Characteristics of the Human Being: Origin, Evolution and more

The idea that the current living forms have been derived from previous ones, one of the most difficult problems that the study of the origin of man encounters, the passage from an animal more or less similar to man to the authentic man. For this reason, it is important to have knowledge of the Characteristics of the human being.

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What is the human being? (Homo Sapiens)

When we speak of being human we refer to the expression Homo sapiens, which had the characteristic of reasoning and learning.

Being is the form of existence within the world we inhabit that differentiates us from animals, and not only in the biological area, but also in the human and social sciences.

One of the most difficult and Information about the human it is to determine when humanization occurred; the passage from an animal with resemblances resembling man.

The only valid criterion to qualify a superior primate as a man is more of a psychic than anatomical nature, that is, it is more the size of the brain than its psychic activity.

Hence, the criteria used to consider hominid remains have been determined by fossils, which are based on the traces of physical activity associated with them, by human paleontology.

The taxonomic position of man continues to be the one assigned to him from the beginning, where they are included within the order of primates, culminating the entire zoological scale.

From the anatomical point of view, modern man is very similar to the great apes or pongids, chimpanzees, gorillas, etc. Therefore, both fall into the same superfamily called hominids, this means that man and pongids derive from a common trunk, from which they have been progressively separating each one of their own evolutionary trends.

These evolutionary trends in man are mainly reflected in the modification of the skeleton of the pelvis and the lower extremities that tend to allow the bipedal posture (walking with two limbs), the most outstanding differences between man and the great apes, is the great development of the brain and consequently the skull that contains it.

Scientifically the human being is called homo sapiens and it is when we realize that the term man is what defines human beings who belong to the male gender.

The evolution of man is more than a purely physical plane, it is carried out on the intellectual plane where the mental capacities of writing, language, inventing and learning are observed, among others, the human intellectual possibilities are not yet fully exploited.

Today there is no evidence that shows other living beings in the universe with similar capacities or at a higher level than those of the human being.

 Characteristics of the human being

The human being is a unique being, he has different characteristics that separate him from the rest of the living beings. Within the characteristics of the human being, is the faculty of reasoning, as well as its civilization and progress over the years that has brought the species to the current stage.

But not everything is good since not all the characteristics of the human being have brought a positive blow in the existing world. Due to his ambition to perfect and be in the advancement of technology, the human being has over-exploited the environment, the fauna and the flora of the planet, causing a great detrimental effect on nature.

Like the interest of having wealth regardless of the means, the human being has had a negative effect even for himself, they have caused conflicts between them, war, hunger, among others.

Of course, all this progress over the years has managed to create the space we currently inhabit, and thanks to this, countless people around the world can take advantage of comforts and tranquility, which in other times would have been unthinkable. .

Thanks to the progress and advancement of technology, they have been perfected in areas such as health, education and daily life, the advances that the human being has obtained have been thanks to their characteristics of persevering growth and improvement.

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 Physical characteristics of the human being

One of the characteristics of the human being for being unique in its kind has a physical structure, of course everything will depend on the gender, but in general we are physically similar. It is important to clarify that there may be differences between races or cultures, the three main ones with unique physical traits are:

  • Black
  • White race
  • Asian

These physical characteristics of the human being are what differentiate it from animals, below we will name some of them:

  • Brain: an organ so extensive and so difficult to understand, the most important of the human being since thanks to it we have understanding we can speak, think and discern. The brain of the human being is the most developed among living beings, it is like the CPU of a computer, it controls all our senses and stimuli of our body, thanks to the brain is that the human being has developed over time.
  • Vision: It has a frontal vision and it is not as developed as the vision of some animals such as felines.
  • Postura: They move using their two lower limbs, that is, their feet, called bipedal, and have an upright posture.
  • Hands: With five fingers called index, middle, ring, little and thumb, it is very different from other living beings, it is undoubtedly one of the characteristics of the human being that stands out compared to the extremities of gorillas and apes.

