The Most Common Canary Diseases

In this post we want to mention some Canary Diseases, so that you can take your measurements and be attentive to any sign or symptom and you can immediately go to the veterinarian in the event of any of the symptoms that we will describe.


Canary Diseases

The canaries with birds that have colors that are very bright and have a happy song with which they manage to fill our homes with life. For that reason, if we realize that they have changed their patterns, if they stop singing, we have to worry, because they are absolutely delicate little animals.

It is essential that all canary owners have to be aware of the main ailments and diseases that can afflict canaries. Being able to discover that the bird is sick early can be the difference between saving our bird's life or not and we can also avoid various inconveniences.

We must be aware of changes in temperature or not take the appropriate hygiene measures in relation to the cage in which they live, it can have many negative effects on our canary, so we must do our best to always offer our bird the best conditions. But let's start explaining them.

False moult in canaries

The particularity that is known as the false molt is the loss of feathers in times when it is not common for this to happen or abnormal molts. This can be caused by violent changes in temperature, prolonged exposure to the sun or, in several cases, due to the existence of mites.

If you want your canary to begin to recover, you have to pay attention to the environment of the cage. That is, you have to take steps to control the temperature and humidity of the room your bird lives in and avoid exposing it to the outdoors and the elements for a few weeks. Over the days you will observe how their feathers are recovering.

Likewise, there are medications and vitamin supplements with which you can help your canary recover its wings, as well as feed it with breeding paste for a few days.

Respiratory diseases in canaries

The case of respiratory diseases is quite common, because they affect canaries very frequently. What should be done in these cases is to isolate the canary that is affected, in order to avoid contagion with his companions, if he has them. The most common symptoms are the following:

  • Embolamiento: the canary fluffs its feathers because its body temperature has dropped and thus fights the cold.
  • Singing absent.
  • Sneezing, coughing.
  • Mucous discharge from the nostrils.
  • Difficult breathing, with the beak open.

Among the respiratory diseases that are capable of affecting canaries, we have to tell you that the following are the most frequent:

catarrh and hoarseness

It occurs when our canary is exposed to cold air currents or when sudden changes in temperature occur, which are what cause colds in your canary. It may or may not be accompanied by aphonia. If you put water that is very cold it can also cause hoarseness, so you have to try to put water that is at room temperature.

What must be done for our canary to get better is to put it in a place that is warm and not expose it to the outside or to changes in temperature for a few days. It is also possible to add a few drops of eucalyptus or honey with lemon to the drinking water.


CDR or chronic respiratory disease

This disease is also called mycoplasmosis, this disease is caused by a bacterium called Mycoplasma gallisepticum. It produces many inconveniences at the time of reproduction in an ideal way.

The symptoms that can be observed are the respiratory ones that we have mentioned previously, in addition you will be able to notice that it has a whistling sound that it emits when breathing, which may or may not be constant. If we do not give you the right treatment, other associated problems may occur, such as liver problems and sinusitis or conjunctivitis.

If this is the case, you should consult your veterinarian regarding the most convenient antibiotic treatment and you must comply fully until it is finished. This disease is difficult to cure and can cause a lot of stress in the bird.


It is a disease that is commonly confused with the CDR disease that we have previously commented on. The symptoms are the same as those produced by a bad cold but with the addition of a larger nasal secretion. In this case, canaries do not make noises or whistles when breathing. White crusts can form on the beak and can cause inflammation of one or both eyes.

Mycosis in canaries

If you place the cage of your canaries in a place that is poorly ventilated, with a high concentration of humidity and little light reaches it, this can cause a number of ailments and diseases that can be caused by fungi. Likewise, if the sanitary and cleaning measures of the cage are not taken, they favor the proliferation of fungi.

Ringworm, candidiasis or scabies are several of the diseases that can have their origin in the presence of fungi. These are ailments that are uncommon in canaries, but that are very dangerous if the corresponding treatment is not administered.

The best measure you can take to avoid fungal infections in your canary is to be very meticulous in the hygiene of the aviary. You have to choose a place that is well ventilated, with a low level of humidity and that is bright so that you can proceed to place the cage. In addition, it is convenient to disinfect and clean both the cage and the drinkers very often.

