Parables of Jesus, the message of his teachings here

The parables of Jesus, are short stories, that the son of God used, to instruct his acolytes regarding the behavior that was expected of them. These always have some kind of moral, with a great moral and spiritual load.

parables of Jesus

What is a parable?

The parables of Jesus, relate events that may or may not have occurred, in it the Jesus Christ, tries to establish how we should behave, according to how the protagonists of the story behaved, and what consequences we can have. To learn more you can read prayer to the holy child of atocha.

The term comes precisely from the Greek word parabole, this refers to compare. with these stories Jesus try to leave an apprenticeship and a conduit guide from the soul. In the parables of Jesus you are invited to love your neighbor, accept him and tolerate him.

Difference Between Parable and Metaphor

The parables of Jesus, are different from other narratives, that is, the metaphorical ones or the fabled ones. In the former, words are used in the description of events for which they were not intended. When they are fabled stories, the protagonists are usually animals, which are humanized in behavior.

It is noteworthy that the parables of Jesus, always revolve around real human beings, who could perfectly exist. In this way, people were able to identify with the characters and learn from their experience.

Main characteristics of parabolas

The parables of Jesus, are composed of a set of life experiences of the son of God himself and his disciples: The characters are pastors, loan applicants, those who lend money, in short, a set of events that occurred in the life of anyone .

It must be remembered that they were used to transmit a message to simple people, if they were very complicated, they would not understand them. In no case are slightly more far-fetched situations ruled out, only with the intention of inviting reflection in our hearts. For this reason, it can be said that these parables of Jesus are:

  • They are short, they are usually a simple story of a true event.
  • They are stories of everyday life, simple, without much depth of thought.

The parables of Jesus

Jesus he made use of this resource, so that his message would reach the whole world, until his coming, religious knowledge was restricted to the learned, the others were simple followers. The son of God, on the contrary, preached that blessing and wisdom should be able to reach anyone who wanted to listen.

parables of Jesus

At New Testament, you can find 40 parabolas of Jesus, in them is the message that Jesus I wanted to bring to the world. We present them to you below.

Calculate expenses

This parable of Jesus It starts like this, which of you, when wanting to build a tower, at the beginning as a first step, stop and calculate how much you need to spend, to know if you have the relevant resources to finish it? Since it is possible that once the base is raised, the materials run out and they can no longer finish it.

And if this happens, everyone who observes it, without finishing, can make fun of it, and begin to say: he started a construction and could not finish, look how bad.

Starting with a question, this parable tries to start with an analysis, it refers to how we must prepare ourselves previously, we must administer the resources that we need, when we are going to embark on some process of creation. This is necessary to ensure that we can finish the work we start.

parables of Jesus

Religious people, who follow the teachings, must know at all times that if we want to follow the path that the Lord shows us, we must be prepared, since we must not only believe without any doubt, or have motivation, and good intentions , in addition to encouragement are necessary. Rather, they are the least of it.

This path is extreme, with fixed mandatory compliance conditions, without using sentimentality or ridiculousness, as many might want to do. A believer who really wants to do it worthily, of our Lord implies many sacrifices, and will necessarily affect or lead to consequences among the people around us.

All our close beings, be they family, friends, co-workers or simply the people we pass on the street, will be affected in some way by our way of being as followers of the faith. But what does all this have to do with God?

The answer to this is found precisely in the parable. When a person decides to follow the Lord's teachings, he makes the decision at once to build his life in faith, for this the apology is made, that it is like erecting a building. This tower will be the reflection of our own and incomparable path that we will cross towards the Kingdom of Heaven.

When we build our faith, we must be like any civil engineer, we must plan, and above all, sacrifice whatever it takes to lead the religion with dignity. When the parable talks about planning the cost, what it really says is that we must be aware at all times of what we are doing today so that tomorrow we can access heaven.

This means that we must always see it as a relationship, as we see it and as others see it. God. What we do daily to be closer to the Lord, how we venerate him, and if we are really living with his precepts, do we really have the necessary resources to be worthy before God our Lord?

We are the favorite creation of the Lord, we have been given space to fall, sin, act not very well or detach ourselves from the path of good, and with everything and that, it is that same space, which we can use to choose to give back to our Lord so much you did and do for us.

The Good Samaritan

This parable tells about someone Hebrew and a good person. In the time of Jesus the Jews were not sympathetic to the Good Samaritans. One day the Hebrew was walking along a path on a hill in Jericho. But some thieves robbed him. They took his money and beat him almost to death.

parables of Jesus

After this, a few hours later, a religious Hebrew was on the same path. He bumped into the man who had left badly injured. Being a Good Samaritan, he was frowned upon because he passed by, that was not his problem. Then another very religious person passed by. He was a Levite. Did he stop him? No, he didn't stop to help the man either.

After a while, another man passed who stopped to help the beaten man. This was a good Samaritan, he stopped and cleaned his wounds, he also gave him water to quench his thirst and make him feel better, he kept him warm and comforted him. From there he could see the priest and the Levite far down the road. But he looks who's here that he got hit with. He is a Samaritan.

He was helping the wounded Hebrew. When she made him feel better, she took him to her house to care for him until she was fully healed. When Jesus After narrating this parable, the following question was asked to the listeners: Tell me which of the men behaved well, with a helpless and beaten person?

This is a parable, which people interpret in different ways, in the Hebrew faith, the experts in the law considered the Samaritans not worthy to live, but to Jesus, everyone was worthy, that's why he told this parable, to give a point of comparison between what he considered good and bad behavior with others.

In this case, it was the one rejected by the religious authorities, the one who stopped, and without asking questions, extended his hands to help the needy. This is a great lesson that we must help regardless of where the needy is from or what their social condition or ideology is.

If we want to know who our neighbor is, simply put, it is every human being who is guided by the teachings of the son of God. This figure makes no distinction between people, their culture or their place of origin. As well Jesus take this example to teach them that you can be religious (Levite, leader, pastor) but you can't necessarily be a leading man.

To be a good Samaritan, you only need to have a good heart, be willing to provide timely and voluntary help, this diversification will always be found in everything inherent to the human being, and people can make mistakes, and it is very possible that they are victims of the taunts of the ignorant. This is why it is very important to understand this parable.

The good one followed by religion, will always have as a characteristic, the vocation to serve, and a great appreciation and affection for others. That is the greatest teaching of the son of God, he with his example left many acts of dedication and selflessness.

The friend at midnight

One day Jesus He spoke to his followers, and said: “Which one of you goes to one of your friends at midnight and grabs them and says: my good friend, do you have some loaves of bread that you can give me, I ask you because another of my friends came to my house from a trip and I ran out of what I had to offer.”

Without opening the friend says; “Don't be bothering me: my house is already closed and my children are in my bed, I just can't get up to give you the bread. I inform you that if the fact of being close does not make him leave, at least the inopportuneness will leave the bed for. That is why I say to you: Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it will be opened to you.”

This parable speaks of dialogue with the Lord, we have to know how to address him, so that he grants us. In the story the character insists, and the man ends up getting out of bed and giving him what he needed. It is also when we ask the Lord, when we are insistent (persistent) and prostrate ourselves before his presence to cry out or ask for something needed.

Jesus He has great esteem for humanity, and responds to any request. We have to know how to look at how he does it. The Lord teaches us that when we seek we will find and the one I asked for will be delivered, but he gives us a central message, perseverance in prayer. Persevering implies touching, continuing to ask, searching, without forgetting whom we ask.

parables of jesus

The Lord is asked through prayer, for the person who does not know how to do it, simply be guided by the structure of our best prayer "Our father", this teaches us that we need the Lord, and we want his presence, although sometimes we do not realize it, we want to be with him in his kingdom, he comforts and strengthens us.

This foundation sentence is a great proclamation of our faith. With her we connect with the love of God. It has an easy structure to follow, the first thing is that it lets you know that we are raising it to the Lord of the heavens. It is quite comprehensive, but despite this, regardless of the structure, as long as we pray with deep love and respect for the Lord, He will hear us.

The beautiful thing about a well done prayer is that it shows our interest and knowledge for the things of God. When these stories are correctly interpreted and understood, we will surely be able to ask the Lord correctly. With the understanding of this parable we learn some fundamental points within our relationship with God:

  • Be constant and genuine when it comes to praying. This should not be a casual act.
  • Knowing that we have a parent in heaven, who knows us and blesses us all.
  • When we are in prayer, we must be aware that we are engaging in a conversation with the Lord, but with the knowledge that in this dialogue with our parent from heaven, it adapts to the heavenly vision of him, this sense of intimacy changes everything.

a kingdom divided

And after summoning and gathering them, Jesus told this parable: How is it possible that the devil throws the devil out? If a nation is divided and at odds with itself, that nation cannot last long. If a house is divided, and it goes against it, it will not remain either. And if the devil rises up against himself, then he has come to an end.

Everything good has its evil counterpart, so the kingdom of God has its opposite in the kingdom of Satan. These two kingdoms are in permanent struggle, without respite, the fight is to the last consequences. The victory of the kingdom of heaven has eternal life as its crown, but the triumph of darkness leads man to eternal damnation.

This narration was made, because they defamed Jesus, questioning his miracles, what they questioned the most was the fight with the demons, which he did from time to time and thus took them out. Religious scholars said that these exorcisms were performed by the power of Beelzebub. With this slander they tried to make the disciples have doubts against Jesus.

This story teaches a variety of facts, but the most relevant is the evidence of the most tragic of religion, the denial of the power of the Lord. When you have a clear discernment of Jesus, you can dazzle the magnitude of everything that encompasses the sacrifice that he lived, in his passage through the world he even had to tolerate slander.

parables of jesus

This little story teaches us that the lord of evil simply cannot do good, he is contradictory to everything natural, and incidentally shows us that he simply Jesus it has nothing to do with it, on the contrary it is dedicated to fighting it. This parable shows us and makes us understand that doing good and fighting for justice has many enemies.

Of course, from this story, it is clear that the slander against the Lord was intended to divide his disciples, so that they would doubt him. In short, there are many reasons why the Pharisees wanted badly to name the son of God. The worst of the disqualifications comes when it is directed towards Jesus; when he is not recognized as God and Lord, this is a great sin.

This is a story where the son of God makes it very clear that there must be a union between his followers. We must not allow the temptation of the devil to cause us to question the greatness of the son of God. Our faith must be the strength with which we must battle against evil, they will always try to confuse us.

Every time they try to slander miracles, or make us doubt, we must bear in mind that the devil will always be manipulating the truth. Evil exists, and it manifests itself in many ways, doubt about the Most High is one of these temptations of the devil, against which we must always be on the alert, always united as this one says, which is one of the parables of Jesus.

The wheat and the tares

Jesus He summoned his disciples and told them this: In the house of our lord, it is like a person who planted a harvest in fertile ground. He went to rest, at that time that the person was resting, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and he left. And when the grass came up and bore fruit, then the weeds also appeared.

