Do you know what the stone of the moon is?, we tell you everything

Are you interested in the topic of precious stones? this time Spiritual energy brings this excellent article about a beautiful and very enigmatic rock, such as the moonstone. We will teach you a little about his history, the relationship he has with the woman, the meaning of him and much more. If you are interested continue reading.


What is the moonstone?

Moonstone is considered one of the pebbles that help most women in their circumstances. It is believed that it also works to balance sentimental, physical and mental concerns, it is also said to help with problems with breastfeeding, premenstrual disorders, bad sleep and much more. This rock gets its name as it is said to absorb the energies of the moon.

In other cultures it is called Fish eye y wolf eye. It constitutes the family of minerals of the Labradorite y Amazonite. In addition, it is a diversity of the stone would flatter, is part of the set of feldspars, It is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful specimens of precious stones and above all very expensive. You may be interested in reading about precious stones.

A little of you history

Like many other beautiful rocks, the moonstone is not without certain legends about its magical and healing powers. In many of them great amazing powers are imputed to him, these mostly related to the beautiful Goddess of India call, hindu kali, shakti of the male god Shiva, considered one of the most important in this culture. This goddess according to her beliefs is the destroyer of evil and demons. In the physical representation of her you can see the moonstone.

It is then that it was considered that those who carried this precious mineral were granted the divine powers of the goddess Time. For its part in Western culture, specifically in the ancient Roman empire It was believed that this stone was formed by small pieces of the moon and it was said that the bright light that this rock gives off was the positive energy of a God.

Another of the beliefs that this people had is that the stone could change its appearance in each phase of the moon and that inside it the beautiful goddess could be visualized. Diana.

In other traditions this stone is called as the mother earth rock, since as we have mentioned the positive effects especially in the ladies at the time of childbirth and in fertility is unparalleled. However, it is not only used by women, other people also call it as the traveler's stone, since it is used as a kind of amulet when starting a tour. For the most part, all traditions related to this stone are based on worshiping femininity and emotions such as love.

Asian culture considers that the moonstone can provide a harmony between ying and yang, making the energies balance and favorable at harvest time and believe it or not, they say they can prevent an epilepsy attack . As a curiosity we can tell you that this precious jewel was used by the Romans for the year 100 after Christ. This fine gem was very popular also in United States for the 1925 year.

It became well known in the old jewelry of Art Nouveau By the middle of the 20th century, it became so popular that it was taken as one of the most common accessories, as it was used in ties, rings, watches. In women it was common to see them on bracelets, safety pins, earrings and necklaces.

Where to find it?

Although by its name one can believe that it is a space stone, the truth is that it has little to do with this. Deposits of this precious gem do exist and are quite difficult to access, plus they are not abundant. You can find these stones in places like Brazil, In the European Alps, riding a Sri Lanka, Madagascar, United States, In the India, Tanzania, Ceylon, Burma, Mexico, Norway y Australia.

The small size moonstone are much easier to locate, the same does not happen with those that are larger. Of all the countries that we have named you, the one with the greatest source of this rock is the Sri Lanka, in it is where you can find a great variety of sizes and quality, it is the largest producer since it offers crystalline stones with beautiful blue sparkles.

In itself, this beautiful gem comes from a mine called meetiyagoda, located in the southern part of that island. With fifty years of productivity, your deposits are said to be accounted for. In areas like Dumbrara, Imbulpe y tissamaharama, you will be able to find other mines with great productions. If you are looking for young stones in the area of Tanzania are the best, specifically in the area of Arusha.

physical properties of moonstone

As we have mentioned, it is a mineral that is part of the feldspar family, that is, its chemical composition is made of aluminum, potassium, sodium and calcium. It is usually whitish in color with blue flashes. And its level of hardness according to the scale of Mohs it reaches approximately 6.5, that is, it is one of the lowest. This means that the moonstone scratches quite easily and cannot be polished very easily, which makes its finish less than perfect.

Although they are mostly white, this stone can also be found in colors such as blue, green, yellow, orange, brown, pink, purple and gray. Sometimes you can find them colorless and translucent. Moonstone belongs to the mineral class orthoclase, oligoclase and other groups of the member of feldspar. Its luster is usually pearly.


