Discover all the African fauna and animals

Africa presents a great variety of species, many very striking with an exotic beauty, its fauna is very variable thanks to the characteristics of the continent that presents favorable scenarios for its development. If you want to know a little more about African animals, their habitat and characteristics, be sure to read this article.

african animals

Origins of the African fauna

We can go back to the Mesozoic Era when the fragmentation of the Gondwana continent began, where the appearance of the first fossilized samples in Africa is evident, beginning the appearance of fauna.

After this separation in Gondwana, 4 to 6 sets of animals could be distinguished, communication with other continents was dispersed through not very busy areas, this brought with it a habitual fauna, without plurality. In the Cretaceous period, Madagascar breaks away from the African continent, being united again in the Eocene period.

During the Middle Miocene, the first genetic exchanges took place between North Africa and Europe and the introduction of groups of animals from South Asia. During the Tertiary period, the fauna and flora of Africa were very similar to those existing in South Asia, insofar as their habitat, Africa, presented dense forests where many species of African animals lived.

These forests were destroyed when climatic changes were generated, products of the Pliocene period, the heat and the desert areas produced a displacement towards a nearby area, the connection with Asia caused species from the Asian plains to go to Africa.

In the Pleistocene period, the forests regenerate, producing a division in the existing fauna, a group becomes isolated and the animals that previously inhabited these forests return to their place of origin, generating a double origin: those that were born and formed in their habitat and those that they adapted generating the union of these species the formation and adaptation of other groups.

african animals

The formation of subspecies is closely linked to the changes produced by the different stages and Eras, the changes that this entails originated a coevolution of larger animals and a more stable climate and a better adaptation to the environment in this last period the changes were not as drastic.

We will learn a little about the diversity of species that make habitat throughout the African continent from invertebrates to large vertebrates where we will have an idea of ​​the great diversity that exists.


There is little information on the existence of invertebrates in this region. In East Africa coral can be found with around 400 species observed, 400 species of echinoderms and 500 species of bryozoa, as well as one species of Cubozoa (Carybdea alata).

Nematode human parasites, Onchocerca volvulus, Necator americanus, Wuchereria bancrofti and Dracunculus medinensis and crop parasites Meloidogyne, Pratylenchus, Hirschmanniella, Radopholus, Scutellonema and Helicotylenchus. Also found in Africa are the Onychophora Peripatus, Peripatopsis and Opisthopatus.

In East Africa you can see a wide variety of freshwater molluscs in the lakes. In the Western Indian Ocean you can see a great diversity of marine snails, more than 3.000 species of gastropods with 81 species less can be seen on the Atlantic coast, its diversity and quantity is so great that the natives often used it as money.

The land snail is abundant in Afromontane areas. There are groups typical of the area such as Actinids, Chlamyde Phoridae, in tropical areas you can find Charopidae, Streptaxidae, Cyclophoridae, Subulinidae, Rhytididae, different species of tardigrades and around 8000 species of arachnids.

african animals

Among its fauna we can observe the African millipede considered one of the largest specimens in the world, as well as appreciate the variety of species that exist of the freshwater crab, more than 20 groups are known.

The studies carried out on the soils of Africa to know the existing fauna there, are very scarce, it is known that in West and South Africa they have been able to study earthworms.


It presents a great richness in insect species, there is talk of more than 100.000 cataloged species from sub-Saharan Africa, representing 20% ​​of diversity worldwide despite the few existing studies, 15% of new information on insects comes from the tropics. Mantophasmatodea is the only species native to Africa.

They present accounted for about 875 species of dragonflies as well as termites that represent a large number of groups, being one of the largest in the world around 1.000 species.

One of the species that has caused great havoc and problems worldwide, not only in Africa, is the migratory locust and the desert locust, since it threatens the harvest and the economic instabilities of man.

african animals

The Diptera family comprises a considerable number of species, including flies and mosquitoes in Africa, a population of more than 17.000 species is estimated. Reference has been made in South Africa to a new group of Natalimyzidae flies of the acalyptratae species. These groups are important sources of serious diseases for man such as malaria, yellow fever, among others, caused by Anopheles gambiae, Aedes aegypti and the tsetse fly.

