Agnosticism: Meaning, Types, Philosophies and much more

In this article you will know everything about the agnosticism, a position that questions the existence of God, doubting in the same way our Lord Jesus Christ. As well as, you will find out what the Christian should do in the face of a position like this.


What is Agnosticism?

Agnosticism is the doctrine that is positioned to restrict knowledge to only what is demonstrable or can be verified. That is, only everything that is empirically verifiable can be known or said to exist, otherwise it becomes something unknown or substantially unknowable.

As far as knowledge of God is concerned, the agnostic questions his existence. Since God cannot be known by reason but by faith, and if faith is irrational, therefore, for them God is not known or it cannot be affirmed that he exists.

Although agnosticism does not have the same position as atheism that radically denies the existence of God, for the believer the agnostic is an atheist or without God.

Revelation 3:16 (KJV 1960): But because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will vomit you out of my mouth.

In history, the current of agnosticism has its origin in the philosophical approaches of empiricism and rationalism of Immanuel Kant (1724-1804). Who gave popularity to this position, however, the name that defines agnosticism, was given in 1869 by the British biologist Thomas Henry Huxley.

Long before the philosophical thoughts of Kant, in antiquity, there had already been agnostic leanings in Greek and Hindu philosophers. As for example the philosophical approaches of Protagoras and those of Sanyaia Belatthaputta in the fifth century before Christ.

From the term given by Huxley, a series of philosophers in the world joined to develop the theme on the position of Agnosticism. A trend that has gained momentum in recent times of great technological and scientific development.

agnostic meaning

To extract the meaning of the term agnostic, it is convenient to review its etymology or origin of the word. That said, the term agnostic is made up of two words of Greek origin.

The first is the prefix a, whose meaning is without, and the second is the term gnōsis, which means knowledge. Therefore, the word agnostic refers to something without knowledge, unknown, unknowable or mysterious.

Let us see below several uses given to the term agnostic from the previous meaning:

  • British biologist Thomas H. Huxley used it in defense of his position that he rejected all spiritual or mystical knowledge.
  • The early Christian church used the term gnosis to refer to spiritual knowledge. According to this usage, agnostic is ignorance of the spiritual or divine.
  • Scientific literature of these times on neuroscience and psychology, has used the term to refer to what is unknowable.
  • In computer science you can find use of this word to identify agnostic software and agnostic hardware.

Types of agnosticism

As already seen in the meaning of agnostic, there are several uses that can be attributed to this term. In the same way it happens with agnosticism from the position created by Thomas Huxley, there are several aspects or categories that have been derived from it:

Conditioned agnosticism

Type of agnosticism raised by the Scottish philosopher David Hume (1711 - 1776), who established that the statements given by man in relation to the world; they will always be under the condition of doubt.

That doubt could be to a greater or lesser degree due to the fallible quality of human affirmations. That is to say that for Hume, these statements could not be absolutely true, except only those that turned out to be obvious, such as: if someone is single he is not married.

atheistic agnosticism

Agnostic atheism is that type of agnosticism that is not convinced enough to affirm "God exists." Arriving therefore at what a convinced atheist would affirm: «God does not exist».

So the phrase that would define an atheist agnostic would be:

"As for whether God exists, I'm not sure, because there is not enough evidence to be a certainty. And there's also no way to know."

Agnosticism theistic 

Agnostic theism does not deny the existence of God, but neither does it claim to know God. This could also be the definition of an apathetic theist, because even though he believes in a God who created the universe, everything related to him is indifferent to him.

Someone considered an agnostic theist would say the following:

«I understand that God created the universe, knowing it does not interest me, because I live well, I have what I need. Therefore, I do not need to know anything about God, talking about the subject bores me».

strong agnosticism

Strong agnosticism, also called radical or closed, claims not to be able to know the existence of any deity. Since the man through reason is unable to prove the existence of him.

So, for this agnosticism, the existence or non-existence of a God is an unknowable matter. Because it is an affirmation that cannot be verified scientifically but through subjective experiences, which could be tied to a fallible quality.

So the phrase that would define a strong agnostic would be:

“I cannot be certain that I know if God exists, nor can any human being be able to be certain.”

weak agnosticism

Weak agnosticism is one that is open to the possibility that, perhaps one day, man can prove the existence of God. This type of agnosticism is also known as the empirical, someone considered as an agnostic theist would say the following:

"Whether or not there is a God, I really can't know, but maybe one day we will have enough evidence, and something about it will be discovered or proven."