Features cultural and social

As we have mentioned before, the physical characteristics of the human being are totally different from other living beings. As for the cultural and social characteristics of the human being, they are what make him a unique being and different from any species.

  • Evolution and development:  The human being is constantly advancing and progressing himself, developing capacities that execute them in his life and thus remain in constant learning, which has allowed him to advance and evolve compared to animals.
  • Language:  Human beings over the years have developed a number of languages ​​or dialects developed and created independently of the area in which they live, with the ability to learn several languages ​​at the same time and thus expand their knowledge. While animals communicate by instinct and through sounds.

Human beings are capable of having a verbal language, as well as signs, images and other unspoken signs. A sign has a expressionBy exampleword tree is a symbol linguistic which represents part for the language Spanish and that after his assimilation interaction ago think in the plant.

  • Intelligence:  It is based on reasoning, having the ability to think is an important characteristic as it gives you the opportunity to choose and make decisions at any time in life.
  • Reproduction:  Every living being has this characteristic, common among species, thanks to it there are each of the species on this planet. Reproduction in human beings is not different from that of animals, the only thing that differentiates it is that you can plan and choose who you want to have this act with, in the same way, the human being uses the method of sexual reproduction as pleasure and a need of the genre.
  • Pleasure: It is a feeling, a sensation that the human being is capable of experiencing, there are industrialized, commercialized, physical pleasures and each one of the individuals of the human being obtains pleasure in different situations thanks to the fact that each one is different from the other.
  • Longevity: Normally the human being can live between 70 and 80 years, although there is evidence where there are human beings who have lived more than 100 years, everything will depend on their nutrition and care throughout life.
  • Feeding: the human being is carnivorous by nature, but as it has advanced, some have applied a diet based on vegetables, fruits, seeds, that is why it is currently possible to say that the diet is omnivorous, since the human being is the species that has a greater variety of foods and unique creations in food.
  • Spiritual: is a knowledge exceptional of the to be human, and this one in specific is unido to endeavor,  judgment and the culture of the man or Woman who exercises it.
  • Art and science:  they are areas exclusively developed by the human being with an evolution in the course of history in terms of interpretation, creation and studies.
  • Collectivism:  the human being is an individual being, from the most primitive times he was organized in families and then in clans, tribes, cities and nations, for a goal, purpose or for a determined end.

Human evolution

The term evolution designates a continuous change over time applied to living beings, the evolutionary theory postulates that they descend from each other by successive modifications due to natural processes, they adapt to the environment in which they live, which is called adaptation.

According to Lamarck's Theory

He postulated three basic principles, organisms have an internal internal drive towards perfection, organisms have the ability to adapt to a changing environment and spontaneous generation occurs with some frequency.

According to Darwin's Theory

He said that the theory of descent with modification through natural selection of all species undergoes a constant change in evolution, it is gradual and continuous, similar organisms are related and have an ancestor such as evolutionary changes, they are the result of the so-called natural selection. This theory is currently the closest to reality since it is the only one that can be tested with a certain percentage.

The Catholic Church defended a creation theory

The church proposes that the human being was a creation of God. But as far as science is concerned, he believes in Darwin's theory, and the origin of species. The human being in terms of his humanity is the result of millions of years of Primate Evolution Africans.

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human history

Paleontologists have fossils six hundred (600) million years old to study the evolution of living beings. These six hundred (600) million years have been divided into three great geological eras, the Paleozoic from six hundred (600) to two hundred twenty-five (225) million years, the Mesozoic from two hundred twenty-five (225) to sixty-five (65) million years and the Cenozoic from 65 million years to the present.

During the Mesozoic the dinosaurs dominated the Earth and disappeared at the end of this era. Gradually during the Cenozoic, small mammals evolved in different directions and became dominant land animals. One of the lines of evolution of these mammals was that of the primates, specialized in living in the treetops, the eyes moved forward and the face and snout were reduced.

