Legends, False Myths of the Moon and more

For centuries, the Moon has been the center of the most fascinating stories of civilizations. Thousands of things have been said about her, some are true. But others not so much. Discover here the most famous and false legends and moon myths, mystical ideas attributed to this star for centuries.

myths and legends of the moon

false myths of the moon

In relation to this wonderful natural satellite of planet Earth, countless myths have been generated throughout history. Some have become part of the cultural heritage of entire generations and others that border on the unlikely.

All civilizations grant special powers to the Moon and have ensured that it has a very close relationship in the behavior of human beings and certain activities on Earth.

Influence of the Moon on agricultural activities

Does the Moon really influence the development of plants? It can be a very controversial topic, but since the beginning of history, man has maintained that relationship between his crops and the lunar phases.

Moon myths: Sköll and Hati

The ancient civilizations among them, the Babylonian, Egyptian, Hebrew, Greek and Roman, among the most prominent. They knew of the great influence that the Star King exerted on their plantations.

They also thought that the Moon acted the same, in the yield of their crops. The myths of the Moon, in ancient cultures, were related to the belief that she was the cause of the morning dew and the good growth of the fruits.

The settlers had the belief that just as this star grew, it also produced the same effect on their plantations and other phenomena that occurred around it.

Wise men of ancient times, raised quite fanciful theories. But at the end of the day, what he wanted was to give answers to the phenomena that occurred in the crops.

One of those formulations was that, if the moonlight was softer, it had the power to reach the inner layers of plants and fruits. The seeds were charged with an invigorating energy, which was only awakened by the sun's rays.

From the dawn of civilization, to the present, the myth of the power of the Moon over agricultural activities is maintained. This is, that the more the Moon grows, the greater its power in plants and their fruits.

The most well-versed scholars went beyond a simple explanation of how the Moon affects all activities in the field. They established precise sowing days and excluded the thirteenth day as an ideal day to sow. Always considering the number thirteen, as a bad omen.

Roman culture

The Romans, already quite advanced in the study of the lunar influence on agriculture, established the phases of the Moon that were ideal for each type of crop. For example, the planting and harvesting of corn, when they could cut down the trees, among other activities. Many of these myths and beliefs persist today.

The myth is "You have to sow according to the growth of the Moon, prune, cut or harvest, when this star decreases". Myth or reality, all activities in the fields and livestock revolve around these ancient customs. And they will remain current in popular culture, with or without scientific validation.

Labor in women

There is a myth that pregnant women go into labor when the Moon is in its full phase. This myth is totally false and the lunar phase is not related to the birth of women.

Scientific research has shown that the relationship attributed to the number of births with the lunar phase does not really exist. Scientifically there is no explanation for this popular belief.

However, it is a human condition, in wanting to find an explanation, to the events that occur in their environment. Most likely, on a full moon night, mass calving events occurred and someone argued from there that the chances of calving in this lunar phase are higher.

For centuries, humanity has wanted to relate the Moon to a higher percentage of fertility in women. Due to the similarity of the lunar cycle and the female reproductive processes, which on average each of them is 28 days.

myths of the moon and childbirth

Myths of the Moon and the howling of the wolves

For a long time, wolves and their howls have been associated with dark and afterlife situations. Many of you will get goosebumps if, by chance, on a full moon night, you hear those gloomy howls.

But the reality is different, there is nothing certain in that the wolves howl at the full moon. Much less is an indication that they are ready to hunt their prey, observations of animal behavior showed that other animals are not intimidated by this behavior of wolves.

The howl of the wolves has to do with the need to maintain contact with the other members of the pack. It is also to establish the limits of their domains and indicate who is the alpha male.

In general, they emit this sound in the afternoon and at dawn. To let your group know, it's time to regroup to defend the prey you've hunted. It is also a signal from the young, of the need to eat.

Is the Moon really white and bright?

There is a well-rooted myth in people that the Moon is white and that it is also extremely bright. But in reality, the myth is totally false.

If you have seen the sky on a full moon night, you have every right to believe that it really is that pale white and that its brightness is too beautiful not to stare at it the rest of the night.

If you make a comparison of the Moon, with respect to other objects with such characteristics, this star is not white and it is not bright either. It may appear to glow, because of how dark the sky looks.

