What is the Andalusian dialect?: Characteristics, modality and more

In this article Andalusian dialect the reader will know what is related to Andalusian speech, as well as its characteristics and modality, which make it possible and also the various forms that the Spanish language has taken in Andalusia predominate.


What is the Andalusian dialect?

The Andalusian dialect is a grammatical style of Spanish that is practiced especially in Andalusia, Ceuta and Melilla, as well as in other regions of the Badajoz province, and by people who come from Andalusia, and then move to other cities or territories of the province. planet.

Likewise, this mode of speech is used in Gibraltar, it is a small peninsula at the southern end of the Iberian Peninsula, which borders with Spain.

The Andalusian dialect is a linguistic variety of Spanish. In the usage of this dialect, certain phenomena are generated in all grammatical aspects, namely: phonological, morphological, lexical and syntactic, being exclusive to this variety.

The Andalusian dialect is within the great variety that surrounds the grammar of Castilian. In the practice of this language, some grammatical phenomena are created that make the Andalusian dialect different, including: phonological, morphological, lexical and syntactic, which make this diversity exclusive.


Andalusian dialect phenomena

The most outstanding phenomena that can be found in this Andalusian modality are:

  • the lisp
  • the lisp
  • Deletion of the medial and final “s”
  • Elimination of the “d” in endings “ado” – “ido”
  • The Yeismo
  • The Andalusia of the “e”

We will inform you in this article, in a summarized way, on which the phenomena are based:

the lisp

It is about articulating the letter “c” as if it were the letter “s”. For example: “sine” instead of cinema; “sapato” for shoe, “cerveza” for beer, as well as multiple words that are followed by the letters mentioned above.

the lisp

It is an opposite phenomenon, which translates, that when articulating the letter "s" as the letter "c", for example: "cevilla" for Seville, "ceñor" for senor, and so on, occurs with these two consonants.

The hiss and the lisp

They appear in the fourteenth century in the city of Seville, and spread throughout Andalusia, the seseo is, it is a linguistic form that represents the renowned social classes, while the ceceo represents the lower classes.

Currently seseo is present in certain places in Seville, especially in the south of the province of Córdoba, as well as in the towns of Málaga and Jaén, which are located bordering the province of Córdoba.

While the ceceo covers a larger territorial part, from the province of Huelva, in Cádiz, and a large part of the province of Málaga and Seville, and most of the province of Granada, in the eastern part of the latter province. , the letter "c" differs from the letter "s", which is distinguished in the rest of Andalusia.

In the places where seseo is generated, within the ceceantes provinces, they are called islets. In general, it is said that Andalusians do not pronounce the letters "eses", the truth is that they emit them in medial conditions of the word, and they do not pronounce them at the end either.

They do not do it by pretense, but due to the advance of Castilian in these territories, which has allowed this fact to occur. One thing that is clear is that the Andalusian dialect pronounces neither the medial nor the final letters “eses”. However, an Andalusian is correctly understood what he expresses.

Another phenomenon that is observed in the Andalusian dialect is the case of omitting the letter "d" when it is found between vowels and in the verbal endings "ado", "ido", which only does not occur in Andalusian, is also evident in other words.

Likewise, Yeísmo is not exclusive to the Andalusian dialect either, it lies at the time of pronouncing between the letter “ll” and the pronunciation of the letter “y”. Regarding this aspect, it can be stated that practically the entire Peninsula is yeista, except for the places where this style of sound is not present.

Finally, we will talk about a phenomenon that happens in certain places, specifically the Andalusian territory, which is something particular, it is about:

The Andalusia of the letter “e”


It is especially known by this name in some parts of Andalusia, especially in some towns in Seville, near the west of the province of Córdoba, and towns on the coast of Granada such as Motril, where the following occurs: feminine plurals, ending in “as”, they end in “es”.

This phenomenon happens to a historical type, being the time of the Reconquest. These territories were inhabited by King Alfonso VI, with people from the Asturian and Leonese kingdoms, and as is known by many, the variety of speech of lions from central Asturian, emit their feminine plurals in "es". So, as a result of being inhabited by these inhabitants, they brought the phenomenon that was rooted in the territory.

Therefore, it is that in many towns such as Puente Genil de Córdoba, or Estepa de Sevilla, as well as on the coast of Granada, words like “vaques” are heard for cows, “pesetes” for pesetas, these words are not adapted to the Andalusian pronunciation, which means that the letter “s” that is at the end of the word, is omitted.

Historical, social and cultural overtones

Regarding the issue of knowing the genesis of the Andalusian dialect, it is important to point out that there is educated documentation that indicates the permanence of a legendary Andalusia, where there was a special way of expressing Castilian, exclusively at the lexical and phonological level.

In this sense, they can be seen in the writers Juan de Valdés in his Dialogue of the written language in the year 1535, where he criticizes Antonio de Lebrija. Likewise, he can be seen in the work of Don Quixote, chapter II, by Miguel de Cervantes. He can also be found in Francisco de Quevedo's El Buscón. Likewise, the writer Prosper Mérimée makes it evident in his literary work Carmen. To learn more interesting information, we recommend you visit how to start a story

Linguistic Appreciation and Content

It can be found that from the linguistic aspect and according to their phonetic, lexical and morphological accents that distinguish them from the other part of peninsular pronunciations, the way of pronouncing in Andalusia, show common styles such as yeismo and the aspiration of the letter. "s", which are also observed in the south of Castilla, La Mancha, Madrid, Murcia and Extremadura.

Castilian dialects in Spain and other peninsular languages

When referring to the chronological aspect, the Andalusian shows clearly visible features in terms of the dialect of the boreal Spanish dialect. Given this, they can be explained in the following cases:

First: Andalusian is preserved as a dialect that originates from historical Castilian, conceived as the strongest original linguistic range in the creation of the Spanish language.

