you that the place where we have arranged for our rabbit to live as a pet must be away from drafts and direct sunlight, or from very hot areas, remember that they are prone to colds and very fragile with the temperatures.


Rabbit Cage

If you have decided that they will live in a cage, then make sure you get one that is set up in the right way for their safety. The normal thing is that it has a tray, spaces to place the water and place the food, and a double bottom in which we must place newspaper and materials that collect urine and feces and that we can take out through a tray arranged in the bottom. of the cage.

Rabbit Accessories

In the market, there is a large number of toys and accessories that have been designed to make the life of our pet rabbits more pleasant. These are accessories that are suitable for rabbits, to enrich their life and take care of their health. Among those accessories are:

tray or corner

It is a tray that has been designed to fulfill the function of a sink for our rabbits to relieve themselves. Inside it is necessary to place a kind of bed with pressed paper or shavings, in no case cat litter or sawdust, because they can cause our rabbits health problems and even infections. The corner piece must be washed with a neutral soap every day.

Rabbit Bed

It is recommended that we place our rabbits in a cotton towel or a rabbit bed as a place to rest, so that they are more comfortable. Many rabbits will appreciate it, but until they get the hang of it, many will use it as a sink. You have to be patient and continually show them what it is for, until they understand it.

hay dispenser

It is necessary that the rabbits have a place where we can place the hay. The usual thing is that the rabbit cages bought in a specialized establishment already have them incorporated, but if this is not the case, we can buy a hay dispenser. Also inside the cage you can place a couple of containers for food, one that can be used for feed or hay and another that will be used for other types of food, such as vegetables or fruits.

Rabbit Drinker

At this point, there are two very simple options, one is to place a bowl where we will put fresh water every day, or we can also buy a bottle-type drinker with a capacity for at least half a liter of water, which is always you will find clean, which cannot be assured from a bowl. This bottle-type drinker comes with a device adaptable to the cage so that it is placed and immobilized and the rabbit can go to it whenever it is thirsty.

Woods to gnaw

It is of relevant importance that rabbits are able to wear down their teeth. To fulfill this purpose, along with the hay they consume, we can place various objects or wood to gnaw inside the cage. They are found in specialty stores. It is important that you understand that not everything that looks hard is worth it. They must be pieces of wood from fruit trees, which do not splinter, but the wood must not be treated because we can make our pet sick and even poison it.

Toys for Rabbits

If we can place many toys for them to entertain themselves inside the cage, but what is most popular is to place artifacts such as elements for roes or level tunnels, so that they have fun running around inside and outside of it, we can also place bigger items to make the game bigger and better.

Rabbit Feeding

The rabbit as a pet, as well as the rest of the rabbits, are herbivorous animals and consume only vegetables and plants. Most of the diseases suffered by these animals are due to a poor diet. Their food must be strictly based on vegetables, hay, fresh herbs and feed, which gives them a lot of natural fiber and excludes carbohydrates and fats.

hay for rabbits

Hay is one of the foods that are essential in the diet of rabbits, since it must constitute at least 70% of it and must always be fresh and available. It is an invaluable help for the digestive system of these animals and helps them in the wear of their teeth.

Fresh vegetables

At least once a day we must supply our rabbit as a pet with a reason of fresh vegetables. The optimum would be to be able to mix 3 different vegetables and always raw. But there is something very important that must be taken into account and that is that the kits or baby rabbits cannot be given vegetables to eat until they have attended their first medical check-up, so that the presence of parasites in their intestines can be ruled out. .

three day rule

The way to know which vegetables suit our rabbit as a pet and which ones do not, is to introduce the vegetables one by one. Each vegetable should be given for three consecutive days, starting with a small amount and increasing over the next two days. If it does not feel good because diarrhea or gas occurs, we will suspend its use and wait until the rabbit recovers, and then move on to the next one.

