How to Eliminate Fleas and Parasites in Cats?

Fleas are very abundant parasites that transmit diseases, which makes their elimination essential. Fleas in cats are a risk to their health, so discarding them is essential. The itching that the feline infected with fleas manifests is the most obvious sign of their presence, causing their skin to redden from excessive scratching. Find out much more by continuing to read this article.

Fleas on cats

Fleas on Cats

Does your cat have fleas? If you have recognized the existence of these tiny organisms in your cat's body, it is advisable to start deworming them as soon as possible to prevent the infection from advancing further and the plague from spreading to your home. Fleas are those tiny, but unbearable insects that attack the skin of numerous animals, including cats. This is because the bodies of felines have high temperatures, something that these vermin like.

These pests thrive in warm, moist environments and reproduce rapidly. There are some products that your veterinarian can recommend and that will help you eliminate fleas from your cat and, in addition, there is a wide variety of useful home remedies to rid your cat of such parasites. In the following paragraphs, we share abundant information about fleas in cats, their symptoms, how to eliminate them and how to avoid any probable infestation in the future.

How are fleas spread to cats?

Fleas are part of the series of external parasites most common in cats because they can be easily spread. They are transmitted through contact with other infested animals or environments in which they live, since they have the ability to endure a few months without a host. In this way, to understand how fleas are spread to cats, it is first necessary to clarify the life cycle of the flea.

Optimum temperature and humidity conditions that favor the reproduction and development of fleas are reached in the spring and summer months. However, in our houses they can be found throughout most of the year due to the heating provided during the winter. In this way, the eggs can develop on the ground, particularly on surfaces with higher humidity, such as carpets or cracks.

Every time they hatch, the larvae continue to live in the environment, obtaining sustenance from the remains of organic matter. According to how they develop, they go through different larval stages until they transform into pupae, which must go in search of a host to parasitize in order to get food and become adult fleas. The pupae have the ability to endure up to 6 months without a host, for this reason it is so important to keep the house clean and disinfected.

Fleas on cats

Fleas are parasites that, on numerous occasions, operate as vectors of different diseases. This means that they can infect the animal, through their bite, with pathologies of a relatively serious nature. So the sooner you recognize fleas, the better.


How to recognize if your cat has fleas? What are their characteristics? In order to correctly recognize fleas in cats, it is necessary to know their appearance. In such a way that fleas are ectoparasites, flattened and wingless insects that usually live on the skin of other animals to obtain food from them. There are different types of fleas, however, the most frequent flea in cats is the Ctenocephalides felis, although they can also suffer from an infestation of fleas that live on dogs or other animals.

There are certain symptoms that can help you recognize if your cat has fleas. The clearest sign is if you notice incessant scratching, particularly in areas such as the root of the tail or the head, which is where these parasites most often establish themselves. However, it is likely that the plague has spread and that the animal has fleas all over its body. We can also notice that the pussycat has less desire to play, spends more time lying down and is seen without energy.

If the cat asks you more often to brush it, it may be because it is infected and wants to calm the itching. The best way to check a cat for fleas is to comb them with a flea brush, those with fine bristles. Verify in detail if the comb drags any nits, larvae or a flea (they are very tiny so you must look closely).

You can also choose to open the cat's fur and inspect its skin, look for the presence not only of the flea itself, but also its traces: feces, nits, etc. To do this, it should be noted that flea feces manifest as tiny black dots, so that if you have recognized that your cat has black dandruff, you must understand that it is dandruff but flea droppings, an indisputable symptom that shows that your cat is infested.

Fleas on cats

On the other hand, when a cat is allergic to flea bites, it manifests a type of dermatitis that is expressed in the form of reddening of the skin, loss of fur and small abrasions that correspond to the bites with the reaction of the organism's skin . In such cases, veterinary care becomes even more important.

How to remove them?

If you have made the appropriate checks and have detected that your cat has fleas, the next step is to go to the veterinarian to prescribe one of the available anti-flea methods. The most recommended flea products for cats are the following:


It is one of the most widely used antiparasitics today, as they are simple to use and very effective. It is a product that is applied to the dorsal line of the animal (area that it cannot reach in its daily washings) and that is activated immediately, managing to kill the fleas that have made a nest in your cat's body.

Antipassitic Collars

They are made of plastic, and their content is insecticides that scare away fleas as well as destroying them if they have already made a nest in the cat. They can last up to almost 3 months, the date on which it should be replaced with a new collar, since its effectiveness is lost.

