Biography of Agustín de Iturbide, Mexican soldier and politician!

La biography of Agustin de Iturbide account that he was a military man and politician of Mexican origin, he was part of the Mexican war of independence. In turn, he had contrary ideals of the Constitution of Cadiz.


Biography of Agustin de Iturbide

La biography of Agustin de Iturbide tells us that he was born on September 27, 1783 in Padilla Tamaulipas in Mexico. He developed as a military man and in turn he developed in the politics of Mexico.

It was part of the first period of the Mexican War of Independence. In the process he was in charge of directing the army of royalists, with the aim of ending the insurgents.

On the other hand, he acted as the commander in the liberal triennium in Spain, with the intention of battling against Vicente Guerrero, who was the character who acted as a guide for the subversives in the Sierra Madre del Sur.

At the same time, it stands out for having ideas totally contrary to those that were embodied in the Constitution of Cádiz. Situation that led him to deal with the insurgent forces on issues contrary to this constitution.

In the same way, it was declared in the Plan of Iguala on February 24, 1821. Also within the biography of Agustín de Iturbide, it must be stated that in August of that same year the Treaty of Córdoba was signed where He participated as well as Juan O Donojú. It is after this that independence is achieved, exactly on September 27 of that year.

Provisional government

According to the biography of Agustín de Iturbide, he was the one who governed the first government administration with a provisional rank in Mexico. After that, on May 18, 1822, a group of settlers proclaimed him emperor. It is after this that on May 19 of that same year, Congress decides to officially appoint him, delivering the solemn investiture. Finally, two months later, he was named Agustín I.


It should be mentioned that by December 1822 insurgent movements were orchestrated through the so-called Veracruz Plan, preceded by Antonio López de Santa Anna. Character who had insurgent republican ideals to those of the imperial regime.

For February of the following year, the signing of the Casa Mata Plan is executed, this caused both the Republicans and the Bourbonists to unify with the intention of defeating the reign of Agustín de Iturbide.

After all the situations caused by the rebels, he decides to withdraw to Europe in March of that same year. While he was not present in Mexico, the Mexican Congress decides to classify Agustín I as a traitor; all this since he retired from his position against the laws of the territory of Mexico. In this way he was called a public enemy of Mexico, warning that no one should help him return to the country.

This situation was unknown to Agustín de Iturbide, so he returned to Mexican territory on July 19, 1824, with the intention of indicating to the government that he was seeking to orchestrate a plan in order to reconquer Aztec soil.

It is for this reason that when he arrived at the port of Tamaulipas, he was imprisoned, to finally be executed.


It should be noted that according to the biography of Agustín de Iturbide, in 1838, it was decided to move his remains from Tamaulipas to Mexico City, with the intention of honoring him in the Chapel of San Felipe de Jesús, specifically in the Metropolitan Cathedral. It is here that today you can see his remains inside an urn made of glass.


It should be noted that its name is directly related to the flag of the Mexican territory. In addition to this, Iturbide was also part of a stanza of the original lyrics of the National Anthem of Mexico, for an extensive period of time. However, this was eliminated in the year 1943.

At the same time, it should be mentioned that despite his contrary ideals, the saber that he used in the parade of the Trigarante Army is inside the Congress hall. Honoring him along with his name as well as that of the insurgents that Iturbide had the objective of fighting.

The independence

According to the biography of Agustín de Iturbide, he was an important character, who was part of the independence of Mexico. It is for this reason that the stages that led him to participate in this process that led the Mexican territory to be free were discussed.

Biography of Agustín de Iturbide for children

La Biography of Agustín de Iturbide for children, tells us that this man was an important character in Mexican history, he developed as a soldier and in turn a large part of his life was spent in political aspects of his nation. Do not forget to inform yourself with articles such as Biography of Guadalupe Victoria

In addition to this, he stood out for being the one who commanded the troops of the Trigarante Army, with which he managed to obtain complete freedom and independence from the Spanish hands of the Aztec territory. On the other hand, it highlights his political development as the first emperor to rule Mexico.

The biography of Agustín de Iturbide indicates that this character of great importance was born in Valladolid in 1783. In turn, it should be noted that he himself died in Padilla in the Tamaulipas area in 1824.

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On the other hand, it is important to note that he was the son of an emigrant father of Basque origin, who had ancestors of noble descent. In turn, his mother was a beautiful lady who had Michoacan origins.

Development in the biography of Agustín de Iturbide

At the age of 17, according to the biography of Agustín de Iturbide, he decides to join the infantry that operates in the city where he was born and raised. After that, he proceeds to marry Ana María de Huarte at the age of 22.

It is important to mention that due to his military status, before promoting acts of independence, he worked under the command of leaders of Spanish origin. It is in this place that he acquires the importance that he has as his years as a military man pass. He manages to triumph against numerous rebels which leads him to stand out among the others.

In 1813 Viceroy Félix María Calleja, for his good work, decides to appoint him colonel, which led him to have the leadership of the Celaya troops. After his good deeds in office, he is granted full control of Guanajuato, which becomes one of the territories most dominated by acts of rebellion.

The biography of Agustín de Iturbide, on the other hand, indicates the triumphs related to the character's orchestrated plans against the insurgents. In turn, it is important to mention that the man was harshly criticized for treating civilians with little delicacy.

It is even related in the biography of Agustín de Iturbide that the man came to arrest the wives, mothers and children of the so-called rebels. All this with the intention of manipulating the insurgents.

It is said that he urged constant executions, carrying them out on those who he believed deserved it for their actions before the government. On the other hand, among the positive aspects, he provided support to his troops at times when they were not granted economic benefits.

He provoked the interest of the defenses in search of freedom and was interested in the education of his soldiers.

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First years as a royalist military

His parents were José Joaquín de Iturbide y Arregui and María Josefa de Aramburú y Carrillo de Figueroa. It is important to mention that the Aramburú came from Oyarzun Guipúzcoa in Spain.

In his early years Agustín de Iturbide was part of the Tridentine Seminary, with the intention of studying Latin grammar. However, it is important to mention that he dropped out of school the moment he turned fifteen. All this, with the intention of working within the administration of the farm that his father owned.

By 1800, he decides to join the military service, serving as lieutenant of the provincial regiment that made up Valladolid. It must be stated that this was directed by the Count of Rul.

