Do you know what the human virtues are? Know them all

The world is a balance between good and bad, that is why all people have a series of virtues and defects that make us unique in the world. Our flaws can be worked on and improved qualities as long as we know our best aspects. this time Spiritual energy brings you this wonderful article to tell you about the human virtues. Do not miss it.


What is virtue?

Virtue can be defined as a series of positive qualities or dispositions that an individual possesses to forge certain personal projects, in the most positive way possible. These ideals go hand in hand with honesty, goodness, justice and beauty. Virtue is opposed to vices and is of great relevance in the ethical life of a person. It can also be specified as a good habit that people have to perform good deeds in a rewarding way.

It is then that it can be said that the virtues make up the moral capital that takes control of our lives to lead us along the path of good. It is then that, thanks to these dispositions, we can carry out optimal behavior in any situation, that is, do good in an honest and complete manner.

People are not born good or bad, these characteristics are created as we grow and many of them thanks to the experiences we live day by day. Maybe you want to know about what is meditate

Many times these qualities are better developed thanks to the upbringing we have had from our parents, also due to the preparation we obtain and the effort we make to be good people. This means that each person can choose whether to be good or bad in her life, simply either we acquire the virtues or we get carried away by the depravities and flaws.

An individual who includes most of the virtues in his life is considered a free, mature, responsible person who owns his own actions. If we could mention some characteristics of virtue, they would be the following:

  • extraordinary morality
  • The ability to
  • Honesty
  • decor
  • Fortaleza
  • Intelligence is very important since it will allow you to know how to reach the objectives set without affecting anyone in your environment.
  • Resolute, it means that the person knows how to solve any inconvenience that comes their way.
  • Lifestyle
  • Be a support to change difficult circumstances in a positive way.

Based on these qualities of virtue, it can be said that a person has to put it into practice day after day in order to rig that positive custom that will achieve the satisfaction of accomplishing good. These must then be authentic characteristics, that are good and sensitive that are opposed to vices.

It is then that it can be said that there are acquired virtues, which are those that are obtained through the repetition of good actions. And the so-called infused virtues, which are granted as a gift from the Almighty along with sanctifying grace.


Moral Virtues

They are those attitudes that we accept before any circumstance or person. This depends a lot on our disposition and will to achieve the skill, the authority and the expansion of being able to carry on our existence in a way that is honestly in accordance with the society in which we live.

Bearing in mind that virtues go hand in hand with the good that we can do in our lives, we can say that human virtues specifically go hand in hand with the conditions that we develop as individuals when we must react to any situation in our life. around. These allow us to regulate our feelings and our emotions.

It also influences the orientation of our behavior, thanks to the reason and faith that we possess. Human virtues intensify thanks to personal effort and according to the experiences that you live day after day.

types of virtues

You can find a large number of human virtues of which we will explain in detail later. However, they are usually grouped into two types that are the theological virtues and the moral virtues. Next, we tell you what they are about.

theological virtues

These are the ones that supply the divine graces that we take from the very moment we are baptized. From this point of view, virtue is seen as the force that emanates from within a person and from this distinguished physique that is transformed into a more spiritual and then moral approach.

From the studies to the scriptures in Christian theology and comparing them with the definitions from the philosophical point of view, it can be said that the concepts of virtue are divided into the following concepts.


Defined as the theological virtue in which we implant all beliefs in the Omnipotent and where all his writings and his word, plus the teachings of the Holy Church indicate that the Almighty it is the truth itself. This virtue makes us understand that the Creator faith offers us, as a present that if we work on it and ask Him to make it progress in us, He will allow us to trust fully in His existence and in His word, also in His Holy church.

It is normal that on many occasions we present certain hesitations and that many questions come to mind in relation to the existence of the Almighty, of paradise, of its temple, among others. That just shows us that our faith may be slipping, which means it's not all bad.

Doubt, if well directed, can even bring us much closer to the Creator. Faith will help us not to let ourselves be persuaded by non-existent enlightened people or by teachings and ideas that are contrary to our dogmas.


This is the second of the theological virtues and it is directed to the desires, and it is nothing more than the expectation of the Creator. To wait for it with total security, to wish for life after death and always giving thanks to achieve it, just as the word of the Lord says. It could be said that this is one of the virtues that leaves you feeling extremely full and beautiful. Since it helps to visualize in a positive way and with sublime conviction the life that is led.