Colibacillosis in canaries

Colibacillosis is a bacterial disease that causes diarrhea, lack of appetite, cessation of singing and apathy. Another symptom is that it causes the canary to drink more water than usual. It is common for it to spread from one canary to another, so it is absolutely essential to separate the affected canary from the moment the disease is detected. What is normally indicated are antibiotics and vitamin complexes, so that our bird recovers in a few days.

parasites in canaries

Parasites are capable of affecting your canary not only internally but also externally. The mites are able to settle in your throat and cause symptoms similar to those of a respiratory disease, such as CRD.

The canary will stop singing, will sneeze and will tilt its head sideways, shaking. Your canary can also be affected by digestive parasites (coccidiosis, trichomoniasis) that will cause anemia, anorexia and abnormal stools.


The number of external parasites that can affect your canary is very varied. They can produce negative effects on their feathers in different ways. An example of them are lice and red mites. These parasites progressively weaken our bird.

The canary will behave in an agitated way, grooming itself continuously and it is possible that it will cause bald spots in its plumage. If they are not eliminated, they will end up causing anemia in the animal.

The most effective prophylactic measure is to disinfect the cage and properly clean the device in which you place the water and food with a suitable disinfectant product and without the canary being inside the cage. You should consult your veterinarian about which disinfectant is most suitable for your bird.

Gout in canaries

Gout is a disease that occurs in the joints that is caused by a poor diet. But, it is not very common in canaries. It usually occurs due to an excess of protein and a deficit of vegetables in the diet of our bird. In this way, an accumulation of uric acid is caused that forms crystals in their legs and causes damage to the kidneys. In this way, it will be problematic for the canary to adequately articulate its legs.

One option is that the canary's legs can be washed with iodized glycerin and it is mandatory to consult your veterinarian about the most convenient treatment and how you can improve their diet.

Digestive diseases in canaries

You have to be aware of the color, texture and frequency of your canary's stools, because this can help you detect what is affecting your bird. By observing the feces we can help our veterinarian to discover more quickly what pathology they may be suffering from, because depending on their appearance, it may be one ailment or another:

  • Black stools: it is an indication of the presence of internal parasites such as tapeworms, which can even cause bleeding in the digestive system. Black color in the stool indicates bleeding in the upper part of the digestive system.
  • White stools: When the stools are white, it means that the stool contains only urine. This is an indication that the canary is not eating. Yellowish or green tones indicate that they may have liver damage.
  • Bloody stools: the light-colored blood present in the stools is undigested blood, which means that your canary probably has a disease that is in the final part of the digestive system. It is probably coccidiosis.
  • Very watery stools: they indicate the presence of coccidosis, fungi, viral infection or may be caused by stress.
  • Undigested seeds: when we observe that there are undigested seeds in the feces, this is indicative of the presence of worms or an infection.

In all these cases, we strongly recommend that you go to the veterinarian so that they can tell you which is the most appropriate treatment for your bird to achieve the restoration of its health.

Avitaminosis in canaries

The deficiency or lack of vitamins that our canary requires can give rise to more serious problems. The amount that our bird requires of each vitamin is minimal, and we must ensure that our canary enjoys a good diet and time exposed to the sun. The vitamins that are essential for canaries are the following:

  • Avitaminosis A: Vitamin A is essential for sight and the immune system. Birds that are little exposed to the sun may have deficiencies of this vitamin. Its low levels can cause loss of appetite, baldness and, in severe cases, sores in the eyes and mouth.
  • Avitaminosis B: it causes vertigo in our canaries, the bird falls, it affects the nervous system.
  • Avitaminosis D: lack of exposure to the sun produces a deficit of this vitamin. It causes lameness, rickets and other bone problems.

These vitamin deficiencies can be treated with vitamin supplements that are usually administered orally in the drinking water. Other vitamins can be found in supplements that are commonly supplied to our canaries for times of heat or moulting.

In any case, we remind you that this post is only informative, since we do not have the power to indicate veterinary treatments nor can we carry out any kind of diagnosis, we only intend to provide information about the diseases of canaries. We will always seriously recommend that you take your canary to the vet in the event that you observe any type of condition or discomfort or any of the symptoms that we have discussed in this article.


Atoxoplasmosis (dry)

Systemic isosporosis, which is also called atoxoplasmosis, is a parasitic disease that is common in passerines. The infection is thought to be endemic in wild birds, as a fulminant and fatal disease, which occurs when the canary is under the influence of stress, has concurrent infections, or is immunosuppressed.

