Know all the Christian values, to apply them to your way of living

When we talk about Christian values, they are all those that a human being who professes this faith should have. These are not subject to free consideration or interpretation by individuals, rather they come from a strict moral code, or by the church.

Christian values

Value Types

The values ​​in general terms, are those that allow us to live together, without entering into major conflicts with our peers, they constitute, to put it in some way, the driver of our interaction in society. These provide us with well-being and growth, no matter how simple they are, they will be valuable if they allow us to do something useful. If you want to learn more about religion you can read ¿how many books does the new testament have?

They command the attitudes that we must have as sociable human beings, they allow us to be, regardless of our condition, good people. If we are in a school environment, whether as children or as an adult, it indicates the guidelines to follow. Who forms as a person is the family and the better the people are, the result will be very profitable for us.

This is how, Christian values ​​are an important part of our guiding principles, they give us particular characteristics that make us different from each other. Each human being has his own scale of values, with which he determines the behaviors that he will assume in life; according to the principles or situation presented by him, in order to live harmoniously.

The family environment is the first barrier in the formation of the human being, in it is where we learn and acquire the value with which we will conduct ourselves through life. It is here where we learn how to be people and live universal values, we learn to love and be loved, generous, faithful, love our country, God.

Christian values

Characteristics of Christian values

It is very important to be clear about the interaction that exists between values ​​and moral norms, this is the way to live in harmony in accordance with the values ​​that are expected of a good Christian, who lives according to the laws of the church. Christian, and these are clearly explained in the word. Each and every one of our conduct must be governed by this.

The mere fact that we are human, makes us have a value by itself, this makes us part of the creation of God and that gives us dignity, and we must respect his work and recognize it, this means recognizing the inalienable rights that correspond to him by right. Just because it is the work of the Lord, we have intrinsic values ​​that we do not renounce.

Of course, within the set of Christian values, some will have more hierarchy than others, and the criteria that make this difference are:

  • Duration, this means that values ​​can be applied throughout life, some more easily than others, for example the value of pleasure is ephemeral, while the value of truth is permanent.
  • Integrity, each value is complete, it is not that we can apply it in parts or at the convenience of the person.
  • Flexibility, the values ​​can be adjusted to the situation, without lacking them, but they must be flexible enough so that they can be fulfilled.
  • Leave a personal satisfaction, when we apply the values ​​this has to generate feelings of satisfaction.
  • Polarization, this means that all values ​​have both a positive and a negative side, each value has a counter value inherent to it.
  • Hierarchy, there are values ​​that are more important than others, such as being dignified, or being free, that will depend on the situation of each person, they themselves must conclude what their highest ranking value is. This can change throughout life.
  • Transcendence, this refers to the fact that values ​​must make sense, in the place and at the time, they give meaning to human life, and to its interaction with others.
  • Dynamism, they must adapt to the change of times, they will not be the same in childhood as in adulthood.
  • They must be applicable and represent the principles and values ​​of each person.
  • Complexity, there are values ​​that are very difficult, they usually involve decisions and value judgments.

Universal Christian Values

This is the set of values ​​that make us better people, and show us how to walk the path of faith, without detours and with great joy and satisfaction.

  1. The virtues of people: These are the practices of habits such as being honest, responsible, faithful, fair, generous, good with others, among others. Most of these virtues are very difficult to see today, it is a weakness in family formation, there is enormous injustice, responsibilities are not assumed, and selfish acts are seen everywhere.
  2. Absolute values: In this case we refer to those that should not change. They must be part of who we are, an example of this is: dignified attitudes, life, authenticity, being good, and many others. In contrast to these values ​​are lying, doing things halfway, these kinds of things are the opposite of values.
  3. Christian values: These are made up of those that appear in the teachings of the word, such as being humble, being self-sacrificing, having charity with others, the holy life, the chaste life for love of the Lord, and many more.

Moral values

Let's talk about morality, this word has a broad meaning, when it comes to Christian values. It is made up of the things we do as routines or customs, the things we believe in and the rules by which we govern our conduct; These are teachings that are transmitted over time between families.

Each person is the one who has to make the decision, of which things are good or bad, correct or the opposite, if an act does justice or not, it must be personal morality that makes these decisions, and they will be made according to their own morality and act on these beliefs.

This means that Christian moral values ​​are really judgments made by any human being, based on their training and experience. This is what serves as a platform to decide what things are good or bad, when it comes to acting and deciding.

best school

The construction of the values ​​that will govern our lives is defined by all those who deal with our training, this includes the school. The Christian values ​​that we bring from our family environment, when we arrive at school, adapt and change due to the new environment to which we are exposed. They generally begin in childhood, where they are instilled by parents or caregivers.