You are a good possessor of this virtue if even when you go through a very difficult circumstance, be it moments of mistreatment, abuse, family problems, among others, you are able to maintain hope and think that it will help you to overcome in the best way. Seen as a theological virtue, this cannot be expressed by our inner strength, but it will be thanks to the Holy Spirit who will guide you to it.


The last one that makes up these virtues and for which we accept and court the Almighty above all things and our neighbor with the same love that the Lord created us. This one could say that it is the most important of the theological virtues, since it would be practically improbable to exist and demonstrate the previous qualities. If we accept the Omnipotent above all things, we will obtain the necessary will to be prudent and strong in moderation.

This will allow us to have faith and hope, to have a greater impulse in our existence we must believe and fully trust in love and even more so in the love of the Almighty. This virtue professes that we should see love as the greatest force in the world. Since with it you can overcome resentments, envy, bad energies, it is capable of making us forgive and offering us unparalleled happiness. if you love the Omnipotent, he will help you in what your heart asks for.

human virtues

It should be known that charity as a virtue is squandered when any deadly slip is executed. However, you can recover it only with the oath of confession or penance, or also with an act of perfect diminution together with the intention of confessing.

Charity Feature:

The qualities that go hand in hand with this virtue are accompanied by the following:

  • It dwells in compassionate energy and even though it is vividly sentimental, it continually renews itself upon our sensory jurisdictions. Showing up for the love of generosity and affection.
  • Its main definition is to love the Almighty with all dignity, charm and all purity, plus we must strive to get it for Him.
  • The stimulation comes from divine piety or gentleness that is stripped away, as made known by us towards faith. In this sense, it is that a difference is made between 2 types of love, which are: concupiscence (an excess of desire) that will give you hope and the other type of love that is generosity, finally offering you charity.
  • Its significance reaches both Omnipotent as to individuals. Which means that it ends up reaching both equally. Starting with our Creator and then in people.
  • There is no acceptance among the dogmatic regarding the form and degree of control that charity practices over our virtuous tasks, to make them praiseworthy in paradise. Most of those studied in theology maintain that only the state of grace, or habitual charity, is requested. However, others maintain that the more or less usual transformation of the different acts of divine love is required.
  • The venerable St Thomas highlights that there are 3 main phases in the virtue of charisma: the first one is to get rid of mortal sin by closing oneself to temptation, the second is to avoid inconsequential meditated sins by exercising virtue and finally, the third phase is based on the alliance with the Almighty assiduously insisting on acts of love.

roman virtues

The Roman virtues consist of a variety of values ​​cherished and practiced in the ancient civilization of the Roman empire. They are based on certain characteristics of the daily life of the Romans, although it could be practiced by any other individual who shared those ideals. These qualities referred to having the heart in the Roman way, a belief that several of the historians said was the strength and temper that this city needed to rise up.

Many of these characteristics that contain the Roman virtues were represented or associated with mythology. It can be said then from these virtues several gods were idealized. It is now available on our blog about the spirituality.

main human virtues

As has been mentioned, these are the stable characteristics that comprise understanding and daring through which our actions can be normalized. As well as organizing the effusions and directing our behavior according to reason and faith. These are usually several qualities, of which we will specify them later and then we will mention four main ones that you should know before continuing.

cardinal virtues

They are known in this way since each of its 4 components plays an essential role, leaving the others a little aside. These are the joy of the daring that we do daily and that are recognized in different stages of the Word. Next, we tell you about the cardinal virtues.


In this virtue, it is about obtaining the practical reason to understand that in any situation our experiences are directed to the path of good and to select the appropriate methods to achieve them. It is the one that will guide us to be able to practice the following virtues. This virtue is polished over the years and it is that each circumstance must be studied to know what is really worthwhile for our life and for those who are part of it.


This will help us make the best decisions for our progress in life, knowing how to distinguish between good and bad situations, of course always choosing the positive option. It may be a bit difficult situation and that is where it is said that we must have a great closeness with the Almighty. He will teach us the right path, doing his will. Prudence also offers us wisdom in all situations.

