The Chinese dragon, a mythological animal from China

In this article we bring you a lot of information about the Chinese dragon, a sacred and mythological animal of Chinese culture. Which is made up of the different characteristics of nine animals. In this same way, the Chinese dragon personifies the yang (the masculine). And it is related to water and rain, keep reading about this mythical oriental figure and learn more about him.


Chinese dragon

It is one of the Chinese mythological figures of great importance in the beliefs of Eastern culture, since it has great meaning for the Chinese people, and the inhabitants say that the Chinese dragon are mythological beings that have great power to influence the sea. , the Earth and the air and various other factors.

Therefore, you have to pay a lot of tributes and offerings to the Chinese dragon so that they are always happy and do not feel offended, since by bothering the Chinese dragons they can cause very serious damage such as affecting the weather and other factors.

In the world, the story about the Chinese dragon has expanded with many variations, in the case of the West, dragons are known as very terrifying beings that cause fear to the population and knights with large and strong armor had to fight them until kill them.

Because they always caused destruction in towns and cities. In different religions they are considered evil animals and very macabre beings that must be destroyed so that humans can live in tranquility and harmony.

But in the Asian continent, people think differently and the Chinese dragon has a great meaning for the population, because it is a spiritual animal, as well as being magical, although the Chinese dragon has many similarities with the Japanese dragon. Since they are countries that are very close and sometimes tend to share their cultures.


But the Chinese dragons exert a greater influence on the world population, since their legends and their qualities of generosity, heroism and perseverance are becoming known, these being clear examples of success and struggle to face adversity that have moved to many citizens of the world.

In the Chinese zodiac, a representation of the Chinese dragon is made where it occupies the fifth place of the twelve animals and symbolizes luck, honor, nobility and power. In the same way it is drawn in the clothing worn by the Chinese emperors. They are also found in Chinese dances and feng shui.

With the passage of time, the Chinese dragon can be seen in the tattoos that people make and in China it has a very important role, since it has a meaning in Chinese history, it is of great value that has crossed barriers and has known all over the world.

This is due to the fact that his figure was painted in the caves and different readings are made about the different ways in which the Chinese dragon was made in distant times.

Chinese dragon meaning

The Chinese dragon is a very sacred animal since there are many legends and myths about it, because there is a traditional culture that is very representative in the Chinese nation. Generally, the Chinese dragon represents a good omen for this country and brings good luck and has an important role in the use of bad habits and avoiding scourges and in blessing those who use them or believe in them.

With the birth of the image of the Chinese dragon, it becomes very popular in the Chinese people, since it denotes the strength of its power and a sense of great abundance, in this way the Chinese have the firm belief that they are the descendants of the dragon Chinese since ancient times. Although the Chinese people firmly believe that the meaning of Chinese dragons is that they will bring good luck, fortune and health, in addition to this they represent the energy of fire and transformation.


Origin of the image of the Chinese dragon

In the information that we have about the origin of the image of the Chinese dragon, it is said that it was born since the yellow emperor had the intention of traveling throughout the Chinese territory in order to promote the integration of the multiple tribes and clans that existed for the moment and thus be able to defeat Emperor Yan and Chiyou.

With the strategy used by the yellow emperor, the people were unified and a large army was created and a political alliance was founded, in this way the totems were used to identify the different tribes that existed.

After many meetings and discussions, the image of the animal was made, from which a Chinese dragon emerged, from that moment all the tribes and clans use the same totem and have since created a great culture with many elements of reputation and are the descendants of the Chinese dragon.

The image created by the various tribes and clans of the Chinese dragon is very important since it represents the culture of the Chinese people from each element that each tribe and clan added, because it is characterized by the fact that they were able to integrate nine animals perfectly into one and gave as a result the Chinese dragon.

From the integration that was carried out of the nine animals, the following was reflected: shrimp eyes, deer antlers, cattle mouth, dog nose, catfish mustache, lion mane, snake tail, fish scales and the eagle claws In this way they designed the image of the Chinese dragon and in turn divided it into four types which are Jiaolong has a scale; Yinglong has wings; Qiulong, with antlers; and Chilong, without antlers.

One of the points that stands out most about the image of the Chinese dragon and what it represents for Chinese culture is that nine children of the Chinese dragon were born and that they are known in Chinese culture as Qiuniu, Yazi, Chaofeng, Pulao, Suanni, Bixi, Bi'an, Fuxi and Chiwen, with different looks and hobbies.

Another characteristic of the Chinese dragon is that it does not have large wings like the dragons in the images of Western dragons, but it is capable of flying since they possess a mystical power that can raise them through the skies.

Differences Between the Western Dragon and the Chinese Dragon

All in our life, we have realized about the great differences that exist between the western culture and the Chinese culture, so there are also great differences between the Chinese dragon and the western dragon,

That is why it is necessary to emphasize that the Chinese dragon is an animal revered and sacred by Chinese culture since for the Chinese people the Chinese dragon represents wealth, good luck, peace, authority and prosperity. While the dragon in the west will represent the wicked and the bad, always bringing disaster and chaos to the world.

In addition, the appearances of each dragon are extremely different, in the case of the Chinese dragon, its image is made with the integration of nine animals since they used these characteristics of each animal, which are shrimp eyes, deer antlers, beef mouth. , dog's nose, catfish mustache, lion's mane, snake's tail, fish scales and eagle's claws.

