Prayer to Yemayá, how is it done?, rituals, candles and much more

Prayer to Yemaya, is a rite that is performed to worship the deity called Yemaya. She is considered as the progenitor of the Earth, and patron of the seas. The followers of this cult have a lot of faith in her, they affirm that she is a protector and provides the solution to a large number of problems. This is one of the many rituals of the so-called Santeria in Latin America.

prayer to yemaya

Who is Yemayá?

Since time began, the sea has played a very important role in the creation of life in general. Yemaya, as goddess of the seas represents the power of the same, being she the universal mother and the mother of all Orishas. There are many stories, even studies, where everything that has to do with this important deity is told.

Yemaya he lost the supremacy of the world for his character so angry and unstable and was given the absolute power of the seas. But in the depths of this lives olocum, which in turn is the absolute owner of the deepest abysses of the sea. People say that Olocum and Yemaya they are two different deities, but other tendencies point directly to olocum on a path of Yemaya.

His name is yeye, who is a mother, ocum, who is son, and Aya What does fish mean? Yeye Omo Aya, translates directly as the mother of fishes. Yemaya It is present in every stage of our lives.

Since we are in the womb of our mothers, until we are born and live every hour and every moment, the blood runs through our body. This is made up of water, salts and proteins, including the amniotic fluid that sustains us and covers our body when we are in the gestation period. You may also be interested in reading about Elegua.

prayer to yemaya

representation of the goddess

It is not only the representation of a beautiful woman in blue dresses, who moves and dances to the beat of the waves of the sea. When you go through the ceremony of becoming a saint, in this case Yemaya, later the rigorous year of yaboraje, you are born again from the hand of one of the most powerful deities in the world. Any prayer to Yemaya refers to the sea.

She represents love, and she takes good care of her children as any mother would, because she feels such a powerful bond with the being to whom she gave life. Yemaya he is an intelligent deity, and when it comes to claiming his own, he is simply unstoppable. She is a fair and patient orisha, she is also conciliatory and fair with her children.

It is synchronized with the Virgen de Regla in Cuba, and its day of celebration is December 26, it has XNUMX different paths, of which each one of them has its own characteristics, and depending on the path that comes out, it will be the color of the necklace, and the sacrifices will be garb and tools. The sentence should not be confused Yemaya with a catholic prayer.

Yemaya she is a fortune teller par excellence, she stole the okpele from orula, and so he gave him the snails. She was the wife of Obatala. Their offerings can be made on the shore of the sea, or at the foot of the tureen at home, the offerings are different depending on the intention, or what is going to be requested. It also changes a lot depending on the country where you are. Find more information in Prayer to Obatala.

prayer to yemaya


usually to Yemaya you are offered from objects to processed foods, and a wide variety of fruits and flowers. Many of his followers as part of this ritual come to build wooden figures, such as boats, and other figures related to the more.

There are many offerings that are specific, and you will have to bring specifically the things you ask for. Yemaya, so that the desired objective is achieved. From the perfume preferred by the Orisha to candles, flowers and even animal sacrifice.

The offerings are accompanied by songs and prayers, as long as the requests are clear and are not absurd things like having a lot of money, you always have to ask for things, like health, prosperity, and from there make a more logical and realistic request. The animals that are sacrificed to him are rams, ducks, chickens, pigeons, partridges and geese.

the altars to Yemaya They are made with fabrics of different blue colors, depending on the path indicated. The realization and assembly of an altar to YemayaIt requires a lot of patience in carrying out the work. Considering that the final result must be really impressive, it requires a lot of creativity accompanied by the orisha's tools and colors.

In this case, in addition to the colors of the fabrics, you can use fishing nets, boats, rudders, blue candles, blue and white decorated mats, accompanied by a wide variety of flowers, white roses that are preferred by Yemaya. Also lastly, it is accompanied by many sweets and fruits, which are to the liking of the orisha for whom we are setting up the altar, which in this case is Yemaya.

