Biography, books and phrases of Bernardo Stamateas

By reading this article, the reader will know the interesting Biography of Bernardo Stamateas and his books. He is a graduate in Psychology and Theology, family therapist and clinical sexologist.

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Bernardo Stamateas and his books

Bernardo Stamateas is a recognized professional in psychology, of Argentine nationality, who was born on January 13, 1965, in the Floresta district, located in the city of Buenos Aires. Stamateas studied Psychology at Kennedy University, specializing in Clinical Sexology. He graduated as a licensed psychologist, family therapist and clinical sexologist.

Bernardo has been a person who has always been attracted to helping others, and has great love and admiration for literature. It is a characteristic of his life, which he showed himself from a very young age.

After having finished primary and secondary school, he proposed to study psychology and theology at the same time, as he read with pleasure the ideas of Aristotle, Plato and Socrates, of Greek origin like him.

When he finished his studies, he began to have a very marked tendency towards sexology in the area of ​​medicine, attending the subjects taught by Juan Carlos Kustnezoff.

After dedicating and spending a good part of his internal time in a hospital center, Bernardo Stamateas understood that his vocation was to help other people, through religion.

So, it is the way that the psychologist makes the decision to form a new congregation where he merges religion with the beliefs of the Greeks.

So, that is how Bernardo Stamateas established the Presence of God Ministry, which is located within the Caballito neighborhood. It was agglomerating many followers by appearing on different television channels related to religion. Meanwhile, he meets who will be his wife, named Alejandra.

Currently, the well-known Argentine psychologist continues to carry out his ministry of the temple, while he dedicates himself to capturing works, with the intention of helping others to have a better existence.

Throughout his career, Stamateas is appreciated for his easy ability to communicate, making him an accredited professional speaker in his native country as well as in the rest of the world.

This medical professional and writer has produced numerous works of self-help, self-improvement, and spirituality with great success in his beloved Argentina, and has managed to be in the international market, especially for his 2008 essay, titled Toxic People. .

Literary life of the author

Bernardo Stamateas and his books they are read by many and varied people that make up a society, which allowed them to quickly become Best Sellers in the Argentine market.

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In his career as a writer, Bernardo Stamateas and his books have managed to capture more than 40 literary works, which aim to guide their readers, and find strength, strength and the ability to achieve absolutely all the proposed goals in his stories.

Among many of his assiduous readers, there are famous people from his nation, such as the host Susana Giménez, as well as the well-known politician Cristina Fernández.

Bernardo Stamateas and his books certify the trust that is placed in him on the subject of leadership and self-improvement, and he is generally a guide to famous personalities from entertainment.

Bernardo Stamateas and his books have taken on the task of touring the entire country of Argentina, to provide advice and training, as well as dictate numerous open talks aimed at the public, announcing the launch of his works.

In the diversity of themes contained in his works, there are couple conflicts, parent-child relationships, work stress, and the control and management of the individual's own personality.

Starting the year 2018, it was presented in front of hundreds of followers, at the "Cycle of Talks on Emotional Health" event, which is carried out by the SanCor company together with UNICEF Argentina.

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Here is the list of books by Bernardo Stamateas:

Year 1995: Pastoral counseling

Year 2002: Health in Finance. Internal Health through the 4-door model.

Year 2007: Extra ordinary results

Year 2008: Toxic People. Sexuality and Eroticism in the couple.

Year 2009: Toxic Emotions

Year 2010: Intoxicated by faith

Year 2011: Self-boycott. toxic people

Year 2012: Toxic passions. Toxic emotions. love me more Alone and Alone. Reach Success.

Year 2013: Emotional wounds. Don't mistreat me.

Year 2014: I want a change. Extraordinary results.

Year 2015: More toxic people. I can get over myself.

Year 2016: Mental knots.

Year 2017: Your inner strength

Year 2018: Emotional calm. Practical solutions

Year 2019: Pain that strengthens

Year 2020: Emotional wounds

It is important to note that many of these literary works by Bernardo Stamateas will be outlined in the following paragraphs, beginning with:

toxic people

The author Bernardo Stamateas and his books point out that "toxic people" are wrong people who are always evaluating what the other says and does, or failing that, what is not said or done.