But the image they used to make the western dragon is the following, it has the shape of a giant lizard with scales, large antlers, the wings are those of a bat but adequate to the size of the animal and a very long and strong tail capable of causing damage and problems. That is why he draws it in a horrible way to cause fear in the population.


The Chinese dragon, as it represents power, strength, peace and luck, can live in the water or in the sky, in addition to having the knowledge to handle lightning, lightning and water, while the western dragon lives in caves. very deep where the sunlight does not reach and lairs that are underground.

That is why the western dragon has several representations and this is due to the set of legends and myths with which they are wrapped. For example, in Greek mythology the dragon is a cruel monster and keeps the jewels, in the Anglo-Saxon legend the western dragon is a vengeful animal and has great curiosity, it can also fly and likes to accumulate wealth and its teeth have a very strong and deadly poison. .

In the Celtic legend there are white and red dragons, the white dragon represents the Saxons, while the red dragon represents the Angles, with the passage of time the red dragon has become in the emblem of Wales.

In northern Europe is the legend of the black dragon of Nidhogg, which translates as "the dragon that strikes full of hate" it is a dragon that eroded the root of the world tree, it is a monster whose action was to chew the corpses of the inhabitants of Náströnd: those guilty of murder, adultery, and breaking oaths.

The Slavs have a legend of the three-headed dragon and it is divided into female and male, where the female dragon represents bad times and is capable of destroying crops; while the male dragon serves the god of crops and the dragon that appears in the bible is very bad and murderous and some even claim that they are the incarnation of Satan.


dragon pictures

It is necessary to emphasize that dragons are legendary animals and appear in various cultures around the world, as they are distributed in the West, East, Middle, Asia and even in the pre-Columbian cultures of America.

But in China the Chinese dragon is seen as a being that attracts good fortune because it is very powerful, while other cultures are seen as a being that attracts bad omens and deaths, in China they are considered the lords of time, the owners of the storm and lightning. In addition to being the guardians of the seas.

On the Asian continent and particularly in China, the dragon has been considered a protective and powerful being that attracts good luck and in Japan it is considered to be a very wise and very kind being.

In China, the Chinese dragon is considered as the protectors and it is believed that they sleep at the bottom of the lakes in the winter and then wake up in the spring and take the form of clouds to carry the rains and in this way unite the water with the earth. .

That is why the Chinese dragon is considered in the Asian continent as sacred beings that give life and have the power to unite the sky with the earth and symbolize the change between the seasons, ultimately they symbolize wisdom, power and good luck. Depending on the color of the Chinese dragon it will have a different meaning as shown below:

  • If the Chinese dragon is green or blue, it will represent the season of spring, rest, harmony and healing. It is the Chinese dragon that will symbolize the East Sea (East China Sea).
  • The Chinese dragon has a black color that will represent the season of winter, storms and revenge. It is the Chinese dragon that represents the North China Sea (Lake Baikal).
  • In the same way, if it presents a white color, the Chinese dragon will refer to the Autumn season, and will represent purity, mortality and mourning, it will also represent the West Sea (Indian Ocean) its waters. they're on white colour
  • We can also see the red Chinese dragon representing the summer season, it also represents fire, happiness and passion. It also symbolizes the South Sea (South China Sea) that its waters turn red.
  • Finally we are going to have the yellow or gold Chinese dragon and it refers to the imperial Chinese dragon, in Chinese mythology it was associated with the Emperor and his family, today it is associated with the upper classes and is a symbol of the wealth and compassion.


Did the Chinese dragon really exist?

Chinese dragons today have a mystery, but to define their existence would give them great power, but it has been mentioned before that there are many people in the world who are faithful believers in their image and what they represent.

While other people do not believe in these mythological figures from China, then you have to reflect on whether they have ever existed, although Chinese dragons are closely related to Chinese culture, it is because there was a representation where such an animal existed and in that At that time it was interpreted as an animal that brought good luck to his people.

What is very striking is that there have been antecedents over time that could be taken as evidence of the existence of the Chinese dragon. At this point in the article we will show you some facts about the presence of Chinese dragons.

There is a great question about the appearance of the Chinese dragon in different eras, which have been talked about for a long time, for example in a Japanese exhibition a representation of the long dragon appeared in the color of gold, it arrived there thanks to a donation from a people who was a collector of these magnificent representations.

The history of that dragon is that it was extracted from China by a merchant of Japanese origin and had the characteristics of a Chinese dragon, and the people of China considered it to be a dragon that was a few months old and came from the sea.

In the manuscripts on Chinese mythology, there is evidence that Chinese dragons appeared in various towns in China, and it is because they had the same characteristics in the reported appearances and one of the species most seen by the Chinese was the long dragon.

It was also written in those ancient manuscripts that when a Chinese dragon appeared, the emperor would come to that community and pay tribute to the Chinese dragon. In this way it was believed that Chinese dragons were real. Although the presence of a long Chinese dragon could be determined, since there are writings where they were found almost dead or very injured.

The inhabitants of the city where the wounded long dragon was, they made a kind of hut for him and began to water him so that he could heal, the dragon spent the night but in the day it had already disappeared and left no trace who confirmed these sightings were the officers of the towns.

One of the most current confirmations was of a town in China where local newspapers reported the news of having seen a Chinese dragon flying through the skies of that town, an event that occurred in the year 1934. There was also other information where a dragon was found Chinese Long, who was fainting in the city of Yingkou, those who were able to observe the Chinese dragon reported that he was very weak.