When we enter the school and the community, these values ​​are usually reinforced by teachers, counselors or any other person who is a facilitator of some teaching. These are also included in the religion to which we belong, there are some that are so ingrained that their violation can even represent legal sanctions.

Being honest, being respectful, being grateful, being loyal, being supportive, being generous, being tolerant, being a good friend, being kind and, above all, being humble, are among the Christian values ​​that should be reinforced and practiced throughout life. . Among them there are hierarchical scales that help us to prioritize when a conflict arises, this can change.

Christian values

Which ones are more important?

This is best explained with an example. Imagine that one of your friends breaks the law, and we are questioned by the police authorities, the correct and valuable thing would be to be honest over being loyal, this is something that we must meditate, which of the two values ​​prevails, when there is a crime in between should be the truth and honesty.

In the same way, if we are celebrating a party in our home, and the music is at a high volume, at some point those who live around us will feel annoyed and in this case, we must apply tolerance. If we do not do this, surely our neighbors will demand respect from us.

These are almost daily examples, but they show us the importance of knowing how to prioritize values, this will surely preserve climates of respectful coexistence with our friends and neighbors, in the end if we are all compliant with values, the world, society will be time better.

It is the same society that is in charge of regulating, through laws and codes, or punishments, the violation of norms and values, either from the family or the school, or even with the penal systems, which monitor the faithful fulfillment of the law. law.

Human values

Human values ​​are the group of virtues that are part of the human being or a part of them, these are the determinants of how this person will act in different situations, such as their treatment with others or with their environment in general. These virtues define the human being and his social conduct.

All the things we do that are considered correct are included, therefore, they are associated with moral values, which are the drivers of humans in society. They are part of the so-called ethical values ​​and social values, which constitute the established norms to achieve a healthy and pleasant coexistence in society.

The objective of using them is for the person to be outstanding in the generation of good individual and collective living. This is a set of values ​​among which love, being tolerant, respecting each other, honesty, gratitude, solidarity, responsibility, freedom stand out, among many others that, unfortunately, have been disappearing in society.

Better person, better society

If we put into practice the set of Christian values, we will automatically begin to see good deeds around us; this becomes a kind of snowball that grows, since we will be teaching our peers by example. The feeling of well-being produced by acting well is extremely contagious, people want to be well.

Christian values

Good behavior towards others, observance of laws, in short, fulfilling our duties without trampling on the rights of others, will be the incentive that will make more and more people want to live in harmony. This is the key to a society in peace, it is true today many values ​​are rarely seen, but they are not missing.

Human values ​​for the most part are also universal, they should be practiced by everyone, regardless of race, religion or nationality. Even if cultures are different, values ​​such as respect are vital, honesty is valuable for everyone, being responsible, these are the type of values ​​that we should observe everywhere, thus avoiding unnecessary conflicts.

Ethical values

This is a complicated value since it is relative, since it depends on the objects themselves, either with respect to the abstract or to a physical quality. The relevance that can be attributed to an object depends on what we consider good or bad, and how close it is to one particularity or the other.

Each person will give a value according to their own criteria or training, each one based on their experiences and perspective will give weight to one quality or another. On some occasions they have an absolute value, in that case they will all have the same value or weight in the conduct to follow. To know more about these topics you can read parables of Jesus.

Christian or Catholic values

Most of the values ​​are universal, this means that whether you are Christian, secular or of any other religion, these values ​​should be fulfilled. Values ​​by themselves are an important part of a balanced, happy and, above all, socially healthy society. Compliance with values ​​defines us as social human beings.

Despite this, there is a set of values, which are mandatory for Christians or Catholics, they must be instilled in the family and must be strengthened throughout our lives, these are:

  • Love, especially to others.
  • Being charitable is extremely important when it comes to extending a helping hand to those who need it most, and considering them our brothers.
  • Being merciful is defined by the aptitude of the Christian person to have understanding, comprehension and the ability to forgive others, when it comes to the fact that they have committed faults at some point.
  • To thank, it is vital to know that everything we receive is a gift and therefore we must thank properly.
  • Being responsible, this is vital to fulfill our duties, it is also the virtue that makes us responsible for our actions.
  • Being respectful, this is the foundation where the other values ​​are supported, with this value is that we manage to grant the rights of other people, and it allows us to peaceful coexistence. It also includes fulfilling the obligations of the religion and its precepts.
  • Honesty, is to be upright in acting, giving preeminence to justice and what is correct.
  • Honesty, perhaps it should be among the first, from this virtue trust is born, and peace, is related to true, pure things, decency, and modesty, decorum and modesty.