The vassals of the owner of the land were summoned and complained in this way: Knight, why didn't you plant a high-quality seed on your land? There was a bad seed, a lot of weeds grew in the field. He said to them: An enemy has done this. And the servants said to him: Do you want us to go and pull it out?

The man reflected and instructed them not to uproot anything, because there was a risk that they would uproot, along with the weeds, the good and productive plants. You have to let them all grow, when they are adults, all together until the harvest; and at harvest time I will say to the reapers: Gather first the weeds, and burn them.

But the good fruit, keep it in the barn, we will have a feast to celebrate the good harvest, we will thank God and share the fruit, being sure that we keep everything useful and productive.

Some tares will always grow in all fields, this is inevitable. These unwanted plants at first resemble the plant that bears fruit, it is not easy to distinguish, but it is not suitable for consumption either, on the contrary it is excessively toxic in appearance. As this plant grows in the middle of the ears of wheat, it cannot be distinguished.

The only way to know this is when the fruit should be harvested. This is one of the parables of Jesus, who compare the planet with the farmland, and the good seed, with the children of the kingdom, and the weeds are the children of the bad one. The enemy that sowed it is the devil; the harvest is the end of the age; and the reapers are the angels.

These angels are in charge of removing the tares and burning them in fire. The entire planet is the fertile land of the Lord, his power and love has no limits or understands borders, the Lord is our guide throughout the development of humanity to fulfill a common divine purpose. To learn more about this you can read the names of the 12 apostles.

With this story, he teaches us that there are two forms of action, and both coexist on the planet, allowing us to understand that evil exists among us. The lord deals only with planting what is good and nutritious, and the wicked on the other hand also sows his offspring (the weed), both grow in the world.

Parables of Jesus

When we analyze this story, among us we can always see examples of this, we see good people, and people who act badly for no apparent reason. But it is our duty as children of God to give them the opportunity to develop and really see what their fruits are like.

the rich fool

one day being Jesus, among a group of followers, heard that one of them asked him to advise his brother to share an inherited money with him. The son of God replied that he was not the one to make an arbitration between them, he did not have the power to judge in situations of material goods.

To all the others, he commented, that they should be very careful, with greedy behaviors; passing through the land of people cannot depend on how much or how little fortune they have, it does not depend on abundance.

To exemplify this, he told them the following story: There was a very wealthy man who had land that gave him a magnificent crop and abundant fruits. This man began to ponder and came to this conclusion: "What I am going to do? I have nowhere to store my harvest.”

After a while he thought: well, since the problem is where to store the abundant harvest, I will demolish the old and build much larger warehouses, there I will be able to adequately store the harvest, and everything that needs to be stored.

With this, he felt that he had secured many goods, he could rest well fed and thus enjoy what remained of his life. But the Lord does not see this as correct, because when the man dies, where will everything stored go, with whom will he remain? That won't help you get into the kingdom. It is an attitude of the fool to devote himself to accumulating wealth.

When Jesus gives the denomination of goofy, to the accumulator of goods, for thinking that this will give him a pleasant life, it is because in reality, when we see this type of people, they are usually beings of little human quality, who only need money. They put aside all the good of humanity and the love of God, they only love money.

This man of money did not remember that at some point in his personal history, he will be put on trial, and there only his works will matter. He may have worked very hard, to get the wealth from him. What's the use of accumulating so much? If after dying I will not be able to enjoy what I have saved, that is the difference between accumulating and living to accumulate.

Many of those who amass great fortunes do so thinking of never working again, but this is a huge mistake. At some point the money will run out and they will have to start over, falling into a vicious circle. But Jesus it shows us not to focus on material goods but on living a victorious, happy and greed-free life.

When we have to go to divine judgment, we will realize that an empty life and without having as a priority, being good believers, and giving love to our neighbor, is not the right path. This is why we must follow the words of the parables of Jesus.

We must accumulate points with the lord, this is the greatest wealth of life. Jesus offers us a better way to focus on him and let his riches surround us.

This is a spiritual abundance, away from the banal and materialistic. This tells us that we must enrich our lives in an integral way. With the word we are complete, if we are guided by faith we can lack nothing, since the Lord provides those who are faithful to him.

the mustard seed

The parables of Jesus, they were and are a very efficient method for teaching what life is like as a good Christian. They are stories with a moral, adapted to the time when the son of God walked this earth. That does not change its meaning adapted to modern times. Here is one of the shortest but with a lot of meaning.

Jesus He addressed his disciples saying: My father's domain, which we all want to enter, is similar to a mustard seed, which a person picked up and cultivated on his farmland; he watered it and took care of it, which indeed is the smallest of all seeds; but when it has grown, it is the greatest of vegetables, and it becomes a tree.

This tree is so strong and fertile that the birds come to it to have their chicks, the nests are protected in it, and the birds find good food. This tree gives shade to those who approach its trunk, there they can rest and comfort themselves, withstand storms and recover.

This parable is the perfect analogy of the teachings of faith. The love of God is our mustard seed, small but it germinates, grows and develops strong in our hearts. In due time this love will bear fruit and the people who receive it will continue on the right path, until they reach God's side.

The Lord through his acolytes, sow and take care of trust in the preaching of the teachings of the son of God, this is the most important of the tasks of a believer, you have to spread the word and the teachings that your son Christ. Learn from the parables of Jesus.

I wish everyone had the gift of teaching and preaching the work of the Lord, this is not the case, not everyone manages to give the correct interpretation, based on the writings and the teachings. This means that the person who wants from his heart to be a practitioner of religion and a faithful believer will adopt the deep study of the teachings of Jesus, with kindness and humility.

This parable teaches us that no matter how small or how humble it is, faith will grow and become stronger. We just have to make sure that we are that fertile ground, so that we can grow and learn in faith, and thus become multipliers of these teachings, and help others to follow this beautiful path.


The parables of Jesus, fit almost any teaching, which he felt he should give. He did not restrict them to a select group, contrary to the custom of the scribes, anyone willing to learn could approach him, regardless of age, sex or social class. His preaching reached everyone who wanted it, so great was his kindness and love.

On one occasion he told those around him the following story: «If we want to understand what the house of God is like, I can tell you that it is similar to the diastase, which a lady grabbed, and hid in 3 parts of ground wheat, until the moment when the whole had risen.»

Whenever he wanted to leave an apprenticeship, the son of God did it with the parables of Jesus, with this he managed to make the prophesied come true, which was exactly like this: “When I open my mouth in parables; I will tell you many things that have been hidden since the earth was conceived.”

It is with the use of the word, in the form of short stories, that the son of God shows us that he is the chosen one. In this way he revealed at the time, all the teachings that remained hidden, and that are the key to being good. Unexplained information for the time and that, at present, still seem to be miraculous even when they are already predicted.

The best proof of this is that events have occurred, without a doubt, that prove the truth of the scriptures. You don't need a modern god sent, just look at the facts of history to understand. It is enough to take the courage and strength necessary to believe it. The reason for this is based on the existence of the revealing writings of the actions.

It is the things that we habitually do, what we learn and teach, our way of thinking, that will guide us to the house of the Lord. There is much information in the parables of Jesus, which coincides with historical facts, has really been right with what has been presented in terrestrial space, and since in such situations, at least the catastrophic ones, they have not been avoided.

Deeply analyzing this story, the lesson it leaves is that you have to have a proper start to achieve an expected end result. Always with the word as a guide in life, of course, as always placing us in how God perceives acts, leaven is the earthly kingdom as the kingdom of heaven would be projected, if it were on earth.

The part in which it is said that with just a little bit of yeast, everything can grow as expected, it is intended to indicate and evidence through the teaching of the work of the Lord, a little here, and another elsewhere, the whole earth must be in tune and so everyone who listens will know what the path of faith is.

With the parables of Jesus, set out to bring the teaching of religion to every corner of the planet, this was an arduous task for the son of God, and he did it with total dedication, in turn forming repeaters of this. Since for him no test, no temptation was strong enough to divert him from his goal and fulfill the task.

parables of jesus

The Pharisee and the Publican

Once Jesus, told his followers the story of some people who were convinced that they were correct, reliable people who did justice objectively. They despised others as they considered themselves morally superior. Two men went up to the temple to pray: one was a Pharisee, and the other was a publican.

The first of them was standing in the temple, and prayed to himself in this way: "Sir, I thank you for the fact that I am not like the others, that they are criminals, despots, infidels, I am not even like this one who entered the temple with me, eight days of the month he spent the day without eating, he gave alms from everything he entered in goods”.

The other man, was removed from the first, his posture was head down, he did not raise his eyes to the heavenly, and he hit his chest, thus he said: “Lord, be favorable to me, for I have sinned”. Well, I will tell you that this one went down to his house justified before the other; for whoever exalts himself will be humbled; and he who humbles himself will be exalted.

It must be avoided that the ego is what predominates in the path of faith, one must have humility, to be close to the Lord, he does not make a difference between rich and poor, but between a noble soul and one who despises his neighbor because it is considered inferior. We must follow the teachings of the parables of Jesus.

This is one of the parables of Jesus, which shows us the two sides of the same situation, these human beings prayed, only they did it in completely opposite ways. One dedicated himself to comparing himself with those he considered inferior, and the other did a self-examination. The men who prayed to the same God, one was a Pharisee while the other was not.

The story told, of both ways of praying in the temple, allows us to learn humility, it is not good to self-gratify for what, in our opinion, we do well. Nor should we be aware of what others do, judge in a sin, not even the son of God took this attribution.

We cannot be believing more than others, this is an attitude that we must abandon. By believing that we are not capable of sinning, we are already sinning. The Lord is very merciful and forgives everything, but that should make us want to be better and more humble every time. This is one of the most beautiful parables of Jesus.

When a person with an addiction turns to faith to get out of vice, they are asked to recognize their problem or disease as a first step. This is how we must be to lead our lives with good, we must be aware of our weaknesses, in order to enhance our strengths.

parables of jesus

Another step followed by someone who wants to improve is not having the conviction of being better than others, this happens with the Pharisee of the story, who thinks that he does not want to be like the one who humbly prayed, even made a list of the things that they made him more deserving than the others, in the eyes of God. This is the worst thing to do.

The barren fig tree

This is another very interesting of the parables of Jesus. Being assembled with his congregation, the son of God told this short story; Once upon a time there was a person who owned a fig tree, which he had planted in the vineyard of his property, one day he went to where the plant was with the intention of picking the fruits, but he did not find it loaded.

So he decided to send it to cut, since in the 3 years it had been planted he had not been able to eat a single fig, according to his point of view it only got in the way of the ground. The person in charge of planting said to his owner:

"Lord, give it some more time, so that I have the opportunity to take better care of it and nurture it properly, so we can see if it finally bears fruit, if it doesn't, then we cut it."

parables of jesus

This plant represents the point of view of the Lord, on the culture of Israel, in general terms, theology scholars compare it with a society that obviously separated from God and of his mandates and by concept of corruption and iniquity, the judgment of God for his second coming.