Then the long Chinese dragon was able to rise and flew to the Liaohe River; but it fell into the river, opening a hole 17 meters deep, leaving people very impressed by what happened and it was a much-talked-about topic for a long time in the population.

Ten years after this news happened, a Chinese dragon was found in the Songhua River, where observers witness seeing it die. One of the locals came to affirm that the Chinese dragon he had seen had the same characteristics as a long dragon, its legs came out of its stomach, it had scales and whiskers as well as being estimated to be seven meters long.

Currently in the year 2000 there was a great storm in the town of Heishan, the population was able to observe two long dragons as lightning struck, like those that are usually seen in the representations that are normally made, the dragons were seen between the darkness and they were enveloped in clouds only illuminated by the lightning of the storm.


While one of the dragons began to fly, the other rushed to the ground falling heavily on a hill, the locals decided to go to the site and irrigate it with water as was done in the past, but when they reached the place where the dragon had fallen Chinese did not get any trace.

At the end of the year 2000 there was also another eventuality, since in the town of Fusing there was an appearance of a Chinese dragon, since a series of lights that were slowly changing color were observed in the sky, until many of the residents from the city they were able to observe a Chinese dragon in the sky that came considerably close so that many people could observe its characteristics.

Although many people say that the action lasted only a few minutes, the villagers affirmed that the Chinese dragon stopped several times, gradually changing the color of the lights until it reached a point where it disappeared from the sight of all observers. .

Although there are many stories and news about the supposed appearances of Chinese dragons, but the absolute reality is that these sacred beings of China, like the dragons of the West, are the product of people's imagination and their desire to believe in something.

In the same way, Chinese dragons are mixed in different cultures, images that are about them. But at the same time these Chinese sacred animals have many legends and myths about what they have contributed to humanity and even play very important roles in different works such as literature, art, architecture and monuments.


chinese dragon legend

In Chinese culture, there is a legend of greater presence about Chinese dragons and it is the one that tells the legend of four Chinese dragons that inhabited the eastern sea, since the other seas did not exist, the four dragons were the great Chinese dragon that He was very captivated with love for water, the yellow dragon that loved the earth, followed by the black Chinese dragon that was an excellent flier and finally the dragon of the Pearl that was the owner of fire.

On any given day the four Chinese dragons decide to travel the earth flying, while on that journey the black dragon comments to his companions who observe the earth, doing this the four Chinese dragons observed a large number of people who paid tribute to him and They offered certain gifts.

Until they saw a lady who begged them for help and had a baby raised, since the drought was very strong for that part of the earth there was no water at all and due to this critical situation the rice crops were drying up, when observing this situation the four Chinese dragons began to reflect on the situation that had occurred.

In this way they thought that they should act to help the population, the only way they knew how to do it was for it to rain, which was the best solution or that population would perish thanks to the strong drought that existed. In this way the great Chinese dragon told the other three dragons to go visit the Jade Emperor to solve this serious problem.

The other three dragons, worried about the situation that the population was going through, accepted the idea of ​​the great dragon, they decided to go visit the Jade Emperor so that he could solve the problem of the population. When they arrived at the Jade Emperor's castle, they decided to go look for him, when the emperor saw them he was very upset.

Since it was an unexpected and unusual visit, the Jade Emperor told the four Chinese dragons that they should go to their place, which was the eastern sea. Since he was very busy solving various problems of heaven and earth and these problems required all of his time and attention.


In this way the black Chinese dragon intervened and asked the Jade Emperor, who should listen to them and make it rain so that the drought ends and thus he could give the population what they required to continue living. Upon hearing the situation, the Jade Emperor agreed to the request of the four Chinese dragons.

After listening to the black dragon what he raised, the Jade Emperor agreed to the proposal that he made and asked them to go to their corresponding place which was the East Sea, the four grateful dragons decided to return with the good news to your destination.

The Chinese dragons were very worried since the days were passing and nothing was raining, they went to the population to observe what was happening and the dragons realized that the rain had not come and the people already needed water because the situation was catastrophic.

The four Chinese dragons understood that the Jade Emperor was only going to act in matters that only benefit him and his family and that he really did not care about what happened to his people and did not care about other people.

The four dragons, seeing that the Jade Emperor did not take any action to help that population, decided to act and devised a plan to provide a solution to that population. That is why the great dragon came up with an idea and commented on it to the other three Chinese dragons.

In this way, the idea was that the four Chinese dragons should suck up all the water that was in the East Sea and sprinkle it throughout the town, so that the water would reach the rice crops and allow the harvest was given to feed the people.


When they were doing it, in their first trips people were realizing what was happening and they were offering them offerings and thanks to the Chinese dragons for their kind gestures, the work that the Chinese dragons did was to make more than a hundred trips in go get the water in the sea and sprinkle it all over the town.

From what the four dragons of the earth did, many streams began to emerge, which ran through the areas that were cultivated with rice and other foods.

When the news of what was happening reached the ears of the Jade Emperor, he took action as he was very upset and sent for the Chinese dragons with a large army to be brought to the palace. The four dragons were captured and brought to the palace in front of the Jade Emperor.

When the Chinese dragons were brought to the palace, the Jade Emperor was very furious and asked him the question: Why did he act without first asking for permission? Since this is a lack of respect and disobedience on your part and as punishment he placed a mountain on each Chinese dragon and be able to stop it for life.