It will guide us to be fair, strong and good tempered people. The importance of this virtue lies in the fact that it exercises our minds in a positive way to make the best decisions. An individual who is not capable of making any decisions for himself and who does not know how to make choices becomes a slave to indecision. So if this is a problem that you have, it is time to ask the Lord with great faith to teach you to be prudent and to trust in his decisions.

characteristics of prudence

  • Please allow us to become a moderate people by acting.
  • According to the venerable Saint Thomas of Aquino, this virtue is the just standard of our actions.
  • He carries the other virtues by showing them the measure they will exercise in our lives.
  • It clearly guides the judgment of knowledge.
  • Because of this cardinal virtue, it is feasible to take advantage of moral principles in individual cases, culminating the hesitation of the good things and situations that we should do and to ward off the negative.


This virtue is based on the invariable and immutable conviction of giving Omnipotent and to the people around us what is due. Justice will give us the support when we must look in our attitudes and in our thoughts for the things that we do not do in the right way. If an individual is just, he will not be allowed to Creator offer what is due and cannot be done without ignoring others when they need our help.

Justice will allow us to offer the best to the Omnipotent, we must offer him the main thing of our spirit and this cardinal virtue will support us to completely offer him such beauty of our own, which also descends from Him. Mercy with your exhaustions. You know that we are all weak. To be clear about this is to be fair.

Characteristic of the virtue of justice

  • For Almighty justice is the virtue of religion and for mortals it is to venerate the rights of each one, instituting pleasant human diplomacies that arouse equanimity with respect to people and the common good.
  • In the sacred writing it is mentioned of the just individual who differs by his usual integrity of thoughts and behavior with his similar ones.


It is the cardinal virtue that will provide the individual with all the firmness and constancy possible in the search for good. It is referred to as the great virtue that is also bestowed as a present by the Holy Spirit. Which means that although this is a gift granted by the Almighty, we also have the ability to draw it from within us. We can be strong as a stone and at the same time be immutable when we must achieve our well-being.

The virtue of strength is an enigmatic power in difficult and incomprehensible circumstances, cultivating and developing it will help you not to fall during the difficult seasons that you may be experiencing at a given time.

Fortress Feature

  • He claims to have stability and perseverance in difficult contexts, always with the goal of obtaining good.
  • It strengthens the resistance to sins, prevailing the impediments in the moral life.
  • He agrees to master fears, even of death, and to face trials and importunities.
  • This good virtue helps us train ourselves to even resign and sacrifice our own lives to protect a just cause.


It is one of the human virtues that belongs to the group of cardinal virtues, it curbs the affinity of enjoyments and seeks to obtain equity in the utility of created goods. It will help you suppress and balance desires. With moderation you will be able to give entrance to your existence to the purity of the soul, to physical and sentimental purity, these qualities that are little valued in our days.

It will also provide you with the ability to have wisdom and better manage all aspects of our lives. From the administration of your material possessions, food, money and passionate desires. This virtue will strengthen all the positive aspects of your life.

characteristics of temperance

  • Inquires the weighting when using the wealth created.
  • It certifies the control of energy over propensities.
  • Keep your ambitions within what is virtuous.
  • He guides the sensitive desires towards what is positive and is not influenced by the passions.
  • This virtue appears in the sacred writings in the Old Testament with the expression: “Do not march down your effusions, your aspirations restrain".
  • Instead, in the New Testament It is called as circumspection or moderation and tells us that we must exist with moderation, justice and mercy in the current era.

virtues and grace

These great human virtues that we acquire through education and we work with great effort, are exalted by the grace of Almighty. It is then that with the support of the Creator we conceive the personality to consent to do good, making each virtuous individual feel happy to carry them out. However, when temptations exist in our environment, it becomes difficult to maintain the necessary fairness.

On the other hand, thanks to the present of salvation that the son of God, we are granted the intimate grace to conserve in the search for virtues. In addition, this grace of light can be requested eternally, attend the oaths, favor with the Holy Spirit, continue on our path of loving good and avoiding evil.

Human virtues according to the Greek philosophers

Human virtues, like many other issues, were studied by the great and well-known philosophers of the Greece ancient. This topic of interest was deepened and externalized in different writings and treatises with the purpose of guiding human beings on how to practice and fortify them. Next, we will develop the ideas of human virtues according to the best-known philosophers.


