Learn how to perform meditations for the holy hour, here

In the face of adversity, humanity has cultivated forms of connection with divinity, with a view to finding some viable solution that provides spiritual relief. Within the framework of the Catholic Church, performing meditations for the holy hour is an alternative intended for this purpose.

meditations for holy hour

The meditations for the holy hour, represent a fundamental tool, by means of which, a believer gets closer to God, to his divine grace, to his immense vocation of goodness; however, to fulfill this task, a series of guidelines must be met, taking into account a series of considerations that would guarantee that the search for power represented by God is fulfilled effectively.

Next, we will offer ways to achieve the desired or most recommended posture, to reach the spiritual climate that deserves a meditation, in such a way that it can be established, when the meditation for holy hour, allows the construction of the personal bridge that facilitates access to the grace of God the Father. If you are interested in this topic, we recommend you read the following article: Mantras to Meditate

At the beginning of the meditation process, the initial five minutes should be very much in mind, these should be aimed at awakening interest and connection with the Holy Spirit, then manifesting attachment to his Divine Power, confidence in his devotional character and demonstrate that merits have been made for his grace.

Asking for redemption for all those people who have bad times, bad life circumstances, who are afflicted by terrible hardships that are difficult to overcome, and perceive full of joy, filled with joy, like the Divine Rosary, serves to dissipate the path that leads us to reach, the definitive route towards God our Lord.

meditations for holy hour

Start of holy hour meditations

After the initial five minutes dedicated to paying homage and linking ourselves to the Holy Spirit and making it clear that the ordering of the universe is in his power, then it is necessary in the first ten subsequent minutes of prayer, to repeat the following phrase, as many times as necessary necessary, to fulfill the meditation for holy hour.

Lord God, my owner, I love all the blessed qualities that adorn you, and your almighty strength. From my tiny and insignificant existence, I adore you, you my God who fills all spaces. I offer you my being, of almost imperceptible condition.

It is recommended in this opening of the meditation for holy hour, to perform other prayers or recitations, which adjust to the appropriate condition to achieve the desired objective, these can be: the Exodus (33, 18-13); the Song of Songs (2, 8-17); Matthew (2,1-11); John (2, 11-18); Colossians (1, 15-20); Philippians (2,6-11).


In the following ten minutes, in the meditation for holy hour, the importance of praying for the sinful life we ​​lead is highlighted. It is necessary to become aware of the number of mistakes committed and the type of sins committed; this reflection infers or requires the deepest introspection possible. This would allow the possibility of being enlightened by God, in his holy grace. Contrition requires reciting the following phrase.

 Oh great power! My great power, I beg you, absolve me of all my bad deeds.

meditations for holy hour

When practicing the invocation, the believer must have in his mind the image of him, fervently kissing the five wounds of Christ, at the moment of his crucifixion without showing the least possible modesty. Also, it is recommended to look for the following titles for reading, understanding and analysis: 1 Corinthians (13,4-7); Colossians (3, 5-10); 1 Timothy (1, 12-17); Santiago (3, 2-12); 1 John (1, 5,-2, 6); Penitential Psalms (6, 32, 38, 51, 102, 130, 142).

first meditation

At the beginning, the guests are suggested to invoke a deep reflection on the different facets that were fulfilled in Our Lord's Way of the Cross, or to recite a prayer aimed at glimpsing a mystery in the life of our Holy Father; another way, to start the meditation for holy hour, is to choose parts of the gospel, to be read and later, make very heartfelt reflections on the statements made in them.

This option of generating a discussion dynamic on the topics generated in the reading is left to the free will of the participants in the meditation for holy hour. In this part of the prayer, which is also known as doctrinal meditation, is where the participant, based on the word of Jesus, which serves as a Christian orientation (catechism), uses these sacred approaches to carry out a deep examination of conscience.