Likewise, Iturbide married Ana María Josefa Huarte y Muñiz on February 27, 1805. This girl was the daughter of Isidro Huarte, who also had peninsular Spanish origins. In addition to this, his father-in-law was developing as provincial mayor of the district. On the other hand, Ana María was the granddaughter of the Marquis of Altamira. All these family traits led her to have a good dowry with which she bought Apeo's farm in Maravatío.

political crisis

While the political crisis of 1808 was taking place in the Mexican territory, Agustín de Iturbide was influenced by the coup movement that was led by Gabriel de Yermo.

It is after this that in 1809 he decides to be part of the repression of the Conspiracy of Valladolid. This movement was led by José Mariano Michelena and José María García Obeso.

By October 1810, at the time that control of Valladolid was being carried out, Iturbide decided not to be part of the act of uprising with independence traits led by Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, despite the fact that he had been promised the rank of lieutenant general. .

Due to the triumphs that the insurgents had advanced more and more, Agustín de Iturbide decided to move to Mexico City. After that, he decides to take part in the battle of Monte de las Cruces, where he was led by Torcuato Trujillo.

It is important to mention that due to his performance in the battle of Monte de las Cruces, Iturbide was awarded by Viceroy Francisco Xavier Venegas. After this, he is granted the title of captain of the Huichapan company of the Toluca battalion.

The actions under this position stood out for putting an end to several insurrections in favor of the fight for Mexican independence, even some before bearing fruit. For 1811, he is given the order to go to the south of the Mexican soil.

All with the aim of fighting against the independence insurgents led by Albino García Ramos, whom after this he managed to capture. He in turn battles Ramón López Rayón, whom he defeats at the Salvatierra Bridge.

His actions led to him receiving colonel's dispatches. What motivated him to continue battling against the independence movements, under the position of general commander, in the territory of Guanajuato.

triumphs and defeats

It was in 1815 that Agustín de Iturbide managed to defeat José María Morelos. However, after that he was defeated by Ignacio López Rayón. Similarly, the triumphs obtained from him allowed him to possess the title of colonel.

On the other hand, the priest of Guanajuato, who was called Antonio Labarrieta, decides to accuse Agustín of destroying and in turn monopolizing the trade that was taking place in the territory. Since he took over the sale of wool, sugar, cigarettes and oil.

This complaint led to others, which in turn brought Viceroy Félix María Calleja to remove him from office in 1816. In addition to this, he proceeded to accuse him of embezzlement and in turn abuse of authority.

All these charges were pardoned through royal intervention, but he failed to return to command of Guanajuato. Which took him to Michoacán. However, he did not stay long, since by the following year, he was already in Mexico City, an area where he was in the shadows for a while.

According to the biography of Agustín de Iturbide, at the time he was defeated in the battle at Cóporo, he proceeded to lament his defeat with Captain Vicente Filisola, since many combatants had died.

In addition to this, Iturbide indicated that the independence of the territory could be achieved with much less aggressive strategies. As was the case with a pact between the insurgents and the troops of the Spanish king. However, due to the conflicts carried out by some, it was necessary to eliminate the leaders of those insurgencies.


It should be noted that the triumph led by Rafael de Riego in Spain in the year 1820, allowed elements of a new system to be carried out in Spain. Among the highlights, the Conservatives were looking for a way to prevent radical measures from being carried out. Situation that caused campaigns to be initiated by the deputies of the Cortes of the Spanish capital.

In turn, the liberal parties sought a way to reestablish the elements of the liberal constitution that was made for 1812 in Spain. All this in search of having control of the viceroyalty.

This led to the conservatives who were part of the high aristocracy and the clergy beginning to hold meetings in the San Felipe Neri Oratory. All in search of improving the conditions that could afflict them. It is for this reason that many called the meetings the Conspiracy of the Professed.

It is important to mention that this conspiracy was led by Matías de Monteagudo and among the characters who participated in it were collaborators in the coup d'état carried out in Mexico after a political crisis in the territory.

Many were the plans that were part of the events carried out in Spain. All these actions allowed the independence of New Spain to be achieved. In order to structure a monarchy that would be commanded by a Spanish character.

This process requires an important military man who had totally conservative-centered ideals. This allowed Viceroy Juan Ruiz de Apodaca to choose Iturbide as the General Commander who directed the south of the territory.

Iturbide and his work

By November 9, 1829, the viceroy asked Iturbide to replace Gabriel Armijo. After that, on November 13 of that same year, the position of commander was officially handed over to him.

It is important to mention that some time later, when heading south, he left aside the position of commander. This, with the intention of being a brigadier and being part of the Celaya regiment again.

On the other hand, the Liberals wanted Juan Gómez Navarrete, who worked as a deputy in the Cortes, to direct the Independence Plan in the Spanish capital.

This process sought that whoever directed the Mexican territory be a member of the royal family of Spain. While this situation arose, Iturbide had to head south with the soldiers he was in charge of. All this with the intention of battling against General Vicente Guerrero.

It is important to mention that Vicente Guerrero acted as an independent leader. On the other hand, Iturbide sought to convince Guerrero, with the intention that he would go over to his side and thus be able to execute a better plan against the enemy.

This is because a conciliation was of positive interest both for those who developed through liberal traits, and those who acted as conservatives.

Campaign against Guerrero and Ascencio

The General leadership of the South, focused on territories from Taxco, Iguala, to the Pacific Ocean coast. It is important to mention that the army of realistic ideals had control of the northern territory. This was distributed from Zacualpan, Cuernavaca and Cuautla.

It should be mentioned that the western territory was under the guidance of Colonel Ráfols and in turn the eastern territory was under the leadership of Lieutenant Colonel Miota. On the other hand, the one who controlled the area of ​​the Mezcala River until it empties into the ocean, was Juan Isidro Brown.

The rest of the army were led by Armijo, who came from Acapulco, Tixtla, Chilapa and Teloloapan. On the other hand, Pedro Ascencio developed in Ajuchitlán and the Coronilla mountains.

It is important to mention that an army led by Francisco Quintanilla was concentrated in Guerrero, expressed the little optimism in this regard of the deputies who had traveled to the peninsula, and reiterated that the motto of their cause was independence and freedom. He pointed out that he was not intimidated by the military forces and that everything that was not related to independence would be disputed on the battlefield.

For January 25 of that year, Pedro Ascencio decided to end the troops led by Colonel Ráfols. This was executed in the territory of Totomaloya. This situation caused the troops of realistic ideals to go towards Sultepec.

Days later, Francisco Antonio Berbejo, who was a royalist, took charge of fighting against the insurgents. This was done in the territory close to the surroundings of Chichihualco.

It is important to mention that the result of this situation ended with casualties on the part of the royalists. This caused the remaining troops to decide to flee towards the municipality of Teloloapan.

