Angels and archangels according to the date of birth

If you are a lover of astrology and the spiritual, you will surely be interested in knowing what the Angels and archangels according to the date of birth that you can have, in the great mission of offering you protection, fulfilling a direct assignment from God. You can also pray to many of them and even make different requests.

Angels and Archangels according to the date of birth

Angels and Archangels according to the date of birth

There are many religious doctrines whose followers believe in angels and archangels, basing the premises of their dogmas on the fact that they are protective guardians, and also divine messengers, who come to improve the path of humanity here on Earth. To learn about other astrology topics you can also read viking horoscope

They are also called the soldiers of God, to whom the Almighty chose to entrust the mission of protecting his earthly children, together with María Blessed and her son Jesus Christ. Another fact to highlight is that despite the fact that religions may have certain differences between themselves, this factor does not restrict the functions of angels and archangels.

It is important to know about the Angels and Archangels according to the date of birth, to know which of all is the guardian angel of a person, and thus be able to better direct their requests and requests for favors. The names given to angels have an implicit meaning that is generally linked to their mission on Earth and their custody actions.

Angels do not have a gender, but they are related to a numerological system, within which the determination according to the person's date of birth is taken into consideration. This generates a frequency that describes its nature, due to the vibration that each number has, making each archangel governed by one or more of said frequencies.

What are angels and archangels?

Before going on to determine what the Angels and Archangels According to the date of birth, which may correspond to you or a member of your family or friends, we are going to talk a little about who these mystical characters with a heavenly and divine character are.

The Angels and Archangels, are celestial, mystical and spiritual creatures, considered as the helpers of God in the Kingdom of heaven. It is said that they possess great powers, gifts and other attributes granted by God, in order to help man with them.

As in other groups, these celestial spirits have a level of hierarchy within the religion of Christianity, placing the archangels, as one of the nine ranks, specifically they are located in the penultimate position, before the angels.

The angels and archangels are under the direct orders of God, although they are also ruled or governed by the Virgin Mary y Christ, your son. The first assignment given to them by the Father was to create the world and everything in it.

According to the religions and doctrines of each church, their different histories and interpretations can be derived, as well as their own names, also influencing the culture of each region where they live, Protestants, Orthodox, Adventists, etc.

Angels and Archangels according to the date of birth

All people have a guardian angel or archangel in their lives, to whom they can go when they feel they have a problem, to pray for their protection or to make special requests. Other similar topics that you can read is that of birth date numerology

Next, we show you in a general way some of the characteristics of these blessed ones, since some of these may correspond to you Angels and Archangels according to the date of birth, and also according to your zodiac sign.

Archangel Chamuel, the angel of love, appointed by God to take care of things related to love. Among its characteristics is that it is a compassionate, charitable and pious spirit, highlighting the fact that it knows how to forgive, so it is also comprehensive. It is also called as: Kamuel, Camel, Kamael, Kamiel, Kemuel.

Archangel Gabriel, is the guiding angel God, also one of his messengers, since he was chosen to announce to the Virgin Mary about the birth of Jesus. From that moment he began to be considered as the patron of pregnant women and midwives.

He is also the patron saint of journalists and communication workers, since among his characteristics he has the qualities of providing clarity to people for some reason, it is difficult for them to understand some situations and they appear confused. It contributes to the search for balance and its name means "the strength of God«.

Archangel Jophiel or Jophiel, He is the archangel of enlightenment, and because of this, he helps to cleanse people's minds, removing any trace of negativity from them. They also contribute to the person having peace in life and well-being. Your name means "beauty of God", although it is also called by the names of: Iofiel, Iophiel, Yofiel, Youfuel, Zophiel.

Archangel Michael, is the warrior angel God, who has been entrusted with the mission of, in addition to providing protection, helping people to face difficult situations. He is the patron saint of the innocent and who is considered a heavenly avenger, which is why many of his faithful devotees raise prayers and prayers to ask him for justice. His name means "who is like God."

Archangel Uriel, is the angel of love and peace. Among its characteristics is that it has the power to transform negative things into positive ones. It can also destroy the evil that rests on people and illuminates the souls that suffer and suffer, alleviating their sorrows. In general, prayers are said to him asking for help to be able to solve serious and complex situations, as well as urgent ones.

Archangel Raphael, He is the angel of health, for which reason he was named as the patron saint of the sick and the blind. He is also a protector of people who suffer from physical, spiritual or emotional illness. His name means "the healing power of God, for which his faithful devotees raise prayers and prayers requesting him for health and protection. He was named as the patron saint of doctors, nurses and also of travelers.

Archangel Zadkiel, is the angel of God of joy His name means "God's justice» and that is why he was named as the patron saint of forgiveness and of those people who learn to forgive. He is also called by the names of: Hesediel; Sachiel; Tzadkiel; Zadkiel; Zadakiel; Zedekiel; Zedekul.

How is it determined?

In order to discover what are the Angels and Archangels according to the date of birth, which is the one that governs the number of the day you were born, and who was chosen by God and numerology to be your guardian and protector, a simple calculation must be made, using as data in the equation, your birthdate.

The method to calculate said number is very easy, so as a practice, we present an example below. The data must be placed all in number, that is, the day, the month and the year. Thus we have a person who was born on 4-9-1983, a figure that must be taken to a single number or left to a cardinal number.

To do this, the numbers are individually added, that is: 4+9+1+9+8+3= 34. When the result contains two numbers, the decomposition must be continued by adding both together, that is: 3 +4= 7. When you search within numerology, you will realize that the number 7 corresponds to the Archangel Raphael.

If the case arises that the original sum gives you the numbers 11, 22, 33, 44 as results, you should leave them like that and not reduce them further, since they are numbers considered within numerology as masters. It is time then that you perform the calculation of the number to know the Angels and Archangels according to the date of birth that corresponds to you, and what meaning this has on your life.