Since, a greedy person, for example, must reflect on why, he gives more importance to material goods and possessions, than to the word of God that enters his life, as divine grace. What is sought in this part of the meditation for the holy hour is to determine an ideal way of praying, which seeks without any shortcut a direct line to meet God.

meditations for holy hour

Holy hour meditations for thanksgiving

In these 10 minutes of meditation for holy hour, we seek to give thanks to God for all the favors received, not only personally, but also to all the people we know have been the object of divine help, and we can even to thank for the country and for the world, where surely the immeasurable work of the hand of God is.

You must avoid being personalistic, when it is invoked at this moment of the meditation for holy hour, you must feel and be clear that you belong to a group of people, that you are within it, that everyone receives in a general and fair way, all the blessings scattered or spilled from Divine Love.

This is the right time to give thanks for everything you have: home, car, clothing, work, clothes, partner, health, economic resources; always making the exception, which was Christ, through his sacrifice, who brought about the salvation of souls; It is recommended that after this part of the meditation you proceed to read: Genesis 1; Genesis (8,15-22); Job (1, 13-22); Daniel (3, 46 ss); Matthew (6, 25-34); Luke(17, 11-19).

Pray to God

In these 15 minutes of meditation for the holy hour, you should ask for help without reservation, if you have any disturbing situation, critical personally and collectively (family, community, country), it is time to make the request to the Creator. Absolutely everything must be left in the hands of the almighty God and his designs.

meditations for holy hour

At this time, the request for protection for the Holy Catholic Church should not be left aside, so that it fulfills its role in the most efficient way, including its ministers, priests, and people involved in its actions, so that it never abandon the way indicated by God. It is also important to pray for everyone who preaches, from town to town, from door to door, so that they are never attacked, and that God always protects them in his holy work.

Last minutes in the holy hour meditation

In this phase of the meditation for holy hour, it is time to give thanks; This should be a behavior that no Christian should forget, because it represents a way in which God can gauge, if his presence is truly made flesh in you, it is where the individual recognizes that there is a scattered or extended work in the world, the which is full of blessings for your children. The one who prays, the one who asks, recognizes the infinite goodness of God.

Entrance chant for meditations

The only way to reach the glory of God is not only prayer, the meditation of holy hour, where Our Lord is asked in a devotional way, it also accepts other forms of intervention, such as chants; these songs are interpreted with the same fervor as a prayer; It is one more way to get God's blessing. Next, we present an entrance song to the holy hour meditations.

At your side, when the day falls, we pay tribute to you for giving us the opportunity to work in our interest, we offer you today our hard work, love, and backwater. At sunset, dark highlights set in, to face all pressure. Return the bird to its nest, Lord God, so that in its home, it never ceases to be.

meditations for holy hour

prayer all together

Just as it has been raised, a song that adorns the set of ceremonies that have as an office and conviction to reach the blessed God, we return to raise the traditional way of establishing the mystical link to our Lord, which prayer represents. Next, we present the prayer for all together.

My Father, on this evening we are excited to make you an honorable ceremony in your honor, to seek to be by your side, your omnipotent personality, confirmed in heaven through your extraordinary manifestations.

Perhaps there is no organized form of behavior outside of your permission, however, the ideal is to bind us to you, my Lord. We need you to project your light of love, towards everyone, because we feel that we live in the best place in the world.

We all must approach the fire to be able to adore you, we need you to educate us in your love, it is essential that with these meditations for the holy hour, we seek to be by your side. Let's allow ourselves, feel revelry, beg, silence, shut up, we only demand to request to be present and love you. Help us, with your unconditional support, we need to hear, listen to your voice, which is blessed, to complete the entire journey.

Embrace us as your loved ones, forever, we want to be the ones who sign testimonies of your holy love, scattered and poured out in abundance. My Divine Father, with the concealment of the day, we offer you our chest full of love for you, all our capacity to love you.

