What are the Greek Mythological Animals

In Greek myths we can find a great variety of beings and mythological creatures that have caused an impact throughout history. Through the following article you can learn a little more about the main Greek mythological animals and some of the most mysterious beings of this culture.


Greek mythological animals

If you consider yourself a lover of the myths and stories of Greek mythology, then you will love the following article. This time we bring you some of the most interesting and mysterious creatures that are part of this culture. Below you can learn more about the Greek mythological animals, their characteristics and part of their history.

Greek mythological animals have been present for many years within the different legends of Greek mythology. These types of creatures have been the subject of popular culture for many decades and still continue to play a leading role in many of the popular stories of the Greek peoples.

Most of these animals or mythical figures are considered mysterious creations, and several of them are characterized by being highly creepy. Among the most popular characters in Greek mythology are animals, of which we will learn more in the following article.

Greek mythology creatures

It is no secret to anyone that throughout history there have been countless mythical creatures or animals that have been mentioned in the different myths belonging to ancient Greece. Each of these animals or creatures has its own characteristics and plays a special role within these Greek myths and stories.

A good part of the Greek mythological animals stand out, among other things, for having special attributes, some even have powers that make them stand out, in addition to drawing attention to their particular skills. Most of these creatures could be said to be directly related to the gods and were frequently sent by these deities to carry out various and determined tasks.


Although it is true that many of these Greek mythological creatures had the ability to provide protection, there were also other animals that fulfilled an opposite function, that is, they were sent by the gods to scare enemy forces. Below we mention some of the most important and mysterious creatures of Greek mythology of all time.

1. Python

One of the most important Greek mythological animals in history was precisely Python. He is described as a huge serpent, daughter of Gaia, the Earth mother, born from the mud left behind after the great flood. It is considered one of the best known monsters in Greek mythology, although certainly not the most famous as in the case of the Sphinx or Chimera.

Python played an important role in the history of the god Apollo. Almost always this monster is represented as a snake. Python was in charge of presiding over the oracle of Delphi. Unfortunately, the god Apollo ended up killing him after a revenge against him, which led him to take the oracle for himself. It could be said that his main role was that of protector of the oracular stone and the Oracle of Delphi.

2. Orthosis (Ortho)

Among the main Greek mythological animals we find Orthesis, also known as Orto. He was a two-headed dog, son of Echidna and Typhoon, and brother of Cerberus. Perhaps one of the most outstanding physical characteristics of him had to do with the two heads, but beyond that, he possessed other important attributes.

If we mention some of the attributes of Orthosis, it would be worth highlighting his character as a protector. This animal is mainly responsible for guarding a huge herd of red cattle. According to the story, Orthesis ended up being killed by Heracles, who kept all the cattle as proof of his triumph.


There are some stories or legends that claim that Orthesis was also the father of other important monsters in mythology, including the Sphinx and the Chimera.

3. Scylla or Scylla

In the Greek legends we find the presence of many mysterious figures and creatures, among them is Scylla. She was a multi-headed monster that lived on a rock in a straight Charybdis. He used each of his heads to traverse the woods and go after his victim, posing a threat to any ship that tried to pass by.

In Greek Mythology it is clarified that Scylla, before being the terrifying monster that we all know, was a beautiful nymph of Phorcis and Ceto. In her stories, she is described as a monster with the torso of a woman and the tail of a fish, as well as six dogs starting from her waist with two legs each, for a total of twelve.

This creature inhabited the side of a narrow channel of water, facing its counterpart Charybdis. The two sides of the strait were within an arrow's reach, so close that any navigator trying to avoid Charybdis ended up passing very close to this monster and the end results were very tragic.

4. Typhoon

To speak of Typhoon is to mention great stories within Greek mythology. Considered the personification of volcanic forces, Typhoon also came to be described as one of the deadliest monsters in Greek mythology, even many dare to describe it as the deadliest of all existing creatures.


Typhoon had half of his body in human form and his great height was highlighted, so much so that it is said that he was as big as the stars. His hands reached east and west. If there was anything terrifying about Typhon it was the hundreds of dragon heads that sprouted from his neck and shoulders, making him look truly horrifying.


One of the most important Greek mythological animals in history was Ophiotaurus, a creature that attracted attention mainly because of its physical description. In many stories it is said that it had a bull-shaped part and another of its extremities was a snake. It was believed that their entrails gave the power to defeat the gods to whoever burned them.

History reports that this Greek creature was killed by one of the allies of the Titans who hoped to sacrifice his entrails in a rite that would have ensured victory against Zeus. However, an eagle sent by Zeus stole them, foiling the plan.


Many legends mention this creature from Greek mythology. It was even said that Lamia, before becoming a terrifying monster, had an attractive and captivating woman's appearance. She was a beautiful queen of Libya, who ended up transforming into a child-eating demon.

In some myths she is presented as the lover of the god Zeus, which leads Zeus's jealous wife, named Hera, to murder each of Lamia's children, except for Scylla, who in turn is cursed. The wife of Zeus is not satisfied with killing Lamia's children, but also turns her into a monster that hunts and devours the children of others.