The color that can be observed on the moon is rather a characteristic that is left to the consideration of each observer. That is, the Moon does not have its own light, rather it is the reflection of the sun's rays.

The tonality that can be given to the Moon will depend on the phase it is in and the location it has at the time of observing it. Actually the color of the Moon is a gray tone.

Does the Moon cause more hair growth?

This popular myth supposes that, according to the phase in which the Moon is, hair grows at an accelerated rate. But, other lunar phases also contribute to the loss of abundant hair.

It is a deeply rooted belief, from past generations, where it was established that according to the appearance needs of the hair, they should cut it in a certain lunar phase.

However, it does not have any scientific basis to support it. The truth is that it is scientifically proven that each strand of hair grows between 1 and 2 centimeters monthly and its growth is related to processes in the scalp.

The health of the hair, and this includes its growth, depends on the internal structure of each hair, the person's diet, the indiscriminate use of chemical products and other external factors. But never, it can be attributed to a certain phase of the Moon.

myths of the moon and the effect on the hair

The Moon and the movement of flows in people

Much has been said about the power of attraction that the Moon has over the seas and oceans of the Earth. For years, the fact has been perpetuated that just as the Moon dominates the Seas and oceansLikewise, it exerts its power in the liquids of the human body.

However, this myth is completely false. Indeed, the moon with its power of gravity, influences the increase in the level of the waters, that is, it conditions the low tide and the high tide of all the seas and oceans of the Earth. But it does not affect the circulation of body fluids.

In a denied assumption, that the Moon influenced the functioning of the internal movements of the human body, these changes would be almost imperceptible, so that their observation with the naked eye would be impossible.

Washed clothes look whiter.

In many areas of the countryside, the myth is still believed that if freshly washed clothes are placed to dry on a full moon night, they will dawn whiter. This is completely false, due to the simple fact of the action of the Moon and its whitening effect on clothing.

The real and scientific fact, which can find the justification for this belief, is that when the Moon is larger and clearer, the entire atmosphere is clean.

The effect of making the air cleaner is that there will be a significant number of drops of humid air, condensing and with this they can adhere to hanging clothes.

This spray, which impregnates clothing, is made up of small microparticles with antioxidants that can cause that deep whiteness effect on clothing.

Effect of the Moon on behavior

The Moon has always served as an input for popular narrative. Regarding it, myths of the Moon and also legends have become popular, some may seem true, but others are extremely fanciful.

Within popular beliefs, it is told how some lunar phases affect the behavior of human beings. Among those that can be mentioned, impure acts, homicides, wandering around the house while still asleep, suicide and practices of witchcraft and sorcery.

Many of these people who adopt these behaviors are classified as lunatics, this word is derived from the Roman goddess Luna. Of her, tells the story of her, that she got on her silver chariot and wandered at night, in the dark skies.

In the past, before advances in clinical studies on mental health, there was a wrong view of some human behaviors. Doctors dedicated to the cure and care of the mentally ill, affirmed that there was a relationship between manic disorders and the Moon.

moon myths and mental illness

Such was the perception of this connection between mental health and the Moon, that Hippocrates himself presented a document in which he left open the possibility that the patient who is prey to fear, terror and madness, during night hours is visited by the Moon goddess.

In the past, people who were found guilty of horrendous murders, wielded that they had committed their crimes, under the influence of the full moon, thus obtaining reductions in their sentences.

It was also frequent that in psychiatric hospitals, as part of the curative treatments, they included a dose of lashes in certain phases of the Moon.

Even today, the idea persists in many regions of the world that the Moon has the power to drive people crazy. One of the myths of the Moon, furthest from reality.

Legends of the Moon

The Moon since time immemorial has been the companion of the Earth. It rises in the sky like a great lamp that illuminates the darkest nights.

All cultures and civilizations, to a greater or lesser degree, have given him characteristics of the gods. At times, he is responsible for all the phenomena that affect societies. But in others, he is worshiped, to achieve some favor.

Many legends have been documented about this star, some with some grain of truth, but others have turned out to be a complete fiasco. Some of them are mentioned below.

The Moon and the romance with the Sun

Part of the popular cultural heritage, they maintain the legend of the love affair between the Moon and the Sun. Actually, that link between these two stars is partly true. But, it did not have great relevance for humanity, rather it was a story, somewhat fictional.