Next, we want to describe the histological and immunohistochemical characteristics of the cellular infiltrate that occurs in captive colonies of goldfinches and American sparrows, which also attacks canaries. Necropsies were performed on 9 birds, and histological examination was performed on the intestines of an additional 7 birds. Lesions were found to be more severe in the proximal small intestine.

Histologically, the changes varied, observing intense infiltrations of lymphocytes that filled the lamina propria with large atypical cells, which expanded and erased the normal mucosal epithelium and invaded the rest of the body, through the walls of the intestine and in the ceolomica cavity. .

Both small lymphocytes and large atypical cells were immunoreactive for CD3. It was possible to detect intracellular parasites that were Isospores in the large atypical cells, but were more easily detectable in the more differentiated lymphocytes. A polymerase chain reaction was verified and virus isolation was performed on tissues from 7 birds, which were negative for retroviruses and herpesviruses.

The immunohistochemical results of this study and the destructive characteristic of the cellular infiltrate suggest that the lesion represents T-cell lymphoma. In birds, lymphomas are more often related to herpes and retroviruses; the absence of these viruses They suggest that the parasite was the one that caused a neoplastic transformation.

Much work remains to be done to prove the transformative nature of the lesions, but preliminary results have suggested that passerine birds may be susceptible to parasite-associated lymphomas.

As for treatment, if the ailment is mild, the vet will most likely prescribe a syrup called Septrin Pediatric Suspension that is only sold in pharmacies, probably having to administer 1 drop every 12 hours at peak . After that, it may be necessary to administer vitamin K.

Black Spot or Black Point

If you are a bird breeder, especially canaries, you must have heard of, and even experienced what has been called black spot disease, which shows up in newborn chicks and surely you still do not have a clear idea of ​​what it is. . Several specialists affirm that this disease is caused by coccidia, which are protozoa that belong to the genus Atoxoplasma.

Other connoisseurs indicate that it originates from the presence of coliforms and in recent times it has been said that it is possible that the causative agent of this disease is a particular class of circovirus. After many necropsies have been carried out, several pathogenic agents observed in dead pigeons due to black spot have been detected, so to speak of a single causative agent would be a mistake.

It must be taken into consideration that any parasitic, viral, fungal or bacterial agent can be the cause of this ailment. All these agents produce effects that damage the liver, which suffers, together with the gallbladder, from a process of necrosis due to cell death and autolysis, the result being that the liver darkens and therefore exhibits the famous black spot, preceding a serious failure. hepatic and subsequent multiorgan and finally the death of the pigeon.


After the cause of the disease is diagnosed by the veterinarian, the treatments should try to combine broad-spectrum antibiotics, antiprotozoals, antifungals, multivitamins and liver protectors. Only in this way could a large number of affected pigeons be recovered.

However, if you do not want canaries to suffer from this disease, since on many occasions when we realize it is too late, we must prevent them in our birds, with treatments recommended by the head veterinarian, which are administered before breeding.

respiratory acarosis

It is a disease that is caused by an arachnid that belongs to the mite family, called the Sternostoma tracheacolum mite, which is responsible for invading the respiratory tract of the bird. The symptoms are presented with sneezing, whistling from the bronchi, particularly at night and is capable of producing injuries that cause the death of the bird.

The treatment that should usually be recommended by the veterinarian are prepared medications that are suitable and are found in specialized stores. A remedy to combat it is to provide the canary with oily products, such as flax, so that the parasite slips, although they are not always effective.


The normal causes of anemia are poor environmental conditions, female fatigue after multiple incubations, vitamin deficiencies, and unbalanced diets. The symptoms that occur are loss of balance, pale beak and legs, and weight loss. Regarding treatment, the bird should be given substantial food, natural light, air and mild temperatures, as well as administering a vitamin complex.

feather plucking

The causes for a canary to pluck its feathers can be a behavioral disorder, or perhaps an infestation of external or internal parasites. But a behavioral disorder can even be contagious. For this reason, it is necessary to separate the canary in which this behavior is observed, because it can end up pulling out not only its own feathers, but also those of the other canaries that live with it in the same cage.

The treatment begins by isolating the bird from the others, and providing it with soft materials through the bars of the cage, which it can peck to entertain itself, while we administer the drug prescribed by the veterinarian. Unfortunately, it is a disease that is very difficult to eradicate, particularly when it comes to female specimens.