Prayer to Yemayá

The Yoruba deity who protects women is Yemaya, this makes females very often the ones who evoke her, in search of her favors. Rites are performed, prayers are made and prayers are made to the deity. All are especially dedicated to her, they are used to request her help in solving multiple problems, almost anything that ails a woman can be requested from Yemaya.

Every time a prayer is said to Yemayá, with great devotion of course, it is considered that a request is made to her to intervene in problems of lovers, either asking for faithful lovers, or requesting happiness and stability in the couple. a prayer to Yemaya It is even used to request finding the right partner, which will make the requesting woman happy, as impossible as this may seem.

Yemaya's attention

A prayer is also made to Yemayá, to draw her attention, since she is one of the most powerful and effective goddesses. A prayer is made to Yemaya to protect the house, and all its inhabitants; as long as the prayers to Yemaya performed with faith and devotion, and under the gaze of almighty God, it will give excellent results, this is the reason why it has so many devotees.

prayer to yemaya

Every time a faithful believer in the powers of the goddess makes a prayer to Yemaya, the first thing you want is to have the deity well attended to, she is very demanding, and prayers are perhaps the most significant part of her cult. On the other hand, she takes the opportunity to make the requests that need to be made and in this way, see the needs materialized, in addition to having the favor of her orisha.

Prayer to Yemaya, it is not something that can be taken lightly, rather it must be done with all the seriousness that the case deserves; besides, all things that are pleasing to the great and beautiful goddess must be taken into consideration.

The rite

The appropriate instruments and tools must be used, an altar must have been built especially for the occasion, in addition to having a statuette of the corresponding deity, and it must not be in poor condition.

The most orthodox consider that since she is the goddess of the sea, the ideal place to perform these rituals is right on the seashore. This is the place where she reigns, and it is here that we can always find her. This goddess is the one who protects and governs the sailors, she is the queen of the oceanic waters and therefore, she protects everything that is in them.

prayer to yemaya

There are many styles to pray and to practice rituals, but for Yemaya The most advisable thing is to light a white candle, and have for it some type of sweet fruit to offer, it can be pin, mango, apple, in short, any sweet fruit. The prayer to Yemaya It must be carried out at night, in multiple periods of three days, this would be from 3 to 9 continuous days.

The place for prayer to YemayaIt must be very quiet, a peaceful place, with good energies, this allows you to have the right attitude when praying. It must be done with a clear conscience and a strong belief in the deity, it must be done in a loving way but with the firm conviction of achieving what is requested. All this is well seen by the goddess and surely if she gets hold of Faith she will soon grant the request.

Object of the prayer to Yemayá

It can be said that this is the goddess of feminine power, therefore acts of compassion, fertility, intelligence, good fortune, dreams, pregnancy, strength in femininity, passion, protection or simply goods of pure nature can be requested from her. ; all this must be requested when we pray and must be complemented with the appropriate rite.

There are many scholars of these issues, and most of them agree that most of the sentences to YemayaThey seek to enchant lovers since, the goddess achieves it, however impossible it may seem, to achieve fertility and a successful pregnancy, to keep homes safe and away from them, anyone with bad intentions, or some others seek the simple fact of be financially prosperous.

prayer to yemaya

The application

Now, if what they are going to ask or request are things like being more beautiful, or having financial assets, or always being healthy, that is, requests that do not affect third parties, but are for personal use, the name of the goddess changes to Erzulia.

If the request is of a maternal type, when a mother wants to have more influence over a child, when she wants to be able to decide effectively about her future, when she needs to be the greatest influence in her upbringing, in this case we pray using the name of Emanjah.

In the event that the applicant is a pregnant woman, which is one of the most frequent cases, they ask this deity, who is the protector of pregnancies, to help them reach a happy term. This deity makes pregnancies flow without major setbacks, protects pregnant women and their unborn babies. In this case she should be prayed to with the name of Yemaya Olokun. Here is an example of a sentence Yemaya, for a pregnant woman.