This creator of Academy of Athens, testified that people have 3 great instruments that would support us to interact with our environment and making each of these qualities request the dispersion of the virtues, these are: understanding, will and agitation. Plato mention the following components:

  • Intelligence, this provides the power to know which, how and when to perform the correct exercises for life.
  • Make use of courage to support the elaboration of certain human virtues, taking into account the difficulties that they involve and thus protect one's own opinions.
  • Possess respectability, this will achieve the wisdom of how to behave with other individuals and in the face of difficult circumstances that are appearing on your way to achieve the objectives and goals set.
  • Justice, which admits dealing with the law responsibly and safely, can be included in the 3 previous virtues.



The great teacher of Plato, had the conviction that human virtues are those that support us to achieve the well-being of our lives through reasoning and the study of philosophy. He compared it a lot with knowledge and according to this he came to the conclusion that one could not do what is right if one does not have adequate knowledge. This philosopher incorporated certain qualities to human virtues, which are:

  • In turn, he pointed out that it was impossible not to do the right thing when he was already known.
  • According to him, the only thing needed to make a person virtuous was to teach him what true virtue consisted of.
  • He told us that virtue would allow us to solve the situations that arise and with it we could distinguish between the end, the bad, the good and the disrespectful.
  • He also said that virtue could be achieved through education based on our morals and our daily lives.
  • He spoke of moral intellectualism, based on the fact that wisdom was based on ethics.
  • So, if someone was a good person, they would automatically be wise, because the wise man saw evil from afar and turned away.
  • He also believed that virtue helped to achieve good thanks to reasoning and philosophy.

Moses Mendelssohn

the german philosopher Moses Mendelssohn, with his philosophical theories and his reasoning, ensured that human virtues would be the way of behaving according to nature, always referring to individuals as a thinking being. He said that this was identified with action and reason. This is why he included the following conditions:

  • They had to be prevented at all times from letting themselves be subdued by affection or enthusiasm, because this would be the insane part that we human beings possess. And that is therefore difficult to control. Also, it is of great importance to be able to keep them away.
  • They reflected on human virtues, such as active jurisdiction, that is, they viewed it as the highest good. You can read about it spiritual development.


This great Greek philosopher enunciated in several of his ethics, as in the well-known Nicomachean ethics, great reflections on human virtues. Dividing them into 2 groups called Ethics y dianoethics. These could be defined as follows:

Dianoetic or intellectual virtues

This is based and progresses primarily by instruction, so it requires some practice and time. It consists of two virtues that are wisdom and prudence. The first is the so-called theoretical virtue, observer and theoretical capacity. For its part, prudence lies in the calculation necessary to discover a middle ground. Having these two as the main theme the necessary things that would be intuitive understanding, science and wisdom.

Contingent events, such as art, prudence and complementary situations to the latter are an important part of these virtues. In addition, this great philosopher thought that among all these virtues, the one with the greatest intellectual relevance would be prudence. Since it is the one that supports the exercise of other human virtues, such as temperance, courage, justice, among others, helping to live happily and successfully.

Aristotle He said that the best of existences is the observing life since in the theoretical understanding it is where the individual truly effects his being. This means that it restores with the greatest finesse the main and proper form of it. The great study of the coexistence of the sage is not, but, the action that only requires the diligence of knowledge to the sensitive world.


It also includes contemplation, which would be the theory of essences, which leads to the most exalted feelings of happiness, strictly in the spiritual sense. It is now available on our blog about be of light.

Ethical or character virtues

Being part of the human virtues, these will allow you to triumph over reason and control impulses. They harass the golden mean and can be understood as habits that we must practice daily. The ethical virtues have 2 qualities that are those of self-control, which in turn is made up of strength and audacity, temperance and moderation, and finally honesty.

The second quality is typical of human interactions and is divided into justice, generosity, harmony, authenticity, good spirits, kindness, magnificence and magnanimity.

Best virtues in a person

You have wondered what are the best human virtues that an individual can possess, although we have said that each individual has some negative qualities, that does not exclude that they have some noble virtues to demonstrate. Therefore, in the following paragraphs, we will develop each of these positive virtues that you can surely possess. Do not miss it.