Second: the Andalusian dialect is conceptualized as a linguistic range that is born from the Spanish language itself, known as the linguistic system with norms and worship, which is based on primitive Castilian. Such concept was accommodated intellectually in the course of history, through summaries of aspects derived from the different linguistics of the Iberian Peninsula, the participation of natures typical of other Spanish languages, and the intervention of different foreign languages.

In the concurrent aspect, the Andalusian dialect is distinguished in a significant way from the literate or normative Spanish language. From this approach, there are differences between Andalusian and other dialects of Castilian that are pronounced in Spain, which have specific similarities, although it depends on the cases where it occurs.

The influence of Andalusian in the Canary Islands and America

The link between the Andalusian dialect with other dialects of Spanish, outside the Iberian Peninsula, is usually stronger than those with the linguistic differences of the northern half of Spain.

It is evident in the dialects: Canarian, Chilean, Peruvian, River Plate and Caribbean Spanish, as well as in others, which have similarities with Andalusian, certain very characteristic aspects such as: yeísmo and the aspiration of the letter "s ” at the end of the vowel.

The internal variety of Andalusian

The Andalusian dialect is a mode of speech that has never enjoyed being unified or officially formalized. Therefore, its particular features are shown in various ways throughout the Andalusian territory, which of course, represents a complicated task to accommodate it.


This internal variety causes many to oppose the designation "Andalusian dialect", and choose to treat a linguistic truth of the territory, using the phrase "the Andalusian speech".

social reflection

This aspect refers to the "bad speech" of Andalusians and diglossia, which means: situation of coexistence of two linguistic varieties within the same population or territory, which is especially visualized in the Andalusian dialect.

But, for historical, social and political reasons, they are what have allowed many Spaniards to have the belief, especially in some Andalusians, that Andalusian is not precisely a correct way of expressing oneself, but on the contrary it is an ordinary and casual imperfection of the Spanish language.

For what is recurrent, that the Andalusian dialect is used in humorous speeches of some characters, giving funny effects to interpret. So, this has generated that there is a popular negative perspective of the Andalusian dialect, carried out by many of the people with different linguistic forms of Spain.

From what can be said, there are versions that repudiate, reject or simply separate the Andalusian from the beginning of the XNUMXth century. From the XNUMXth century, the negative concept of the Andalusian has been maintained in two erroneous statements:

First: pointing out that Andalusian is a "vulgar deformation" of "correct" Spanish, which is an extralinguistic idea.


Second: they state that the Andalusian is typical of the ignorance and cultural postponement of the Andalusians, which hindered two basic events. The archaism of the Andalusian linguistic features, prior to the socioeconomic crisis that occurred in Andalusia, and that, in addition, the Andalusian way of expressing himself is not only identified by its phonetic features, but also by a large vocabulary of its own, and by morphosyntactic and semantic features. own.

These ideas are usually related to the fact that many speakers from various boreales maintained contact with the Andalusian dialect, through direct contact with immigrants and workers who enjoyed little social reputation, who were taken to different industrialized places in the north.

The low class and social reputation assigned to these people and the segregation they were classified as extended to the linguistic diversities pronounced by them. The discredit and rejection they suffered because of various political statements and discussions.

As for this censored idea of ​​Andalusian, in the community of Spanish speakers of many diversities, the existence of a recognized group of Andalusians is added, who in the course of their history have disqualified Andalusian. This was intended to adjust freely to the popular school diversity based on written language.

It is an issue that can be exposed, according to education, social prestige and academic culture, the educated Spanish language has been kept together in Andalusia, while the Andalusian dialect has been described as popular and ignorant.

This aspect can be translated, to the fact that it comes together with school learning, social reputation, in addition to academic training, which have always been linked within the Andalusian dialect and the literate Spanish vocabulary, although the Andalusian way of speaking, in its times has been described as traditional and uneducated.

It can be expressed that proverbially in Andalusia, a strong diglossia has been generated, which translates the disorder of the articulation of phonemes, which is why it has always cornered the Andalusian in the way of communicating, and in natural and usual linguistic searches. We gladly invite you to share the following reading Morphological analysis

Negative approaches to the Andalusian dialect

As described above, there is a huge problem of inferiority of speech among Andalusians, who have not enjoyed having a category linguistic pattern in their language.


In modern times, gentle changes have occurred to free the complexes and concerns of which they have been the object, however, an inadequate appreciation of the Andalusian dialect is still maintained, by some Andalusians, as well as by a good number of Spaniards not from of this Andalusian region.

This unpleasant appreciation is revealed by the link existing in various groups, noting that the relationship occurs from the symbolic dominance of one group over another, as established by Pierre Bourdieu, contemporary theorist of social action, scholar in different fields of social sciences .

It is a link, which originates from the fact that the linguistic researcher, the Andalusian professor named Ígor Rodríguez Iglesias, calls it «hybris of the metalinguistic zero point», who exposes the way in which a group introduces its own grammatical, social and cultural representations. , where values ​​are set to minimize the behavior of other groups.

The metalinguistic zero point is based on the knowledge exposed by the Colombian-born philosopher Santiago Castro Gómez, who states that it is linked to the separation of spaces of Being. Spaces of Non-Being by Frantz Fanon, a revolutionary, psychiatrist, philosopher and writer Caribbean of Martinique origin.

Similarly, the little use of the Andalusian dialect can be seen in different media, which is of great significance. It is evident in the various Andalusian Radio and Television programs that communication professionals narrate their programs under the diversity of the scheme, in terms of the existence of the pronunciation of the center and north of Spain.

Being the case, a Spaniard with some Andalusian accent, limited to the aspiration of the letter "s", the seseo and some phonetic phenomena that are admitted.


In Canal Sur TV's style book, it qualifies most of the Andalusian linguistic features as grotesque, it is an affirmation of the role given to the Andalusian dialect, through the government's own news media.