7. Oils

One of the most horrendous and terrifying creatures that appear in the stories of Greek mythology are called Grayas or Greas. They were three sisters, to be more specific three old women, who presented a really horrible appearance. This creature had only one eye and one tooth, which were shared by the three of them.


The Greas sisters are responsible, among other things, for guarding the Gorgons. The Greas were not exactly known for their beauty, but in addition to that their names also conveyed a bit of fear and dread. According to Greek mythology, these sisters received the names of:

* Dino: It was fear, which precedes horror
* Enio: Personified the horror and destruction of cities
* Pemphredo: It was the alarm


This terrifying creature from Greek mythology causes an impact due to its physical appearance. According to legend, half of his body was in the form of a woman, while the other half was a snake. Echidna also came to be known as the "Mother of all monsters" because many of the monsters in Greek mythology were described as her offspring.

Many special powers and attributes are attributed to this creature, but perhaps one of its greatest abilities was the ability to produce a deadly poison that could cause madness. She is also famous for her romantic relationship with Typhon.

9. Nemean Lion

There were many Greek mythological animals that imparted terror, but perhaps one of the most iconic was the Nemean lion. This creepy creature lived in Nemea and ended up being killed by Hercules. It is important to note that this animal was invincible by deadly weapons, which could not cause any damage to it because its golden fur was immune to attacks.

It possessed great weapons for its defense, for example its claws, which were amply sharp, even sharper than mortal swords. The Nemean lion had the ability to cut through any armor. In order to kill this creature, Heracles had to strangle it with the help of his own hands.

10. Sphinx

Sphinx was considered primarily as a monster linked to violence and bad omen. In most cases he was represented with the face of a woman, the body of a lion and the wings of a bird. The Greek version of this creature named Sphinx is considered treacherous and ruthless.

It is said that those who failed to answer his riddle suffered a typical fate in such mythological stories, due to being killed and devoured by this terrifying monster. The description of him makes her look pale-faced, her mouth full of poison, her eyes like glowing embers, and her wings were all the time stained with blood.

11. Erinyes

Within Greek mythology, the Erinyes were described as female deities related to revenge. They had the mission of persecuting those responsible for certain crimes or crimes. The translation of their name means precisely "avengers" and it was to this activity that these female deities of revenge were dedicated.

The Erinyes were in charge of issuing punishment to anyone who had committed some kind of crime or false oath. They also acted against those who did an act of evil or said something against one of the gods. They became one of the most influential representations in Greek mythology.

12. Charybdis

It is no secret to anyone that within Greek mythology we find the presence of many terrifying-looking animals. This time we want to talk to you about Charybdis, described as a spooky figure of the sea. He is the son of Poseidon and Gaia, among his most amazing skills was the ability to swallow huge amounts of water three times a day and return them as many times, thus adopting the form of a whirlpool that devoured whatever was within its reach. .

The face of this creature was all mouth, which it used to swallow the vast amounts of water each day. His arms and legs were fins. After swallowing large amounts of water and belching again, it caused shocking whirlpools, capable of sinking the largest ships. He is almost always depicted on the opposite side of the narrow channel from Scylla.

13. Harpies

Surely you have heard about harpies. In Greek mythology, these figures were described as terrifying demons. They possessed the body of a bird of prey, while their face was that of a woman. According to what is said in Greek mythology, at the time they were created, they were goddesses with great attractiveness and beauty, but over time they became demons, vultures capable of bewitching with magical melodies.

The harpies were almost always in charge of stealing the food of the victims, in addition to leading the evildoers to the Erinnyes. The name of these demons literally means "that which snatches". Zeus often used them as a means of punishment or torture.

14. Satyr

One of the most popular creatures in Greek mythology were the so-called satyrs, who are almost always described as having a goat-like appearance, such as hindquarters and horns. They are usually depicted playing the flute, holding cups of wine, and serving the god Dionysus. They embody the essence of leading a life free from worry, while making music and drinking everything that provokes you.

15. Mermaids

Mermaids, within Greek mythology, were considered highly dangerous creatures. They used to attract nearby sailors through their enchanting music and melodious voices. After they managed to seduce the sailors with their charms, they ended up dragging them to death.

When talking about mermaids, one almost always has the image of a half human and half fish being, however the Greek sirens did not reflect that same physical characteristic, in addition to behaving in a very different way. Greek sirens were beings similar to nymphs.

They lived in the sea, near what is Sicily. Their physical appearance could be highlighted, since they had the body of a bird but their face was that of a woman, so they did not have fins, but rather wings to be able to fly. Over time they were taken as beings with fish tails. Their main attribute was their sweet and melodious voice, with which they caught sailors and then killed them.


Greek mythology included the legends of gods, warriors, and countless mythical creatures. The narratives guided and inspired most of the Greek people, and the figures acquired symbolic meaning through media and time.