After this, Iturbide decides to meet with Quintanilla with the intention of giving him the tactics that made up the Plan of Iguala. This allowed Quintanilla, as well as other captains such as Manuel Díaz de Lamadrid and José María González, to support Agustín de Iturbide in his strategy.

It should be mentioned that Epitacio Sánchez, who led the Frontera cavalry corps, joined forces with realistic ideals. All this had as a result that by December 21 of that year there were 2500 men in the royalist troops.

realistic bodies

For December 22, through the direction of Colonel Carlos Moya, an army of approximately four hundred men, has the mission of cornering the group led by Vicente Guerrero, with the intention of taking the lands of the Sierra de Jaliaca. Read a little more about articles like Children heroes

In turn, José Antonio de Echávarri exercised strategies that would lead him to control the insurgent forces of Pedro Ascencio. On the other hand, two groups acted inside the Fort of San Diego, with the intention of ending the communication that existed between the insurgent groups.

It was Pedro Ascencio who managed to defeat a group led by Agustín de Iturbide in an area near Tlatlaya on December 28, 1820. Among the fallen soldiers of realistic ideals was José María González.

Thanks to the support of Quintanilla, Iturbide manages to withdraw to Teololapan, all in order to provide help to the troops. After that, the viceroy decides to send 35000 pesos. On the other hand, the bishop of Guadalajara Juan Ruiz de Cabañas proceeds to send 25000 pesos.

After five days of the actions taken, on January 2, 1821, Guerrero managed to defeat four hundred men who were under the direction of Carlos Moya. This was done in the battle of Zapotepec, territory near Chilpancingo.

According to the biography of Agustín de Iturbide, all the events that arose led to the understanding that the insurgents had the upper hand, since they knew much better the territory in which the clashes took place.

This is why he decides to draw up a plan that is immediately communicated to Vicente Guerrero through a letter that arrives on January 10, where he highlights the intention of having a temporary alliance.


In the letter sent to Guerrero Iturbide, he sought to inform him that the insurgents José Sixto Verduzco, Nicolás Bravo and Ignacio López Rayón were already completely free.

On the other hand, it indicates that the New Spain deputies had decided to go to Spain with the intention of informing the Congress of the Peninsula that they wanted one of the infantrymen to lead New Spain.

In the same way, he pointed out that he had the necessary forces to defeat him and in turn he could be sent even more men and weapons to form the troops. All this led Guerrero to take Iturbide's proposal with great caution. That is why he decides to respond on January 20, highlighting certain aspects of liberalism.

He expressed disagreements regarding the decisions taken by the American deputies in the Cortes of Cádiz, as well as the actions of Viceroy Francisco Xavier Venegas by the insurgents.

Therefore, with this exemplification, Guerrero seeks to highlight that he does not believe in the actions taken by the deputies. This highlighted that his goal was primarily based on independence and freedom.

In the same way, he expressed that a large military army would not end his ideals. So everything that was not in the direction of independence would take him to the battlefield, since he would seek to end it.

troop attack

On January 25, 1821, Pedro Ascencio proceeded to attack the troops led by Colonel Ráfols in the territory of Totomaloya. This situation led the royalists to spread out until they reached Sultepec.

It was the colonel of realistic ideals Francisco Antonio Berdejo, who decides to attack some insurgents in the territory of Chichihualco. However, because they had about fifty casualties, the troops decided to withdraw.

Embrace of Acatempan

For February 4, Agustín de Iturbide decides to write a letter addressed to Guerrero again. In it he proposes that they meet in the Chilpancingo area, with the intention of making a peace pact, which promotes the well-being of the Mexican people.

Who represented Iturbide when sending the letter was Antonio Mier y Villagómez. The gathering was held in the Acatempan area. Both Guerrero and Iturbide showed up with troops. However, using force was not necessary, since both expressed themselves calmly and even hugged each other with the intention of sealing peace.

On the other hand, it is important to mention that according to records in the biography of Agustín de Iturbide, José Figueroa was the one who represented the insurgents. It is thanks to this meeting that Guerrero decides to place his troops at Iturbide's disposal.

On the other hand, Manuel Díaz had the task of meeting with Pedro Celestino Negrete, with the intention of receiving his support within the territory he dominated. Similarly, Francisco Quintanilla went to Valladolid and also Guanajuato, with the intention of meeting with Quintanar, Anastasio Bustamante and Luis Cortázar in search of collaboration.

After all these events, Agustín de Iturbide decides to meet Miguel Torres in Sultepec. On the other hand, the deputies for Veracruz decided to move to the Spanish Congress, since they learned of the plans that they wanted to be orchestrated by Iturbide and his allies. This situation generated some discomfort and mistrust.

Iguala Plan

On February 24, 1821, the Plan of Iguala began. This is structured as a political system that had twenty-four points. Where elements related to Catholic culture stood out, as well as the aspects of liberalism.

On the other hand, the governmental liberation of New Spain is declared. Where a structure based on a monarchical government is established under certain controls, based on the constitution. The throne was offered to Fernando VII of Spain and even if he refused, it could be a member of his family.

At the same time, with this form of government, the aim was to establish the Catholic religion as the main and only cult practice that should be carried out in the country. Which brought with it zero tolerance for other forms of worship. However, the king was desired to have power before any other institution.

Agustín de Iturbide decides to send a letter to the viceroy, where he sought to highlight the important characters who were developing work within the Mexican capital.

On the other hand, Iturbide indicates that it was advisable to hold a Governmental Meeting. In addition to this, he stressed that he did not consider Fernando VII sufficiently qualified to exercise his duties as king. On the other hand, he indicated that if the monarch or any of his family accepted the government position, a moderate constitution should be made.

All these proposed systems were declared for their part with the intention of re-establishing the force of power of the clergy. Where, in addition, the pre-eminences would be restored, which after the constant problems had been stripped from the members of the Catholic Church.

hold the plan

It should be mentioned that according to the biography of Agustín de Iturbide, the Trigarante Army should be established in the officially proposed plan, which focused on religious aspects, independence and union of the Mexican people. This was made up of men who joined the ranks of Iturbide's troops and even some insurgents.

This army, little by little, increased troops, thanks to the fact that the majority of characters with realistic ideals decided to be part of it. By March, Iturbide decides to meet with Celaya, where a mass is held and a religious oath of total obedience is made. Which in turn leads to an independence movement.

All these actions led Viceroy Apodaca to issue a document in which he did not allow the population to read any plan proclaimed by the rebel leader. Since it was alleged that these actions went against the Constitution established eight months before this publication.