But what the Jade Emperor did not know, was that at that moment the nymph Xin Jin was present, demanding who claimed him for his actions and demanded that he eliminate the punishment on the four Chinese dragons. Although the Jade Emperor tried to convince her to support her decision, she did not allow it with her indifference.

In this way, the nymph Xin Jin decides to pass on the powers she possesses to the Chinese dragons since she did not have the power to remove the Jade Emperor. So the four Chinese dragons decided to become four rivers which are as follows


The black Chinese dragon made the decision to become the great Heilongjiang river located to the north, being distant and with low temperatures, then the yellow Chinese dragon became the river in the center named Huanghe; later it became a great dragon becoming the river of Changjiang, located in the south; and ultimately it was the Pearl Dragon who became the Zhujiang River located in the remote and tropical south.

types of chinese dragons

In Chinese mythology there are a lot of Chinese dragons, but there are nine important classes of Chinese dragons and all Chinese dragons end with the article long, it has already been explained that all Chinese dragons are made up of nine characteristics of other animals: which are: fish scales, lobster eyes, catfish whiskers, snake tail, deer horns, dog nose, lion hair, eagle hooks and ox snouts.

They are also tied to a very particular number in China which is the number nine and they are linked to heaven. Also their images and iconography are used in many ways in the decoration of buildings and murals in China. The Chinese dragon has nine children which are:

The Chinese Tianlong Dragon: This Chinese dragon is found as one of the nine most important dragons in Chinese mythology, the name of this sacred animal comes from conjugating the two words Tian which means sky and long which means dragon.

It is a flying dragon and is related to the rain, this dragon will represent goodness, fertility and will reflect the benevolence of the gods in Chinese culture.

In Chinese history it is said that the Chinese Tianlong dragon is the animal that had the responsibility of caring for the gods, and of ensuring that nothing bad happened on their travels, it is also related to water and it is very normal that it perform great rituals so that it attracts the rain.

In this way, the Chinese Tianlong dragon is greatly venerated in the Chinese community and its figure can be found in many temples and in various houses since it is considered a sacred and protective being that brings good luck to the family. Among his most common characteristics are those of being brave and persevering, for those who venerate him want to achieve their own self-imposed goals.

El Chinese dragon Shenlong: It is a dragon that is known to be very spiritual, as well as very delicate and has the great power to dominate climatic changes, in this way you have to take care of its temperament so that it remains serene. Although he is a very benevolent figure, he has a figure that leads one to think that he is very terrifying, he is represented as a very large blue dragon.

Thanks to its peculiarity, it can be camouflaged with the color of the sky, being a bit difficult to distinguish. This Chinese dragon is highly revered by the inhabitants of China who avoid bothering as it gets angry and alters the climate affecting the crops as it has the power to cause a great storm and flood the crops, in addition to drying the land.

The Chinese dragon Fucanglong: It is one of the new Chinese dragons of the oriental culture that has the responsibility of guarding the treasures, since according to the history of this Chinese dragon it has the particularity of guarding the gold, metals and precious stones that it hid under the ground. .

It is also known in Chinese mythology as the dragon of hidden treasures or the dragon that lies in the underground. It is the Chinese dragon that dwells in the caves of Hirose. At the bottom of the earth that is why some villagers in ancient times believed that it was the one that caused the heat of the planet earth.

In some of the manuscripts that we have, there are legends that tell the story of how a sailor from the Sucheng district, in Jiangsu province, was careful not to pass by an island where a bright red was seen at night and back in the day there were sounds of thousands of trees falling all at once. The sailor thought it was the Fucanglong dragon that was building his palace at the bottom of the earth.

It is also said that the dragon Fucanglong, to protect the gems and treasures that he had, lay down on them in order to hide them and many of them remained stuck to his belly and this was the weakest and softest area of ​​his body.

The body of the Chinese dragon fucanglong was snake-shaped, covered with fish scales, with long catfish whiskers, hair and horns. Its golden appearance symbolizes wealth. It was an important dragon for determining the destiny of humanity.

The Chinese dragon Di Long: It is one of the new Chinese dragons that belongs to Chinese mythology or Chinese art, it is a creature that presides over streams and streams. It is also known as the Chinese dragon of the underworld, meaning the master of everything below the earth.

It is one of the Chinese celestial dragons, but one of the most powerful found on the planet is a representative of those that marked the course of rivers and streams, as well as those that governed the ocean.

This Chinese dragon is usually identified by its green scales, which is very similar to the color of the vegetation that borders rivers and streams. They are also described as yellow and do not have horns and their body is very similar to that of lions and they are only exposed when they are forced to fly.

As it lives underground, it has the power to cause earthquakes and is the dragon responsible for the creation of the swift ones known as the dragon gates.

The Chinese dragon Yinglong: It is the species of dragons that has wings and are large, in addition to being one of the oldest Chinese dragons, it has a tuft on the back with scales and a large head with large eyes, ears and a small snout.

The body of this Chinese sacred animal is thick, as is its abdomen, but the neck is thin and it stands on its four legs, which have a lot of strength, and each leg has four very sharp claws.

The ability of the Chinese dragon Yinglong is to be able to create rain and its purpose is to take care of Huang Di, who is known as the yellow god or emperor and who represented the beginning of civilization and the world. He was also determined to fully fulfill his leadership over the other great dragons that were the red, the green, the white and the great black dragon who were under his orders.

