We let you know everything about the Sacral Chakra

If about ten years ago you had heard someone talk about the chakras, it would have sounded strange to you, this is knowledge that is currently becoming very popular in the Western world and comes to us from India. In this opportunity we concentrate on highlighting different points related to the sacral chakra.

sacral chakra

What is the Sacral Chakra?

It is very important to know which of all the chakras is the Sacral Chakra, according to Hinduism the human body has a physical representation but also a subtle one that corresponds to its spirit, in this there are 7 nuclei or main energy centers, although later it has been studied that there are many more, these are the main ones through which the body's energy passes and whose correct functioning will be reflected in our lives.

To learn more about all the types of chakras, their location and function read: chakras of the human body how to open them.

They have been explained in various media and programs including cartoons like Avatar. In the adventures of the monks of the same a metaphor is used about the chakras that compares them with points in a stream where the water of the same is concentrated to jump from well to well. In the human body we understand that this water is energy and that for everything to flow, these places must be free of obstacles that hinder the rhythm of the system.

Science even investigates more and more about what the chakras are and their implications in the life of man, having already medical, biological and chemical investigations that maintain that what we can call chakras are closely related to the body's endocrine system, which among many things, it regulates its hormonal functioning and, being more specific, each chakra is associated with a gland of the human physical body.

The one we are concentrating on today is the second on the list if we go from the bottom up, the sacral chakra, in ascending order first we would have the base or root chakra closely related to the kidney glands and to which everything related to the fire of life or the energy to precisely live it.

His name in Sanskrit, a very old Hindu language, is Muladhara which is usually represented with the color red precisely because of the high charge of energy, love and compassion that it contains within and to which this chakra is connected.

The next chakra, which is the protagonist of the night, is the sacral chakra or svadhishthana which is usually represented with orange or yellow colors and is closely related to pleasure, fertility, fluidity, sensuality, creativity, the element that is associated with it is water and is also called the sweet home of the soul or the own place.

As you have surely already noticed, this is a chakra that is closely related to sexuality and the enjoyment of it, which is why it is associated with the reproductive glands such as the ovaries and gonads.

Being the chakra also of creativity, examples such as those of artists or children themselves, are crucial to understand to what extent it can be blocked. If it is from this chakra that we connect with our creative power by getting closer to ourselves, it also helps us to see in what aspects of life we ​​are rushing, pressing or judging which creates a blockage in creativity.

We take them as examples precisely because they reach a point where they concentrate so much that time does not matter in the execution of their works as in the exploration of their games.

sacral chakra

Features svadhishthana

The closest translation of its Sanskrit name is the sweet home of the soul and its location refers us to the space where the cradle where humans are formed is located, this being the lower abdomen. Other characteristics of the Sacral Chakra are, for example:

  1. That its element is water or fluids.
  2. Its color orange.
  3. his mantra is WOW, oh.
  4. The sense that awakens is that of taste.
  5. associated with reproduction
  6. Its verbs are to want and to feel; the gods and planets that govern and accompany it are: Indra, Rakini, Vishnu, Mercury, Jupiter and Luna
  7. Their obstacles to overcome are guilt and shame.

How does it get out of balance?

A chakra goes out of balance when there is too much or too little energy in it, which means, specifically in the case of the sacral chakra, that shame and guilt are doing their thing causing no energy to arrive or too much energy to be deposited in the chakra. that point. We notice that there is an imbalance in the sacral chakra, when:

  • You find it difficult to express your emotions.
  • Women have menstrual problems, such as pain.
  • You have addictions to games, food or sex.
  • You are very sensitive or you get upset very easily.
  • You think a lot about each thing you are going to do, instead of doing it.

Balance the Sacral Chakra

To balance the sacral chakra there are both external and internal techniques. On the one hand, aromatherapy, stones or gems and even laying on of hands are solutions that can help us balance the sacral chakra from the outside.