Virtue that deals with the acceptance of ourselves, this being one of the goals of prosperity and has a positive consequence on self-esteem and self-efficacy. Being the space to agree, despite not being perfect. Accept that we are beings of great importance, worthy of being loved and revered by others and, of course, by ourselves.

In addition, acceptance can also be used to face the obstacles and difficulties of everyday life with a beneficial attitude. Not denying what is an impediment allows you to prosper and overcome it.


It consists of having the energy to take responsibility for our own actions and the consequences that these decisions entail. It is then that we speak of maturity and the moral and legal obligation of an individual with the performance of duties. Situations that will imply a number of efforts on our part. However, being a person who has this virtue well developed will live better within society.


This can be defined as a feeling that is cultivated when an individual experiences esteem and affirmation by other people around them who provided support when needed. This does not mean that gratitude as one of the human virtues is to pay a favor, but on the contrary, it is to show sympathy and respond with a cordial, positive and empathic attitude towards others.


Gratitude is to visualize the good and positive things of our existence and express gratitude and satisfaction. The latter can be said to be dispositional awareness, a sense that we have enough and are sufficiently deserving. This virtue even makes it possible for us to value even the most humble things.


An expression that involves self-affirmation and respect with the people around us and with ourselves. It helps to express our presentations and desires, without harming those around us. It goes hand in hand with virtues such as respect and communication, as it helps to express emotions, desires and opinions in the best way and directly without threatening or arrogant other people around them.

Normally, people who have this quality tend to be direct with the things they believe to be fair and talk about them very easily, imposing clear limits. Carried as a style of expression and communication, it allows exchanges of ideas to develop correctly and without disturbing the rights and opinions of other people.


One of the greatest human virtues that individuals usually profess is this, since it approves that people manage to agree, admit, estimate and appreciate the characteristics of others and above all their rights. In a few words, respect is the affirmation of one's own value and the rights of humans and the community.

Being a respectful person and having kindness with others, accepting defects, without wanting to become God and wanting to judge others, makes us good individuals. Those who possess this wonderful quality know that no individual on the face of the earth is perfect and accept them as they are.


Seen as one of the ethical principles and as an essential human capacity for the survival of civilizations. The human being comes into the world as an incomplete being, who after birth extends his improvement until he assimilates and learns to subsist on his own. As we all know, this is a process that can take years.

This great virtue seeks to provide the greatest attention to ourselves and to the individuals around us, bringing out our sense of compassion and supporting with all the mercy that our being is capable of externalizing.


This quality of human virtues demands that in matters of blackmail that harms, for example, the environment or our health and in a circumstance that originates from scientific perplexity, adequate measures must be taken to warn of the damage that may be caused. A person who possesses this great characteristic is quite careful and prudent, as he understands the value of his existence and that of the people around him.


People who possess this virtue or quality are said to have well-being in life, since they strive to create their own luck, thanks to their way of viewing life, in an open and disinterested way. This great quality that is part of the human virtues helps your life little by little to have a nuance full of joy, inner peace, illusion and happiness. Well, as we have said, love is a great force and in the same way that you give it, it comes back to you.


Characteristics of human virtues that are equivalent to feelings such as satisfaction, contentment or joy. People who possess this virtue must know that the most common, most hidden and greatest origin of joy is the power of love, which means that it also includes a correlation with other values. This emotion or feeling that expands to be shared, to be enunciated and to be lived like the others.

The individuals who possess this great virtue are always the ones that surround us with the best positive energies, since they usually have a very cheerful vision of life. They look for the good in things and do not usually live between complaints and regrets about the things that they could not achieve throughout their existence.


One of the human virtues that will help us keep not only our body, but also our mind and clean spaces. Maintaining order and neatness in our surroundings is what will give us unparalleled peace of mind to our thoughts, not to mention, of course, that cleanliness helps us stay away from any type of disease.



A quality that allows an individual to be respected for complying with this virtue, is also considered a value that can allow and ensure success in future plans and integrity. A commitment can be visualized as the goal of one or more individuals to be fulfilled. These are developing and perfecting the acts or actions to achieve it.