The Jian Long Dragon: It is a dragon that is known as the Chinese scaled dragon, this sacred animal does not have horns and according to the specialists of Chinese mythology it is an aquatic animal that lives in rivers, it is very similar to the crocodile and it is one of the most primitive dragons that exist.

Among the most prominent descriptions of the Chinese Jianlong dragon was that it had a slender body and a small head, but was so clever in the water that it is considered a good amulet. In the Chinese mythology of Kiao, it has gigantic dimensions and in the immortal islands the emperor Che Huang fought against him but both perished in combat.

The Chinese Dragon Panlong: It is the Chinese dragon that lives in the rivers and is known as the dragon of the loops, or also the coiled dragon, this dragon is very similar to the Chinese Jiaolong dragon.

The Chinese dragon Huanglong: This Chinese dragon is also known as the yellow dragon, it is one of the most peculiar species of the nine species that exist, it also belongs to the four symbols of the Chinese constellations.

The Huanglong Chinese dragon is associated with power, wisdom and knowledge as well as gold, as this Chinese dragon is the symbol of the emperor. As it is known as the yellow dragon, it symbolizes the change of seasons on earth.

In the legends of the yellow dragon, his breathing and his sleep will determine the days and nights, even the calm rains and the great storms.

the great chinese dragon: is one of the deities of Chinese mythology, and is associated with water and the ocean, this Chinese dragon king has the ability to transform into a human and has a great crystal palace under the sea, there he also has his own court and directs a large army that is made up of different sea creatures.

It also has the ability to manipulate the weather and when you are in trouble this dragon is the one you have to pray to so that it can help you solve the problem caused.

There are four dragons that each govern each sea and are located in the following ways: Ao Guang governs the East Sea (corresponding to the East China Sea), Ao Qin the South Sea (South China Sea). Ao Run the West Sea (sometimes described as the Indian Ocean and beyond) and Ao Shin the North Sea (sometimes described as Lake Baikal).

the golden dragons

These sacred animals are the ones carried or used by the emperors in their dynasties. Since it was believed that the emperor embodied in the human figure of the Chinese dragon, possessing all the power and wisdom of it. In this way the emperors had a way of thinking and could carry with them the figure of the golden dragon.

In this way they could show their people that they are the highest authority and it was the best way to maintain authority and calm in the people and that people could be mobilized through fear since they believed that the emperor had a connection with the golden Chinese dragon and the sky.

The red dragon

The red Chinese dragon is a sacred and fabulous animal and lives in the imagination of the Chinese people, it has a snake shape with legs and bat wings, sometimes it has a single head and in others it is represented with two.

For Chinese culture, the red dragon represents the season of Summer, in addition to bringing good luck, symbolizing fire, passion and happiness. He is the protector of the South Sea (South China Sea).

The dragons that are blue

The Chinese dragon can be found in two versions: blue and green, since these two colors are closely related in Chinese culture, because the sea can have two colors: green or blue. The blue or green Chinese dragon is responsible for spring, which is when the year begins.

It will also represent the ephemeral, in addition to being the youngest Chinese dragon in the legend, these colors are also associated with mother nature, growth, serenity and health.

Similarly, the blue or green Chinese dragon evokes clear skies free of rain and storms and brings the growth of plants and crops. It is important to note that these colors are representative of the East in the same way it represents prosperity, rest, healing and harmony.

the winged dragons

In Chinese mythology, the Chinese dragon has many forms such as some fish or turtles, but in its most representative form it resembles a four-legged snake, it is a symbol of power, prosperity and good luck and has control of rains, storms And the water.

It is in this way to know what the classification of dragons is, you have to know the different species of Chinese dragons that existed over time, since in the books that you have there is a special volume on Chinese dragons.

First, it is known about the dragons that live in their aquatic phase and are very similar to snakes but with legs, after five hundred years that passed, they became a kiao dragon to a Chinese long dragon, this phase is said to have been a young dragon It had scales on its body like fish.

After five hundred more years passed, another phase called kühlung was fulfilled, which is a dragon which has antlers that lived for a thousand years, until after a fairly long time the phase called ying lung or dragon with wings is fulfilled.

In this phase the Chinese winged dragons, and you had more features as your face was transformed and looked like a tiger and the rest of the dragon body was like a snake and could suck blood from humans.

Chinese dragons explained for children

In Chinese culture, there is a belief that dragons are sacred animals that have helped the Chinese population since ancient times, since these Chinese dragons had the power to manage the weather and thus brought the rains and if they were very upset they made a great storm fall on the earth.

That is why the Chinese dragons should be treated with great respect and not offend them at all, since being angry with someone could hurt them causing a great storm to fall and thus flood the towns.

In the legends that are told in China, it is said that the Chinese are the sons of the dragon, because a long time ago a Chinese emperor was considered the son of a dragon, Chinese dragons are very wise animals and it is a culture that they are the protectors of all China.

It is also known that pandas are very important animals for China and when talking about pandas, emphasis is already placed on China, but with the passing of time we have seen the change that has happened from the panda bear to the Chinese dragon.

Since the dragon in China is a very important symbol within the Chinese culture since they are the emblems of power, strength and good luck, in addition to this the Chinese dragons are of various colors and for this reason each one has the responsibility of doing a different task and depending on how old they are, the Chinese dragon will have wings or horns.