Number 1-Archangel Raguel

El Archangel Raguel, belongs to the group of angels of the Principality, who have the mission of proclaiming on Earth the message that people should pray to God asking for his guidance and direction in life. If between the Angels and Archangels according to the date of birth, yours is the archangel raguel, you must be aware that this is the angel of justice and harmony, allowing people to experience peace and benefit from justice.

Your job on Earth is to fulfill the will of God towards human relations, that is, ensuring that the life plan that has God for each one of us. In the same way, he is in charge of making his fellow angels and archangels fully comply with the mandate and responsibilities that God assigns them, supervising said tasks.

Most people who seek help from the archangel Raguel, They are generally to be able to solve various stressful problems and conflicts in your day to day, either with your partner or with the rest of your environment. They also look to him for his help to combat abuse and demand respect.

They seek in the same way, to establish order in their lives once the chaos has been overcome, and to draw from these bad experiences, teachings that are beneficial to them. This protective saint encourages them to remain faithful to their spiritual ideologies, and gives them the necessary strength to fight against injustice even under pressure.

El archangel Raguel, teaches people to redirect their anger against injustice in a constructive way, taking effective action where good prevails over evil. This archangel is an enemy of lies, cheating, gossip, and slander, which is why he guides people on the best way to resolve conflicts of this type, in their personal, professional, and family lives.

His job is to end injustice, which is why he acts by supporting causes that are in favor of fighting crime, eliminating poverty and putting an end to abuses of all kinds. Within religious doctrine, the name of Ragouel means "friend of god”. In some texts and records it is also called by the names of: Raguhel; Askrasiel; Suryan; Thelesis; raguil; Rasuil; ragumu; Rufael.

Symbols and representations

Ragouel, is part of the Angels and Archangels according to the date of birth that could be yours, so you should know what its symbology is, what it means and how this can influence you. frequently the archangel Raguel, He is represented within the art, with an image where he is seen holding a judge's hammer.

This symbolizes his fight against the injustices that are manifested in the world, working for good will to triumph over evil. Another of his representative symbols is his energy color, which is pale blue or also white.

His role in religious texts

The name of the archangel raguel appears in the book Enoch, a very old text based on Christian and Jewish beliefs, which despite not being part of the official scriptures, its content is considered reliable. In these scriptures, the role of this archangel is highlighted, as one of the seven angels who judge all those who rebel against the divine mandates of God.

In the same way, his role as supervisor of saints and angels stands out, ensuring that they have the best behavior and ensuring that they fully comply with the tasks assigned to them by the Most High.

It is also said that in the first manuscripts of Revelation, which is a biblical book, is named Raguel, despite not being mentioned in current Bible translations. Within a section of Revelation, Archangel Raguel, is described as one of the helpers of God, in charge of separating those who have remained faithful to Jesus Christ, from those who have not.

In the quote from the book, he expresses in some way that all those who have lived under the laws of God, fulfilling his holy will, will meet him at his right hand. In reward he will grant them perpetual light and an eternal life full of happiness. He will then proceed to separate the just from the sinners, leaving the latter located to his left.

The scriptures say, that's when God will send the angel Raguel, so that the trumpet of angels sounds, of cold, snow and ice, and that all their wrath falls on sinners, denying forgiveness to all those who did not comply with what they were ordered.

Within the current biblical manuscripts, specifically in Revelation 3:7-13, is described at archangel raguel like the angel of the church in Philadelphia, in charge of convincing the rest of the angels and other people, to work together and harmoniously, according to the will of God.

Ragouel, is the archangel who invites everyone to remain faithful in the face of the Lord's trials; he is related to the sixth angel who made the other angels independent, to punish the stubborn sinners who cause destruction to the Earth. (Revelation 9: 13-21).

Other roles

The name of the archangel raguel It also appears within the branch of astrology. Just as it is part of the Angels and Archangels according to the date of birth that is assigned to people, in the same way it is linked to a zodiac sign, this being the one of Gemini.

El archangel Raguel, It is part of the group of angels that have within their rank the category of principality, having the mission of maintaining order, according to what is established in the laws of God and according to His holy will.

The angels of the Principality have among their tasks, that of reminding people to seek God through prayer, asking him to guide them. They are also in charge of providing motivating answers to people so that they are able to face and overcome their challenges.

Another function that the angels of the principality fulfill is to direct the leaders of the world with the intention that they can make wise decisions in the governments and nations that they direct and that are under their authority.

Numbers 2 and 11 – Archangel Uriel

It may be that of the Angels and Archangels according to the date of birth, the one that corresponds to you is the Archangel Uriel, who within his work, has the mission of taking care of all people in general, and not only those who ask for help. Like other angels and archangels, his name is linked to an aspect of the cosmos, meaning "light of god".

He was designated as the angel of light and wisdom. He is also known as the psychologist angel, because he guides people in reference to their day-to-day problems, lightening their heavy burdens, showering them with his light and love. Notably Uriel he is the only archangel of light.

Uriel, the Angel of Light

Being the angel of light, the people whose destiny is governed by this archangel, or of whom he is a protective guardian, can have full confidence that he will always illuminate their paths so that they never stray. Also, he will offer you the Gift of the wisdom of God, so that they can have the ability to make the best and correct decisions.

You can count on his guide in everyday life, taking good advantage of it, which is why, when you find yourself in a problem, you can solve it just by invoking the presence of this angel, who will give you the best solution. . Uriel Provides an access path to the light God, so that people can reach him, just like they can obtain his wisdom.

When people feel confused or lost, and don't know what to do or what is the best decision to make, they are presented with Uriel and helps them, showing them the correct path regarding their decisions. You can also call him if you want to get rid of negative emotions, because he gives you the necessary tools to eliminate those bad vibes from you.