In order to understand what faith is, we turn to the definition that appears in the Bible, which is the text that collects all the teachings that the Lord left for us, through the coming of his son. He says like this:

Faith is the security of what is coming and we know that it will come, despite not seeing it, we know that it is so, without a doubt.

And the apostles petitioned the Lord; increase our faith.

So we have faith by listening and we listen by the word of God.

These words are in the epistles of the bible, the apostle Pablo He gave many teachings on the faith, and said that it was the certainty of what can be expected, it is to have one strongly convinced, even though we cannot see what is being talked about.

The principle of faith is an action and it is powerful, if we strive to reach a goal with dignity, we are practicing faith.

When we have faith, we can have and teach hope in something good and better, something that we deserve, that is yet to come and that we cannot see, but it is there.

faith in jesus christ

What concerns to Christ, faith in him means confidence in his power, wisdom and capacity to love that are infinite, therefore, it is knowing how to follow and trust his teachings, even if some things are confusing to us, even when we do not understand some things, but he does understands them. This word refers to what a person or a community believes in.

Christian values

It is that security, that certainty that makes us feel well, just knowing that it is there and protects us, that is faith. It is the statement that confirms the truth of his passage through earthly life, it is a record that certifies the validity of his teachings.

What do ordinary people say about faith?

Many people think that having faith consists simply in accepting what they tell you and that's it, even if they don't have any evidence that this is true. A good example of this is when a believer states: "I believe in God" and if asked why he has this belief, he will answer that his parents told him so, that they raised him that way.

This is not faith, this is credulity, this is the type of person who accepts simply because someone they trust told them, and many times without being trusted. Faith in the Lord has its evidence in the scriptures, that is why someone who claims to believe in the Lord is different, because he has learned from the word, this if he is a person of faith.

What does the bible say?

According to the bible, faith is the certain hope of things to come or that are expected, and it expresses this textually, it also incorporates into the definition that it is the living proof that everything is reality, even if it cannot be seen. To support this thesis, there must be compelling reasons that guarantee it. That expression of “safe expectation” is nothing more than an internal feeling.

Faith despite seeming like an illusion, for those who believe in the word is a certainty, which implies in itself a conviction that is supported in the passage of the father's son on this earth. With his life, he left more than enough evidence to have faith and confidence in eternal life.

Is it important to gain faith?

In its text the Bible says:if you do not have faith, it is not possible to be pleasing to him, it is because the one who is close to God has to be a believer that he exists and that he can be a giver to anyone who constantly seeks him”.

Many human beings believe in God only because they were taught at home, and were raised with that learning. But the Lord needs them to be convinced that he does exist, and that he loves us without hesitation. The sacred book emphasizes how important it is to have faith, so that the Lord notices our presence and protects us.

How can faith be obtained?

“Faith follows what is heard”. If one listens to the word, what is in the bible about the lord, he must analyze it, through his study many doubts are clarified, since the evidences of divinity and the truth are there, it is in these words where you will find the lord , and you will learn about his work, about what he expects from each one of us, it is here where you will be able to find faith, and love.

Christian values

As soon as he acquires the certainty of what the bible says, he will already have the first step to be a person of faith, in this book there is the story of the son of the Lord, what his life was like, the way he acted, seeing this life so prodigal, so pure and full of love and friendship, they will have faith, that certainty in the soul that there is a superior being who loves us, and who gives us good and pure things.


Already in antiquity the concept of ethics was handled, and this concept has been growing and developing over time. This topic is a complete branch of philosophical considerations, which is the one that studies the way people act, whether right or wrong, in this topic the moral, the virtuous, happiness, the fulfillment of duty are considered.

Ethics is an important part of good living. For this we must reflect, we must adopt a way of life that is moral, but that we can apply to our daily lives, both personally and with others. An ethical doctrine encompasses specific statements or judgments that will govern the behavior of a person or group in general.

When we apply ethics to sentences, value is given to the morality of human beings, to specific situations. It is this type of thing that moral judgments occur, for example when we say that he is an evil person, or when we think that someone goes against morality, this type of thing with value judgments, which we apply to express an opinion about the others.

Judeo-Christian values

All human beings have the tendency to adapt to the geographical place where they are, this includes the adoption of social and cultural values, which are used in the place. At present we find three value systems, which are the most notorious, and they are: European secularism, Judeo-Christians and Islam.

When it comes to values Judeo-Christians, it is about those that are in the scriptures, these are a group of values ​​that are to give guidance to individuals and societies, in most cases they are not explained explicitly, then many confusions and difficulties can arise for the understanding and approval by the faithful.

