Types of disabilities that exist and their characteristics

The types of disability they differ by limitations in the intellectual and physical conditions, in this article we will describe each one of them, do not miss it.


Types of disability

Before beginning to specify the types of disability, it is important to decipher and know what this condition really means in humans. Therefore we can say that to know what types of disability exist it is important to establish it as a limiting condition that affects people. It is a situation in which some human beings present physical, intellectual or sensory deficiency.

This type of condition affects the quality of life in the long term, limiting social interaction. This has made carriers with this problem request regulations from the authorities, where they can also have some kind of benefits in public services and access special rights.

Disability is associated with the word handicapped, which represents the form of physical limitation that diminishes the routine actions of some people. An attempt is made to connect, qualify and classify the disabled according to their type. In the article amotivational syndrome you will be able to identify the difference between these two aspects.

In such a way that the problems are not the same, this allows us to consider that we consider the importance in the approach of this article, which seeks to really show what the characteristics are in people with this condition. but let's see what are the types of disability

legal term

In 2006, the UN approved, through the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, to define this type of situation, granting it a generic condition. In this case, people who have limitations such as blindness, deafness, and hearing problems that affect psychomotor movement are discriminated against.

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The convention exhorted all the countries of the world to carry out the implementation of laws, where special conditions can be established for these citizens. These measures seek to avoid discrimination., conflicts and isolation in society, likewise disabilities are categorized into different variables.

So that people with types of physical disability, You have the same rights as ordinary citizens. For no reason should disabled people be isolated, displaced or subjected. Knowing each of the situations independently will help many people to know and also how to have a helpful and social treatment with them. Let’s see below what those types of disabilities are.


In medical terms it is a condition in which a person maintains a partial or total deficit in the perception of sounds, hearing loss is generated by various causes. However, there are several ways in which hearing loss manifests itself.

In this case there are people with a diagnosis of deafness, which is defined as the absence of sound perception, where the partial limitation is called hearing loss, over time the patient may have some kind of improvement, if a stable treatment is taken .

Some patients are treated with speech therapy and placement of special devices, since the auditory system is not totally damaged. There are some parts that can be stimulated and used as a means to regain hearing or part of it.

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Hearing abilities can decrease over time, there are elements that cause this anomaly. However these types of sensory impairment they maintain some characteristics that determine their treatment, they can even make it possible for people to insert themselves into society.

Media coverage

One of the most used today is sign language. It consists of a structure of grammatical codes where people learn to communicate through manual and facial gestures. Some believe that they are disordered gestures, however each of the movements is studied by these people, in order to make or communicative contact between them.

Sign language is not the same in all countries, each one has a way of showing them, they have different cultural and idiosyncratic characteristics. Hands and gestures allow to establish a unique communication that is only understandable by the deaf or simply by the deaf.

The use of special hearing aids; here the specialists in otolaryngology insert a type of device in the part of the external ear in order to stimulate some nerves and soft tissues that have not been injured by the growth of hearing loss or another type of deafness.

It is a good recommendation to check children's hearing level little by little to avoid possible damage as their life progresses. That is why it is important to know if the hearing deficiency comes from genetic, hereditary, congenital or other problems.


The symptomatology for the types of hearing disability allows us to know what type of loss is occurring in the patient. It is advisable to know if in the family or if the person's parents have had a patient with deafness problems. Likewise, it is important to know if there is any type of genetic anomaly and to be able to face the problem in time.

Somehow congenital conditions are determined and know if the patient in her pregnancy, the mother had some type of disease such as rubella or measles. Also if there were problems during childbirth, or there were problems of premature or forced births, where the child before birth could have presented oxygenation problems.

It is important to mention the type of hearing disability as a problem that does not limit intellectual conditions, nor is it accompanied by certain anomalies that can create another type of disability. We invite you to read the article  Intrapersonal intelligence  where the situations of intellect related to this topic stand out.


Deafness can start from three years of age, parents should be aware of the activities with their children in schools and at home. Specialists consider that a person can acquire the problem of hearing loss after the age of three.

