Meditations at the Holy Hour in front of the Blessed Sacrament

The Meditations in the Holy Hour are those that are done to have a reflection and a more intimate contact with God and pray for his mercy, they have a structure or method that must be followed and that is why we are going to tell you how to do them in the right way. correct and that you also know what sentences you can make for them.

meditations in the holy hour

Meditations in the Holy Hour

The Meditations in the Holy Hour are reflections that are made and for them we need to be in a suitable environment, place candles or a light that illuminates a room or sanctuary, a bible is needed and readings are taken from them or from the catechism of the Catholic Church. That is why it is necessary to establish a series of rules or norms to do the meditations, which consist of:

A quiet environment:

The environment must be suitable so that it is as quiet as possible, so that we do not think about other things that happen in our lives, since we are going to pray slowly and calmly and we do not want other concerns to make us pray. quickly and recited, that's why a lot of silence should be made and keep a calm not only in our mind but also in our body.


Although there will be readings from the Bible for the holy hour, it should not go beyond it, the reading is the beginning to make the prayers later.

Have a good disposition:

This corresponds to the way we have or the attitude to do the meditation, we can sit, kneel or stand, but always maintaining respect.

Minutes of the Meditations

The holy hour can be divided into parts so that the meditations are done in the correct way, the first 5 minutes are dedicated to the Holy Spirit to show the love we have and that we believe in him and in his actions to be our speaker. In these five minutes you should feel that your faith increases and you can make requests for the people you love and that there are difficulties in those moments for them to be resolved.

Minute 5 to 15

Once you do your initiation with the Holy Spirit, that you firmly believe in his power, it is time to praise God, we must thank him since everything created from the Universe to the plants exists for him, and that his goodness it is eternal. The Hand of God is a seed and that is why in the first reading we must be aware that his seed is powerful, in these minutes we meditate on the following:

“Oh my God!, I adore you more every moment, in your virtues and in how great you are, I am just a small element within your creation, but I love and venerate you because you are the greatest thing that exists.”

The commandment of love

This is one of the readings that you can do in the holy hour, the first is to love Jesus just as he loves us in John15; 10-16. Jesus left this commandment to his disciples, that they love one another, as he had taught and as he had always loved us.

He also said that the greatest love is the one who gives his life for a friend, that his disciples would be his friends forever and that they would do what he told him for his good, Jesus did not call them servants, since they did not know what He did his lord, he called them his friends since he trusted them with each of his great secrets of life.

meditations in the holy hour

The disciples were not the ones who chose Jesus, it was he who chose them, that is why he told them to go and bear fruit to remain through the divine verb since everything they achieved was in honor of God the Father.

Other readings that you can do in these 10 minutes are the following: Exodus 33,18:23-2,8; Song of Songs 17-2,1; Matthew 11-1,1; John 18-1,15; Colossians 20:2,6-11; Philippians XNUMX-XNUMX.

prayer of thanks

This prayer is done together, that is to say all the people who are gathered for the hour of meditation, it is good that it be delivered with a copy to each one of the assistants so that they can read it, and when they do the reading that each one of the people read a paragraph.

Lord Jesus! Today we want to be in this evening with you, by your side, close to your infinite presence. We may not know what to do, but if we are sure that we want to feel your love, we want to be close to your warmth, since we want to love you. We want to be close to your presence to thank you, praise you, beg you, to silence our emotions, just to hear you and be by your side.

Receive us by your side as your faithful disciples, those of us who want to hear your wise words to learn as much as we can from you, to follow you forever. Allow us to be your friends and also the witnesses of your immense love.

Lord Jesus! We ask you to touch our hearts today, to be filled with your grace and save us, to give you the life that only you can give us. That is why we come through this holy hour to learn more about you.

We need you to be our support, to listen to you, since your words are sacred to do everything from beginning to end, receive us as your friends and pour out rivers of blessings on us, tonight we give you our sincere hearts, with all our love Since through you we learned to love, we ask you to save us and fill us with life to give you glory forever, Lord. Amen.

