How to plant sunflowers in an easy way?

Plants are one of the main factors for the advancement of life on the planet, they also represent one of the main sources of food, such as sunflower seeds that represent a great source of nutrition, let's learn a little more about How to plant Sunflowers and about the process of obtaining the sunflower seed, here in this article.


The sunflowers

Plants are considered as living beings that are responsible for offering food for the development of life on earth, but being more important for carrying out one of the most important biochemical processes for humans, which is photosynthesis, existing a great variety of species and genera, also differing by the fruits and flowers that they may present. In this case, we will learn about the sunflower plant.

Sunflowers correspond to a herbaceous plant that belongs to the asteraceae family, where its scientific name is known as helianthus annus, being a very significant plant for its large flowers and its fruits that are edible and with a robust stem. Its name is attributed to its different properties that it possesses as a plant and to its shape, which is very similar to the sun's rays.

Standing out when they are young, they can generate the effect of turning in the direction of the sun's rays, known as heliotropism, a prominent term in the world of botany where a set of movements that plants have where they are responsible for direct all its leaves and flowers according to the direction of the sun, making a movement that points directly to the sun from east to west and at night they tend to lean towards sunrise.

The sunflower can also be recognized by other names such as mirasol, sun flower, shield flower, among others. It is a very symbolic flower due to its bright yellow colors making it a very popular flower to be used as an ornamental. It is native to the American continent, specifically from Central America and North America where there are a large number of crops and has also been cultivated since ancient times, with the passage of time its popularity began to expand throughout the world, being used for decorative purposes.

Characteristics of Sunflowers

Sunflowers are scientifically known as Helianthus Annuus, with their other common names being Calom, Jáquima, Maravilla, Acahual, Mirasol, among other popular names. It is considered as an annual plant native to the American continent, specifically from Central and North America, and is also cultivated as a food, oilseed and ornamental vegetable in all parts of the world.


Sunflowers correspond to a species of plant that is native to the American continent, it has been cultivated for more than 1000 BC. C. this is known by the information or data recorded from them since then. Where it is possible to indicate that sunflowers were first of all domesticated in Mexico approximately 2600 years before Christ. Also standing out for having influences on different Amerindian cultures such as the Wayuus, Kariñas, Eskimos, Apaches, Mayans, Mexicas, among other American indigenous tribes.

For the indigenous tribes, the sunflower was considered a representative symbol of the deity of the sun, over time its adoration and veneration spread, where the Aztecs and the Otomíes in the Mexican country and the Incas in the country stand out mainly. Peruvian, standing out for its great veneration. Francisco Pizarro a conqueror, was the first to locate the image that the natives used of the sunflower as a symbol of the sun god, in Tahuantinsuyo located between Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador.

With the arrival of the Spaniards to the American continent, the Spaniards begin to have access to the sunflower gold figures of the native tribes, they also begin to have contact with sunflower seeds, being transferred to the European continent in the mid-XNUMXth century, As a result of all this, it begins to spread throughout the world and to be cultivated in fields in various countries, being used for food purposes as a fruit.

They are considered as annual plants, correspond to those that can emerge, grow and develop and die in one year, re-emerging in the following year. It can reach three meters in height. Its stems are usually erect, smooth and bristly, normally its leaves can have alternate and petiolate shapes with all their edges serrated. Its lower face is completely smooth and bristly and has a gladulous shape and its upper shape is glabrous.

The section of the bracts that is responsible for accompanying the flower known as Involucre is wide and has a diameter of 15 to 40 millimeters, some can even reach up to 20 centimeters.


The sunflower is a flower head that can have a large number of small individual flowers that are composed of five petals known as florets. All those external flowers that come to resemble petals are known as lightning flowers, in a nutshell it can be considered that the sunflower is not a flower, but rather a flower head that is made up of a variety of different flowers.

They are considered as sterile plants that have a yellow color, also red and orange, until the formation of the disc-shaped flower head until the fruit of the sunflower, which is the seed, matures. This seed corresponds to a fruit highly sought after by growers, because there is a great demand in the gastronomic field, all this is due to its very favorable chemical properties for food and health.