Fleas on cats

Flea Shampoos

These soaps are basically used to help eliminate fleas from the animal. It is not recommended that they be used as a preventive method, since for effective protection you would have to bathe them every 2 days, something that is not typical of the nature of cats.


Antiparasitic pills should be specially mentioned due to their efficiency. In general, both pipettes and flea collars for cats usually produce allergic reactions in the animal, such as itching and redness of the skin. For this reason, many feline owners choose to deworm them with pills. These pills work against external parasites only or against external and internal parasites simultaneously.

In this way, with a single tablet, the feline can be protected against a wide range of parasites. Now, what kind of tablets to annihilate fleas in cats is recommended the most? Veterinarians usually prescribe the use of pills whose effects last for a month. This is so since the pills that last 3 or 6 months are much more aggressive and could affect the cat's digestive system.

Home remedies

In addition to the medical treatments that we have just listed, you should know that there are also some natural methods with which you can rule out fleas on cats. Among the best are:

  • Essential oils: You can combine a few drops of citronella or lavender oil with the flea shampoo to reinforce the deworming process. Citronella is one of the most widely used natural insect repellents in both animals and humans, and the scent of lavender also works as a natural insecticide. However, this remedy is not recommended for cats under 1 year of age that causes itchy skin.
  • Lemon: the aroma of citrus fruits also repels insects, so a good way to exterminate fleas is to combine the juice extracted from a lemon with some water (equal proportions of juice and water). Once we have prepared the solution, we add it to a spray bottle and spray some of it on our cat.
  • Chamomile: preparing an infusion of chamomile is also an effective home remedy for fleas. You just have to boil some water with chamomile and after 10 minutes filter the infusion to separate the remains of the herb. A cloth is then moistened with this solution and applied to the feline's body.
  • Vinegar: Discarding fleas from cats with vinegar is feasible since this liquid is a natural repellent for these vermin. In such a way, it is only required to mix shampoo and vinegar in identical proportions and bathe the cat with said mixture.

It is important to note that oils are not recommended for killing fleas on baby cats. If possible, other remedies can be used, although it should always be done with the approval of the veterinarian.

Once the feline has been dewormed, you will have to do a deep cleaning of your house. Keep in mind that these insects make their nests anywhere and may have laid eggs on the sofa, the carpet or anywhere else your kitty has perched. In such a way that the most advisable thing is that you disinfect your house to prevent them from re-installing themselves in the feline's body.

Fleas on Small or Newborn Cats

Small cats are much more predisposed to fleas than adults, which is why it is necessary to be much more careful with them and attend to any health problems they may manifest. In this way, if you have a baby cat or a newborn with fleas, what is most recommended is to go to the veterinarian so that they can tell you the best way to eliminate these parasites.

As we noted earlier, using essential oils to get rid of fleas on newborn or baby cats is not recommended. To exterminate them, we can use other less aggressive natural remedies, such as chamomile, vinegar or, simply, a bath with soap and water.

Home Remedies Against Fleas in Baby Cats

Although it is usual for cats that spend time away from home to be invaded by fleas, when it affects small cats it is more worrying, since puppies are more sensitive than adults to reactions, something that can cause anemia and therefore , death if not treated in time. And since deworming products that we would use on an adult feline cannot be applied to them, specifically those with chemical content such as powders, rinses or flea collars, we share the following home remedies for fleas in baby cats.

How to remove fleas from a baby cat?

If your feline is still a baby, you can prepare the following home remedies to get rid of fleas, which, given their natural ingredients, are not aggressive with their skin:

Baths with warm water and soap

Bathing a baby cat can be tricky. It is known that a puppy cat should only be bathed when the first vaccines have been applied, however, in this case it is important to give it a bath to rule out these uncomfortable parasites. Keep in mind that it is important to have the opinion of the veterinarian and that you should never fully immerse your cat in water. Having said this, the following is what should be done:

  • Fill the sink with warm water and put the pussy as gently as you can. Avoid getting his head wet, but if he still has parasites there, moisten his face and head with a damp baby towel. Don't keep it on too long, all we're trying to do is get your skin a little moist.
  • Then put it on a towel and give it a little massage with a special shampoo for puppies and even a delicate shampoo for babies. Be careful with the eyes and mucous membranes.
  • Brush it with a special flea or lice comb and remove all those that you recognize and that you do not identify as well. The soap will make this task easier, as well as being very efficient at collecting and killing fleas.
  • Every time you remove a flea, put it in a container with hot water and the same soap to kill it. Do this in a warm environment where cold drafts are not present.
  • When finished, rinse it quickly, cover it in a towel, dry it and keep it warm.