Moonstone Feature

Among its characteristics, the most striking is the optical effect produced by the call adularescence. It is the shine that this gem produces due to the small embedded sheets of feldspar, being appreciated only when the sun's rays pass at a certain angle.

It is for this reason that most of these stones are marketed in cabochon form (specific way in which gems are cut). Well, thanks to this way of carving you will be able to better appreciate the spectacular rays of its composition.

Another characteristic that you should know about this wonderful stone is that, unlike crystal quartz that are taken as amulets against bad energies and that you can always carry, this moonstone cannot be with it much, since it is a stone. constant. Its consequence on feelings is quite powerful, so it is recommended to take breaks in its use.

So the most advisable thing is that you use it for a certain time and move away another, in this way you will be able to feel its energies in a renewed and positive way. Its purpose is to remind the person who possesses it that everything is a changing cycle, just like the phases of the moon, this gem has the characteristic of reminding you how to better manage the continuous changes of life.

Where to put the stone?

To get the best benefits from this spectacular gem, you must know how to use it and where it is best to place it. The main points are usually chakras, which according to Hindu doctrine these are the seven points of energy found in the human body. These are the ones who entrust themselves to transfer, accumulate and receive the prana to improve the performance of different areas of the body. Next, we indicate where you should place the moonstone and what it favors.

Root Chakra or Muladhara:

This area is where self-esteem is strengthened, that is, if you place the gem in this place it will benefit people who are withdrawn. Do you think communication is very difficult for you? So you must use the stone on this chakra.

Manipuraka Chakra or umbilical

In general, this area is where the activity of the digestive system is systematized and the body's fluids are provided. It is said that by placing the moonstone in this area you can improve these activities of your body. It is now available on our blog about chakras of the human body and how to open them.

Solar Plexus Chakra or the Manipura

This ensures that emotional maturity is reached, that the responsibilities of acts and personal relationships are accepted in the best way. With the placement of the gem you will be able to expel the repeated schemes that have been dragging on from the past, making them accepted. All this so that you can replace them with the best positive feelings.

Third eye chakra or Agñá

Being the sixth of the chakras primary is located between the eyebrows, refers to what is invisible to the eyes. That is to say, it will help you to induce you in the spiritual experiences that we do not perceive in the ordinary world.

wear them as earrings

This could be one of the most common ways to use this precious moonstone, as it will allow you to enliven the approval of your psychic gifts.


Benefits of Moonstone in women

This precious rock, as we have mentioned before, is called the mother earth stone Since, it is closely related to the permutations of periods that women have, such as going from childhood to adolescence, menstruation, the gestation period, childbirth, lactation and menopause. That is, this stone is closely linked to the pineal gland and is believed to balance the hormonal system and fertility.

For all these contributions that it has with the ladies, it is believed that it is the ideal gem for the use of the female population. However, it is important that you know how it affects the different levels of your person. Continue reading to find out more.

in our physical body

Moonstone is beneficial in all cycles of the female reproductive system, by this it means that even before pregnancy, during the pregnancy period and even in lactation. This moon rock is used to massage from the armpit to the nipple to encourage lactation, make the amount of milk productive and will prevent you from having breast problems.

In general, this stone will help maintain a balance between the physical and the emotions, it even helps a lot with premenstrual disorder. At least with the most common ones, which are headaches, mood swings, the flow of menstruation. By positioning this stone in the pelvic area, it helps improve the womb and ovaries. On a physical level it will also benefit the circulatory system, digestion and for constipation.

in our feelings

Are you very sensitive or very impulsive? This is the ideal stone, since one of its characteristics is that it provides the level of emotions. For those ladies who tend to incur quite sudden mood swings, going from euphoria to sadness or on the contrary from joy to bitterness, the moonstone is usually stabilizing. It is responsible for progressively excluding sudden mood swings.

The interesting thing about this precious stone is that it is not only useful in these circumstances in women, because it works perfectly for those children who are quite restless. You just have to put it on and it will progressively balance their energies. On these occasions the moon rock is usually used by all the people who are quite hyperactive.

It is also often used to control excess emotions, as we have told you, if you are a super impulsive person, this rock will help you find a center in your emotions.