How to plant Sunflowers?

The sunflower is an annual plant that can reach up to 3 meters, being considered a very tall plant, being a stem that grows vertically where the leaves are born and finally it can reach the top of the plant, it can come to present a great attraction and sought after to have a large number of crops and crops, where it is not only used as an ornamental plant. The steps to be able to execute the sowing of sunflowers in the soil are the following to highlight:

Step 1:

The climate must be considered before sowing can be carried out because the plant does not fear heat, highlighting the fact that summer flowers can be completely exposed to sunlight, also being able to withstand very short times of aridity, but it does not usually support high percentages of humidity, causing stagnation that generates stains on its roots that are very harmful to the plant.

Step 2:

It is recommended that the land used is completely full of organic substances, using fertilizers such as animal manure, egg shells, banana shells, coffee must, among others. Supporting its fertilization, do all this before carrying out the sowing.

Step 3:

When sowing, it is advisable to carry it out in spring time, approximately in March or April, because its seed can reach a good size and can be placed throughout the field, trusting that its germination will not cause difficulties.

Step 4:

In case of planting in a pot, due care should be taken as the plant can have very significant roots, so it should not take long for its transplant. The flowerpots must guarantee the necessary drainage for the circulation of water throughout the plant and avoiding at all times that it remains accumulated or possible waterlogging that stimulates the plant to rot.

Step 5:

In case of sowing in the field, it is recommended to carry out the process with the seeds 15 or 20 centimeters apart, preferably they should be placed in rows, not very close to each other to allow the passage of light between them once they begin to germinate.

Step 6:

The care of the plant is quite simple, since it is a plant that does not require much work, standing out for growing vertically, it can be affected by the winds, so it is recommended to place a support such as a stick that supports it. In the same way, attention should be paid to it during its growth due to its shape and condition that can cause the plant to bend or deform due to the action of the wind.

Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower fruits are well known as sunflower seeds, where the shells of the fruit itself are considered, normally they are usually consumed after being roasted and also after being previously salted, according to gastronomic studies it is considered very healthy, where In many countries, sunflower oil is made, which is made up of alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) and other natural substances.


The sunflower plant is considered a summer plant that is responsible for covering an entire yellow face in the place where it is planted. Very characteristic for its bright color, the cultivation of sunflowers is a very common practice, mainly because they are easy to grow and are very tolerant to heat, strong and resistant to the different climatic conditions that can arise and even to the pests that are constantly exposed. Other main reasons are to obtain the various benefits from sunflower seeds and sunflower oil.

Normally the sowing of sunflower seeds must be carried out before the last frost, in order to guarantee the collection of the sunflower seed in the autumn season, being highly sought after for its flavor and consistency. It is recommended that they be collected during this season because after this they usually turn brown, so they tend to be very well stored in airtight places, conserving their properties such as vitamins E and B1 or magnesium and copper.

It is considered a good companion for various appetizers as part of salads, desserts and some other dishes. In addition, just as they are highly sought after by people, they also represent a good option for some garden animals, such as squirrels and birds, with sunflower fields being a great source of food for small rodents.

Sunflower cultivation

Sunflower crops, as they are a plant that usually reach large areas, very prominent for their yellow coloration, presenting a certain care to obtain the desired benefits from the flower, let us know below the main characteristics that we must keep in mind:

Sunflower Variety and Sunlight Cultivation

In case of being able to have the possibility of sowing sunflower seeds, it can sometimes be presented inside the interior zones during the last frosts, preferably to take advantage of the growing season. The plant is characterized by having very significant and long primary roots, in this case the area in which the plant will be located must be taken into account.


Being recommended to be cultivated in outdoor areas or be transplanted after treating the plant and containing at least two leaves, this could avoid damaging the primary roots that are the most prominent. While sowing seeds indoors may mean that all young plants may need to be hardened before they can be transplanted outdoors.

The climates that favor them the most, such as the heat, should be allowed to thicken their stem only during the day, while at night it is recommended that they be returned indoors. This procedure can be followed until a greater thickness is observed, possibly after two weeks that they are subjected to all this treatment, carry it out until the stem is strengthened and then transplant it into the ground.