The philosophies of Agnosticism

Agnosticism is a position that is sustained from different philosophical thoughts. This is because it is a position linked more to man's reasoning than to his creeds. Let's see below some of the philosophies that support agnosticism:

Hindu philosophy

Within the religion of Hinduism commonly practiced in South Asia, one can find philosophical meditations that contain a degree of skepticism or doubt as to the deity. This degree of skepticism is associated with the position held by the philosophy or thoughts of agnosticism.

To give an example of this, the Hymn of Creation written in the tenth text of the book Rig-veda is quoted verbatim. Which is the oldest book of the four Vedas of the Vedic religion, predecessor of Hinduism.

Who knows for sure? Who will proclaim it?

Where was he born? Where did the creation come from?

The gods are after the creation of this world.

So who can know its origins?

Nobody knows where the creation came from

or whether He did or not.

He who beholds it from the lofty heavens,

only He knows, or perhaps He doesn't.

greek philosophy

The great ancient Greek thinkers were always in search of knowledge. And this search was based on a thought surrounded by great skepticism.

So it can be said that the origin of an agnostic philosophical position stems from ancient Greece. There you can name Greek thinkers like:

  • Socrates (470 – 399 BC): Who approached epistemology or the study of knowledge from doubt or skepticism.
  • Pyrrho of Elis (365 – 275 BC): This thinker said that although an opinion could be expressed about something, a judgment should not be established based on that opinion. Since there would never be absolute certainty or absolute knowledge that it was a reality.
  • Carneades (214 – 129 BC): Like Piron, this thinker was skeptical about claiming any knowledge. Although he formulated a probabilistic theory, for him absolute certainty could never be obtained.
  • Protagoras of Abdera (485 BC - 411 BC): This Greek maintained a philosophy of contradicting or denying the usual statements given to the gods. One of his positions on the subject referring to the gods was the following:

"In relation to the gods, I have no means of knowing whether or not they exist or what kind of beings they may be. Many things come from knowledge, including the obscurity of the subject and the brevity of human life."

The philosophy of Hume, Kant and Kierkegaard

These philosophies encompass the skeptical empiricism of David Hume, the rational empiricism of Immanuel Kant, and the philosophical existentialism of Søren Kierkegaard. Three positions that believe that it is untenable to establish an absolute proof of the existence or non-existence of God.

  • Immanuel Kant (1724 – 1804): This philosopher recognized that knowledge originated in experience and that therefore human reason played an important role in knowledge. One of his postulates states:

"Knowledge is man-centered, not God-centered."

  • David Hume (1711 – 1776): Scottish philosopher who established that the affirmations given by man in relation to the world; they will always be under the condition of doubt or skepticism.
  • Søren Kierkegaard (1813 – 1855): This philosopher referred to God as the unknown and that men call him God just to give him a name. Some postulates of Kierkegaard are the following:

"If God doesn't exist, then it's impossible to prove it, but if he does exist, then it's crazy to want to prove it."

"Demonstrate the existence of God: I want to demonstrate that the unknown that exists is God, so I express myself in an unfortunate way, because with this I do not demonstrate anything, much less an existence, but rather developed a conceptual determination."

Thomas Henry Huxley raised agnosticism as a position close to empiricism

The agnosticism of Thomas Henry Huxley

Both agnostic philosophies and skepticism have their origins from ancient times. However, the term agnosticism as a position or as a method of verification was first used in 1869 by Thomas Henry Huxley.

Huxley brought it as a reference in a speech, to object metaphysical postulates on affirmations related to the spiritual or the mystical. In the term agnosticism, this philosopher summarized his thoughts or postulates, such as:

"I neither affirm nor deny the immortality of man, but neither do I see reason to believe in it, on the other hand, I have no means of refuting it."

"Give me such evidence that I would be justified in believing anything else, and I will believe it. Why shouldn't I believe? It is certainly as wonderful as the conservation of force or the indestructibility of matter.

Don't talk to me about analogies and probabilities. I know what I mean when I say that I believe in the law of inverse squares and will not base my life and my hopes on weak convictions.

