The real shape of the Earth It is one of the most talked about topics these days. Perhaps we have heard that the Earth is flat, with arguments and trying to demonstrate with evidence that actually go against what we have studied. But, for some time now, the shape of the Earth or the geoid is perhaps not completely round as we have been shown, but rather It has a rounded and not perfect shape.
Name “geoid” is already attributed to the Earth as a star with a somewhat spherical shape. That is, due to the effects of centrifugal force and gravitation, it can already be concluded that its shape comes to be determined spherical, but with a polar flattening of its two poles. That is, it would end up being flattened by the poles and wider in the area of the equator, a theory that was already predicted by Isaac Newton.
The real shape of our planet throughout history
Paul Newton in their "principal” During the year 1687, he already did his own experiment: he rotated a viscous body rapidly in a chemical fluid. The result? Given its gravitation and centrifugal force, it was determined that polar flattening was generated and an equatorial widening. This experiment was worth verifying by Domenico and Jacques Cassini, who determined that this theory is confirmed.
However, other research affirms that our Planet Earth has a spherical shape and is not perfect, but irregular.. It is determined that it has a geoid shape and with many irregularities. These irregularities are taken as a reference to the ground variations and deviations, such as the altitudes of 8.800 on Mount Everest and the -11.000 meters of the Mariana Trenches. Or the deviations of the geoid between +85 m in Iceland to -106 m in South India.
Everything indicates that, if the sea had a constant density and were not disturbed by currents, tides or climate, said sea would create the shape of a geoid. Even if the continental land mass were traversed by canals or tunnels to level the sea, it would also match the geoid shape.
Is Planet Earth pear-shaped?
For years there has been a theory that the earth is pear shaped. It emerged with the first data taken from artificial satellites that observed periodic orbital trips. With these data, it is observed that there is a depression at the South Pole and a bulge of the same degree at the North Pole.
- With this explanation, it is supported by the theory that the South Pole is formed by a depression and that North Pole has a bulge.
- It is also argued that thes mid-northern latitudes are slightly flattened, and that the southern mid-latitudes would be bulging.
- The Vanquard 1 satellite confirms that there is a equatorial bulge in the south, even much greater than in the north.
With these structures taken, it could be corroborated that the earth is pear shaped, something that in the past confirmed Christopher Columbus, since he based a series of readings that seemed incorrect and that did not coincide with the diurnal movement of the North Star.
The appearance of the Earth is constantly changing
Although satellites try to take accurate data, they still cannot confirm precise measurements or shots, since partial photos of the world are delivered. A satellite cannot take over anything more than a tiny part of our planet.
It is theorized that The Earth's surface does not have a regular surface, since our planet is made up of 71% water and it is difficult to confirm that it is regulated.
According to the data provided by the United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, They are involved in confirming that the planet's surface is constantly changing.
This happens because the tides, which are affected by the Moon, cause the water and the surface does not offer a regulated appearance. Even National Geographic has highlighted that tectonic movements also alter the Earth's surface. Like volcanic eruptions or injuries caused by meteorite impacts.
The shape of the Earth throughout our History, What did scientists say?
The Bible now It describes in its lines that the Earth is round. The description is noted in the Hebrew prophet Isaiah, when referring to the “Circle of the Earth”, a phrase that we translate as the “roundness of the Earth” or as “the globe”.
In the Roman civilization, Hellenic scientific testimonies were already made, between the texts of Cicero and Pliny the Elder, affirming the roundness of the Earth.
Parmenides was the first to accept the sphericity of the earth, since he is comforted by various tests and by others provided by Aristotle en From Caelo. Furthermore, it is postulated in the studied theories of every serious philosopher or astronomer, since none has doubted that the earth is a sphere.
In the greek philosophy in the 6th century BC. C. geocentrism is also defended, defending the sphericity of the Earth. Many of the people known as Aetius, Thales, Hesiod, Anaximander, Pythagoras or Diogenes Laertius. They reported and demonstrated with their studies that the earth was spherical.
Aristotle He made several observations to support this idea. He stated that travelers traveling south observed the southern constellations rise higher above the horizon.
Other data that confirms his theory is that during a lunar eclipse, it can be observed how the shadow of the Earth, which is transmitted on the surface of the Moon, has a round shape. Even that every portion of the Earth tends towards the center and forms a sphere by compression and convergence, like water drops do.
Eratostones also made a amazing measurement of the Earth's circumference. This calculation was taken by a viewing during the summer solstice, in the Aswan area, since he noticed that there was no surplus near said area. He placed a pole in Alexandria and measured its shadow, where he deduced the distance between the two cities. With this information, he was able to confirm the circumference, 39.275 kilometers compared to the 40.000 currently taken.