Holy hour for children, everything to know about it and more

Know everything related to holy hour for children, especially the structure of each of its parts, an essential aspect that must be considered at the moment in which they are going to make their first approach to the Blessed Sacrament. In Spiritual Energy, we will describe what is related to this topic.

Holy hour for children

Holy hour for children

Since we are children we have knowledge about God, but especially when the time of the First Communion approaches, it is when we obtain more information about him. For this, it is important to learn the holy hour for children.

This holy hour includes prayers, songs and reflections that must be taken into account when performing it. In addition, to perform it, you have to respect the guidelines because this will make you pray much better.

The holy hour for children should be guided by an adult, so the children will feel more supported and may have greater order and understanding at the time of performing it. It is also important that everything is very calm so that there is greater concentration.

Eucharistic Adoration with Children

The first thing that is done at the time of starting the holy hour for children is to be absolutely silent, this is essential to then continue with everything else. In fact, you should be as calm and comfortable as possible to further increase understanding.

Once you are in silence, you have to close your eyes, while concentration is obtained, through the delivery of the heart and mind to Jesus. To then remember the place where they are praying and the importance of God in our lives.

Following all these guidelines in the holy hour for children is essential so that they can give it the greatest seriousness and thus behave appropriately, in addition to increasing their faith.

Exposition of the Blessed

When the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament takes place, a highly respected moment, it is important that the prayers of the Our Father, Hail Mary y the Glory.

To do this, it is important to have previously reviewed these main sentences with the children.

Then the following chant begins:

You must not worship another, only Him.

You must not worship another, only Him.

You must not worship another, no other.

You must not worship another, no other.

You must not worship another, only Him.

Our Lord Jesus is in this place, protected, in the Blessed Sacrament.

An act of faith is made, like that of the children of Fatima, by praying the following:

Lord my God, I am a faithful believer in you, I venerate you, I wait and I love you.

I request that you forgive those who do not believe, do not venerate you, do not wait for you or love you.

Holy hour for children

first adoration

You can perform two types of adoration in the holy hour for children. Of which you can choose the one you prefer and that best suits the time and the group of children. Through this adoration we want to comfort Our Lord Jesus. To do this, you can sing a theme according to it, such as the following:

Our Lord Jesus is alive. (Repeat 3 more times)

It's alive, it's alive, It's alive, alive.

Our Lord Jesus is alive.

Although there are those who do not believe in Our Lord Jesus and many of them do not speak well of him. At this time it is essential that we show the great love we have for him, praying pleasant phrases that make his heart feel happy. That is why it is so important that we perform these prayers. Meet the morning prayer for children.

Phrases dedicated to Jesus

The holy hour for children is a space for them to also participate, in this way they can be assigned some phrases that they must express at certain times, so that the prayer is much more beautiful.

The first thing that can be said at the beginning of this part of the holy hour for children is what will be described below.

Maintaining the order of participation of each child.

We console you dear Master Our Lord Jesus. So at this moment we want to tell you Oh Jesus, many pleasant phrases for you, that allow you to rejoice your great and beautiful heart.

We want to express you: (Each child must read a sentence)

Child 1: There are many children who do not adore you, but I do adore you Our Lord Jesus.

All: Our Lord Jesus, Our Lord Jesus, come to my abode.

Child 2: You gave your life for me, now I give you mine.

All: Our Lord Jesus, Our Lord Jesus, come to my abode.

Child 3: You gave us all to drink and eat your Body, grant me the adequate preparation to receive you as it should.

All: Our Lord Jesus, Our Lord Jesus, come to my abode.

Child 4: My Lord, at no time will I close the door on you.

All: Our Lord Jesus, Our Lord Jesus, come to my abode.

Child 5: I wish, dear Our Lord Jesus, to give you comfort.

All: Our Lord Jesus, Our Lord Jesus, come to my abode.

Child 6: My dear Lord Jesus, I need you with me, come to my heart and fill it with you.

All: Our Lord Jesus, Our Lord Jesus, come to my abode.

Child 7: Oh Our Lord Jesus, I love you very much.