The sowing of the seeds of the sunflowers must be exposed under sunlight and in direct contact with the sun, being exposed in the garden areas preferably from six to eight hours in the sun. It is advisable to choose an appropriate place for planting sunflowers because they play an important role in the growth of the plant, mainly because of their heliotrope properties that usually follow the path of the sun.

All this type of treatment stimulates an unleashed growth of internal hormones in the sunflower plant itself, favoring healthy and stimulating growth throughout the plant. This factor will influence depending on the type of sunflower that is cultivated, some can become very tall, highly sought after to decorate gardens, so it is highly recommended that it be planted in the northern regions of the gardens.

Some of the most outstanding varieties of sunflowers is the American Giant being able to reach up to 5 meters in height and even their flower heads can measure up to a foot wide. Therefore, it is necessary to have a sufficient amount of space to favor its growth, in addition to being able to plant other species of sunflowers such as those of more dwarf genera that are only 30 centimeters high.

All plants that have a medium height can reach a height of up to 1,5 and 2,5 meters in height and with flower heads 25 centimeters wide. Highlighting some of its other species, because they produce a large flower while another can reach various forms of flower heads, also highlighting the fact that they can have other varieties of colors apart from yellow, such as red for the well-known Little Becka and Terracotta or purple for the well-known Chianti and Ms. Mars.

Soil and Water

The soil is also known as substrate, it corresponds to the section where plants are usually planted in order to carry out their development and growth, they are composed of a wide variety of minerals and elements that are responsible for strengthening the plant and allow its continuous development. , it is also linked to other elements or properties that are responsible for benefiting the plant and corresponds to water, it is considered one of the most important elements for the development of life and the maintenance of a plant in the substrate, participating in one of the main biochemical processes that is photosynthesis.

Sunflower plants are usually resistant and also very easy to grow, they can usually have preferences for land and water that can favor their growth and allow them to obtain a sufficiently abundant harvest. In case you have a kind of small low-growing sunflowers, it is necessary to give them the necessary space to branch out.

It is recommended to sow the seeds approximately 2,5 centimeters deep and preferably 15 centimeters apart as long as they are grown outdoors, then they must be transplanted to a much stronger and more resistant area and preferably with a separation of approximately 15 at 20 centimeters.

The application of organic fertilizers that can favor the properties of the soil for the healthy growth of the plant is suggested, for sunflowers the organic compost that is mixed with the selected land is applied to carry out the sowing where the growth can be stimulated. strengthening of the roots, it will also protect young plants and those that remain tender that may be affected by the wind.

As the plant acquires 15 centimeters in height, it is necessary to cover the plant with a mantle, in this way it is possible to control the growth of weeds around the sunflowers and conserve water. They have the ability to resist drought, to have the best production to obtain the largest number of seeds as long as the plant receives enough water.

The sowing of sunflower seeds should be done gradually, recommendably over a period of five or up to six weeks, to be able to enjoy all the flowers during the summer season and also have an abundant production in its inflorescence time in the spring. fall season. It is not recommended that the plants be fertilized in excess, since they do not need a large amount in excess for their growth.

Excessive fertilization for sunflowers can cause the stems to be much weaker and tend to break when the flower head is full of seeds. Once sunflower plants are fully established, it is recommended to water deeply and regularly, but rooting deep into the plant should be avoided. As the sunflowers grow, it is necessary to water them once a week, adding a large amount of water, in case the weather is very humid or dry, and then add the amount necessary for the plant.

In case the plant is very tall, it may need bamboo supports to remain stable, where they must be buried deep in the ground in this way, it can provide great resistance against the wind.

Frequent pests

All plants are exposed to different climatic conditions and animals that can affect their growth and development, just as all people are responsible for collecting sunflower seeds, as well as squirrels and birds. Therefore it is advisable to apply protection barriers against animals and possible rodents.