Archangel Uriel Symbols

Si Uriel is from the Angels and Archangels According to the date of birth that corresponds to you or one of your family, you should know what elements represent this archangel, who is generally represented holding a book or a scroll as a kind of papyrus, symbolizing wisdom.

Also, his image contains the position of his open hands and in one of them, he has the figure of the sun or the fire of a small flame, symbolizing light, one of the elements by which this archangel is related to color. gold or yellow

They even say that the presence of this color in spaces is the way this angel of God has to manifest himself. So you should pay close attention if yellow signs appear wherever you go, because this means that your guardian angel is close to you.

When to call him?

When you need the help of the archangel uriel, you will know when it is time to invoke his presence. This angel of wisdom will enrich your mind with knowledge and new ideas. Like other angels and archangels soldiers of God, when you seek help Uriel, he will have a solution for you.

El archangel uriel It is invoked by its devoted followers through prayers or prayers, when they need its help for a business, make an evaluation, or sentimental help in relationships or with friends, having full confidence that it will help you.

Angels and Archangels according to the date of birth

Another way to know that you are in the presence of this archangel is because he whispers in your ear, and if you manage to decipher what the message is, you will have the gift of wisdom. In addition to being your protective angel, Uriel He is a faithful friend with whom you can always count on always by your side.

It will help you in the conflicts that arise both in your work and personal life. If you feel sad or depressed, he will serve as an engine to encourage you, provide you with support and encouragement, while he can heal the wounds you are suffering from. To invoke his help, you must do it with all your heart and for good intentions, since he will not respond to bad intentions and actions.

Prayer to Archangel Uriel

Once you know what are the Angels and Archangels depending on the date of birth, you can request their presence or help through a prayer, which is the most direct means of communication with God and where these guardians serve as intermediaries.

in the case of the angel Uriel, whenever you need his help or assistance to face any problem in your life, you can do it through a special prayer, through which he listens to what your request or favor is, and he responds quickly. However, you must keep in mind when praying to him, the cause must be for a good deed or the saint will not listen to you, much less he will comply with you.

They will only listen to you and grant you the favor, after verifying that this does not seek to harm third parties. You must pray with your heart, asking for the help of Archangel Uriel with great devotion and faith. In the same way, when addressing him, you must do it with great respect.

Before beginning your prayer addressed to the Archangel Uriel, keep in mind certain recommendations:

  1. Begin with your eyes closed, and breathing slowly and deeply to relax and concentrate better.
  2. Make sure your mind is completely clear before you start the prayer.
  3. Visualize the image of Archangel Uriel, firmly thinking about the fact that this archangel can help you, believing that he really will.
  4. Make your prayer, and ask for his assistance to solve the problems that are being presented to you or any other circumstance in your life that requires his help.
  5. While making the request, keep a slow and sustained breath.
  6. At the end of the prayer, thank Archangel Uriel in advance for the help he is going to give you and for his quick response.
  7. Open your eyes while breathing slowly, and then drink some water to close.

After making the prayer addressed to the archangel Uriel, you will feel less burdened, leaving you with a feeling of help that will strengthen you in soul and spirit.

helping others

As has been said before, the archangel uriel He does not help just one person, but all who request his favors. All they have to do is keep their trust in him, and when they least expect it, they will receive the help they didn't expect from him.

He will manage to surprise you with his help, since it can come from various sources, just as he serves as a source to help others through you, that is, if you know of someone who needs his help, you can entrust it to him and Uriel He will answer them with his help.

Even in cases where you want to help a third party in reference to a problem, you can activate the energy of Archangel Uriel so that working in the background, helping you to help others, accessing said help, through the assistance of Uriel.

Number 3 – Archangel Jophiel

El archangel Jophiel, is one of Angels and Archangels according to the date of birth, which may correspond to you as your guardian and protective Angel. She is a feminine angel, considered the patroness of intellectuals and also of artists, even becoming known as the angel of beauty.

As a guardian angel, it helps you to think only of beautiful things. In the same way, it helps you grow and develop the beauty that exists within your soul. Your name means "the beauty of god”, and in several records it appears written as: Iophiel; Iophiel; Jophiel; Yofiel; Yofiel; Zophiel.

Through the intersection of this angel, people can get to know the beauty that God's holiness contains, coming to discover, see and value himself as he himself does. Those who are his faithful devotees and believers seek his help to motivate themselves to create.

It also helps people to overcome their addictions and other conditions that are not favorable to the person. In the same way, he helps his devotees to discover the joy of God in their lives, helping them to face their conflicts and solve their problems.

Angels and Archangels according to the date of birth

Its symbols and the color of its energy

As with other angels, you should know the characteristics, qualities, and attributes that angels possess. Angels and Archangels according to the date of birth that may correspond to you, so that you are aware of how said symbology also influences you.

Within the images, you can see represented the archangel jophiel holding in one of his hands, a light and in the other, a sword. This seeks to symbolize the role that he was entrusted to fulfill by God, which consists of illuminating the soul of people with beautiful thoughts.

Despite the fact that the angels lack gender, that is, they are neither feminine nor masculine, in the case of the archangel jophiel, can sometimes appear as a male figure and other times as a female image, the latter being the most common.

In reference to the color of his energy, the color of the Archangel Jophiel. When making a prayer or prayer, you can use a yellow candle or place as offerings, various precious stones that are very shiny, focusing on your image when making a special request.

Its role within religious texts

The name of the archangel jophiel, appears in the records of the sacred scriptures of the Zohar, a book pertaining to the doctrine of cabala, with a marked trend of Judaism. There they describe him as a great leader, who has 53 troops of angels in heaven under his command.