We found 1.600 groups of bees, 2.000 families of ants. Butterflies comprise more than 3.610 species. In the South African diet the caterpillars of the mopani moth are widely used. Beetles we can mention the sacred beetle, the rhinoceros beetle, the Manticore beetle and the Goliathus some among a large number of species.


We can appreciate a considerable butterfly population in the Congo jungle, the jungle mosaic and Guinea in its savannahs these species their environment is these areas we can mention the Hamanumida daedalus, Precis and Eurema butterflies.

South Africa presents one of the largest groups of these species globally, being the lycaenid butterfly with a representation of (48%) of species exclusive to the area. In North Africa, being a Palearctic region, we locate a variety of species.

Among the species found in Africa we can mention Charaxes, Acraea, Colotis and Papilio, above all Papilio Antimaco and Papilio zalmoxis. Families typical of the area, the subfamily Lipteninae includes a variety of groups such as Ornipholidotos, Liptenara, Pentilä, Baliochila, Hypophytala, Teriomima, Deloneura and Mimacraea.

The endemic species of Africa are the Miletinae in specific Lachnocnema. Nymphalidae include Euphaedra, Bebearia, Precis, Pseudacraea, Bicyclus, and Euxanthe. Frequent Pieridae include Pseudopontia paradoxa and Mylothris. Endemic schemes enclose Sarangesa and Kedestes. The Democratic Republic of the Congo has one of the most complete and varied species, around 2.040 of which 180 are original to the area.

african animals


Africa has the largest reserve of freshwater fish, it is estimated that about 3.000 species can be found in the lakes of East Africa such as Victoria, Malawi and Tanganyika, sites that present a favorable biotope for the generation and maintenance of diversity of species such as the cichlids that represent more than 2/3 of the existing population are estimated to be around 2.000 species.

In its coastal rivers present in West Africa it hosts about 322 species. The central rivers have a population of 194 species of fish, of which 119 are typical of the area and 33 are found in small zones or areas. Where there is great marine plurality is around the coast of the Indian Ocean with 2.000 species.

Original fishes of the African fauna are Perciformes (Lates, tilapias, Dichistiidae, Anabantidae, Mudskippers, Parachanna, Acentrogobius, Croilia, Glossogobius, Hemichromis, Nanochromis, Oligolepis, Oreochromis, Redigobius, Sarotherodon, Stenogobius and others).

Gonorhynchiformes (Kneriidae, Phractolaemidae), Characiformes (Distichodontidae, Hepsetidae, Citharinidae, Alestiidae), Osteoglossiformes (Xenomystus nigri, Gymnarchidae, Mormyridae, Pantodontidae), Siluriformes (Amphiliidae, Anchariidae, Ariidae, Austroglanididae, Clariidae, Claroteidae, Malapteruridae, Mochokidae, Schilbeidae), Osmeriformes (Galaxiidae), Cyprinodontiformes (Aplocheilidae, Poeciliidae), and Cypriniformes (Labeobarbus, Pseudobarbus, Tanakia, and others).


Africa presents a great variety of amphibians, all typical of the region, presenting a variety of 238 species. They are the animals that present great variety on the planet, they prefer humid places and can be found from harmless green frogs to the most poisonous.

Among its diversity, we can highlight the largest goliath frog on earth that lives in West Africa. It is estimated that 50% of the species is in danger, of which 130 groups are in critical condition.

african animals

Some families of amphibians typical of Africa; Pipidae (Hymenochirus, Pseudhymenochirus, Xenopus) Arthroleptidae, Astylosternidae, Heleophrynidae, Hemisotidae, Hyperoliidae, Petropedetidae, Mantellidae, Bufonidae (Bufo, Churamiti, Capensibufo, Mertensophryne, Nectophryne, Nectophrynoides, Schismaderma, Stephopaedes, Werneria, Wolterstorffina), Rhacophoridae (Chistophoridae), Ranidae (Afrana, Amietia, Amnirana, Aubria, Conraua, Hildebrandtia, Lanzarana, Ptychadena, Strongylopus, Tomopterna), Microhylidae (Breviceps, Callulina, Probreviceps, Cophylinae, Dyscophus, Melanobatrachinae, Scaphiophryninae).