Si Jesus it comes again, it must find a prosperous congregation, which has taken pains to obtain good harvests, we are in the time of pruning and manure, and of removing everything that does not bear fruit. Once the first leaves of the fig tree come out, if it shows no sign of fruit, it means that it will be sterile, but sometimes the children of God have been like this because of some problem.

If the sterility is circumstantial, Jesus it will be able to free the person, and it will make him fertile. This threat from the son of the Lord is an injunction for all humanity, we always have to strive to grow and harvest, this is the response that is expected to be able to be next to God. This is the goal of the parables of Jesus.

The plant bears fruit, it is the symbol of a nation that took off from the Lord's side, and that does not want to grant him a harvest, in turn it is also a symbol that it has a meaningless life. This should encourage repentance. We must examine ourselves and reflect on whether we are bearing fruit, or if our sins do not allow us to grow.

The phrase, where it is said that everything that is not harvested will be burned, refers to the conscience of the person, they can say that they are believers in faith, and that they listen to the word, but they do not really grow in religion, they do not do the necessary changes to follow the path indicated by the son of the Lord, this is what this phrase means.

The people of Israel, should be in charge of spreading the truth throughout the world, at a time when it was aimless, they made the decision not to do it and turned away from the side of truth, the final judgment will fall on them. Jesus He approached the fig plant, to try to find fruit, but he did not find it.

With everything and this is a story that teaches a guiding light for the nation that will assist in seeking the fruits, that they realize that if they do not strive to grow and behave according to the laws of God, they will be condemned for not having a serious intention to be better. It is one more teaching of the parables of Jesus.

The sower

There was a day that the father's son decided to sit by the sea. A large number of people gathered around him; he got into a boat, and stayed there, his followers stayed on the shore of the sea. And he spoke many things to them in parables, saying: Behold, the sower went out to sow.

As he proceeded to sow, a portion of the seeds ended up on the sidewalk of the road; This is how some animals arrived and ingested it. Another portion ended up in the area full of stones, there was not much soil to germinate, so the seeds there came out before time since it did not have a thick enough layer of soil.

As the sun heated the soil, the shoot burned, and the lack of root prevented it from hydrating. Another portion went to the thistles, when they grew they suffocated the seeds. But a good portion fell on fertile land, that grew and served its harvest, it was a very generous and abundant one. Let him who has ears to hear hear.

The spirit of this story is to highlight the importance of the place where the seed to be planted will end up, Jesus indicates the main environments where it is about learning and training in the Christian faith, next to the road, on the rock, in the middle of the thorns and on good ground. One must know how to analyze this part of the parables of Jesus.

In the case that is first, next to the road, its purpose is to learn that the seed that falls in this place is like the type of man, who listens to the teaching but does not understand it, cannot reach the spirit, and they do not preach it properly, the parable points out that these people remain only in the auditory stage.

The truth is, they listen with problems because deep down they are bad people and have bad feelings. These will never understand the word and as a consequence, the devil takes away their ability to receive the gifts, it will take away their faith and they will not pass the judgment.

As in all the parables of Jesus toHere the first thing we must learn from this story is that we should not be left alone with what we hear, we must analyze and deepen what we hear, we must open our hearts to these teachings, strengthen their faith in God and preach it to their neighbor.

The next place is the one that falls on the rock, it germinated, but withered due to the heat, it did not have water to live or how to feed itself, since it germinated in the small layer of earth that is usually found on the rocks, where a seed can grow but you have to take into account the fact of the manifestation of changes and be prepared for them.

In the third case, the harvest fell among thorn bushes, the seed grew along with them, but the bushes smothered it. This refers to human beings who let themselves be carried away in faith, by feelings and thoughts that are not theirs, eventually this will make the word no longer reach their hearts, suffocating their faith.

Finally, the seed falls on fertile ground, there it grows strong and gives a good harvest. This refers to the human being with true faith and the firm intention to be on the right track. Just like the seeds we are the people, who believe for a time, but at the moment of a change they lose faith, fall into temptations and abandon the gospel.

the wedding party

One day Jesus had to give an answer to his disciples, he told them: “My father's house is similar to a monarch who celebrated a wedding feast for his offspring; he sent his servants to summon the guests to the ceremonies; more these did not want to come.

Again he sent the servants, this time he told them: tell those who refused, that I have prepared a feast, the farm and fattening animals have been immolated, everything is ready to receive them at the wedding. But they, without paying attention, went, one to his farm, and the other to his business; and others, taking the servants, disgraced and killed them.

When the monarch learned what had happened, he was furious; he commanded his warriors, eliminated those who had become murderers, and destroyed the population with fire. This time he communicated to his servants: The wedding to the truth is prepared; but those who were invited were not worthy. Go, therefore, to the exits of the ways, and invite to the wedding as many as you find.

The servants went out on the roads, they brought everyone who crossed their path, good people and bad people alike, and thus the weddings were celebrated with many guests. The monarch came to look at it, and there he saw a man who was not dressed for a wedding. And he said to him: Friend, how did you get in here, without being dressed for a wedding? But he fell silent.

Seeing this, the monarch gave the following order; tie him up in his arms and legs, and throw him out in the dead of night, you summon quite a few people but you have to choose a few.”

For a good part of human beings, it is difficult to understand the way in which Jesus taught with the word, and incidentally how he took this teaching to all the inhabited spaces of the planet. This teaching through parables of Jesus, in an impact that is found within society, not only commoners but even gentlemen who believed they owned everything they looked at.

The creator calls humanity to be saved, but most societies do not listen to him, they are rather aware of how to have more strength and how to dominate more territory. He refused to practice fraternal actions even with his equals, for the purposes of categories. This is another moral of the parables of Jesus.

parables of jesus

If something is a constant in the teachings of the faith, it is that human beings must carry out equitable, fraternal, fair and tolerant actions, this is not as applied as it would like. At present, not everyone intends to follow the one who called himself the chosen one, the sons of God, there were many followers who supported the teachings of Jesuswithout actually doing it.

Many call themselves disciples, but they really don't have the proper attitude and sincerity, they do it to be able to appear. It is a way of gaining relevance within a group of people, which will give them some social recognition. This is a pose assumed by people with a despotic personality, the lack of humility makes them worse.

the evil farmers

This is one of the parables of Jesus, more sobering. There were already some people suspicious of Jesus, those who considered themselves privileged within the community feared the content of the stories he used to teach. before this Jesus, gathered them all together and told them the following story. To grow spiritually you can read spirituality.

Some time ago a person planted a plot of land with vine bushes, he fenced it to demarcate it; he accommodated a place to make the drink and built a structure to have the place in view. That done, he leased the place to some farmers and went on a trip. In due time, he sent a servant to ask the farmers for his share of the harvest.

This is how the dishonest ones grabbed the servant and beat him to a pulp, then sent him to the owner with nothing. Seeing this, the man sent another server, this one had no better luck, they hit him on the head, leaving an ugly wound and offended him. He sent another, and this one was killed. Later he sent many others; Some were beaten and others were killed.

He had someone left to send, his descendant, who was someone he loved. She made up her mind and sent it, she pondered: most likely my son will be listened to. For the wicked husbandmen said to one another: This is the one who is to receive the inheritance; Let's kill him, and the property will be ours. So they grabbed him, killed him, and dumped the body.

And Jesus asked his disciples, what do you think the owner of the vineyards did in the face of this barbarity? He, well, he will go out and kill those peasants, and he will hand over the land to others. Haven't you seen the lyrics? there it says “The stone that the builders despised has become the main stone. This the Lord did, and we are amazed.”

They intended to imprison Jesus, since they were aware that the story was directed to injure them. They did not do it because they were afraid of the reaction of the people, they left it that way and left.

These parables of Jesus They should be understood as the bond of our heart and soul with the Lord. This is the only way to appreciate the significant message, adapting it to a given circumstance. There is a large number of people who do not know what it means to have an encounter with God, it is difficult to achieve if the real feeling of making a connection with him does not dwell in the heart.

The truth is that Jesus, aimed to get closer to society to direct them towards the good sense of creation. He wanted them to realize how peaceful it is to know that we are not alone. That force exists and is constantly present, providing everything that will accompany the human on the road.

This parable teaches that being good also requires being fair, not overlooking the terrible actions that humans can do. People are given opportunities but if they fail seriously, justice must be done.

the two sons

This is the story of a person with two children, where the oldest went and told him that he was going to work planting the family vineyard. To this the boy told him that he was tired that he did not want to go, although he later repented.

parables of jesus

He went to the youngest son and also told him that he was going to work in the fields, the son told his father to get out of trouble, go ahead, I'll catch up with you later but he never came, he lied to his father.

Entonces Jesushe asked his disciples, "Which of the children made the request of their father?". All answered that the first, but Jesus he answered them, really, the publicans and the prostitutes will go ahead of you to the father's house. Because John came to you in the way of justice, and you did not believe him; but the publicans and the harlots believed him.

This is one of the parables of Jesus, which has the particularity of covering a topic that is common to all, turning one thing into another, is used to learn about almost any topic that we need. Spiritual truth must prevail in any situation of sorrow, pain or injustice, always keeping in mind that God's disposition will ensure peace.

During his time on earth, Jesus, he was an extremely kind man, he came to the sacrifice if necessary, for all of us, he sought redemption and indulgence for everyone who had sinned. The Kingdom of Heaven is a place that is considered exclusive only for deserving people who follow in its footsteps with The Creator.

The parables of Jesus, are elaborated, so that with their teachings we can lead a dignified life full of goodness and peace, with them we can have a behavior that will take us to the gates of the kingdom of heaven, where more than making it known through the actions from Christ it is necessary that he instilled how to build it.

This long-term learning should lead modern civilization to make a change in its way of thinking and behaving. This is not an easy task nor is it fast, it requires tenacity and true faith, all sincere believers, who have dedicated themselves to studying the word and its teaching, are obliged to serve as multipliers of this.

Teaching forgiveness, love and understanding is not a task for everyone, it requires a deep understanding of what the Lord expects of us. There are many lessons and very hard to learn, but this is a task that must be carried out, we cannot depend only on the will to learn, we must also teach.

When they are texts as symbolic as this parable, their understanding is a bit complicated. Perhaps it is due to the time in which it is told, but the truth is that to understand it, in most cases one must go to scholars of the subject. To be more understandable from this point, he must understand the whole as the realm where he is. Jesus.

The vineyard workers

The house of the Lord is similar to a man, with a wife and children, who one morning went to look for workers for his vineyard, he needed labor. He agreed with the workers that he would pay a denarius a day and sent them to his field. Going out about the third hour of the day, he saw others who were in the plaza unoccupied.