At that time it is important to observe if the disease evolves or remains stable. A determining factor may be speech problems, delayed speech and poor definition of words. Although some neurologists may attribute it to brain-type problems.

However, language is a good way to establish a prior diagnosis, which can define if a child really has hearing problems. Consult a trusted pediatrician who, through a good clinical examination, determines if there is any type of hearing problem.

In the case of the elderly, it is a condition that is acquired in 60% of cases. That is, the old ones will somehow begin to suffer from hearing loss problems. Do not neglect observation in adults and the elderly, and even in yourself, if you observe any decrease in the ability to hear.


This condition in some cases called blindness is very similar to the diagnoses of patients with hearing problems. Blindness occurs when the patient begins to confront difficulties to clearly observe the objects and things that surround him. Ophthalmologists rate these patients in various ways.

There may be partial and total blindness. On the other hand, vision problems can occur due to indirect causes and anomalies, generated by other diseases or congenital pathologies. Always considering the type of visual imitation acuity.

Worldwide the types of visual impairment They have grown in recent years. Some believe that it is because of the type of life that people lead. Staying for a long time looking at the computer screen, as well as eating junk food and sugar. It leads to the presence of diseases such as Diabetes.

This disease in some cases and depending on the type of evolution, causes total blindness in patients after some time. It is important to control sugar levels in the body and limit the intake of certain processed foods.

Visual impairment is determined according to the person's field of observation. That is, when an individual maintains a certain visible space, it can be considered as short or tall. It is also determined by the ability of the eye to perceive certain objects.


Problems can occur at any age, blindness for example is a problem that can determine the total or partial average of sight as well as limitations to define objects and things. Among its causes may be problems at birth due to hereditary situations.

Also to problems during and after childbirth, where the visual behavior of children should be observed in detail. Visits to pediatric consultations are important eventually, the specialist will be able to determine if there is any type of problem.


Depending on the type of diagnosis, blindness and other visual problems that occur during the life of a human being must be immediately treated by an ophthalmologist. Vision loss can gradually build up to a problem where blindness has reached a chronic point.

In the case of adults, it is important to consider presbyopia as a problem that begins to manifest after the age of 40. Although there are some treatments for its correction, most people tend to use corrective lenses that do not limit their activities.

This type of diagnosis is not considered a type of disability but only a general anomaly. With regard to elderly people, it is a very normal situation that after the age of 60 or 70, significant visual loss begins to be observed.


Limitations occur when a patient definitely cannot have a quality of vision, their deficiencies are presented by not being able to see almost anything, which can be deduced as total blindness. In these cases, patients are considered disabled, already with severe limitations and must learn to lead a life without any type of visual contact.

So they develop the rest of the senses to search for their mobilization, birth or congenital diseases that lead to blindness are cataract, glaucoma, retinopathy and cases of childhood blindness and trachoma. Although it is always important to observe the visual behavior of children.


The limitations of chronic blindness have led to the invention of the Braille reading system a few years ago, created in 1822 by the French scientist Louis Braille, who, thinking of relatives who had suffered from blindness, developed a system of small protuberances in shapes of points, to determine letters and numbers.

The system consists of points grouped in various ways where people can read in a conventional way from right to left. The points allow to give the definition of a letter and to establish a code in which the reading develops in a normal way.

Today the system is used in some institutions and certain places where people with vision problems continued to use the system. In the case of reading, the system has evolved and a system of points based on Braille called «Large Print» is used.

The other way in which people with blindness use to be able to move is through canes. Made of various types, they are the artifacts of the blind par excellence. There are traditional plastic or wooden ones where the person can feel the places where he is going to walk. In addition, there are folding poles that serve to adhere your hand to prevent it from falling.

These elements help the blind and allow them to avoid objects and things that may be in their way. On the other hand, there are canes with sensors that indicate to the individual if there is an object nearby or something that could obstruct their movement. The alternative of the cane is also complemented by using the so-called guide dogs. They are animals trained to guide and help blind people.