Minute 15 to 25

It is to make an act of contrition, since we are close to the first half hour of the meditations and we must acknowledge our sins, an examination of our conscience in order to experience the true love of God, to know that his love is integral which as he himself professes. Making reparation for our sins is a very important point. Here you must exclaim the following, always imagining that you are kissing the sacred wounds of Christ on the cross:

“Oh my Lord! Today I ask your forgiveness for each of my sins.

Other readings that you can do at this time are: 1 Corinthians 13,4:7-3,5; Colossians 10:1-1,12; 17 Timothy 3,2:12-1; James 1,5:2,6-6; 32 John 38 and 51; Penitential Psalms: 102, 130, 142, XNUMX, XNUMX, XNUMX, XNUMX.

Act of Contrition

An act of contrition is a moment of asking for forgiveness for having offended or sinned against God, when it is done it has to be with true repentance.

meditations in the holy hour

Oh my God! Today I am completely sorry because I have offended you, I am sorry for my sins, and I know that I could lose my arrival in heaven and suffer the torment of hell, but what causes me the most pain is that I directly offended you, being you a good God , that you are full of goodness and I know that you deserve my respect and my love, today I have the conviction not to sin again through your help and grace, I will confess all the sins I have committed, I will do the corresponding penances in order to do the amendment of my life in the way of the Lord, Amen.

prayer to ask for forgiveness

This would be the act of contrition and forgiveness that we must do to God, so that he grants us his sacred forgiveness for our acts and sins.

Oh Jesus! We ask your forgiveness for our sins, for those committed by our parents, our brothers and our friends, we ask you for the sins of the whole world, Lord Forgiveness.

For all infidelities and blasphemies, for those who hate and hold grudges: Forgive me Lord. For all the lies that are told daily, for those who profane the day of the Saints, we ask you for forgiveness, Lord.

For all the impurities and scandals that occur in the world we ask Forgiveness Lord. For all the robberies, thefts and injustices that occur in the world, for those who are weak and do not respect human rights, we ask you: Forgive me Lord.

meditations in the holy hour

For those who are disobedient to the church we ask Forgiveness Lord. For the crimes committed by the spouses, and for the faults of the parents and the mistakes of the children, we ask Forgiveness, Lord.

For all the infamies that are done against the Catholic Church and against the Pope, we ask your forgiveness, Lord. For all the persecutions that are carried out against the religious and virgins of the world, we ask you for forgiveness, Lord.

For all the insults and profanations that are committed against the temples, against the sacred sacraments, we ask Forgiveness, Lord. For all the acts committed by the sects that are being manipulated by the devil, we ask Forgiveness, Lord.

For the righteous who waver in the face of injustice and become sinners because they resist receiving grace and for all those who are suffering right now we ask Forgiveness Lord.

Forgive me, Lord, and we ask you to have mercy on those people who are most in need and urgent of your grace, may it be your divine light and your eyes that do not depart from us, fill our hearts with joy to feel the warmth of your chest, so that our souls can feel your love and repent of all sins. Amen

meditations in the holy hour

Minute 25 to 40

Here is the first meditation of the holy hour, the people who have gathered can think about the stations of the cross of our Lord or pray a mystery of the rosary, read a verse from the gospel and make considerations on reading, reflecting each one on what they think of that passage that is in the Bible.

This first meditation is also called the doctrinal meditation, since it is based on one of the gospels, this meditation should exhort you to do a thorough examination of your conscience with the intention of praying to be faithful servants of God.

Minute 40 to 50

These are the minutes to give thanks and show God that we are grateful for all the gifts he gives us and the favors he has done for us either personally or through other people we know and for whom he interceded. Let us give thanks collectively, not individually, since all things created by him are for the enjoyment of all humanity and also for the love he feels towards all of us.

Do not leave space for gratitude, be thankful for everything for the house, the roof, the food, the family, the health, the love, and even for the money that you have honestly earned. Give thanks for the death of Jesus, since without it we would not have achieved our eternal salvation. You can do some readings of this that we suggest: Genesis 1, Genesis 8,15-22; Job 1,13:22-3,46; Daniel 6,25 ss.; Matthew 34-17,11; Luke 19-XNUMX.