Legal and institutional consideration

Speaking in the legal and institutional aspect, the Andalusian dialect is considered as an "Andalusian Linguistic Modality", according to the guidelines in the Statute of Autonomy of Andalusia of the year 2007, as well as by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Junta of Andalusia, however, lacks an official linguistic institution or academy that represents them from the existing Junta de Andalucía.

But, being so, this aspect has not been relevant in the different houses of studies, not correcting or modifying the students when they use this dialect.

Linguistic representation: phonetic and phonological

In this fragment we will be telling you about the phonetic and phonological part of Andalusian Spanish, which is identified by the use of tones and sounds with their very own dictions, of different sounds that have slightly different voices in the boreal dialects of the Iberian country. .

So, inequalities, especially in the phonetic aspect, and then phonological, morphological or syntax, come to represent these original phonetic attributes that most delimit it, as well as the typical attitude of Andalusian Spanish.

Likewise, it should be noted that some amount of Andalusian vocabulary remains, which many times they share with American languages.

Few phonetic particularities that occur in Andalusia originate from the place, most of them being limited to certain areas, such as its geolatal distribution or dialectal complex, which means a set of linguistic varieties that are spoken in nearby places.


As well as distinct sociolectal, which means a sociolect or social dialect that describes the linguistic variety used by a social class, and which also occurs in other vernaculars, which means typical of the place or country of birth of one, native, exclusively to the be the language of Spain, which are not as investigated as is the case of Andalusia.

In the aspect that refers to the phonological system, all the existing varieties in Andalusia, have a quantity of 17 consonant phonemes, namely: “BD f G hklmn ɲ p ɾ rstj”. In certain places, the rest still remain in force, such as the archaic "h", which comes from the Latin "f".

General phonetic characteristics

The Andalusian dialect is mainly characterized by a very different pronunciation from Spanish, expressing itself with a large collection of native words, which added to Spanish form a respective richness in its vocabulary.

Among many more significant general characteristics are:

  • The vowels: they have an abundant vowel timbre.
  • Seseo: His pronunciation of the letters "cz", example: say grasia, instead of grace.
  • Ceceo: Your pronunciation of the letter “s” as “cz”, example: zolo, instead of solo. Before society it is not accepted, because it is not found in educated people.
  • Yeísmo: Its pronunciation of “ll” as “and”, example: yeno for full.
  • Consonant aspirations: the letter "h" from "f" at the beginning, example: jumo for smoke.
  • The aspirated pronunciation of the letter "j", example: coha, instead of lame.
  • The letter "s" implosive, at the end of the word that can be aspirated, example: puroh, instead of pursos, or eliminate: example: mouse, instead of mice. Inside the syllable you can aspire, example: mohca instead of fly, or in turn reproduce, example; fair instead of fair.


  • Neutralization of implosive letters “lr”, for example: harpist, instead of canary grass; bebel instead of drink, and in the word arcarde, instead of pronouncing mayor.
  • Loss of intervocalic letters “d, g, r”, for example: quemaúra, auja, instead of saying needle, as well as pronouncing pea instead of pear.
  • Loss of the letters “l, r, n at the end”, for example: caná instead of canal; I sold instead of selling; brown instead of brown.
  • Phonetic change of the letter "ch", which can sound like the letters "sh" for example mushasho instead of boy.
  • Substitute you instead of you, example: you study or you study
  • Neutralization of the initial or intervocalic sounds of the letters "s" and "z", which, depending on the territory, end in a lisp or hiss. The ceceo can be found in the most Mediterranean areas of Andalusia, in fact in the province of Cádiz, and south of Seville, Huelva, Granada and Almería.
  • Transformation of the letter "s" at the end of the syllable in a short aspiration, which can usually change the consonant, let's see an example: in Castilian we say "los barco", while an Andalusian would pronounce "»loh varcoh », it is observed that the letter “b” has been modified in labiodental by the act of aspiration.
  • The rejection of the intervocalic letter "d", which is observed especially in the participles, for example in the words: «cantao», «drank» or «partío»
  • Rejection of many consonants at the end, for example, they are observed in the words: “come”, instead of pronouncing eat, “comierciá” for commercial, or it is the case of “comuniá, instead of saying community.
  • Omission of “de” as a sign of possession, for example pronouncing: “casa María”, instead of saying casa de María.
  • Link in proper names, for example: La Marta, El Pedro, among many others.
  • Lack of laísmo, leísmo, loísmo in almost the entire Andalusian territory, except in the capital cities, exerting a strong attitude in the Castilian manner, which is establishing the leísmo of a person, for example: “I greeted him”, instead of pronouncing it I greeted him.
  • In their vocabulary, there is influence from Leonese, Portuguese, Aragonese, Murcian, Valencian as well as Catalan.
  • The existence of a good number of words, which are used only in Andalusia, such as: arkausí, arresío, ehmoresío, arkatufa, arkansía, hamá, which largely come from Andalusian Arabic.


  • The substitution of the words: “you” for “you”, without modifying the verbal form, for example when they say: Are you going to the theater?, this is only observed in the western territory. In the dominant plural language, a special modification is observed, such as: "you shut up", while the Castilian expresses: "you shut up"

With the passing of time, education and the large audience of news media that use normative Spanish, in many of the aforementioned characteristics, they generally maintain a distribution of diglossia, among which some are not used in formal expression. , presenting with great continuity traces typical of the Castilian model. We recommend you read gaucho literature

The Andalusian linguistic modality

The modality of the Andalusian dialect is a way of expressing oneself very different from other modalities of different provinces, due to important aspects:

Equalization of the letter “l” and “r” implosives

In several places in Andalusia, it is common to replace the letter "l" with the letter "r", especially when it is found within a word. But, this modality is not something universal that is used throughout the Andalusian territory, everything will depend on class and social culture, it can be eliminated.

Absence of distinction between the letters "s" and "o" in the initial or intervocalic part.