Regarding the regulations and the law, in each country of the world there are regulations related to the use of implements for the blind, it is mandatory and even in certain regions it is exhorted to use fluorescent canes, the idea is to identify the types of disability in this case the blind.

Likewise, exceptions are contemplated where the blind can enter with guide dogs to places where their prohibition is considered. The regulations establish the use of the mask in the dog in order to avoid problems with other people.

technology for the blind

Technological advances are taking the types of disability due to blindness to levels of reduction of their limitations. Nowadays, technological devices have been made available to many citizens that are causing a revolution in the field of social life and communication.

As an example we can point to a system of programs called Jaws, which is software that allows blind people to use processors. The advanced technology system has a special keyboard called a universal system that highlights some features and allows the user to know the location of the letters and perform certain computer processes.

Some technologies are also creating lenses that are connected to certain neural channels, where the patient can receive certain images from those transmitted by the viewer. Although it has not reached full and complete development, progress has begun to be noticed in recent years.

The use of cell phones with programs of universal design allows the disabled to use functions that are carried out at all times through tones and voice commands. The user can manipulate the device using their voice and touch, this allows them to stay in communication and be able to use current technology.

visceral organic

This type of disability is contemplated in those people who have some type of deficiency in internal organs of their body. The problems and anomalies of the patients are located anywhere and present situations of diminishing their physical properties that are highly imitated.

This group includes people with advanced diabetes problems, patients with heart problems and people with neuronal disabilities. Likewise, he does not have any type of motivation since his thoughts and ideas are focused on the limitations generated by the disease.

The problems are generally linked to certain irreversible pathological diseases, so you have to live with significant limitations. Some diseases related to this type of disability are linked to diseases of the heart, of an immunological and respiratory type, in the digestive and endocrine systems, as well as those of a neurological type.

These patients deserve constant rest and if they belong to any organization or company they must have all the considerations of the case, until their incapacity for work can be legally processed. However, this situation does not end the problem with people from the social point of view. They must continue their lives enduring the limitations that this type of disease generates, until the last years of their lives.

The laws also establish certain conditions for these patients, however, consideration for this type of patient is more a matter of social conscience. The rest of the citizens must voluntarily allow and collaborate in access to services, courtesy passes and avoid queues in public and banking institutions.

mental and intellectual

The condition in this type of capacity is related to the entire central nervous system, the disability problem can be presented by pathological problems or simply not be a disease but a cranioencephalic anomaly.

Although some specialists only call it intellectual disability, today this type of problem is directly related to everything related to brain situations and their variants. However, great debates have been established where some paradigms continue to be certain obstacles.

In the psychological field, the types of mental disability are based on the way in which individuals have limitations to carry out activities and processes of a psychological and mental nature, different from how a balanced person could do it.


Patients who define themselves as intellectually disabled represent and establish behaviors related to a lack of adaptation to social situations and provide responses to actions. These people have limitations in the adequacy of their person with respect to the environment. It is very unlikely that the problem comes from 100% of your mind.

The intellectually disabled do not give good answers in actions related to decision making and do not contemplate values ​​that are important to others. The inclusion of these people in society is sometimes uphill and in other circumstances, individuals do not even fully adapt.

A detail in its favor is that it maintains total autonomy of its actions. However, this represents emotional isolation, which causes an additional problem for family members that they have to face. By reading the following article emotional management You will understand how emotions are controlled.


It is believed that problems of this type may be related to genetic disorders created and formed during the process of formation in the womb, these cases are the best known and are called Down Syndrome. In certain situations they can present as congenital problems at the time of delivery or after birth.

The problems of malnutrition and poor nutrition of the mother, favor a very deficient formation of the fetus. Also presence of viral diseases such as HIV, also diseases present during pregnancy such as rubella. Problems can also arise from high alcohol and drug use.

Alterations caused by abnormalities in the central nervous system or head injuries can create certain anomalies in the normal behaviors and processes of any person. The appearance of diseases such as meningitis and the lack of cerebral oxygen cause certain problems in the brain's neurons and nerve channels.