The cause of asthma is of genetic origin, so it can only be treated by means of medications that alleviate the symptoms, but they can never eradicate the disease: Normally it is anti-asthmatic drugs prescribed by the veterinarian and the symptoms with breathing difficulties.


This disease is caused by a microscopic fungus that has its habitat in food and that affects canaries, attacking their upper respiratory tract. The symptoms are usually runny or moist nostrils, sometimes the mucus is accompanied by a yellow pus that forms in the respiratory system and that does not allow the bird to breathe. Likewise, there is a bronchial and tracheal catarrh, fever with thirst, lack of vitality, and greenish diarrhea.

As for the treatment, we regret to inform you that to this day there is no cure for this ailment, therefore, the only thing we can do is prevent it, always feeding clean seeds that have not been exposed to the environment or to the dust. Another thing that is useful against aspergillosis of the lungs and air sacs are ultrasonic sprays with amphotericin B or miconada fluorocycline, on which the instructions should be given by the veterinarian.


Aspergillosis is an infection in the respiratory system that generally attacks poultry and other birds such as canaries. The cause is a species of Aspergillus, usually A. fumigatus and A. flavus. They are ubiquitous opportunistic saprophytes, becoming pathogenic not only to birds but also to large domestic animals and even to man.

In young birds, Aspergillus causes acute attacks, with a high mortality rate during the first days of the bird's life and permanent morbidity. In adult poultry, the disease is usually chronic, so these birds will exhibit inflamed granulomatous lesions in the lungs and air sacs.

In the incubators of industrial chicken farms, this pathogen first attacks cracked and dirty eggs, so the degree of affectation in this case is very serious, with a high mortality rate among embryos and those chicks that manage to survive and As soon as they hatch, they are severely affected at birth, resulting in death or retarded growth and high morbidity.

Day-old chicks are particularly susceptible to aspergillosis and frequently die of this ailment. The same is the case with canaries, ornamental birds and wild birds that are kept in captivity.


The cause of this disease is the contamination of food or water that animals ingest, since it is an illness that is infectious and contagious. Symptoms that occur with loss of appetite and singing; the expulsion of whitish or gray stools, increased respiratory rate per minute, anorexia, swollen joints with pus and conjunctivitis, among others.

Unfortunately, it is a disease with which many precautions must be taken because it affects humans and causes havoc. The treatment has to be recommended by a veterinarian and is usually based on antibiotics.


It is an infection that is caused by contamination with Escherichia Coli. It occurs as a result of humidity, lack of hygiene and sanitary measures in the cages or due to overcrowding and is highly contagious. It presents with symptoms such as profuse yellowish or greenish diarrhea; balling during the breeding season, wet chicks and sweaty bellies of the females.

The treatment that the veterinarian should recommend will be based on specific antibiotics. But the mortality rate is very high, because if it is not treated in time, the bird will die 4 days after being infected.

excessive nail growth

The causes of this problem originate from the excessive thinness of the perches on which the animal is held. These must be adequate for the length of the animal in question, so that it can be fully grasped with its leg and that its nails are always in contact with the perch.

Preventive treatment is very simple, you will only have to buy and place hangers of various thicknesses so that the canary can exercise its claws more. When you have to trim your nails, you should always do it above the blood vessel that runs through them and that is easy to see in full light. But if you accidentally cut it, you just have to stop the bleeding with a hemostatic preparation, although if you are careful, this will not be necessary.

It is appropriate that the birds have wooden sticks or cuttlefish on which to file their beak and nails, since if this is not the case, these will grow exaggeratedly and will have the effect that the bird suffers accidents by accidentally getting caught in the nets of the aviary or in the cage, and can even die.

Due to the excessive growth of the beak, the animal may be unable to feed. When the growth is already evident, it is best that you proceed to cut off the excess with great caution, so as not to injure the bird.


This respiratory disease is caused by a specific mycoplasma, almost always accompanied by the E. coli bacteria, which is very contagious. Presenting symptoms are dyspnea, wheezing, coughing, sneezing, weight loss, and airway blockage. The treatment should focus on the administration of antibiotics indicated by the veterinarian.


Its causes are indigestible food or food that was in poor condition, as well as drafts, stress situations, or very cold drinking water. The symptoms are the presence of liquid and abundant yellow-green stools and a reddened belly.