During the Pliocene, certain apes abandoned the arboreal life and began to walk upright and lean exclusively on their hind legs, the height of their eyes above the heights of the savannah grasses, allowing them to see the predator or some easy prey. These erect and bipedal apes of intelligence, stature and size similar to those of the current gorillas and chimpanzees of approximately five hundred 500 cubic centimeters of cranial volume are the first hominids.

In 1994, a team of paleontologists discovered the remains of the oldest hominid in Europe known to date at the Atapuerca Spain site. These fossils, dating back eight hundred (800) thousand years, served to define a new species, homo antecessor, which It is considered by most scientists to be the last common ancestor of the lineage that gave rise to Neanderthals on the one hand and modern man on the other.

The Neanderthal man belonging to the genus Homo that inhabited Europe and parts of Central Asia during the last ice age, which is currently attributed to the species of Homo. The first homo sapiens appeared in 1868 in France, the most recent discovery was in the Lisbon cave on Flores Island, Indonesia in 2003, a species with a small body and brain that is believed to have been contemporary to modern humans and he was called flower man or as scientifically they call him homo floresiensis.

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 The genus Homo

Homo Habilis was a contemporary of the representatives of Australopithecus, this was replaced shortly after by Homo Erectus that, despite having a skull and jaws, walked upright and was considered the first hominid species, appeared in Africa for 1.600 million years , 1.000 million years ago it lived in Southeast Asia, where it remained until at least 300 thousand years ago.

It had a greater cranial capacity than homo habilis, more than 800 cubic centimeters, it had highly developed incisors but both its face and its molars were smaller in size, it is the first representative of the genus. He was able to build stone figures, he already knew and mastered fire.

Major human ancestors unveil What species do humans belong to?, the evolution process by which some species of primates evolved to give rise to the current human beings extended over about 6 million years, there are numerous remains of different phases of this long evolution.

But they are still very fragmentary and insufficient to understand with total certainty how the different stages have been happening, despite the countless studies carried out on this subject allow us to observe a fairly coherent and reliable panorama in its main lines.

 modern man

The archaic homo sapiens that include the Neanderthals made more complex stone figures than the previous ones, their cranial capacity was comparable to that of modern man. Modern homo sapiens is less robust in the skeleton, the face, the dentition is smaller, the female pelvis is transformed 10 thousand years ago homo sapiens abandoned hunting and began the practice of agriculture.

Therefore, it is said that it was the first hominid that developed mental abilities by inventing, creating, even began to use linguistic sounds, developed knowledge and logical and mathematical skills, developed writing as a means of communication and expression, they are the closest to the characteristics of the current or modern human being.

Fossil remains of a species of Homo Sapiens were discovered, which they called Cro-Magnon Men. Modern man basically retains some of the evolutionary patterns of this species, such as brain size, upright posture, and anatomical organization.

Difference between the human being and the rest of the animals

No scientist today doubts that man belongs to the animal kingdom. But for many of them, man is not simply an animal, but they go further and consider him as an extraordinary product of the evolutionary process.

Over the years this has been a scientific, biological, religious and philosophical controversy, which differentiates it from animals and turns out to be unique in peculiar and extraordinarily significant aspects.

biological differences

El to be human is a animal bipedal, with upper extremities adapted tools de walk straight and by the insufficient. Has proportion bilateral and her reproductive organs between her legs. In its brain are the main organs of the senses and the communication.

Even in the head, inside skull, is the brain, the organ traditional powerful en material  de insights, posibilidad creative and reasoning The to be Human is a sexual species. Its reproduction implies nine (9) months of pregnancy and nacimiento a new individual He inherits all his genes from his parents.

 Differences in behavior and intelligence

The great development of the mental capacity of man is what separates us from the rest of the animals, it means a profound change in the march of evolution.

One of the manifestations of this change is that the human being has become the only organism capable of directing and controlling the evolution of other species and his own, solving any problem that arises, he has a quality of always being in continuous evolution and development.