The legend tells that the Moon in its new phase, took shelter in itself to start its new phase. It is at that moment that she meets the handsome Sun and expands to show him all her splendor.

After that flirtation, the handsome and gallant Sun, fertilizes her and the Moon becomes immediately pregnant, from this colossus of the universe. Giving way to what would be the full moon phase.

Thus, after completing its gestation period and giving birth, it begins to empty progressively. This is an event that is repeated over and over again, every 29 days and from these events, it is related to the menstruation period of women.

Of course, there are no indications that can demonstrate that these narrative facts have any validity. It is simply the way in which human beings have tried to explain the myths of the Moon and the phenomena that occur in the sky.

The moon, God and the rabbit

According to legend, one day in history, God wanted to pay a visit to the beings that inhabited the Earth. Therefore, he set out to become human. He wanted to know how animals behaved, long before creating man.

When the day that God would go to Earth arrived, all the animals were anxious and excited, especially the fox, the monkey and the rabbit. All the animals on Earth prepared the best gifts to give them to God.

The monkey for his part, went to the best place in the jungle to harvest the best fruits of the place. For his part, the fox made a basket with the best cuts of meat he had hunted.

The rabbit, for his part, was still undecided as to what to give God, since as he lived in the countryside, he only had fresh herbs, which was what his diet consisted of.

When God came to Earth in the form of a man, everyone was super excited to meet him in person. But it was not long before this unusual visitor realized that the fox lord had no affection or belief in his heart for him. As the monkey, he was somewhat selfish and mean with the fruits that he had harvested.

myths of the moon, god and the rabbit

So, God made the decision to spend the night in the company of little Mr. Rabbit. When they were alone, God asked the rabbit for something to eat, since he was starving and his stomach was growling like the lion lord.

The rabbit told his friend God to lie down on the grass while he prepared something for him to eat. The rabbit set out to prepare some rich aromatic herbs combined with others.

thanks to God

While God was distracted contemplating the stars in the sky, he began to smell a strong smell of burning meat. As he approached the fire, he could see how the little rabbit was burned in the embers, to be offered as dinner.

God rushed him out of the fire and healed all his wounds. Faced with such a demonstration of love and faith, he decided to draw, with the help of the charcoal from the campfire, the figure of the rabbit on the Moon.

That is why, since then, the false belief of the Moon myths has been maintained, that in one of its faces, the shape of the rabbit can be seen.

Halloween in red moon

Countless tales and legends have been written about this natural phenomenon and witches, from ancient civilizations. During the day of the red moon, they could fearlessly go out into the streets.

It was the day of the witches, allowed so that those who had that power could go out and practice their rituals, without the fear of being imprisoned or persecuted. According to legends, horrendous acts were practiced.

The witches, made sacrifices of infants and other virgin women, to offer it to their gods. Any act that involved bloodshed was the best gift for their pagan gods.

According to historical records, the Moon was dyed a reddish color, because its powers were fed with blood. During that night, of red moon, many paranormal events occurred and no citizen alien to these practices, dared to go out into the streets.

But how far from reality was the occurrence of this fact. This red moon phenomenon or Luna de sangre, occurs annually. This event is thanks to the superimposition of the Moon on the Earth and the umbra is generated.

The umbra is caused by the incidence of solar rays during an eclipse. These rays are reflected by the Moon, causing it to turn red.

Mystical influences of the Moon

If you do an analysis of its interior, you will notice that the Moon is more than what is known historically and astrologically. She is able to connect them with the simplicity of nature and its stability.

Finding that balance point is not an easy task but they can achieve it. It is only enough to observe how the Moon dominates the cycles of vegetables, the customs of animals and can establish conditioning in humans.

This star can influence your emotional states, intellectual production capacity, some actions and other basic functions of the human body. For this reason, whoever knows his power will also be able to dare to predict the future.

The Moon and the meaning of the occult

Finding an explanation for veiled or hidden things has been a field studied for years by some, as well as rejected by others. And part of the answers that have been given, start from the use of Tarot and numerology.

For example, who stands out in the reading of the Tarot, knows that thirteen is the number that symbolizes death. This means that when this card comes out there is a chance that the end of a cycle will occur.

These cycles that end, give rise to the beginning of new stages of rebirth, construction, evolution and greater possibilities. Just like the phases of the Moon.