Vaseline is a substance that has numerous benefits. It happens that it is also very effective in getting rid of fleas in baby cats. You can take your feline and as you brush it with the special flea comb, take some Vaseline and when you see a flea, cover it with a thick drop of this product. This will paralyze it and make it easier to remove.


The same operation with alcohol, which additionally can be a powerful liquid but will not harm your pet's skin. Take a glass and fill it with fine alcohol and moisten an ear swab with this liquid. Then, when you recognize a flea, place the moistened swab on it and rub lightly. This won't kill it but it will stun it and help you take it down effectively. Put another glass of alcohol at hand, which you will use to place the fleas that you have removed.

Apple vinager

Apple cider vinegar is one of grandma's traditional home remedies. It is of natural origin and is used to treat many diseases. This solution is temporary and won't kill the fleas exactly, but it will cause them to quickly jump off your baby feline's body. In a spray bottle you should mix apple cider vinegar and water in a ratio of 2 to 1. Moisten your cat's skin with this solution and proceed to brush gently. Apply it again after three days.


Nobody likes salt water, even fleas, so it works as a repellent. This solution is not to be applied to the cat's skin, but to be used as your new all-purpose cleaner. With it you must clean the floors, surfaces and other spaces, the fleas will jump everywhere looking to lodge in a new host. You can also use only salt and spread a small amount on fabric furniture and carpets. This will help kill the larvae and parasites that the fleas leave behind as they circulate.

Flea Trap

Fleas, like many insects, are captivated by light. The solution that we show you below, more than a remedy, is a home remedy. Take a shallow soup plate, fill it with hot water with some soap and put it under the night light. The fleas will jump into the light reflecting off the water and eventually drown in the dish. The next you can see how the plate will have been transformed into a flea graveyard. Every new day you must empty the plate, clean it and repeat the action.

How to Get Rid of Fleas on an Adult Cat?

If, in addition to your baby cat, you estimate that their parents or other adult cats in the house have fleas, it is essential to follow the following procedure:

  • You must bathe the feline with lavender, citronella or eucalyptus oil.
  • You can also use flea shampoo.
  • Use a fine-bristled comb to remove any remaining fleas.
  • Apply household flea spray with orange or lemon.

And, finally, you must thoroughly clean your house so that it is 100% free of fleas.

My cat has fleas and does not leave the house

As we have mentioned, fleas remain in the environment for months, so it is likely that another animal, such as a dog, has carried them in their larval condition or even as eggs. It may also have been possible that it was in your body where these unpleasant insects came home, promoting their development and subsequent infestation. For this reason, fleas on house cats are also very common. In such a way that the fact that a cat has not left the house does not mean that it should not be dewormed periodically, because in some way it could have fleas.

Do Fleas on Cats Affect Humans?

It is true that fleas in cats are contagious to humans and cause almost the same symptoms on our skin. In this way, we will feel intense itching and redness of the skin. Similarly, we can detect feces (black dots) or suffer more serious symptoms if we are allergic to the bites of these insects. So, if you have asked yourself: "My cat has fleas and sleeps next to me, can it infect me?" You should know that there is a good chance that you will also become the perfect host for these parasites.

For this reason, we suggest that you do not allow your cat to sleep with you until you have eliminated the fleas from its body and have completely disinfected your house, including your bed. Added to this, fleas can spread to other animals, so if there are other cats or dogs at home, it is necessary to maintain control of these parasites in all these animals.

Flea Prevention

To achieve the protection of your cat against fleas, it is important that you have placed either the pipette that we mentioned previously, that he wears an antiparasitic collar or that you have given him the antiparasitic pill. In this way you will be able to contain these insects. But, additionally, it is also suggested that you brush your cat every week to check that it remains dewormed and carry out a thorough control of its health condition.

A more natural way to achieve this is to have a citronella or lavender plant at home, whichever you like the most. We have already pointed out that the aroma of these two plants repels insects, so it would be a good way to prevent fleas from invading your home. We also advise you to keep your house in a good state of cleanliness so that your kitty is free of fleas, keep in mind that they have the ability to remain in the environment for up to 6 months, so they can infect your cat, other animals or you at any time.

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