For the same month, the City Council of Mexico, proceeds to publish information related to the fidelity that should be had as an inhabitant of those lands to the king. Having religion as the engine of these actions. Respecting in turn the legitimate Constitution that had been shaped.

On the other hand, the characters with absolutist ideals, who had participated in the Conspiracy of the Professed, were not very much in agreement with the intentions established in the Plan of Iguala.

This caused the absolutists to decide to join the plans made by the government. All this, with the intention that their work would give the power figures the opportunity to put an end to the actions that Iturbide wanted to carry out.

out of protection

By March 14, the viceroy decided to establish that Agustín de Iturbide was outside the ranks that established him as protected by law. After all this, a general pardon was received, where all those who will be part of the Iguala Plan fell. All in order that they will resume the fidelity that should be possessed before the Constitution and the king.

These actions led to the formation of the Army of the South in the Mexican capital, which had a troop of five thousand people. In its origins it was directed by Pascual de Liñán and also Javier de Gabriel.

Later José Gabriel de Armijo, was the one who exercised the direction of Commander General of the South. In turn, the troops were joined by the army commanded by Francisco Hevia and that of Infante Carlos, who was part of the Prince's troops. Juan Ráfols and his troops were also registered in the process.

Triguarante Army Campaign

The elements that described the troops formed by realistic ideals that were faithful to the viceroy that were handled within the territory of New Spain, were not satisfactory for those who made up the Army of Three Guarantees.

Within the territory of Mixteca, Samaniego was managed, while in Oaxaca there was Manuel de Obeso. On the other hand, another of the outstanding areas of Mexican soil was San Luis Potosí, for which Zarzosa had loyal troops under his command.

Similarly, in Puebla and other internal provinces located in the east of the country, control of the troops was taken by Joaquín Arredondo. The western provinces were commanded by Alejo García Conde.

While in states like Durango, Alejo's brother, Diego García Conde, took control of the troops. All these control columns sought to maintain peace in the country.

Sending the letters

For March 16 Agustín de Iturbide proceeds to send two letters. The first had the intention of indicating to Fernando VII all the events that were taking place in the territory, in addition to asking him to assume the throne as soon as possible, if he had decided to accept the position.

On the other hand, in the second Iturbide letter, he sought to inform the Cortes of Spanish origin of certain elements. Among the important aspects, Iturbide highlighted his lack of empathy for Hidalgo. As well as the disdain he felt for the insurgents and the actions proclaimed by them.

At the same time, he stressed that he was part of an organized army whose objective was to defend the independence of Mexican territory tooth and nail. In the same way, he threatened the deputies, since he would not allow sabotaging acts to be orchestrated to eliminate the peaceful acts of America. All with the intention of putting aside the constant loss of life.

Unfavorable situation

It should be mentioned that during the early days, the conditions in which Iturbide found himself were not favorable. In addition to it. Francisco Rionda took control again in Acapulco. While Vicente Marmolejo managed his troops in Cuernavaca.

The first attack was made by Márquez Donayo who led his troops to Cuernavaca and Temixco. This action caused Agustín de Iturbide to make the decision to withdraw his troops to Teloloapan.

In his favor Celso de Iruela, who was part of the regiment made by Celaya, decides to be part of the Plan of Iguala. Situation that caused Agustín de la Viña to take refuge in the San Carlos Fortress, fearing for his life.

On the other hand, José Joaquín de Herrera also decides to join the group in favor of Iturbide. He brought with him eight hundred men at his disposal. All this with the intention of attacking towards Tepeyehualco and San Juan de los Llanos.

new allies

On March 23, the priest José Rincón proceeds to go to Jalapa. His action is taken, with the intention of controlling the plaza of Orizaba. In this territory, the priest runs into Antonio López de Santa Anna, who wants Rincón not to reach his goal. However, after some efforts, on March 29 the objective was achieved.

This situation brought with it that Santa Anna decided to join the aspects that required the correct elaboration of the Plan of Iguala. On the other hand, Nicolás Bravo, who was part of the insurgents, had decided to reject a first offer related to Iturbide's plan.

This decision was due to the fact that the insurgent did not trust the actions that Iturbide could carry out, since his ideals were completely contrary to his. However, after an encounter with Antonio de Mier y Villagómez, who worked as a postmaster in Villa Salamanca, he came to have a contrary idea of ​​this movement. The result of this new ally brought with it five hundred more men for the troops, specifically in Chilpancingo and Tixtla.

Iguala plan process

In the territory of El Bajío, Anastasio Bustamante and Luis Cortázar set out to carry out the necessary actions to correctly execute the Plan of Iguala. This led them to advance as a team to the territories of Salvatierra, Celaya and Guanajuato.

It is important to mention that Anastasio Bustamante, seeks to get rid of the heads of Hidalgo, Allende, Jiménez and Aldama, since these were displayed in Alhóndiga de Granaditas, in a very sadistic way since the year 1811.

After this event, Querétaro together with the dragons of the Sierra Gorda, decide to join the troops. What leads them to advance more easily towards Salamanca, Irapuato, León, Silao and San Miguel el Grande. Resulting in an increase of 6000 men in the army.

While this was happening, by the end of March Viceroy Apodaca requested that the troops that were being formed put aside the plan that had been orchestrated by Agustín de Iturbide. Offering in this way forgiveness if they repented of their actions and offered fidelity to the king. This act was useless, as the actions continued to advance.

On the other hand, Juan Domínguez joined Miguel Barragánen in Ario, in search of carrying out the necessary tasks that would result in the independence of the territory. Situation that motivates them to go to Pátzcuaro.

In turn, Vicente Filisola and Jian José Codallos also decide to support the liberation efforts that Iturbide wishes to carry out together with his allies. Thus starting their help from the Tuzantla area.

control of territories

Agustín de Iturbide, proceeds to move to El Bajío. In addition to this, he orders Echávarri and Guerrero to proceed to defend the territory of southern Mexico tooth and nail. All this, with the intention of regaining control of the territory of Acapulco.

While this was going on, Ramón López Rayón decided to join Iturbide's troops. All the events lead Iturbide to meet with Bustamante and Cortázar in Acámbaro, in search of drawing up new plans.

the realists

It was Pascual de Liñan, who managed to keep the fruits of the alliance afloat, successfully reaching the San Antonio ranch in March. At the beginning of April, Márquez Donayo and Gabriel de Armijo successfully headed to Zacualpan, with the intention of ending Pedro Ascencio's domains.