He also spoke to these so that they would go to work in his vineyard, and he offered them what he considered fair, without telling them how much. These men then also went to the sowing. He came out again but this time around 6 and 9, and did the same thing. And going out about the eleventh hour, he found others that were idle. He also hired them.

At the end of the day, the owner of the vineyard told the foreman that he would summon the workers and pay them for the day's work, starting with the last and ending with the first. The workers arrived and both the last and the first were paid a denarius. Given this, the former protested, since they had worked many more hours than the latter.

The owner replied that he had not offended anyone, that he had paid them the denarius he initially offered. It's my money and if I want to be generous with everyone I can be. Go in peace with what is yours to your homes. Thus, the first will be last, because many are called, but few are chosen.

Jesus through the stories, which are nothing more than short stories of the experiences he had and that served him to foresee unfortunate events through the instruction to his acolytes and supporters over time, he instills the fundamental human and spiritual pillars that every being on Earth must possess to achieve life. This is the general idea of ​​the parables of Jesus.

The fable generally helps all people to have knowledge of the events that sealed the history of Catholicism, as well as the influence of Jesus for all the daily situations that can come across anyone, and that only with the knowledge of this will they be able to overcome and accept the continuation of the destiny that everyone must go through.

Various human beings in present times believe that fables do not expound an exact idea of ​​the annals of those who Jesus makes comparisons, this happens because they do not understand that the real objective is to achieve enlightenment in the being, accept others and achieve values ​​for others, in addition to seeking rapprochement by any person.

Thus the very son of God, was a witness, when not protagonist of the situations raised in the parables of Jesus, he always showed a presence of nobility, purity and a lot of affection, with thoughts totally free of malice or selfishness. Jesus was always one of the defenders of justice and fairness recognized for his great deeds and miracles.

It must be understood that the language and experiences of the time are not comparable to current times, despite this, the teaching is there for those who are willing to learn, you just have to have the disposition and clarity of thought, to know that the lord works in mysterious ways.

The budding fig tree

When Jesus, had the need to explain why people should follow in his footsteps, so that when his life ends they reach heaven, he told them the following short story. There was once a man that had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and he came looking for fruit on it, and he found none. So he decided to leave her for another year and pay her, to give her the opportunity to produce.

This is a parable that teaches how to grow in the face of difficulties. Throughout our lives, we will be put to the test, and at times we will have the conviction that we cannot do it, but we must trust that opportunities will continue to be presented to us. The Lord will always be present on our path, and every time we believe we have failed him, he will give us another chance.

These short stories are very sobering, and they touch our hearts. These simple experiences lived by Jesus in their passage through this world, they give us the guidelines of how we should be to enter the kingdom of the Lord, they are general enough so that we can adapt them to our lives. For everything there is one of the parables of Jesus.

We cannot fall into the error of thinking that they already know everything, because practically life itself is an apprenticeship, Jesus he simply left us the guidelines to follow, but the application and what we may have left of them depends on us, we must be constantly alert to learn, and the knowledge acquired must be shared.

The simplicity of each parable of Jesus it is intentional, this was his success, reaching everyone, it did not matter if they were simple people of farming and work or if they were great scholars or potentates, his words had the power of simplicity, the clarity of understanding, that is why when It is up to us to instruct, we must rely on them, it is the word of the Lord.

With the short stories, what was sought was for people to come to see the true spirituality, they achieve that humanity meets the divinity of the Lord, that they feel his presence, in order to ask him for the true meaning of the message, illustrating the path of wisdom and teaching one with the other.

When Jesus, came to this world, the parables had been used for a long time, but it is he who uses them more accurately and facilitates them in order to raise awareness of the need to improve our spiritual life, so these will not always enjoy the consistency to the sight of any mortal who has not sought the way to approach God.

The route to the Lord's house is a journey that needs effort and above all perseverance, we cannot follow the path one day, abandon it another and return, this is not good Christians. We must take refuge in the divinity of the creator, but that does not imply departing from the path.

For the parables of Jesus, we are all deserving of another opportunity, but we must make an effort to comply, an opportunity is not a clean slate, it is a chance to correct and be better people and better Christians.

The prodigal son

According to the parables of Jesus, There was a man with a couple of children, the youngest, he approached his father one day and asked him for the goods that corresponded to him in inheritance, the father did so. As soon as the young man received this, he put it all together and went away to a remote province; and there he loosed all the things of him living madly.

To complete the evils, there was a famine in those parts, and the youngest son began to lack everything. He had to look for something to do, and what he found was a job as a day laborer on a farm taking care of the pigs. And he wanted to fill his belly with the carob beans that the pigs ate, but nobody gave him.

In that he was walking when he reflects, "all the workers of my family's lands are at the table with enough bread, and my person is here about to perish from hunger, I will stand up and return to my family home, and I will ask my father for forgiveness, because I sinned against heaven and against him. I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired men.”

So he returned home, and there he found his father. While he was still far away, the father saw him and recognized him, and he felt great mercy for his son, he hugged him with love and gave him his blessing. The son began to tell him everything he felt, but the father said to his servants: Bring out the best dress, and put him on; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet.

He ordered a feast to be prepared because his son was back, and what he thought was dead had revived, was disoriented and was directed. And all felt the joy of his father. The older brother was in the fields, working, and when he came, and got close to the house, he heard the music and the dances; and calling one of the servants, he asked him what it was.

He was informed of the brother's return, and that his father had given instructions for the preparation of a feast, for he had returned in good health. This made the older man upset, and he didn't want to go in. He came out in turn his parent, and begged him to enter. He said to his father: Behold, I have served you so many years, never having disobeyed you, and you have never given me.

He considered such a commemoration unfair, for someone who had wasted his wealth on harlots. The father grabbed the eldest son and told him, you have always been with me, and all my goods are yours, but it was necessary to make a festivity and show rejoicing, because your brother was dead, and has revived; he was lost, and he is found.

This is one of the parables of Jesus, which emphasize the value of being kind and having mercy for others. People when they have sincere gratitude should be treated with kindness, this is the teaching of this story. The son returned fully aware of his bad behavior, that his father deserved more consideration and love.

The prodigal son teaches us how ephemeral money is, and how easy it is to lose it. But the love of family and parents will always be there ready for forgiveness and redemption. Changes in life, to go the way of the Lord, is a very good reason to celebrate, this is a joy for any good Christian. To know more about this you can read the prayer to bless a house.

seed growth

It is something to reflect on, how a man can place a little seed in a piece of land, and while he goes to bed, and then it dawns, and the man gets up, every night and every day, because the seed germinates in the ground; he rests, sits up night and day, and the harvest sprouts and grows without his knowing how.

parables of Jesus

From this small seed, which humanity does not understand how it can be born, it carries within it the product of the earth, at first it will be a small plant, later it will grow and it will be an ear, then it will be a plant as such; when the fruit is ready, the sickle is placed consecutively, because the harvest has arrived.

In the parables of Jesus, we must not lose sight of the fact that they are designed for a time many centuries ago. This one in particular talks about how this little girl grows and gets stronger without us realizing it. It refers to the fact that the seed is the word of God on earth, and just as the seed grows, the person must grow through the word.

The disciples of faith and the enlightened, the scriptures have sent us, this is their mandate, if we follow the teaching we can access eternal life, we have to be clear about what God he is good, and true, giver of the word so that by hearing the word he may be saved and bear fruit.

What must be kept in mind is that the growth of the seed is achieved with frequent care and watering, we cannot fall asleep without first having done the work. This is spreading the word, sowing values, teaching that the Lord is there for us, so that we grow in faith, and to guide us along the path of good, so we will make sure we grow and bear fruit.

parables of Jesus

We must not doubt that Jesus, was a great preacher, throughout his life, he laid the foundations of true faith, in humanity, planted the seed of his time, and it grew and it is up to us to continue with this work, we must be the plants floods that bear fruit. The Lord left us messages so that we understand how to promote the word of God.

It is good to realize how intelligent the parable compares the kingdom of God to a person who drops a seed on fertile ground so that it germinates, this is the word, we must take care of it and feed it to reap its fruits. All human beings who listen to it and put it into practice can grow in eternal life.

What it means is that man does not need to seek an explanation for the fact that the seed is planted in earthly life and the harvest will be done in eternal life. It is enough to trust that one day we will wake up and find a mature plant, with beautiful fruits to harvest.

All holy men know that the word was given to humanity through the son of God, so that we use it, and propagate it, and thus we can live a life of honoring the Lord, in true faith. We must be teachers for the little ones, so that they grow in love for God, that's what the gospels are for, with the parables of Jesus and his teachings.

We cannot rest in the effort to sow these seeds of love, this will be the germ of good eternal life, where we will all be at the right hand of the father, and we will find ourselves in peace and eternal love, our earthly life, will be the seed of eternal life and towards there we must go.


The House of God, can be compared to a sovereign who one day tried to settle accounts with his servants. As the adjustments began, one was brought before him who had a debt of 10.000 talents. It was a debt that he could not cancel, the lord ordered that he be sold, along with his wife and children and everything he owned, and thus he will pay the debt.

The man threw himself to the ground and begged, asking his lord for patience, that he would gather whatever he could and cancel the debt. The sovereign felt sorry for the servant, and let him go, forgiving the debt. But the pardoned one, leaving him, found one of his fellow servants who owed him a hundred denarii, and laying his hands on him, he smothered him, saying: "Pay what you owe".

The new debtor, kneeling in front of him, begged him, asking for a little time to get the amount and pay him. This did not move the villain, the villain took the new debtor and imprisoned him until he paid off the small debt. So when his fellow servants saw what had happened, they were very sad, and told his mistress what had happened.

The sovereign made him come before him, and told him; “You are a servant with a bad heart, I forgave you all your debt for having begged, wouldn't it be your duty to do something similar, take pity on your companion, give compassion like the one you received?

Then the monarch, very upset, had him carried by the executioners until he paid off his own debt. So also our Lord will do with everyone who does not have a pious heart with his neighbor.

In this story the important thing is the reference to forgiveness, in life we ​​must know that we cannot judge others happily, we must be able to forgive, to act well as he did Jesus, with a merciful attitude, always being humble, a kind being, and very loving, all for his neighbor, especially a being able to forgive.

It is true that the server owed a large amount of money to the monarch, and before the harsh sentence he asked for mercy, and a new chance to pay, he asked the lord for patience. That was how he moved the sovereign's heart, and managed to get him to forgive him. Even so, being so privileged, the servant, meeting one of his fellow servants who owed him, demanded.

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He had no charity, no patience, much less kindness, he also received pleas for mercy, and they asked him for patience, that they would pay him everything. But it was useless because his heart was dry and merciless, so he locked the other in prison until he paid off the debt.

