23 Phrases made in Catalan and their meaning

Phrases made in Catalan and their meaning

We will go into highlighting phrases made in Catalan and their meaning, a way to discover many of its expressions with a very specific meaning. There are many of us who have studied languages ​​and we understand that translating phrases does not match a literal meaning, but with a translation that is not very coherent, but with a clear meaning.

This is the same thing that happens with many of the phrases that we will know from this language, since it also has its own culture and a rich traditional history that we must explore. They are expressions and colloquial phrases that are used in daily communication and that govern the authenticity of this great language.

Catalan crosses borders, know the phrases made in Catalan and their meaning

Much beyond believing that it is a simple language, in reality, Catalan is a language romance spoken by millions of people. It is not only spoken in Catalonia, but in regions such as France, Italy and Andorra. This language has unique nuances and expressions, making it enriched with its own vocabulary, which we will learn about below.

Catalan expressions used in daily life

1-“Estar fins als nassos”: It means being up to your cap, or up to your nose. It really is being fed up with something.

2-“Be pelat”: It means that you don't have any money, similar to the expression "being broke."

3-“Be at cau d'orella”: It is the same as saying that you are very close to someone or something, as if meaning that you are whispering in their ear.

4-“Do not paint beef”: It means that “you don't matter”, the same as when we want to affirm that we don't contribute anything or that they don't pay attention to us.

5-“Més val tard que mai”: It is the typical phrase that means “better late than never”, since it is always better to be late to somewhere or to a situation, as long as it is never.

Everyday phrases with an incomprehensible meaning

6- “Arrive at misses dites”: It is the same as saying “arrive late”, its meaning is to arrive late, but later than we think.

Phrases made in Catalan and their meaning

7- “Explain hard sopars”: Its translation is “Don't explain “hard dinners” because we already know each other.” The phrase was created when the pesetas were known. It means wanting to exaggerate a fact to provoke the admiration of listeners.

8- “Aixafar the guitar”: It is when you want to undo someone's plans or purposes, the same as saying "spoil someone's party."

9- “Aixecar the shirt”: is to abuse or deceive someone, abusing their credulity. It's the same as saying "tease someone."

10- “Haver begut oli”: It is used to say that there is no remedy, that a situation could not be worse to regret what is happening. It translates as “you have drunk oil.”

11- “Fer dentetes”: It is the same as making someone's teeth long, like wanting to arouse someone's admiration and make someone envious.

Expressions that are said metaphorically

12- “Fer zinc cents”: It literally translates as “make five cents”, it is the same way of meaning as “to update something”, making a quick summary of the situation.

13- “Alt com un sapau”: is to express admiration for someone's height, in the same way as saying "to be as tall as the tower of the Hospital de Sant Pau in Barcelona", since one is amazed at the great height.

14- “Cost an arm and a leg”: It is the same as saying “it cost you an arm and a leg.” This expression is used when you have had to pay a fortune for something.

15- “Ploure a bots i barrals”: It is when we want to express ourselves when we say “it is pouring rain”, since it is used to comment on how much it is raining.

16- “Posar-s´hi fulles”: Its translation is “put on leaves”, but its meaning is when you have to put up with something because otherwise it will harm you.

Phrases made in Catalan and their meaning

Expressions that are used in certain behaviors

17- “Fer the shrimp”: It is the same as saying “play the game”, whose translation is when someone behaves in an outdated, funny or crazy way.

18- “Fer la guitza”: It is used to annoy or annoy someone, when they do not stop making practical jokes.

19- “Be a ploramiques”: It is the way of wanting to call someone a “crybaby”, when it is attributed to someone who is complaining all day.

20- “Anar a la sevabola”: It means the same as “go to your task”, it is when this phrase is attributed to someone when they do things their own way, without thinking about anyone or their consequences.

21- “Three foc pels queixals”: It is used to be able to express fury, indignation or irritation with something or someone. It is the same as saying “bringing fire through the teeth.”

22- “Ser cul i merda”: It is when we want to express “being like flesh and blood”, the same as saying when two people are inseparable.

23- “Pixar test forum”: It is when one speaks without reason, speaking and saying nonsense at the same time. Its literal translation is “to piss out of the pot.”

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