Prayers for baptism, the best selection is here

Among the sacraments contemplated within the Christian faith, baptism is one of the most important, since it is by means of which the person becomes a child of God in a true way. To make this ceremony something commemorative, it is officiated indicating several prayers for baptism

Prayers for baptism

The ritual of baptism symbolizes the act through which an individual accepts to be the son of God, thus contemplated within the Catholic religion. It is usually carried out when the person is still a child. If you are interested in knowing more about the subject of prayers, you can see Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Through baptism, according to the sacred scriptures, the person's soul is purified, and their sins are cleansed and forgiven, mainly the so-called original sin, which is with which all men come into the world.

Due to the investiture that frames this important event, certain guidelines must be met that are previously established to carry out the development of said celebration, with prayer having a main role within it. There are several prayers for baptism that are declaimed by the religious who officiated the act, and others where the parents and godparents of the baptized must participate.

Through these prayers for baptism, you are asked to God that he grant his grace to bless the children who are brought before his presence to present them and let them be baptized. This list of prayers for baptism, are part of the doctrine of the Catholic religion, and can be done in various ways.

They can do both inside and outside the church, and also before the day of the baptism or in the middle of the development of the ceremony. Among the seven sacraments contemplated by the Catholic Church, baptism is the first, whose primary objective is to wash creatures with holy water, to purify their souls and free them from sin.

Baptism and conditional baptism

Now, we must limit through the development of this article, that there are two types of baptisms recognized and accepted by the Catholic religion: Baptism as such, and Conditional Baptism.

The baptism, It is considered as the sacrament that when received, all the sins committed by the person are erased, mainly the original sin. The baptismal act consists of pouring holy water on a person's head, or it can also be completely immersed in the water, with the intention of purifying body and spirit.

For the Catholic religion, this act implies the birth of the person who is baptized, to have a new life. Baptism is celebrated when the child is still a newborn or at least less than a year old, usually.

This ceremonial within Catholicism is considered necessary, embodied even within the gospel scriptures, which reads: "Whoever is not reborn of water and the Spirit cannot enter the Kingdom of God." During a person's life, he can only be baptized once, that is, it is an act that cannot be repeated after it is done.

It is considered as the placement of a sign for the person, by means of which he will be recognized as a son of God, a kind of spiritual seal. The religious who officiates the ceremony pronounces the words: “I baptize you in the name of God, Son and Divine Grace.”

In reference to conditional baptism, is a type of ceremony that takes place when there is no certainty that the person has already been baptized. In this type of baptism, participants are generally those who convert to the faith, which comes from other religious sects and decide to accept Jesus in their hearts in order to also be accepted by the Church.

And, although very rarely, but it still happens, people who were not baptized when they were children, by decision of the parents, but who express their desire to take that sacrament.

For those particular cases, other words are used by the person who officiates the ceremony, indicating then: “If you have been baptized before, I did not baptize you again, but if you are not yet, I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”

Parallel to the pronunciation of these words, water is poured over the person's head, making sure that it touches their skin. Prayers for baptism, within the Catholic religion, can be made by both parents and godparents.

You can even add the intervention of a friend or family member who wishes to participate in the event, expressing through the prayers for baptism their gratitude for the sacrament to be received, the sense of love and respect towards God, and the joy for the birth of the new son of God.

Types of prayers for baptism

As has been said before, within the Catholic religion there is a wide range of prayers for baptism, which can be expressed during the sacrament but there are also some examples that can be recited before the act.

Likewise, there are prayers for baptisms that require the participation of parents and godparents, as well as those that can include the collaboration of close friends and relatives, for whom this act is significant. So we have then that there are prayers for baptism of the type:

  • Before the arrival of the baby.
  • After the arrival of the baby.
  • A week before the baptism.
  • Thank you for baptism.

Before the baby arrives

The type of prayers for baptism before the arrival or birth of the baby, is related to giving thanks in the midst of the preparations that parents adopt to receive the new member of the family. It is also a prayer of reflection, to be able to receive the boy or girl in the midst of a harmonious environment, where joy and love reign.

Usually, this type of prayer corresponds to the parents of the boy or girl, even when it could also be performed by a close relative of the family, such as a brother, a grandfather, and even the person selected to be the godfather or mother. godmother. Next, we leave you an example of this type of prayers for baptism:

Part I

Oh Holy Father, Almighty God!, I thank you infinitely for the miracle of life that you planted in my womb for the joy of me and my husband. I hope that now that our son is growing within my Being, we can offer him a family life, with the example you gave us through the Holy Family.