Angels and Archangels according to the date of birth

He is mentioned as one of the two angels that fights evil together with the archangel michael within the kingdom of heaven. The second angel is zadkiel. The scriptures also point to Jophiel as the one in charge of protecting the Tree of Knowledge, also being chosen by God to comply with his instructions to throw out the Eden's garden, a Adam and Eve, for disobeying his divine mandate.

In the same way, its presence can be observed within other religious texts such as the Torah and the Bible, where he is mentioning defending with his sword of fire the Tree of Life. Within Judaism it is said that on Sabbaths, Jophiel is in charge of supervising the Torah readings.

This archangel does not appear registered as one of the seven that are named in the Sacred Book. Enoch, however, if it is mentioned within the De Coelesti Hierarchia of Pseudo-Dionysus, which dates back to the XNUMXth century. This mention even served as inspiration for Thomas Aquinas, at the time he was writing on the subject of angels.

The name of Jophiel It also appears in books that deal with magic and other enigmatic texts, which appeared at the beginning of the XNUMXth century and the middle of the XNUMXth century, containing spells and sorcery, relating them to the Bible, passing them off as supposedly lost books.

Also in the poem entitled "Paradise Lost”, published in the year 1667, describes the Archangel Jophiel like the one with the swiftest wing among the cherubs. In this work written by John Milton, also refer to the fall of man and his expulsion from the Eden's garden.

Other roles

Among the other roles that the Archangel Jophiel, He appears as the protective angel and patron saint of artists and intellectuals. This is due to the relationship that is established in terms of its main function, which is to make people have beautiful thoughts.

Also, he is in charge of making people discover joy in their lives, and they are invaded by laughter to lighten the weight of their burdens. He is linked to feng shui, since he works with energies and their balance, especially those that manifest in the home, making the environment a beautiful and welcoming place. He helps establish order after going through chaotic situations.

Numbers 4 and 22 – Archangel Haniel

If when performing the calculations to determine the Angels and Archangels according to the date of birth, and the equation produces the numbers 4 or 22 as results, then that means that your guardian angel is the Archangel Haniel.

In general, the people who invoke your name is because they require your help in terms of appearing elegant and having a good expression, although it can also help you in reference to any other situation. He is considered the angel of joy, represented in the material world in a female form. His name can mean both "Joy of God" and "Grace of God."

It serves as a channel for the circulation of human energy as well as that of the kingdom of heaven, being called the archangel of divine communication. Astronomically, it is related to the planet Venus and the moon. It is part of the ten Archangels Sefirot, and in relation to the chakras, it is linked to the throat.

Helps women with their discomfort caused by menstrual cycles. Thanks to its energetic power, it encourages intuition in people, to the point of even seeing it as clairvoyance. Haniel He is a powerful angel, who protects our souls and who is represented wearing a turquoise tunic, wearing huge and striking silver wings.

It provides us with qualities, virtues and spiritual determination, in order to fulfill our purposes. In the same way, it gives us the opportunity to reach a high degree of spiritual illumination by increasing our energy and having the same levels as Hers. To know other topics similar to this you can read Name Numerology

Archangel Haniel and the Turquoise Ray

Every time a turquoise light is seen in the firmament, it is because the presence of the Archangel Haniel. Its distinctive turquoise color has become one of the elements with which this angel of God is identified, since it is a unique and unmistakable tone, being the perfect combination of green with blue, representing balance.

Whether in your dreams or through a meditation session, if this tone of light manifests to you, it means that the archangel is trying to connect with you by sending you that signal. He also uses it as a tool to deepen your knowledge in spiritual matters, which turns out to be very beneficial for you.

From instant joy to great strength, these are some of the influences that this turquoise ray will have on you. It also serves as a guide on the path of those people who feel lost. He Archangel Haniel It will provide you with guidance through visions and profound revelations in reference to the mission you came to fulfill on Earth.

Angels and Archangels according to the date of birth

positive impact for your life

After knowing which of the Angels and Archangels according to the date of birth is the one for you, it is good to also know how this will affect your life and what impacts of positive changes you can obtain from it.

In the case of Archangel Haniel, will make you experience immense joy in your life while inspiring you to realize yourself as a better individual, spiritually. By coming into contact with this archangel, you will be able to clean your chakras, specifically the throat chakra. Due to the relationship with this last element, Haniel It allows you to establish a clear communication of each aspect that involves your life in an effective way.

In the same way, it can help you in situations where you must be expressive, such as when you have to give an exhibition, make a presentation at work or undergo an interview. This is not a limitation, since you can also invoke his name to help you in any other circumstance.

Having a connection with Archangel Haniel will motivate you to:

  • Meet and make new friends.
  • Being able to establish a relationship.
  • It makes your creativity increase.
  • Improve your abilities and skills when it comes to expressing yourself and communicating.
  • It encourages you to perform healing practices.

Other of the benefits that we get from our connection with the Archangel Haniel, is that own vibrational energy, rises above the standard, activating the creative potential of the person. It also improves your intuition and leads you to live in a plane where you have a more open and loving way of life both physically and spiritually.

Angels and Archangels according to the date of birth

Connecting with Archangel Haniel

It is important to take into account that when we contact the angels and archangels who are responsible for our guardianship, we must invoke them only when we are really in need of them, when the need that compels us truly requires their help and not we can solve them ourselves.

Another recommendation that you should take into consideration is that for the connection to have a greater effect, you should look for a place that is calm and full of peace, where you can create an intimate and ideal space, which gives rise to your openness. heart and your mind. To turn that space into something sacred, you must build an altar adorned with images containing different elements that evoke feelings of peace and calm.

