What are fallen angels? and who were they?

According to different dogmas, fallen angels are beings that once existed in heaven but were evicted from heavenly life due to various contexts. Through this article, we invite you to know everything about the Fallen angels, who were they? and the story behind each of them.


What are the fallen angels?

The fallen angels are entities that walked in heaven together with God a long time ago; However, these were banished from this realm due to various situations. According to the Christian religion, these angels made one of the biggest mistakes that any human being who adheres to divine commandments can make: disobeying the will of God or, well, refusing to recognize this supreme being.

In addition to being banished from heaven, these angels had their wings taken away where they lived eternally punished in misery; according to some scriptures such as Genesis, the Old Testament and other texts, they allege that fallen angels tend to influence humans so that they distance themselves from their faith and beliefs; usually these are related to Satan and everything that is negative.

What is the source that speaks of fallen angels?

One of the most significant texts that contains extensive content about fallen angels is the "Book of Enoch", an ancient Jewish religious text traditionally attributed to Enoch the great-grandfather of Noah, which contains unique information about the origin of demons and giants. , the clarification of why some angels fell from heaven, and even a statement of why the flood was morally inescapable.

Studies have estimated that the earliest sections of the Book of Enoch, primarily the "Book of Watchers," date to around 300 BC. C., and the last part, the "Book of Parables", dates from around the XNUMXst century BC. c.

Contrary to popular belief, the "Book of Enoch" is not part of the biblical compendium used by Judaism or Catholicism in general, but only by the Orthodox Christian churches of Ethiopia and Eritrea. However, all Christian conceptions or customs admit that this book has some historical or theological interest.


These manuscripts, found in fairly good condition despite their time, are written in the Guèze language with Aramaic fragments from the Dead Sea Scrolls and some Greek and Latin fragments. For this and other reasons, the traditional Ethiopian belief is that the original language of the work was Geez, while modern scholars argue that it was first written in Aramaic or Hebrew.

The origin of the fallen angels

At the beginning, the fallen angels corresponded to everything heavenly that sought to protect the origin of humanity; they were specifically formed by God to take care of man, for this they were given understanding and independence.

These particularities led several of these angels to question their creator, to distance themselves from him and to commit various "sins", where God decided to expel them from heaven for their actions, these being banished to hell.

It is believed that all the angels succumbed to lust, others for vanity and self-centeredness as the main reason.

Why did these angels fall?

There are 2 references according to the historical review: in one we find the reviews of the Bible mentioning Lucifer; and we also come across the Book of Enoch, in which the fall of 200 angels in general is related with Semyazza as the primordial leader, but this was not the only leader who was banished, there were 20 in total; these are outlined as the "Watchers."

These were also known as Grigori, God sent them to Earth to take care of humanity; however, these are enthralled with the daughters of mortals and after making an oath with them, they were linked to later procreate descendants with them, being aware of the destiny that each one of them had. Their descendants were known as the Nephilim mentioned in the Bible, giant demigods sons of angels and humans.

Lust was not only the reason for his exile, another reason was the teaching of the Grigori to men of the art of war and the creation of war instruments, among other wisdom that generated the imbalance between the initial men. For this, it must be borne in mind that each Grigori is linked to a different type of wisdom.

Most significant fallen angels

In the Enoch manuscript there is a detailed list where each of the fallen angels is reviewed, this also includes the primordial challenger of the Creator popularly recognized as Lucifer, who was one of God's favorite angels.

The privilege that he enjoyed before the Almighty was the product of his small collaboration in the formation of the Universe; likewise, he carried out various activities within the sky of the kingdom, since like everything there must always be an individual with a certain leadership power who is in charge of verifying that people are on the path of good. Lucifer fully fulfilled this profile, which is why he was appointed by God in the task of leading the cherubim along the indicated path, so that each one fulfilled his responsibilities effectively.

However, this angel began to experience feelings that were invisible to the rest of his environment, but deep inside he had the full conviction and greed that he could obtain the powers of the Almighty, but he failed in his attempt. God and his retinue realized his intentions, and that is how almost immediately this angel and his followers were expelled from heaven and damned for all eternity.

Next, we will identify and detail the most significant fallen angels that have influenced the earth to cause humans to commit inappropriate acts or commit sins, these are:


Luzbel – Lucifer

Identified as the "bearer of light" as well as the name Satan, although originally his name is Luzbel ("beautiful light"). He is the most famous fallen angel of all and the one that appears the most in the Bible, unlike others that appear in the Book of Enoch. This was created by God as his prodigal son, endowed with great beauty, intelligence and perfection, to be the one who organized the rest of the angels.

The enormous power of this angel caused him to increase his vanity, feeling superior to God, this derived his rivalry with the Almighty; and this was the reason for his banishment from heaven.


His name means "he sees the name"; this was the chief of the Watchers (Grigori), and he is the one who encouraged the rest of his 199 peers to take mortal wives and procreate descendants with them; just as, he gave them the order to teach man the wisdom of each one, this action turned them all into the fallen angels. All of these angels swore allegiance to him, however, this was not the only leader of this great group.