Minute 50 to 55

Five minutes to ask God for our personal and collective needs, do it without any reservations and leave everything in the holy hands of God since he is the King of the universe and he can do everything. It is good to make reflections to ask for some special favor and also on how to make implorations through prayer to ask for something very urgent or of extreme need.

meditations in the holy hour

Also pray for the Church, the priests and ministers who are lay, who are responsible for bringing the word of God to homes, and for the family so that it always stays together and protects itself from any evil or danger.

Minute 55 to 60

These last minutes of the holy hour are focused on the final prayers to give thanks to the Holy Spirit for all the favors he does us. That's why you can make an entrance chant like this:

“By your side, when evening falls, we thank you for this great day of work, we offer you our rest, work and love. And when night is already falling and the darkness begins to close our house, we ask you to return everyone to their homes, Oh Father! So they can rest in their nest.”

The readings that you take for the holy hour should be for reflection, you can also sing and pray together with the attendees, everything must be organized so that the full hour is fulfilled, that is why it is important that an adequate environment is created in where you can listen and reflect on our commitment to life.

That is the way to pray, listen to the word, contemplate what God did, reflect and draw our conclusions. The topics that are chosen must be read in a very slow way and at the end there is a silence to reflect.


The prayers are made after each reading to honor and praise the Lord, with them we thank him for the moment he has given us to be together to meditate on his word.


Thanksgiving is a series of thanks that are made to God for being our guide and savior.

We thank you Lord, because through your death and resurrection you gave us salvation. We thank you Lord since you were the one who gave us the Eucharist so that we could feed our souls.

We thank you for giving us this short time to be able to adore and venerate you, for all the gifts you give us, to be in communion by your side. We thank you because your words encourage and heal us, because your cross is a teaching and because with your blood you have saved us.

We thank you because your love has no limits, for the mother who was on the cross. We thank you because you always people our betrayals and forgetfulness, for teaching us to share bread with the last supper.

We thank you because being our God you know how to kneel to teach us that your holy will is all generosity, that life is an offering and a delivery and that your love has no limits for all of us. Thank you for everything Lord.

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

A prayer that is made to ask for the coming of the healed and protective holy spirit, which must be done with faith and trust by all those present in the meditation of the holy hour.

Come to us Holy Spirit, so that the hearts of all your faithful may be filled and ignite in them the flames of eternal love. God send us your Spirit with which you created everything to renew the face of the earth. Oh God! You who are the light of the great Holy Spirit, who taught in the hearts of your faithful, we ask you to grant that we always be lovers of righteousness, through Jesus Christ Our Lord, Amen.

What other things can I do in the Holy Hour?

There are other things that you can do in the meditation of the holy hour, among them apart from the readings we are going to recommend a series of prayers and actions that are important to know. The holy hour does not need to be done the same way all the time, it can vary so you can make variations in the prayers.

spiritual communion

This is a prayer for Jesus in the Sacrament of the Altar and to establish a communion with him at the level of the spirit or soul.

Jesus my Lord, whom I believe is always present within the most holy Sacrament of the Altar, you know that my love for you is above anything else and I want you to receive my soul by your side, at this moment I cannot make communion but I ask you to be present by my side in spirit, I want to hug you to be closer to you and ask you never to separate from me. At all times I have to adore you because you are the bread of life and the great sacrament.

Holy hour offering

This is a prayer that can be made at the beginning of the meditation of the Holy Hour, to offer it to someone in particular, it has four acts: of faith, hope, love and charity, these must be recited by all those attending the holy hour

Beloved Jesus, today we want to be by your side at this time, to give you consolation and repair through love to my impoverished heart, since with your agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, I know that you felt abandoned, and that those who were there to that they loved you they stopped doing it. I know that all the weight of the sins of men were on your shoulders and now they will be on mine, I know that I have caused you pain because I sinned but I will do everything to amend my actions with love.

Give me the strength my Lord to help you comfort you. Sacred Heart of Jesus that you were strengthened by an angel in your moment of agony, I ask you to comfort us in ours. Jesus who was full of humility and meek of heart I ask you to make my heart equal to yours.

Act of faith: Oh my God, today I believe in all the truths that the Catholic Church has taught us, since you have revealed yourself and you can never be deceived because you have not deceived anyone.