Example prayer to Yemaya

My desired divinity Yemayá, you who exist as the patron saint of the ocean,

You who offer your fervent protection

And you guard equally all the people of the earth,

graceful matron, help me to eternally protect my organism and sense,

Sanitize me with your salty tributaries of seas and oceans,

Eternally radiates in relationship within our spirits,

So that we can eternally recognize you with devotion,

Well, you come from nobility and have a formidable native power,

May your crowds eternally welcome us and your protection transcend us,

I ask you strongly, Orisha Yemayá, to help me,

And that you agree that my pregnancy reaches a happy term,

May my offspring have your power and knowledge, so that it progresses without disease,

Give me the will to endure everything,

And that with your help I can educate my offspring,

Along the road that destiny has reserved for him,

Oh greeting, my spiritual guide Yemayá,

Pride of the sea, idolized by me.

Sense of the prayer to Yemayá

It should be remembered that this prayer to Yemaya it is only effective if the proper ritual is performed along with it. After the prayer is made, a gift appropriate to the occasion must be made, an offertory will be composed, a white floral arrangement of 9 flowers. These flowers will be moved to a beach during the day and will be entrusted to the goddess, in a special way and with deep conviction, at the time the sun begins to hide.

When this rite is performed, the flower arrangement is held with a ribbon that is indigo; in this way they are thrown into the ocean; At the same time, as a complement to the floral offering, nine coins that are in force are thrown into the sea, meanwhile the goddess must be sincerely thanked for everything that is going to be received with this ritual.

If you want greater effectiveness, as the idea is to make the goddess feel flattered and taken into account, the ideal is to perform the ritual in seawater. With this, direct contact is established with the goddess, since this is her kingdom, she is the owner and defender of everything that has to do with the sea, including sailors and ships, as well as the animals of the oceans. .

Prayer for health

A sick human being is someone with little energy, this lack of energy is due to the process of getting sick, this makes life very difficult. Coexistence with family and close and loved ones is greatly affected, it is difficult to be productive. Especially if the disease incapacitates in some way, the person is filled with negative energies.

It is common knowledge that, on a large number of occasions, medications fail to fully control the situation and the person fails to fully heal. This generates a need for superior help, for a great power that is capable of healing the disease and thus achieving health. Not only is physical well-being achieved, the soul is also healed, achieving a relaxing spirituality. If you want to learn more about spells and their uses read how to conjure a tobacco.

The human being who is sick is usually affected by emotions such as sadness and depression, this increases as the disease progresses. The person begins to have fatalistic thoughts, and this usually worsens their situation, they tend to lose the will to live, due to how bad they feel. It is very difficult to live with optimism when you are not in good health.

People who faithfully believe in YemayaThey seek support from this deity, they pray to him, perform rituals on him, all with the idea of ​​obtaining help from him, to heal body, mind and spirit. People who say a prayer to Yemaya They immediately feel that their spirit is comforted, it is like a sweet sensation of well-being.

The rite

When a health request is made to Yemayá, everything that is to be requested is written on a white sheet of paper, in the applicant's own handwriting. It is vital that the letters are placed with a material that does not fade, because the writing could be damaged by the water that wets the paper.

prayer to Yemaya

Standing at the water's edge on the beach, they confess about the good and the bad with the goddess. It must be an honest confession, without lies. Likewise, at the very beginning of the rite, forgiveness is asked for the bad things confessed; for grievances, for offenses, the goddess is asked for her dispensation.

The right moment should be set aside to carry out this rite calmly, with concentration and in full consciousness. It must be done with great faith, concentrating on how powerful the prayer is to Yemaya. Help is requested for the good condition of the body and soul. His sacred name is invoked, while requests are made, and the 9 monetary units are thrown into the sea in parts.

To culminate, all the gifts that are brought to the goddess are made, the vegetable or floral offerings are thrown into the ocean water; The parchment with what is requested is also thrown into these waters, and the most important thing is prayer. That she must be heartfelt enough, so that Yemaya take pity on the applicant. We also offer you the best Prayer to Shango.