In your consideration, is to love us unconditionally and help us. Oh God, almighty, move our entire existence to fill you with glory eternally. Amen.

meditations for holy hour

Commandment of love

We have clarified that there are many ways to create links to the divinity, the traditional one, we insist, is prayer, praying; but there are also songs, ceremonies and others. Next, within the meditations for the holy hour, we highlight several readings whose content also represents an enormous bridge to reach the grace of God, these are found in the sacred scriptures.

Love as Jesus loves us

In this way I manifest myself, they must love each other, just as I have preached and I myself have loved them, for eternity. The love that he who sacrificed himself for his relatives is impressive.

You enjoy my affection, when you do what I command for your sake, I do not call you my herd, because the herds are not aware of their mentor. I call them my companions and I have absolute confidence in them and make them feel the joys of the mysteries of life.

Disperse the consequence of our relationship throughout the world and spread the divine word, because the blessings that were granted, it is my Father who gave them. Do not forget, it is a holy, divine order, part of the very entrails of our God the Father, love each other.” John (15, 10-16).

with a love which it serves

Gathered around the table, Jesus said to his disciples, you have considered me your Guide and Master, just the same, I have served you by cleaning your feet. Follow this example of service, practicing it among yourselves, showing that you have understood my teachings. (John 13,13-17).


Another text that we should not overlook when we refer to meditations for the holy hour, refers to the mandates or orders issued by Our Lord God, alluding to different topics; in this case we are going to refer to the signs that suggest the importance of the existence of love between human beings. He says so.

By loving each other as brothers, we are also loving God in his infinite grace, who hates his neighbor, is not loving God and therefore cannot have devotion. The sign of the cross symbolizes precisely how to lovingly embrace all your fellow human beings.

Do this it's commemoration of me

In these moments we are going to refer that the meditation for holy hour, not only adds as a new fact, the songs to reach the blessing of God, another way to achieve the same purpose, is through the performance of certain ceremonies which can be find in the holy book the Bible, in the psalms Luke (22, 14-20).

Being ready to eat, Jesus took the bread and distributed it among his close followers, saying the following words: This is the part of my body, and it will be distributed in his honor.

Then, observing the glass of wine, he took it adding the following: here I keep in this chalice the essence of my blood, which supposes a new form of union between men and it will be spilled to save all of you, from the sins that you have committed

After the previous readings have been read, interpreted and internalized, all the people who participate in the ceremony, which is within the meditations for the holy hour; they must recite the following phrase: Lord, my Father, my God.

Intermediate holy hour meditations

The ways of God continue to diversify, in the previous paragraph we talked about the ceremonial readings, where God points out the importance of his sacrifice, in favor of humanity. In this case, we mean that in the offer of paths or ways that exist to reach God, there is also the practice of the Sacraments.

meditations for holy hour

But these sacraments, which Jesus left as a legacy, they have a basic factor, a common denominator that weaves them together, to be able to put them into practice; that catalytic element is love. It is the love that comes from the very son of God, when you accept his crucifixion and his blood spilled from him, becoming a symbol that marks the salvation of sinful humanity.

It is from love that an attempt is made to end the hardships of the human being, for example to eliminate, to eliminate hunger, and it is there, where the act of love that marked the Messiah is presented, by distributing bread and wine. The sacrifice of the son of God, a gesture of infinite love, seals the real, definitive possibility of moving away, marginalizing sin from life; this only happens when the human being feeds on the love of God. He turns away from evil and rejoices in the everlasting goodness of our Lord.


As commented in the previous text, the ceremonial of the sacraments symbolizes the legacy that the son of God left for man, it is through love that man builds a life out of sin and in safe transit towards eternal life. ; on this occasion, we return to indicate the songs in this process of meditation for holy hour; The use of this tool, singing, allows us to learn to love, not only ourselves and our neighbor, but also the work of God.