It is a mode that can be solved through the use of ceceo, seseo and heheo. Certain extended proposals for Andalusian, such as the EPA proposal for Andalusian writing developed in 2017, refer to the grapheme “c” to indicate the phenomenon of neutralization generated between two phonemes.

Equalization of the letter "ll" and the letter "y", is called yeísmo or pronunciation of the letter elle as if it were ye.

Let's see an example in this way: Who does not a bîtto Çebiya no a bîtto marabiya, which translates: who has not seen Seville has not seen wonder.


Loss of the letter “s” in consonants

In this case, the sound of the letter “s” is excluded once it is between consonants. There is no absolute omission: in Andalusian, there is a reproduction of the consonantal sound to take advantage of the aspiration, which often takes its place of articulation, and sometimes holds a soft aspiration before the consonant.

Andalusia is divided into three bands

What this means is that the Occidental is made up of the three extreme provinces, where the consonant with the most sound takes over, and it does so with aspiration; while the Oriental is formed from Córdoba to Almería and produces indifferent consonants of the pair composed by aspiration plus sonorous consonant; the Central, includes the Costa del Sol and its mountain range that gently breaks into the eastern and western territory, and which also intervenes in the characteristics of both.

Punctual loss of the letter “o”

There are two cases with similarities of precise loss of the letter “o”

Occasional loss of the letter “e”

In this case, it can be seen that the singular masculine article that refers to "the" can be left without the letter "e", when preceding names that begin with a vowel.

Pronunciation of the letter “s” predorsal or flat coronal

In the Andalusian dialect, the predorsal letter "s" prevails in its pronunciation, and the flat coronal letter "s", which means coronal consonant is the one that is articulated with the front part of the tongue, which is in front of the "s" extreme that beats the rest of the Iberian Peninsula. People who speak seseantes like those who distinguish the letters "s" and "z" have to use one of the eses.

Likewise, lisps sometimes use one of them, when they change their way of expressing themselves at certain times or due to events that lead them to do so.

Pronunciation of the letter “ch” fricative (pronunciation with the organs of the oral cavity)

This modality does not occur in the eastern territory, it is an execution of the consonantal sound of the Castilian letter "ch", which can sound as if they were the "ch" of French and Portuguese origin, the English "sh" or the "sch". ” of German origin.


Aspiration of the letter “x”

It refers to the Castilian jota, it is the aspirated pronunciation of the letter “x”, the orthographic jota, and of the letter “g” when it has the sound as if it were a jot, pronouncing the aspirated letter “h” in the same way English or German the “h”.

Aspiration of the letter “h” from the initial Latin letter “f”

In this case, the aspirated articulation of the letter “h” is saved, which comes from the first Latin letter “f”, which in Spanish has no sound. Sometimes, other "haches" are also inhaled, which do not come from the Latin "efe".

This mode of aspiration has been described by custom as a very characteristic trait among the Andalusian demonym, which is why it has reached a mockery both in Andalusia and outside its territory, applying it to words that initially do not possess it.

Aspiration of the Spanish letter “f”

It is a general transformation of the aspiration of the letter “f”, up to the letter “h” to approaches where normal Spanish did not suffer from it, especially in the words: it was, I was, that in certain varieties of the Andalusian dialect, they perceive aspiration initial.

Implosive consonant aspiration

In this part we will talk about implosive consonant aspiration, which is a strong explosion of air that, together with the relaxation of obstructive sounds. Based on this concept, the so-called implosive consonants: “r, s, z, x, c, p, t, d, g, b, f and j” are aspirated. While it is in the process of aspiration, the sound of the consonant that follows it is changed by repeating it in a different way according to the sound of the characteristics that identify the consonant.

Aspiration of the implosive letter “r” followed by the letter “n”, and “l”

It is important to point out that in this modality the letters “n” and the letter “l” are oriented and duplicated. In reference to the phonetic mixtures "rn" and "rl", it happens by the aspiration of the implosive letter "r", and the repetition of the letter "n", or failing that as the letter "l".

It can be clearly seen that due to repetition, the aspiration becomes nasal and that this nasalization directly affects the vowel that comes to the letters “l” or the letter “r”.

Aspiration of the implosive letter “s” preceded by the letters “p” and “k” (“cy qu”)

As a result of the aspiration of the letters “s”, “p”, “k”, which are repeated, they become aspirated consonants, and not stops.

Aspiration of the letters “s” or “k/” («c») implosive preceded by the letter “t”

This process occurs by the aspiration of the letter "s", "t", which are repeated and give alveolar sounds, and not with occlusive effects.

A new aspect is the modification of the letter "t", repeated in the middle of aspiration in the consonantal sound, known as affricate.

There are some exclusive cases that the fricative consonants "f, s, and z" in the repetition replace most of the aspiration.

Aspiration of the implosive consonant preceded by the voiced stop of the letters “b”, “d”, “g”

In this case, instead of reproducing, the moaning stops become fricatives.

Final consonant aspiration and sandhi

The final consonants "d, l, n, r, s, z" are also aspirated as implosives, while producing the same nasal sound effects of the preliminary vowels, as well as the repetition of the following consonants.

It is often recurrent that the letter "s" is not aspirated at the end, nor is the letter "n" pronounced at the end of a word, in case the following word begins with a vowel. If this happens, a slippage of the words involved can be generated, which means when a word ends in a consonant.

On many occasions, the people of Andalusia, articulate in a Spanish regulatory way consonants that they aspire to daily, seeking to prevent the inaccuracy of coinciding in the pronunciation of two words (homophony), or because of what is known as diglossia.

That said, it is usual that the first word that is involved is responsible for showing the plural, keeping the vowel that appears at the end of the second word that is not involved in the effects of aspiration.

heheo sporadic

Heheo is a term that is not associated with a specific place, it eventually appears in a fortuitous way, that is, it depends on the moment of the conversation and the level of the verb that those who are talking have.