A large number of people have great disorientation, they find it difficult to differentiate between good and bad, they find it difficult to give value to human and animal life, this is how serious it is. The cause of this trend is the variety of currents and controversial information about religion, which is accessible today, plus the embarrassing issue of racism, exclusion and others.

value of life

This is a time of great evil in terms of moral and ethical values, this causes great confusion in people, and sometimes life is not given the value it should have, whether human or animal, that is bad very bad, cannot be accepted.

If the values ​​are those of the Lord, life must be sacred, anyone who does not see it that way is far from the path of the Lord, there are many doubts, and we should cling to our values, to achieve with our example that others also have lives. valuable. It is good to continue emphasizing that this is a fundamental value for life in Christian societies.

Ten Christian values ​​in the family

Parents already have a set of principles and values, which they bring from their life and experiences, which they have acquired from their ancestors and communities. They are the ones who must transmit this knowledge to their children, decide what is more convenient and determine which are the most basic to coexist in the family and in society.

From this family education, it is that the children will form their own set of values, with their scale of relevance. It is good to remember that the first line of formation of the human being is the family, this is where we will teach our children by example what good Christian behavior is. Here we list the ten that can be considered most relevant:

  1. Empathy: The little ones in the house must understand how other people feel, and how our actions have an impact for good or bad on them. It is the notion that others also feel and sometimes suffer.
  2. Humility: You have to make them realize that no person is worse or better than another. Living with a humble attitude will allow us to know others as they really are.
  3. Self-esteem: It is teaching them to give themselves value, this is achieved by praising them when they act correctly and reinforcing positive attitudes.
  4. Commitment: This value is formed over time, the experiences acquired teach us the importance of complying, in the social, personal and family.
  5. Gratitude: You have to know how to give thanks, whether for something big, or for something small, all gifts must be thanked, everything that does us good must be thanked.
  6. Optimism: you must have enthusiasm for life, that is to be optimistic, in all situations focus on the good and positive things, and stay away from the negative.
  7. Friendship: Friendship is a sign of affection, which is born from everyday life between people, either with strangers or with the family.
  8. Will: Everything we want in life, is achieved by making some effort, be it a lot or a little, you always have to spend energy achieving it, this is having will, not letting yourself be overcome by obstacles, and finishing what you start even if it is something exhausting.
  9. Happiness: It is having joy for life, having faith, being optimistic, having a healthy mood, we must pass that on to our children, only those who are happy can spread happiness.
  10. Patience: this is a very important value, which has a lot to do with controlling our impulses, we must have a lot of patience, especially in daily life, since other people do not necessarily go at our pace, everything has a solution, we do not have to rushing or getting angry when things don't go your way.

Christian values

Movies that reflect values

There is a wide variety of film productions, which manage to exalt the values ​​that should exist in societies, it is a way of drawing attention to these practices that are seen less and less in society. The cinema can reach the masses, this makes these initiatives to make productions that leave messages about the relevance of values ​​very interesting.

Children of Heaven: Although it is not a Christian film, all Christian values ​​are applied in it, which should be used in daily life. We can see in the filmography from love to acts of kindness. It shows how you can move forward in life and reach happiness, as long as we really count on each other, others can be our moral support to continue.

Million dollar Baby: This was even the winner of an award from the academy of motion picture arts and sciences. This highlights values ​​such as being understanding, happiness, assertive communication and family trust, and there are others that could be considered. This is a movie worth seeing as a family, with a very analytical mind.

Christian values

Count on me: This is a very good movie about the value of friendship. In it you can also see what a supportive behavior is, it shows a situation in which the value of the extended family is evident, a good friend can make a difference in someone's life. The human being has a lot to learn about it, that's why this movie is very interesting to watch as a family.

movies about Jesus: Christ Superstar; the last temptation of Christ; the body; the code Da Vinci. All of these are productions that, in one way or another, present different visions of what life was like for Jesus on earth, they are worth seeing and commenting on, both positive and negative.

Extraordinary (wonder): It is the story of a boy who suffers from a disease that disfigured his face, and how his parents educated him to face social stigma, without this filling him with rancor. It is a great example of what compassion and tolerance should be, it is worth seeing as a family and reflecting on this message.

Corpus Christi: This movie makes a parody of the life of Jesus and his disciples on earth. It is an interesting source of controversies, because the discussion of it helps to strengthen faith, in the absence of resources to invalidate the evidence they resort to mockery. If you want to learn more about these topics you can read prayer to the holy child of Atocha.

Muhammad: Once again we are facing a controversial production, it is because the Islamic religion prohibits people from interpreting the Prophet Muhammad, it is worth seeing because it violates a fundamental value of respect. Despite the fact that this religion is not a sign of respect, it is to comply with this rule, even if we do not agree with it.

Christian values

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