The types of Chinese dragons are nine and they are among the most important since the number nine means a lot to the inhabitants of China. It is of the utmost importance that the Chinese people maintain their tradition since it is worthwhile for children to know it and to have respect for mythological beings that have transcended while time continues to pass.

In addition, Chinese mythology based on Chinese dragons have crossed the border of China and throughout the world there are people who are following step by step what Chinese culture is applied to Chinese dragons, it is for these that every child should know the difference between Western dragons and Chinese dragons.

Since the legends about western dragons are based on the fact that these beings are very bad and destructive and want to always do bad. And it is always said that they are inside a castle guarding a princess who wants to be rescued by a prince charming or knight errant.

While China's dragons always show their protective side and the respect they should have for every person in the world. In addition to this, all Chinese dragons are always willing to offer their help to other people.

crafts with dragons

Many boys and girls like to play with paper figures and make many works using creativity and having the necessary instruments to make a very colorful work, in this way in this article you will be taught to make some crafts that will help you much in the decoration of your room and the smallest of the house, as well as decoration at parties or as toys.

To start making the different crafts and especially the Chinese dragons, you will have to have recycled materials on hand, such as plastic cups, cardboard boxes, egg cartons, paper, paint, crayons, scissors and glue, among other materials.

Make a Chinese dragon with plastic cups

To be able to make a Chinese dragon with plastic cups or with cardboard cups, you must first find a cardboard and make the figure of the face as you want since there are many variations of Chinese dragons. The materials to be used are the following:

  • Used paper or plastic cups.
  • Colored paper.
  • Soda straws.
  • Seal
  • Glue

After having all the materials and having the dragon's face already designed, the glasses are used to form the body of the Chinese dragon, making a hole in the fold area of ​​the glass and we glue the straw.

After having the glasses one inside the other, all stuck with the glue and the straw, proceed to place the face you made and the four legs plus the wings if you decide that this Chinese dragon is going to be a flyer.

Make a Chinese Dragon Mask

Other of the crafts that are most used to design Chinese dragon figures are the Chinese dragon masks highly requested by the smallest of the house. There are many variants and designs of Chinese dragon masks, so we recommend that you use a lot of glue when designing one.

To design a Chinese dragon mask, if you want it to have a big mouth, you can use a plastic bottle by cutting it so that it can serve as a beak and with the cardboard you add the shape you want.

With the colors and tempera paints you can paint it to your liking or paste already painted leaves to improve the presentation of the Chinese dragon mask. Among the materials you will need are:

  • A4 or Letter sheet
  • Any material to paint
  • elastic band
  • Scissors
  • Boring machine
  • Paper tape
  • Crepe paper strips (optional)

After having all the materials you can print a mask that you find on the internet or you can design it yourself with your own creativity, after you have made it, proceed to color it, but it is important to note that the most used colors in Chinese dragons are the color red and yellow.

Try to use the best colors to make a dragon mask that attracts attention, of course you are not going to paint the eyes because you will cut them, after finishing painting it, cut the excess of the sheet, in addition to cutting the edges of the eyes of the mask so that when you put them on you have an excellent vision.

Make two holes so that you can insert the wick, then you must make two very strong knots so that they do not loosen when you place it, and as always measure it to see if it fits you well and with that you have finished the creation of the dragon mask Chinese and you can play with it.

How to make a paper dragon

In Chinese culture, the Chinese dragon is one of the main sacred figures which is characterized as an exotic animal, although it resembles a crocodile or a snake with four legs and the skin has fish scales.

The Chinese dragon is an animal that has great fame within Chinese culture and around the world it is considered one of the Chinese emblems that stand out for the power it exerts and that attracts good fortune.

In earlier times the only people who could use the Chinese dragon emblems were those who belonged to royalty, but over time the inhabitants of China and the world began to use these symbols and China was known by many for the symbols on their ships and merchandise.

In this way, if you wish to use the emblems and symbols of China, such as the Chinese dragon, we can guide you to make a Chinese dragon as an expert in the use of the origami technique, and thus you will venture into a technique that will help you in the future making different figures.

Although origami is a Japanese tradition, it can be used to make a Chinese dragon. Since it is a modern art form and there are many methods and techniques to make a Chinese dragon from beginner level to intermediate and advanced level.

dragon tales

In Eastern culture, specifically in Chinese culture, there are many stories, myths and legends of Chinese dragons, and it is for these that Chinese dragons are considered sacred animals to which offerings and rituals must be made to bring them good fortune and prosperity. to people among an important legend about dragons is the following:

the dragon pearl

It is said that in Chinese folklore there was an ancient dragon who lived on the island of Borneo, and his home was a cave, in the highest part of Kinabalu, the life of this dragon was very calm and peaceful. Since he always spent his time playing with a pearl that was very large. The dragon threw it into the sky and when he fell he caught it with his mouth.

On several occasions people arrived with the mission of stealing the pearl because it was of great value and was very beautiful, however this dragon always kept her under surveillance and safe from any danger.

Once a Chinese emperor made a decision to send his son to fulfill a mission which was to go in search of that pearl, because this pearl had great value and could give him greater wealth and should be part of his dynasty that is why he sent to his son.

The young man went to carry out the mission but the days passed until he was finally able to reach the island of Borneo. When he was on the island, he already had the objective of going in search of the pearl that his father, the Chinese emperor, had told him.