However, its application is not currently well researched, it is normally described as a usual trait among the inhabitants of rural territories, however, there are some terms such as "heheantes", which have been incorporated into their lexicon, forming part of its vocal additions, which are used mostly in Andalusia by the settlers, observing its manifestation of Heheo.

As we have mentioned, its speakers who pronounce heheo, resides in the aspiration of the letter "s" that is initial or intervocalic, which generates a similar sound as if it were pronouncing the letter "g" or "j". This can be evidenced among people who lisp, depending on when the conversation is taking place.

Aspiration nasalization

Nasalization is a process that consists of making sounds, usually vowels, letting the air flow through the nose, instead of through the mouth. For Spanish, nasalization does not represent something important, because there are no pairs of words that differ especially due to the effects of nasalization.

It is important to point out that certain experts in dialect research have shown the effect of nasalization by Andalusians, but a specific study has not yet been carried out with reference to this subject in terms of the Andalusian dialect.

Nasalization by aspiration occurs as a result of aspiration, either in isolated words, as well as in the union of other words.

Nasalization of the vowels that precede the final letter “n”

Just as the nasalization effect of vowels occurs, due to the aspiration of implosive consonants, an additional case of nasalization effects can be found. This can be seen in those words that end with the letter "n", then this consonant is attenuated disappearing, which stimulates in both cases the process of nasalization of the vowel that follows.

Tendency to elision and fusion of words

Elision is a process of suspending the vowel that ends one word when the next word begins with a vowel. While the fusion is the union of several elements. In the city of Andalusia, a great tendency to elision of words persists, more than in other Iberian territories.

As well as the process of disappearing the preposition "de", which is absolutely used in the Spanish language. It is usually normal, that in Andalusia they eliminate the letter "e" from the preposition "en", in the case that it is preceded by a vowel.


In this part of the article, we will be talking about Morphosyntax, which especially refers to the linguistic discipline that studies the morphological and syntatic norms and rules of a language, and in the case that concerns us, we are focused on the Andalusian dialect.

So, we can point out that this discipline is presented very differently from other places in the Iberian Peninsula, the Andalusian demonym shows a language that etymologically uses atonic pronouns, which mean they are pronounced without an accent, as they come to be: le, la and lo. , being equal to the desertion of leísmos, laísmos and loísmos in its majority of the territory.

However, the influence of various dialects has a tendency to penetrate leismo in terms such as: "I greeted him, instead of saying" I greeted him.

In most of the territory of Western Andalusia and in several areas of Eastern Andalusia, it is common to use the expressions: “ustedes” instead of saying “vosotros” with the detail that a mixed arrangement occurs, that is, using the word tú originating from the second person plural, in this case the word "you".


Fact that clashes with the way it is used in Latin America, because the expression you and its different related verbal forms have been replaced by the word "you".

Referring to the same geographical environment, pronominal language expressions, and imperatively placed in the second person plural, the continuous infinitive of "se" is used, while in the other part of the Iberian Peninsula the infinitive preceded by the letters “os”.

Apart from the fact that in other places of western Andalusia, efforts are made to keep the pluralization of the pronoun "que" in terms of astonishment, as happens in the French language, which adds the letter "s", which in phonetic aspects generates an aspiration of the "h". Although the aspiration process is smooth, it is still easily observed.

Using the word "ustedes", to represent the second person in the singular without any difference that shows formality, also occurs in the Canary Islands, being the only way used in Latin America, however, it is good to note that in some places it is attached to forms of expressions referring to the third person.

Although, the precedence of the article occurs to the proper name assigned to people, especially in family settings. It is a very common aspect in other native places of the environment of the Hispanic mother tongue, as well as in other Catalan languages, in Portuguese and in the Italian language.

There are also other phonetic aspects that intervene at the morphosyntactic level, such as in homophony scenarios that are not present in formal Spanish, but are induced by the lack of consonants. So, to perhaps resolve the inaccuracy that could allow it to flourish, it is necessary to turn to other syntactic patterns that are grouped with diminutives and adverbs.


In some moments, the falsified insertion of a consonant is required, which allows forcing a phonetic difference between the singular and the plural of a word that ends in a vowel, and preventing homophony from occurring.

Often, it can be observed that a transformation of the gender of certain words is generated, which is clearly evidenced in Western Andalusia.

According to Lorca's statements, in Andalusia there is a precise liking for using diminutives in their language, which manages to transmit the use of the noun to achieve verbal expressions.

Other aspects that distinguish them

With regard to the subject of morphosyntax, they make it distinctive with the occasional use of the suffix "emos", instead of using "amos", to mention the first person plural of the simple perfect preterite, in verbs with the infinitive " ar”, with the intention of differentiating it from the current indicative. This is an effect that occurs in different places in Spain.

Likewise, it can be clearly seen in the use of the preposition "de" between a verb that is conjugated, plus another verb that ends in the infinitive.

Likewise, it is observed in the use of the verb "to be" instead of the verb "to have", to indicate it in the most perfect preterite of a verbal way to express an action.

Alteration of the order of the elements that intervene in languages ​​that have declension.

Use of certain similar forms that are different from those of Spanish in general

Semantics and lexicon

The Andalusian dialect also enjoys having peculiarities in the semantic lexical aspects.

So, in this very particular dialect, it has linguistic parts with respect to its expressions, with special emphasis on the words typical of Andalusia, as occurs in other words used within this dialect, although they come from Arabic, Mozarabic, Latin, Romani terms. , among many.

We can point out that in the Andalusian dialect there is a range of expressions that are typical of other places and that are characterized by being archaic.

It happens that on various occasions, this vocabulary intervenes with many other South American dialects. But, it is good to make the readers aware that not the entire glossary of the Andalusian dialect is reflected in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy, RAE.

Reason for which a large number of words typical of Andalusian Castilian are shown, contained within the glossary, and that are discreetly observed less than the Argentine, Aragonese, Castilian, Chilean and other vocabulary.