I trust, beloved God, that we can give you the same love and the same teachings that we have obtained from you and from your holy son, our Lord Jesus Christ; that through the teachings that we can offer him as parents, he learns to look for you and recognize you as his most holy Father.

Help us Lord to offer him a place full of peace, a lot of faith and love, in which he can live, grow and develop in an integral way. Also make me feel that our house is a refuge of spiritual love, to honor and venerate you.

May this new creature be recognized by you, Blessed Holy Father, as one more child, so that he may be raised within the framework of faith and Christian values, protected under your Grace and that of the Holy Spirit. Amen!

II part

Oh Most Holy Virgin Mary and Christ the Savior! As responsible and loving parents, we come before you, so that you intercede before God the Father, and receive our son or daughter as a new creature of God.

That when the day arrives when our baby takes the sacrament of baptism, the Lord pours out all his blessings on him, mainly the forgiveness of original sin and the purification of his spirit.

There are not enough words to be able to show all our eternal gratitude, by allowing us the grace of being able to be parents of this boy or girl who is on the way. Allow us to be worthy in your eyes, and bless us in this new stage of our lives.

Help us at all times, so we can give this little angel a life full of joy and love. We give thanks to God, because this child is the reason for our joys and the reason that drives us to fight, following the path of the Lord for the honor and glory of him.

On our behalf and that of my child, as well as on behalf of the whole family in general, we dedicate this sacred prayer to you, Amen!

III part

Oh Eternal Father!, I ask you to fill me with serenity and calm, as a mother who prepares herself physically and mentally to receive motherhood, praying tirelessly, in order to have the necessary knowledge for the birth of my baby, and everything related to this great event.

Oh merciful God, who has always taken care of my family, I implore you for your presence in my life, especially during this new stage that I am about to begin, to give my baby the necessary love, within the warmth of a loving home. spiritual.

And from now on, I offer you the life of this little child who is about to be born, so that he may be a worthy servant of yours, and his life may lead along the path that you mark for him. And with the purpose of being a good mother, I am on my way to this preparation, taking for it, your divine teachings.

I have full confidence in God's guidance, to carry my pregnancy to a happy term and that it be in its perfect time when I bring my baby into the world. I am certain, O my Father, that you will accompany me as you have always done, just like the company of the Most Holy Mary, to fulfill this beautiful task in the midst of much peace and happiness.

May it be for the glory of God, this new life that begins, and that is why I ask you, Lord, to give me the necessary instructions so that my child is received and blessed as a new creature of God, to sing his praises. I thank you that my baby arrives healthy and that I have strength and health, while I wait for him, Amen!

Prayers for baptism

After the baby arrives

These prayers for the baptism of the type for after the arrival or birth of the child, can be done by one of the parents, or also, it can be done by a close relative, with the purpose of giving thanks to God, for the arrival of the new member, and his welcome to the Christian world as a new Being. Here is an example:

Part I

Oh noble and affectionate Father!, we give you infinite thanks today, for granting us the grace to bring a new life to this world, for letting us be the parents of this very special creature who is one more of your children.

We also thank you for the joy that we can take care of our son, full of love, strength and good health. We want our child to grow up in an environment of great spirituality and led by the hand of your timely teachings.

We implore you, holy Father, to grant him your blessing and sacred protection at all times, both for his soul and for his small and defenseless body, that he may come healthy and happy into our lives, so that he may also be happy in the new life of baptism, Amen!

Part II

Oh merciful Lord!, I come before you accompanied by my relatives, friends and other loved ones, to introduce you to our child (say the baby's name), and announce that from today he will be a devout Christian as are all the members of our family.

It gives us great joy that you can receive and accept our baby, which is the product of our love as a couple, but it is also the result of the love that you feel for us, my God.

It fills us with joy and happiness that you can receive him as a new creature of God, and that he already has his place set aside within the holy Church. He will be baptized, just as we have all done in our family, carried by faith and infinite love towards you heavenly Father.

And, to the extent that they discover their place within the church, I ask you to guide them and give them the correct discernment so that they live it, feel it and understand it, which is the most beautiful gift that the Spirit has. Holy, Amen!

Part III

Oh Holy Father, Lord of the entire Universe! We want to thank you again for the birth of our baby, a new Being who comes to our lives to change it in a positive way, filling our entire family with immense happiness. .

We also thank you for having given us good health for our soul and body, making us stronger and with a sense of awareness about the responsibility we now have.

We give you the life of our creature so that you may bless her and pour out consecrations on her on the day of her baptism. Oh blessed Lord, we ask you to give this beautiful little creature your love and care, because it represents the immense love that her parents have for each other. We beg you, fill her existence with sweetness, Amen!

week before the baptism

There are also prayers for baptism made in the middle of the preparation, so that the boy or girl receives this important sacrament. These are the prayers for the baptism of a week before carrying out said ceremony, with one prayer per day. Here we will see a model.