In this region we can find a great plurality of chameleons, many of them are found in Madagascar. The lizards present 12 genera and 58 species among which we can mention; geckos (Phelsuma, Afroedura, Afrogecko, Colopus, Pachydactylus, Hemidactylus, Narudasia, Paroedura, Pristurus, Quedenfeldtia, Rhoptropus, Tropiocolotes, Uroplatus), Cordylidae, Lacertidae (Nucras, Lacerta, Mesalina, Acanthodactylus, Pedioplanis), Agamas, Gerrhosauridae, Scincidaes, Chirindia , Zygaspis, Monopeltis, Dalophia.

In the group of snakes, different species can be seen such as the western green mamba and pythons (Python), Typhlopidae (Typhlops), Leptotyphlopidae (Leptotyphlops, Rhinoleptus), atractaspidids, elapids (cobras, Aspidelaps, Boulengerina, Dendroaspis, Elapsoidea, Hemachatus, Homoroselaps and Paranaja), causins, viperines (Adenorhinos, Atheris, Bitis, Cerastes, Echis, Macrovipera, Montatheris, Proatheris, Vipera), snakes (Dendrolycus, Dispholidus, Gonionotophis, Grayia, Hormonotus, Lamprophis, Psammophis, Leioheterodon, Madagascarophis, Poecilopholis, dasypeltis).

Land turtles present genera such as Kinixys, Pelusios, Psammobates, Geochelone, Homopus, Chersina, turtles (Pelomedusidae, Cyclanorbis, Cycloderma, Erymnochelys) as for crocodiles, 3 species can be observed: the Nile crocodile, the African Snout Crocodile and the crocodile dwarf. Around 22689 species of reptiles can be located on the African continent.


Among the African fauna, the variety of birds that inhabit this region stands out, many can be found seasonally and others permanently in the area, it can be said that there are around 1500 species on this continent, of which 115 species are in danger.

In the Palearctic belt located between Europe and Asia there are 589 bird species, of which 40% migrate in winter, a high percentage of these birds and head to southern Africa. The permanent birds of the continent are ostriches (Struthionidae), Mesitornítidas, sun birds, secretary birds, guinea fowl (Numididae), and buzzards. In the Afrotropical area we can find Chaetopidae, Malaconotidae, Platysteiridae and Picathartidae.

african animals

We were also able to find other species of birds such as parrots (Poicephalus, Psittacus), various Gruidae (Balearica, Anthropoides paradisea, Bugeranus carunculatus), Ciconiidae (Egretta vinaceigula, Egretta ardesiaca, Leptoptilos crumeniferus, Ciconia abdimii, Balaeniceps rex), great bustards (Ardeotis kori, Neotis, Eupodotis, Lissotis), sandgrouse (Pterocles), Coraciiformes (Meropidaes, Tockus, Ceratogymna), Phasianidae (Francolinus, Afropavo congensis, Excalfactoria adansonii, Coturnix delegorguei, Madagascar Partridge).

The woodpecker can be seen in the Indicatoridae, Lybiidae, Sasia africana, Dendropicos and Campethera. Among the birds of prey are the falcon, Circus (genus), Terathopius ecaudatus, Circaetus, Melierax and others. The Trógnidos are represented by a genus (Apaloderma). The African Penguin is unique in its kind. A species that is extinct and was located in Madagascar is the elephant bird.

We can observe the crows Corvus albus, Corvus albicollis, Corvus crassirostris, Black Crow among others, other species of birds to mention Passeri (Anthus, oriolids, Parmoptila, brubrús, cisticolas, Nigrita, Pytilias, Mandingoa nitidula, Cryptospiza, Pyrenestes, Spermophaga, Lagonosticta, Waxbills, Amandava, Munias, Ploceidae, Tit-hylia, Amadina, Anthoscopus, Mirafra, Hypargos, Eremomela, Euschistospiza, Erythrocercus, Malimbus, Pitta, Uraeginthus The Quelea quelea represents the largest group of birds on the planet.