Even when they tried to make him reconsider, nothing was achieved, he simply was not a man worthy of GodThis is why the monarch made the decision not to forgive his own debt, since he should prove firsthand what he had done to his fellow servant. This is a great example of a lack of charity and Christian values.

We should all know that if we fail in something so important, we will suffer the consequences. We must call ourselves to reflection, we must learn to forgive from the heart without hesitation, our selfish attitudes must be abandoned, the ego is the worst enemy of human beings, and it distances us from our essence; of caring beings, of beings of love, of peace, of goodness.

New wine in old wineskins

If you have an old dress, it makes no sense to mend it with new fabric, because when it is washed, the new fabric will shrink and pull the old fabric, until it makes a bigger tear than the previous one.

Likewise, there is no person who, having freshly made drinks, will store them in an old skin, if this is done, the old skin will break due to the effect of the new liquor, and the wine and the skin will be lost; This is why the new drink is placed in containers that are also unused.

In each place or area that Jesus, visited on his way through this land, left a profound change in its population, changed the way they see and feel life, improved their spirituality. They all changed their customs, because they realized that their ways were not pious or guided by the true faith.

The old customs had been the cause of great evils in the world, that is why we must renew ourselves, by learning the words. Only then can we heal our hearts, from any evil that approaches it.

This is why this is one of the parables of Jesus more instructive, with this he wants his followers to understand that the new practices and ways of doing things did not conform to the old legislation, which was certainly very unfair, and benefited favored sectors.

In the system there were many acts of corruption, which were intended to keep the most evil and depraved of humanity, and nothing is further from God. A true cleaning of the spirit is needed, trying to have our soul as pure as possible, as well as our thoughts and hearts, so that the new guidelines work.

We have to make a real change in the world, we cannot maintain the old with the new behavior to follow. It is for this reason that a human being was presented with the power to absolve our sins, Jesus that seeks to unite the peoples in a single doctrine of love, respect and tolerance.

All the people dedicated to teaching the word, those who dedicate their lives to the Lord, they are the new wineskins, they cleansed their soul and spirit of everything old and made room for the new, the good, the life dedicated to praise of the lord

The parables of Jesus, they must occupy our soul, it is the correct way to follow the path of faith, it is clear that we all have a goal to achieve in life, and of course it must always lead to the house of the Lord.

There is no set age to realize that the Lord touched our soul, from a very early age you can feel the vocation, others take little or much longer, at that moment they become multipliers of the word, they are the new wineskin , where the new soul will have a place.

The lord will guide us along the path of the teaching of faith, and if we go astray he will rescue us, in no case will he forget us. If we do not intend to renew ourselves, the new knowledge will not last long in us, we will be like the old wineskin and everything will be lost, which is why leaving behind the old must be a conscious and permanent effort.

the two foundations

This is one of the parables of Jesus, which starts with these questions "Why do you convene, sir, and then don't live as I order you? I tell you this, as a being that complies with the laws of the Lord and puts them into practice:

It's like a human being, who is building a house, digs up a lot of earth and when the hole is deep until he finds a rock where he can lay the foundations. If it is affected by the rising waters, if the river hits the house with force, it cannot move it because it is built on the rock.

parables of Jesus

Then the one who listens to my preaching and does not live according to my teachings, will be like the one who builds his house directly on the ground and is not aware of good foundations. As soon as the waters of the river put it to the test, it collapses and will be totally ruined.”

There are people who hear the word and believe that this is all, what is heard must be practiced, used for daily life. This is the teaching of most of the parables of Jesus, this one in particular exemplifies it very well. We must have a good foundation in our intention to live in true faith.

We must stick to the teachings they give us, in them are all the fundamentals that should guide us in life. But everything must be practiced consciously, it is useless to listen and read if this learning is not internalized, so that it becomes a real habit of Christian life, according to the mandates of the parables of Jesus.

This is a story, which was told to a large number of people, and it was to them that they were told, it is useless for them to be here listening, if the foundations of their faith are not strong and well built. It was a big concern for Jesus, that people listen to it but they will leave the teaching in simply listening and not putting it into practice.

The parables of Jesus, reached a large number of people, there were more and more, but they could not be just phrases without meaning or content, they had to be absorbed by the listeners, and in turn they had to be able to tell others to start them on the right path . It is about obeying our Lord Christ as to the application of these words.

The content must be sacred to us, it guides our lives. In today's society, so turbulent and changing, both in the environment of society and in cultural management, in this sense the good and the bad also change at the rhythm of society. And it's not just today; each period that comprises the history of the human being has had its approaches and ideas.

These violent changes mean that the rules have to adapt. In this sense, the parables of Jesus, because they adapt perfectly to the time in which they want to be applied and taught. They are totally timeless, we can always be good and fair, and love our neighbor, that is why words always give meaning to life.

The human being has the duty to assume responsibility for his actions and his words. This is the foundation of religious teaching, we must live as preached, so when an evil event occurs, we can come out completely clean and unaffected.

The salt of the earth

“All human beings are the salt of the planet, if this salt will cease to exist, what will it be salted with? The only thing salt is good for is this, to be thrown to the ground and stepped on by people.

When the person is born, once and for all they have their assigned role on this planet, our destiny is already drawn, and our life has a goal. The destiny of each person is particular and unique, and no one else can do it. This parable is intended to illustrate to people how the human being gives flavor to the world, is the seasoning of this life, is sustenance.

In the scriptures there are many experiences and parables of Jesus that are very simple to apply to our daily work. That is the function of the Bibleguide our way through this land, taking into account the stories of the experiences of the first followers of the teachings of Jesus. These were the first to preach the word, the original salt of the earth.

From the point of view of etymology, the term salt corresponds to the Latin dirty, which referred to salary. This is so because in ancient times, this mineral was used to make payments for the work that men did. It was very valuable, since with it food could be preserved, and thus the food could yield much more.

However, from the point of view of theology, Jesus, pointed out the two main peculiarities of salt. In the first place, its great power of preservation, which can be understood as the fact that human beings, being the salt of the earth, have the power to preserve, and separate us from corrupt acts, if we are bad, nothing can putrefy us. to affect.

Another point of view of the gentleman, is to recognize the property of salt to give good taste to food. This is the analogy that as spiritual beings, our life is constantly contrasted against what is written in the sacred book, and our verb must permanently go hand in hand with a testimony of faith, that is, it must be seasoned to enrich and preserve.

We are responsible for every person to whom we preach, that season of testimony, will be for them the evidence of the truth of the word. At the same time we must keep it safe from the rottenness of the world, that is the meaning of being the salt of the earth.

Continuing with the same analogy, what salt cannot do is return the process of damage to meat. If the damage is already done, then we can't do anything. This reaffirms faith in the word, the only one who can combat evil already done is the Lord.

Thus Jesus, with his teachings invites us to raise and make changes in the world of man. Of course, not everyone will be a Christian, this would be wonderful, but in the world there are many beliefs, even so we must make an effort to teach the word while we are passing through earthly life, that is the call of the Lord to be the salt of the earth .

The master and the servant

This is one of the parables of Jesus, which we all must learn, begins by asking: “Which of you has had a servant in the fields with the plantation and the animals, and when he comes back from work, they invite him to sit down and eat? Could it be that instead of that, they send him to prepare dinner, incidentally he must change his clothes because he is dirty?

It will be that you order him to serve me until he is satisfied, and only after this can you eat and drink, is it that you also thank the server for doing all that? Well, this is how you, when you do what you are ordered, will say Useless servants we are; we have done only what we should have done.”

These kinds of stories are usually found in the gospels, starting with a question to which everyone knows the answer. This particular one starts with three. Here Jesus, refers to a server, it must be remembered that at this time slavery was very common, and had nothing to do with race.

This is why the parable is relevant, today, no one would think that a worker would return from the field to serve his boss dinner. This is why there is so much reference to being good and condescending to these servers, and to having their debts forgiven.

Given this, the learning content of this parable is that the Lord is not in debt to those who serve him. This is his duty and what is expected in their conduct. This in no case means that they will not be rewarded for it, he will always reward those who serve and love them, what is certain is that they cannot demand a reward for their service.

The relationship of people with the Lord is not one of exchange of rewards. The believer is a servant at the service of the Lord, and is motivated by affection and faith, being virtuous and loyal. Already the apostles called themselves servants. The subject serves with a sense of total security, knowing that his lord will take care of him.

God, he will grant the sound of eternal life to those who love and serve him well; This is not achieved with merit, it is achieved by leading the life that the Lord ordered us to lead. We are at your service out of strong faith, gratitude and love, as well as out of duty to He for having redeemed us.

Our duty is to comply with his designs, every time we do it, we cannot consider that he has any kind of debt with us, he does not owe us anything. This is the way to walk the path of life and that leads us directly to the door of your house, to spend our eternal life, that will be our reward.

What we receive from the Lord is a gift that comes from love for us, in no case is it a payment for services rendered, it protects us and gifts us with his love. What he gives us is good and fair, we must love and serve him without doubts or spiritual restrictions.

The wedding guests

We must be the best possible, we are not tyrants or false, we strive so that our understanding is pure and without expeditious evil. Once Jesus As he watched the best seats at the table being selected, he harangued the guests with the following parable:

“At the moment of being invited by a person to the celebrations, do not try to sit in the best seat, it could happen that someone more prominent than you is invited too. Then the owner will come to you and to him, and tell you: give your place to this one; and at that very sad moment you must go to the worst place.

But if at the time of being, you go and sit last, as soon as the one who invited you sees you, he will tell you: friend, come with me to the place of honor, then you will be proud in front of others. For whoever exalts himself will be humbled; and he that humbles himself, he shall be exalted.”

He also spoke to the person who had invited him and said: “When you prepare a condumio like this, do not invite your friends, or your close family, or wealthy neighbors; not going to be that they in turn invite you back, and you are rewarded. But when you make a banquet, call the poor, the maimed, the lame and the blind.

If you do this you will always be blessed; they cannot repay you in the same way, but thanks to this gesture you will receive your reward in the resurrection of the just.”

In this story a very clear message is given, and the good understanding of this is vital for the good Christian life. This message is essential to know what humility is, if we are not humble of heart, we will not be able to advance along the path of faith.

It is necessary to know what we are, learning to know ourselves, it is easier to accept, with modesty and honesty, any gift that is granted to us, we will be able to value it in all its extension, and we will know how to thank it, we will free ourselves from feelings of arrogance and frustration.

At the time of the parable, at these feasts, the seats at the table, where dinner was served, were assigned according to how important the guest was. A large part of the attendees tried to have one of these seats, in order to feel important, so that they would believe they were a guest of honor.

the lesson of Jesus, is a teaching of humility, we must not force that false sense of importance, we must be aware that before the creator we are all equal, before him there are no seats of importance. The humility of spirit exalts us, we gain nothing with that false pride.