Monday prayer

Oh beloved Lord! Today we come before your mystical presence, to thank you for the favors and graces that in your immense mercy, you have granted to our family; for having granted us the miracle of having the son we had longed for.

We promise to always bring him before your altar, so that he learns to know you, love you and serve you as a faithful follower of your sacred word. In return we ask you, O beloved Lord, that with your holy hands you bless and purify him.

We thank you Father, because from the moment we learned of the arrival of this baby, you made us feel fully happy, and for that, we ask you to set aside for him a life full of health and infinite abundance, that on the day of receive his baptism full of joy, prosperity and peace, Amen!

Tuesday Prayer

Oh Divine Father! On this occasion we come before you to ask you to give our creature a life full of well-being and joy. Soon we will bring her before your magnificent presence, so that in the baptismal font, she may be purified in body and spirit.

Guide us in reference to his religious education, so that he learns to call you Father as we do, teaching him your holy Word with the example of our actions. Help us to give him a home where love, Christian values ​​and health reign.

Give him the necessary discernment so that he learns to love his brothers and his family from a very young age, and to see the world as a great place of coexistence through the eyes of faith, so that in his life he always has peace and love in your heart for others, Amen!

wednesday prayer

On this sacred day, I want to ask you Holy Mother, to teach me how I can be a patient, tender and loving mother, just like you. I beg you holy mother, to be able to count on your guidance to know how to speak to my son, and show him how he can honor the name of your son Jesus.

Please come with us, my Mother, on the day of my child's baptism, which will be the time to formally present her before God's presentation. Join us so that you also pour your blessings on her.

You, who are also a mother and who both feel the joy of having had a child, I ask you to take my child in your hands, and lead him/her on the right path during his/her first steps in faith! Amen!

Prayers for baptism

thursday prayer

In our prayer today, we ask your forgiveness, Lord, for the sins we have committed so far, and we hope that you will accept our sincere repentance. We beg you to protect our newborn baby and free him from all danger.

Cover him forever under your protective mantle, and receive him as one more child of God. Before your altar we will soon take it to present it before you, and that you make it pure and sanctified. Fill it with your Holy Spirit.

Guide him and bless him, so that he is formed as a good man, educated in principles and values, and serving you as the most devoted of his followers. He make me learn to love and respect everything on earth you created for us, including our neighbor, Amen!

Friday prayer

In today's prayer, we invoke the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Redeemer, to whom I dedicate this prayer, so that through it, I entrust the life and future of my little child.

Deliver him from any evil that may threaten him, from some hidden enemy that is waiting to attack him, and protect him from the suffering of any pain that causes him suffering.

Receive him my blessed God, like one more sheep of your flock, and may he receive the grace of baptism for the Glory of God. Give him great strength, so that he can be of great help to others, Amen!

Saturday prayer

With great humility we come before your holy presence, Holy Father, to introduce you to our beloved son/daughter, who will already be your most devoted faithful, so through this prayer, we ask you to keep a good place for him/her within your church

Baptism is the most beautiful act of my creature's life, since love, hope and faith are represented in it, but especially and above all, our fidelity to the Gospel.

On behalf of my entire family, we implore you to protect him in your venerable hands, and allow him to meet you by entering your holy church, where he will learn your values ​​and teachings, Amen!

sunday prayer

Oh great Venerable Lord!, We chose this wonderful day to announce the presentation that our beloved baby will have, before the baptismal font. I beg you my Lord, that just as you protected the holy family, you do the same with my home.

We ask that our home become a place of authentic and true prayer and communion, so that we can raise our child there. Make sure that no scene of separation or violence occurs in our family.

That we can be an exemplary family, live together and that the sacred character of the family prevails in us, which is one of the most beautiful gifts that God devised for us and for which we must always thank him, Amen!

Prayers for baptism

Thank you for the baptism

The prayers for baptism of thanks for the celebration of said sacrament, are part of the protocol in the delivery of invitations that are made in writing to friends and family, through which their participation in the act of baptism is requested. Here is an example:

Part I

Today, we implore you Lord Almighty, to receive our child in your hands, when there is little left to present him/her before your holy presence at his baptism. My Father, we ask you to impregnate it with your Holy Spirit, so that it may grow within your grace and for the honor of your name.

May he find true devotion and Christian values ​​within your holy Word, and may this prepare him/her for a true spiritual surrender. We ask you saying: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen!