Other causes can come from external factors such as malnutrition during growth, lack of attention, family violence and abandonment as some forms of behavioral alteration. they can psychologically affect nervous alterations that later lead to a type of disability that is difficult to treat.


One of the mental illnesses not considered pathological but if it is observed as an anomaly is Autism. An intellectual and mental problem that occurs in children before the age of three. It is not considered a mental retardation as such, but a type of disorder not yet specified.

Isolation, the inability to understand things and adapt to social activities determine the facets of this disease as a type of disability to consider. Autism is also manifested by having problems with communication and the way in which you seek to connect with your world.

By having individuals with this type of problem, there is the presentation of abnormal situations that can cause concern and even certain family-type problems. However, some studies consider that certain cases of Autism can cause some type of mental retardation over time, which would then be an additional problem.

It is worth noting that, a few years ago, people diagnosed with autism were not considered disabled. In recent years and specifically in the early 2000s types of disability according to who WHO they were a report specifying the reasons why autism should be considered a type of disability.


We wanted to leave this type of disability for last because we consider that it is one of the most present in people. It is also caused by other diseases that have even previously led to the presence of disability in the same person.

The types of motor disability considerably limit the basic and normal movements in any individual. In some it can be partial and others for life. Also caused by various internal and external reasons.

They are not classified because they are hereditary, although there are diseases in children where, by not applying a certain vaccine, they can lead to the significant manifestation of a motor problem. The consequences are different, they generate uncontrolled movements in the body, difficulty coordinating movements, poor visual and hearing range, lack of coordination, among other problems.

What causes it?

If we review the internal problems, that is, caused by pathological diseases or caused by certain brain and neurological anomalies, we have those of an infectious type. Among them poliomyelitis, viral type, among them are Guillan Barré Syndrome, rheumatic and neurological such as stroke (cerebrovascular accident) and rheumatoid arthritis.

Also arteriovenous malformation in the spinal cord or brain, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, myelomeningocele among others. The external type caused by accidents and head injuries and spina bifida, as well as destruction and irreversible fractures of the muscles and bones in the legs and hands.

Occupational accidents can sometimes cause motor disability, traffic accidents or simply dangerous falls where the spine suffers injuries, leaving the limbs and torso in a totally neutral state. Motor disabilities can be classified in different ways:

  • Paresthesias, where the decrease in some type of muscle strength is manifested, limiting movement and being totally paralyzed.
  • Plegias, similar to paresthesia but with damage to the muscle or nerve, it loses movement and elasticity. Plegias present themselves in several ways: monoplegia when it affects a single limb or joint, hemiplegia affects one part of the body, either the right or left, diplegia affects two limbs or parts of the body and quadriplegia where the four upper limbs are paralyzed. lower.


A person with motor disability problems have quite serious mobility problems, especially in their own home or when they want to go out to do some activity. Difficulties arise when climbing stairs, sidewalks, getting into a taxi or bus, passing carpets, among other things.

The different mayor's offices and municipal governments establish regulations and ordinances where public services must be willing to implement measures in which structures and buildings, public transport and all those related to forms that prevent the disabled from mobilizing.

Adapt them for a better development and performance of individuals with these problems. In many countries we see how public transport adapt certain situations so that the disabled can access them. Likewise, security and information measures were implemented so that the citizens themselves can help mobilize these people.

A large number of people must use devices such as ergonomic wheelchairs and walkers to be able to move around. Some have partial disability and others irreversible or total.

At the labor level, there are regulations and laws that justify the justification of your disability before the company or organization. These people, depending on their medical condition, can rest for a period of time or simply apply procedures so that they never work in those areas again.

Everyone on the planet has people who suffer from some type of disability next to us. Our recommendation is to help and make these people lead a completely normal life. It is the duty of all to provide the greatest collaboration in this regard.

In the mind of each disabled person there are very strong thoughts related to the limitations they present, they must be considered but not hurt.

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