The internal ones, on the other hand, are meditation, introspection, review of behavior, forgiveness and acceptance of what we have done or what has happened to us so that from that reflection we can create a reality that is harmonious and growth for ourselves and around us.

How does it feel to have this chakra balanced?

You become a more creative being, or to put it more appropriately, when you feel fullness, courage to take risks to try and do things, when you see yourself as attractive, sensual and who can love and be loved, you are experiencing a state of balance and healing in the sacral chakra.

Together with the root Chakra this feels like having a lot of energy and desire to live and create a happy, abundant, prosperous, fun life and that is surrounded by people who also feel at that level of high creative potential, both for their jobs and for your relationships.

sacral chakra


The stones that are used in therapies to balance the chakras, can be obtained in any specialized establishment and even those that are used as amulets or objects that we keep in our room or somewhere in our house, these are:

  • Moon Stone.
  • Amber.
  • Tiger's Eye.

By the way, if you want to learn something about runes, we recommend the entry on lucky runes.

It is understood that to activate the sacral chakra these stones are conducive because the orange and yellowish colors they emit make them a great option to awaken it, however, if the case is the opposite and rather you want to make a chakra very active, where a lot of information flows, calm down and drain what should be done is to put stones that are of the complementary color, for example, for the sacral chakra they are blue stones.

You can also place some of these stones in the place where you live, that is, in your living space if you do not want to wear them as jewelry or accessories, which could be a complement to stone therapies or even create an artistic composition that you can keep in your bag or in your wallet when you go out of the house.

Another technique to release energy is based on declarations and one of them is that after establishing contact with mother earth either by touching the ground or sitting on the roots of a tree, you declare, with these or other words of your choice , that you deliver the remaining energy to mother earth.

With this you will progressively feel a greater balance if what happened was that you felt overloaded, remember that balance is the basis for the creation of everything in the universe.

Unlocking the Sacral Chakra

Just like all the sacral chakra, the chakras can be unblocked with meditation and even, through the actions of people in their lives, leading with other attitudes, this chakra can also be opened, although in a more unconscious way, being, for example, risky things. .

However, especially for the sacral chakra there is, in addition to meditation, a therapy that takes into account the element with which this chakra works, which is water. We explain both methods below:


  • Choose a place that is windy and comfortable.
  • Hindus and Buddhists ask that people sit with their backs straight, but it has been discovered that you can also meditate in the most varied positions that exist without any restriction beyond what the person is comfortable with.

So, following this new current, make yourself comfortable, close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing, without initially visualizing any specific image, you are only facing a black space and depending on whether you have a guide or not, you will receive the information that he or she provide you during meditation.

But, if the guide is not there, the idea is that once you are well into meditation, you have that area of ​​your body very much in mind, where the sacral chakra is, the lower abdominal area, and you feel the movements and images that come to you from there, in addition, this it is time to send energy of infinite love.

Other also effective visualizations are that, already in that black void that we discussed a moment ago and keeping in mind the image of our own body, we make the light of God conscious passing through us as a kind of light that scans, but white and a little slow , which repairs the entire system, especially the area where the sacral chakra is located.

Take the time for this and if none of the aforementioned images appear, don't worry because setting the intention to meditation is already the first step and all this, even if you don't see it, is happening on the spiritual plane.

Self-healing with water

This is simpler than you would think, also for other chakras it is called wind, fire or earth cleansing as the case may be. Simply the self-healing of the sacral chakra with water consists of enjoying, surrendering and immersing yourself in the experience of coming into contact with water, either from the one in the sea or the one in the shower at home.

Note that water is a necessary condition for life, everything begins in the water, so approaching it even to take a shower or appreciate its immensity and its abundance is a moment of luck.

For this reason, it should always be a moment of gratitude, so when we experience a shower, what is really happening is that this element of life that nature gives us is getting in touch with the one that we already have inside and that nature also gave us, it is purifying, it is balancing us, it takes away our fear and blesses us.

Other relevant aspects when thinking or considering how we can unblock our sacral chakra is to pay attention to our sexual life, our diet and the recreational activities in which we participate.