The recommendation in this emotional state is that it is not used when the moon is full. Since the energy of this phase could do the opposite, throwing your emotions off balance, this is one of those times when you need to get away from the stone and put it on charge. If you are an extremely unstable person with low self-esteem, the best thing you can do is sleep with it under your pillow and have contact with this stone during the day.

To eliminate tensions, it is recommended to make use of this beautiful stone, combining them with the Bach flowers. It will help mitigate nerves, anxiety and impulsivity, also if you add some sports it will eliminate much of the stress. To achieve a better balance between body and mind you can use Tibetan pots, excellent for relaxing the body. Excessive use of this stone without cleaning it can have the opposite effects to what you are looking for, so be very careful with this.


If you have repeated emotional patterns and feel that you are not moving forward, this moonstone is usually perfect for you to understand, accept and solve these circumstances. It will help you balance your emotions and emotional levels, making this a healing process. If you have one of these gems and it turns dark, it means that it is transforming the negative energies that are in your person.

in our mind

It is excellent for clueless people, in women more than anything it is usually perfect for mental organization. Well, it helps to distinguish everything that is actually important and positive for your life. It brings order to your life and will help you keep your thoughts calm, even if you have a hard time expressing your emotions, this gem will influence how you communicate with others.

Combined with the stone of the malachite, which is responsible for removing mental blocks, will keep all feelings calm.

The moonstone is usually very effective in people who suffer from bipolar disorder, as we have mentioned, it helps to focus thoughts and keep emotions calm. Also if you are one of those who suffer from bad sleep, this will help you. You just have to place it under the pillow and it will regulate sleep. If you suffer from sleepwalking it will also help you.

Moonstone in health

This pretty moon gem is the mineral that aids communication so it is beneficial for the eyes, skin and throat. In turn, it effectively intervenes in the reproductive and digestive systems. As for the feminine ones, it is known that many, like any person, have an extremely strong character, sometimes accompanied by masculine energy. This stone will help tame this character. So if you want to bring out your most seductive side, this moon rock will also help you.

As for men, it also has the same effect. That one who is impulsive, very manly, this stone makes them link their most sensitive part and gives them more calm. They make their sense of paternity, their family, friendship, among other things, more fluid and they feel more sentimental empathy in a clear and orderly way. For this moonstone to work in a better way you can complement the use with the amethyst stone.

The latter is beneficial to bring out the feminine side and to give women the necessary confidence in terms of their appearance, their self-esteem, as a couple, among other things. Definitely the use of gemstones will have good benefits if you know how to use them.

How do gems work in the body?

All the minerals known as semi-precious and the so-called precious stones from Mother Nature have a direct influence on your feelings and especially on your body. This means that the purpose of these beautiful gems is to function as a tool so that you can keep your whole mind and body in good proportion and in tune. You can read on our blog about turquoise.

It is known that the best performance that any stone can provide is when it has direct contact with the skin. Since by means of the palpation of the rock the energies that it gives off through the tissues of the skin will be absorbed. Then it would pass through the bloodstream reaching the neurons.

When the functions of mineral salts that disturb various feelings, organs, conditions and even the brain are recognized, they command the body to invent this same mixture of salts through a chemical result.

It is then when the organism, the thought and the feelings begin to present a change. Many people do not trust this, but it is plain and simple, most of the time you will erect a color of a stone for its color, not knowing that what calls you from that rock is what your body and mind is needing.

As a recommendation, the combination of various beautiful gems is always good, however, when they fulfill their purpose, it is best that you change according to your new needs.

Benefits of gems

The purpose of gems and of course moonstone is that they have a direct influence on feelings. But it also has its good benefits on a physical level, for example, for inflammation and pain procedures at specific points in the body. As for the moonstone, it is specifically responsible for softening the tensions in the cervical caused by stress and emotional burdens.

This means that, for physical pain to occur, the sentimental level is first affected and treating these ills with gemstones is definitely an option. It could be said that it is a somewhat languid cure but quite positive. Some people often combine these gemstone therapies with certain concoctions to help speed up the balance between mind and body. Also to treat disorders such as diabetes, overweight, sleep disorders, among others.