When we have finished with all the vegetables that we have on the list that we have made, we will have to try again with those that apparently did not go well with it, or we simply exclude them from the list forever. We can start with vegetables that normally do not cause problems, such as endive, but if you do not have a list, do not worry, we will provide you with one here:

vegetables allowed

The vegetables that are optimal for the digestion of rabbits are the following:

  • Chard
  • Celery
  • Chicory
  • Watercress
  • Canons
  • Escarola
  • Green beans (seedless)
  • Pepper
  • Endives
  • Borage
  • Artichoke
  • Arugula
  • Cucumber
  • carrot and beet greens
  • Chinese cabbage
  • Clover
  • Dandelion

Vegetables that we can give them in moderation

Among the vegetables that rabbits can digest if we supply them in small quantities, are:

  • Spinach
  • Cabbage
  • Tomato
  • Broccoli
  • Carrot
  • Lettuce (green leaves only, not iceberg lettuce)
  • Fresh aromatic herbs (parsley, mint, basil, oregano, fennel, spearmint, peppermint, sage, basil, coriander, marjoram)

forbidden vegetables

But there are vegetables that you should never give your rabbit, due to the effects they can have on them, the so-called forbidden vegetables and this is a list

  • Cauliflower
  • Potato
  • Onion
  • Garlic

Fresh fruits

It is likely that your rabbit loves fruit, but we must try not to give it to him. It is forbidden to give fruits to rabbits because they can cause serious digestive problems such as diarrhea and discomfort. It is true that some special foods for rabbits contain fruits, but these are dehydrated, which is the way in which they can digest them properly.

Forbidden foods for rabbits

It is forbidden for us to give them seeds, including nuts, legumes and cereals. We also cannot give you:

  • Iceberg lettuce
  • Cauliflower
  • Parsley
  • Cat Food
  • Dog food
  • Cooked food
  • Carne
  • Dairy
  • Canned fruit or in syrup
  • Sal Island
  • Sugar
  • Barley

poisonous food

Some foods are not only harmful to rabbits, but are also toxic and, in the worst case, poisonous for them and they are:

  • Potato
  • Onion
  • Garlic
  • Avocado
  • Chocolate
  • Vegetables
  • Bamboo
  • tea leaves
  • tomato leaves

poisonous plants

There are plants whose ingestion is very toxic for our rabbits, among them are the following:

  • Poinsettia
  • Esparraguera
  • Belladona
  • Mushrooms
  • Orchid
  • Rhododendrons
  • Ivy
  • ferns
  • Cactus
  • Carnation
  • Geranium
  • Castor
  • Mistletoe
  • Primroses
  • Rubber plant
  • Narcissus
  • Juniper
  • Roble
  • Poppies
  • Cannabis
  • Aloe vera
  • Bulbs
  • Violeta
  • Tejo

I think for rabbits

It is a type of food that should always be considered as a complement to your normal diet and never the most important part of your diet. The feed that is recommended is the one that comes in the presentation of pellets, which is an extruded feed.

We cannot give our rabbit feed that contains seeds. It is important to read the labels, because the feed we require must be of quality and contain at least 20% fiber. Another element to consider is that for our rabbit not just any type of rabbit feed is valid, but rather each breed has its own particular type of feed. For example, if we have a dwarf rabbit, we must give it feed for dwarf rabbits.

Rabbit Hygiene

We remind you that rabbits are very clean animals, that they are cleaning themselves at all times, which is why they sometimes form balls of hair in their stomachs that make them sick: Apart from that, it is not necessary for us to clean them. Even so, we must be aware of their habits and customs and what we can do to improve their quality of life.

bathing a rabbit

We insist on telling you that rabbits are animals that are continually cleaning themselves, and that it is not at all recommended that they be given a bath, unless they have gotten excessively dirty due to a specific situation. In that case, if you have no choice, you can try cleaning them with baby wipes. If this does not work, then we will have to wash them with water, but we must follow a series of instructions that we are going to give you in a row:

  • Fill a bowl with some warm water
  • In a quiet area, so as not to cause distress to the rabbit
  • Do not place it face up at any time
  • Do not use any soap or shampoo, just water
  • In the end, you have to dry it well so that it does not catch a cold

Finally, we must remember that we must brush the fur of our pet rabbit very often so that we can eliminate the port hair, prevent hairballs from forming in the stomach and ensure that it maintains a shiny and healthy coat.

Rabbit Nails

It is recommended that we cut our pet's nails if they are very long. To do this, you have to buy a specific nail clipper for him and make a special effort not to cut too much, because at the ends of the legs you cross many veins and arteries and we can cause our little friend a hemorrhage and a lot of pain. If you do not have experience or we do not see ourselves in the capacity to do it, we can take it to a veterinarian and ask an expert to do that job.