All: Our Lord Jesus, Our Lord Jesus, come to my abode.

Child 8: Adored Our Lord Jesus, you who want to enter my heart, I also want you to come closer to me.

All: Our Lord Jesus, Our Lord Jesus, come to my abode.

Child 9: I am aware that what is shaped like Pan is your body.

All: Our Lord Jesus, Our Lord Jesus, come to my abode.

Child 10: That which has the form of wine, I am aware that it is your blood.

All: Our Lord Jesus, Our Lord Jesus, come to my abode.

Child 11: I know that everyone left you alone, but I will not do the same, I will not abandon you.

All: Our Lord Jesus, Our Lord Jesus, come to my abode.

Boy 12: As you mentioned: Let the children come to me. Here I am close to you.

All: Our Lord Jesus, Our Lord Jesus, come to my abode.

Child 13: I know there is no one who loves me more than you love me.

All: Our Lord Jesus, Our Lord Jesus, come to my abode.

Meditation in the holy hour for children

At this moment of the holy hour for children, a reflection can be made. The following may also be mentioned:

Our dear and respected Lord Jesus, in your presence we are so tiny, so humble. We know how much need there is right now all over planet Earth, and it's amazing how little we can do to address it.

But we know that you can, because you are almighty, so much so that you give us a lot of love. We also know that you can offer us everything we ask of you, if we ask with great faith. In this way, we ask you to listen to us, beloved and respected Our Lord Jesus, that everything improves for us, according to what your heart decides. May your will be done above all Our Lord.

Also beloved Our Lord Jesus, we come to ask you for a series of requests, with the greatest of our faith and hope, we know that you will bless us with your absolute help and that you will accompany us throughout our lives. Even beyond her. In this way, we ask you:

In the name of all the children who are present here, at this precise moment, so that we are always with you. Let us pray to the Lord.

For those who do not know Our Lord Jesus. So that they can know that he loves them very much. Let us pray to the Lord.

On behalf of our beloved parents, who have helped and guided us so that we can know God. In order for them to live in a way, in which it is possible for them to reach heaven. Let us pray to the Lord.

For those children who were far from God, after they had known and received him. So that they return to him again. Let us pray to the Lord.

Holy hour for children

prayer of thanks

At this moment of the holy hour for children, it is where a prayer is made to thank Our Lord Jesus. For this, the following can be said:

Oh adored Our Lord Jesus, you who have granted us a great amount of goods. At this time we thank you for your great kindness and generosity with us. We thank you for everything we have received from you. We also especially thank you, because you gave us your mother the Virgin Mary.

We are sure that he will always guide us with one hand, so we do not fear anything. They guide us properly, so you can show us the right way to get to heaven. So we allow her to be the one who guides us at all times.

In this way, we consecrate ourselves to her, so that she can become our guide and protector in the face of any adversity.


Prayer of all at the end of the holy hour for children

At this moment of the holy hour for children, everyone should pray together and after thanking Our Lord Jesus, the following:

Oh beloved Mother of Our Lord Jesus, who is also our mother. We ask you to please grant us the teaching, so that I can also give comfort to your dear son, Our Lord Jesus.

I offer you my heart, which wants to be your tabernacle and that of Our Lord Jesus. You who are so good and kind keep me in your heart.

Allow Our Lord Jesus to be always happy in my soul and also want it at all times. Lady Mother, defend me from any adversity. I always wish to have your help to be faithful to Our Lord Jesus. Guide me at all times, so that at some point, I will see you in heaven with all my beautiful family.


Prayer of Consolation to Jesus

As a final prayer for the holy hour for children, the following can be prayed:

Our Lord, to culminate this pleasant moment that I have shared with you, beloved and adored master Jesus, we want to raise a prayer to you in a very special way, to grant you comfort and express that all children want to get closer to you. So that you also become our unconditional friend. In this way, we express the following:

I believe absolutely and totally in you Our Lord.