II part

On this beautiful day, I want to thank you Lord for all your blessings, mainly for giving me the gift of life. I thank you for the family I was born into, for the love and understanding of my parents, their patience and care.

I also thank you on this day, for my brothers and sisters, thank you for the love you have shown me since my arrival, thank you because I know that God will enlighten you so that you can guide me and take care of me.

Today I am blessed by God, who on the day of my sacred baptism, enlightened the minds of my parents so that they would give me the name of (say the name of the boy or girl), being received as one more of your children, Amen!

III part

We have been waiting for you for a long time (the baby's name is said), and for that we thank the blessed God for your arrival. Today, when we present you to him, we implore him to bless you and purify you, sheltering you under his sacred mantle.

We extend our gratitude to the Blessed Virgin and to her beloved son Christ Jesus, for granting us the grace of being able to give you life. We ask you to bless our home and also for the health of your godparents, so that they can fulfill the duties that the sacrament of baptism entails, Amen!

Short prayers for baptism

There are several styles of prayers for baptism, and short prayers are also an important part of the ceremony. If you want to review another style of sentences, you can see the article Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Many have the characteristics of special phrases, whose contents express the most sincere wishes for the baptized person, welcoming him to the Christian life. Here are a few:


My Lord, this is our child, the fruit of your life and ours, producer of your creative love. Thank you for giving us this joy, we were waiting for him long before he was born, long before you created him for us.

Now we ask for him, a life full of abundance, that he can grow in good health, with vigor, that he knows how to be grateful with what you give him, that he learns to appreciate the people around him, especially the weakest,! Amen!


From the depths of my love and my heart, I wish that on this very special day, the heavenly light of God the Father, ignites within your heart, so that it illuminates with its great splendor, all the transit of your entire life,! Amen!


Lord, You who have given us enough love to be able to conceive this child, we ask you today to keep us in your love, to feel affection for family life.

Help us so that in our home it is part of your holy kingdom, where my child finds you in every corner and where he recognizes you as his Father.

Make his soul and heart open to Christianity, feeling that brotherly love towards his brothers in faith, and that he can live with other human beings in a pleasant way and in peace, Amen!


Lord Jesus Christ, that in your holy word you said "let the little ones come to me", and that you blessed every child you found on your way through the Earth, I ask you to also bless our child.


Lord, today we thank you for making us part of a new life, which will be consecrated to your service. Protect him and take care of him always dear Father, may he be healthy in soul, body and heart, and may the light of the world illuminate him in this new life of baptism, Amen!

prayers for baptism

Prayers for Parents and Godparents of the Baptized

In the same way, through this article, small prayers for baptism are presented, which are more of an inspiration for the parents and godparents of the baptized person, and with this they can count on a brief but concise prayer, which can be prayed the same day of the baptism or days prior to the ceremony. Here we present them:

It is a day to thank God for revealing his greatness by allowing us to bring this beautiful child into the world, who becomes the light of our lives. In his presence we come today to bring him, so that he may be received as one more son.

We beg you to pour out all your blessings on him (her), to give him (her) the grace of good health for his (her) mind and body, and that prosperity be abundant throughout his (her) life. May he be a good man (woman), and may he live according to your teachings. My Father, Amen!


Oh Divine Father, we thank you on this special day for our family, because we will present before you our beautiful baby, which you allowed us to conceive in your infinite mercy. On this Day of her baptism, we offer her to you, Holy Father, so that you may receive her in your heart and cleanse from her the impurity left by sin.

We ask you to help us in the transformation of our home, so that it is a place worthy of worship in your name, and where our child can get to know you, love you and praise you as a worthy child. (or) yours, Amen!


Today, we are celebrating the day of the baptism of our child, a ceremony that is officiated for the Glory of the Lord. We are sure, God the Father, that this creature will grow loving and adoring you, and like God the Father, it will grow with God the Son and Holy Spirit, Amen!


Today, on this very special day, we come Lord before your presence, the proud parents and godparents of (say the name of the boy or girl), to present it to you, and through this important ceremony, purify its soul and free it from all the faults that could have.

United we ask God, that you make him be a good person, and that he always live protected by the divine mandates of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We also pray to the Blessed Mother, Virgin Mary, to protect him and take him by her hand always, Amen!


Oh Jesus Christ my Lord and Redeemer, you who asked that when you were on Earth, you asked that the children approach you, as a mother (father) I ask you to bless (say the name of the creature) today and intercede for him ( her) before God the Father, especially today that is her baptism, Amen!