There are also other qualities that the human being presents, such as:

  • Imagination: El to be human is faculty de perceiveget excitedspiritualize or presage situations towards future.
  • Reality:  is aware of the terms of the world and your own existencewhile the animals exclusively They capture the external stimuli they perceive.
  • Development constant:  The human being, good or bad waycontinuously has shown the faculty de progress firmit's say, not to be satisfied with your reality present and constantly research and get improving o can bring to life a change projecting towards the future.
  • self awareness: While animals live and act in way spontaneous by instinct, human beings have the capacity to recognize ourselves, know our Lifeterms, Our faculty, our impulses and limitations. At the same timeto be human acts to reason of if self and their choices, and not by external factors.
  • Written by symbols: El to be human es able to communicate using symbols, drawings or gestures, while animals do so through natural signs.

Physical Differences

Some of the characteristics are similar to those of animals such as eating, sleeping, bathing. There is one that is the most similar, which is that we have upper and lower limbs.

Human beings, we move spontaneously by march, using our feet as planet de transfer with a straight and upright posture. This condition it is called bipedal and it is one of the main differences that the human being has in general with all the species of animals existing in the world.

It is convenient say that many animals have the capacity to move or stay on their lower limbs, that is, in of legs, but they usually do only to achieve an objective, such as food or any other circumstance that needs it, even if this is not your way walking primordial, since the great mayoria consist of Quadrupedal, they move with their four legs.

Another notable difference in our limbs is our hands. The man has two hands, with widely developed fingers and opposable thumbs. In turn, we also have the ability to flex all our fingers, and we can use them either individually or together at will.

Most animals have very pointed and sharp nails which are located on each toe of their legs, used to obtain food or to protect themselves from a predator or some rivalry and defense of the territory with their own species or another different.

Human beings do not have claws, but our hands and fingers are protected at the top by nails, which work as a support for carrying out some tasks, it is something decorative in the female gender.

Another feature notorious physics in which we present a diversity en relationship to the species of animals, it is referent el by the that covers the skin. The animals usually fresh covered by a lot of fur thick, which serves them guard y protección to your body for different environmental temperatures.

Contrary to human beings whose body is covered by hair and their head with hair, it should be noted that there are areas of the human body that are covered by thicker hair, and between men and women there are also differences in hair growth. facial hair where it grows on men and not on women.

 Social skills and social culture

Social organization has been possible due to the human being's ability to cooperate and because it recognizes limits to individual action. The social patterns of the human group are not genetically determined, but are transmitted through education.

It is evident that during the last few years, the human being has modified nature on a scale greater than that of any other moment in the history of humanity, has modified more and more the natural conditions that act in natural selection as well as those that influence other evolutionary forces.

Thus, the human being has caused the extinction of species, the appearance of new predators, changes in the abundance of certain species and many other effects, the action of the human being on nature has been negative in many cases and has caused irreversible changes.

The cultural evolution of man follows a process to promote the development of activities of a manual type, consisting of the manufacture, the improvement of tools, which provide utility in all essential functions for food sustenance and in turn the protection of the environment and temperature variations. 

Ethics of the human being

The human being has achieved integrity and righteousness following rules implemented by himself, over the years. These imparted rules are what make the human being make decisions that result in any agreement, so as not to have such long wars where the only result would be the large number of human losses.

The social relations of living beings

One of the characteristics of the human being is that he lives in community. They are not alone at run our daily activities or Minimum habitual: waking up, walking, eating, working and having fun with their relatives, friends, people they do not know, according to the intention of relating they have with the other.

El term primordial for us to establish that union is communicationthrough of which they use a endless of meanings for grasp   other and be done know. Generally They speak to communicate but it's not the only one way to do it, for also signs and gestures are used.

Specific Relationships consist of those established between different species of a communityBy example of  o traditional animal species fight for the same pinch (made with three fingers) to feed. living beings interact with each other yes a through of feeding.

La correlation de rivalry by food and territorio occurs between individuals of the same or different species. human beings, to opposition of the rest of the animals, use tools of All type, functional and adaptable to different situations, constantly from el discernment and reasoning.

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