Act of hope: Oh my God! That we trust in your great goodness and in the promises you made to us, we want to have the forgiveness of our sins, that you help us with your grace and give us eternal life, through the merits of our Lord Jesus Christ who is our savior.

Act of Love: Oh my God! You know that my love for you is above all things, and with all my heart and soul, since you are full of kindness and worthy of all love, you taught us to love our neighbor as ourselves, thank you to your love, today I forgive those who have offended me and I apologize to those I have offended, since today I live for you, and I will die for you, because you and I will be one at the moment of my death. Amen.

Act of charity: Oh God, you are good and merciful! Today I want to reciprocate your love with mine. Today I feel sorry for those who did not love you, also for me because my heart was cold, selfish and ungrateful, I recognize my weaknesses and my poverty and I know that through your grace I will be able to give you what you want, which is my pure and true love, to repair the coldness and negligence of creatures before your Sacrament of love.

Jesus you are the owner of all hearts, that's why my love is yours, I will adore and glorify you and I will thank you because now I know that I belong to you. I want you to be my ruler so that my soul can be transformed and be similar to yours, and thus bless you and glorify you in the Abode of the Saints. Amen.

Holy Hour meditations that are intermediate

These are reflections that can be made and that are taken from the Bible itself, from the events that happened to Jesus, one of these reflections is the meaning of the word love, love according to the bible is found from the moment that Jesus died for all of us on the cross, so that our sins were forgiven, his blood shed on the cross is a symbol that serves as protection against evil and danger.

With each passing day his love has been spreading more and more, and with that love it is that the hunger of the soul can be satisfied, just as the disciples did when Jesus blessed the bread and the chalice as blood and flesh of life.

The sacraments: the sacraments that God left us are a memory that reveals the sacrifice of Christ to obtain forgiveness of sins, God allowed the gates of heaven to open so that we all reach him. The sacraments are a reminder of the passion and death of Jesus and also of his glorious resurrection, since he taught us that if there is a life after our death, with baptism it is possible to remove the original sin that you were the one that did not allow us get to heaven, that's why he who believes in god will never die. These sacraments are the victory of love in life, it is where sin falls before triumph, where good is above evil.


The songs are intonations that are made to praise God, these can also be found in the Bible.

song of love

This song teaches us the commandment that God left us to love one another.

A commandment gave us the Lord, and it is that we must love one another as Jesus taught. We must make the brother or same that we want with us and with God since he who does not love his brothers cannot have the ability to praise God, the cross of the Lord is the symbol of goodness and is love to all as siblings.

It is through the strength of Jesus Christ that we have the need to love him, it does not matter what sex you are, what color your skin is or what your religion has been, it is through the strength of Christ that we need to love everyone as if they were our own. brothers and do good. He who has suffering and feels sad will always be full of love, a humble person, a poor person and a person full of afflictions will always give us love, he who lives next to God and worships him will always know how to offer love.

It is important that I look for you and find you since you are always on each of the paths I choose. That I call you by your name since within my thoughts and in my heart your name is engraved like a canvas.

It is important that my last cry and my last breath are to call you by your name because I know that you moan with me. That the projects that I do are yours, since you are the one who gives illumination to my mind and thoughts and you want the best so that it is bright in my future.

It is important that I can understand you since you are the one who helps me in the most painful moments of my life. That is why I speak of you with great wisdom, since you live inside me so that I know what I should say, do and choose what is the right decision for my life.

It is important that I know how to keep you in a box, since you are the one who absorbs the water from the oceans of my life so that I do not drown, that is why I must love you with all my heart because I know that you love me in the same way that I do. have failed. You are the one who encourages me when the fire is burning me inside in the face of adversity and you teach me to be strong and a warrior in the face of life, and because silence is the last word, in which I can find you.

Do this in memory of me

This comes from a story in the Bible where Jesus is at the last supper with his disciples.

They had sat around the table, when Jesus took the bread and gave it to all his disciples, telling them that this was his body, that it was going to be given to all of them and that they eat it in his commemoration, and in the same way he took his chalice and blessed it and said that it was his blood which represented the new alliance that would be eternal and which was going to be spilled so that sins would be forgiven.

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