However, it is important to mention that the royalist forces did not achieve victory in the mountains of Sultepec. After this, a second attack was carried out, which was led by Francisco Salazar, but again it did not achieve the desired success.

Ignacio Inclán decides to proclaim himself in favor of the independence movements, so he proceeds to attack the royalists. However, it is important to mention that his actions led to his defeat. José Joaquín de Herrera concludes facing the royalists in Ciriaco del Llano, while all this is happening.

These actions led many royalists to surrender and become part of the troops led by Herrera. On the other hand, Hevia decides to persecute Nicolás Bravo, since he was the one who led the Huejotzingo troops.

This situation brought with it a tactic of the independentists, who faked their defeat with the intention that the enemies lower their guard and thus be able to invade Puebla. The tactic was successful.

After all this, the insurgent Guadalupe Victoria decides to meet with Santa Anna and his troops, with the intention of expressing a manifesto, addressed directly to his former classmates.


Hevia decides to send 1400 men, with the intention of finishing off José Joaquín de Herrera's battalion. This motivated Nicolás Bravo to go in the direction of Tepeaca, with the intention of providing support. The battle lasted three days and both sides suffered several casualties. This led them to decide to leave the battlefield.

By April, Antonio López de Santa Anna proceeded to move to Alvarado, with the intention of ending the troops commanded by Juan Bautista Topete, achieving victory through his strategies. In an act of kindness, Santa Anna proceeded to let Bautista Topete and his remaining troops leave for Veracruz.

On the other hand, while this was taking place Herrera was persecuted by the enemy, it was this situation that forced him to move to where Hevia was. This battle resulted in Hevia being killed. On the other hand, Blas del Catillo and Luna proceed to take on the role of Hevia. However, this did not end positively for him, since Francisco de Llave and José Velázquez manage to dispel his attack.

All the operations of military rank carried out by the realists, happened until achieving success on May 18. On the other hand, the next day Santa Anna, with the support of the independentistas, bursts into the conquered area with around 550 troops. However, Blas del Catillo manages to resist the attack.

After the events, the royalists proceed to request a truce. But this did not prevent that same day they proceeded to attack them at night. The battle ceased at dawn the following day, with several fallen on both sides.

Triguarant Army

The first head of the Trigarante Army decides to move to the capital of Nueva Galicia, with the intention of meeting with José de la Cruz. In addition to this, Agustín de Iturbide, together with Bustamante, also request a meeting, where Pedro Celestino Negrete is among the important figures.

José de la Cruz, after a long conversation, decides to recommend that the Viceroy accept the Plan of Iguala. In addition to this, he indicates to the viceroy that if the plan is accepted, the troops would be protected immediately.

After sending the information, he decides to go to the Mexican capital with the intention of spreading the ideas proposed by Iturbide and his allies. However, he did not achieve favorable results with the viceroy.

In turn, the head of the Trigarante Army, proceeds to gather his men with the intention of heading towards the Plaza de Valladolid. In search of carrying out an attack directed at Quintanar together with his troops of 1645 men.

After the events, according to Iturbide's biography, she proceeded to inform Quintanar through letters and, in turn, to the City Councils, about the losses and increase in followers of the Plan de Iguala. This initially generated negative elements on the part of those who considered themselves realistic. Despite this, many deserted at the time of the attack, so they decided to join the plan.

Among the most outstanding is Juan José Andrade who joins a large group of dragons from Nueva Galicia. This led to a strategy that caused Quintanar to decide to surrender, resulting in not a single weapon being fired.

On the other hand, it is important to mention that a large part of the troops decides to desert. Similarly, José Andrade seeks to represent the besieging forces. All this allowed the troops to surround the outskirts of the city without exerting any type of violence. Thus achieving victory.

Attacks of new uprisings

José Antonio Magos decides to be part of the Plan de Iguala. It is after this that José María Novoa proceeded to try to put an end to this new limitation, against Iturbide's plan. This situation has resulted in approximately 60 casualties on the part of the independentistas, which resulted in the flight of the rest.

On the other hand, Juan Álvarez continued to maintain control of Acapulco. In the same way, in turn, Márquez Donayo receives orders from the viceroy, in which he indicates that he must meet with Cristóbal Húber, since he is the one who fights against Pedro Ascencio.

While all this was taking place, in the territory of Tetecala, the royalist battalion achieved victory. It is important to mention that Pedro Ascencio while in battle is killed. His head was shown in the form of a trophy before the residents of Cuernavaca.

These events generated joy within the citizens of the Mexican capital. However, by June, deserters continued to appear who wanted to join the ranks of the triguarantes.

All this situation caused the viceroy to proclaim a state of emergency. Where he ordered that all men between the ages of 16 and 50 must enlist to fight against the insurgents.

On June 13, Pedro Celestino Negrete decides to join the independence movements. Similarly, José Antonio Andrade also proceeds to join the movements traced by Iturbide and his allies related to Mexican territory.

These actions caused characters like José de la Cruz to decide to leave the Mexican capital, for fear of attempts on his life. Heading towards the territory of Zacatecas.

It is in Zacatecas that de la Cruz becomes part of the royalist troops led by Hermenegildo Revueltas. On the other hand, the ecclesiastical council decides to join the Plan of Iguala, thus offering all its support to Iturbide and his allies. This prompted the archbishop to hold a mass in the name of the upcoming victories.

mixed battalion

The mixed battalion that was in Zacatecas was commanded by José María Borrego, who in turn declared in the territory's plaza the importance of keeping the Plan of Iguala alive. On the other hand, José de la Cruz decides to move to Durango, in search of providing support.

The remaining men who required José de la Cruz arrived in Durango territory on July 4. These were well received by Juan Francisco Castañiza. It should be mentioned that this character did not consider positive the plan that Iturbide had to offer.

In turn, Negrete decides to go to the territory of Aguascalientes, since independence had been proclaimed in the territory. On the other hand, the royalists who were in San Juan del Río decided to desert and proclaim themselves supporters of Iturbide.

This led Novoa to only have 400 men in favor of the actions taken by the viceroy. After this situation Agustín de Iturbide, decides to go to the place with a group of escorts. They were attacked but were unsuccessful, since the attackers were the ones who received the most casualties.

The defense against Agustín de Iturbide was led by Mariano Paredes. It is after this that he himself decides to give him a shield in honor of his actions with a motto that indicated "thirty against four hundred". This since Iturbida's escorts were thirty.


After all these events, Guadalupe Victoria decides to meet with Agustín de Iturbide, with the intention of talking about issues related to independence.