Rabbit Health

We must take our rabbit to the exotic animal veterinarian, at least once a year, and whenever the veterinarian indicates it. In addition, it is recommended that he undergo a castration procedure, in order to avoid problems in the future, such as tumors or behavioral conflicts.

We also advise monitoring the behavior of our pets from time to time, because if we observe something irregular, it may be a sign that they are not feeling well, it may be the symptom of some disease and we should take them to the veterinarian to avoid future problems.

When you are observing your rabbit, they can consider the following signs of concern:

  • He barely moves and is listless
  • Has difficulty breathing or has mucus
  • His head is slightly lopsided
  • Has suffered a fall and cannot move
  • have seizures
  • He hasn't eaten in 12 hours.
  • Has not urinated in 24 hours
  • He hasn't pooped in 12 hours.
  • Your stools have mucus
  • has overgrown teeth
  • Scabs have appeared on your ears

If you have detected any of these conditions in your rabbit, what we recommend is that you go to the vet urgently, because honestly, your pet may have a very serious problem. Don't hesitate to do it immediately.

Common diseases

When you have a rabbit as a pet, it is necessary that you acquire knowledge about the ailments and diseases that our little friends can most commonly suffer from and you must always keep them in mind so that we can react quickly and prevent the health of our pet from deteriorating much. Therefore, we indicate the following list:


If our pet coughs, sneezes, coughs or has some kind of mucus, the most common thing is that our rabbit has caught a cold. If this happens, you should take it to the vet immediately, because it can get out of control and turn into pneumonia.


Although it may not seem like it, it is an ailment that usually occurs in the hot summer months. The symptoms that can occur in our rabbit are panting, and we must take it to a space that is cool and in which the rabbit can feel calm, moistening its head a little. But if we do not see an improvement, we must take it to the vet urgently.


This ailment is recognized because its main symptom is hair loss in the animal and it is a disease that is contagious among rabbits. What is recommended is that you go immediately to the veterinarian to indicate the corresponding medication.

red urine

You may be able to see blood in your rabbit's urine, and it could be a serious health problem that requires urgent treatment. Now, if the urine is red, but it is not blood, that means that we have fed him too many green vegetables. In this case, what you have to do is give the rabbit a lot of water and change the type of vegetables that we are giving it. If after 12 hours, the condition has not improved, then we should go to the vet.


Mange is the product of parasites, a type of red mite, that are inserted inside the ears of rabbits. Usually they also appear on the legs and in some sections of their skin in general. If we observe that our rabbit has symptoms of scabies, we must take it to the vet immediately in order to impose the most appropriate treatment to eradicate it.

Other sanitary measures will also have to be taken, such as washing the cage and disinfecting it, along with all its accessories and toys, so that the disease does not spread in our pet again. All this with boiling water and leave everything in the sun for 24 hours.


In all pets, vaccination is very important, but in the case of rabbits, it is essential, as they are animals with a very delicate constitution. In addition, in the field of rabbits there are two very serious diseases that must be avoided at all costs through vaccines, which are:

  • Myxomatosis: is a disease that is caused by direct contact or by parasites. The symptoms are lack of appetite, various inflammations and secretions from the nose. This vaccine must be given to our rabbits every six months, preferably in the fall and spring.
  • Viral hemorrhagic disease: this is a disease that is spread by contact with other sick animals, by parasites or by objects that are contaminated. The symptoms of it are respiratory problems, nervous problems, apathy and anorexia. The vaccine for this disease is placed every six months, or every year, if our pet does not go outside and does not have contact with other animals.

Rabbit Reproduction

Rabbits are mammalian animals, and for that reason they are viviparous, which means that the young of the rabbits grow and develop inside the womb of their mothers. But you also have to keep in mind that rabbits are polygamous animals, which means that a male rabbit can have different female partners with which to reproduce.

These animals reach sexual maturity between 9 and 12 months of age. Their mating and reproduction season occurs between the months of February and August, and while they last it is possible for a rabbit to be able to reproduce up to 7 times, of course, with different females. The females can accept the male without necessarily being in heat, even when pregnant.