I fully believe that you love me and that you want to remain in my heart. I also believe that you are present in the Eucharist, through your body, your soul, the totality of your blood and divinity. I know you died on the cross because you loved me so much. Forgive me Our Lord if I ever offended you. I also ask you to forgive me for having forgotten you on so many occasions.

I know that nobody knows me like you do, in fact you know me much more than my parents and my brothers. Even more than my great friends. So you are aware of how much my love is for you. I know your suffering and your great passion for me. As well as for all the inhabitants of this world.

I have no desire to leave you at this time. I know that many have abandoned you, but I want to stay by your side, give you comfort and express in millions of opportunities that I appreciate you. I will say it next to your Mother, who was always with you and she never left you alone. Allow me, Our Lord, to be close to you right now and don't let me leave your side.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in you. Immaculate Heart of our Lady Mary, be the salvation of my soul.

Holy hour for children

Second Adoration

With this adoration of the holy hour for children, you pray with great faith, so that your prayers are heard. In this way, you have to remain fully concentrated and very calm.

Our Lady Mother Mary's support is requested, as she is present at this time. She while she adores her son and also all of us.

We must thank her for the incredible gift, which was her beloved son, who is present in the sacred Host. Who loves us and wants us to love him too. In addition, he wants to listen to us and that we worship him because he is God.

Children's adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

At this moment you have to go to where the Blessed Sacrament is, a child. You have to stand in front of him and on your knees say: Our Lord Jesus, son of God, of us, we ask you to please have mercy.

Holy hour for children

All those who are present have to respond through song, the following:

I know you are in this place Lord. I am aware that you are on this site. I know you are in this place Lord. I am aware that you are on this site.

Then a child has to be in front of the Blessed Sacrament and expresses the following: Great Eucharistic Heart of Our Lord Jesus, increase our faith, hope and goodness.

Again all those who are present have to respond through song, the following:

I know you are in this place Lord. I am aware that you are on this site. I know you are in this place Lord. I am aware that you are on this site.

Another child should be in front of the Blessed Sacrament and say: Our Lord Jesus, you who are calm and kind at heart, grant us also a great and wonderful heart like the one you have.

Again all those who are present have to respond through song, the following: I know you are in this place Lord. I am aware that you are on this site. I know you are in this place Lord. I am aware that you are on this site.

Another child who must be located in front of the Blessed Sacrament has to say:

Our Lord Jesus, you who are so kind, honest and good with everyone. We grant our deep love for you, which is manifested in this Eucharist.

To culminate, all those who are present have to respond through song, the following:

I know you are in this place Lord. I am aware that you are on this site.

I know you are in this place Lord. I am aware that you are on this site.

Holy hour for children

Ask for forgiveness

At this time of the holy hour for children, it is when you reflect on the times where you have felt that you offended God, in order to ask for forgiveness.

When you have already reflected on those moments where you were offended, you apologize in absolute silence, concentrating on your thoughts and what you feel in your heart.

Remember that love for God is totally pure and infinite, so he will forgive us when we decide to repent.

This is also achieved by giving him the totality of our faith and asking for his forgiveness and his mercy. Learn to make the catholic prayers for children.

Holy hour for children

In this way, in the course of this moment of the holy hour for children, a child is the one who will pray the following:

If I believe in you my beloved and respected God, I have the absolute belief that I am in your presence. I know that you love me and that you will listen to this, my prayer. You Great My God, you are the greatest, respected and holy, I promise to adore you. Because you deserve it, you have given me everything I have, so I come to thank you.

Regarding the times that I offended or did some bad action, I ask you to personify me with all your heart and soul.

You are totally generous and kind, so I ask for your help and support. That way, I will be a better person every time.


Later, at this time of the holy hour for children, everyone should sing the following song:

So close to me, so close to me, so close to touch, Our Lord Jesus is here.

Don't be in search of Christ in the highest, neither look for him where there is no light. Very close to you, in your heart, it is possible to adore the Lord.

So close to me, so close to me, so close to touch, Our Lord Jesus is here.

I'm going to whisper in your ear without any fear. I'm going to tell him everything about me and that only he will be interested. Well, he is a great friend to me.

So close to me, so close to me, so close to touch, Our Lord Jesus is here.