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They are the people who enhance weaknesses and fill the other with burdens and frustrations. It aims to show the various and most recurrent ways in which an individual can have a detrimental effect on those around him.

So, it seeks to identify each characteristic of the personality in the daily life of the human being, which ranges from their employment, leisure spaces, to reaching their social, family and other environments. In addition to explaining the reasons for the different temperaments and harmful behaviors that living with people with these attitudes entails.

The purpose of the work is to list the procedures to follow in order to know the actions that must be taken to help identify this type of person, as well as avoid them, and in other cases, free oneself from being by their side, because their presence causes negativity and even more so if it is shared by their side.

The accumulation of advice and recommendations, which are provided by the author, have an influence on the reader, because the person's social interrelationships can be made more solid and flattering for both.

Bernardo Stamateas and his books define toxic people in a simple way, so that the reader has the facility to identify them quickly and effectively. Among these types of individuals, the following can be highlighted:

The Meteculpas 

It refers to a person, who blames his disagreements and his unhappiness on the other people around him, for example his parents, because they were absent in his childhood, and in addition to making them feel like a burden ; her siblings, because I took care of them when they were children, and because I didn't have time to study, among many other things.

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The meteculpas always expresses the following messages:

“You are responsible for what I have done” · “The day made me sick”. "My boss pissed me off." "You ruined my day." "Today you saturated me." “You forced me…”

Once you get involved with a “blame mess”, you can come to internalize their message and make the other person feel guilty. So, when we feel guilty, we begin to live wanting to please him, but we put aside our own life, and according to what Bernardo Stamateas transmits and his books, it is an unhealthy attitude.

The Disqualifier 

As Stamateas tells us, that the individual who acts as The Disqualifier, has the purpose of controlling the self-esteem of the other, so that they feel bad, making others feel like a "nothing" before, seeking that in this way, he is the the only one that can shine and be the center of the universe.

The Verbal Aggressive 

The verbally aggressive person makes the other person feel insecure with yelling and aggressive responses. He always tries to frighten with the intention of being respected. Verbal aggressive people tend to be difficult, complicated, they are the ones who obstruct each other's lives every second, apparently they find pleasure in making coexistence or the work environment difficult.

These types of people are usually the most difficult because they spoil themselves by hiding their own safety with their yelling and obscene words towards others.

The False 

This type of personality, called The False, we can start with the question: Who has not used a mask at some point in their life?

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All absolutely all human beings have behaviors that we show to others so that they do not recognize us. Both men and women have transformed, over time, we have become experts in using masks.

We know exactly which one to use depending on who we are with at a given moment, or the circumstance we are experiencing, however, around the hustle and bustle, which does not allow us to rest, we forget how to improve who we truly are.

Many of these individuals are linked to gender or personality conflicts, because they not only transform their personality, but also their physical appearance.

The psycho 

The psychopathic person has the ability to always show a false image, trying to make the other believe that he is interested, when in reality he is not interested.

All the time they show an image that is not in accordance with their interior. They are people who usually say that he is your “friend, while they achieve their goals. When they get them they treat you like they never met you.

The Envious 

He is the type of person, who can not stand that another is successful. He is the person who suffers because he has less money, and he is less happy than the other. His greatest purpose is to always have "more" than the other person has.

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This type of person usually tries to find allies. He seeks to convince others to poison them because his purpose is to hinder projects. In addition, envy is accompanied by criticism, backbiting, gossip, dependency, reluctance, a whole host of negative behaviors that consume the person's strength and energy.

the mediocre 

The mediocre attitude and clumsiness are often contagious aspects, like any other of the aspects that we have been pointing out. Laziness, lack of stimulation, loss of dreams and vision, have made many settle for a boring life, with nothing to surprise them.

The person usually lives in a perennial drowsiness, he does not harm anyone else, only himself.