Within these ornaments, images and figures, you cannot fail to include the color turquoise, which is the color of the energy of the Archangel Haniel, and what will help you activate his name to manifest. Here are some simple phrases with which you can invoke his presence:

Oh Archangel Haniel, I ask you to please help me express myself in a better way, and that my words can serve to inspire others. Lead my path to be able to provide light to those who need it and to be able to face difficult situations in life.

Oh Archangel Haniel, I thank you for having helped me to love and accept myself as I am, and with it, to be able to value the others who are around me and in my life.

Haniel and the phases of the moon

El Archangel Haniel, It has a close relationship with the star of the moon, so it is good to know that the requests or favors that you ask this archangel will have a greater response capacity if you do it during the different phases of the lunar cycles. This factor will be of great use, in relation to our spiritual growth.

We then have the perfect moment to make the call to Haniel and that you give us your help to express to the world what our intentions are, it is during the new moon; while to ask for healing, we must wait for the crescent moon, together with the use of crystals and oils, which activate its invocation and healing powers.

The waning moon phase is the ideal to reflect on personal feelings and the full moon is the time to slow down your pace of activities and finish the things you have started. Being the archangel of perception, intuition and clear and divine communication, he has the ability to motivate us to reach our potential and exploit it to the fullest, fulfilling our purposes.

Haniel helps us communicate with God in a direct way, offering us the necessary energy to be able to create things without limitations. It shows us the way to honor, trust, and above all, love others. God our Father and creator.

Number 5 – Archangel Jeremiel

Yes of the Angels and Archangels according to the date of birth, yours is the archangel Jeremiel, You should know then that it is known as the angel of emotions since it is capable of connecting directly with the truth that we keep within us. His name means "mercy of God."

This means that he is the one chosen to show us the mercy of God, helping us connect our thoughts with emotions, generating positive changes in our lives. Jeremiel It is also called the "angel of the presence".

This archangel makes our dark sides shine with his loving light. He appears named as one of the seven original Archangels, within the ancient Hebrew language texts, suggested in the Bible.

Another name given to Jeremiel was that of "Angel of Visions and Dreams", after he appeared in a dream to the former fictional author Baruch, where he gave him instructions and guidance regarding the writing of his writings.

When to connect it?

Among the assignments assigned to the Archangel Jeremiel, is in the first place to help us connect with our emotions and process them in the best way. That is why you can seek to connect with him to together have a greater understanding of your moods and channel those emotions that are disturbing and harmful to you.

Angels and archangels according to the date of birth

It teaches you valuable life lessons, leaving the past behind. He is attentive to respond to anyone who invokes his name requesting his help, which goes beyond his condition as a spiritual entity.

Archangel Jeremiel can be very useful to us, to advance on a spiritual path, open to intuition, that is, it can help us develop our gifts as natural psychics, a condition that we could count on but in a blocked condition.

When internal obstacles appear on the path that you must overcome, implore for the help of Archangel Jeremiel, who will guide you in the right direction, or perhaps when you feel lost or trapped with no way out. The way it will manifest to you can be through a dream or through a vision.

With these signs, the archangel will improve your understanding, thereby increasing your devotion to him, benefiting from his guidance, no matter what your beliefs. One detail that you must be clear about is that your intentions must be pure when requesting the help of this archangel, otherwise the answer will be negative from him.

Jeremiel's influence on your life

For being the archangel of emotions, Jeremiel it can help you to free yourself from the burdens of the past, and to accept the things that involve your present. You can achieve this through an internal review, where you can make a self-assessment of your actions and experiences, which will drive you towards self-love.

The messages that he brings to you Archangel Jeremiel, usually transmits them through dreams and visions, which are the best moments when the body is in a state of relaxation and meditation, which makes this dynamic a continuous process. As time passes, a new perspective is acquired in reference to the reality of life that we knew before.

These signs or messages that the Archangel Jeremiel sends us as visions or dreams, serve to enlighten our minds with new perceptions about the acts that make up our lives, while providing us with greater wisdom and better clarity to understand them and give them a correct interpretation. .

This means that we can make a kind of inventory of our lives, referring to the aspects that make it up, the actions that involve it, and surely valuable information will be obtained to know our feelings and how to handle them wisely.

What to do to connect it?

All you have to do to be able to connect with the archangel Jeremiel, is to invoke his name through a short prayer, which you can say internally or express it out loud. The answer to that call will surely be found through your dreams or during a meditation exercise.

Jeremy, It connects us directly with the truth that is within us, with what we are, with our essence. The prayer to call him goes like this:

Today I invoke your holy name Jeremiel, precious angel of dreams and visions, to ask you to encourage me through your hopeful messages, which are the bases on which I sustain my faith.

Join me so that together we can advance on the spiritual path. I also ask you to grant me the necessary wisdom to be able to understand what God's plan is and understand the designs he has for my life.

Help me decipher the messages that you express to me through dreams, especially if they are commands from the Lord to me. Let me evolve on my path with great gratitude, Amen!

Numbers 6 and 33 – Archangel Michael

El archangel michael or also called Michael, Is one of the Angels and Archangels according to the date of birth, which may correspond to you or a member of your family, so it is necessary that you know some of its attributes and characteristics. In the same way, you can discover the meaning of numerology and its influence on your life in the article Issue 8

He is the warrior archangel of God, the angel of strength and courage, but also of truth, reasons for which his name is generally invoked requesting protection. Among all the archangels, he is considered the most powerful, constantly fighting against the forces of evil and darkness, in order to bring conformity and peace of mind to everyone.

It is known in different religious doctrines such as Christian, Jewish and even in Islamic culture. His name means "he who is like God." Within the sacred scriptures, specifically in the gospel of Daniel 10:13, refer to the archangel michael as one of the main princes.