Lead a healthy sex life

Understanding sexuality in its broad sense, even as those that are the first thing you say about yourself and your attractiveness when you wake up in the morning, so that the sacral chakra is not blocked or to unblock it, you must reconcile with the beautiful, sensual and pure being that you are.

  • How beautiful I am, it could be the first thing you say to yourself when you see yourself in the mirror, how sensual, how elegant, how strong, how reliable, how much beauty is inside me. Approve yourself, like yourself, be aware of yourself, value yourself, put yourself first, you are the first being that should do it, you are the one who you are going to believe the most.
  • If you are looking for a partner, you must be frank and open with what you want to build and with what you are looking for or want with the other, you can also apply techniques of self-pleasure or self-knowledge of the body in this period.
  • If you are in a relationship, communicate effectively, express what you like and what you don't, ask for what you want and don't be afraid to say no if you don't like something.
  • Exercise, drink water, get good or good depending on what that is for you, enjoy life, that existing is very rich.
  • Do not hold a grudge, say everything you have to say, but do not hold bitterness or any feelings, express yourself and follow your intuition.


Look especially for orange or similar fruits, oranges, tangerines, melons, pineapple, coconut also enters this equation, all this will do your kidneys, bladder and intestines good, which are organs related to the sacral chakra and also, do not don't forget to drink a lot of water that will do your skin good and will make you feel sensual which will increase your confidence and help your sacral chakra and your creativity.

Recreational activities

As for the recreation with which we feel happy and renewed, it is also important to pay attention since leisure is vital and we must learn to empower ourselves as human and spiritual beings. The arts are in this aspect a great space to explore creativity, although we know that it is in the arts in science and, not to extend ourselves, in all the areas in which we operate.

The most important thing is to be yourself in everything you do: paint a picture; take apart an electronic object to see what it's like inside and put it back together again; sing that song that you like so much; learn to play the harmonica! and to ride a bicycle; have competitions with your cousins ​​for who can spit the farthest; have fun; laugh; write a poem about all this; Get inspired and inspire us all.

sacral chakra

Open the Sacral Chakra

There are special postures that we can adopt during our meditation practice that can help us open the sacral chakra, or any of the other chakras. These postures are based on the tradition of the yogis or Buddhist and ascetic monks or even, from the religion of Hinduism, two of these postures are:

  • sirassana o Matsyasan: in which in the movement between one and the other, the areas surrounding the sacral chakra are flexed and extended in order to stimulate it.
  • Pranayama: its objective is to relax the sacral chakra by strengthening breathing, especially practicing diaphragmatic and intercostal breathing to cause a perception of oxygen in the entire abdominal area.

During exercises of Pranayama it is also very common to feel the urge to, so to speak, play with the air. So if you feel like holding your breath longer than necessary, letting it out with a different periodicity or doing it with sounds is also totally valid and even these variations of the pranayana.


Among the meditations that help the sacral chakra we will always find references to water, we suggest you consider, for example, the following scenario and sequence of scenes.

Imagine that you are facing the immensity of the sea, from a coast, and you enter the water little by little, the water is neither cold nor hot, the water is perfect, it surrounds you, it refreshes you, you can immerse yourself in it and let yourself go without no fear, water protects you, water is life.

Through the water someone sent you a stone, we don't know if he dropped it or how he placed it there, we only know that this stone is floating near the place where you are, what color is it? Is it a precious stone? yourself or yourself what you should do with this stone, the answer is only in you.

As your thought calms down you will perceive the depth of your being and you will be able to see that your movements create waves, because we are vibration, both your energy and that of the stone are part of nature and must be united, you can remain in this visualization the time you want, it is a place of peace, it is part of the home.


The practice of affirmations contains great power, because to the extent that we learn each one by heart and open ourselves to the knowledge of what is in them, they will re-program our thinking. So to heal, thank or take care of the sacral chakra it is important to make affirmations that lead us to think of those places with benevolence.