The gossiper 

The gossipy person does not accept talking about himself, so he is not interested in being the center of attention. He is the type of individual who knows the lives of absolutely everyone around him, yet no one knows about his life. He seeks to talk about the lives of others habitually.

Gossipy people do not tolerate or like silence, so it is important for them to be in a constant conversation about something or rather talk about others.

The attitude of gossiping is like a way to release arrested aggressiveness.

The Authoritarian 

People who are always in a position to gain power, usually try to confuse with servility, showing themselves as service or work as agreed between the parties.

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It is a style that many leaders continually seek to obtain their goals, regardless of the meaning of teamwork, it is the permanent search to achieve their improvement, as well as the benefit for all, that allows them to achieve the goals set. He is the type of person who does not know or work in a team.

The Neurotic 

Certain of the psychological concerns that the human being presents is neurotic behavior: they show the need to be loved and accepted, they need to be recognized, they need power and leadership, the need for independence and the need for perfection. They do not accept the participation of others in teamwork.

The Manipulator 

Normally, manipulative people investigate the behavior of people in search of their needs and weaknesses. They target people who express concern about the problems of others, trusting people, people who have a savior complex or feel guilty.

They look for people who put kindness before their own decency, people who have a hard time saying NO, and who frighten the struggles.

The proud 

He is the type of person who presents an excess of confidence in himself, in what he expresses, and in what he does, in decisions, according to him, all his actions are the best and everything he does is a state of perfection, absolutely everything he produces and carries out is well, excellent and qualified perfectly, and nothing and no one dares to contradict him.

the complainer 

It is about the person, that everything annoys him, in case the rain falls, it annoys him, if the sun comes out, too. If they greet him halfheartedly, he also gets angry, so if they greet him politely, they get uncomfortable.

What they really care about is complaining, having a reason to believe that the world is against them, and that there is only one being who has the ability to understand them. The complainer, forever, will find a motivation that leads them to complain.

Mental Knots

The mind of the human being is active during the twenty-four hours, we are continually pondering. The quality of our thoughts is what determines our quality of life.

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We cannot travel further than our own thoughts. Many of these are the so-called “mental knots”: ideas, beliefs, that cause us suffering, we suffer, they limit us, we become distressed, we fill ourselves with nerves.

The vast majority of mental knots, which of course the vast majority of people have, are solved on our own, some faster, others slower, however, there are some mental knots, which limit and cause great pain for a long time.

In this spectacular work, the expert Bernardo Stamateas and his books propose to establish a fusion between the daily routine of people and their ability to ponder about their actions.

The objective pursued by the narration is to pretend to show what are the conflicts that are faced in the path of the person's existence, then, once they have been identified, a harmonious state can be achieved in all senses, considering the speed of daily life.

The writer tries to reach the readers with his writing, so that they can reach and exchange the perceptions that harm him, that do not let them find a solution to the conflicts, on the other hand, he is born and guides linking feelings of conciliation and tranquility.

To achieve these objectives, the author Bernardo Stamateas and his books expose easy-to-understand suggestions and alerts, which originate from facts identified during his experiences in psychological consultations.

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The fears, the battles, the egocentrism, the constant searches for perfection and excellence, the lack of affection, and a harmonious social environment, all this compendium among others, are the ideal aspects that deteriorate the daily life of any human being.

As established by the author Stamateas, that all these thoughts can be transformed only if the person who suffers it, manages to make an intrinsic evaluation that leads him to know what will become of his life.

On several occasions the author determines and clarifies that his work was not treated as if it were a recipe to prepare food, which indicates the steps to follow, until the finished product is achieved. On the contrary, it contains simple suggestions that may or may not best help its readers to find a way to cope with the difficulties that prevent them from enjoying a harmonious, joyful, and fulfilling life.

toxic emotions

The work entitled “Toxic Emotions”, how to heal emotional damage and be free to achieve inner peace”, the writer, Bernardo Stamateas, seeks to show, how in Toxic People, what are the true feelings that usually hinder the path to harmony and happiness of the human being.

The work tries to make the reader learn to recognize with simplicity the types of emotions that harm and poison the existence of those who suffer from it, with the intention that they be transformed into other emotions that provide benefits.