Angels and archangels according to the date of birth

In general, his image is represented carrying a sword as a symbol of divine justice. There are representations where the image of the sword also has a blue flame. As a costume, this angel of God is wearing armor, being a warrior.

Together, both the blue flame, as well as the armor and the sword, are symbols that denote strength, bravery, courage, and especially protection, which is what really defines it. Historically, the Archangel Michael has been linked to the protection of humanity against the forces of darkness.

Commander of the Legions of Light

Another of the attributes that distinguishes the archangel Michael from the rest of the heavenly angels is that among his functions is to direct the legions of angels, called legions of light, placing himself at the head of them as the supreme commander and powerful protector of all humanity. humanity.

Like other archangels, he is closely related to some of the elements of nature, which in his case is fire, which is even the symbol of his great power. That is why he can manifest through dreams or visions with a blue flame or blue lightning, which can also appear adorning his sword.

The sword of this archangel, is built with the precious stone of the sapphire, having immersed this a symbology related to the wisdom that is achieved as one also has spiritual growth. The powers of archangel michael are derived from the creator, so the blue ray is also a symbol of the will of God.

As supreme commander of the legions of angels, Miguel He directed the forces of Light against the followers of Satan, fulfilling the divine mandate and managing to defeat them. It is also said that he was one of the seven archangels who were witnesses and participants in the creation of the universe.

His story

If you have already determined that the archangel michael is from the Angels and Archangels Depending on the date of birth of your guardian angel, you need to know its history and origin. This is how his name appears referenced from the times of old Chaldea, where he was revered as a protective spirit.

It is said that it was even named in its own right, as an important deity. From there he then began to stand out in the ancient world, as a powerful warrior who constantly battled against the forces of evil.

He is the only angel that appears registered by name in the Jewish Bible, where he is described as the great protector of the children of Israel. In the Book of Exodus, there is a passage that narrates the visit that the archangel michael a Moses like a burning thorn. What San Miguel Arcangel, is known within the Christian religion, and is even named by this doctrine, as the patron saint of police officers.

San Miguel, He always comes to help him from those who invoke his name, an example of this being a story about his appearance at Joan of Arc, who says that when she was a child, she heard his voice. In her apparition he was surrounded by angels and little Juana took the opportunity to ask him for strength and courage to fulfill her destiny.

Angels and archangels according to the date of birth

essential functions

El archangel michael, fulfills four essential functions or roles, which it must perform given its heavenly hierarchy. These are:

  1. Fight the forces of darkness.
  2. Protect souls against the influence and actions of Satan.
  3. Help all the children of God, especially at the time of their death.
  4. Accompany the soul of the deceased, pointing the way to the land of Judgment.

Cry for your help

The angels and archangels will always be willing and ready to help you when you require their help and assistance. However, you must bear in mind that when you are going to invoke the name of Miguel, because of the angels and archangels according to the date of birth, it is the one that corresponds to you, it should be for something really important and not for trivialities or situations that you can solve yourself.

Upon learning of your need, he will drop everything he is doing to come to your aid and give you the help you are requesting, even if he is very busy. He is not restricted by physical limitations, nor by the time-space factor. He can manifest at any time where his presence is required, since he dwells in the angelic realm.

You must take into account the following recommendations when making requests and requests to this archangel:

  • Petitions and other requests made to Miguel must be oriented towards positive results and for the benefit of people, but not to harm them.
  • You must have their permission to make requests on their behalf to help others.
  • Before making any request, you must make sure that it is the angel according to your request.
  • Take into account that Archangel Michael is invoked to ask for protection, strength and courage, and it is only within these premises that you can make your request.

Conditions to receive your guidance and divine assistance

There are several ways in which you can invoke the presence of Archangel Michael, however, before making any call, you must create the conditions to receive his guidance and help. The first step is to select a place in your house and turn it into a sacred area dedicated to worshiping angels and archangels.

The characteristics of this space is that it is a clean and very quiet place where you can place an angel altar, led by your intuition. This could be permanent or temporary, where you place some sacred images and objects that are related to the divine, spiritual and angelic.

Among the elements that you can place are images of Jesus, his mother the Virgin Mary, images of angels, some crystals and precious stones, books, and especially, the sapphire blue color, which is distinctive of the archangel Michael.

You can perform some rituals such as meditation exercises, rituals with crystals, visualizations and other elements related to Miguel, before building the altar. You can also recite this simple prayer that we show you below:

Oh powerful Saint Michael the Archangel! I appear before you to ask you to grant me a little of your sacred power. I also ask you to help me to have a little appreciation, freedom and joy in my life.

Holy warrior of God, give me the strength, courage and protection that I need so much, so that I can go on the spiritual path expressing my truth to everyone. I promise to use the gifts that you offer me for the benefit of all men, Amen!

How do you know if he has heard you?

According to tradition, of all the archangels, Michael is the one with the loudest and clearest voice. That is why the way he tells you that he answers your prayers is because after invoking his name, he sends you a message.

You should make sure you have a pen and paper on hand, to write whatever comes to mind. When you invoke his name, you experience a feeling of freedom, detachment, without fear or worry.

El archangel michael, manages to offer you a joyful life, full of real truth, wisdom and knowledge that boost your potential. Trust him fully and you can enjoy a life full of love, peace and freedom.

Number 7 – Archangel Raphael

If archangel raphael, it is between Angels and Archangels According to the date of birth, the one that corresponds to you, or perhaps to a member of your family, or circle of close friends, you should know that it is gentle, sweet and loving. His presence manifests itself with a flash of emerald green light.

Its name means “God heals” or “God heals”, starting from the root of the term "rapha", of Hebrew origin and which means "doctor" or "healer". He possesses great healing power for physical bodies, both human and animal, having that all those who invoke him are healed quickly.