He is the first follower of Lucifer; and the main objective of this was to provoke thoughts to the cherubs in order to disorient and confuse them. This was an intelligent being, who was in charge of spreading the teachings of symbology to humans, also imparting the necessary methods for reading and writing.


He is the second disciple of Lucifer, his fall from heaven was with him; this is one of the fallen angels who view humans as subservient, he is also recognized as one of the instigators of the fallen angels to sexually bond with the daughters of mortals on earth.


This fallen angel showed humans the necessary instruments for wars. Its primary goal was to specify how to enter a battle so that kills would be generated. It is said that during the day of the end of the world, it will appear to be questioned by one of the cherubs of heaven.

Furthermore, it revealed witchcraft secrets to humans and corrupted their ways, leading them to evil and impurity; Importantly, this angel is not the same as Azrael, who is the angel of death in certain religions (Judaism and Islam).


His name represents "sun of God", an appropriate qualifier since in the Enoch manuscript it is indicated that it was he who educated mortals about the symbols of the sun. He was the sixteenth guardian of the 20 heads of the fallen angels. In his time in heaven, God awarded him the protection of the Garden of Eden after Adam and Eve were expelled from there.

Gadreel or Arakiel

Its name literally represents "wall of God". He was part of the Watchers group and is Semyazza's second disciple. He is listed as one of the fallen angels who followed Lucifer in his plans when he rebelled, and at all times taught the cherubs what it means to die and was also in charge of teaching the instruments used in battles.


His name means "hidden power", and he is the fifth guardian of the fallen angels. It was he who taught men about spirits, demons, abortion and snake bites (evil), the soul, showing humanity that they could become as important as God.


Remiel or Ramiel

His name means "thunder of God", and in the Enoch manuscript he is mentioned as the one responsible for the resurrected, this makes him the delegate to guide the dead to the kingdom of God during their ascension. He was part of the group of 20 guardians of the fallen angels and was punished for lusting after him.


He was one of the guardians of heaven and he is conferred to be the heir of what is known in different religions as the evil man.


He has been named as the annihilator, his appearance is attributed to an evil being, he can be recognized as the cherub of darkness that represents the dead. On the other hand, it is considered that he was called by Moses to overthrow Egypt.


This fallen angel can correspond to different representations, in the first place it can represent a woman who lives in the depths of the waters; and on the other hand, she can be seen as the successor of the evil beings, representing evil in all its forms.


This angel had the task of damaging the mind of man with his arrival; likewise, he assumed the task of showing humans what lies were, this happened before Adam and Eve who broke the laws of the Supreme God.



He was part of the group of 20 chiefs and was a disciple of Semyazza; His main sin was joining with a mortal, so God was forced to banish him just like his peers.


His name means "God has judged", he was ranked twentieth in the group of Watchers, and is credited with teaching solar symbology to the inhabitants of Earth, as well as his peer Shamsiel.

Other important fallen angels

Next, a shorter list of other fallen angels will be displayed, which were also as significant as those previously named, these are:

  • agniel: He is the one who taught mortals to use roots and herbs.
  • akibeel: He was in charge of instructing mortals about the emblems of the cabal, a religious passage that studies the beginning of the world.
  • Baraqiel or Baraqel: his name represents the "lightning of God". He is the ninth observer and was responsible for teaching astrology to mankind.
  • Asahel: his qualifier represents the "made by God", and he was the tenth leader of the Watchers.
  • Armaros or Amaros: his qualifier represents "cursed", he is the eleventh Watcher of the group of 20, this was the one who taught humanity to create and resolve enchantments.
  • batariel: his nickname represents "valley of God", and he is the twelfth of the Grigori.
  • Bezaliel or Bassasael: His epithet is "the shadow of God", and he is the thirteenth chief of the fallen angels.
  • ananiel: his name symbolizes "rain of God", and he was the fourteenth of the Grigori.
  • zaqiel: symbolizes the "purity of God", and is listed as the fifteenth of the 20 Grigori chiefs.
  • Sathariel: represents "the dawn of God", and he was the seventeenth leader of the Grigori; before being banished he represented the concealment of God, that is, he was the one who hid the face of mercy.
  • Turiel: represents the "stone of God", and is the eighteenth head of the Fallen Angels.
  • Yomiel: symbolizes the "days of God", and was the 19th head of the Grigori.
  • Chazaqiel, Ezequeel or Cambriel: personifies the "cloud of God", and devoted himself to instructing men on meteorology.
  • kokabel: embodies the "star of God", and this was dedicated to educating men about astronomy and the nicknames of the constellations.
  • Sariel or Suriel: expresses the "prince of God", and it was he who educated humanity about the stages of the moon and the lunar calendar.

fallen angels on earth

Many have the conception that there may be fallen angels on earth, but in the Holy Scriptures it is noted that they are under the surface and the depths of the darkness that make up the underworld, fulfilling their sentence and for doing damage at the beginning of the creation, disturbing humans by causing their thoughts and actions to swim in a sea of ​​confusion; something is certain, and it is that many historical texts validate that these did leave the kingdom of God.

fallen angels in the bible

The fallen angels are commonly mentioned in various ancient sacred writings, as we mentioned above in some writings they were given the qualification of Nephilim. On the other hand, we can find in various writings that this term is used to designate the descendants recognized as great beings, the result of the union between the fallen angels and the women of the earth. Among the sacred writings, where mention is made of the fallen angels are: Genesis, Job, Peter, Judas and in the writings of Enoch.