A person committed to an objective is positive, since this will give them enough will to give their best effort and to keep promises with others. Taking things slowly and planning for the long term is one of the best goals that will allow you to achieve this virtue.


Compassion seen as one of the human virtues, must be viewed as the emotional root of caring for other people. This quality allows us to be tolerant and condescending in the face of different statements and points of view, makes us consistent with the anguish of others and allows us to empathize with them, feel their anguish as if it were our own.

This characteristic goes hand in hand with the empathy that we can feel for the feelings of other people and is more fruitful when we have a mentality that does not make any kind of judgment about the character and situations of others.


It is one of the qualities that involves persistence, compliance and a deep feeling of love, someone who trusts another individual repays it and finally allows him to progress favoring his happiness. This great quality of human virtues from a religious point of view originates in love and is the certainty that we achieve about our own abilities and conditions.

A person who offers this wonderful virtue with total security and appreciation will imply their ability to overcome the difficult circumstances that they may be experiencing at a certain moment. You might want to read about the colored mandalas.


Cooperation resides in the usual work carried out by a bunch of individuals or larger identities towards a shared goal. The member of the cooperative team feels resemblance to his colleagues and it is then that an exercise plan is formed, with which this value is implied and carries its qualities.

This component of the human virtues instructs on working together with other people for a common goal, which makes it a virtue. Also, each of the individuals can freely direct their abilities and the effect is greater than operating autonomously.


Sense of humor

Who doesn't like a person who makes you have a good time? The truth is that this is one of the virtues most valued by all human beings. The sense of humor helps to face certain uncomfortable situations that we may be going through in the best possible way.

Bravery and Courage

Courage or bravery is one of the greatest qualities that are part of human virtues, these can be specified as the impetus of energy that each individual can have to achieve further an operation despite the obstacles presented. This moral virtue approves of acting politely despite collecting for it demerit, withdrawal, infamy or social reprisals.

A person who presents this quality can face any risk without delay and without showing an iota of fear. In general, they tend to turn this fear into daring and it is then that they can overcome the difficulties that life presents to them without any problem.


Creativity is found within the virtue of cognition and discernment, it can also be said that it is part of the most admirable and advantageous strengths that the human being manages to enjoy. This characteristic of human virtues helps us to visualize things from an unequal, more unique representation and will make us solve problems of different contours in a better way.

The individual who possesses this quality will be able to obtain the ability to create innovative doctrines and it will be of great skill to create and invent something. They often possess the trait of being open to inspiration, which develops our uniqueness.


Defined as a quality belonging to human virtues and as a formative value, which we can easily develop from our childhood, in addition to helping to foster feelings in our personal relationships. People who usually have this very well-developed ability or quality are able to discover the feelings and emotions that other people around them may have.

They can be competent to receive a large amount of information about other people, this through body language, their words, their posture and their facial expression. Putting yourself in other people's shoes, understanding their emotions and feelings. This makes it a key quality in relationships with other people.


This can be defined as one of the human virtues that possesses the ability to resolve situations with the stability of the mind in taking an approach and finally reaching a conclusion. This great quality requires intrepidity and good sense in order to improve the experiences of our existence.


To be a democratic person is to be daring. It can be said that this quality of human virtues is the inverse of absolutism or tyranny, where the individual does not assign his doctrines or pretend to control, a person who possesses this quality manages his life in a better way and is not suspicious of the opinions that others have on him.


Persistence can be defined as insistence, stability and firmness in achieving our goals. It involves stability in a diligence or in some situation for a certain extended time, however, it requests perseverance in an action or situation. Individuals who never give up despite misfortunes have a much better chance of ending up achieving their goals in life.


It is one of the qualities of the human virtues that teaches the respect and appreciation that all individuals achieve and affirms one who has an impeccable level of human aptitude. Dignity is the deserving condition that appears in being an invaluable person, with honor, worthy. In short, this quality is one that honors the value of all individuals, to value ourselves and treat everyone with the greatest possible respect.

Synopsis of the virtues

As previously mentioned, these human virtues are referred to as a usual and fixed disposition to do good in our existence. It has also been distinguished that we possess certain moral and theological virtues. The human virtues are many and are described to the constant abilities with which we have been benefited in relation to the intellect and the will.