You have to know how to understand that the kingdom of the Lord is reached with humility, honesty and transparency, in the heart. We must accept ourselves as we are, be aware that all our talents we owe to the Lord, let us be grateful and take advantage of all our gifts. To learn a little more about spiritual life you can read quantum healing.

parables of jesus

This is a great teaching, we must apply it every day during our lives, we must reflect before making decisions, this is how Jesus, expect us to lead through life, with great humility and gratitude.

Lazarus and the rich man

This is an interesting story, contained in the parables of Jesus, and it starts like this; at a certain time, there was a very wealthy person, he liked to wear red-colored clothes and the most refined threads, daily he had them prepare a great condumio famous for its sumptuousness.

A hundred days a destitute of name Lazarus, lay down at the doors of the rich man, his body was covered with purulence, he asked for the crumbs from the table to alleviate his torment, and for a while only the dogs came and licked his sores. It came to pass that the beggar died, and he was carried by the angels into the bosom of Abraham; and the rich man also died.

being in the Hades, the rich man looked up, he was suffering very tormented, and what he saw in the heavens was AbrahamAs Lazarus wrapped in his lap. The rich man, he began to shout with all he could, have mercy on my poor soul, send Lazarus to moisten the tips of your fingers in water, and cool my tongue, because I am tormented in this flame.

The apostle when he heard it said: “Remember that one day you had enormous goods, you lived lavishly, and Lazarus only knew evil; yet now he is comforted, and you are tormented.” In addition to all this, a great gulf is placed between us and you, so that those who want to cross from here to you cannot, nor can they cross here from there.

This is a story with a great teaching, a very rich man, and a totally needy person, both coincided at the end of their journey through earthly life, but the wealthy man was not able to have the charity to help the poor, not even with the crumbs from your table. Even the dogs of the house had more charity than he did and consoled the poor man.

This parable leaves a powerful teaching, it is in life where we have to earn our place in the kingdom of heaven, you can have a lot of abundance, and waste, but if you do not allow the spirit of our Lord to touch your heart, you will not be able to enjoy an eternal life in peace and in the grace of God, the passage through this land is ephemeral and short.

You can always hear, that in many societies they invite the rich to share part of their wealth with the poorest, it is simply showing love to others, sending the Lord the message that if we listen to him, that his teachings do not fall on deaf ears . It is important that humanity learn to be more charitable, to know that the suffering of the other matters.

But the man in our history did not do it this way, while he made a daily banquet, and dressed in all the luxury of the time, a humble man died of hunger and disease at his doors. It was in his hands to relieve his last hours, just with the crumbs from his table, and with a little love for others.

The day they both died, first it was Lazarus, and immediately the angels took him in their arms, and carried him to the side of Abraham where he would be protected and consoled, and he would never suffer hardships again, then the rich man dies, but his servants took him and buried him, from there he went to the Hades, to be tormented by fire for the rest of eternity.

When this man asked for mercy, it could not be given to him, since the borders of the kingdoms of good and evil cannot be crossed, he later realized that in earthly life he should have been more merciful. Helping others is one of the Lord's mandates, this is not subject to discussion, the needy should not be judged, a hand must be extended.

Even asking for mercy, the rich man sinned again, for he gave Lazarus, the same treatment that he gave his servants in life, because he not only asked for water to quench the ardor of his tongue, but also asked to send Lazarus, even in the midst of his torments the rich man did not understand that he had taken him to the kingdom of Satan.

the unfaithful butler

This is one of the parables of Jesus, which was told to his acolytes, where you can see the reaction of a person to be stripped of something. One day the Lord told his disciples that there was a very wealthy man who had a servant, and he was condemned before him as a dissipator of his goods.

The man made the butler come, and reproached him for what they had told him, after talking with him he decided that he would no longer be the butler, he demoted him among the servants. At all this the butler began to ponder, thinking what he would do. By taking away his stewardship he was left very degraded. He didn't have the strength to do digging work, and he was ashamed to beg.

So he had a great idea so that, despite no longer being a butler, he could still enjoy the benefits. He first went to all those who had some debt with his master, and the first one asked him how much he owed, he told him 100 barrels of oil. So he had him write on a scroll the number fifty.

To the second, he also asked for information about his debt, he replied that 100 fanegas of wheat, he also made him look for where to write down and write the number eighty. He did so, and the master ended up congratulating the butler for being so insightful, because the children of this century are more astute in dealing with their peers than the children of light.

Jesus He told his disciples: “Conquer friends using unjust riches, and when they do not have them, be received in the eternal house. He who acts as unfaithful, and everyone who is unjust. For if you were not faithful in unjust riches, who will believe what is true? And if they were not faithful in what belongs to others, who will give them what is theirs?

Servers cannot serve two individuals; he will always despise one and court the other. They should not be at the service of God and wealth. Serving one belittles the other. This also was heard by the Pharisees, who were greedy, and they mocked him. So he said to them, you justify your own actions, but they are wrong, they are abominable.”

This is one of the parables of Jesus longer, but it teaches us that God he can always see our soul, he will always realize our true feelings, even if we justify our actions in front of others, the Lord will know the truth, when Jesus spoke he was referring to the children of today, perhaps he was predicting the future.

But it was the case that the butler, only knew how to be that, and as the cunning man that he was, he approached the debtors of the one who had demoted him, to lower their debt, and this was seen with approval by the master. However, despite the fact that the butler no longer had the privileged position in his master's house, he dedicated himself to ensuring his stay in other houses.

Despite the show of cunning, this is an unfair way of making a profit, it is like trying to sow seeds at the bottom of the oceans, and most likely, this will cost the steward and the debtors entrance to the heavenly kingdom. It is preferable to dedicate yourself to making good friends in life, who can help us in misfortune, than to be dishonest.


This is one of the parables of Jesus, which uses a figure closely related to the kingdom of heaven; since it is a net that has been thrown into the water and that catches fish of all kinds, it makes no distinction between them. When it is full, the fishermen take it to the shore, throw them into baskets and throw away the ones that are useless.

This is what will happen when the time of the earth ends, those sent by God, and they will know how to differentiate the wicked from the deserving. Those who have not earned entrance to the house of the Lord will be thrown into the eternal flames, there will be crying and gnashing of teeth.

In this story, the net is an analogy to the house of the Lord. In this fishing article, it catches everything that falls into it, there is no way of knowing what it is, until it is filled and removed from the water. This is comparable to the call to repentance that makes the way to the Lord, it can be believed that no judgment is used to be captured, but not everyone will follow.

At the end of time, they will be judged, and just like in the network, the unjust, the wicked, those who did not show love to the Lord and to their neighbor, those who did not preach the word, in short, those who did not obey the teachings of the parables of Jesus, for they will be expelled, and will not enter the kingdom.

The fish that will remain in the net are the human beings who behave fairly, who in their lives respect and adhere to the gospel, and the bad fish will be those who reject themselves. Always keep in mind that the fate of the bad guy will be the fiery furnace.

This story of course explains what will happen in the end, but it should not only be considered for the consequences, it is also intended to serve to persuade those who are still unconvinced of the right path to follow. It addresses those people who are far from the gospel and who somehow reject it.

Even if we are on this earth we have a life to live, and as long as we are here there is the hope of changing for the better, no matter our age or social status, the word is for everyone, whoever wants to listen and learn will be saved. We must learn with conviction, believing in the word of the Lord is the way to find the way.

The teaching of the Gospel makes a great contribution as to what will happen to all the uprooted, those spirits that do not know how to seek the Lord, it is especially addressed to them, to try to show them the will of God for all of us, all the people, all mankind. To learn more about this topic you can read the magnificent.

This is exactly what this story should be used for, it is a great motivator to follow the right path, and reach eternal life with the right to enter the kingdom. There should be no doubts, no weaknesses of spirit. Only with a real and committed faith can we move forward despite the obstacles, which are many.

Our passage through this world should not be one of suffering, the Lord gave us many gifts and blessings, and it is by learning to see him that we will know how to live, the attachment to wealth sometimes works, like a wall that prevents us from seeing the gifts. We focus so much on what is in front of our nose that we can't see beyond it.

The light of the world

one day he said Jesus, to his followers: “You on this earth are the ones who illuminate it. Just like a town built on the top of a hill, you cannot be hidden either. A light does not come on to put it under a box; rather, it is put on high so that it gives light to all those who are in the house.

You are the ones who should be that light, you should make it shine in front of everyone, so they, seeing how good you act, will want to imitate you and praise the father who is in the kingdom of heaven.

In the different parables of Jesus, if something has become clear, it is that we all have a purpose in our passage through earthly life. Particularly those initiated in the faith, all those who study and learn, must illuminate the acolytes, they must be those beacons that guide people along the paths of Christianity.

We must all be part of this work to achieve a good coexistence, we must be better ourselves, to help improve others, with respectful and tolerant attitudes, and accepting our neighbor. The Holy Bible It contains many stories that teach us and fill us with hope in the face of any adversity.

Simply, we Christians are made of light if we are believers of Jesus Christ, since he is light. As long as we are next to him there are no bad things that can harm us, especially those that are in the dark. At the same time, we are beings of light capable of clarifying the path of those who need it most, trusting in grace.

It is in the darkness where the route of sin is, there the dark one has his place of influence, and he will always try to make us move away from the good path of the holy. Curiously, the real difficulty is that as human beings, Christians know that there is good and evil.

We have power over the decision of whether we want to act right or wrong, that is why we are taught, but we all have the gift of free will, if we consciously move away from the path of good, no one can do anything for us. Then we must reaffirm our commitment and testimony with God and with our brothers.

Light is pure energy, it helps us to see everything around us in detail. It is a radiation that does not need to have a material medium to propagate. Our main source of light comes from the king star, the sun. Now, let's imagine that we enter a room with a mirror. This room does not have any kind of light energy.

the big dinner

Once one of the apostles said: "Blessed is everyone who can feed in the kingdom of the Lord." To this Jesuswisely replied: “One person organized a great condumio, he invited many people to this. At dinner time he sent his servant to say to those who had been invited: Come, everything is ready.

Turns out the only thing he got were excuses. One said I have acquired some land and I am going to see it, another said I bought some farm animals, I am going to evaluate them, the next one said that he had just got married and that did not allow him to attend. All this was communicated by the servant. Then angry the father of the family, he said to his servant:

"Go to the squares and avenues of the town, and bring the poor, the destitute, the handicapped in general, for the treat." The servant did so, and commented to his mistress that there was still room for more people. The master said to the servant: Go through the roads and through the fences, and force them to enter, so that my house is filled. That way none of the guests will eat my dinner.

This is a beautiful message, and very deep, it is a very noble teaching of spirit. It is about teaching the beauty of love Jesus for all of us, he is the one sent by God, so that the common people of Israel approach the father. Doing it then by inviting him to a big dinner at his house, which is to be interpreted as; inviting them to the forgiveness of their sins.