In Genesis 6:1-8, the fallen angels are mentioned when they came to earth to form families with the young women of the earth and consequently obtained the giants. God's affliction for bringing the human race and all beasts into existence is also mentioned.

Likewise, in Jude 1:6 it mentions the fallen angels as creatures who did not care about their purity, in fact they did their best to put aside the heavenly life that was meant for them. However, God acted on it and chose to send them to the darkest depths, where the fallen angels would live imprisoned, for being against the Lord's regulations. Therefore, they will have to live in darkness, until the day that God appears to judge everyone.

On the other hand, it should be noted that the Nephilim are mentioned in Genesis, but from a different point of view than the one mentioned above, it speaks of great beings who already inhabited the earth long before the unions of the fallen angels with the women who inhabit the earth. Therefore, it is understood that comparisons are made between fallen angels and great beings.

fallen angels and demons

It is necessary to make a comparison, which separates the demons from the fallen angels and that is the following: the evil beings do not belong to the group of the fallen angels. They do not have a structure like that of the human being, that is why they are constantly looking for bodies to inhabit.

So it is common that the evil beings tend to inhabit the animals of the land, in the sacred writings, the evil beings are named in the Genesis section. Likewise, it can be found in the section of Mark 5:12 that the evil beings asked Jesus for permission to be able to live in pigs.

Unlike the fallen angels, it must be remembered that these are creatures that were taken out of the kingdom of God, the angels rebelled against the Creator and his regulations. For what resulted in a great heavenly battle and the angels were banished from heaven, from that moment they began to be called the fallen angels.

The fallen angels can achieve the human aspect, but the great divergence is that they cannot reproduce, because at the time that God originated them, the angels had totally dissimilar characteristics to humans, this is due to the work in which they would develop. both in heaven and on earth guarding the original men of the earth.

However, it should be noted that on many occasions fallen angels are referred to as evil beings, but we must remember the reasons why they were exiled and stripped of their qualities, since their wings were removed. Another aspect to keep in mind is that the fallen angels wander around, looking for a way to make more people distrust the Creator, filling them with dark thoughts.

Only those with a fragile mind and body will allow themselves to fall into the arms of the fallen angels, who seek to harm their lives, since they did not achieve their goals either, and they must find a way to make people fall into a kind of rejection.

Just as Adam and Eve did, it is said that the fallen angels were in charge of deceiving the inhabitants of the earth, telling them that they had to eat or do certain kinds of things to acquire the knowledge that the gods possess, but those who committed these errands They tried to realize that life was not the same, they had the wisdom and awareness of good and bad, which was not thought of in the life that God had planned.

The fallen angels and their bond with women

This is a subject of debate between religions and scholars, which can also create confusion when reading the holy writings, as it was previously said that fallen angels were heavenly creatures before they came to earth. Therefore, they could not marry, it is said that they are beings that lack matter, therefore, it is said that they cannot have any kind of connection with the daughters of men, as mentioned in various sections of the sacred writings.

Likewise, there are several points that tend to be confusing. First, in some sections of the sacred writings it is described that at the time of passing to the divine plan the chosen ones would acquire the appearance of cherubim and would live like them, it is recognized that angels have great powers, surpassing men, since they belong to a high Hierarchy in all respects.

Second, there are other sections that can create a mess, since the cherubim and fallen angels are named as descendants of God, however, in recent sacred writings all humans are said to be descendants of God, then the question arises. confusion because if you refer to the mixing of the first bloodlines of the earth as descendants of God, the cherubim do not enter into this matter.

But it is not completely explicit who they refer to, however what is shown in the sections of the sacred writings is that the fallen angels, being able to transform with aspects of the person, could acquire aspects of a man and thus carnally bond with women .

Finally, it is worth mentioning that in another section of the sacred writings it is stated that the fallen angels were locked in darkness, due to the mistakes they made by having descendants with women. Depending on the perception you have about it, you could think that the fallen angels had children, because one of their qualities was not to reproduce because they are an asexual creature.

So this will be a topic that scholars can always debate, as there are contradictions on the subject in the sacred writings, suggesting that there was no obstacle to the belief that fallen angels were united with women, as it is. correct to think that this is not possible since they do not have the characteristics of humans.

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