Prayer for Health

Oh my maternal goddess, my deity Yemayá,

You who rule as the progenitor of the earth,

You are power and knowledge that sustains the world,

Progenitor and matron of all the heritage and the breath of existence,

Matron of all matrons,

That you live in the oceans and salt is your stamp,

You have the grace to offer enduring and immortal protection,

So at this moment I implore your help,

And asks you to help me in this trance of suffering,

That you rescue me from so much misery,

And grant me the joy of being well and at peace,

Always provide me with what I need for my existence,

That I do not lack food, well-being, passion or wealth,

May you eternally have the potential to keep moving forward with being alive,

Grant me to have all the power of mother's affection,

And with it conserve my existence,

Healthy and vital forever,

Oh my prestigious dear and revered matron Yemayá,

In you I always rest and support myself, I hope you help me at all times.

prayer to yemaya

Prayer to Yemayá for money

One of the things necessary to have well-being in modern society is money. It is necessary to feed us, clothe us, have adequate housing, in other words, cover all expenses for sustenance in general. As well as so that we are comfortable, so that we feel well-being, together with our relatives. Without money it is very difficult to find peace and quiet.

All these reasons are what lead the followers of the goddess to ask her to improve their economic situation. This is with a view to having well-being, the goddess helps by granting requests in this regard; as long as they are done logically. A request to Yemaya well elaborated, it attracts money and economic well-being to those who carry it out with faith, and with decision and confidence in their achievements.

the prayers to Yemaya, when they are for economic prosperity, they must be done with conviction. You have to request things associated with the attraction of money and prosperity. You can also ask for good fortune. Therefore, be very careful in preparing the prayer for these purposes, because you cannot ask rudely towards others and above all, it is very important to thank the favor received.

Prayer for Money

Magnificent consecrated matron of all marine and underwater waters,

Bestowed deity of resplendent luminosity and solemn dominion,

Give me your love, with your nobility as a matron,

Give me your sanctified and formidable knowledge,

 With which you administer the life of men and of the waters,

Hear my plea and all the help that my existence begs you for,

Grant me your help, for which I attend before you,

Remove from my soul all the evil star,

Suffocate with your waters all my misgivings,

He avoids being a martyr of hatred or mortification,

And may capital failure never startle me,

Move to me (Name of applicant) charitable Yemayá,

Wealth, capital and bonanza,

That all your representation has predestined for me,

With thanks in advance for the aid granted,

May you dear deity be so kind as to grant me,

Thanks for keeping an eye on my requests.

And eternally grant all my wishes,

Greetings, wonderful deity of the Yoruba,

Eternally very dear Mrs. Yemayá. So be it

Prayer to Yemayá for love

Passion is one of the forces of nature, which greatly affects the human being. This makes it one of the requests that is most frequently made to Yemayá. People ask you to get a boyfriend or girlfriend, they ask you to keep the partner you have, or that no one intervenes in the relationship. They also ask for happiness and marital well-being or with the couple.

Believers prepare their prayers, especially if they are trying to find a partner. They ask for a passion that will last and bring happiness into your life. Or it may be because of the character traits they would like in their partner or life partner. This is a gift that the deity gives taken from the very waters in which she lives.

The application

The goddess, by bringing love into people's lives, also provides the conditions for them to be happy, along with their environment. As a goddess of the female gender, she is very understanding and obsequious with matters of love and fertility. She brings well-being to family life, gives serenity and affection to her children. Any request well made in this regard will be widely granted.

When a prayer is made for love, peace and love for the home are asked for once. Prosperity is requested for the family, and that no negative energy reaches the heart of the home. If it is requested with true faith, with confidence in the great power of this goddess; with complete certainty the requested happiness in love will be obtained. The love partner obtained with this will be for life.

For Yemaya listen to the prayer, it must be made with the heart. It must be written with the firm conviction that it is fair, and thus the goddess will grant what is requested. The deity is usually an unconditional support when it comes to love, you have to ask with a lot of strength and a lot of faith.