Unusually, the first guests excused themselves for not attending, so without much thought the room was filled. This teaches us that it is we who make the decision to attend or not the heavenly banquet to which we were invited. The Lord will always be looking for a way to attract us, but the final decision is ours.

The character who organized this banquet, in an allegory to God. He invited the people through his envoy, but not all were ready to attend. These rejected the servant, the guests were the Jews of Israel. Then the father was furious upon hearing this news, and at that time the father told the servant (Jesus) to go out into the streets and squares.

It is long after this, that the envoy notifies that there is a lot of room left in the Lord's house, that they can receive many more people, and the father in response tells him, go through all the routes of the world and bring all those who want they enter my house. This is that he imposed on their minds and hearts the need for salvation and the forgiveness of his sins.

the lost coin

Any woman, who has 10 drachmas, and loses one of them, will turn on the light and clean the floor of the house, to try to find the lost coin. When she finds it with complete certainty, she gathers her other women, her friends and close friends, so that they rejoice with her for having found her lost coin.

This is the attitude that the believer must have, in front of the envoys of the Lord, for each of the sinners who sincerely repent of their sins. Each one of us must be like the lost coin, we are important and they must try to find us at all times, if we get lost.

Finding the lost is one of the greatest joys for the prophets of the word, each soul that is on the right path is important and irreplaceable. The lady who eagerly looks for the coin is a simile of the man, and each drachma one of us. Yes God he loses one of us, for some time, for a mistaken action, for a bad deed.

It is our duty to repent, and salvation will come, this is one of the drivers in the task of life that leads us to meet the creator, we must seek his forgiveness, if we have sinned, and thus we will achieve that he accepts us in his kingdom, something that for him will be a reason for joy, celebration and celebration, because this would imply that one of his children is returning to his father.

With good reasons, and a lot of decision to change our way of acting, is how we will give value to belief and faith, we must have a deep conviction in the Lord, in how good he is, and in his mercy, through which would forgive him and receive him, for Jesus said "that there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”

Everything we seek to improve our lives must be based on a respectful and humble attitude, admitting our mistakes and, of course, with a strong willingness to start everything from scratch, as the best version of ourselves that we can offer him. as his children developing our maximum potential, adhering to his truth.

If we make use of all the gifts that were given to us, and act without hesitation, we can achieve the changes that are needed, both in ourselves and in others. Let's not waste time trying to solve the insurmountable, because we know at all times that everything is in your hands.

In this story mention is made of a lady; She takes care of her at home, because she takes immediate action when she loses a coin, she tirelessly checks the whole house until she finds it, she is tireless. At the very moment that she feels that she loses us, she will use whatever option she has to seek and find us, with the ultimate goal of bringing us back to him.

It is a fact that the Lord has the ability to touch our minds and spirits, changing our hearts is an immeasurable success for the messiah, this is for him a great reason for rejoicing and courage, as a reason for joy that he will share without hesitation before his angels, for a sinner repents, one of his children returns to him, another soul seeks him.

For the Lord, it is one of his main goals, to save all beings who are willing to reconsider, and change, they just have to repent, admit their mistakes, and ask for forgiveness. It is at this moment that once and for all they are on the right path, this is the reason for glorification for all those called to the kingdom, nothing more is needed, but to open the heart.

parables of jesus

The sheep and the kids

“They will gather before God, all the inhabitants of the different countries; and he will separate one from the other, as if he were a laborer who separates the sheep from the goats. He will place some on the right hand and others on the left. And he shall put the sheep on his right, and the goats on his left. So you decide which side you will be on, on either side you will be welcome.”

This is one of the parables of Jesus, where you can see very clearly how the person who does justice and the one who does not are similar, just as farm animals are separated, at the end of days human beings will be separated. At the time, the judgment of the Lord will take care of putting each one where they will spend eternal life.

At the moment in which the envoy is in front of the people, before the justice of God, it is at that moment that we will realize the glory, being before our shepherd, we will be like the sheep, those who acted according to the will of God and the kids who did not have actions according to the will of God they will be punished.

It is also very important to understand that on many occasions, we have been told that the arrival of God, will have the objective of purging or cleaning and that will separate the one who has done well from the one who has done badly, therefore, we can observe that Jesus speaking to the crowd spoke to them about what the coming of God would be like.

All nations will eventually be subjected to the scrutiny of the Lord, and will be classified according to their way of living, they have been given the floor, and many of them decided not to learn, they must be thrown out of the entrance of the kingdom. This is the comparison that is made of a shepherd with the lord, it is he who is responsible for separating the flock.

The lord, as a shepherd, will separate the animals according to their kind, he will place the sheep on his right hand, while he will place the goats on his left. When we look at the content of the parables of Jesus, as a whole we can realize that man will be judged by his actions or how he acts with others, and that God is present in each one of us.

Our work will always be seen, what we do in the passage through this land, our actions will be evaluated, how we resolve or act in each context that appears in our lives. The truth is that those he places to his right, which in this case would be the sheep, he gives them as a prize, the property of the kingdom that was prepared from the foundation of the world.

On the other hand, the goats that are located to the left of the father, have a different destiny, that is the destiny that they try to convince us of in the scriptures, but that many do not believe exists, it is a sad ending because God all every day gives us the opportunity to do good and to act accordingly as God's laws command.

With this parable, we must learn that we have to be very attentive, how we behave, while we are on this earth we can take corrective actions, then it is too late, when the time comes, we must be sheep, in order to enjoy the heavenly house. This is the best teaching that can be given to us, we must have faith in God, in that he loves us.

We must make good use of the gifts that were given to us, we must be multipliers of the teachings, replicators of the word, lead a noble, humble and honest life. At every opportunity we have we must reach out to others, and be fair to others. the love to God it is there in daily actions, in what we are and feel.

the unjust judge

In one of the parables Jesus, refer to the need to stay in prayer, at every opportunity and without rest, he told them that there was a magistrate, who did not fear the Lord, and had no respect for men. There was also in that city a widow, who came to him, saying: Give me justice from my adversary, who has done me a great wrong.

For a certain time he did not want to know about the matter, but then he began to meditate and came to the conclusion that, although he was not afraid of God, neither respected the man, better did this justice because the widow was extremely annoying, she will grant what she deserves, lest coming continuously, patience is exhausted. “And the Lord said: listen to what the unjust judge said.

“And will the Lord refuse to do justice to his chosen ones, who beg all day long? Could it be that his answer will be late? Well, I tell you that very soon he will apply justice. The issue is when this comes, will he find faith in humanity? For this I tell you, you must watch, be vigilant that our faith remains intact for when this judgment comes.

In this story, the wrongdoing of a magistrate who was not afraid of eternal life, but did justice out of annoyance, not because it was right, is described to followers. It is to be noted that good deeds must be done for the right reasons and not by accident or chance. This is the case of this magistrate who was more afraid of annoyance than of God.

A large number of people walk like this through life, they do not fear the Lord, they move for their own benefit, that is why it is very important to reflect on the teaching that is in the content of this story, and that it be a lesson for those who take advantage of doing justice, in quotes, not because they fear God, rather fed by evil.

On the other hand, it reminds us of the importance of prayer, it gives strength to the soul, and through the act of praying, we can maintain a connection with the Lord, so we must not bow down to fatigue, because at any moment the answer will come from the heavens When in doubt, we should pray, and we will surely find an answer.

parables of Jesus

According to the parables of Jesus, we have a man with authority, which was given to him by other men and not by God, who does not feel any kind of fear or respect, he feels above everything, in turn he is omnipotent, he is a poor being, but woe to him who in the shortened hour wants justice! He will surely find her, because God He is just, true and does not forget evil.

It should be noted that for a time he ignored the request, but when the woman insisted, she managed to get her to attend to her request, the bad thing is that it was to get rid of the lady's annoyance. She had become a nuisance to him. With this he shows that his justice is accommodating, he applies it according to a personal criterion, and not according to whether it conforms to the law or not.

The one who applies justice at all times is God, and all of us at the time will be judged by him, that is why we must keep in prayer, so that our requests are heard, since he will not fail us. If you like the parables of Jesus, you can also read about San Cono.

The talents or the mines

It is said that the house of God it is similar to a person who goes far away, and from there summons his servants and gives them his things. To the first he gave 5 talents, to the second 2, to the third 1, to each he gave according to how capable he was for the work, after this he left, to a secluded place.

parables of Jesus

The servant to whom the 5 talents were given, did business with this money, and obtained as many others as profit. He did the same for the 2 and got 2 profit. However, the one with 1 did not trade them, but dug in the ground and hid the lord's money from him. After a long time the lord of those servants came and settled accounts with them.

The servants went to their master, and the one with the 5 talents showed him that he had obtained 5 more. The master that well, you have been good and faithful you are welcome to my house. The one with the 2 talents arrived and the same thing happened, he was welcomed by being good and faithful.

Finally, the one with only 1 talent came and said: "I know you as a tough person, who manages to harvest where you did not plant and grab where you did not keep, I felt fear and then I hid the talent, here you have what is yours." This one hadn't done anything with the talent they gave him.

This parable really tells how the followers were given a large number of gifts, so that through the word, they would take the gospel to all corners of the world, at the end of the days each one would have to deliver accounts of what what he had done with it. It is through the word that we have the opportunity to demonstrate to God our faith.

parables of Jesus

It is our duty to share these teachings with others, it is by taking advantage of these gifts that we can strengthen the presence of the Lord everywhere, we must not lose heart in this task, let us not be like the fearful servant, who out of fear did not use the gift to grow faith in our Lord.

In this life we ​​are just passing through, but what we do in it will be the foundation of our life in the afterlife, at that moment we will have to render accounts to God for all that has been given to us. We know that each one has many capacities, those virtues and talents that God has given us to multiply them here on earth before leaving.

We cannot allow it to happen to us like the servant, who returned the same talent that he had been given, without any profit, he had no idea what he could do with it, he planted it, but since it was not a seed, when he looked for it he was still the same, he he returned his Lord just as he had given him.

Sharing the teaching was the most valuable thing I had Jesus, with this example that he narrated in this parable, tells his followers that they must evangelize with their learning, since that is how they will see the fruit of their work on this earth. For Jesus The most important thing was that his disciples understood that they were the ones in charge of carrying out his word.

parables of Jesus

The pearl of great price

It is so the house of God it can be compared to a merchant who requests only the best pearls, and when he found one that was especially beautiful, he traded in all he had and was able to acquire it.

This story can be explained as follows, to make it a little more understandable: The merchant who buys the pearl is humanity in its entirety, that we are permanently always trying to find the answers, to know what is real. A purpose for our life and for everything we do, learn, achieve, reach and overcome.