"I have never had the slightest sympathy with the a priori reasons against orthodoxy, and I have by nature and inclination the greatest possible antipathy towards all atheistic and infidel schools. However, I know that I am, despite myself, exactly what a Christian would call, and, as far as I can see, justifiably, an atheist and an infidel.

Thomas Henry Huxley claims to have invented the most appropriate term for the agnostic man like himself. Title that he cataloged as ethical comparing it with that of Gnostic, used by the early church to refer to spiritual knowledge.

A church that for Huxley claimed to know a lot about spiritual knowledge, of which he considered himself completely ignorant. To his satisfaction, the term agnosticism was accepted by other thinkers or philosophers who followed him.

The Agnosticism of Robert G. Ingersoll

Robert G. Ingersoll was a nineteenth-century American politician and lawyer of great relevance within the position of agnosticism. In his speech entitled: Why am I an agnostic?, he stated the following

“Is there a supernatural power, an arbitrary mind, an enthroned God, a supreme will that moves the waves and currents of the world, whom all causes revere? I do not deny it. I don't know, but I don't think so. I believe that nature is supreme, that in the infinite chain no link can be lost or broken, that there is no supernatural power that can hear prayers, no power that worship can persuade or alter, no power that cares about man." .

Bertrand Russell's philosophy

The British Bertrand Russell was one of the most accredited philosophers of the XNUMXth century, one of the forerunners of analytical philosophy, as well as one of the most relevant logicians of his century. In his life with his philosophical position he discussed the weakness in the arguments and reasoning used by theism to demonstrate the existence of God.

This position led him to title one of his books with the expression “why I am not a Christian”, where he captured a speech given by him in 1927. This literary work by Russell is a clear manifestation of the classical agnosticism of his time.

Later in 1939 in his book "The Existence and Nature of God" he declared himself an atheist, Russell being a representative of agnostic atheism. One of his sayings on the matter is quoted verbatim below:

“The existence and nature of God is a subject that I can only analyze halfway through. If one reaches a negative conclusion regarding the first part of the question, the second part does not arise; and my position, as you may have noticed, is negative on this matter.

"As a philosopher, if I were addressing a strictly philosophical audience, I should say that I have an obligation to describe myself as an agnostic, because I don't think there is a conclusive argument by which one proves that there is no God. On the other hand, if I am going to communicate the correct idea to the common man, I think I would have to say that I am an atheist, because when I say that I cannot prove that there is no God, I should add that I equally cannot prove that there is no God. Homeric gods exist.

Leslie Weatherhead

English Leslie Weatherhead was a Christian theologian of the liberal Protestant movement of the XNUMXth century. He exercised his ministry as a preacher, he was known in his time largely for his books: The Will of God, The Agnostic Christian, and Psychology, as well as Religion and Healing.

Despite identifying himself as a Christian believer, Weatherhead was considered by several Christian leaders to be an apostate, because his preaching was outside the word of God and the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Since Leslie Weatherhead believed in the divine character of Jesus, but that this nature really came from an intimate relationship with God, and not because Jesus was God, much less the only begotten son of the creator, because that would be impossible. In his book The Christian Agnostic and Psychology, Weatherhead wrote:

"Many avowed agnostics are closer to belief in the true God than many mainstream churchgoers who believe in a nonexistent body whom they mistakenly call God."

Weatherhead believer and rejected by traditional theologians, is a representative of agnostic theism or also of what is considered weak agnosticism. A phrase of this theologian that includes him within this identification is the following:

"Of course the human soul will always have the power to reject God, since choice is essential to its nature, but I can't believe that no one will finally do it."

Criticisms of agnosticism

After reading about some thinkers who support agnosticism with their philosophies, it is also important to point out that other thinkers have established philosophies that do not validate such a position. These last philosophies are clear criticisms of agnosticism and come not only from theism but also from the part of atheism.

Some of these critics are of the opinion that agnosticism establishes a limitation in the human being about what is the knowledge of reality, not recognizing that in knowledge there is a material and a spiritual part. These critical thinkers use the case of gravity, entropy and the mind as an example, to express the following statement:

"Just because you can't see or take certain things doesn't necessarily mean denying their existence."

Critics Theists to agnosticism

On the theists' side, the criticism of agnosticism is that this position is impossible to put into practice, because either you live as if God exists or you live as if God does not exist. Let's look at some of the theologians' criticisms of agnosticism below:

  • Laurence B. Brown: Criticizes the misuse of the term affirmation saying:

"You claim that nothing can be known for certain, how, then, can you be so sure?"