Prayer for Love

A prayer like this can be done daily. It must be accompanied by an elaborate ritual with white candles. We light this candle and next to it we place sweet fruits. Sweetener can also be used, these offerings must be made in front of an image of the goddess. It is the way that these prayers reach her if we are not near the sea. It won't be long and the favors granted by the goddess will be seen.

Oh my beloved matron Yemayá,

Energetic woman of all marine and underwater waters,

Grant me the dignity of obtaining with your help,

You who are my midwife and that of all people,

Grant the grace to find in my pilgrimage,

A passion that is sincere, that does not see another and that is for life,

Pleasure that our lives coincide,

And that we fall in love and this love prospers and is lasting,

Like the sea in which you have your beautiful kingdom,

That I manage to see in front of me with a true passion,

Hear my prayers vigorous matron,

Only you have that power

In you I rest so that you hear my prayers,

And I offer my devotion forever,

Oh imposing Yemaya

Yemayá prayer for protection

Yemaya Due to her condition as the mother of all, she is the ideal one to provide protection. She, like any parent, always thinks about the well-being of her children. This is why so many people say prayers asking for protection for themselves and their families. They ask him to become that entity that is a guardian for life. She has the power to prevent bad things or enmities from approaching.

The protection of this goddess must be requested with a particular ritual. A blue candle should be lit, in its light the prayer should be said. This symbolizes the ocean where the deity dwells. It would be ideal to make a montage with the essence of roses, which when heated works as a smoke removal.

The preparation of the environment is very important, you must always remember that you must attract the attention of the goddess. Once ready and everything in action, the applicant must stand in the middle, bow his head and recite the prayer with great fervor and confidence that the goddess will hear him.

Remember to ask for security at all times. May the goddess be present as our protective mantle in all situations. May she free us from any adverse situation, and may she keep away our aggressors and those who wish us harm, us and our family.

Protection Prayer

Oh my vigorous Orisha Yemayá, magnificent of the seas,

Flood our organism with your sanctified habit,

My graceful matron, cleanse our souls and protect my progress through life,

So that we can permanently enjoy your devoted protection,

Create an armor that makes it impossible for our hostiles to march,

Prevent at all times that the evil stalk us,

Purifies our body and guides our soul,

So that the representation of the good permanently predominates,

And may evil remain under control forever,

Protect us with your motherly love and welcome us,

You who are the powerful defender and the shelter of humanity,

Hear my submissive plea, what I do before you,

Greetings Yemayá, lady of the oceans

The ideal is to recite this prayer when going to bed and when getting up. Right when you go to bed and when you wake up. At night and in the morning, and just before starting activities of daily living. As part of the ritual of this prayer, a pink lamp must be lit, which is representative of the maternal protective blanket. You can also use the following Prayer to Eleguá to defeat enemies.

prayer to get pregnant

Among human beings, there are many who try to get pregnant for a long time without success. When they can no longer do it by natural means or with medical assistance, they turn to request divine help. Yemaya She is par excellence the goddess of pregnancies, she procures them and protects them. Those women who have the desire to be mothers and cannot do so, must go to her with great faith, and with full awareness of the power of the goddess.

Being the precursor and protector of gestation, the request must be made conscientiously. The genuine desire to have children for the blessing of the family and the deity must be demonstrated. As long as they manage to capture her attention, in the right way, she will listen to them and attend to her plea. Likewise, we must take the opportunity to ask for health for the future baby and her mother, to bring the pregnancy to a successful conclusion.

The sentence must be elaborated in a clear way, with the request made complete and without shortcuts. The goddess must be thanked for the favors that are about to be granted, and the ritual must also be kept in mind. The offerings must be pleasing in the eyes of the deity and one must have a genuine belief in her ancestral powers. If you want to delve into the use of elements in rituals, you can read incense.