Treatment consists of eliminating green foods and fruits; Remove the oily seeds. After that, you have to administer group B vitamins. Make sure the bird drinks a lot of water so that it does not become dehydrated and give it infusions of chamomile, boiled rice and millet seeds, which will help it to harden the stool.

Another possible treatment is to pour a little terramycin into the water they are going to drink, or give the canary a drop of boiled and cooled milk, several times a day.


Canary Pox, also known as Diphteropox or Kikuth Disease, is a viral pathology that occurs with a higher incidence in sports aviaries for small birds. It is produced by a Poxvirus, which is dispersed worldwide and can affect all species that are raised in sport ornithology.

In recent decades, it has decimated many ornithological facilities, ending the expectations of breeders who saw how in a matter of days their work of many years of genetic selection disappeared thanks to this disease with devastating effects.

This disease makes an appearance in the autumn or early winter of each year, coinciding with the final phase of the birds' molt. Although, depending on how the environment conditions are, it is possible that outbreaks can develop during other periods, in other latitudes following a fairly seasonal pattern.

The contagion occurs very quickly between the specimens, accessing the animals through wounds or lesions on the skin and mucous membranes, because it cannot access through healthy skin. You can also do this through natural vectors, such as insect bites.

Once the bird is infected, the incubation of the disease can last from 4 to 30 days, although it usually does not take more than a week for the first clinical symptoms to appear.

Although stress, overpopulation of cages and aviaries, lack of sanitary measures and contact with wild birds have been defined as some of the predisposing causes that make it easier for this disease to appear, it is estimated that the highest percentage of presentation of new outbreaks is due, in particular, to the arrival of new acquisitions to the aviary.

When new birds are purchased from facilities that have this problem, and a proper quarantine period is not followed after their arrival, this disease spreads very easily. Another element to take into account is attendance at ornithological contests and visits to other aviaries are also considered high risk factors.

When a bird has been infected, the disease can develop in two different ways, which will depend on the degree of viral infestation and the immune status of the bird. This is how we can meet:

  • Cutaneous form: which occurs in the area of ​​the external tissues of the organism, and is observed around the eyes, at the corner of the beak or on the legs. It begins with the appearance of small nodules on the skin or external mucous membranes, which very quickly turn into yellowish pustules, and then into blackish crusts.

The itching they produce forces the bird to constantly scratch against the bars, sticks and drinkers, which causes the loss of feathers in those regions and causes erosions of greater or lesser importance. These wounds can be the entry vector for other secondary pathologies, of a bacterial or fungal type. It is also common for a kind of tearing to occur.

The mortality rate of this disease is not high, since it is a self-limited disease. The death of this disease is associated with problems in vision or in chewing food due to the extension of the lesions. It is usual to find the loss of an eye or the amputation of a finger, due to the lesions caused by the pustules.

  • Diphtheria form: Presents with a high level of severe respiratory dysfunction due to upper airway occlusion. It causes whitish pseudomembranous lesions in the mouth, esophagus and respiratory tract, obstructing the space for air exchange and forcing the bird to pant with its beak open. It also makes it impossible to process food, which produces a rapid degeneration of the body's state.

The mortality rate of this disease is very high during its early stages, and it is possible to find dead birds without having previously exhibited symptoms.

As a consequence of everything that we have explained previously, we can observe that this pathology is very dangerous for our aviaries, being at the same time, very difficult to control, once it has infected the organism of the birds. Antibiotic or symptomatic treatments are not effective against this virus, and only those that claim to cure the infections that appear secondarily can be used, especially for the healing process of the pustules.

The only effective pharmacological treatment is a preventive vaccination, and, fortunately, this is one of the few viral pathologies in small cage birds that has a specific vaccine for this purpose. Apart from vaccination, we must direct our energies towards preventive activities. We must be extremely careful with the hygiene and disinfection of the materials and facilities in which our birds live, reduce the causes of stress, always isolate sick individuals.

Not only those who are suspected of having this pathology, control or restrict visits to the aviary in the autumn season, and in particular, take specific measures to combat this disease, use mosquito nets at the entrances to the aviary and carry out prolonged quarantines to the new additions we make.

modest diamond enteritis

The causes of this disease with inadequate nutrition, infection of the water they drink and the food they eat. It usually presents symptoms such as diarrhoea, intestinal inflammation and anal obstruction due to feces. The treatment that the trusted veterinarian should indicate is an antibiotic based on choline chloride.