More prayers for baptism

Throughout time, different acts and ceremonies have been developed that are part of this important and first sacrament, where other types of prayers for baptism are included, such as those presented below:

prayer about life

Oh Holy Father, we implore you for health and prosperity, but also to ask you for the gift of humility, so that you instill it in all our loved ones and especially in our son or daughter, whom we love deeply, wishing that recognize yourself as a child of God.

The Creator God granted us the virtue of allowing this child to fill our lives with love, hope and desire to fight, to give him the best of us. A great joy invaded us from the moment we learned of your existence, and since before you came into our lives, we already visualized how to present you before God our Lord.

We thank Life for having you, and we pray to the Father that your life may always be abundant, particularly spiritual, so that you can grow healthy and framed by principles, values ​​and other virtues, all for the honor and Glory of God! Amen!

I pray over baptism

We present to you Lord today, our son or daughter, (name is said), who we promise will enter your holy church and be a new Christian. And just as holy faith indicates, through the sacrament of baptism, he will become your servant.

Hope and joy seize our hearts, thanks to the welcome that from this moment you begin to give our child. Over the years, your sense of belonging within the People of God increases, so that you can enjoy the gift that the Holy Spirit grants you through baptism, Amen!

Prayer about family love

Oh dearest Father! We have welcomed this beautiful creature into our family. United we are in the familiar and the spiritual, receiving with great joy this blessing that you give us today.

Allow her, my Lord, that her family life be pleasant, always surrounded by deep love and affection. Help us to transform our house into a family home worthy of their presence and also yours.

That our son can grow up with love, values, discipline, guidance, culture and traditions, which will be part of his life, but also according to God's laws of life.

It is a great day of joy, where we come before you to introduce you to (Say the name of the child) whom we wish you to receive with an open heart, and emulating the tenderness that is within the Holy Virgin Mary, Amen.

prayer at baptism

Dear God, before your Divine Presence, we bring (say the name of the girl or boy), and we beg you that as a defenseless creature, shelter her in your arms, pour over her the great gifts of your Spirit, and guide her through of your wise advice, so that he may always be a defender and faithful believer of our faith.

Make it so that as she develops in age, that desire to seek you, to listen to your holy word, to know you and love you, also grows in her. May he recognize you as Father and Christ as his savior.

Also serve us, his parents and godparents, more than as a guide, as a support so that we can provide him with meticulous care, serve as an example so that he leads a dignified life and especially that he has a good spiritual orientation, Amen!

Holy Spirit in Catholic Baptism

As we have said before, baptism is the first sacrament that a person receives, where it becomes part of the enjoyment of the gifts that the Holy Spirit gave them in the name of God and by his command.

It is the ceremony through which, upon receiving the Holy Spirit, the baptized are erased from all their sins, including the original sin, the one committed by our first parents by disobeying God. The term sacrament means mystery, which means that in the middle of the ceremony, some reflections are made on the act itself.

One of the most important is knowing that with baptism, the person transcends spiritually. Many mysteries derive from this sacrament, all linked to the well-being of the new Christian, beginning with the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

The gospel mentions baptism, calling in turn for all people to be baptized, whether they are children or adults, a word that became clear at the time when Saint Peter spoke to the Gentiles and Jews about Jesus, asking everyone to be baptized, at the same time that the Holy Spirit rested on their heads, at Pentecost.


Since the beginning of the creation of the Church, the ceremony of baptizing people has been carried out, especially when they are children, a practice that has been recorded in biblical texts, particularly in the Gospel of St. Pablo, where he testifies that the church inherited this culture of baptizing the children of the apostles.

Due to the fact that children cannot decide, this sacrament has been seen by some as an imposition, however, the church has defended itself from this premise, arguing that through this act of faith, they are given to the child. or the girl, tools so that she can understand the Faith of Christ.

Baptizing a child when it is still newborn represents for Christians an act through which they can give their children a very precious gift, which they can accept or reject, if they believe so. The Christian considers that this is the first step of rapprochement with Jesus and his beloved church.

For its part, the Catholic Church has always sought to baptize children, considering this act as the fulfillment of a sacred mandate, where the child is prepared to receive God's graces. It is where our heavenly Father sends the Holy Spirit to act positively on our lives.

Baptism comes to replace the old mandate of circumcision, which was considered as a symbol of alliance, becoming baptism the new sign of the alliance, and which was made known in the scriptures as the circumcision of Christ. It is also established that the child has the right to be protected by Jesus Christ, and that is the main reason why the Church baptized children from the beginning of its creation.

In the Gospel of Saint Luke it is recorded that in the middle of the act of baptism the boy or girl is given a name, a tradition that is maintained over time to the present day. If you liked this article, we invite you to review it in our blog Prayer to Saint George

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