Prayer for Pregnancies

Matrona Yemayá, you who exercise enormous affection,

That you are the beacon that protects the paths of your offspring,

Oh my proud governor of the oceans,

My Orisha and illustrious deity of the Yoruba religion,

He asks you to make my passion come to my belly,

May this be filled with vitality and may that vitality be my happiness,

You who are a mother know in your own experience,

The great need for the woman of life, and that life exalts humanity,

Oh my memorable Lady Yemayá, give me the sprout that I long for,

Make the son I want come to me,

I ask you, my immortal goddess, to listen to my plea,

May you fill my house with contentment, delight and well-being,

That I will honor and venerate you,

For eternity, Oh greetings Lady Yemayá.

For the ritual of pregnancies, apart from the fact that both the prayer and the rite must be carried out sincerely and with true faith, they must have: a white candle, some flower aroma and a representative image of the deity. Faced with all this, properly decorated and arranged, the request must be recited. Only in this way can the goddess listen to the request. It is also good to make an offering with sweets especially for the occasion.

prayer for cleansing

Energies surround us in our life. There are positive and good energies, but we will also be in contact with negative and harmful energies. When we are in the presence of the positive ones, we feel at peace, in balance with ourselves, with our surroundings and with the spiritual and physical universe.

But what happens when we are in the presence of negative energies. That is when we become prone to getting sick. These energies keep us in a sullen mood, we do not achieve economic or emotional well-being. Fights begin at home, and we have the permanent feeling that everything is going wrong for us.

This is why spiritual cleansing is so necessary. This is a rite that is done to heal our body and our soul. Its purpose is to remove and cleanse our aura of all these bad energies, which gradually rob us of tranquility and well-being. It not only serves the spirit, it also cleans places, be it home or work.


the deities Yoruba, each one has its own related aroma, with these essential oils, purifications, personal hygiene, environmental aromas can be carried out, all this works for cleaning work. They must be used with the respective ritual, and if the prayer is specifically dedicated to Yemaya, it will be very effective, she is the protective mother of this religion, she protects and cares for her children on land and in the sea.

For this rite to Yemaya the environment must be prepared with white candles, and aromas dedicated to the goddess. Before beginning, the ideal is to take a while to obtain the proper concentration, to invoke the goddess without distractions. You should be asked to drive away bad energies and attract good ones.

cleansing prayer

Oh Yemayá, you who are a participant in the origin of life,

You who was the divine mother of all that exists,

That you reign from the surface of the sea,

And that all the protection that protects the world emanates from you,

Spread a cleansing charge over my body,

Allow my aura to be free of impurities,

Drive away the negative energies of my spirit,

May your cleansing hand cover me,

And may all the force of nature give me energy,

Discharge from my body the bad influences,

Clean all the traces that evil has left on me,

Cover me with your protective mother's mantle,

Let your children protect me,

Preventing sorcery from stalking me,

Let me reach a state of purity,

Help me to achieve all my dreams and goals,

Give me the ability to attract everything good to me,

And drive away at all times the evil that wishes to approach,

Oh Queen mother and glorious Yemaya,

I thank you and venerate your presence. Amen

Prayer to Yemayá for help

Yemaya Being the mother of all, she is also the goddess who protects us the most. She is a goddess, venerated by most people, they seek her to request from spiritual tranquility, to material wealth, through security, passion, fertility, and everything that has to do with the well-being of people.

After all, he is the deity, who will fight for the achievement and defense of just causes, he is a fighter and does not let himself be defeated. She is supported by the great forces and energies present in the oceans, she is the progenitor of all other deities, protector above all things. If an injustice is being committed, she is the one to turn to, she is the one who intercedes for the solution of problems and businesses that are considered unresolved.

Every time you have a need for help, no matter what it is, you can go to it. It is a force of nature, powerful and unbreakable, it never gives up. If asked with true faith, she will protect and solve, because she does not allow bad things to happen to her children. It must be summoned through the proper ritual, and it must be asked in the most precise way possible, if this is done properly it will solve anything.