Deer can also be controlled by high wire barriers to prevent them from crossing. The way to prevent birds from approaching is to place bright tape or stringing that blows in the wind on poles around the garden. It is advisable to rotate them because the birds will memorize the areas where the tapes are located. It is recommended to use barriers for the birds that come close to nibble on the sunflowers, in these cases it is advisable to use a chicken coop over the flowers and nets that may deter them.

When using the special mesh for chicken coops, insect activity and also some pollination can occur, which are responsible for developing the seeds, all the seeds, mainly during the autumn seasons. It is also possible to install more technology and for this reason it is recommended to be able to use some microchips that rotate with the wind emitting sounds that help ward off rodents that wish to take the fruits of the sunflowers.

Therefore, it is advisable to collect all the nuts, berries or acorns that are in the vicinity, since all of them can attract squirrels and other rodents. It is also advisable to secure all garbage containers and not let any food that may be found outside. For these cases, it is recommended to use natural repellents, normally they can be made from the urine of some natural predators such as mountain tigers, cougars, among others, this repellent can be sprayed around the entire crop in order to maintain them. away.

In the case that all the sunflowers are completely ready to bloom, it is advisable to apply a spray based on cayenne pepper, normally the birds will not be affected and will continue to approach them, but in the case of the squirrels they will avoid them and not they will eat They usually use chicken coop mesh and a wide variety of nets to keep the birds away, it should always be ensured that all the lower parts are attached to the ground, thus helping to restrict the passage of squirrels and rodents.

Sunflower Seed Harvest

Sunflower seeds are considered the main fruit that sunflower plants have, they are very popular for their various nutritional properties that favor the human body, to the point that there are a large number of crops in order to obtain this precious product, having a high impact on the international market and a high demand for its consumption in various regions, it should be noted that a certain number of conditions are met to have an ideal sunflower seed.

The collection of sunflower seed can be considered a family activity, even in North America community activities are developed for its collection. Emphasizing at all times that their collection time is very important, you should not wait too long because they will tend to dry out and cannot be roasted or it may happen that the creatures that are in the area collect most of them without leaving anything for the harvest season. autumn and winter.

It is necessary that all the plants are ready to be harvested at the right time with a fruit that is not excessively ripe or very green. In this case, the sunflower flower heads start to fall off and at that point they usually start to turn a dark brown color.

There are a variety of methods that allow to collect all the seeds that are widely used in sunflower crops, the first corresponds to collecting all the seeds that are completely ripe and form in the stem and mainly at the time when the head it begins to loosen and fall, in this case the stem is usually cut approximately 2,5 centimeters below the head and it is necessary to rub the seeds, finally dry the seeds and store them in a container.

Similarly, you can start collecting all sunflower seeds when two-thirds of all seeds are ripe. In this case, it is recommended to be able to cut the stem into several longer pieces and also wrap the paper bag

Sunflower seeds have properties and a very appetizing taste, most of their benefits stand out is that they can have anti-inflammatory properties that can be very beneficial for cardiovascular health. Also highlighting the fact that it has phytosterols where all sunflower seeds have it, it can allow the balance between the different cholesterol levels.

It also represents a component that is responsible for reducing bronchial problems, helps reduce blood pressure and is also used to help against all migraine discomfort and neurological problems. The magnesium content is also responsible for supporting the supply of energy and favoring the bone properties of the people who are consuming it, supporting nervous and muscular conditions.

It should be noted that sunflower seeds represent a great source of selenium, a mineral that is responsible for disposing of all waste from the body. In addition to also having a large amount of fibers, which favors the formation of feces, it also decreases the absorption of glucose and can promote the full feeling of satiety for as long as possible.

Sunflower seeds are widely used for various recipes, usually you get to take a handful of all the sunflower seeds and thus consume them. Then it should be considered to include them in the homemade mixture of all the nuts, it can be sprinkled on salads and all the dry seeds can be ground and then applied to meat, instead of being used as flour.

Sunflower seeds are considered a great complement to be applied to all hot or cold homemade cereals, being also given as a texture and also for having a unique flavor when applied to scrambled eggs. Homemade butters can even be made from nuts, specifically unprocessed nuts, organic, they are loaded with fat and a wide variety of healthy nutrients.

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