However, there is an outstanding one known as El Vocabulario Andaluz, which was published by the poet, philosopher and writer named Antonio Alcalá Venceslada, in 1933.

Now, from the semantic approach, the lexical specialties that contain the Andalusian dialect are likely to be large, because words with a different meaning than usual are often used, with what remains of a large part of Spain.

Grammar in the Andalusian dialect

It is important to point out that the Andalusian dialect does not contain a formal grammar different from the grammar of Spanish usage. But, in the course of the history of the Andalusian dialect, many grammar propositions regarding the Andalusian vocabulary have been prepared, but they were not successful in terms of official approval.


The last proposal was prepared in the period of the Second Spanish Republic, which was brought to the Cortes together with a special Statute of Autonomy for Andalusia, but, due to the entry of the Spanish Civil War, everything was stunned, and consolidation was not achieved.

In this aspect, there is a special peculiarity, which foresees what happened in America, with the replacement of the pronoun "vosotros" by "ustedes" in the Andalusian dialect used in the western part. However, the exclusive forms of expressing the second plural continue to be preserved, which in most of America would be replaced by the third person.


Spelling represents an element of great importance when expressing ideas in writing, and in the case that concerns us the Andalusian dialect, they are written with different scopes. So, we have that since the middle of the seventeenth century, the Andalusian demonym, does not currently have in its hands a firm and universal system, which establishes the writing in a different way from the orthography, known until now and that this immersed in the Spanish language.

Currently, certain cultural groups in Andalusia have carried out normalization proposals in the process of normalizing, applying and improving those existing in the Andalusian dialect, we can mention those established in EPA based on Er Prinçipito Andalûh, which is about the informal group of studies and fans who have a taste for the Andalusian expression.

Likewise, in the proposal made by the ZEA, which is the Society for the Study of Andalusian, called Zoziedá pal Ehtudio'el Andalú, which is a cultural association based in Mijias-Spain, which works with the sole objective of investigating the Andalusian dialect.

Literary works

After an exhaustive search and their respective analyzes of the most significant works of Rhetoric and Poetics, which have been published in the XNUMXth century, it has been concluded that there are enough works, with a great valuable content of the range of his writings.


Many different literary theories have been recognized, among which topics such as: Sensualism, Sensualism, Mitigated Sensualism or sentimentality, Eclecticism, Eclectic Spiritualism, Traditionalism, Neoscholasticism, Idealism, Krausism and many currents such as Utilitarianism and Romanticism.

Within the Andalusian dialect, there are important literary works that have marked the history of its idiosyncrasy, and which are also used in the Andalusian vocabulary, among which are mentioned:

The troubadour-drama: Uncle Tronera's children: Sainete. Author: Antonio Garcia Gutierrez

The shearer, parody of The troubadour. Author: Antonio Garcia Gutierrez

Bookseller: Witch love. Author Gregorio Martinez Sierra

Bookseller: The brief life (opera). Author: Carlos Fernandez-Shaw

Entremés: Desire to fight. Authors: Álvarez Quintero Brothers

Geographic distribution of its characteristic features

To our knowledge, the Andalusian dialect has phonetic and phonological traits, which are geographically distributed in a different way. For this reason, we observe quantities of these traits are present in other natives of the Spanish language proper from Spain.

Equalization of the letters “l” and “r” implosives

This aspect of equalization between the indicated letters is normal for it to occur in a large part of the Andalusian territory. However, in specific places, the replacement of the letter "r" by the letter "l" is maintained, this type of language is recurrent in the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico and Cuba.


They can be pointed out as an example in their dictions: body, instead of saying body, or saltén, instead of saying frying pan. Likewise, it happens in other variants in an extreme way from north to south, however, these expressions are considered of little importance.

Equalization of the sounds of the letters “s” and “θ” initial or intervocalic

Contrary to the usual appreciation of the lisp as a peasant phenomenon, there is a good proportion of inhabitants in Andalusia who have a good amount of lisp. Being Malaga, the city that is in second place as the largest in Andalusia, maintains a good proportion of people who express themselves with lisps.

But the seseo with the letter "s" is characteristic of certain nearby suburbs known as La Caleta or El Palo, and the decline of lisps favors the distinction, either due to the influence of immigrants from non-lisps territories.

The city of Jerez de la Frontera has the highest population density within the province, being the one with the majority of lisps, however, there is evidence of a good proportion of increase in speakers with seseo; while the lisp continues to prevail.

Opposite, to what happens in the provincial capital of Cádiz, a place where seseo prevails, despite the fact that it enjoys greater influence in other municipalities of the province with strong traits of lisping. Huelva must have perceived the influence of those who arrive with the seseante Andévalo, as well as many people, not typical of Andalusia, who arrived in recent times. Despite this fact, the lisp is still going strong in this city.

There are also other cities belonging to Andalusia, which have how to solve the lisp in most of the majority are: Marbella, Dos Hermanas, Puerto Real, Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Utrera, Algeciras, San Fernando, Chiclana de la Frontera, El Puerto de Santa María, Vélez-Málaga, or El Ejido.


Among the cities of Andalusia where seseo prevails are: Cádiz, Seville and Córdoba. It is worth noting that in Cádiz, as in Seville, the predorsal letter “s” is used, although in Córdoba the flat coronal letter “s” is used, defining the two types of Andalusian seseo, present in the three cities.

It should be noted that seseo is greater in El Andévalo or El Campo de Andévalo, belonging to Huelva, Sierra Norte de Sevilla, and the city of Seville itself, and a large part of the metropolitan territory due to the current predominance of the capital.

Likewise, it happens in the regions of the Alta and Baja Campiña of Córdoba, as well as La Subbética located in the southeast of the province of Córdoba.