Meanwhile, the Chinese dragon enjoyed playing with his beautiful pearl, when the heir to the throne managed to observe the pearl, he decided to execute a plan and in this way he asked the knights for help to create a machine that could make him fly, but that resisted the weight of him and the weight of a small lighthouse.

The men had the courage to make the machine fly and bear the weight of the prince with the lighthouse. But that work lasted several days until finally, in one night, everything was ready to execute the plan and the young prince was ready to fly.

The prince was able to fly to the cave where the Chinese dragon lived, when he sneaked in he got the sleeping dragon and took advantage of that moment to make the change taking the pearl and leaving him the lighthouse, after that the prince left for his population.

The next day, when the Chinese dragon woke up and went out to play with his pearl, he could not find it anywhere, this made the dragon very upset, he opened his big wings and flew to see where his pearl was. and the thief who had taken her.

But he flew to many places and did not find anything, neither the pearl nor the thief, until at a certain point he looked towards the sea and could see a boat and dedicated himself to chasing it and shouted that they were scoundrels and should return his beloved pearl.

So when the dragon was already close to the boat, it opened its mouth to have its pearl thrown at it, but when they were very close to the boat, what it received was a projectile in its mouth and the Chinese dragon went straight to the sea and nothing more was heard of him.

Since then, the dragon pearl has remained in the dynasty of the emperor and his son and is one of the most precious treasures in China today called the dragon pearl.

How to use the Chinese dragon in Feng Shui?

Feng shui is an ancient discipline of Chinese origin, which can also be defined as an art to harmonize the environment and thus promote the health and environment of people since its words mean feng (wind) and shui (water) In this way, the art of feng shui gives great relevance to the figure of the Chinese dragon.

This is defined because the Chinese dragon is considered in Chinese culture as the symbol of the yang that is the dark part of the yin yang. That is why it is too notorious that when observing the Chinese dragon it is accompanied by another symbol. Which is a precious stone or pearl that is found between the legs of the Chinese dragon.

This pearl or precious stone is what is known as the treasures and riches of the dragon and also suggests that they are the number of events that open the paths to well-being and health.

Although one can find different versions of the Chinese dragon, such as its color, if it is green, it is linked to the well-being of the body and mind in people, that is why it is used for people to maintain a good state of health. Health. But if one has a yellow dragon it will attract wealth and prosperity in all areas and in many quantities.

How to locate the Chinese dragon?

If you don't know where to locate the Chinese dragon, feng shui techniques tell you that you can place it in any area of ​​the house that is clean and ventilated, since the Chinese dragon will always fulfill its mission.

But it is necessary that you know some points where it is not very good to place it, for example in the bathroom, it should never be placed, in the same way in the closets or in the garage. Since being in these places the Chinese dragon is not going to help you meet your goals.

It is also recommended to people that the maximum number of Chinese dragons they can have in their homes is five and they should be placed one in each different place or a maximum of three together, but it is better that they are separated in a clean and ventilated area of ​​the house. .

In the rooms so that there is balance, it is suggested to place a Chinese dragon since it generates stable energy, but you can place a phoenix so that there can be harmony and to light the fire of love.

In order to use the Chinese dragon in fortune, water must be used in the area where the Chinese dragon is located and that place must be in accordance with the colors used by dragons, for example the colors black, green or dark blue, red or Golden.

You want to place the Chinese dragon in the kitchen, you must do it near or in front of the dishwasher and in this way the Chinese dragon will connect with wealth and will promote tranquility and harmony throughout the house, but you should always avoid placing it in the bathroom. But you can place it near the clean water sources.

If you want to place the Chinese dragon in the place where you work, you have to place it behind you, in this way it will be a symbol of support since the Chinese dragon will act so that everything goes well and as an opponent if you place it in front of you. Among the best recommendations that exist to place Chinese dragons are the following:

  • Avoid grouping the dragons.
  • It is suggested to avoid having representations of dragons that make you uncomfortable.
  • Be cautious when buying dragon rugs.
  • The place where you place them should be a place that is not cluttered with other decorations, you have to allow a margin of space for the dragon.
  • Avoid buying depictions of the encased dragon.

The position of the Chinese dragons

Knowing that the Chinese dragons are going to represent power and wisdom, as well as knowledge, it is important to place them in a good position because if you place them in the wrong place they will get upset and bring chaos to your life, that is why we advise you that if you you have a Chinese dragon place them as follows:

  • You must take into account that when placing the dragon, you must position it in the place where there is the greatest current of energy.
  • It is recommended that the dragon has its gaze in the direction of the house, this helps to attract fortune and harmony, it should avoid its gaze being in the direction of the window.
  • The pearl that the dragon carries must be in a different direction, that is, avoid heading towards a door or window.
  • Prevent the dragon from heading towards a wall.
  • It is recommended to prevent the dragon from being around other feng shui symbols.
  • It is suggested to treat the dragon with cordiality.

Popular dances offered to the Chinese dragon

In Chinese mythology, there is a lot of history about Chinese dragons and what they represent for this nation, since these sacred animals will represent great power and wisdom for this people and form a culture within the traditions and customs of the Chinese. .

The Chinese have had the tradition of celebrating the dragon dance in the Chinese New Year, and it is a ritual that has been carried out since ancient times, when this dance is done it takes a long time because a lot of material is used to make the dragon. Depending on each town the Chinese dragon can change or there is a parade of several Chinese dragons.