  • Joseph Ratzinger: Criticizes strong agnosticism for contradicting itself by stating that with the power of reason the truth is known scientifically. Ratzinger states:

“Agnosticism is always the fruit of a rejection of the knowledge that is in fact offered to humanity. […] The knowledge of God has always existed”.

"Agnosticism is a choice of comfort, pride, mastery and usefulness over the truth, and it is opposed to the following attitudes: the sharpest self-criticism, humble listening to the totality of existence, persistent patience and self-correction of the method scientific, the willingness to be purified by the truth.

  • Blaise Pascal: He launched the criticism saying that despite the fact that there was no valid evidence of the existence of God:

"The infinite expected value of accepting God is always greater than the finite value received from not doing so, so it is a safer 'bet' to choose to believe."

Critics atheists to agnosticism

One of the most exemplary atheist criticisms against agnosticism is that of the British biologist Richard Dawkins, who is also one of the most prominent atheists of contemporary times.

Although Richard Dawkins defends the part of temporary agnosticism in practice (ATP), in the part about permanent agnosticism in principle (APP), he makes the following criticism:

"The existence or non-existence of God is a scientific fact about the Universe, discoverable by principle if not by practice."

"I declare myself agnostic to the same extent that I am regarding the fairies at the bottom of the garden."

The Bible and Agnosticism

In the sacred writings of the Bible from genesis to the apocalypse, in each verse, in each word and even in each letter exclaims, reveals and gives the certainty to know, to know that God DOES EXIST! Glory to God and our Lord Jesus Christ!

Therefore, the two main arguments used by an agnostic are discarded, which are:

  • God exists? I do not know.
  • I cannot be absolutely certain that God exists.

The Bible says that this happens because the evil one has blinded the minds of the unbelievers and that the knowledge of the glory of God is hidden behind a veil. But it also gives the good news that once the unbeliever turns his heart to Jesus Christ, that blinding veil will be removed so that he can know the glory of God and have the certainty that God exists.

2 Corinthians 4:3-4 (NLT): 3 Yes the good news what we preach is hidden behind a veil, just this one hidden from people who are lost. 4 Satan, who is the god of this world, Has blinded the minds of those who do not believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don't understand this message about the glory of ChristWho is the exact image of God.

2 Corinthians 3:15-16: 15 Indeed, even today, when they read the writings of Moses, their hearts are covered with that veil and they do not understand. 16 Instead, when someone turns to the Lord, the veil is removed.

Therefore, through the Bible, which is the word of God, we can enter the path to know God and his son Jesus Christ. From now on we will know how the existence of God is revealed to men in the Bible.


The existence of God revealed to men in the light of the Scriptures

Although agnosticism is planted from the position of questioning the existence of God, because according to its followers the affirmation of the existence of an omnipotent being with the ability to sustain the universe is not verifiably verifiable, and for this reason they call themselves agnostic .

In the sense of what the word agnostic means, ignorance or lack of knowledge of God, that term itself goes against the Christian faith. So it is unavoidable that anyone who considers himself a Christian understands that God has manifested himself to humanity as the creator of all things, including man.

You have heard about the sound doctrine, discover it here: ¿What is sound doctrine?: a message of faith and hope. A healthy doctrine because it is a teaching that nourishes the soul with the purest love, that of God. Those of us who profess this teaching are called to exalt the name of Christ with deeds and words.

There is no excuse says the scriptures

From this statement no one can be excused in saying that he does not know that God exists. But, just as God reveals himself in a general way to humanity as his creator, he also gives man the free will to decide what he can or cannot believe, but this decision will have its consequences in the light of the scriptures:

Romans 1:18 (NBV): But God shows his wrath from heaven against injustice and wickedness of the peoplefor their injustice prevents the truth from being revealed.

In order to make known more about the general manifestation of God in men, it is necessary to continue reading this apostolic teaching of Paul in the following verse:

Romans 1:19-20 (NLT): 19 They know the truth about God, because he has made it obvious. 20 For, since the creation of the world, everyone has seen the heavens and the earth. Through all that God made, they can see with the naked eye the invisible qualities of God: his eternal power and his divine nature. So they have no excuse not to know God.