Among the many toxic emotions that Stamateas expresses to us are anxiety, anguish, chronic dissatisfaction, attachment, envy, fear, guilt, rejection, jealousy, and that must be healed.

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What he involves the person himself in preparing to be ready to free himself from whatever negative and toxic emotion he may feel, and to help him find a way to solve it.

The author Stamateas, proposes in his work, to assign to each emotion, the authentic meaning that it has. Of course, emotions cannot be managed and controlled from the outside, on the contrary, they must be controlled from the inside of our lives. Bernardo Stamateas and his books express;

«To live, means to know each other, and knowledge is that it gives us way to relate to the other, or to ourselves. You will learn from a series of valuable tools that will allow you to abandon frustration, anger, attachment, guilt, rejection, achieving the inner peace and harmony that you so desire.”

In the following paragraphs you will find how you can eliminate them from your existence:

toxic anxiety

Toxic anxiety is an emotion that a person feels when they are under threat. It is an anxiety to finish invading the whole body and mind by becoming toxic.

It is a feeling that surrounds you in a way that leads to discouragement very easily, you show a behavior of despair, in fact you end up in a depressive state.

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Certain symptoms that a person of toxic or chronic anxiety experiences are: fear, insecurity, apprehension, lack of concentration, insomnia, among others.

Now, we ask ourselves, how can toxic anxiety be overcome? Bernardo Stamateas, a specialist in books, presents practical advice that helps the person overcome the well-known toxic anxiety, highlighting:

  • Learn to detect the sources or what causes your anxiety
  • Perform a weekly physical exercise routine.
  • Surround yourself with people with a positive and harmonious mindset.

the toxic anguish

It is a toxic anguish, which makes you feel and live in a perennial state of discomfort, despair, despair, complaints and regrets. Likewise, this type of anguish is responsible for the person totally transforming the way of listening and speaking, and making the best decisions that lead to progress in your existence.

Toxic anxiety causes you to remain in a paralyzed state, and of course paralyzes your future, as well as that of the people who are in your company.

Likewise, we ask ourselves the question: How can you overcome toxic distress? In his work, the author makes some recommendations that help to successfully overcome the toxic emotion of anguish, such as:

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Learn to manage positive memories wisely. Memories should be visualized as great successes of the past, which will teach you to dominate the battles of the present.

Learn that there are circumstances in life that you can change and others that you cannot because they do not depend on you. But regardless of whether you can change them or not, what it is about is that you determine how to live each one of them.»

 chronic dissatisfaction

Dissatisfaction by itself is not a toxic or negative emotion. The conflict of dissatisfaction usually appears when it becomes chronic, which means that it takes over a definitive form of the person's life and their daily activities.

What it is about is living in the casual dissatisfaction that leads you to improve daily. But chronic dissatisfaction turns out to be toxic, because it perennially seeks to achieve perfection in everything that surrounds people and those around them.

Before the question of How can you overcome chronic dissatisfaction?, the author Stamateas in his work, exposes certain actions that help overcome chronic dissatisfaction, such as:

"Seek excellence above emotion."

toxic attachment

Emotional attachment is a toxic emotion, which is certainly very harmful and dangerous, and must be detected to eliminate. Toxic attachment makes a person emotionally manipulable, in addition to making you feel like an incomplete and inept being to achieve and achieve your proposed goals by your own means.

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The fact of becoming a codependent person causes a lot of suffering because the person becomes dependent on others. When a person becomes codependent, they allow you to control your emotions and decisions.

To overcome this type of emotion, toxic attachment, the affected person is required to put themselves first, which translates, you must convince yourself that only you are the priority. Bernardo Stamateas, proposes the following:

  • Learn to resolve your own conflicts by yourself.
  • Learn to recognize your own mistakes.
  • Delete from your vocabulary expressions like 'I can't' or 'I don't know' for 'i will learn'.

toxic anger

Anger should be viewed as an attitude or force, which at certain times allows the person to overcome complicated conflicts. So, it refers to an emotion that, well managed, can be very useful, depending on the occasion.