In Spiritual Energy, we recommend that you build them to your liking and according to your conscience, remember to always put them in the first person, but we also leave you some that we created for us and for you:

  • I am a creative, loving and powerful woman.
  • I am a creative, loving and powerful man.
  • I have all the abundance of the universe to create a happy life.
  • I deserve all the love in the world.
  • I am the source of creation.
  • My value is immeasurable.
  • What I came to learn is immeasurable.
  • God is immeasurable and I am part of him.
  • I am attractive.
  • I am attractive.
  • I am desirable.
  • I am brave.
  • I have good ideas.
  • "I'm smart, I'm gentle, I'm important" okay okay, yeah, we took that one from the movie Crossing stories, but, is that we are smart, we are kind and we are important.
  • I deserve all the love that is given to me and I know how to receive it and how to give it back fivefold.

Remember to create your affirmations according to what you have experienced or want to experience and always putting yourself first or first, as if you were writing a message of love.


Other ways to stimulate and unblock the sacral chakra is through:

  • Arabic dance.
  • Salt baths.
  • Using special oils.
  • Nature sounds.

The Arabic dance is a very powerful way of activating the sacral chakra, this dance especially for women keeps millennia of tradition and history about sensuality and eroticism, so practicing it greatly enhances the sacral chakra.

Baths with salt and even special oils are highly recommended to combine with the Self-healing method through water, whether they are oils such as lavender or other natural ones that can refresh the body and therefore relax the sacral chakra area and in turn , favor the movement of energies in the subtle body.

Now, salts such as sea salt can also do us good in the sacral chakra since our body is also made up of minerals such as sodium found in salt, so when we come into contact with it we empower ourselves.

The sounds of nature, such as the river, the birds, the sea, the wind moving the leaves or just passing by and the rain, among many others, give us good opportunities to relax and fill ourselves with calm by making us aware that outside there are no dangers, our primitive brains can relax, also relaxing the tensions in the different parts of the body, such as the lower abdomen.

sacral chakra

Yoga for the Sacral Chakra

Currently, yoga as a body practice has also become very popular and there are a large number of routines that we can even see on the Internet that specialize in different ailments or concentrations of tension in different areas of the body.

But, in the beginning of its history and even today, this was and continues to be a method perfected by the religious to heal, make it express itself and exercise the body even to get in touch with the divinity. Some of the postures to help or activate the sacral chakra are:

Virabhadrasana III: also known as warrior two It consists of having the legs quite open and one of them bent while the other creates a right angle of 45º and the arms also open, extended high at shoulder level. This posture allows the hips to be so open that the tension in the lower abdomen is released.

parivritta trikonasana: It is also called the posture of the triangle with twist, since in it the legs are open, extended and both facing forward as in a kind of triangle and the torso is horizontally inclined, but in it an upward turn is made by raising one of the arms while the other stays down, and both are straight.

Salamba Kapotanasana: is also known as the pigeon pose and in it the chest is stretched so much that it reminds of the curvature of those birds, on the other hand the buttocks are suspended in the air thanks to a configuration of the sitting of the legs that make the lower abdomen stretch at the same time , an opening that does not have to wait for the change of posture to start releasing tension.

Janusirsasana: also known as Head to forehead posture, it can remind us of physical education classes, only that in it we bend the foot of the leg to which we are not directing the forehead, taking it towards the perineum. A variation is also to bring the forehead towards the center of the mat allowing this to put pressure on the sacral chakra.

ardha padmasana: Also known as the lotus posture, it is the first posture when we think of meditation or yoga, the one in which we are sitting with our legs crossed facing forward and with our hands on our knees doing a specific pose or just resting there, this posture and its different variations that include movement also release tension from the lower abdomen.

Everything we learned about the sacral chakra helps us learn to know our body and what activities can help us enhance our creative, sensual, fertility, love and spiritual sides, if you liked this article you will surely like this about coarse salt baths.

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