The prayer that is recited to him must be simple, and in addition, care must be taken with the offertory that is made to him. You must have a white or light blue candle, which must be lit while the prayer is recited. It is also convenient to offer her a plate with a meal that is to the total liking of the magnificent goddess. It must have ingredients such as seafood, spices, vegetables and green leaves, and be very well seasoned. Care must be shown on the plate.

The place where this rite is performed must be very well decorated, and must have a statuette that represents the deity. It must have fruits, white flower arrangements and candles lit with the colors of the goddess. Communication with the goddess begins at the moment the prayer begins to be recited. It must be said with great faith and so she will listen to you.

Prayer for Help

Yemayá, beloved goddess, I beg you,

Hear my acclamation, lady of the great oceans,

Yemaya, deity of great power, potency and constancy,

You that you represent the luminary and the power that protects all living things,

You who give enormous affection to all your descendants,

Begging for that affection I show myself before your presence,

Requesting your extraordinary wisdom I acclaim you,

Hear my prayer queen of the sea waters of the earth,

I ask you to remove my hostiles from my life,

I beg you to help me solve my difficulties quickly,

I want and beg you help me to surrender the hatred and problems,

Grant me your protection to take away from me the dejection,

And may your nobility be eternally my greatest fortune,

Greetings oh Mrs. Yemayá, so be it.

other sentences

There are as many situations of need as there are human beings on Earth. This is why it is very difficult to have prayers to Yemaya, which are useful for all situations. The sentences that are presented below are variants that allow to be more precise in what is requested.

The effectiveness of the goddess's response will always depend on how well it is performed, both the rite and the prayer. One way to better achieve our goal is to have sentences that are as specific as possible.

This goddess is extremely powerful, and can achieve almost anything, as long as it is possible to achieve, and it is requested in the right way. All believers know that if it is not done with great faith, and with offerings that are pleasing to the deity, then nothing will be achieved.

Another important thing is to set the right stage. TO Yemaya she is only attracted to bright, sweet, blue things and open and beautiful places. Beautiful music specially composed for her can also be dedicated to her. Being the creator of everything spiritual and human, she likes to see the most beautiful things in her creation. For more information on what Orishas you can check sons of shango.

Prayer for unrequited love

Sometimes it happens that love is not reciprocal and for those cases sometimes it only takes a little spiritual help, so that the other person can see all the feeling that we profess. In these circumstances it is very useful to carry out a prayer to Yemayá to attract a man, like the one shown below:

Oh vigorous Yemayá deity, I appear in front of you to ask for help,

I want you to help me see my man (name of person)

So that he loves only me with passion, that his gaze is only for me,

That you only want me in body and soul.

Oh Vigorous Lady Yemayá, may your passion be as strong as the great force of the ocean waters,

May your love be devastating like overflowing waters,

Make my lover (name of the person) believe that without me he will perish,

Make his happiness completely and fully in me.

I beg you oh greetings my dear deity Yemayá.


prayer for true love

My dear and beloved progenitor, great deity Yemayá,

You who know everything that I lack in my affections,

You who being my parent and my light of life,

I ask you queen on this present day,

That you make my person come to me so that he loves me all his life,

With passion and sincerely, I entrust myself to you, Amen.

prayer to bind

Oh Yemaya, beloved goddess,

You who reign over the seas and oceans,

You who conquer the fury of the waters with all your power and great affection.

Grant me the blessing that in my life there is always a true passion,

Let my house be the shelter to preserve the real passion.

Oh greetings my lady, enormous in your goodness, and your love,

Have pity on me and don't let me be alone,

Calm my anguish and anguish,

Take sadness away from my paths,

Pleasure that (person's name) come back to me

Stay by my side until the end of our lives. So be it.

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  2. Purpose of the data: Control SPAM, comment management.
  3. Legitimation: Your consent
  4. Communication of the data: The data will not be communicated to third parties except by legal obligation.
  5. Data storage: Database hosted by Occentus Networks (EU)
  6. Rights: At any time you can limit, recover and delete your information.