Even over our own strengths, we try to find what is true, always superficially. The truth to be sought is that of the Lord, his esteem, and his charity, which he offers us Jesus through his work and preaching. That pearl of great value that comes into our hands is the opportunity to cling to the word and truth of the Lord.

This story has as a teaching, that the good we do is in our hands, in the effort we put in to do things well, he achieved will be our pearl. Only we ourselves can work for faith, it is in our hands to coordinate that what we believe and what we do have coherence. In other words, what we think is what we do.

parables of Jesus

It is time to understand that faith is not simply praying or praising the Blessed Sacrament, it is much more than that, it is in the events of our lives, in what others see in us, that our lives be a teaching temple, the Lord expect all the best from us.

In every action of our life must be GodHe is the one who shows us the way. This is why the parables of Jesus show a merchant, who is capable of giving everything to get what he wants, but he keeps his valuable pearl. Here is another figure from the Kingdom of Heaven: a merchant looking for fine pearls. He does whatever it takes to get it.

the ten maidens

In this one of the parables of Jesus "It is said that the house of God is similar to 10 maidens They grabbed their lamps, and went to find the boyfriend. Five of the girls were sensible, and five were foolish. The most fatuous, grabbed their lamps, and did not carry reserve oil; while the more judicious, grabbed extra oil in some containers, along with the one they placed in the lamps.

The groom they were waiting for took longer than expected, they all began to yawn and ended up falling asleep. Arriving in the middle of the night, a call was heard: Here comes the groom; come meet him! Then all those maidens got up, and trimmed their lamps. At that moment the foolish realized that they had no oil.

parables of Jesus

Then, the foolish asked the wise ones to give them some of their oil; since their lamps had gone out. To this the most far-sighted responded, that they could not because then it would be them who would not be reached; rather go to those who sell, and buy for yourselves. But while they were going shopping, the groom came.

It turns out that those who were ready with their lamps entered the ceremony with him, and behind them the door was barred. A while later, the other girls arrived, and asked to open the door, but he, answering, said: Truly I tell you, I do not know you. Watch therefore, because you do not know the day or the hour in which the Son of Man is to come.”

This is another of the parables of Jesus, in it you can see a very precise learning, on how to be prepared at all times, because at any moment what we are waiting for can arrive, the coming of the father, who is himself, whose preparation has to be constant, day with day, always seek the Lord, and be attentive to our lamp.

We have to make sure that our light source is always on, imagine what it would be like if, by chance, at the moment of our arrival, the light is off, and then, since it cannot see us, it does not recognize us. In the parable of the ten maidens, when Jesus addresses his apostles, he does so in the form of advice to be attentive at all times.

parables of Jesus

The coming can happen at any moment, we know that it will come, but we do not know when, so it is important to always be attentive and prepared. All the instruction that the apostles received was a way of preparing them to be multipliers of this knowledge, since it had to be passed on to future generations.

Regardless of how small it is, we must be instructed to be prepared, this is because the second coming of the Lord is closer than we think, this is why in all the parables of Jesus, believers are alerted to be ready because it will happen at any moment, this is the main teaching of this story.

From the point of view of what was learned through the word, the immense affection of the Lord for our humanity is shown, and that esteem is reflected in the fact that he gave us his son, to be our guide, and so that he would die for us, but in view of this, before it happened, he left us many teachings, including the Parable of the ten maidens.

In this parable we are warned, so that we do not behave like the maidens without oil, that by not paying attention to the lamps, they could not keep them lit. At any moment the coming of God can take place, so at every moment we must keep in mind that with our actions we prepare to wait for him with our eyes wide open.

The faithful and wise servant

“Who, then, will be the devout and sensible servant, to whom his lord could entrust the important task of keeping food at adequate times in his dwelling? Blessed is the servant who can be trusted, whatever the coming of the lord, find it all right. But if that wicked servant says in his heart:

My lord takes time to come, and with this excuse he mistreats and offends his companions, and gives himself to sharing food with drunkards, the master will arrive and take him by surprise, he will arrive at an unexpected hour, and he will punish him harshly, and he will put his part with the hypocrites; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

This parable is a bit complicated to understand, which is why the first Christian duty is to spend time studying the word. Jesus he went to his followers to instruct them, and they must have sufficient understanding to take the learning, since all the words he spoke to them came from a wise man.

This time they tell us why we should reflect on this parable, it contains a great teaching, as in all the parables of Jesus. Here they mention two great gifts that we all must cultivate, fidelity and prudence; These two words contain concepts that are essential in the eyes of God to hope without despair.

parables of Jesus

Somehow these two virtues go hand in hand, because if you are faithful to someone, then obviously we will be prudent with their things, we will have a sensible action. We must assume this role in life. When the person has fidelity to God, he guards and remains intact waiting, neither the wind nor the storm will be able to collapse his foundation.

Tranquility is what prevails in the actions of people, the virtuous person is guaranteed his place in the house of the Lord, he will have his own room, and will reward him for being loyal and for knowing how to wait, without despair even if he is in the presence of adversity. Likewise, blessed are those who remain faithful and prudent when the Lord comes.

We must put aside the anguish that forms in our soul, let's wait for the second coming, with the confidence of eternal life, let's be loyal and prudent, without being aware that the waiting time is long or short, then when it comes The Lord will punish the one who was neither faithful nor prudent, letting himself be carried away by his mistrust.

Let us act today as if the Lord were to come tomorrow, let us always be ready, and above all let us take care of our passage through the earth, let us be the example of life that everyone sees, since the coming is prophesied and it will be sooner than we think, because thus it was written that his coming will be as a thief in the night and no one will know the hour in which he will come, and he cannot surprise us.

parables of Jesus

According to the parables of Jesus, we should always be motivated by faith, we can use it as a shield against temptations, we do not trust that we have time, the time is now. Let's make sure we are ready to receive the Lord at his second coming, it will be a time of rejoicing for Christians.

He who is loyal will be saved, we all have time to make a change, if repentance and faith are sincere, the Lord will know and consequently judge us, but if the change is not sincere, he will also know and close the doors for us from the sky.

The parables of Jesus about the hidden treasure

The house of the lord is similar to a chest of gold hidden in a forest. The person who finds it will surely hide it again, and his happiness will be so great that he will sell all his possessions and buy the land where the chest is located.

The parables of Jesus they teach that for the human being of any sex, or of any moment in history, that there is nothing more coveted than spiritual truthfulness, with its immeasurable goodness and mercy. That every sacrifice will be worth it, regardless of its magnitude, even if it is the remuneration for the work of our entire lives.

parables of Jesus

It will be worth it, giving what has to be given, to enjoy the best that can touch our soul, giving meaning to our actions and our development. Attached to what really is God, and directing our efforts to the fulfillment of the parables of Jesus, having it as our maximum and only certainty in this world of uncertainties.

It is the Lord that we must treasure, and adhere to him without letting go, he is the most valuable thing we can ever have, we must trust and love his word, give thanks for the gifts he gives us. We must not give in to temptations, never waver or stop trusting him, that everything has a reason and that we must leave it in his hands.

It is good to reflect, before entering the study of the parables of Jesus, to analyze what the Lord and his teachings are for us. We must know if we are ready to be in his presence, because when we read the word we are with him. We must be constant and firm in faith, and in teaching.

This story makes a direct analogy that our chest of gold is the house of the Lord, this is what we must treasure and protect, regardless of what we must sacrifice to achieve it. The parables of Jesus it does not refer to material goods. This emphasizes the search for the truth of God, which is what will save us.

parables of Jesus

The person who finds this chest of gold is very happy and enthusiastic, since he rejoices in faith, and has a strong certainty and a very great hope in the work and love of the Lord, that he will be able to enter heaven, in this case, to that treasure hidden in that field, which with complete joy and satisfaction man is ready to acquire, ready to give everything for it.

When you have certainty and love for the Lord, there will be no lack that devastates us. According to the parables of Jesus, we will never be sad or lack of spirit all thanks to God. Our entire existence is wonderful when we have faith, are grateful and honor the privilege of being able to sell everything we have and buy that field where the treasure of the kingdom is hidden.

Our most wonderful treasure will be the entrance to eternal life, next to Abraham, if we have to surrender all our positions, to access this love, then we will. He who lives his earthly life attached to the teachings will never lack greatness of spirit, everyone who is touched by God, will be joyful and prodigal, that is faith.

Passing through this land is ephemeral, and whoever does not understand what it means to live in God, then you will have no chance of redemption. Our treasure must be sought in this life, everyone who searches hard will surely find it. The love of the Lord will fill us with blessings, in this life and in the next.

The lost sheep

The parables of Jesus begin like this in this case: “You must be careful, and not underestimate any being, no matter how small. This is what I tell you: The angels of heaven permanently look at the face of our heavenly father. What will happen, in his understanding, if a person who has 100 sheep loses one of the animals? Will he not immediately go looking for the lost one, leaving the other 99 in the pasture?

And if he really gets it, before something bad happens to him, it will surely be the one that gives him the greatest happiness, even more than the 99 that were not lost. The same thing happens with your father, the father in heaven: there they don't want even one of these little ones to be lost."

There really is no human being, who is indifferent to God. This story shows how relevant and valuable each person is to the Lord, none of us is overlooked, even the smallest, a sheep, he would not care about anything more than rescuing us through his word and his truth so that later we can attain eternal life in the Kingdom.

It is in the loss of life that his benevolence is present, since, as the story says, finding the lost gives him great joy. It is a happy act for him to rescue us. Because it would imply that one of his children is going back to his father. That he is saving himself, that he is getting back on the right path, and nothing is worth more than that.

parables of Jesus

The only achievement of changing a life, which was lost, the decisive rescue of values ​​and faith, recovering the humble condition, and teaching the good of compassion, by means of which he would forgive him and receive him then «in heaven they don't want even one of these little ones to be lost."

These parables of Jesus, they teach us how to live, they give the guide to educate our offspring, because the teaching is also for future generations. Despite knowing that the Lord will always come to our rescue, it is our duty to do everything possible to stay on the right path, since no one knows when he will be judged.

Most of our ills according to the parables of Jesus, are banal, many times we forget what is really important, our inner treasure, love for the creator, if we have faith, any crisis is bearable and will have a solution, only with our dedication to the gospel can we overcome all the tests to which we are subjected.

Despite the fact that deep down we know that the Lord is immense and greater than our sins, that the evil that surrounds us, that our lack of health or sadness, we must know thanks to the parables of Jesus that both at the beginning and at the end everything It remains in his hands, and he is responsible for our well-being and what happens to us and why it happens to us.

parables of Jesus

This is why you must reevaluate your attachment to the Lord with these parables of Jesus, ask yourself if you are doing what is necessary, reflect if your faith and love are true, you are really spreading the teachings, you are helping your neighbor. How prodigal son or lost sheep are you before the Lord. How many times have you not separated and then returned to the Lord and he has received you with open arms?

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