So, what is undeniable for the believer, is also unquestionable for the agnostic, he has no excuse for not knowing or knowing of the existence of God. In this last verse the apostle Paul teaches that the ethereal of God, as the eternal power and divine nature of him becomes evidently visible in the creation of the world, let's see next some of these revelations or manifestations of God.


God manifests in nature

All nature manifests and strongly expresses that God exists to everyone who claims to be agnostic. Calling oneself agnostic or without knowledge about the reality of the existence of God is beyond reason, because nature makes it obvious, the scriptures say the following:

Psalms 19:1 (RSV): The heavens declare the glory of God; the firmament reveals the work of his hands

The heavens speak of the glory and greatness of God, as well as his work: sky, planets, sun, moon, stars, the earth with all its extraordinary nature. A wise and inspired nature designed, which obviously completely rules out the hypothesis that such design comes from an explosion or evolution.

Man's conscience testifies that God exists

God arranged in the human conscience the conviction that he exists and this, manifests itself in man as an inner voice that makes him think and know that he should not do some things, or that he can do others. This is the human conscience given by God to man so that he knows how to discern good from bad.

In this sense, every individual is aware that killing or assassinating is an act of evil. Morality and immorality, what is good or what is bad, all this is deposited in the hearts of men and with it they bear witness that they know that God exists, let's see what the Bible says:

Romans 2:14-15 (NASB):14 For when the Gentiles, who do not have the law, comply instinctively the dictates of the law, they, not having the law, are a law to themselves, 15 since show the work of the law written on their hearts, their conscience bearing witness, and their thoughts sometimes accusing them and sometimes defending them.

In the version of the Bible translation in current language you can read in part of this passage, the following:

Romans 2:15-16 (NIV): It is as if they had the law written in their mind. Their behavior shows it, because when they think about something, they already know if it is right or wrong..

Every man by natural instinct experiences in his interior the guilt generated by the sin that represents not being in complete harmony with his creator.

God reveals himself in the victory of Jesus on the cross

This is the most conclusive revelation of God, the resurrection of Jesus is the best illustration of the knowledge that God exists. The sacrifice of Jesus on the cross of Calvary, his resurrection and his ascension to the throne of the kingdom of God, is an event endorsed by history, history bears witness to it.

So that God is confirmed in his own word, by raising Jesus from the dead, the tomb of Christ is the only one that is empty.

John 11:25-26 (NASB): 25 Jesus said to him: I am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live, 26 and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?

Our Lord Jesus Christ likewise tells us in the scriptures that he is a unity with God the Father:

John 10:30 (NIV): The Father and I are one.

John 10:38: But if I do them, even if you don't believe me, believe in the works that I do and also to let them know once and for all that the Father is in me and that I am in the Father.


Other forms of God revealing himself to men

There are innumerable ways of God revealing himself to men through his works, including his existence is demonstrable through science. Here are some of these manifestations:

En mathematical knowledge

God gives the talent and knowledge of science to man; from there the men of science come to materialize great designs and inventions, formulating physical and mathematical equations. The scientists of the world who give room to the knowledge that God exists, say that mathematics is the expression with which God designed the laws of the universe.

Romans 11:33-36 (NIV):

33 How deep are the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God!

How indecipherable are your judgements and how inscrutable your roads!

34 – Who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been his adviser? –

35 – Who has given to God first, so that later God will pay him? –

36 Because all things proceed from him, and exist by him and for him.

To him be the glory forever! Amen.

In the genetic coding of man

Scientific studies carried out on the human genome revealed that each individual has a unique genetic code, that is, no one has the same code as another individual. Said coding is obtained from the cellular structure of the human being, made up of millions of cells. Only the profound wealth of God's wisdom and knowledge could have created or designed man like this, no one else.


Avid Carlsson, Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2000: In his studies on neurotransmitters, he stated that the genes with which every person is born have been received from God and that his relationship with God is the natural way of living for man.

In a personal experience with God

This is a manifestation given in every believer who has cultivated an intimate life with God. It is by this revelation that the Christian affirms with all certainty that God exists, since he has been able to experience Christ in his heart.

John 14:6 (NIV): Jesus replied: - I am the way, the truth and the life. Without me, no one can reach God the Father.