Likewise, in the Llanos de Antequera, which is located in the north of the province of Malaga, the seseo prevails, despite the simultaneous existence of the ceceo, according to the region and the way people speak. The seseo phenomenon is introduced in the northwest of the province of Granada, in western territories and the Guadalquivir Valley in the province of Jaén, and in a legal way in Almería.

Now, given all that has been said about the phenomena of lisping and seseo, it cannot be said that any of them come from the western part, and another from the eastern part, as can be certified on the map.

Apart from the fact that there are regions in Andalusia, where the distinction between the letters "s" and "θ" occurs, due to the intervention of the languages ​​of evolution that exist between the Andalusian dialect and Castilian. In addition, there are numbers of Andalusian people who distinguish the letter "s" and "θ", due to the diglossia produced by the official educational training system established throughout the territory.

Now, speaking about seseo, it also occurs in certain places in the Region of Murcia, Castilla-La Mancha and Extremadura, the Spanish autonomous community. As well as in the region of Cartagena autonomous community of the region of Murcia, and in Extremadura, the phenomenon is also found, in other places close to the Portuguese limits and in Fuente del Maestre.


The phenomenon known as ceceo, is also popular in Malpartida de Plasencia, a Spanish town and municipality, in the province of Cáceres, autonomous community of Extremadura. It is to be known that the canary seseo and the Hispano-American diversities, is observed as the most limited American lisp. Its origin is born in the pattern of non-distinction of the letters "s" and "θ" grown in the city of Andalusia.

Loss of intervocalic and initial letter “d”

This phenomenon occurs throughout the territory of Andalusia, likewise, it is frequent throughout La Mancha and Extremadura, as well as in certain places in Cantabria. The collapse caused in the letter "d" when forming participles and adjectives preceded by them, according to the suffix used, for example: "ado", is normal throughout the Iberian Peninsula, where the disappearance occurs in other specific cases.

Loss of final consonants “r”, “l” and “d”

This phenomenon usually occurs throughout the dialect territory, the disappearance of the letters "d" at the end, is something normal in most of the Spanish territory. In certain places the letters “r” and “l” are assimilated into the letter “l” instead of being discarded.

After the loss of a letter "l" or an "r", the vowel is more open, with greater emphasis in Eastern Andalusia.

Pronunciation of the letters “tf” as a fricative

Regarding the fricative pronunciation of the letters "tf", they still contain a discontinuous line, which is evident in the provinces of Cádiz, Seville and Málaga and in El Llanito, in the two thirds of the southern region of Granada, and certainly in the south of Almería. In the cities of Huelva, Córdoba and Jaén, the use of this pronunciation is largely limited to certain specific regions.

Especially in Latin America, the letter "f" as an execution of the phoneme "tf" occurs in eastern countries such as: Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Chile, northern Mexico and Panama.


Debucalization as “h” of the phoneme “x”

Regarding linguistic variation and diversity, the pronunciation of the phoneme “x”, which is generally represented by the letters “j” and “g”, before the vowels “e” “i”, such as “h”, occurs throughout the territory of Western Andalusia.

This is penetrated into the three eastern provinces, in an imaginary cross: northwest southwest, which disappear from the imaginary trace of the line, which largely agrees with the region of distinction between the letters "s" and "z", which It is observed in the southwestern center of the city of Granada, in the west of Almería and in certain areas of Jaén.

In the territory of Jaén, the opposite effect to aspiration occurs, when they pronounce the letter "j" as an articulated consonant and with a consonantal sound of "x", it is a sound similar to a growl.

The Andalusian in popular music

Andalusian music played a major role in the XNUMXth century, known as the Golden Age of Spanish Music. Hardly any territories in the world have a musical heritage as varied and rich as that of Andalusia.

The city of Andalusia has, since the genesis of its history, an authentic and unique musical essence, which is the product of the mixture of rhythms, melodies, rites, dances and their musical instruments, from different towns and historical settings that settle it with their original Andalusian dialect.

The Andalusian has the ability to use as part of his music the lyrics that make up the flamenco genre, as well as popular Andalusian music from another aspect.


The author Antonio Martín Moreno clearly shows in his work “Demófilo”, El folk-lore andaluz, from the year 1883, flamenco and Andalusian music. Similarly, in his work History of Andalusian music, he tells of the remains of the Middle Paleolithic, where there are carved bones or radederas, instruments for scraping, accompanying the beat of the music with his original Andalusian vocabulary.

Likewise, the famous Spanish pop rock musical group formed in 1986 "Don't tread on me because I'm wearing flip-flops" at the beginning of 1990, published the "Agropó Dictionary", which contains in humorous format, expressions, words and original Andalusian phrases, which also has typical grammar and spelling, and was later translated into formal Spanish.

It is equally important to let people know about the Andalusian rock genre, as a first-rate musical and cultural icon, dedicated to researching and updating the Andalusian genesis and the general use of the Andalusian dialect, among which are Medina Azahara, Triana , Mosque, and many others.

The Andalusian people feel rooted in their culture every day, so it is noted that Andalusian musical groups emerge every day, which decide to create their musical productions based on the Andalusian language.

These groups include: Chambao, Los Delinqüentes, Mojinos Escozíos, Jesuly, O'funk'illo, Er Koala, Hora Zulu, El Lunatico, El Barrio, SFDK, Ojos de Brujo and Canteca de Macao, Abocajarro or Triple XXX.

As well as the creation of the group of the Fundación de Raperos Atípicos de Cádiz, with its spectacular song “Denomination of Origin”

Also the Catalan expert named Jaime Pahissa, when talking about the characteristics of Spanish music, assures that these, without any doubt, are typical of Andalusian popular music.

From the beginning of the puellae gaditanae de las Gades, which refers to a popular dance, and until the last representatives of the musical romanticism of Albeniz, Falla and Turina, in all of these it has always been present since its conception, the Andalusian people have been present and showing its originality and priority.