Each lunar phase means the possibility of momentous events occurring in people's lives or transforming what is being done, to achieve success. It's really quite a fascinating world and well worth exploring a bit more.

myths of the moon in the tarot

The Moon and the affectation of being

For centuries, all civilizations have had an ally on the Moon, to provide answers to many phenomena that occur on earth. But, it is also capable of influencing the aura of people.

Astrology is in charge of linking all the present and future behaviors of humanity, with the help of the changes that are generated in each lunar phase and by the position of the stars. Stars in the firmament.

The records give the new Moon the highest concentration of power to pleasantly influence man's behavior. Otherwise, it occurs in the last quarter, where the greatest care must be taken, since there is a greater possibility of the occurrence of unfavorable events.

But so that you can have a better idea of ​​everything that this fascinating subject and the myths of the Moon contain, each of the lunar phases and their influence on the human being are mentioned below, so that you can make the best decisions.

New Moon

With the arrival of the new moon phase, the time for another cycle begins. It is time to start new projects. The human being is positively influenced and everything he initiates will have the blessing of the cosmos.

It's ideal for scheduling trips, starting college, and even spending time gardening. Sometimes, being the new Moon, they may feel the desire to do something new, but not be clear about their goal.

The recommendations suggested by specialists in astrology, to carry out on days of a new Moon, are the following:

  • Ideal to start activities related to literary production, painting and everything related to the area of ​​plastic arts.
  • They recommend that you do not eat foods rich in fat. It is normal that during these days, a few extra kilos are gained, which will be difficult to lose.
  • They can fast for 12 hours, before the phase and after the conclusion of the new Moon.
  • Haircuts should not be done, since during this period their growth accelerates and can weaken the hair follicles.
  • For field workers, this time is very good, since they usually absorb all the fertilizer that is added to them and the plants grow stronger.
  • It is the ideal time to make reserves that will last much longer than in other phases of the Moon.

growing phase

It occurs two days after the end of the new Moon and can be seen in the sky, in the form of a small piece. This lunar phase is ideal to start with important projects, such as business ventures.

It is also conducive to starting a love relationship, since its fruits can be seen in a period of no more than fifteen days. With this phase, all progress, growth and much prosperity are enhanced.

The rational side of the human being is in its full splendor. That is why decision-making is much easier, the intelligence side is at its maximum and all the jobs that require it are carried out with fluidity.

It is ideal when you are about to sign an important document, make changes in your professional and emotional environment. Establish new personal relationships and resume postponed activities.

Those who have the power to heal, with laying on of hands during this phase of the Moon, have their healing abilities diminished.

full moon myths

At this time of lunar changes, it is convenient that you make all your projects public. To confess everything that makes them happy, but also to get out of their interior the things that make them uncomfortable, that make them feel bad.

It is important that you keep something in mind, at this stage of the Moon it is not convenient to undertake new projects. But if it is favorable, to determine when a situation has come to an end. That is, they can establish the end of a work, love or friendship relationship.

It is not advisable to make cuts to the trees, cuts should be avoided since they tend to bleed more than usual. At the stroke of midnight, all the requests that are desired must be made, since they will all be fulfilled.

Interpersonal communications are favored, everything flows more easily. It is recommended that you avoid undergoing surgery these days, due to the fact that the blood flows more intensely.

Full Moon days are marked by a great euphoria in people, joy and excitement, which make it a natural aphrodisiac. There are so many myths about the Moon, but you should pay a lot of attention to all of them, since it governs a large part of behavior.

full moon myths

waning moon phase

Just as the Moon fades, there is also the danger that all projects and relationships will be extinguished. It is time to rethink the actions to take and act cautiously.

  • They should not cut hair, plants and nails because they take longer to grow.
  • Time for them to reflect on what they have undertaken and to undertake.
  • It is the time of yin and yang. That is to say, it is the end of everything and the beginning of a new period of experiences.
  • Take plenty of time to rest and regain strength.
  • They can start diets, since the body adapts better to weight loss.
  • Medical check-ups can be done and treatment started for full recovery of health.
  • If they cut their hair, they will have to wait a long time for it to grow back. Insects and weeds are also completely exterminated.
  • The body is revitalized and energy is gained to undertake domestic activities.

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