It can be said then that the purpose of a gemstone is to normalize disproportion in a natural way. You should know that, if you are choosing the gem that is not suitable to treat your emotional needs, obviously you will not notice any change in your essence, nor in your physique. The only thing that will cause is that it will preserve harmony to the person based on the possession of the precious stone.


Are the stones only for decoration?

Definitely these minerals or precious stones can be enjoyed in our dwelling as decoration, since it will benefit the environment to be serene and calm. Since due to the spiritual, tranquilizing and balancing characteristics that the moonstone possesses. Begin to put a little serenity in your life by supporting yourself with this type of precious stones.

What you should always keep in mind is that gems not only work for the energy balance between body and mind. Rather, they have a close relationship with your entire environment, especially with the spaces that you usually inhabit the most, such as your home, your work, among others. That is why it is important that you can keep certain gems that help in the organization and that transform the energy around you.

An example of these decorations are salt lamps, these provide a change in the quality of the air that is breathed. Another more direct example with the moonstone is that it can be placed on the lunch table or somewhere like the nightstand. This will help to obtain an atmosphere of peace and serenity, if you combine it with stones such as amethyst or quartz you will be able to reduce the alterations that electronic devices alter in the environment.

From this, it is that the decoration with some precious gem should be taken into consideration, as long as they are specifically for the needs that your space requires. In this way you will have a nice decoration and good benefits in terms of health. You might want to read about hindu rosary

types of moonstones

Although it is true that the most common and well-known of the moonstone is the presentation in white litmus, there is a great variety on the market and they are also quite attractive and beautiful. Next, we will tell you more about the type of moonstones. Do not miss it.

rainbow moonstone

This beautiful rock constitutes the equipment of the feldspars and is a variety of the groups of the opalescent de orthoclase. Its name is associated with the great resemblance it has to the moon, not because of its shape but because of its radiation. It exhibits a superficial color with bluish and golden hints called adularescence. This scintillation is due to the intertwining of lamellae of albite and orthoclase that has.

It has many similarities with labradorite stones, the most common deposits or mines of this gem were found in the India in the mid-80s. At present, a great variety can be found on the island of Sri Lanka, one of its most striking characteristics is that it has healing properties. Currently this is used as a jewel mostly adorned with silver, the most common use is in earrings, necklaces and bracelets.

It is widely used as an amulet to mitigate moods and ward off bad energies. Also to maintain the balance between body and mind.


Considered one of the diversities of the stone anorthite and classified in the group of silicates, this, like the previous ones, is a family of feldspars. It was discovered in Canada, on the peninsula of Labrador, this is where its name originates from. It has multiple uses, among them of course as decoration, in beautiful jewelry and in decorations such as kitchen and bathroom plates.


The presentation of this precious stone is usually in colors such as red, orange, yellow, green, gray, white and on many occasions it is usually found transparent. It is usually found in countries like Madagascar, Brazil, China, Australia, United States, Russia y Canada. However, in countries like the India y China how many mines of this beautiful stone.

Sun stone

Called this way thanks to its bright colors such as yellow, which is more common, however, this stone is also usually found in pink, orange, red presentations or simply as its cousins, it can only be transparent. The most predominant feature is the spectacular effect it has when the sun's rays reflect off the small metal sheets embedded inside.

They are usually found mostly in countries like the United States, Madagascar and India, is usually attributed the power to guide whoever possesses it on the right path. Definitely one of the most beautiful gems together with the moonstone. It is now available on our blog about protection amulets.

Blue or Cat's Eye Moonstone

It causes lightness and spiritual focus, as long as the individual is in a meditative state. One of its uses is to see the emotional schemes and the meanings of life.

White Moonstone

This moonstone is responsible for stimulating psychic clairvoyance, boosts the energy of women and the emotional balance of men. It also helps to ward off hallucinations or sleeplessness in children.

Peach or Yellow Moonstone

It stimulates the imagination, calms anxieties and brings out the best in people, that is, the positive energies. This moonstone is responsible for arousing loving and passionate energy in a relationship.

Rainbow Moonstone

It manages to spread the energy through the aura and supplies the energy spiritual, that is, what helps to cleanse the mind and thoughts full of negative energies.

