Eminem i Jessie Reyez ES BALLEN a Coffin [ NOVA CANÇÓ ]

Eminem i Jessie Reyez han tornat a col·laborar en una nova cançó: taüt (taüt). Després de l'exitós duet de cançons Good Guy/NiceGuy del disc Kamikaze, aquesta vegada la parella ha col·laborat al tercer disc de la jove: Before love came to kill us. Pots escoltar la cançó al següent vídeo. Encara no havíem tingut temps d'assimilar el vídeoclip de Godzilla i Eminem torna a escena. I aquesta vegada per fer alguna cosa molt propera al pop.

Eminem i Jessie Reyez: taüt

Pots escoltar la cançó taüt amb la lletra traduïda a l'espanyol al següent enllaç.

Què els passa a Eminem i Jessie Reyez? Per què no es poden portar bé aquests dos? Per què totes les cançons van sobre relacions d'amor tòxiques? Recordem el videoclip ENSANGRENTAT que van protagonitzar per a la cançó Bad guy. Per què sempre Eminem té problemes amb totes les dones (excepte amb la seva filla, és clar)?

Amb Coffin, Jessie Reyez es confirma a la llista de col·laboradores habituals d'Eminem (o, més ben dit, veus femenines d'acompanyament), on també tenim Pink, Skylar Grey o Rihanna. De fet, la de Barbados en certa manera és present a Sarcòfag A la primera intervenció d'Eminem a la seva cançó amb Jessie Reyez s'esmenta una altra de les col·laboradores més aclamades d'Em: Rihanna i, més concretament, la cançó Love the way you lie, inclosa al disc Recuperació.

I don't really wanna fight (Nah)
I just wanna spend the night (Yeah)
But I don't wanna spend the night
Actin' out "Love the Way You Lie"

En realitat no vull barallar
Només vull passar la nit
Però no vull passar la nit
interpretant M'encanta com menteixes

Qui és Jessie Reyez?

A mig camí entre Amy Winehouse i Ariana Grande, Jessie Reyez fa anys que és la gran propera futura estrella del panorama pop. Almenys, així ho creu Eminem (qui també ha col·laborat recentment amb altres joves promeses. com Juice Wrld, i també vives, com Young MA

La relació d'Eminem i Jessie Reyez no és pas nova. Slim Shady ja s'hi va fixar fa un parell d'anys, abans de gravar el disc Kamikaze Segons li va explicar a Sway a la famosa (i única) entrevista concedida després del llançament, a Eminem li havia cridat moltíssim l'atenció la protentosa veu i urpa de la jove canadenca d'origen colombià.

Potser ja has escoltat abans jessie reyez, Concretament a Promisos, de Calvin Harris (on diu una sola paraula mil vegades, tonight) o en Hard to love, on sí que realitza un exercici vocàlic excepcional:

Lletra de Coffin, la tercera cançó d'Eminem i Jessie Reyez

[Veure 1: Jessie Reyez]
We fought until the sun rose
And I still ain't been to bed (Bed, bed)
And while you got your eyes closed
The devil wakes up in my head (Head, head)
He told me that you hate me and you blame me
And you said that you wish that you were dead
So I write a little note out
Suïcidal love roulette

[Chorus: Jessie Reyez]
You make me wanna jump off the roof
'Cause I love you to death, just like a fool
I'd rather a coffin, handmade for two
'Cause I love you to death, just like a fool
Igual que un ximple
Igual que un ximple

[Veure 2: Jessie Reyez]
I walk up to the edge, yeah
And say a prayer before I let go (Let go, let go)
I'll probably see you through the window
While I'm falling past the fifth floor (Fifth floor, fifth floor)
Teniu la possibilitat de just in time to save me and apologize
And maybe we can go back to bed
But you run past m'instegeu
And hit the ground before I can

[Chorus: Jessie Reyez]
I had to watch ia jump from the roof
Boy, I love you to death, just like a fool
We'll need a coffin, handmade for two
'Cause I love you to death, just like a fool
Just like a fool, uh

[Bridge: Jessie Reyez]
Maybe Buddha's got it right
We reincarnate every time
And I'll find you in another life
Maybe Buddha's got it right
We reincarnate every time
And I'll find you in another life

[Veure 3: Eminem]
I don't really wanna fight (Nah)
I just wanna spend the night (Yeah)
But I don't wanna spend the night
Actin' out "Love the Way You Lie"
But the shit just went awry
Hit m'in the eye, bit m'in the thigh, then begin to cry
I'm at the end of my wits, let's end this, ma (It's over)
Then begin again tomorrow
Fresh start, let you spoil me
Pledge your loyalty, treat em like a king
Just to fuck me over royally
Boy, are we water mixed with oil
Sigui another shouting match, 'bout to have it out
But no matter how mad I get, I'm so mad about you
Forgot what I was even mad about
I know we've had our challenges still
I keep trying to salvage it, you
Wanna sabotage it, I'm down to the hill
But you think I'm fucking around on you, chill
It never changes, I doubt if it will
Cheat on me, then say How does it feel?
I feel like blowing my fucking head off
After I write you out of my will
Bitch, how could you?
Almost had a child wit' you
Woulda settled down wit' you
Nou I'll put you in the ground and bury myself wit' you
I don't get you, it's as if you're drowning
I stick my hand out, but you fool me
You're just trying to pull me down wit' you (Down wit' you)
Thought it was you my world revolve around
I should aim a regirar round at you
180 proof, guess I'm making my way to the roof
You're a traïtor, I say that we're through
You hop in the elevator, then you
Say the coffin, they better make it for two
'Cause if you jump, I'm jumpin' with you
And neither one of us have nothing to lose but each other
We're just a couple of fools

[Chorus: Jessie Reyez]
You make me wanna jump off the roof
'Cause I love you to death, just like a fool
We'll need a coffin, handmade for two
'Cause I love you to death, just like a fool
You make me wanna jump off the roof
'Cause I love you to death, just like a fool
We'll need a coffin, handmade for two
'Cause I love you to death, just like a fool
Igual que un ximple
Igual que un ximple

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