What should the Christian do before agnosticism

As was said above, God makes known to every man that he exists, so that no one can exempt himself from the certainty of this reality. Although the agnostics remain in their foolishness that it is not possible to have knowledge of the existence of God.

But despite this, the reality that has been experienced in recent times is the rise in the world not only of agnosticism, but also of atheism in general. This is an alarming and dangerous reality for the people of God.

Therefore, it is imperative that the Christian reflect on this reality. Let's look at some key points in reference to this:


  • need to evangelize

It may be presenting in the people of God, that there are more Christians in the schools of the churches and less in the street carrying the gospel of salvation through Christ. Growing or deepening in the knowledge of the word of God is necessary, but in the same way it is necessary to go to people to deliver what we have received by grace. The Christian has the mission given by Jesus Christ to be the vehicle or the means by which God manifests himself to the multitude of people who are waiting to receive from him.

  • Believers who live a life without God

In the people of God there are many people far from the Lord, that is, many Christians who do not live a true passion for Christ. This is one of the causes of the rise of agnosticism in the world today.

One way to solve the lack of passion for Christ is revival from the home, from the family. Parents have an important role in this aspect, establishing moments to share the word of God with their children.

The Christian must seek God daily, so that the Holy Spirit provokes in his heart the need or the passion to seek and serve the Lord. As Christians we must ask the Lord:

"Sir! What do you want to teach me today? What can I do today for those who still don't know you?»


Pray for those who do not know God

Prayer for a believer is as important as deepening the knowledge of the word of God. With prayer you can cry out to the Father in the name of Jesus for his chosen ones who have not yet come to the feet of Christ and to the knowledge of God.

So if as Christians we meet people who do not know about God or do not believe in him, it is necessary to pray for them. God in his everlasting mercy will do the work of bringing those people to Christ.

Man is a sinful being due to his imperfection, however, through sincere repentance or pure of heart, he can reach the encounter and knowledge of the existence of God. He can rectify his path along the path of good, if you want to know more about this topic, we invite you to read the article: Repentance: Is it necessary for salvation?

necessary to listen

When evangelizing, it is necessary to listen to people, what they have to say, only in this way can you get to know them better and therefore be able to understand them. While we want to show you the blessing of knowing God, it's best to listen before you speak.

While listening to the one being evangelized, give time for the Holy Spirit to show how is the best way to approach it. In addition, in this way we put ourselves in the place of the person and we are interested in the afflictions or sufferings of him, to then intercede in prayer for him.

manifest God's love

It is necessary for the Christian to manifest the love of God to those who do not know him. When evangelizing someone who does not know God, you cannot attack them with the word, on the contrary, show the love that it contains.

However, showing God's love in the scriptures will also cause some discomfort in the one receiving the teaching, and this is normal. Let us remember what the word of God says in:

Hebrews 4:12 (NIV): 12 Every word that God pronounces has power and has life. The word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword, and penetrates to the depths of our being. There he examines our thoughts and desires, and makes it clear whether they are good or bad.

Present Christ

The general revelation of God is important to make known to those who claim to be agnostic. But even more important is to present Christ, this is the best revelation of God to men, because with him he shows himself in a special way granting salvation from sins.

So it is imperative to bring people to the cross of Jesus Christ and his resurrection. On the cross there are great and powerful revelations, so that when a person is presented to Christ, surprising and portentous things happen.

As Christians we must at all times be moved to mercy with those who remain ignorant of the knowledge of God. Let us remember that in the past we were also ignorant and separated from Christ:

Ephesians 2:12 (NLT): At that time, you lived apart from Christ. They were not allowed to be citizens of Israel, and they did not know the promises of the covenant that God had made with them. You lived in this world without God and without hope.

Brothers, it is time for people to stop living one more day in ignorance of God and of Jesus Christ his son. Let us cry out to God asking:

Sir! I want to show you at all times

I long to be as you want me to be, at home, family, work, in short, anywhere I am.

So that when people who do not know God or you, Lord Jesus Christ, see me, they can see you and say:

«I want to have what I see in him»

Heavenly Father, I ask this in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen!

Agnosticism is also people who suffer from spiritual blindness, do you know it? Discover it here: spiritual blindness: What is it? How to cure it? and more. An evil that prevents us from recognizing Jesus Christ as the savior of humanity, learn about it in this article and how to get out of the darkness, in order to return to the path of light in the company of God.

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