It can be caused by the presence of mineral parts in the sand, paint on the bars of the cage, pesticides, pesticides, or any material that is toxic to the bird. It usually suffers from symptoms such as paralysis, tremors, and a quick death. As for the treatment, the veterinarian will most likely prescribe the use of sweet wood charcoal, but you must go quickly to the office.

creamy stomatitis

It is caused by a fungus that is found as a parasite in seeds that are rancid. It exhibits symptoms such as stop singing, lack of appetite and plaques in the mouth. As for treatment, you should go to the vet immediately.


It is a common ailment, which can be caused by a change in climate or diet, also by foods that are too strong or by an unbalanced diet, in particular if they are fed foods that have a lot of eggs. Regarding the symptoms, the bird will exhibit a lack of vitality, difficulty defecating, very hard and black stools.

Regarding the treatment, you should mix a few drops of castor oil with the yolk of a hard-boiled egg and supply it to the canary in its feeder. At the same time you have to provide fresh vegetables, grated carrot and a little apple.


It is an infection caused by Streptococcus that causes symptoms such as loss of appetite, fever, lethargy. In its chronic form, it can cause lameness in the bird, swollen wings, and diarrhea followed by death. The treatment must be indicated by the veterinarian, who will prescribe the appropriate antibiotic drug, so you must take your canary as soon as possible.

nervous excitement

It is caused by unexpected sounds or noises, as well as very bright lights, insolation or excessive couplings. As for the symptoms, you will realize that your canary will present some crises of short duration and the recommended treatment is a light diet of vegetables, rapeseed and avoiding the causes that produce nervous excitement in your bird.


Those of the neck and spine are deadly. Those of the wings are healed but he will not be able to fly well again. As for the treatment, you have to try to unite the bones and if you succeed, hold them with adhesive tape for 15 days. Isolate the bird as it needs rest. Let him be very calm.

A lot of calcium, fruit and egg mixture, cuttlefish bone are recommended. The leg fracture heals with splinting. You have to remove the hangers and make the floor a soft and comfortable place. It will heal in 3 or 4 weeks. If, in the event, it turns purple, it means that it has become engangrenated, with which it would have to be amputated.


This disease is caused by giving our canary food with excess fat and too much egg. The symptoms that usually appear are swelling of the liver, drowsiness, loss of singing, tendency to fight, abundant and liquid feces. The treatment that is recommended by the veterinarian is usually to supply vitamins of the B complex and Calcicolin P.

Infectious laryngotracheitis

It is caused by a virus due to seasonal changes, or by fatigue caused by frequent changes. It is also acquired by contagion from affected birds. The symptoms that can be observed are that canaries stop singing, chirp softly and remain hoarse due to obstruction of the larynx and trachea, labored breathing, half-open beak, emission of phlegm, fever and embolization. Unfortunately there is no cure.


The cause may be due to lack of exercise and a diet that is very high in fat. You can not feed your canary with biscuits, cakes or treats. An obese bird will have a shorter life. The treatment in this case is to find a way for the canary to exercise, you have to let the bird fly around the room a lot, at least approximately 1 hour a day.

Inflammation in the eyes

Its causes can be a draft, sudden drops in temperature or the existence of excessive smoke in the canary's place and the symptoms translate into watery and rheumy eyes, inflamed eyes, and rubbing against the bars. The treatment that should be recommended by the veterinarian is probably to apply an antibiotic ophthalmological ointment; lukewarm boric water and place the canary in a place where there are no drafts.


It is an infection that occurs in the umbilical cord that affects the pigeons in the first eight days of life and presents with symptoms such as fever, the mothers will not feed the sick pigeon, and if it is not detected in time, it will cause the chick death. To know what the treatment is, you must go immediately to the veterinarian.


It is an infectious disease that is caused by chlamydiae, which are a class of bacteria close to rikettia, hence it is also known by the name of chlamydiosis. This infection is produced by inhalation of contaminated dust and through food or water contaminated with excrement.

The symptoms of this disease are the emission of viscous fluid from the nose, beak and eyes, dyspnea and severe diarrhea that causes death. As for treatment, you should go to the vet immediately.