Observe it close to you when you are on the street, passing through the crowd of people. There are those who cannot see them, because they are blind, but blind in spirit.

So close to me, so close to me, so close to touch, Our Lord Jesus is here.

Holy hour for children


During this moment of the holy hour for children, it is where you should have the greatest concentration because it is when you should reflect the most. So the children must be absolutely focused and thinking about what they want to thank.

So that's when everyone has to reflect on what has happened to them in a very good and joyful way. All this granted by God. So take a few minutes to think about it. Once we have reflected, we must proceed to grant him the greatest thanks, especially for giving us so much love, joy and abundance.

In this part of the holy hour for children, several children must also be selected to express the following thanks.

Child 1: I thank you, Our Lord Jesus, for nature, especially for the trees that provide us with oxygen, for the water that is the source of life, and also for the sun and the moon. In the same way, I thank you for the flowers and for absolutely everything that makes up Creation.

All those present have to answer: Thank my Lord.

Child 2: I thank you dear Our Lord Jesus, for the family you have given me, for parents, siblings, grandparents. I thank you for my great friends, for those who teach me, especially my teachers, my catechists. I am grateful for the father and for the people who are attentive to me at all times.

Again all those present have to answer: Thank my Lord.

Child 3: I thank you dear Our Lord Jesus for my body, my hands, my feet, as well as the legs I have and my nose. I thank you for giving me the place of life, since you were the one who created me, according to your image and likeness.

Again all those present respond: Thank my Lord.

Child 4: I thank you dear and appreciated Our Lord Jesus because you want to be with us, especially at this time, through the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.

All present respond: Thank my Lord.

Child 5: I thank you, my beloved Lord Jesus, for having given us your great love.

Again all those present respond: Thank my Lord.

To culminate this part of the holy hour for children, one of them must say:

Child 6: I thank you, dear Our Lord Jesus, for your desire to live here among all of us.

They all reply: Thank my Lord.

Holy hour for children

Then proceed to sing at this time of the holy hour for children, the following song.

I adore you

I totally adore you, Our Lord.

I totally adore you, Our Lord.

My love for you is so great, it comes from the widest part of my heart.

I thank only you Our Lord.

I thank only you Our Lord.

My love for you is so great, it comes from the widest part of my heart.

prayer to the virgin

During this part of the holy hour for children, the prayer to Our Lady Mother Mary is performed. So one of the children has to perform the following prayer:

Beloved and respected Our Lady Virgin Mary, on this occasion I am not going to ask you for anything. I only address you to observe you and express how much I love you. Your love for God is so enormous, you are very beautiful and kind, that makes you absolutely graceful.

Beloved Mother of all children, I wish to be as kind and honest as you were. I am pleased to tell you immaculately conceived without original sin. I am not ashamed to express to everyone that she was the Mother of God and also the Mother of us.

You are alive. Your body and soul take care of all of us from heaven. Oh beloved Virgin Mary, you are very beautiful!

Holy hour for children

Song to the Virgin

Next, before the end of the holy hour for children, the following song is sung:

It's hard for me to believe and understand that there are children who still don't know you. So I wish to show them your kindness and gentleness, express to everyone that you are their mother.

Not even the waves of the sea are as beautiful as your gaze, Immaculate Virgin.

Children will access heaven by your side and by your hand.

Holy hour for children

Thank you and final blessing

To culminate the holy hour for children, the following prayer is performed:

We thank you, Lord our God, for the great love that you give us infinitely. For which you gave yourself. We thank you for being here by our side. We also thank you for the good and wonderful gifts you give us every day. For healing our hearts and making us kind.

In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

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  1.   Lindaura Gutierrez Paico said

    Thanks to those who prepared this script for adoration with children, the truth is that it helped me a lot because when it comes to adoration there is no good material, I liked it a lot to direct a holy hour with children that is very complex because it is necessary to focus the attention and concentration, God and Our Lady continue to bless your apostolate because taking children to meet Jesus is wonderful, really thank you and the material you have for children continue to share in this way, bring many children to God.