According to the sacred texts, Rafael was the one who was in charge of healing the immense pain of Abraham, as an adult, he was circumcised. It can be invoked on behalf of another person, and immediately, it will go where it is requested, but it will not interfere with the will of said person.

If a person who is affected by any disease refuses spiritual treatment, they cannot be forced to receive it. The presence of this archangel will cause a comforting effect, which will contribute to the healing process naturally, as well as help reduce high levels of anxiety and stress.

Saint Raphael, patron saint of travelers

inside the book of tobit, an episode is described where the archangel raphael, travel together Tobias, the son of Tobit. The writing points out that during the voyage, Rafael fulfilled the commitment to keep safe Tobias, protecting it from the occurrence of any damage, whether physical or spiritual.

It was then that he earned the title as "the Patron of Travelers." If it is about having a safe trip, Rafael He is the ideal assistant, since he is the one who takes care of all the details regarding luggage, transportation, accommodation, among others, making sure that everything is fine.

It also collaborates with spiritual journeys, helping them in the search for their truth, serving as a guide within. One of the anecdotes of the trip Raphael and Tobias, points out that the archangel showed him how to use the fish they had caught, as medicine, turning them into ingredients in the preparation of ointments and balms.

Healers and healers can turn to Archangel Rafael to mentally receive his guidance, either before or during treatment application sessions. It is said that it also helps them with respect to their training and education, that is, with the search for the time and money to go to receive academic preparation.

Also, once they finish their vocational training classes, she helps them by looking for clients. As has already been said, Rafael It heals both humans and animals, and in this branch, domesticated ones can be included, but also wild ones. Since he is a loving saint, the animals seem to be receptive to his care.

It is also said that he helped tobit with his blindness, so his name began to be linked to the "third eye", named after a spiritual energy center or chakra, which is what governs clairvoyance. Michael and Raphael they come together to exorcise troublesome spirits, and channel the lowest energies of people and places.

In the Testament of Solomon, describes the episode where the archangel delivers to Solomon of a magical ring, with the image of a six-pointed star, which was used by the monarch to subdue demonic entities, becoming a sign to release spirits and cleanse spaces of bad energy.

Most people who seek your help are for:

  • Eliminate your addictions.
  • Obtain the Gift of Clairvoyance.
  • Have physical and spiritual perspectives.
  • To recover lost or sick pets.
  • That frees the spaces of bad vibes and other harmful elements.
  • In the case of healers, they ask for guidance and support to heal humans and animals.
  • Travelers ask him for protection for the road and good arrival at their destinations.
  • And all the faithful, for the liberation of the spirit and for the burdens to be less heavy and more bearable.

How to invoke it?

If of the angels and archangels according to the date of birth yours is Rafael, you must be aware of how to call him at the precise moment you need it. Rest assured, he will come to give you his angelic treatment, whether for humans or animals.

Angels and Archangels according to the date of birth

His actions go directly to the body of the person or animal in need, additionally providing the proper guidance and instructions for rapid healing. To invoke Rafael, you must first be in a quiet place and concentrate on his image, and then pronounce the following words:

Oh San Rafael archangel, I urgently require your help in this case (describe the situation for which you are asking for help). I beg you to infuse my body and soul with your sacred healing energy, the one that is so powerful because it has the strength of Divine love.

In your hands and in God's, I trust the outcome of this situation, because I know you will free me from it. Thank you! Because I know that through your powerful energy, I will obtain the well-being and happiness that I need so much today, beloved archangel.

If what you want is to invoke the name of Rafael on behalf of another person, then you must begin by visualizing his image accompanied by other angels of his legion, and that they surround said person, or it can also be a pet.

It will immediately manifest itself with its symbolic emerald green light that reflects its healing presence. Immediately afterwards, you can ask the Almighty Father to send Raphael, or ask the question directly to this archangel, addressing him the following words:

Beloved Archangel Rafael, I ask you to present yourself with your healing power to (say the name of the person or animal), and promote health and well-being in it. Encourage her so that she can concentrate her thoughts, maintaining hope and faith in you.

Eliminate all shadows of doubt or fear from your life, leaving the way clear so that divine health can manifest in it, from this moment and forever. I take advantage of this prayer to thank you divine archangel, Amen!

Note: it is important to take into account that at the end of a prayer, prayer or prayer, we must give thanks as part of the angelic invocation.

Angels and Archangels according to the date of birth

Numbers 8 and 44 – Archangel Raziel

El Archangel Raziel, It is part of the angels and archangels according to the date of birth that could be that of your guardian. Usually this angel of God he is invoked to request his help on a purely spiritual plane.

According to tradition, he is the closest archangel to the heavenly Father, which is why he knows all the divine secrets about the Universe and its creation. He is usually presented as a very old and very masculine gender energy. He has a loving and calm character, which makes his interaction with people very subtle.

Despite being the archangel who has the power to increase psychic abilities and spirituality, he is very prudent, so much so that you will not even know that you are in his presence. He is a wise teacher and guide, who will motivate you to discover things for yourself. He Archangel Raziel establishes a perfect relationship between science and spirituality, showing that they are not opposed to each other.

These explanations, along with other secrets that this archangel keeps, lie in a text called "The book of the Archangel Raziel, or Sefer Raziel”. Despite being available to the public, we warn you that it is a very difficult book to read and understand. In order to do so, you must ask for the guidance due to raziel.

According to religious history, this archangel gave this book to Adam, after he was expelled from Eden, since in it he would find the way to understand the Grace of God, also serving as a guide to be able to live in the outside world. Enoch he received the book before his ascension and transformation, and Noah learned how to build the bow of the book.

Its relationship with Clear Quartz

Raziel, is one of the seven archangels linked to the Chakras. His name means "Secret of God", because he is the one who keeps all the secrets of the Universe. Within numerology, he sees himself represented through 2, which is the personality, 6, which is the Soul, and 8, the Destiny, assigning three numbers to his name.