The conflict lies when anger becomes toxic anger. First of all, they are due to learning to differentiate between anger and violence. So when anger turns into violence, it automatically turns into toxic anger.

However, violence must be understood as unusual behavior, and that its sole purpose is to hurt the other person.

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To overcome toxic anger, it is recommended to learn to identify and choose what reactions you want to have before an angry situation arises. For which the specialist Bernardo Stamateas, proposes the following:

  • Choose the way you are going to get angry.
  • Choose the way in which you will manage anger through wisdom and common sense.
  • Choose what kind of anger you want to convey to those around you.

toxic envy

Toxic envy is the one that causes suffering in the human being, as well as in the people around them who esteem you. It is an emotion that makes it difficult to celebrate the victories achieved by others.

So toxic envy leads you to a path of bitterness, because you are not able to bear that another person is successful in all their projects.

To overcome this harmful emotion such as toxic envy, the author of the work recommends:

  • Learn to discover your own singularity, that is, discover for yourself what makes you unique and unrepeatable.
  • Learn to create your own dream and visualize it and thus forget about the dreams of the people around you.

toxic fear

The author Stamateas, refers to a phrase in his work: Toxic Emotions. How to heal emotional damage and be free to have inner peace, that about fear is important when it expresses: fear that is not overcome can last a lifetime.

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Then, the person can come to imagine fear as if it were a round image, being dangerous because it has no end, and that also feeds on itself. So it is important, only by discovering where the fears come from, the person has the ability to face and overcome them.

Bernardo Stamateas proposes strategies to learn and help overcome toxic fears, such as:

Generate action thoughts. This strategy focuses on building an inventory of possible responses to the list you create of your fears. Think of the worst that could happen to you and think about how you would solve them. This way your fearful thoughts will turn into solution thoughts..

toxic shame

Toxic shame is one of the most well-known and regular emotions that attack people. It is the emotion that obsesses the person for fear of making a fool of himself. The fear of the burlesque, focuses on many opportunities to the fear of being abandoned by other people. It is the cause of toxic shame, paralyzes and represses to carry out many of the goals and fulfill the desires.

So, it is very important to know that the person who embarrasses you in front of others is doing it because of their own insecurity. To overcome toxic shame, you must understand that the person who seeks out and tries to make you look ridiculous or embarrass you, is because he feels threatened by your presence, which translates, he sees you as a competitor.

Specialist Bernardo Stamateas and his books set out to act in a concrete way to overcome toxic shame, such as:

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  • Laugh at your mistakes.
  • Learn that making a mistake does not make you a mistake.

toxic depression

The person suffering from toxic depression must be aware that it is a really serious issue.

Being one of the most dangerous toxic emotions that exist, and from which a person can suffer, because they feel deep pain. Toxic depression is an alteration of the state of mind, and that also disturbs all the other areas that surround the existence of the person.

The affected person may feel that they do not know why and what they live for.

Types of depressions:

reactive: typical of introverted, insecure and sensitive people

manic-depressive: occurs in people who feel exhausted, due to mistakes or guilt not yet healed.

Perhaps, they will wonder how can you overcome toxic depression? Being the most frightening toxic depression, it should be known that it can be cured.

To begin, the person must transform his thoughts and perception of himself. The specialist on the subject, the psychologist Stamateas, states the following:

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  • Learn to speak positive.
  • Recognize that past mistakes are part of your personal growth.
  • Get away from people who do not contribute anything to you or hurt you.

toxic frustration

It is an emotion that aims to completely paralyze the person. It does not cease to be, because its main food is failure and disappointment, which appears before an unfulfilled desire, or before an uncompensated need.

Frustration makes a person bitter and resentful. Therefore, it should be considered that only the person who suffers from it, only has control of their emotions, and that they should not remain throughout their lives, hoping to be nice to others, and persevere that they prefer or choose you.

You must become a person who gives priority above all to your dignity and honesty, through your self-knowledge and that it is only you who take charge of your own existence.