The variety of African animals belonging to this line are many, there are animals that are unique in their kind, it is believed that more than 1100 species have their home on the African continent. The plains of East Africa are home to a variety of large and colorful animals. The vast majority of these animals are in danger of extinction and are currently in a protected area.

In its extensive lands we can find Tubulidentata (aardvark), Afrosoricida (Tenrecidae and golden moles) and Macroscelidea (elephant shrew), hedgehogs, rodents where we can find Paraxerus, African ground squirrel, Funisciurus, gerbils, Thryonomys, Thallomys paedulcus , Nesomyidae, springhare, Spalacidae, hyrax, Lemniscomys, Heliosciurus, Thamnomys, Hystricidae, Stochomys longicaudatus, crested rat, Deomyinae, Aethomys, Arvicanthis, Colomys, Dasymys, Dephomys, Epixerus, Grammomys, Graphiurus, Hybomys, Hylomyscus, Malacomys, Mastomys, Mus, Mylomys, Myomyscus, Oenomys, Otomys, Parotomys, Pelomys, Praomys, Rhabdomys, Stenocephalemys.

african animals

Rabbits and hares are represented by the riverine rabbit, Bunyoro rabbit, Cape hare, bush hare, Lepus starcki, Lepus microtis, Abyssinian hare, and some families of Pronolagus. Among the carnivores there are 60 identified species, we can mention the hyenas, lions, leopards, cheetahs and the serval; as well as the long-eared fox, Ictonyx striatus, African striped weasel, caracal, the honey badger, spotted-necked otter, various mongooses, jackals, the civet, etc.

Among the marine variety we can find various species of dolphins, two species of seals and sirenia. Dromedary camels and pachyderms occupy a large area of ​​land on the African continent.

Among the bovids of Africa we have African buffalo, duikers, impala, rhebok, Reduncinae, oryx, dik-dik, klipspringer, oribi, gerenuk, true gazelle, hartebeest, wildebeest, dibatag, eland, Tragelaphus, Hippotragus, Neotragus, Raphicerus, Damaliscus.

We also find giraffes, hippopotamuses, wild boars, giant forest pig, red river pig and river hog, zebras, African wild ass, black and white rhinoceros, four species of pangolins. In these extensions of land we can find the largest mammal, the African savannah elephant and the African forest elephant. Lemurs and aye-aye are species native to Madagascar.

Among the primates, 64 species are observed, including four species of great apes (Hominidae) that are common in Africa: the two species of gorillas (western gorilla, Gorilla gorilla, and the eastern gorilla, Gorilla beringei) and two species of chimpanzee (common chimpanzee). , Pan troglodytes, and bonobo, Pan paniscus).

Other primates include the Colobinae, baboons, geladas, green cercopithecus, Cercopithecus, macaques, baboons, Lophocebus, Cercocebus, Rungwecebus kipunji, Allen's monkey, Patas monkey, and Miopithecus.

Most of the African jungle animals are characterized by their large size and agility for hunting. We can find the African elephant, the cape buffalo, the leopard, the black rhinoceros, the lion, the wildebeest, the warthog, the cheetah.

featured animals of africa

African animals count among their characteristics their variability and in many cases exotic beauty, this continent counts among its lists the fastest animal, the tallest, the largest, the heaviest, the best camouflage. This group of animals of a great variety of species have struggled to survive and maintain themselves.

The African Elephant

It is the largest terrestrial animal on earth, it presents a great difference between genders, the male being larger and heavier than the female, the male has a height of 3 meters and a weight of 5000 to 6000 kg, the females measure a little less and have half the weight of the male.

It has long ivory tusks, its ears are different from other elephants from other continents, its upper lip and nose are used to communicate and manipulate objects. They are enthusiastic about rivers and lakes where they rejoice in showering with their trunk.

african animals

The chameleon

There are more than 170 species where you can see different sizes and colors. Among its most outstanding characteristics we can mention its eyes that allow a vision of almost 360 degrees by being able to move independently, its fast, long and sticky tongue that can measure more than the full body chameleon which it uses to hunt, its tail and legs that give it grip and its main feature is the color change it can make.