It is related to all colors, and to the third eye Chakra, along with the transparent quartz crystal, due to the theme of clairvoyance, that is, the ability to see beyond the obvious. To connect with him Archangel Raziel, you just have to concentrate and imagine any color of the rainbow.

You can also use Clear Quartz, as it is a very powerful crystal. You must ask this archangel for divine help when working or cleaning your Third Eye Chakra, since he will provide you with his wise advice, the correct instructions to do so.

raziel It can provide you with guidance on topics such as: Alchemy; Clairvoyance; Divinity; psychic abilities; esoteric information; Intuition; mazes; manifesting; Living Past, Remembering and Healing; spiritual wisdom; Vision, letting yourself be guided by your intuition.

Number 9 – Archangel Ariel

Closing this cycle Angels and Archangels According to the date of birth, it is the turn of the description of the archangel ariel, which sometimes appears represented as a female angel and in others as a male angel, although its female figure prevails.

Its name means "altar", although the best known concept is its meaning in Hebrew, as "lion of God". He is the angel of nature and in many records, he appears named as Arael, Ari'el, or Ariael.

One of its functions is to comply with the surveillance, protection and healing of the flora and fauna, at the same time that it must govern the natural elements such as: earth, air, water, and fire. Another of the missions that was entrusted to him is to apply a punishment to all those who try to cause damage to the creations of God.

El archangel Ariel, It serves as a channeling entity that unites the earthly world with the spiritual world. It is generally associated with celestial spirits, crystals, and fairies, as well as other expressions related to magic.

His figure is represented carrying a globe that symbolizes the Earth, or also with the image of the elements of nature, denoting his role as an angel protector of the heavenly Father's creation. He can be seen in both his male and female forms, the latter being the most common, carrying the colors of the rainbow, most distinctively pale pink.

Angels and Archangels according to the date of birth

His origins

Within the sacred scriptures, there is no specific mention of the name of the Ariel, but rather, in the gospel of Isaiah 29, his name is used to refer to Jerusalem, the holy city.

It is also named within the Jewish character work entitled "Solomon's Wisdom”, a text whose data is very old and where it is described to Ariel, as an angel that punishes the demons, the same reference that they make of her in the text of the Christian doctrine called "Pistis Sophia".

Subsequent publications talk about her role as protector and guardian of nature and everything that is in it, highlighting the name "Hierarchy of the Blessed Angels”, whose edition is from the XNUMXth century, and where they refer to Ariel calling him "the great lord of the Earth".

angelic virtues

Among the works published by Saint Thomas of Aquino, the angels and archangels of heaven were separated into groups, which they called "choirs", testimony certified by medieval authorities. These choirs are subdivided into other names for angels such as: seraphim and cherubs.

There was also a special classification of angels that were called virtues, a group of which Ariel was not only a part but the leader. His job was to motivate and inspire men on Earth to do great things, be it in art, science, business, among other areas.

This group of virtues were described by medieval theologians as a powerful force filled with divine energy that was unbreakable.

The supraessential virtue is the source of virtue, serving as a receiver for divine Illuminations, which increases its power of assimilation with God. They are the angels who never strayed from the Divine Life, ascending unconditionally as virtue flowed, filling you with virtue in abundance.

How to request your help?

If Ariel is one of the angels and archangels according to the date of birth that corresponds to you as a caring angel, you should know the best way to address him and ask for his help when you need it.

He is the patron saint of wild animals, and also of new beginnings according to the religion of Christianity. In general, people ask you for help to care for and protect the environment, nature and all creatures of God.

The petitions are in favor of providing healing according to the mandate of the law of God. In this task, Ariel works together with the archangel raphaelthe healing angel. In the same way, he can establish a strong connection with the natural or elemental world, which is beneficial to you.

To call this archangel and to respond effectively to your call, you only have to ask him for things that are within his reach within his kingdom, that is, on issues related to nature, the elements, environmental protection and animal care. .

The requests can be accompanied by an offering with candles, which, in the case of Ariel they should preferably be pale pink or any other color of the rainbow. All these angels and archangels, according to the date of birth, supervise and have under their command another legion of guardian angels, who take turns to care for each one of us.

What are they according to your zodiac sign?

In addition to knowing the angels and archangels according to the date of birth, you can also know using this valuable information, which is your protective angel according to your zodiac sign. That is why we show you the names below:

  • Archangel Samael: represents the sign of Aries
  • Archangel Asmodel: linked to the sign of Taurus
  • Archangel Raphael: represents the sign of Gemini
  • Archangel Gabriel: marked with the sign of Cancer
  • Archangel Michael: represents the sign of Leo
  • Archangel Raphael: linked with the sign of Virgo
  • Archangel Haniel: represents the sign of Libra
  • Archangel Zadquiel: marked with the sign of Scorpio
  • Archangel Azrael: represents the sign of Sagittarius
  • Archangel Cassiel: identified with the sign of Capricorn
  • Archangel Uriel: represents the sign of Aquarius
  • Archangel Azrael: represents the sign of Pisces

What is your guardian angel?

In the same way, you can determine who your guardian angel is through the following table, according to the date of your birthday. It will be to that angel that you should direct your requests and prayers to better face the conflicts in your life. From January 1 to February 9: Miguel; from February 10 to March 20: Gabriel; from March 21 to April 30: Metatron; from May 1 to June 10: Raziel; from June 11 to July 22: Zaphkiel; from September 3 to October 13: Camael; from October 14 to November 22: Raphael; and finally, from November 23 to December 31: Haniel.

If you liked this article, you can also read about angelic numerology

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  1.   Nully said

    Excellent information. Thank you