History of the Andalusian dialect

It tells the story of the Andalusian dialect, which was born as a typical variation of the language that was brought by the Castilians who conquered and inhabited the Guadalquivir valley, ranging from Jaén to Cádiz, in the XNUMXth century.

Then, in the year 1942, just when the Catholic Monarchs ended the reign of Granada, the Castilian language spread throughout the region, including from Seville, Cádiz or Córdoba, and at that time some characteristics were observed with special attention to seseo, lisp.

From here, a style of language was established in a large part of the territory, to the West and to the East, which would continue in many places, unlike the Castilian of Toledo, Valladolid or Burgos.

During the XNUMXth century, times in which the modality of the Andalusian dialect was definitively specified, which made possible the economic, social and cultural power that Seville enjoyed at that time, which was admitted by the Andalusian population, the form of a different language , favored its consolidation in Andalusia.


One aspect that intervenes in the Andalusian dialect is the remoteness of some geographical areas, such as Sierra Morena, which favored, like the linguistic norms that came from Toledo or Madrid, the complicated introduction in Andalusia for many years.

The first information of the separation of the Andalusian dialect, appears in the fifteenth century, in these times, there are writings of different ranges such as: poetic and legal, with wrong spelling that indicated an existence of seseo-cessation, equalization of ancient sounds symbolized by : “ce , ci , ç , z , and by ss , s”. Just as there are indicatives where Andalusians are recognized for their way of expressing themselves.

All this information increased in the XNUMXth century, especially at the end of this century, and during the XNUMXth century, when several experts such as grammarians and writers mentioned on many occasions the style of speech they have in Andalusia, qualified as different, with the intention criticism, however, positive reviews were present.

The phenomenon that is permanently mentioned is known as seseo-ceceo, which during the XNUMXth century adds the aspirated pronunciation of the letters “ge, gi, j”, according to different legends of words considered within the Andalusian language.

From the eighteenth century, it is presumed that the linguistic context of Andalusia would become approximately the same, however, the regional literature of the nineteenth century, and the growth of the dialect present in the twentieth century, does not have abundant information.

So, for this reason, the belief that the beginning of the Andalusian dialect or speech is the product of the intervention of other languages ​​is absolutely annulled. This has its explanation, first of all, because all the characteristics of the Andalusian language, in its origin and reproduction, come within the history of formal Spanish.

In the second aspect, it can be said, due to the fact that credible performance is impossible: the Latin of Hispalis or Corduba, which continues with the romance of the Mediterranean Mozarabs, was suppressed from al-Andalus throughout the XNUMXth century, a century prior to the visit of the Castilians of their own language; leaving the Arab forgotten to a secondary inferiority in Christian Andalusia from the thirteenth to fifteenth centuries, due to the dismissal of the great part of the Muslim population, after the conquest.

The presence of these, as well as their intervention, left behind a Castilian known as "Andalusian", and finally, the expressions of the gypsies, who arrived in the city of Andalusia at the end of the fifteenth century, who left few expressions, some being attractive. .

Historically, the Andalusian expression has been considered officially, as a dialect of Castilian, because it is claimed to be a language product of the historical process of language fragmentation, being of all the existing speeches in the peninsula, the Andalusian dialect only provincial variety of neither primitive nor romantic beginnings.

It refers to a proper progress of Castilian, which was introduced in Andalusian territories by colonizers and settlers from the thirteenth century. The Andalusian dialect is wrapped within a linguistic modality that belongs to a Spanish-speaking region.

Andalusian dialect today

Currently, there are few expert scholars on the subject who dare to openly present the assumptions about Andalusian, referred to as a dialect of Castilian Spanish. Everything happens because of the great importance that the Andalusian has in its seal as an inferiority in front of the Castilian, which makes a link between the two difficult.

There is a general opinion about Andalusian, which is currently known as a poorly spoken language, at different levels and depending on many variables, so that the Andalusian dialect comes from Castilian Spanish and not from a primitive language of the region.


It can be concluded that in Andalusia, an evident lexical range persists, but, for the most part, it is a primitive vocabulary, which is unknown by many people in the region. For reasons that they do not stay in the region or because of the social environment, or because they are not immersed in a traditional and rural environment.

However, to narrow down a little more about the history or origin of this linguistic modality, one must look at the times known as Andalusian, where common Arabic spoken in Al-Andalus progressed until reaching the language of Alyamia, the that was expressed by the people of Al-Andalus, who were not related to the people of high birth who dominated at that time. In the Alyamia language, you can find enough traces that are currently very characteristic of Andalusians.

Finally, many Andalusian speakers use words from their culture to express themselves that are still valid in the Andalusian dialect, without hesitation, contradictions, and they do so freely.

Curiosities of the Andalusian dialect

This Andalusian dialect is surrounded by curious circumstances, such as the fact that a range of grammars alluding to the "Andalusian language" have been prepared throughout its history, with the aim of protecting and preserving its distinction, and avoiding its mixed with Spanish, however, they were not successful in being legally approved.

Being the last grammar elaborated, during the Second Spanish Republic, and taken for approval before the Cortes, in the company of the Autonomous Statute for Andalusia, which was not achieved due to the intervention of the Spanish Civil War.

Abstract: In Andalusia people do not speak in the same way

As we have highlighted, in Andalusia it is not spoken in the same way, the great part of the Andalusian dialect is present in certain places, while others are not manifested.


Reason why the lisp can be exemplary, which is widespread in most of the provinces of Seville, Huelva, Cádiz, and Málaga, in Córdoba, Jaén, Granada, while in Almería the seseo predominates. Similarly, the aspiration of the letter "j", as well as the affricate articulation of the letter "ch" are particular phenomena of Andalusia, and not known in the West.

The Andalusian linguistic modality, also known as the Andalusian dialect, or simply Andalusian, is a variety of Spanish that is expressed in the city of Andalusia, which is located in southern Spain. Speakers of this mode have many common characteristics, which together with their large number allows them to be among the most significant varieties of the language.

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