For the love of God we require you to love, let nothing affect you, the important thing is that our Lord calls you to love, therefore love your neighbor without discrimination, as yourself, and work with good for all whoever suffers, always offering love to the humble, the poor man, the immigrant, and the refugee, should not stop offering them love.

meditations for holy hour

The important thing is not

May God find me, because you are always in my ways. May he invoke you, because you are always in my essence eternally written. That I call out your name at a time when he feels exhausted, since you whisper every word in me. May my plans be yours, since you are light and guide my future. That I can interpret you, since you are my support in difficulties.

Express me of your majesty with wisdom, it is you, who directs all my decisions and thoughts. May he keep you hermetically sealed because I am immersed in you. That I adore you with all my soul, it is not strange, because you are my Lord, who prefers all love, despite being a sinner.

The motivation that you generate, since you are the force that encourages me to fight against all difficulties; It is not important to yell at you, since you are in the depths of my being, of my silence, in it, I definitely find you.


Already at this moment of the meditations for the holy hour, the parishioners, from their position towards good, totally anti-sin, must thank the favors that, by divine majesty, have been granted to them. Next, we will observe how the divine grace of God, the Father, is manifested.

We thank you my God, for protecting us and isolating us from sin, we thank you for giving us food and drink, and allowing us to celebrate the Sacrament of Communion. We value all the time and space that you granted us in your internship for earthly life, to develop from there this immense love that embraces us for you.

We thank you for this holy hour meditation ceremony, because through it, we can reach you, be by your side, oh my God. We value your sacrifice as it shows what your crucifixion symbolizes, your blood. We thank you Lord, for your unlimited love that does not distinguish between souls.

We thank you, Lord, for helping us to cleanse our sins and to be able to forgive our aggressors; We value my Lord, your humility, by presenting yourself to us as one more, showing us the true path. We thank you my God.

Already within the final process that implies the meditation for holy hour, with great fervor towards our heavenly Father, with all the faith that he made, we harbor in our hearts, one must pray in a very concentrated and heartfelt way, one of our fathers. If you are interested in this topic, we recommend you read the following article: Novena to Padre Pio


The following stories that are going to be developed next, are not part of the structure of the meditation for the holy hour, however, they constitute a means, a channel to perceive through the narrations, comments and testimonials related to the presence and the action of God's grace. We consider it pertinent to clarify situations that at the sight of any observer can generate doubts or uncertainties about the presence of God in our plane of life.

This work on meditations for the holy hour has highlighted a fairly wide range of ways and means by which we mortals can reach and earn God's will; prayer is the most expeditious way to do this, but there are also religious songs of praise to our God, sacred readings on the different ceremonies, direct inheritance of the teachings of the son of God, or simply thanking him for his divine benevolence.

But, what we must make clear is that in all the acts of man, where the Christian virtues are present, all oriented towards personal and collective good, marking distance from the sinful, the mean, the dishonest, demonic; it is inexorably presenting the radiant light of our creator Father, orienting, pointing out the good path towards the definitive redemption of man.

Maybe you are not a consummate devotee, a regular at the most important religious liturgical ceremonies such as the Eucharist, or confession among others, but, if your conduct is charged with virtuous principles ordered by divine majesty, you are on the right path, where your kindness, charity, mercy, humility, driven by genuine love for your neighbor, this will unquestionably lead to eternal life.

one number for another

The following story has as its historical context the period between 1940 and 1945, the date when the so-called Second World War was fought. This confrontation is one of the most significant in history, not only because of the number of deaths caused in the armed conflict, but also because of the number of countries that participated in the conflict. In addition, the Second World War had another additional condition, it was a confrontation between philosophical models of conceiving life.

Yes, the world was torn between a way of organizing states, public life, citizenship, denying basic freedoms of human beings and accepting the supremacy of one racial group over another and its counterpart, propitiator of a range of citizen freedoms protected in a democratic climate and public and individual freedoms, which promoted equal rights for all, without any racial, political, economic or social conditioning.