The specialist Bernardo Stamateas offers advice to overcome toxic frustration, highlighting the following:

  • Focus on what you have achieved so far.
  • Give yourself permission to make mistakes.
  • Never give up.

the toxic duel

When a loss occurs in the life of any person, and it is not possible to overcome or close correctly, it becomes what is called toxic grief, because a temporary suspension is generated.

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Once the loss happens, grief inevitably arises. The word mourning is an internal struggle where one part of the person admits the loss, while the other does not.

So, the duel should not be conceived as a negative aspect from the beginning. The danger occurs when it becomes a toxic duel, a duel that does not let you recover control of your life, because it is suspended in one of the parts of the process: recognition of loss, mourning and returns to life as usual.

Similarly, there is another aspect that stands out in this emotion is the idea that the pain you feel is yours and yours alone. Since it is yours, you should not try to make those around you understand it in the same way as it is experienced by you.

So, the pain must be heard, however, it is very difficult for it to be understood. Being in pain is not bad. Quite the contrary. Having pain is necessary, and it should not be held back because it has to come out of you.

Those who suffer from this type of emotion will wonder how you can overcome toxic grief? Faced with this question, the author Bernardo Stamateas and his books suggest the following to overcome a duel:

Learn to forgive. Forgiving, forgiving yourself is tremendously liberating. Only by learning to forgive will you be able to close the past and return to the present to start planning your future.

the toxic cry

The act of crying is good as necessary. It is a type of emotion that, well controlled, is usually very therapeutic. However, any emotion can become toxic, when it is continuously an automatic response to any small frustration.

It must be understood that crying can be understood as necessary, however, the plain will never be the solution.

What can be done to overcome toxic crying? Toxic crying is overcome once it becomes gratuitous crying, calling itself positive crying. There are three types of crying:

  • Cry for pain.
  • Cry at a momentous change.
  • Cry at a discovery or gesture.

toxic guilt

First of all, it is necessary to differentiate what real guilt is, which means when a law is broken, being aware of this; and toxic guilt, which translates, feelings of guilt originate from emotional causes. The specialist on the subject, Bernardo Stamateas, makes a series of proposals to overcome toxic guilt, standing out:

When you make a mistake, ask for forgiveness and move on. Never stop. Asking for forgiveness quickly makes you move forward and become fully aware of it so you won't be wrong again.

toxic rejection

All human beings seek to be accepted by others. Rejection generates a strong pain in people. When they experience a rejection, the person perceives a great distrust and hinders their affirmation as a person.

So it is extremely important to overcome rejection when it is seen as a toxic emotion.

To overcome rejection, you can cancel rejection in many ways, and especially as Bernardo Stamateas and his books suggest.

Learn to value yourself by being aware of your particularity and originality.

toxic jealousy

Jealousy is an action that comes from the terror of losing a person. In this type of toxic emotion, the following aspects act: threat, control, prohibition, forgiveness and loss.

The person who has the peculiarity of being jealous, always has the fear of losing.

To overcome this emotion, the author recommends:

Apply the law of attraction or, what is the same, everything you respect will come closer to you, while what you do not respect will move away from you forever. Hence, mutual respect is essential in any interpersonal relationship.


Now, in the next segment, we will be talking about what the psychologist Bernardo Stamateas announces about his works:

Emotional wounds

Absolutely all human beings have a past, and in this past, many times, they have had experiences and melancholic moments, unfortunate experiences, events that have left trauma, physical abuse, verbal abuse, among other events.

It is very true that the past cannot be changed, however, it can become an appreciable experience in our present.

The work Emotional Wounds by the author Bernardo Stamateas shows a series of practical exercises and easy activities that will surely help you heal your past.

Emotional Wounds is given the task of supporting you to travel the path, to transform painful memories. It is a gift that exists to help other people, the "memory of criticism", in inner affirmation, the "traumatic memories" in experiences of freedom.

The "sad memories", in opportunities to grow; the "jealousy" in self-esteem; “childhood memories” in a future full of victories; the "errors and failures" in learning, and the "memory of the worst of my life", in the best moment you had.