The ostrich

Large bird, its name is of Greek origin that symbolizes "sparrow as big as a camel". Due to its size and weight, this bird cannot fly but it has great speed when running, it is considered the fastest animal on two legs, it can reach 70 km per hour, the combination of its legs and wings that give it the push and momentum while running.

It has a brownish and coppery plumage, its neck is pink and elongated. Their eggs are large and can weigh from 1 to 2 kilos and measure 25 centimeters. Its habitat is variable, it has great adaptability but it has a predisposition for the warm climates, savannahs and arid lands of Africa.

The Nile Crocodile

It is the second largest species on the planet, its size is 6 meters long and weigh 730 kilos. Habitat in freshwater rivers and lakes throughout Africa. They present a large colony in Lake Nasser and in the Nile River.

The giraffe

It is the tallest animal on earth, it measures up to 6 meters, it has a long neck that allows it to eat the most tender leaves of the trees, it is also used to monitor and protect itself from the presence of other hungry animals such as lions, tigers, hyenas.

His skin is stained with schemes in his fur in golden and light brown tones, presenting a distinctive appearance in each one that allows him to hide among the trees. It can be seen in savannahs, forests, grasslands and dry plains of Africa. They present 8 subspecies.

the hoopoe

Migratory bird, they have a plume of feathers on their heads that they display like a fan. Their habitat is dry regions, clear forests and fruit-bearing areas. Because they are migratory birds, they are considered celestial messengers because upon their return they indicate the upcoming arrival of spring in the East. They live in Africa but in certain months of the year they fly to Europe and Asia.

african animals

The zebra

Equestrian animal with unique black and white striped fur on each of them. They measure 2,5 meters in length and 1,5 meters high from the back area, their weight is 385 kilos.

It is an animal of great beauty and of great fame in Africa. It can be seen in the grasslands and forests of East and South Africa, its gallop can reach 65 km per hour and semi-desert areas. They live in herds and are herbivores, associating with other herbivores on their travels.

The lion

Large feline is considered the second largest after the tiger. It is a carnivorous animal that lives in the savannahs, they can weigh up to 250 kg and can reach about 60 km per hour. The males are distinguished by their mane that gave them the title of "The King of the Jungle", the females are stealthy and are in charge of hunting, preferring the night hours for this purpose.


This wild boar lives south of the Sahara and its diet is based on tubers, they live in burrows that get abandoned

The gorilla

Within the primates it is one of the largest. They usually form groups that present great organization in their structure, the adults assume the commitment of the security and well-being of the group. They are very territorial when challenging the alpha male, he will seek to intimidate his opponent with a display of physical power. Males older than 12 years develop a patch of silvery hair on their back.

They can be found in Central and Eastern Africa to the mountain gorilla that prefers rugged and volcanic regions and in West Africa to the lowland gorilla that lives in dense forests.

The leopard

Feline of great skill, they are light-skinned and have spots on their fur, they are of great elegance, they are the smallest in size of the group of the Four Felines (the tiger, the lion, the jaguar).

It lives in forests, jungles and savannahs, among its qualities it stands out to be a great climber, it is considered a master of stalking, it is a great hunter and territorial, it loves to play in the treetops during the day. They have great communication with each other where he manifests his mood.

The hippo

Its name means "River Horse", it is one of the most imposing animals in nature, it is semi-aquatic, they can be seen during the day in the water and at night they come out to eat, it lives in lakes and rivers, the sub-Saharan hippopotamus despite From appearing harmless, they can become quite dangerous and aggressive.


Carnivorous animal with characteristic howls similar to human laughter, this sound is intended to keep the herd together and scare away other animals.

The African Eagle

Large bird that lives near the rivers and lakes of Africa, its diet is based on fish. It has brown plumage, its head and chest are white and its beak is yellow. The female is larger than the male, the distance from wing to wing is 2 meters and a half.

The rhinoceros

Its name means horned nose, the African species has two horns on its nose, it has a great sense of smell and its hearing system is very sensitive, its sense of sight is very poor. It presents two species of rhinoceros, the black and white. Its great presence and strength is contradictory and it presents a scary character. It can be seen in the shade or bathing in muddy pools to cool off.

Do not leave without first reading the following articles:

Chameleon Characteristics

Animals of the Savannah


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