Once fertilization has taken place, gestation lasts 28 to 30 days. The bad news is that in rabbits, the average number of pregnancies that do not reach term is 60%, and in those cases, the body of the female reabsorbs the dead embryos. But in the event that the pregnancy reaches its term, a female usually gives birth to between 1 and 9 pups, although in exceptional cases, they have been able to give birth to more than 10 pups.

Shortly after the birth, the females are in heat again and can copulate to become pregnant again. Rabbit babies are called kits. They are usually born blind, hairless and not fully developed. They are usually weaned at 4 weeks and the mother only visits the nest for a few minutes a day to nurse them.

Why do rabbits reproduce so much?

On average, a female rabbit can give birth to about 30 pups a year. The reason for the high birth rate in rabbits is part of their defense system against the great pressure they must endure from their predators. Only 90% of rabbits make it past the first year of life in the wild and then they are easy prey in the food chain.

Tips for having a rabbit as a pet

Finally, we are going to give you 5 basic tips that you should keep in mind if you have decided to have a rabbit like pet in your house. It is true that rabbits are animals that are taken care of in a simple way, they usually have a good character and are very tender. But like any animal that shares its life with us, it is essential to meet some requirements so that it feels good, the basic ones are:

  • Find a Rabbit Vet

There are many vets who specialize in exotic pets, which is anything other than cats or dogs, and of course rabbits are exotics. These professionals are the ones who can know what the needs of each species are. They can take care of evaluating your health status from the first visit and then you can do the annual check-ups.

Another important aspect is that it is the specialized veterinarians who will have at their disposal the vaccines for rabbits against myxomatosis, which is transmitted by mosquitoes and fleas, and against hemorrhagic viral pneumonia. We also suggest that, when the veterinarian approves it, the animal be sterilized, to avoid tumors in females and behavioral problems in males.

  • Give him the right food

In a previous section we have indicated which foods, vegetables, greens and herbs are beneficial for your rabbit and which you should avoid at all costs. However, we tell you that the main foods eaten by rabbits are carrots, fennel, hay, spinach, turnip greens, celery, watercress, dandelion, oats and grass.

It is also required to supplement their diet with the well-known timothy grass pellets, which can be purchased at pet stores. As for portions, it is normal for an adult rabbit to consume ⅛ cup per day. Also remember that because rabbits are herbivorous animals, some foods can cause weight gain. Because of this, pellets should be fed sparingly. And it's not good that that's their only source of food.

  • Prevent tooth growth

Rabbits are rodent animals and if you want to adopt one, it is good that you know that their teeth grow constantly. The only way to wear them out is by providing them with objects that they can chew on, such as cardboard, wood, tree branches, as long as you comply with the recommendations that we have given you in a previous section of this article, and, of course, the pellets that are hard to crack

  • Buy a suitable cage

If it is a rabbit that can weigh four kilos, the cage must be more than one meter wide and 60 centimeters high. What it is about is that the animal is able to lie down and stretch without problems. It is also required that it have a separate space, in which the place to place water and food can be conditioned, as well as another to relieve itself.

The optimal thing to condition the cage is to put a base or substrate of soft shavings, which can be pine or hay, in large quantities, so that the rabbit can cover itself and hide whenever it likes. But reserve one side of the cage for her need area, which can be a non-cat litter box covered with paper and grass. And always leave an area for games and a hiding place or house that resembles a real den.

  • brush her hair

This is one of the care that is essential in a rabbit and should be done at least once a week, although there are breeds that require it more frequently. This is essential for their hygiene and health, due to the hairballs that form in the stomach of these little animals.

Rabbits, as well as cats, should not be bathed. In summer we can put a slightly larger container with water, since they may need to cool off, or we can wet the neck and ears a little, which are their natural cooling system. But if it is absolutely necessary to bathe them, we have already told you how to do it in a previous section of this article.

  • Let him exercise

If the cage is too small or does not have enough area to move freely, the rabbit may suffer from both obesity and depression. That is why it is very important that you let him go out to exercise, run and play.

You must keep in mind that every time you release it, you have to be very attentive, because rabbits tend to do a lot of mischief, such as chewing cables or shoes or any object that is within their reach and that catches their attention. It will also have a tendency to relieve itself anywhere and hide in places that can be very dangerous.

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