What happened to us hurts us, and what didn't happen to us can hurt. One refers to the pain of the past for what we do not live; while the other is the pain of the future for what we did not achieve.

With this magnificent work, the author seeks to take his readers to the past with the purpose, that from that point, people can heal their wounds, while they become strong people that lead them to face a life in its authentic reality.

I want a change

Certainly, there are many people who cry out for change, because they feel stuck and see no progress. Well be it, because they are experiencing a crisis in their married life.

Some do not know what is the best way to treat and educate their children. Others have trouble interacting with others. Many have skills, but don't know how to display them.

In this wonderful work by the writer Bernardo Stamateas, the interested person will find endless recommendations and strategies that are easy to practice, and that also allow you to increase your motivation that will lead you to produce new ideas.

As well as finding advisors, teachers to teach you. Plan and be your own leader of your projects. Carry out energetic habits and procedures to continue growing as a person.

So that you abandon conformism, and that you can crystallize everything that you have always been longing for. It's time for I want a change.

extraordinary results

In this work Extraordinary Results, the author Bernardo Stamateas, shows a series of easy techniques and strategies so that you can make your dreams come true.

We have seen that in society there are people who, despite having a complicated past, have managed to be successful, either by building a company loaded with fortune, becoming respected political leaders, or achieving goals that were apparently impossible.

The secret is that all those people knew from the beginning what was the top they wanted to reach, and they led their lives in some way with some principles that led them to success.

It is about the person having defined, clear and feasible objectives and goals. The system of beliefs and thoughts, above all, distinguishes the person within the agglomerate.

People are owners of a millionaire possession: the mind. What you think and declare that you want to be, is what you will be and achieve. What you establish in your thoughts, that you will become. This is how Bernardo Stamateas books ensures it.

don't mistreat me

The work Don't mistreat me, by the writer Bernardo Stamateas, has a self-help content that teaches us how to recognize and prevent the damage of verbal abuse.

The way we relate to each other is usually more violent and impulsive every day. It is important to be aware that we need to learn to express frustration, anger, rage, impulsiveness in a positive way, which for different reasons remain latent and have not been healed within us.

The content of this work shows the tools that are very useful to help overcome abuse.

It is important to be clear that people heal when we talk, and when our inner part, there is a real desire to relate better and effectively with the people we love, with our environment and even with ourselves.

When a person shows his interest in participating affectively towards other people, and knows how to communicate with the rest of the world, he is closer to his reality being a fact, and in addition to his wishes that he has traced, he will achieve them.

I can get over myself

There are significant moments, where people cannot stop: after a defeat, or after a success. In the event that you will have to experience defeat, it is time to persist.

In the event that a triumph is being experienced, it should be celebrated, but, keeping in mind that one of the greatest rewards that triumph brings is the opportunity to continue for more.

successful failures

People were created to live and not to exist. All our faults hide the fruit of enjoying enormous opportunities.

"The important thing is to learn from the mistake, forget the details and move on"

The theme of failure is a stage, not a position, it is not a wall, it is a great door that will take you to a new stage of triumph.

While the fault or the error, in life it is a point that releases the hidden potential.

your inner strength

One of the main bases for a person to grow and develop in inner strength is the ability to visualize ourselves.

So, based on this, we can know what we think, how we function, in what aspect.

Bernardo Stamateas Quotes

This charismatic psychologist, has to his credit a good number of phrases, which we share with you:

"Never stop growing. Growing in intelligence will make you achieve goals, conquer. And growing in character will mean that everything you conquer can be enjoyed.”

“The disqualifier aims to control our self-esteem, make us feel nothing before others, so that in this way he can shine and be the center of the universe.”

"Do not tie yourself to those who are not happy with your successes."

"Many times we are not happy because we are busy trying to please others or taking on the wrong responsibilities that belong to others."

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  2. Purpose of the data: Control SPAM, comment management.
  3. Legitimation: Your consent
  4. Communication of the data: The data will not be communicated to third parties except by legal obligation.
  5. Data storage: Database hosted by Occentus Networks (EU)
  6. Rights: At any time you can limit, recover and delete your information.