However, the reality regarding the faucets was very different. History says that the myths about griffins were brought to Greece by some traders who returned from Asia's Silk Road. Griffins were described as creatures depicted with the head of an eagle and the body of a lion.

Most of the time they could be seen with wings, however this was not the case all the time. They also had pointed ears and front claws. According to Greek belief, these creatures were greedy, hoarding and guarding gold just like dragons did.

Let us remember that both the eagle and the lion were considered by the ancient Greeks as two of the most influential animals in history, they even saw it as the kings of their kingdoms. The griffins, by combining both animals, became creatures of great power and dominance at the time.

17. Chimera

There are many Greek mythological animals and mysterious creatures that appear in the myths belonging to the Greek culture. Special mention is worth making of the Chimera, described as a hideous female figure from Lycia in Asia Minor who had the ability to breathe fire.

This impressive creature was made up of several parts, especially three animals: a lion, a snake and a goat. Many use the term chimera to refer to any mythical or fictional animal with parts taken from multiple animals. The truth is that he became one of the most emblematic characters in Greek mythology and quite influential.

18. Cyclops

In Greek mythology we can find countless creatures and supernatural beings that cause a lot of impact, for example the Cyclops. They were described as giants with only one eye. They also drew attention for their attributes, including the impressive strength they possessed. We cannot forget that the Cyclopes were stubborn and abruptly emotional.

The most striking aspect of these creatures was their single eye, which was quite pronounced in size and located in the center of their forehead. It is believed that the single eye of the Cyclops holds great mysteries and special powers, it was even said that a Cyclops was capable of disintegrating almost anything just by using his gaze.


It is possibly difficult to find a creature as horrifying and fearful as the Hydra. According to Greek mythology, it was a snake of impressive size that lived in the water. Among its main attributes, its poisonous breath could be highlighted, in addition to having more than one head. This snake lives in the depths of the lake of the same name, near Nauplia, in the Gulf of Argolis.

Without a doubt, Hydra is considered one of the most striking monsters in Greek mythology. It had multiple heads and every time someone dared to cut one of them, it is said that at least two new heads came out of the stump. She possessed a nasty personality that perfectly matched her hideous appearance.

20. Gorgons

In the tales of Greek mythology we can find the presence of many fearful monsters and creatures, but perhaps the gorgons are one of the most famous and emblematic. When talking about the gorgons, mention is made of three sisters, the best known of which was, logically, Medusa, the gorgon found by Perseus.

Tradition has ensured that the gorgons were born monsters, even when the name Gorgon is translated, we can realize that it means frightening or terrible. They were women of great height and who had a head of impressive size and round. From these heads came pig tusks, in addition to having bronze hands.

The three gorgons played a fundamental role in Greek myths, but Medusa became the most popular gorgon in mythology. She was not only the gorgon that could die out of the three, but she also possessed snakes by hair and through her powerful gaze she could turn anyone to stone.

21. Minotaur

One of the scariest characters to appear in Greek mythology was the Minotaur. He had a physical appearance identical to that of a human being, however, his head was that of a bull. It is believed that he was born from the union of the Cretan queen Pasiphae and the fabulous white bull that Poseidon had given to her husband, King Minos.

In the Greek stories it is seen as a highly dangerous monster, which possessed incredible strength and violence. He inhabited the center of the Labyrinth, which was a construction designed by Daedalus and his son Icarus by order of King Minos of Crete. This creepy creature was eventually killed by the Athenian hero Theseus.

22. Centaur

Certainly there are many stories that refer to the Centaurs, although it has not been possible to verify which one is true. The truth is that centaurs played a fundamental role in the stories of the ancient Greeks and became one of the mythological creatures with the greatest impact.

Centaurs were considered to be strange and mysterious looking creatures. They possessed a body like that of any human being, especially their head and torso, however their physical appearance was very different from mid-waist down. He was seen in the form of a horse. Centaurs had six limbs, two hands, and four legs.

Within Greek mythology, most centaurs had a bad reputation, because they were considered fanatics of wine. That led them to become undisciplined, rebellious beings, but above all aggressive and violent, who were always ready to fight.

While many centaurs are mentioned within Greek myths, one of the most famous and popular is Chiron. Most centaurs are described as rowdy followers of Dionysus, Chiron was famous for his wisdom and for teaching Greek heroes like Heracles and Achilles.

23. Pegasus

One of the most popular creatures in Greek mythology was precisely Pegasus, a majestic and imposing winged horse, brother of Chrysaor. This horse had great qualities, one of them had to do with his wings. Although it is true that he had wings to move through the air, when he flew he also used to move his legs as if he were running through the air.

The name of this creature comes from the term Pagé, which means "spring" in Greek. In Greek mythology, it is said that this horse was impossible to tame, in addition to having a great character, which made it a challenge for those who longed to have it under their control. This creature also had the power to appear water wherever it passed.

Watch them now on video

We know that you have loved this article about the Greek mythological animals and the most impressive creatures of this culture. For that reason, we leave you with an interesting video to finish, where you will be able to appreciate in greater detail each of these creatures, their characteristics and history.

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