On the other hand, Lucas Alamán, who was an insurgent, decides to propose the realization of a republican government where the actions that were taking place in the territory were not reported to the king.

Alamán indicates that some character had to marry an indigenous woman of Guatemalan origin with the intention that both cultures be unified and the nation be presented as one. The one who had the most similar elements to what was requested was Guadalupe Victoria.

On the other hand, according to reports by Vicente Rocafuerte, Guadalupe Victoria, when meeting with Iturbide, made some observations related to the Plan of Iguala. All with the intention of structuring a monarchical method with moderate features.

These two new systems that proceeded to changes in the Plan of Iguala, were taken in a bad way by Iturbide. Therefore, despite the fact that there was help between these characters in relation to the independence movement, they did not have true trust between them.

union of forces

Iturbide, seeing the movements related to the royalists who were not in his favor, decides to send José Antonio de Echevárri, with the intention of ending the opponents' plans.

It is important to mention that before this military effort there is a unification of troops with Arlegui de Chichimequillas, Gaspar López de San Miguel el Grande and Juan José Codallos.

After these actions, Echávarri decides to conduct an interview with the realists opposed to his ideals, in order to achieve the common aspects that will lead them to share peace.

While this situation arose, new troops belonging to the triguarantes movement were added. These were led by Anastasio Bustamante and Juan Domínguez y Moctezuma. Their actions led them to have around 10000 men, who were deployed in San Luis de la Paz.

On the other hand, Luaces decides to hide for a while, in search of help in combat. However, he failed to get any support, so he decides to give up. In turn, Agustín de Iturbide proceeded to pardon the taxes that were requested from the indigenous people.

On the other hand, Vicente Filisola, following orders, heads towards Valle de Toluca, with the intention of destroying the fortress established by Ángel Díaz del Catillo, who already knew that he would soon arrive to attack him.

It is after this that Díaz proceeds to advance to the capital of Toluca, with the intention of proceeding with the battle. It resulted in 300 deaths from royalist ideology. On the other hand, 15 men were killed by the triguarantes.

Realistic forces and threats

The battalion commanded by Antonio López de Santa Anna had kept the troops led by Agustín de la Viña neutralized. However, it was Samaniego who ended the forces imposed by Santa Anna. Which leads him to hide with his troops towards La Hoya.

This event allows José Joaquín de Herrara and Santa Anna to proceed to meet with the intention of determining that Herrera along with his troops would go to Puebla, while Santa Anna would seek to move to Veracruz, where they could take part of the supplies of the royalist troops.

While going to Veracruz Santa Anna had a battle located in Santa Bárbara. On the other hand, a fight broke out with José Rincón and his troops. This was disastrous since after the rain many military artillery were damaged.

García Dávila's men caused multiple losses by Santa Anna's troops. This led Santa Anna to flee to Córdoba, in addition to that, he established elements that would not allow the attackers to chase them.

realistic defeats

While the events that increased the victories by the characters who defended the Plan of Iguala were raised, news related to the constant casualties of the royalists reached the Mexican capital, causing great indignation in part of the population.

All this also leads to a meeting where the person who would become the chief of New Spain is appointed. Deciding after discussions by Juan Ruiz de Apodaca. On the other hand, it should be noted that Francisco Javier Llamas and Blas del Castillo y Luna were detained from their freedom at the beginning of July.

While this was raised by the troops who professed the Plan of Iguala, they decide to meet and surround the viceregal palace. It was the troops of Lara, Llorente and Francisco Buceli who proceeded to enter the place. That is where they saw Apodaca in a meeting. All this brought with it mandatory isolation.


While all these events were taking place, Nicolás Bravo carried out a campaign that unfolded through the territory of Zacatlán. These troops were confirmed by 4000 men.

The intention in carrying out this campaign was to completely control the territory of Puebla. It is important to mention that Ciriaco del Llano was the one who defended this area. On the other hand, it should be mentioned that by July attacks against the tri-guarantors were achieved. Characters who had increased their troops thanks to Joaquín de Herrera.

Among the outstanding elements that were taking place, negotiations were being held that would bring about peace. In turn, Epitacio Sánchez, who had realistic ideologies, decided together with his troops to head towards Martín Texmelucan.

On the other hand, according to the biography of Agustín de Iturbide, the situation caused him to make the decision to order the advance of troops that would seek to move to where Quintanar and Bustamante were located, to the territory of the Mexican capital, with the intention of surrounding little to little area.

Triumph of Iturbide

By August, Agustín de Iturbide together with his allies achieved victory in the territory of Puebla. It is important to mention that for New Spain, this territory was the most important after the Mexican capital.

In Puebla, Bishop Antonio Joaquín Pérez receives Iturbide with his troops in a favorable manner. It should be mentioned that Bravo, Mier and Herrera were not received with the same euphoria as Agustín, since almost all the work done was attributed to him.

Nicolás del Moral was ordered by Joaquín Arredondo to arrest the treasurer of Monterrey. However, Nicolás decides not to follow the royalist's orders and proceeds to become part of the Plan of Iguala. These actions led Arredondo to understand that he should surrender to the forces of independence, which led him to go to Havana.


On the other hand, in the territory of Oaxaca, José María Sánchez decides to attack the Tehuacán area. In turn, Pedro Miguel Monzón took the same actions in the territory of Teotitlán.

Likewise, Antonio de León proceeded to form part of the Iguala Plan. For this reason he decides to take to the Huajuapan area. It is in this place that he establishes himself with the idea of ​​communicating with Antonio Aldao with the intention that he himself join the Plan de Iguala movement.

It is important to mention that after long battles on July 30, the triguarante groups and the Mixtecos manage to establish themselves without any problem in the city of Oaxaca. After these circumstances, independence was achieved after a promulgation carried out by Nicolás Fernández del Campo.

Treaties of Cordoba

While Agustín de Iturbide was in Puebla, the elements required to carry out the new Constitution of the country were established. When the reestablishment of the same is made, the people of New Spain decide to favor the conditions in which Juan Ruiz de Apodaca found himself.

It is after this that O' Donojú moved to the territory of Veracruz. Where he seeks to exercise his positions thanks to the actions carried out by García Dávila. It is important to mention that O' Donojú wanted to proclaim liberal elements in the territory in a very precise way.

All this led him to be informed that the territory of Mexico had been liberated from the Spanish monarchy with the exception of areas such as the Mexican capital, Durango, Chihuahua, Veracruz, San Carlos de Perote and Acapulco.

He also asked that the people accept his conditions of command that were based on the resolutions of the Cortes. With the intention of establishing movements of the established resolutions.