It is caused by the same causes that originate salmonellosis and presents symptoms such as loss of song, as well as loss of appetite and vitality, excessive thirst and green diarrhea. The treatment must first go through the diagnosis of the veterinarian, who will probably order antibiotic therapy.

calcified legs

The cause of this ailment is the lack of adequate hygiene measures and its symptoms are scabs on the legs and fingers, as well as rough and hanging horny scales on the legs. The treatment will begin by implementing measures to clean the cage, soak the canary's legs in warm salt water and apply creams that are normally used for the hands. If we do not act immediately, the animal can suffer from falling nails and even the entire leg.


It is an infection by Pasteurellas, present in contaminated food or water. The symptoms that occur are fever, embolism, altered breathing and diarrhea. The treatment must be a medication ordered by the veterinarian, because it is a serious ailment, whose course is very fast, so when suspected, it is necessary to go immediately to a consultation.


It is a disease caused by external parasites that attack canaries and destroy their plumage, since they are malaphagous. The symptoms are usually itching, restlessness, restlessness, unsightly appearance of the plumage that will appear as mistreated and the treatment will normally be a powder or a spray based on pyrethrum, and that, ultimately, are not toxic to birds.


It occurs when the diet is too dry, or lacks the necessary intake of water and vegetables. The symptoms are that the bird fails to swallow and rubs its beak on the bars, as well as the formation of a hard coating on the tongue. The treatment consists of removing the mucosa with tweezers and proceeding to disinfect with very diluted iodine tincture, preferably by a specialist, and imposing a soft and fresh diet.

egg pecking

It is a mental illness that can be caused by lack of calcium or by boredom of the animal and the recommended treatment is to place Cuttlefish bone within reach of the canary.


It is a disease caused by protozoa that are ingested through liquids and food. The symptoms are balling, weakness, sadness, diarrhea and drooling in the canary. As for the treatment, it is only enough to supply our bird with a pure and healthy diet.

plague of birds

The cause of this disease is contagion, which is usually fatal. Its symptoms are despondency, drowsiness, fever, matted feathers, swollen eyes, bluish skin, and it is a disease that is very fast, so you should go immediately to the veterinarian, who will indicate the appropriate therapy.


The causes are sudden changes in temperature and air currents. It usually presents with cough and breathing difficulties. But if the breath becomes a snore, it will be lethal. The treatment is to provide the canary with a heated place at a minimum temperature of 16º C.

the red louse

It may be that our bird's cage is infested by a terrible parasite, which attacks canaries and can remain hidden from our sight. This is the hidden threat of the red louse or "louse".

The red louse is a parasite, which is why it feeds on the blood of mammals and larger vertebrate animals. Its length can be less than a millimeter and it is reddish in color. It usually hides in the most unexpected corners of the cage, and has nocturnal habits, coming out of its hiding place at night to feed.

It is a difficult parasite to detect, and when we have already done it, they are already a true plague. Their first victims will be the weakest canaries or even the very small chicks found in the nest.

One of the symptoms that a canary attacked by the red louse may exhibit is pale skin, due to the loss of blood that will be sucked by the parasite. The restlessness of the canary during its sleeping hours, repeatedly scratching its body, is also a symptom.

If the hygiene and maintenance of the cages have been neglected, the appropriate measures must be taken to verify that there are no these parasites. This activity has to be done at night, with a flashlight, approaching the cages and inspecting them carefully, checking if we observe movements in the canary or if we see the lice themselves in search of food.

Likewise, it can be verified by applying the following technique, which is that when night falls, we must cover the canary's cage with a clean white cloth and if we realize the next morning that there are small stains or even the same parasites stuck to the rag, you will no longer have any doubt about the threat that this parasite represents.

avian pododermatitis

It is a disease of the legs and joints that affects our aviaries more than we think and if it is not eradicated efficiently from the beginning, it will cause unpleasant symptoms.

Its symptoms range from a multisystemic picture that produces lameness, arthritis, loss of balance and difficulty in flight, twisted necks, balling, inflammation and necrosis of the toes, kidney failure that causes birds to liquefy their feces, which suggests that it is diarrhea, and even panting due to respiratory distress in some of the specimens.

It is said that the cause of this disease is a Gram-positive bacteria, named Staphylococcus sp, which is one of the normal bacterial components of the respiratory tract and skin of any healthy bird. There are different strains of this bacterium, and some cause more damage and injuries than others that are more benign and even apparently non-pathogenic.

However, it has been observed that this is not true, because given certain factors, the pathogenic capacity of these bacteria is enhanced, being able to affect any organic system of our birds.

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