In this framework appear anecdotes, stories, narrations that, without ceasing to be a consequence of the indicated conflict, express a great wealth of spirituality even in the midst of such a voracious and ruthless conflict. The story that we are going to detail next, tells the life and sacrifice of a priest of Polish origin named Maximilian Kolbe, imprisoned by Nazism in one of the most famous concentration camps, Auschwitz.


This happened in 1941, in Europe, one day one of the companions had the idea of ​​trying to escape, the Nazi officer in charge of the confinement center, upset by the fact; in retaliation he decided to sentence 10 of his cellmates to death. Among those selected was one who had several children and a wife.

kolbe that he was not among those selected, seeing that his companion with that family charge was condemned to death, he proposed to the German officer, to change the position of the companion for him; The furious officer accepted, but changed the method of sacrificing the prisoners and sentenced them to death by starvation, then proceeding with such an abominable task.

To the jailer's surprise, all but kolbe, time passed and he remained upright and with a certain breath, despite coexisting with the corpses of his companions; until the Nazi annoyed because he did not die, he decided to give him a lethal injection.

The action that led to death Maximilian Kolbe, was considered as a gesture that earned him his sanctity, it was decreed by Juan Pablo II in 1982, this recognition was controversial at the time, arguing that the Holy Father would have acted with a kind of patriotic solidarity since both share the same Polish nationality.

The king did not want to imitate the actions of Christ

In 987 AD, in France, a king named Robert was crowned, his main characteristic was his deep Christian faith and his professed devotion to the Eucharist, his fervor was so manifest that he himself, with his own hands, organized the altar for the masses; Quickly, word spread of his passionate religious leanings.

This fact was interpreted as a gesture of weakness on the part of his enemies, who conspired and organized an insurrectionary revolt to remove him from power. King Roberto aborted the insurrection and arrested the guilty.

The characters who participated in the conspiracy were sentenced to death, for their widely recognized intention of wanting to defeat the king; In consideration of the insurgents, the king sent them a priest to offer them the Christian sacrament of communion.

On the day of his execution, many of the relatives and friends of the condemned were present at the palace to beg the monarch to forgive the insubordinate, however, the advisers recommended that he maintain his position and not revoke the sentence, since to do so would be a clear sign of weakness; the king listened to them, despite the prayers and entreaties of the relatives of the conspirators.


It is then, when a very humble old woman appears, approaches the monarch and says in a very calm but firm tone of voice:

My king, you sent an emissary of Christ so that the prisoners could receive communion, and they, before God the Father, have already been forgiven, why don't you put yourself in the same spirit as our heavenly Father and forgive?

King Robert before the forcefulness of the words of the old woman, meditates on it and before his people decrees forgiveness for all, and asks that they should never stop receiving the body and blood of our heavenly Father, since this will drive them away. of evil and all the stimuli of the devil.

The philanthropic action of King Robert was applauded by the entire crowd that filled the square in front of the palace, and the fame and popularity of the monarch spread throughout the region, ruling for a long time with the acceptance of the majority.

the cross embraced

A very young boy was going through many personal problems, he felt that he had no way out, in the midst of his desperation, which prompted him to make very tragic decisions, he asks God in the following way:

Oh, my God, help me to bear the weight of my cross, it is so heavy, that I cannot bear it.

The Lord replied:

If that is what you feel, that it is too big, superior or heavy, for your strength, do something very practical, go to that room and leave it there, deposit it and when you feel good, with enough energy, choose the cross of your preference.

Our Lord's words had an immediate effect, the young man began to feel better, relieved, experiencing the sensation that his problems no longer had the disabling weight he felt.

An Iraqi soldier enters the monastic life

The story refers to the life of a man of Iraqi origin, who decides to embrace a military career, that happens while 1984 passes; this character assumed his role with integrity and responsibility, remaining in the army for more than four years.

Although his performance was quite good, he felt that something was missing, and that made him unhappy. One day, without giving any reference, he abandons his military career, taking refuge in the protection that prayer offered him; Apparently, he became a fervent member of a religious family, thus finding the happiness he longed for.

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