In addition to this, he stressed that if the people were not satisfied with his form of government, he would proceed to resign so that they would have the opportunity to choose a leader of their choice.

On the other hand, O'Donojú decides to establish plans that would allow him to contain his own actions carried out by the royalists. This is why he proceeds to send two letters addressed to Agustín de Iturbide, in which he emphasizes that he is aware of the situation that is developing in the surrounding areas. Where in addition to this he indicates that he wishes to meet with him.

After eleven days of this letter, Iturbide proceeds to respond positively to O´ Donojú. The meeting was then scheduled in Córdoba, with each one having men to protect him.

Important elements of the Cordoba Treaties

On August 24, 1821, O'Donojú and Iturbide manage to meet in Córdoba. After listening to a mass, they proceed to establish the aspects of the Treaties of Córdoba. Among the main elements that stand out within this treaty are the following:

  • The Mexican territory should be recognized as a country of sovereign independence. In addition to this, it is highlighted that the nation would stop being called New Spain, to proceed to be the Empire of Mexico.
  • On the other hand, the treaty highlights that the government structure of the Mexican Empire is based on monarchical aspects, with a constitution under moderate regiment.
  • In addition to this, it is highlighted that in the Empire of Mexico, as established by article 4 of the Plan of Iguala, Fernando VII, as the Catholic king, will be called to establish as the first monarch, if he refuses, he will proceed to his brother Carlos. The third option would be Francisco de Paula. If he resigned he would become Carlos Luis de Borbón Parma. On the other hand, the heir would be Etruria and later Lucca.
  • The rules of the treaty are specifically based on aspects directly related to the Plan of Iguala. Where elements of the virtues aimed at representing general opinions exercised by authorities and powers of the independence rules stand out.
  • The board will be designated with the name of Provisional Governing Board, with the intention of establishing its own regulations for the developing nation.
  • On the other hand, the Provisional Board will have the opportunity to exercise its governmental acts at the foot of the laws proclaimed by the constitution. Which in turn is inspired by acts embodied directly in the Plan of Iguala and in turn to the Courts that make up all the constituent acts of the territory.

Entry of the Trigarante Army to Mexico City: signing of the act of independence

On September 15, 1821, in the Mexican capital, Novella decides to declare the importance that O'Donojú had within the government movements. On the other hand, Liñán is proclaimed as field marshal.

In turn, Ramón Gutiérrez del Mazo becomes the person in charge of political aspects. Likewise, those who have independence ideals are released from prison. This decision entails freedom of the press. Similarly, the transfer from one city to another begins to have greater freedoms towards any member of the Mexican population.

For the next day in the Tacubaya area, O'Donojú decides to publish before his people the culmination of the war. In turn, according to the biography of Agustín de Iturbide, he decides to announce a system that is based on elements centered on the garrison found in the capital territory. All this with the motivation of inciting them to make new structures that provide specific services for the population.

In addition to this, he asks the inhabitants that in the name of the misfortunes that occurred in the war, the fallen are honored with the flag of freedom, which in turn benefits the victory of the country.

Yucatan Peninsula

At that time, the territory of the Yucatan Peninsula was led by Juan María Echeverri. This character was handled under the judicial aspects of the Viceroyalty of New Spain.

Echeverri learns of the events in which the independence movements are evolving in the month of September. Highlighting among them, those made in Tabasco. It is after the situation that he decides to hold a meeting with the deputies of the city council.

The actions that occurred caused Echeverri to declare the Yucatan Peninsula as an independent territory from the capital of the province. Juan Rivas Vértiz and Francisco Antonio Tarrazo, in turn, have the mission of meeting with Iturbide and O'Donojú, with the motivation to talk about this type of issues.

In turn, according to the biography of Agustín de Iturbide, the territory of Chiapas, an area that is part of the Captaincy General of Guatemala, proceeds to be considered independent land.

After these events, Juan Nepomuceno Batres decides to be part of the Plan de Iguala. What brought with it important actions on the part of the inhabitants of the Chiapas territory, who expressed their interest in being part of the new Mexican government system.

meeting of rulers

While the independence events were taking place, according to the biography of Agustín de Iturbide, O'Donojú and Iturbide, they held meetings with government figures such as Manuel de la Bárcena, José Isidro Yáñez, as well as with Bishop Antonio Joaquín Pérez.

In addition to this, they had the opportunity to meet with some characters who were part of the provincial deputation of the Mexican City Council. Similarly, some members of the aristocracy who played political roles in New Spain according to the biography of Agustín de Iturbide, were also part of their meetings.

After all the actions, Agustín de Iturbide proceeds to select who will be the thirty-eight characters that will function within the Provisional Governmental Board. Most of them had elements related to a good social position.

It is important to mention that no character who developed as an insurgent was part of the Provisional Board. On the other hand, all but Anastasio Bustamante who were part of the Trigarantes joined this new board.

All this brought with it a certain rejection in relation to the participation of the new system of characters such as Nicolás Bravo, Guadalupe Victoria, Vicente Guerrero, Andrés Quintana Roo, Ignacio López Rayón and José Sixto Verduzco.

At the end of September, a meeting was held that focused on highlighting the aspects that should be developed within the new government system. On the other hand, the expeditionary group decides to leave the city aside.

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liberating army

José Joaquín de Herrera decides to occupy the Chapultepec Forest fort. In turn, Vicente Filisola proceeds to send four thousand men to the territory of the Mexican capital. In this same way, he O'Donojú performs ceremonies related to peace and independence of the territory.

Likewise, according to the biography of Agustín de Iturbide, he proceeds to publish the action that entails the entrance to the territory in which the Trigarante Army was located. In the same way, he highlighted the importance that they had in the triumph achieved, since despite having few resources they achieved victory.

They are then considered defenders of the country by Iturbide, after their good deeds and battle strategies. For this reason, we proceed to deliver the necessary elements for your comfort to the members that made up the Trigarante Army. As is the case with clothing and footwear.

Army Trigarante and Iturbide

On September 27, 1821, the day on which Iturbide's birthday was celebrated, the Filisolas decided to leave Chapultepec for Tacuba, with the intention of carrying out a pending meeting.

On the morning of this day, who was leading the troops of the Army of Trigarante, advances to Paseo Nuevo, then passes through Corpus Christi avenue and finally stops at the San Francisco convent.