It should be noted that when they begin to celebrate the Chinese dragon dance, it is that the Chinese New Year's Eve party is about to end and a new year is ushering in.

The reason that the Chinese perform the Chinese dragon dance is due to a number of factors and one of the most important is that they are performed to attract good luck to the country and the locality, also that there is a good production of fruits, power attract good fortune and thus ward off bad energies from the country.

chinese dragon dance

When the Chinese dragon dance is going to be performed, there are many people who carry the figure of the dragon during the dance, and the larger the figure of the dragon is, the more luck will be attracted to the country, the Chinese dragon dance has been performed since ancient times and is performed to celebrate the Chinese New Year.

The comparsas and parades of the Chinese dragon begin when the first day of the Chinese New Year begins and last for fifteen days and culminate with the lantern festival.

When people are making the figure of the Chinese dragons, they come to make great works that reach a hundred meters in length, in previous times the Chinese dragon was made with bamboo or trunks and they placed the cloth on top.

The dragons were made with green fabrics, so that the production of agricultural products occurs in greater quantity. If a dragon was made with yellow cloth it was to represent the Chinese empire, the red dragon was related to happiness and celebrations, while the dragons that were made of gold and silver were to represent harmony and abundance.

In the parades that are made to the Chinese dragon there is always a man who carries a kind of ball that will refer to knowledge and the dragon goes behind or chases or they do it with a yellow balloon that will represent the sun and this It is for a good harvest of fruits.

The men and women who go inside the Chinese dragon slide to make it appear that the dragon is dancing and those who carry the Chinese dragon on their heads have bamboo sticks to make a continuous movement and the sensation that it is dancing, Chinese dragon dance is a tradition that is performed with many people there are no exact amounts.

In the city of Zhejiang, Chinese dragons are very popular since there is a figure called the dragon of the hundred leaves, in this dragon many girls are placed representing the scales of the dragon, apart from that the representation of cloudiness and the lotus flower that they are carrying in their hands and are accompanied by the men who are the ones who are directing the dragon that is flying through the skies.

While in the towns in southern China, the inhabitants of that part tie the straw and in this way the Chinese dragon takes shape, they place incense sticks on it so that at night people can see the fire that emanates inside the dragon. Chinese.

The relationship between Chinese tigers and the Chinese dragon

It is important to emphasize that in Chinese mythology Chinese dragons and Chinese tigers do not go together because both are great adversaries and in the illustrations that appear both are fighting, they are like water and oil.

At present they are used in the martial arts that come from China, they bear the name of the dragon method and emphasize the understanding of the movement that is carried out when executing an action. In the same way, the tiger method is achieved, which points to strength but without knowledge and meditation, but it is used in a technical way.

That is why it is affirmed that the Chinese dragon will represent the yang, which symbolizes the masculine side due to the darkness that is within us, since many know the darkness that exists in our inner world, but we do not take responsibility for it.

In this way, we must know that when duality exists, there is no space for the pure, that is why the Chinese dragon has the need to tell us the darkness that we have within us or the one that is inhabiting our being.

On the other hand, the tiger will perform the representation of the yin, and will symbolize the feminine side, that is why when there is no compression between yin and yang, it is when one lives in an ordinary way, but when there is compression between the two duality appears and forms into one and we remain immortalized.

That is why there must be a balance between yin and yang, since neither part can be without the other and cannot be maintained, since their opposites complement each other and need each other, a basic example is day and night. It is in this way that it is understood that in the white part there is always a black point. In order to find the balance, it must be done in this way.

That is why the great value of the figure of the Chinese dragon with the tiger is always understood, since both cannot be together but neither can they be separated, one must complement the other.

Differences between the Chinese dragon and the Japanese dragon

Although they belong to different countries, the Chinese dragon with the Japanese dragon has a certain relationship because in both cultures the dragon will symbolize the strength, courage and wisdom that these sacred animals possess. Although it has many similarities that can be found in the traditions of Japan and China, in this article some important differences will be highlighted.

In Chinese culture, dragons are considered as beings that are sacred and must be given respect, since they are considered as the guardians of the people, but the Japanese dragon is considered as a symbol of threat. Another important difference between these sacred beings is the physical aspect.

The dragons of Japan are beings whose bodies are more similar to those of snakes, but they are thinner and the head is larger and its four legs are large but it has three fingers with very sharp claws. While the Chinese dragons also have a large size, but the head is smaller and the legs have four fingers with sharp claws.

The dragon and its use in the Chinese horoscope

The Chinese dragon is used in Chinese astrology and is influenced in the month of April, the element that makes up the Chinese dragon is the earth and will represent the yang, the stone that will symbolize it is the amethyst and it is ruled by the Planet Saturn. The predominant colors are gold and black.

The equivalence with the zodiacal signs is that of Aries, but because it is long it also has a lot of compatibility with the monkey and the rat. People born with the sign of the dragon are totally independent and do not care much what happens to others. That is why it always generates a difficult clash with people who have a complex situation. He is almost never generous with other people.

But he will always manage to achieve his own well-being, that is why he is quite self-centered, he is always in search of his happiness, he always sets many projects that may be unfeasible but he will always look for the best way to carry them out. In short, the person who is under the influence of the Chinese dragon in the horoscope will always stand out for his originality and his desire for victory.

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