Moonstone care

One of the most frequently asked questions is how should these precious stones be cared for? Well, the answer is that, in any of its presentations, whether they are the rainbow stone, the sun stone, or the famous labradorite. You can use a steam cleaning routine without practicing or subjecting them to any type of ultraviolet rays or ultrasound.

Something curious is with the precious stones that you stumble upon along the way or that they give you, you should consider them as a present. When a gem enters your life it is something that you require at that moment. And the most advisable when using them for a prudent period of time, however, it is absolutely necessary to clean them, charge them and project them to exclude any energy originating from their previous owner.

Has it happened to you that a moonstone breaks? Well, this means that when a precious gem is broken, it is because it was too charged with negative ions. The most advisable thing is not to use it again because it loses its strength and positive energy. The best thing is that you get rid of the gem and you can bury it near a living plant so that it can regenerate, generating a circuit and thus the plant can benefit from the stone and this in turn from the plant.

How to clean the moonstone?

The truth is that the cleaning methods that you can apply are quite simple, the most basic thing you can do is wash it with salt water, the moonstone it is invulnerable to chemicals, however, you should keep in mind that it is not good to abuse these products. Just rinsing it once a month is enough. Next, we tell you the best times to clean the stone, these are in:

In last quarter and new moon

It is favorable to clean it during the new or waning moon since in these phases the energy is administered to the interior of the earth, thus removing all negativity. It's more effective if you bury it.

the smoke of the incense

One of the best methods is to pass the smoke through the stone, this will allow to exclude the negative energies that are absorbed in the gem.

under a stream of water

When you put the stone under a current of water, such as a waterfall or a river, it will help push away negativity, achieving an undoubted cleansing.


buried underground

Burying the gem underground for a few days will thoroughly cleanse it, excluding any negativity that has bewitched the stone. It is important that you remember where you place the stone so that you do not lose it.

in salt water

The most basic option is this, you just have to place the stone in a container with water, add a tablespoon of salt and only place the gem for one day. Finally dry it and it is ready to be overloaded.

with visualization

This election is only for people who have advanced their energetic sensitivity, as it is possible for them to signal when it is time to cleanse or recharge your gem. At the moment of meditation you can use a light, some liquid or other component that drowns the stone until it is totally clean.

And the most recommendable thing is that, to recharge the moonstone do it during the first quarter and the full moon, in these lunar periods the gem will captivate all the attractiveness and good energies.

Other Moonstone Facts

Moon rocks for many years have been valued as lucky gems and powerful amulets. They are held in high devotion in the great continents of the East such as, for example, Asians have the belief that a living spirit lives in these gemstones, which is responsible for guiding and warding off bad energies. They also say that if you turn it from one side to the other, you can visualize that the spirit is moving.

Another belief is that if a person places a moonstone in his mouth under the light of the full moon, it will announce whether his affectionate life will be happy or unhappy. It was speculated that a moon rock installed under the pillow used while sleeping would induce dreams of the future and it was also believed that if you had a dream about the moon rock it revealed that danger awaits.

Legend has it that, if instituted as an heirloom and boiled with lemon juice and other extracts, it can cure anxiety, invigorate resolve, and soothe high blood pressure.

Moonstone Challenge

This challenge consists of the physical, mental and emotional acceptance that the energy of the stone can offer you. Even as we have mentioned the benefits that you can have by applying it in the menstrual period, managing to stimulate calm and tranquility on those days where mood swings are quite frequent. How does the moonstone achieve this? Well, in addition to calming the pain that is generated by premenstrual syndrome, it can also regulate its flow. Quite a wonder.

To successfully fulfill this proposal, it is necessary, as we have told you before, to combine the functions of this stone with a wonderful moon concoction. To do it you must place a lunar gem in a glass or container full of water, you must leave it overnight. The next day, preferably in the morning and on an empty stomach, you can drink the water. This concoction is recommended to be taken one or two days before your period arrives, also for 2 days after.

This is the best way in which you will benefit from the effects that the moonstone potion has on your body on the days of your period. Leave behind the days of those intense pains, of feeling strange with your body and begin to discipline yourself physically, mentally and emotionally, with these healing concoctions of the moonstone.

We hope you liked this article about the fascinating moonstone, put it to good use and the best energies to achieve your goals. If you liked this post, we invite you to read about lucky runes.

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