After his arrival, José Ignacio Ormaechea receives him, with the intention of granting him the keys that lead to the city. All this led to the troops shouting after his steps that "Long live Iturbide and the Trigarante Army"

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Among the characters who were part of this action were Domingo Estanislao Luaces, Epitacio Sánchez, Nicolás Bravo, Pedro Celestino Negrete, Anastasio Bustamante, José Morán, Antonio López Santa Anna, Gaspar López, Vicente Guerrero, José Joaquín Parrés, Manuel de Iruela, José Echeverri, Juan José Zenón, José Joaquín de Herrera, Mariano Laris, Felipe de la Garza, Luis Quintanar, José Antonio Andrade, Vicente Filisola and Miguel Barragán.

It is necessary to point out that the majority of the men who made up this army, at some point in the past, developed as members of the viceroy's battalions. However, after the situations that had transpired and in turn the responsibility and respect with which they handled their ideals, they decided to be part of the Iguala Plan.

In turn, according to the biography of Agustín de Iturbide, it is necessary to highlight that very few were the members of this movement, who in the past worked as insurgents in the south of the country.

At the moment that the performance in honor of what was raised ends, O'Donojú together with Iturbide go to the Cathedral of Mexico. It is in this place where the Te Deum is sung. Thus manifesting to the settlers their new system of government and freedom.

Provisional Governing Board Process

One day after the celebration event, the new Provisional Governing Board is convened. It is important to mention that it had members who had been specifically chosen by Agustín de Iturbide.

These according to the biography of Agustín de Iturbide, had their call within the meeting room that was in the so-called Imperial Palace. Before starting with the topics to be discussed, Iturbide makes a speech in which he highlights the importance of this Governing Board.

After the declarations, according to the biography of Agustín de Iturbide, they moved to the Cathedral, with the intention of holding a swearing-in ceremony on the Plan of Iguala and also what was discussed and established within the Treaty of Córdoba.

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At the end of the ceremony, the members of the board decide to appoint, according to the biography of Agustín de Iturbide, the leader as president of the organization, without a vote against by any member.

Then another mass is held with the aim of celebrating what would become official the state of freedom of the nation. For what finally proceeds to sign the Act of Independence of the Empire of Mexico.

Provisional Governing Board

According to the biography of Agustín de Iturbide, the board established by him had a regency of five members. Where the positions of the executive power stood out, directed by Agustín de Iturbide, the president where O'Donojú, Manuel de la Bárcena, Isidro Yáñez and Manuel Velázquez de León worked.

Agustín de Iturbide's biography indicates that at the moment in which they understand that the two presidencies are under their power, they are considered the difficult elements within the system. For this reason, Iturbide decides to appoint Bishop Antonio Joaquín Pérez as president of the board.

All this leads us to understand the way in which the Executive Power began to be structured within the elements of the Regency. While on the other hand, the Legislative Power, happens to be formulated through the norms established by the Governing Board.

In turn, it is important to mention that the Governing Board specifies that the first regent may have a relationship compatible with the development process of the head of the army. It is after this that he proceeds to establish himself according to the biography of Agustín de Iturbide as the generalissimo of weapons of sea and land.

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In addition to this, Iturbide began to earn 120000 pesos a year for his work as president. He in turn was granted land in Texas. He also began to be called Serene Highness.

On the other hand, Agustín de Iturbide's father, José de Iturbide was accorded the honors that come with being a regent. After his work as regent, he would become part of the councilors of state.

It is important to mention that Iturbide decided to give up his salary in February of that year and decided in October to donate 71000 pesos, with the intention of extinguishing the difficulties that characterized the structuring of the Mexican territory's army.

Empire Actions

While all these events were taking place in Mexico City, they began with the first governmental steps that the new Mexican Empire brought with it. The actions brought with them joy on the part of the inhabitants of the provinces of the territory.

However, the royalists who did not agree with the independence movements that had been achieved, remained without hope in the failure of this system. These were sheltered under the control of the territories of Acapulco, Perote and Veracruz.

It is after this that Antonio López de Santa Anna goes on to carry out the political tasks that achieved total control of the castle of Perote by October of that year. On the other hand, Isidoro Montes de Oca ordered Juan Álvarez to carry out the necessary actions to obtain control of the San Diego fort that was in Acapulco. The same was also taken in October.

In turn, in Veracruz, José García Dávila decides to continue under the command of the old government. As a tactic, Dávila offers control of the territory to Santa Anna. However, on October 26, he decides to take shelter with his troops in San Juan de Ulúa, with sufficient weapons with which to attack.

It is important to mention that Dávila was the last Spanish opponent to battle against what was established in the new form of government. Before this process occurred, Manuel Rincón, who directed an area in the interior of Veracruz, offered his devotion to the independence movements.

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Death DO´Donojú

On October 8, O'Donojú died after suffering from pleurisy. This leads to his post being without any direction, so Bishop Antonio Joaquín Pérez proceeds to take his place. Leading in this way the Governing Board.

In turn, this situation causes Antonio Medina Manzo, José Pérez Maldonado, José Domínguez and José Manuel de Herrera to be appointed as secretaries. With the intention that elements related to finance resources, the necessary assistance for Iturbide and foreign and domestic relations would be handled more easily.

In the same way, according to the biography of Agustín de Iturbide, he proceeds to call Anastasio Bustamante to occupy the role of governor in the eastern and western provinces.

This work was also imposed on Pedro Celestino Negrete, who would manage Zacatecas, San Luis Potosí and Nueva Galicia. While Manuel de la Sotarriva would direct Valladolid, Querétaro and Guanajuato. On the other hand, Vicente Guerrero would govern Tlapa, Chilapa, Ajuchitlán, Teposcolula, Jamiltepec, Tixtla and Ometepec.

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Meetings of former insurgents

By November 1821, a group of former insurgents decide to meet with the intention of drawing up a plan that would allow them to structure a new form of government based on totally republican aspects.

In the constant meetings, personalities such as Miguel Domínguez manifested themselves, who was the one who lent his house as a meeting place in Querétaro. On the other hand, they invited soldiers like Pedro Celestino Negrete to these events, however, he decides not to accept the position, he sees the actions as conspiratorial acts. What causes according to the biography of Agustín de Iturbide that he is notified of the actions.

Iturbide decides to arrest characters such as Guadalupe Victoria, Nicolás Bravo, Juan Bautista Morales, Father Jiménez, Father Carvajal and Migue, Barragán as traitors to the country.

The alleged acts of conspiracy were really a set of conversations based on developments that the government might undertake, depending on what actions were taken.

It is for this reason that Iturbide quickly offers them their freedom again. However, he decides to keep Guadalupe Victoria detained, since he did not consider him trustworthy. But due to his influence, the man manages to escape from prison.

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