On the other hand, we have mentioned that human virtues help us intervene in our actions, organize our desires and direct our behavior, all based on reason and faith. They have been gathered in 4 magnificent cardinal virtues, known as: prudence, justice, strength and temperance. It can also be said that these moral virtues are invigorated and developed by the education and customs that we have since childhood.

Likewise, it can also be mentioned that these qualities are also achieved through considered acts and with the constant start of our future. Even divine grace are purified, exalted and consecrated.

utility of virtues

All the human or moral virtues as they are known, including even the cardinal virtues, are of great help to calm the spirit and make us more sensitive to the hardships of the people we have around us.

In addition, they also provide us with the necessary support to be able to carry out our obligations in relation to the good that, as children of the Almighty, we must do in a dizzying, pertinent, frank and joyful way.

Many of the people wonder if it is feasible to do good without possessing some of the human virtues. The truth is that it must be decisively emphasized that, without these qualities, it may be possible to execute any other good deed, however, people will have to make great care and effort, forming great exhaustion and weakness in individuals.

On the other hand, it is important to know and define that it is unavoidable to have recognition in all the truths affirmed by the Creator, since they have been raised inexorably by the Institution of the Holy Church. It is in this way that it can be said that it would not apply to a person who does not profess the Catholic religion.

In addition, it can be said that the individual who is being granted these human virtues can also have intermediate virtues. Which can be defined in two groups that are of social or human types and those called exemplary or divine.

These well-known intermediate virtues glimpse 2 levels of refinement, which are: the minimum in the spirits that seek to pass from the temptations towards the approximation of our Creator and are determined to be healing virtues.


the second are the maxims that are already situated in the spirit in close resemblance to the Almighty, are called the purified souls. It can be said then that, among the minimum virtues, what the cardinal virtues expose us when referring to them can be pointed out.

It is thus that we can possess the greatest prudence that the domain of placing skill provides us, for which we are required to visualize the divine events, guiding ourselves towards the ideology only for the Creator and away from earthly events.

Saint Thomas Aquinas and the virtues

This venerable saint was one of the pioneers in scholastic teaching, in systematic theology and, of course, for his magnificent contributions on human virtues. This Catholic theologian and philosopher belonging to Italy was the son of a large wealthy and influential family in the middle of the 11th century. Opposing him to be educated in the Order of the Preaching Brethren and train as a theologian of this congregation.

Due to this decision, his brothers and parents decided to leave him locked up and it was then that he chose to educate himself and memorize many phrases from Holy Scripture. His relatives opposing him only made his religious leanings more entrenched. Finally, when he got out he went to study theology at Germany and later ended up teaching at the University of Paris.

Being many the contributions that I make Saint Thomas of Aquino, it can be said that in terms of human virtues he outlined that they are the middle ground between 2 opposing corruptions. Understanding that, according to his opinion, a virtue must be lived sensibly, since, if it is not exercised at all, it will only be possible to take it to negative excess, this would be the desertion of virtue and, therefore, it would be transformed into a vice.

It also states that the opposite case could happen, this would be taking it to the other extreme of exceeding virtue in our characteristics, this of course would also be negative, it would also make it a vice or flaw in human virtues. The venerable theologian also cataloged these moral and intellectual qualities and added the theological ones. He concretizes morals as practices of the intellect, which spring from experience and are shown due to the will by discernment.

The intellectuals he defined as the customs of the spirit that are achieved when they are exercised, originating a spiritually compassionate existence. the theological St Thomas specifies them as those granted by the Almighty to human will and understanding. Due to these, it is possible to develop in a divine way, since a detachment from earthly egoistic impulses originates.

These classifications of the exhibited human virtues allow to better achieve these qualities, in this way it is feasible to unequal if a practice is something positive, or if it is transported to one of the two points that the saint explains above, transforming the virtues into a vice. In the same way, it consents to verify if one lives because reason supposes it to be something good, or because it is spiritually good to distinguish such human virtues.

Knowing about human virtues can be a task with multiple endings, since it will depend a lot on the approach that your beliefs can give it and, of course, the experiences that you have obtained throughout your existence on the earthly plane. If you liked this article, we invite you to read about reincarnation.

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